World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

FBI director challenges Trump claims over Obama wiretap – reports

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 01:08 AM PST

James Comey reportedly asked DoJ to refute president's allegation because of his concern that it was false and suggested the FBI had broken the law

James Comey, the director of the FBI, has reportedly asked the US justice department to publicly reject claims made by Donald Trump that Barack Obama ordered his phones to be tapped during the 2016 election campaign.

Comey made the request on Saturday because of his concern that the allegation was false and suggested the FBI had broken the law, according to the New York Times. Unnamed US officials confirmed Comey's move to the Associated Press, NBC News and the Wall Street Journal.

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North Korea fires four missiles into sea near Japan

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 02:04 AM PST

Japan warns of security threat after three of four ballistic missiles land in its exclusive economic zone

Japan has lodged a protest and warned of grave threats to its security after North Korea launched four ballistic missiles on Monday morning, three of which fell into Japanese waters.

The exact type of missile fired was not immediately clear, but South Korea's military said it was unlikely that they were intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), which can reach the US. An unnamed US official told Reuters that the US saw no indications that an ICBM had been tested.

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UK will have to give up all EU perks after Brexit, François Hollande warns

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

French president says UK has made bad choice at bad moment and that he 'will not give in to despair' over EU's future and Le Pen threat

The French president, François Hollande, has warned that Britain cannot hang on to the advantages of EU membership after it leaves, saying his message to Britain is: "That's not possible; the UK will become an outsider to the European Union."

In an interview with the Guardian and five other European newspapers as he prepares to host a summit in Versailles to discuss the future of the European Union after Britain's departure, Hollande said he regretted Britain's decision to leave but stressed France's long-held position that the UK could not exit the EU while holding on to any of the perks of membership.

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Iraqi forces push into deadliest areas of Mosul as civilian exodus accelerates

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 09:54 PM PST

Troops reported to have captured a bridge leading to the old city while aid agencies struggle to accommodate displaced people

Nearly three weeks into the last phase of the battle for Mosul, Iraqi forces have started pushing into the most heavily fortified and lethal corners of the crumbling city.

This weekend the battles in the city, the Islamic State's last urban stronghold in Iraq, were some of the most intensive yet. Maj Gen Haider al-Maturi, of the federal police commandos division, said Isis militants had dispatched at least six suicide car bombs, which were all destroyed before reaching troops. He said the militants were moving from house to house and deploying snipers.

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China to open football academy modelled on Barcelona's La Masia

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 08:35 PM PST

The €8m boarding school on the tropical island of Hainan is part of a push for a great leap forwards for China's not-so-beautiful game

China is set to open its own version of one of the world's celebrated football academies as part of President Xi Jinping's quest for footballing glory.

Xi has championed plans to revolutionise China's notoriously weak national game with efforts afoot to create 50,000 football schools by 2025.

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François Fillon offers modicum of contrition in defiant rally address

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 09:16 AM PST

French presidential candidate tries to paint himself as victim in 'fake jobs' scandal as he accuses those abandoning him of treason

There was rain, there was sun. There was defiance followed by contrition, talk of support and betrayal, and from the crowd cheers and tears as there has been for weeks. In the end, the beleaguered French presidential candidate François Fillon was still standing.

At a hastily convened rally in central Paris, supporters waved tricolore flags and chanted as the man who embodies the hopes of the French centre right took the stage under a volatile sky that perfectly summed up the political mood in France.

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Erdoğan accuses Germany of 'Nazi practices' over blocked political rallies

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 06:05 AM PST

Turkish president campaigning for more powers says Germany is not respecting opinion and thought after stopping events

The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has lashed out at Germany for blocking several rallies on its soil in the run-up to a referendum in Turkey, likening its stance to Nazi practices.

"Your practices are not different from the Nazi practices of the past," he said of Germany at a women's rally in Istanbul before the referendum on changes to the constitution that would bolster his powers as president.

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Belgium and Greece among countries failing women on rape laws, says study

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 04:01 PM PST

Action urged as report highlights countries where sexual predators can walk free if they marry their victims, or if girls are 'deemed too young to consent'

From Belgium to Bahrain, rape is still considered a moral crime rather than a violent one, with convicted rapists able to escape punishment by marrying their victims or reaching a settlement with them, according to a disturbing analysis of global laws on sexual violence.

