World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

House Republicans reveal bill to repeal and replace Obama's healthcare law

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 05:06 PM PST

American Health Care Act would shrink government role in healthcare and could leave more people without insurance despite Trump administration promises

After weeks of promises, Republicans unveiled a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with a plan that shrinks the government's role in healthcare, and could leave more Americans without health insurance.

Called the American Health Care Act, the bill would eliminate the individual mandate, which required Americans to have health insurance or pay a fine; cut the number of people insured under Medicaid; and allow insurance companies to charge the elderly up to five times more than the young.

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Syrian children suffer staggering levels of trauma and distress – report

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 02:00 PM PST

A Save the Children study says Syria's mental health crisis has reached a tipping point, and that severe distress among children could cause life-long damage

Children in Syria are suffering from "toxic stress", a severe form of psychological trauma that can cause life-long damage, according to a study that charts a rise in self-harm and suicide attempts among children as young as 12.

A report by Save the Children and its partner agencies in Syria paints a harrowing picture of the country's children, 5.8 million of whom are in need of aid, after a war which reaches its sixth year next week.

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Kim Jong-nam crisis: North Korea and Malaysia ban each other's citizens from leaving

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 08:38 PM PST

North Korea is accused of in effect taking hostages after Malaysia says suspects in killing of Kim Jong-nam are hiding in embassy

North Korea has banned Malaysian citizens from leaving the country, and Malaysia has responded with a similar ban in an escalation of the row over the killing of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's half-brother in Kuala Lumpur.

Related: Kim Jong-nam killing: the arrested, the wanted, and people of interest

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UK backpacker beaten and raped in eight-week ordeal in Australia, police say

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 11:32 PM PST

Accused faces four charges of rape, eight of assault, four counts of strangulation and two of deprivation of liberty

A young British tourist was allegedly raped and assaulted repeatedly while held captive on a road trip through outback Australia.

The harrowing ordeal for the 22-year-old ended on Sunday afternoon when officers pulled over a four-wheel-drive in a routine traffic stop at Mitchell, about 600km west of Brisbane, Queensland police said.

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'Parched' Chinese city plans to pump water from Russian lake via 1,000km pipeline

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 09:45 PM PST

Urban planners in Lanzhou have drawn up proposals to pipe water into the chronically dry region from Siberia's Lake Baikal.

China is reportedly considering plans to build a 1,000km (620 mile) pipeline to pump water all the way from Siberia to its drought-stricken northwest.

According to reports in the Chinese media, urban planners in Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu province, have drawn up proposals to pipe water into the chronically parched region from Russia's Lake Baikal, the deepest freshwater lake on earth.

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Brother-in-law admits murdering missing family of four in France

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 10:11 AM PST

Mystery over fate of Troadec family, which has gripped France for three weeks, ends with confession of Hubert Caouissin

At first glance, the Troadec family appeared to have vanished into thin air. Their toothbrushes had gone from their family home, food was rotting in their otherwise neat kitchen and the beds had been stripped and laundered.

Related: French police arrest relatives over missing Troadec family

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Ben Carson incorrectly suggests African slaves were 'immigrants' to US

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 03:53 PM PST

Housing and Urban Development secretary portrayed enslaved people's forced migration to Americas as journey to 'land of dreams and opportunity' in speech

Ben Carson ushered in his tenure as secretary of Housing and Urban Development by suggesting that Africans brought to the Americas during the Middle Passage as slaves were "immigrants" who imagined the US as a "land of dreams and opportunity".

"That's what America is about," Carson said. "A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land." His remarks came in his first address to employees of the agency, which he was confirmed to run by the Senate last week despite a lack of any formal knowledge on housing or development policy.

Enslaved Africans were, of course, not immigrants, and were transported in the cramped, disease-infested holds of ships while shackled stationary as property of "new world" and European corporations. The enslaved had virtually no knowledge of where they were being taken, and less than 10% of the tens of millions of Africans transported wound up on the shores of the US, with a majority landing in South America and the Caribbean.

Carson earned instant and biting ridicule for his remarks, with many online poking fun at the former neurosurgeon.

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Bahrain moves to ban opposition party and let army courts try civilians

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 07:57 AM PST

Justice ministry files lawsuit to dissolve secular Wa'ad group amid fresh crackdown on dissent and human rights in Gulf state

Bahrain has taken steps to ban the main opposition party and transfer many civilian judicial cases to a military court, in what appears to be a new crackdown on dissent and human rights.

