World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Trump's wiretap outburst dismissed as 'simply false' by Obama spokesman

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 01:33 AM PST

Without citing evidence, Donald Trump on Saturday accused Barack Obama of a Watergate-style "wire tapping" of his offices in New York before the US presidential election, a move critics dismissed as an attempt to deflect attention from investigations of his ties to Russia.

Related: Out of control? Or is Trump's tweeting designed to distract?

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Penelope Fillon defends husband as he fights for political survival

Posted: 05 Mar 2017 01:44 AM PST

François Fillon's wife breaks silence over 'fake' jobs scandal as crisis meeting to discuss his future is brought forward

The French presidential candidate François Fillon, who is mired in a "fake" jobs scandal, was to hold a major rally of supporters in Paris as he battles to keep his presidential hopes alive after refusing to step aside.

Ahead of the Sunday rally, seen as a last-ditch bid to salvage his candidacy, Fillon's British wife, Penelope, broke her silence over the allegations that Fillon gave her and his children fake parliamentary jobs for large taxpayer-funded salaries.

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Watchdog to launch inquiry into misuse of data in politics

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 02:29 PM PST

Investigation follows revelations of digital firm's involvement in Brexit

The UK's privacy watchdog is launching an inquiry into how voters' personal data is being captured and exploited in political campaigns, cited as a key factor in both the Brexit and Trump victories last year.

The intervention by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) follows revelations in last week's Observer that a technology company part-owned by a US billionaire played a key role in the campaign to persuade Britons to vote to leave the European Union.

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How disappearing sea ice has put Arctic ecosystem under threat

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 07:29 AM PST

From algae to fish and polar bears, the loss of habitat caused by global warming is affecting the food chain

In a few days the Arctic's beleaguered sea ice cover is likely to set another grim record. Its coverage is on course to be the lowest winter maximum extent ever observed since satellite records began. These show that more than 2 million square kilometres of midwinter sea ice have disappeared from the Arctic in less than 40 years.

The ice's disappearance – triggered by global warming caused by rising carbon emissions from cars and factories – is likely to have profound implications for the planet. A loss of sea ice means a loss of reflectivity of solar rays and further rises in global temperatures, warn researchers.

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Civil war in the Vatican as conservatives battle Francis for the soul of Catholicism

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 02:35 PM PST

As the pope leaves Rome for a retreat to mark Lent, rebellion and turmoil are in the air

When Pope Francis was elected nearly four years ago, on 13 March 2013, he was escorted – like every pope before him – from the Sistine Chapel to the Room of Tears. It is the place where a new pope pauses for a moment – and no doubt many of them do shed a few tears, thinking of the momentous responsibility upon their shoulders – before stepping out on to the balcony of St Peter's to greet the world as the new leader of the Roman Catholic church.

When Francis, known until then as Jorge Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, first appeared that night, he appeared remarkably sanguine, joking that the cardinals had gone to the ends of the Earth to choose the next pope. If he'd had any inkling of what these last four years would be like, he would surely have wept in that Room of Tears.

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We’ve cleared Isis from our campus, says Sudan university after Britons are killed

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 02:35 PM PST

Parents are withdrawing students from Khartoum's University of Medical Sciences and Technology

The head of the Sudanese university where more than 20 young Britons were recruited by Islamic State has claimed that the group's recruitment machine has been eradicated from the campus.

Attempting to reassure British parents that it is safe to send their children to Khartoum's University of Medical Sciences and Technology (UMST), Dr Ahmed Babiker said that counter-radicalisation efforts alongside the dissolution of a controversial faith group had successfully extinguished Isis from the site.

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Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 02:40 PM PST

RAF mission detected Boko Haram kidnappers but action was refused

British armed forces offered to attempt to rescue nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram, but were rebuffed by Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria's president at the time, the Observer has learned.

In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014. "The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission," a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. "We offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined."

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Boris Johnson to meet Sergei Lavrov in Moscow

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 10:38 AM PST

UK foreign secretary, who has publicly criticised Moscow's foreign policy, will meet Russian counterpart in coming weeks

Boris Johnson is set for a highly charged showdown in Moscow after pledging to challenge his counterpart in the Kremlin on contentious issues including Russia's military action in Syria and Ukraine.

In what will be the first UK foreign secretary visit to the country since 2012, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) confirmed on Saturday that Johnson will meet Sergei Lavrov in the coming weeks.

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Canada increases resources at US border to handle influx of asylum-seekers

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 12:58 PM PST

Number of migrants attempting to cross has jumped in recent months, following the Trump administration's plans to limit immigration and step up deportations

Canada is enforcing its border laws and is willing to put more resources in place to deal with the influx of asylum-seekers from the US, federal public safety minister Ralph Goodale said Saturday.