A report by Equality Now also found that in Greece, Serbia, Russia and Thailand, perpetrators of sexual violence may be legally exempt from punishment in certain circumstances, for instance if the girl is "deemed too young to consent" to sex.

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Mediterranean diet may reduce risk of form of breast cancer – study

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 04:01 PM PST

Eating plenty of nuts, fruit and fish may cut risk of getting oestrogen-receptor-negative cancer, Dutch research finds

Following a Mediterranean diet could help reduce the risk of contracting one of the worst types of breast cancer by 40%, according to a large study for the World Cancer Research Fund.

The Mediterranean diet, which is rich in olive oil, fish, fruit, nuts, vegetables and wholegrains, has well-publicised benefits, including reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease.

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Russian MP calls for ban on Beauty and the Beast over 'gay propaganda'

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 10:59 AM PST

Vitaly Milonov says film's release in Russia should be cancelled on basis that it promotes 'perverted sexual relations'

A ruling party MP in Russia has sought to have the new Disney musical Beauty and the Beast banned for peddling "gay propaganda".

Vitaly Milonov wrote to the culture minister, Vladimir Medinsky, asking him to check the film for so-called homosexual propaganda and calling for its forthcoming release to be cancelled, the state news agency RIA Novosti reported.

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Attorneys file petition to release Afghan family detained by Ice at LA airport

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 01:41 PM PST

Immigration officials stopped family of five en route to Seattle, where they had been approved to relocate after a rigorous vetting process over father's prior job

Attorneys have filed a petition seeking the release of an Afghan family of five who were detained by US immigration officials when they arrived at Los Angeles international airport (LAX) on Thursday.

Related: America's millions of Mexicans without documents live in fear of deportation

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French police arrest relatives over missing Troadec family

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 11:08 AM PST

Pascal Troadec's sister and brother-in-law held in connection with disappearance, say sources close to investigation

French police have arrested two people in connection with the disappearance of Pascal Troadec and his family, who have been missing since mid-February.

The sister and brother-in-law of Troadec have been remanded in custody, sources close to the case said.

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Greece desperate for growth strategy as public mood darkens

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 08:54 AM PST

With debt repayments of €7bn due in July and default looming, Greek government hunts rescue funds to boost employment

In the long and winding road of Greek debt drama, disappointment and hope have been the alternating emotions that every government has faced. With the nation's crisis no nearer to being resolved than when it erupted seven years ago, negotiations with creditors at another critical juncture and Europe engulfed in uncertainty, the need for hope has never been greater.

"What Greece needs is a shock of growth," the country's deputy prime minister Yannis Dragasakis told the Guardian ahead of a crucial cabinet meeting on Monday. "We will meet to discuss a new growth strategy that will focus solely on boosting investment and reducing unemployment to pre-crisis levels, that is to say 8% in the next 10 years."

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Roger Stone claims he has 'perfectly legal back channel' to Julian Assange

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 11:29 AM PST

The former political adviser to Trump, with whom he maintains close ties, later deleted tweet that was part of series of profane challenges to president's critics

Roger Stone, a former adviser to Donald Trump, wrote on Saturday night that he has a "perfectly legal back channel" to Julian Assange, whose organization WikiLeaks published emails related to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign that intelligence agencies say were hacked by Russian intelligence. Stone then deleted the message.

Related: Trump 'wiretap': White House wants investigation but Clapper denies order

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British ranch owner killed by armed raiders in Kenya

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 03:26 PM PST

Tristan Voorspuy, a former British soldier, had gone to inspect damage on his ranch when he was shot

A British man has been shot dead on his ranch in central Kenya, in a crime officials blame on armed herders responsible for land invasions in the area.

Thousands of herders – some armed with spears, others with AK47s – have invaded private ranches and wildlife parks with their livestock, slaughtering animals and destroying property in Laikipia, as they go in search of pasture in the drought stricken-country.