Theresa May visited Bahrain only three months ago as part of a drive to deepen UK military and trading links. The UK has been funding efforts to set up a police ombudsman in Bahrain, but conceded in its 2016 annual human rights report that developments in the country were a cause for concern.

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Poachers kill one of Africa's last remaining 'big tusker' elephants

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 07:57 AM PST

Satao II, about 50 years old, is believed to have been shot with a poisoned arrow in Tsavo national park, Kenya

One of Africa's oldest and largest elephants has been killed by poachers in Kenya, according to a conservation group that protects a dwindling group of "big tuskers" estimated to be as few as 25.

Related: If you were an elephant …

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World leaders condemn North Korea over missile launches

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 01:13 PM PST

Call made for emergency UN security council meeting after action shocks international community and angers Japan and South Korea

A shocked international community has condemned North Korea after it launched four ballistic missiles on Monday morning, three of which fell into Japanese waters.

Calling on Pyongyang to "stop its provocative actions", the British foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, said the launches were in violation of multiple UN security council resolutions and threatened international peace and security.

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Israel passes law barring entry for supporters of boycott of Jewish state

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 01:48 PM PST

Wording of new law leaves open possibility it could be used against Palestinians temporarily residing in Israel, says Haaretz

Israel's parliament has passed into law a bill barring entry into the country to those supporting a boycott of the Jewish state.

"The knesset [parliament] passed on its second and third readings the entry into Israel bill," it said in a statement on Monday night.

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Venezuela calls Peru's president a 'coward' and a 'dog' subservient to US

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 12:54 PM PST

Comments by Venezuela's foreign minister come after Peruvian president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski called Venezuela 'a big problem' during a US speech

Venezuela's leftist government has called the Peruvian president, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, a "coward" and "dog" servile to the United States for his antagonism to socialism.

Kuczynski, a 78-year-old former Wall Street investment banker who won the election last year, has been one of the most vocal critics in the region of Venezuela's ruling "Chavismo" movement named for late socialist leader Hugo Chávez.

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More than 900 coins removed from turtle's stomach in Thailand

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 07:28 AM PST

Twenty-five-year-old green sea turtle nicknamed Bank swallowed money thrown into her pool by tourists seeking good luck

Tossing coins into a fountain to bring good luck is a popular superstition, but the practice brought misery to a sea turtle in Thailand from which vets have removed 915 coins.

Vets in Bangkok operated on Monday on the 25-year-old female green sea turtle nicknamed Bank, whose indigestible diet was the result of tourists seeking good fortune by tossing coins into her pool over many years in the eastern town of Sri Racha.

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Former Guantánamo Bay inmate was killed in US airstrike in Yemen

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 01:09 PM PST

Yasir al-Silmi died in strike on 2 March that was a part of a campaign against al-Qaida, though he was not considered a 'high-value' target according to Pentagon

A former Guantánamo Bay inmate was killed in a US airstrike in Yemen last week, as part of a stepped-up campaign against al-Qaida in the Arabian peninsula, the Pentagon has announced.

"We can confirm the death of a former Guantánamo Bay detainee, Yasir al-Silmi," Navy Capt Jeff Davis said on Monday.

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'Russia's soul is monarchic': tsarist school wants to reverse 100 years of history

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 05:58 AM PST

Patriotic financier known as the 'Orthodox oligarch' funds school that seeks to prepare students for the 'inevitable' return of monarchy

"We are raising a new elite here," said Zurab Chavchavadze, the dapper 74-year-old headteacher of St Basil the Great School, sitting beneath a large portrait of Russia's last tsar, Nicholas II. "The students will be morally sound, religious, intellectual and patriotic, and will have every chance of getting into power."

A collection of grand buildings set around a new cathedral in an upmarket suburb of Moscow, the school harks back to Russia's tsarist traditions to inculcate a sense of patriotism in its 400 students.

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Juppé says he will not replace Fillon in French presidential race

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 12:27 PM PST

Top figures in Republican party throw weight behind François Fillon amid calls for him to resign over 'fake jobs' allegations

The man seen as a possible saviour of France's centre-right has disappointed supporters by announcing he will not stand in next month's presidential election, while the scandal-hit François Fillon has called on supporters to unite around his candidacy.