Related: Single father from Mexico in US for 20 years deported after Ice 'check-in'

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Single father from Mexico in US for 20 years deported after Ice 'check-in'

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 07:23 AM PST

Undocumented immigrants with any type of criminal charges, such as Juan Carlos Fomperosa García, are now a priority for deportation under Trump's order

Juan Carlos Fomperosa García planned to celebrate his son's 17th birthday on Thursday. But first, he had to go in for a meeting around 9am with immigration officials in Phoenix for what he believed was to discuss his request for asylum.

"He walked in. An hour later, they brought me a bag with his stuff and that was it," said Yennifer Sanchez, Fomperosa García's 23-year-old daughter.

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Iditarod dog race start line moved again in Alaska due to lack of snow

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 10:44 AM PST

Race will start in Fairbanks, Alaska instead of Anchorage for a second time in three years – and for the first time, mushers may carry satellites or cellphones

For the second time in three years, the Ititarod dog race will have its official start in Fairbanks, Alaska instead of Anchorage, due to insufficiently wintry conditions.

Related: 'There was just no snow': climate change puts Iditarod future in doubt

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One Direction's Louis Tomlinson arrested after row with photographer

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 01:45 PM PST

Singer, 25, released on bail after allegedly 'pulling photographer to floor' as his girlfriend argued with onlookers who were filming incident

One Direction singer Louis Tomlinson has been arrested at Los Angeles airport after an altercation with a paparazzi photographer. The 25-year-old singer was taken into custody before being released on a $20,000 (£16,000) bond and instructed to return to court on 29 March. Footage of the alleged incident was published by Radar Online.

The singer was reportedly with his girlfriend Eleanor Calder when the confrontation, which happened on Friday, took place. Police documents showed Tomlinson was subjected to a citizen's arrest. Calder then argued with onlookers who had begun filming the incident.

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Spanish writer who fled civil war to a British village honoured in Madrid

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 08:04 AM PST

Arturo Barea, loved for his books and BBC talks, has had a city square named after him in the Spanish capital near his former school

In March 1939, a hungry and haunted Spanish refugee arrived in England with his wife, a typewriter and a head still roiling with the carnage and squalor they had left behind.

"My life," Arturo Barea would later recall, "was broken in two. I had no perspectives, no country, no home, no job."

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UK warned it must 'honour all financial obligations' to EU

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 07:08 AM PST

European political leaders and diplomats react to Lords report arguing that Britain could leave EU without paying £52bn

European political leaders and diplomats have reacted furiously to the suggestion that Britain could leave the EU without paying a multibillion pound "divorce settlement".

The European commission, along with 27 EU member states, have settled on a sum of about €60bn (£52bn) that the UK would have to pay to fulfil the commitments it had signed up to as an EU member.

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Libyan militias capture key oil ports and refinery

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 03:11 AM PST

Islamist Benghazi defence militia hits Libya's biggest oil port and biggest refinery in sharp escalation of civil war

Militias have captured a string of key Libyan oil ports in the fight against eastern strongman Khalifa Haftar, sharply escalating the country's civil war and throwing international peacemaking efforts into doubt.

The Islamist Benghazi militia struck at al-Sidra, Libya's biggest oil port, and Ras Lanuf, its biggest refinery, overnight on Friday, forcing Haftar's Libyan National Army to retreat.

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18 arrested in Greek raids on suspected people-smuggling gang

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 06:04 AM PST

UK's National Crime Agency says 112 people were rescued in Crete as part international investigation into organised crime group

Eighteen people have been arrested in Greece as part of an international investigation into people smuggling.

Britain's National Crime Agency (NCA) was involved in the operation, and those arrested – all men aged between 18 and 23 – were held after a series of raids in Crete on Friday.

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Vivienne Westwood is the star of her own show at Paris fashion week

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 09:37 AM PST

Designer makes catwalk debut modelling two looks from new collection designed by her husband, Andreas Kronthaler

Vivienne Westwood does not design the clothes on her catwalk any more, since she officially handed creative control to her husband, Andreas Kronthaler, last year.

But any Vivienne Westwood show is still very much the Vivienne Westwood show, and at Paris fashion week on Saturday it was she, not Kronthaler, who received a standing ovation when the designer made her catwalk debut modelling two looks from the collection.