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Iran's Ahmadinejad joins Twitter despite ban

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 08:09 AM PST

Former president sets up personal account on social media site that is blocked for ordinary Iranian citizens

Iran's hardline former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has become the latest political figure to join Twitter, despite having been instrumental in getting it banned in the country.

One of Ahmadinejad's first tweets from his personal account was a video in which he called on people to follow him at @Ahmadinejad1956.

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Guilt over gilt: Kellyanne Conway 'felt badly' for Ivanka Trump jewelry remark

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 09:47 AM PST

Trump adviser claimed 'Catholic' and 'maternal' guilt over likely ethics violation in CBS interview, as she criticized 'triple standard' conservative women face

Senior White House aide Kellyanne Conway said on Sunday she felt badly about promoting Ivanka Trump's jewelry line in a likely violation of federal ethics rules, because "Catholic guilt" and "maternal guilt" always make her feel bad.

Related: Trump 'wiretap': White House wants investigation but Clapper denies order

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The 'Jessiah': the Dutch progressive trying to turn back the populist tide

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 02:32 AM PST

The Netherlands' Green leader, Jesse Klaver, has quadrupled his party's polling in a few months and is now closing in on Geert Wilders' far-right Freedom party

It isn't hard to see why, with only a hint of tongue-in-cheek, Jesse Klaver is described by some in the Netherlands as "the Jessiah". Amid so much doom and gloom about the fate of the left across Europe in the face of seemingly unstoppable populist movements, the success of the bright-eyed 30-year-old leader of the Green Left party in the polls just two weeks from the country's election day is proving to be something of a buoy that many progressives are holding on to for dear life.

Klaver's father has a Moroccan background, his mother is from mixed Dutch and Indonesian stock. He is unashamedly "pro-EU and pro-refugee". And in a few short months, while the far-right Freedom party's Geert Wilders has been complaining about "Moroccan scum", Klaver has quadrupled his party's standing in the polls. And he's done it with his shirt sleeves rolled up and a smile on his face.

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EU should avoid duplicating Nato, says Michael Fallon

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 02:15 AM PST

UK defence secretary urges against recreating structures as ministers due to agree on Brussels military command centre

The EU must not undermine Nato by recreating its military structures, the UK defence secretary will tell European leaders.

As the bloc aims to deepen its defence cooperation, EU foreign and defence ministers are expected to agree at a meeting on Monday to establish a small military command centre in Brussels to aid "planning and conduct capability".

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Great Wall of China's troubled history offers lessons for Trump, scholars say

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 02:00 AM PST

The president has described his border proposal as 'the Great Wall of Trump', evoking what one expert sees as a calamitous and ill-conceived folly

There is much Donald Trump might learn from a visit to the westernmost tip of the Great Wall of China – not least that if you are really determined to keep outsiders from entering your country, cow and horse excrement can be useful allies.

That, local historians claim, was one of the secret weapons Ming dynasty soldiers used to repel nomadic raiders, hurling bucketfuls of manure into the desert winds to blind the barbarians as they galloped towards this sand-swept Gobi outpost.

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Peugeot-Citroën owner buys Vauxhall/Opel for €2.2bn

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 12:44 AM PST

Deal with US owners General Motors makes PSA Group second-biggest carmaker in Europe behind VW but political battles loom to save jobs

The French company behind Peugeot and Citroën has agreed to buy General Motors' lossmaking European arm Opel, including Vauxhall, for €2.2bn (£1.9bn).

The acquisition of Opel/Vauxhall, which generated revenues of €17.7bn last year, will transform PSA Group into the second-biggest carmaker in Europe, after Volkswagen.

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UK police have thwarted Paris-style terror plots in Britain, top officer says

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 02:20 AM PST

Mark Rowley, UK's most senior counter-terrorism officer, says 13 planned attacks were stopped since 2013 Lee Rigby murder

Terrorist plots on the scale of those carried out in Paris and Brussels have been foiled in Britain in the last four years, Britain's most senior counter-terrorism officer has revealed.

Launching a major appeal for public help in combating terrorism, assistant commissioner Mark Rowley said the thwarted attacks were among 13 plots that have been prevented since the murder of Lee Rigby in 2013.