Former prime minister Alain Juppé, who lost Les Républicains' primary election last November to Fillon, said it was too late for him to save the party, which is riven with political scandal and the prospect of defeat.

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UN atomic agency head assured of 'very good cooperation' with US on Iran deal

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 09:31 AM PST

Yukiya Amano, chief of International Atomic Energy Agency, gave 'confident' remarks after meeting with US secretary of state Rex Tillerson

The chief of the UN atomic watchdog has said he is confident of "very good cooperation" with the US on Iran's nuclear deal, despite Donald Trump's hawkish comments.

The 2015 agreement between Iran and major powers restricts Tehran's nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against the Islamic Republic, but Trump has called it "the worst deal ever negotiated" and said he wants to "police that contract so tough [the Iranians] don't have a chance".

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UK urges Kenya to 'restore law and order' after shooting of British rancher

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 08:50 AM PST

British high commissioner to Kenya speaks out following death of Tristan Voorspuy, whose ranch was invaded by herders

Britain has urged Kenya to restore law and order in the north of the country after a British rancher was shot dead there.

Nic Hailey, Britain's high commissioner to Kenya, was speaking after the killing of Tristan Voorspuy, whose lodges had been burned by attackers. His body was found on Sunday at his ranch 118 miles (190km) north of Nairobi.

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Arid land to a fertile Eden: permaculture lessons from Portugal

Posted: 07 Mar 2017 01:59 AM PST

Tamera's ecology experts transformed an area at risk of desertification – and say they can do the same anywhere in the world

The land undulates upwards into gentle hills, cradling nooks of fertile terraces growing sweetcorn, sunflowers and tomatoes, before rolling down into tranquil lakes. It looks like a natural Edenic paradise on earth. But 20 years ago this land was arid and barren, and farming was a struggle.

The land is called Tamera, the name given to these 330 acres in southern Portugal by a community of 30 people who moved here from Germany in 1995. Today, 200 people from all over the world live here. Through simple practices of digging swales (ditches) and creating water retention spaces, Tamera's ecology experts have transformed an area on the brink of desertification – and say they can do the same anywhere in the world.

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British woman beaten and raped in Australian outback, say police – video

Posted: 07 Mar 2017 01:45 AM PST

Detective Inspector Paul Hart from Queensland police says on Tuesday that a British backpacker was held captive for eight weeks on a road trip through the Australian outback and assaulted repeatedly. Her ordeal ended on Sunday when police made a routine stop of a vehicle being driven by the woman, who alerted them to her attacker hiding in the back of the car

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Trump's wiretap 'smear' prompts spirited reaction from across political divide – video

Posted: 07 Mar 2017 01:09 AM PST

Donald Trump tweeted unsubstantiated claims that Barack Obama had ordered the FBI to tap the phones at Trump Tower. He offered no evidence to support his claims. White House press secretary Sean Spicer says on Monday that there is 'substantial reporting' that merits congressional investigation. But former director of national intelligence James Clapper says Trump's claims are untrue. Republican senator Marco Rubio says the White House must account for Trump's allegations. And House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says Trump's 'smear' is an authoritarian tactic

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Would Jesus be a gentrifier? How Christianity is embracing urban renewal

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 11:15 PM PST

To a new breed of churches, dilapidated neighbourhoods are the fallen world – and salvation lies not just in prayer but in pop-ups, vintage shops and bakeries

In the 1990s, the Bristol neighbourhood of Stokes Croft was a hub of unchecked creativity. The vast Victorian façades, many of which had been abandoned to the elements, were a ready-made canvas for street artists such as Banksy and Robert Del Naja (also known as 3D), who became household names. Sound systems piled into squats while the police turned a blind eye, fostering global stars such as Tricky and Massive Attack.

Two decades on, and Stokes Croft is increasingly home to artisan coffee shops, burger bars and craft ale pubs that signify urban modernity. The graffiti, once a marker of lawlessness, is now consigned to council-sanctioned tourist sites.

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The Russian Revolution: then and now

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

The events of 1917 changed the course of history in Russia and indeed the rest of the world. But as these remarkable pictures show, pockets of Russia's two largest cities have endured almost unchanged through a century of revolution and the fall, rise, and fall of empire

The Russian Revolution consisted of two revolutions in 1917 that ended Tsarist rule and eventually replaced it with a communist state. The first revolution was mainly centred in Petrograd (now St Petersburg) and overthrew Tsar Nicholas II. The second revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik party. It overthrew the provisional government and established communism.

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Famine warning signs were clear – so why are 20 million lives now at risk? | Kevin Watkins

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and Yemen are on the brink of catastrophe, thanks to conflict, drought, and a shocking failure in our international response

This year could be the most deadly from famine in three decades. The lives of more than 20 million people are at risk in four countries. Large areas of South Sudan have already been declared a famine zone. Five years after a famine that claimed a quarter-of-a-million lives, Somalia is back on the brink of catastrophe: 6 million people are in need of assistance. Both north-east Nigeria and Yemen face real and present risks of famine.

An elaborate humanitarian aid system has been created to prevent mass hunger. Yet as an international community we are failing to respond to the deadly threats posed by entirely predictable, and eminently avoidable, famine.

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Theresa May paves way for new generation of grammar schools

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 02:21 PM PST

Philip Hammond to set aside £320m in budget for expansion of government's free school programme, with schools free to offer selective education

Theresa May will pave the way for a new generation of grammar schools on Wednesday, as her chancellor uses the budget to push ahead with a controversial policy that is seen as a key priority for the prime minister.

Philip Hammond will plough £320m into expanding the government's free school programme, creating 70,000 places in 140 schools, which will be free to offer selective education after the government passes legislation.

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Canadian police officer charged in death of mentally ill black man

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 01:08 PM PST

Daniel Montsion charged in relation to incident last year in which Abdirahman Abdi died after arrest in Ottawa, where witnesses said he was beaten by officers

A Canadian police officer has been charged with manslaughter for the death of a mentally ill black man following an arrest last year in Ottawa, the provincial police watchdog agency said on Monday.

Related: Ontario police face inquiry into beating death of mentally ill black man

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Whistleblower calls on universities to do more to safeguard students

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

Professor Carole Mundell says it should not be left to individuals to tackle alleged sexual harassment after she faced libel action for whistleblowing

A renowned professor of astrophysics who was a whistleblower in the case of a colleague accused of sexually harassing one of her students has called on universities to do more to improve the safeguarding of students.

Professor Carole Mundell's actions landed her with a libel action, which was thrown out by a high court judge last year. Welcoming the Guardian's investigation into sexual harassment in higher education, Mundell said it was time for universities to fulfil their responsibilities to their students, rather than leaving it to complainants and individual whistleblowers to call out alleged bad behaviour.

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Tuesday briefing: May spells out her classroom vision

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 10:46 PM PST

Grammar school plan to get £320m Budget boost … British backpacker allegedly beaten and raped in outback … North Korea crises deepen

Theresa May will pave the way for a new generation of grammar schools on Wednesday, with Philip Hammond set to use his Budget announcement to plough £320m into creating 70,000 places in 140 new schools, which will be free to offer selective education.

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Kim Jong-nam killing: the arrested, the wanted, and people of interest

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 09:11 PM PST

Who are the people arrested and sought in connection with the assassination of the North Korean leader's half-brother?

Malaysian police are investigating the apparent assassination of Kim Jong-nam, who died from VX nerve agent poisoning on 13 February after telling staff at Kuala Lumpur international airport that a woman had sprayed chemicals on his face.

Two woman have been charged with murder and seven North Koreans are wanted in connection with the attack on the exiled half-brother of the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un.

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Paramilitary force fights to keep Algeria French – archive, March 1962

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 09:00 PM PST

7 March 1962: The OAS (Secret Army Organisation) is attempting to prevent Algerian independence through a terrorist campaign

"I killed but the OAS were watching." This notice was tied round the neck of a Moslem who was found hanged here this morning in the middle-class suburb of Bab-el-Oued.

This macabre act, which it is assumed took place in a crowded quarter of the city in broad daylight, occurred within 24 hours of the OAS attack on Moslems in the prison of Oran. [A Reuters message from Tunis quoted an Algerian rebel Government spokesman as saying that 40 prisoners had been killed and more than 200 wounded. The official figures given in Oran were two killed and 30 seriously wounded.]