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Michaelia Cash 'mortified' to miss investment declaration deadline, Turnbull says

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 10:59 PM PST

PM says employment minister has apologised for being late to register the purchase of a property

Michaelia Cash is "mortified" she missed the deadline to declare the purchase of an investment property, Malcolm Turnbull has said.

Cash bought an investment property in Floreat, Western Australia, which she declared on 21 January, then declared a Bankwest mortgage for an investment property on 21 February.

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‘Something’s happening ...’ How the Women’s March inspired a new era of resistance

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

Since Trump's inauguration, women in the US and around the world have been organising, protesting and preparing to run for office – and the wave is growing every day

It was towards the end of her seventh decade when Connie Burkhart attended her first protest march. The journey on this icy day from her small, rural community of Hope, Idaho (population 86), to Sandpoint, the city where the Women's March was being held, wasn't easy. As she gritted her driveway, she told the friend accompanying her that the Republicans should be scared by the effort they were prepared to make.

Idaho is a Republican state, ("very red", says Burkhart) but the numbers attending the Sandpoint rally, held at a theatre, spilled over on to the street. The atmosphere was emotional, she says, because for the first time since Donald Trump's election win in November, people realised they weren't alone. This is the most dramatic era Burkhart, 68, has lived through. She's a Democrat, but has voted Republican in the past, "because I vote for the person who I think is best". "My first thought when the president was elected – I can't say his name – was that, for the first time in my life, I have no respect for the president of the United States."

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Monday briefing: What's bugging Trump?

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 10:59 PM PST

FBI chief reportedly asks for public denial of wiretap allegations ... North Korea fires more missiles ... and Adele says 'I'm married now'

Good morning – this is Martin Farrer with the best of today's stories.

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Home Office decision to end Dubs scheme 'not backed by evidence'

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 04:01 PM PST

MPs highlight 'big gap' between government and councils on UK's capacity to house unaccompanied children

There is a big gap between the government's explanation for capping the number of child refugees brought to the UK and evidence provided by councils and charities, according to an influential group of MPs.

The home affairs select committee is calling on the government to halt plans to limit the number of child refugees coming to the UK under the Dubs amendment to 350, and to conduct a thorough investigation into the capacity of councils to take in unaccompanied children.

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Ciobo defends visa rules as Indonesia and Australia seek to cement trade deal

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 02:09 PM PST

Malcolm Turnbull will join the trade minister and a business delegation hoping to finalise a long-awaited trade deal with Indonesia

Australia's trade minister, Steve Ciobo, has defended tough visa entry requirements for Indonesian students ahead of a high level visit to the country to complete an Australia-Indonesia trade deal.

Australia's prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, will join Ciobo and a delegation of 120 Australian business people for the Indonesia-Australia Business Week (IAWB).

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Bird flu outbreak at Tennessee poultry farm confirmed after chicken deaths

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 12:29 PM PST

  • Commercial chicken breeding facility among about 30 others under quarantine
  • Outbreak poses no risk to food supply, US Department of Agriculture said

A commercial chicken breeding facility in south-central Tennessee has been hit by a strain of bird flu, agriculture officials said on Sunday.

The state agriculture department said in a news release that tests confirmed the presence of the H7 strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI, at a facility in Lincoln County. The facility alerted the state veterinarian's office on Friday, after an increase in chicken deaths.

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Sikh Coalition wants case of man shot in arm investigated as hate crime

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 12:27 PM PST

FBI to help investigation after victim of Washington state incident says man who shot him wore a mask and yelled at him to 'get out of my country'

A Sikh man from the suburbs of Seattle said a gunman approached him as he worked on his car in his driveway and told him to "go back to your own country", before shooting him in the arm, authorities said.

Related: Man charged in Kansas attack reportedly said he'd shot 'two Iranian people'

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America First was not a pro-Nazi organisation | Letters

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 11:20 AM PST

David Smith claims that the slogan "America first" "originated with Nazi sympathisers" (Trump plans huge increase in US military, 28 February). This was very far from the case, although the America First founders were certainly determined to keep the US out of the European war.