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Donald Trump says nuclear threat from North Korea has entered 'new phase'

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 08:03 PM PST

US president told Japanese PM he is '100%' with Tokyo as US moves Thaad missile defence system into South Korea following Pyongyang missile launches

The threat posed by North Korea to the US and its allies has entered a "new phase", Donald Trump said on Tuesday, a day after the regime test-launched four ballistic missiles towards Japan.

In phone talks on Tuesday, Trump told Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, that the US stood "100%" with Tokyo after three of the intermediate-range missiles landed in the sea off Japan's north-west coast.

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MPs debate sexist workplace dress codes following petition

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 12:20 PM PST

Parliament hears reports of women being told to wear high heels and revealing clothing or bleach their hair blond

Women are belittled and face the sack if they complain about sexist dress codes, such as wearing revealing clothing and high heels all day, MPs have heard.

One MP described how her daughter was left with a fractured foot after being made to wear heels in a retail job. Speaking during a debate on Wednesday in parliament on workplace dress codes, Labour's Gill Furniss said her daughter suffered a metatarsal fracture "more commonly affiliated with sports injuries".

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Why do sheep get horny in winter? Because the light is baaad, says study

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 12:00 PM PST

Study may reveal why melatonin affects breeding, horn growth and coat thickness – and allow farmers to change the timing of lambing season

The mystery of why sheep get horny in the winter might have been solved, according to new research.

Scientists say they have uncovered the key to the mechanism by which changes in the length of the day prompt certain animals to begin breeding, trigger the growth of horns and even change the thickness of their coat.

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Eddie 'the Eagle' soars again: ski jumper returns 30 years after Calgary Olympics

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 10:48 AM PST

Eddie Edwards, who charmed spectators at 1988 Winter Olympics despite finishing last, describes successful landing of six jumps as 'absolutely relief'

Nearly three decades after he finished last in two Olympic events – and charmed the world in the process – the British ski jumper Eddie "the Eagle" Edwards has again soared through the air in Calgary, Canada.

Related: Reappraising Eddie 'the Eagle' Edwards: a dedicated athlete who made the best of his talent

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Arctic sea ice could disappear even if world achieves climate target

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 10:05 AM PST

Goal of limiting rise in average global temperatures to below 2C may not prevent ice-free Arctic, scientists warn

Arctic sea ice could vanish in summers this century even if governments achieve a core target for limiting global warming set by almost 200 countries, scientists have said.

The ice has been shrinking steadily in recent decades, damaging the livelihoods of indigenous people and wildlife, such as polar bears, while opening the region to more shipping and oil and gas exploration.

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Trump’s wiretap paranoia and the reality of modern surveillance

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 10:01 AM PST

The president's claim that his phone was bugged is straight out of a cold-war time warp. Security services have far easier ways of intercepting communications now

Six surveillance films to make Trump paranoid

One of the oddities in Donald Trump's wiretapping claims is how antiquated is his view of how the security services work in the digital age.

In tweets on Saturday, the president claimed that Barack Obama had ordered a wiretap of Trump Tower in October ahead of November's election. "How low has President gone to tapp [sic] my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"

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Up to 30 Tory MPs could vote against ministers over Dubs refugee scheme

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 09:43 AM PST

Government faces potential Commons defeat over its decision to end arrival of unaccompanied refugee children

The government faces a potential Commons defeat over its decision to end the arrival of unaccompanied refugee children under the Dubs scheme, with up to 30 Conservative MPs possibly voting to revive the process.

Ministers announced last month that the numbers arriving under the system, introduced through an amendment by the Labour peer Lord Alf Dubs, who came to Britain as a child refugee before the second world war, was to be stopped at the current 350.

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Deborah Lynn Steinberg obituary

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 08:55 AM PST

My friend Deborah Lynn Steinberg, who has died aged 55 of breast cancer, was a feminist cultural theorist committed to scholarship and teaching. She made a huge contribution to the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, the sociology department and the faculty of social sciences at Warwick University.

Deborah was born and brought up in Los Angeles, the daughter of Irwin, a radiologist, and his wife, Maxine (nee Beckerman), a lawyer, and attended schools in the city, including University high school. She graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a BA in women's studies.