The organisation America First was the 1940 brainchild of Yale student Robert Douglas Stuart, the son of the vice-chairman of the Quaker Oats Company of Chicago. Among Stuart's fellow students on the original committee were Gerald Ford (later president of the US) and Potter Stewart (who later became a distinguished jurist). Another member, although not one of the founders, was John F Kennedy.

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Annie Lennox: Trump’s ‘locker room talk’ is catalyst for action

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 07:39 AM PST

Former Eurythmics singer tells rally before International Women's Day that election of billionaire has energised movement

The election of Donald Trump has energised the push for women's rights, Annie Lennox has said as thousands took part in a rally and march in London before International Women's Day on Wednesday.

Lennox led the march across Tower Bridge with London's mayor, Sadiq Khan, and the actor-campaigner Bianca Jagger.

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Why unexploded bombs keep turning up on building sites

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 07:00 AM PST

A second world war bomb was unearthed in north-west London last week. But why are they being discovered now – and how many more might we find?

It would have been tasteless to have called it a Blitz spirit but there was an air of stoicism over north-west London last week after a remnant of war prompted school closures and the evacuation of hundreds of homes – and a day of reflection for residents.

The unexploded bomb – the latest to emerge more than 75 years after ordnance rained down on the capital – lay on the site of a new block of flats. While army bomb disposal experts worked through Thursday night to make it safe, residents gathered at a church outside the exclusion zone. Ten schools were closed on Friday.

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Malaysia expels North Korea ambassador over Kim Jong-nam killing

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 06:36 AM PST

Kang Chol given 48 hours to leave country after a break in diplomatic relations over assassination of Kim Jong-un's half-brother

Malaysia has expelled North Korea's ambassador, giving him 48 hours to leave the country in a major break in diplomatic relations over the assassination of the half-brother of the North Korean leader.

Kim Jong-nam was poisoned on 13 February with deadly nerve agent VX. North Korea has repeatedly disparaged the murder investigation, accusing Malaysia of conniving with its enemies.

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Seoul quadruples reward for North Korea defectors offering secrets

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 04:42 AM PST

Defectors now being offered $860,000 cash reward for sensitive information about Kim Jong-un regime

South Korea will quadruple the cash reward it offers to defectors from North Korea who pass over classified information about the reclusive state, reports said on Sunday.

The government currently offers up to $217,000 to defectors from the north with sensitive information about the state and its regime.

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China's premier unveils smog-busting plan to 'make skies blue again'

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 04:31 AM PST

Li Keqiang promises to intensify battle against air pollution as he unveils series of measures at annual people's congress

The Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, has promised to step up his country's battle against deadly smog, telling an annual political congress: "We will make our skies blue again."

China's cities have become synonymous with choking air pollution in recent years, which is blamed for up to 1 million premature deaths a year.

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How leftwing media focus on far right groups is helping to normalize hate

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 04:00 AM PST

Neo-Nazis, white nationalists and antisemites say leftist media is empowering the far right by covering them – and making certain hate terms meaningless

For months, journalists have debated how to cover the alt-right, a fractured far right movement of racists, misogynists and antisemites that greeted Trump's victory with euphoria.

In these debates, liberals have often framed the greatest danger as understating or "normalizing" the true extremism of Trump and his allies.

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Enter disguised as a boy: how Maria Toorpakai rose to squash stardom | Karen McVeigh

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

As a promising female athlete from a conservative, male-dominated area of Pakistan, Maria Toorpakai was forced to pose as a boy to learn her craft

In a mountainous land, where girls rarely leave their homes and sport is forbidden, a young child vows to follow her dream of becoming an athlete. To do so, she dresses as a boy.

The life of Maria Toorpakai, who overcame cultural restrictions to become an international squash player, reads like a Hollywood script.

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Conservative women face 'triple standard' of judgment, says Kellyanne Conway – video

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 11:28 AM PST

Senior White House aide Kellyanne Conway says conservative women face a 'triple standard' where they are judged more harshly than other women. Speaking in an interview with CBS Sunday Morning on Sunday, Conway also says that 'Catholic guilt' made her feel bad about promoting Ivanka Trump's jewellery line in a likely violation of federal ethics rules

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