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Sea turtle recovering after 915 coins removed from stomach – video report

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 08:44 AM PST

Omsin, a green sea turtle, is recovering in Bangkok after surgery to remove over 900 coins from her stomach on Monday. She was brought to Bangkok's Chulalongkorn university for medical attention by Thai naval personnel who noticed the struggling turtle in Sriracha. A CT scan found that Omsin ("piggy-bank" in English) was carrying a 5kg metal mass inside her, later found during surgery to be coins. It is likely Omsin was swallowing coins thrown into her pond in her hometown. She is expected to make a full recovery

More than 900 coins removed from turtle's stomach in Thailand

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Emma Watson and Vanity Fair: not everything a feminist does is a feminist act

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 08:15 AM PST

The actor has been forced to defend her skimpy outfits for a Vanity Fair photoshoot. She's not the first underdressed superstar to cause a stir via the pages of the magazine

In the latest instalment of the ongoing series, "Is this feminist or is it more of the same old nonsense?" the actor – and feminist – Emma Watson is being forced to defend going nearly topless for a shoot for Vanity Fair magazine. "Feminism is about giving women choice," she said. "Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It's about freedom, it's about liberation, it's about equality. I really don't know what my tits have to do with it."

I like to remember, as the writer Andi Zeisler memorably put it: "Not everything a feminist does is a feminist act." So Watson can, and should, do whatever she wants without living in fear of how she will be judged because, goodness knows, women are judged enough.

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'Don't forget them': Bana Alabed, 7, asks Theresa May to help Syrian children

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 07:38 AM PST

Bana writes letter to British PM calling for food and medicine to be sent to children suffering in Syrian conflict

Bana Alabed, the seven-year-old girl whose tweets offered a glimpse into the violence and loss in besieged east Aleppo, has called on Theresa May to help Syrian children at risk of losing their lives in the country's ongoing civil war.

Bana tweeted an image of the letter to the British prime minister, which she said had been written with her mother's help.

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Cumbrian zoo boss refused new licence after hundreds of animal deaths

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 06:33 AM PST

Application by David Gill, founder of South Lakes Safari zoo, turned down after inspectors reported 'obvious deficiencies'

The founder of a zoo in Cumbria, where nearly 500 animals died in less than four years, has been refused a new licence.

The chair of Barrow council's licensing committee, Tony Callister, said the unanimous decision was made because councillors were not satisfied conservation matters referred to in the Zoo Licensing Act would be implemented.

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Accra at 60: concrete heads and colonial questions in Ghana's capital

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 05:36 AM PST

Ghana's capital today marks 60 years of independence from European rule with parades, a burgeoning arts scene – and fierce questions about its past

On this day 60 years ago, many of Ghana's workers were given the day off. They flocked to central Accra, a city originally settled in the 15th century, to hear Kwame Nkrumah declare independence. Today, only parts of Nkrumah's Accra remain – while rapid expansion and development is reshaping the city in ways that are causing excitement but also concern.

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'When I meet God, I must be able to sign my name': India's school for older women | Vidhi Doshi

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 09:00 PM PST

A Maharashtra village is giving women denied childhood education a chance to finally catch up on schooling, in a country where female illiteracy is high

For the past year, Gangubai has been picking up discarded newspapers or chocolate wrappers she finds in her village. At home, she pores over her pile of scraps, trying to read the words written on them. Whenever they prove too difficult, she goes to a neighbour's house to ask for help. Aged 65, Gangubai is learning to read for the first time.

She is one of 28 women in the village of Phangne in Maharashtra, western India, who have started attending the aajibaichi shala, the "school for grandmothers". Every day, between 2pm and 4pm, the aajis, or grandmothers, of Phangne meet in a colourful bamboo hut, uniformed in pink saris and holding schoolbags. For the aajis, the school is a last chance to learn to read and write. "I go to school with joy," says Gangubai.

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Ben Carson refers to slaves as 'immigrants' in address to staff – video

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 05:09 PM PST

In remarks to his new staff in Washington, housing and urban development secretary Ben Carson referred to slaves as 'immigrants' and said they came to the US in 'the bottom of slaves ships' for better opportunities. He went on to say that slaves worked "even longer and harder for less" yet they had their own dreams to "pursue prosperity".

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Administration officials outline terms of revised travel ban – video

Posted: 06 Mar 2017 10:48 AM PST

Trump administration officials outline details of revised executive order on immigration. The order removes Iraq from a list of countries targeted in the travel ban, after his controversial first order was blocked in the courts. The new order will keep a 90-day ban on travel to the US by citizens of six Muslim-majority countries – Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen

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