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Turkey’s truth is becoming stranger than fiction

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 11:02 PM PST

President Erdoğan's crackdown on the press has the elements of a TV drama, but it's frighteningly real

After the mumblings of SS-GB , we probably need a new "What if?" idea for a drama series. A vivid scenario that threatens a great retired newspaper editor – maybe Sir Harry Evans – with four years in prison for quoting what Jeremy Corbyn says about Theresa May. One that throws a fine columnist – say Nick Cohen or David Aaronovitch – into jail for months on end because they tweeted political dissent. One that locks up the correspondent of Le Monde or the New York Times for reporting Brexit divisions.

Too far-fetched for the Len Deighton treatment? Then look to Turkey where, last week, my friend and freedom-loving editor, Hasan Cemal, escaped the four years the prosecution wanted but still collected an 11-month suspended sentence (suspended, that is, unless he writes anything critical). Look, behind bars since October, for my friend, the columnist Kadri Gürsel, who tweeted defiance. Look at the incarcerated fate of the Die Welt's Istanbul correspondent, a German national, who merely did his job courageously.

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The oil deal, the disgraced former minister, and $800m paid via a UK bank

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

Major investigation provokes concerns that City regulators waved through deal at heart of court case

Britain's commitment to tackling high-end money laundering through the City of London is under serious scrutiny after it emerged that regulators appear to have waved through an $800m bank transfer to a convicted criminal as the proceeds from one of the most corrupt deals in the history of the oil industry.

A joint investigation by the Observer and journalists from Finance Uncovered, a non-profit organisation based in London, has discovered that prosecutors in Milan believe two payments of $400m each were wired through JP Morgan in London as the spoils of a huge deal to develop a Nigerian oilfield involving Shell, its joint venture partner the Italian oil giant Eni, and the government in Abuja.

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America’s millions of Mexicans without documents live in fear of deportation

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

Donald Trump's crackdown has been a terrifying bolt from the blue

The queue starts outside the consulate gate soon after dawn and stretches up Park View street. The visitors speak in low murmurs, exchanging the latest rumours. A dragnet in Glendale. Checkpoints in Highland Park. People deported for jaywalking. For speaking Spanish.

Some visitors say they have sold their furniture to create an emergency fund. Others wonder if they should stop going to work and pull their kids from school. Overreactions? Wise precautions? No one knows. They've come here for answers.

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Philippines recovers body of Germany kidnap victim Jurgen Kantner

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 09:01 PM PST

Militant group Abu Sayyaf executed Kantner in February after $600,000 ransom not paid

The Philippine military has recovered the body of an elderly German hostage who was beheaded by Islamic militants last week.

The Abu Sayyaf, a kidnap-for-ransom network in the southern Philippines that has pledged allegiance to Islamic State, killed Jurgen Kantner, 70, after its demands for $600,000 in ransom were not met.

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Hammond puts aside £500m to fill post-Brexit skills gap

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 07:42 PM PST

Budget move will offer technical students loans to help counter lack of EU workers

Students who opt for a technical education in order to develop specific workplace skills will be offered maintenance loans for the first time, under a new £500m-a-year plan to equip the British workforce for life after Brexit.

In his first budget on Wednesday, the chancellor, Philip Hammond, will acknowledge that the biggest challenge facing many businesses and the UK economy is the threat of skills shortages after the UK leaves the EU. In an attempt to tackle the crisis, which has left the UK near the bottom of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development rankings on training, the chancellor will say he wants to elevate technical education to the same status as an academic route through university, in what he will claim is "the most ambitious post-16 education reform since the introduction of A-levels 70 years ago".

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Jordan: 15 executions 'shocking' says human rights group

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 06:11 PM PST

Amnesty International says hangings carried out in 'secrecy without transparency' are a 'big step backwards'

Human rights groups have condemned Jordan's mass execution of 15 people on Saturday. Human rights group Amnesty International said the executions by hanging had been carried out in "secrecy and without transparency."

"The scale of today's mass executions is shocking and it's a big step backwards on human rights protection in Jordan," said Samah Hadid, deputy director of Amnesty International's regional office in Beirut.

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Penalty rates: Labor says it makes 'no apology' for Bill Shorten's decision to oppose cut

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 09:39 PM PST

Party says it had no choice but to oppose Fair Work Commission's decision as unions plan Work Choices-style campaign

The shadow employment minister, Brendan O'Connor, has defended Labor's decision to step away from the Fair Work Commission's penalty rate decision as unions meet this week to plan a Work Choices-style campaign against the Coalition and One Nation.

O'Connor said that, while the Labor party had long been the guardian of the independent national workplace relations tribunal, the party had no option but to oppose the decision.

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Ahok makes it to run-off in Jakarta governor race

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 08:03 PM PST

Incumbent to face Anies Baswedan in April second round after neither won 50% of vote, while former president's son Agus Yudhoyono drops out

The race for governor of Jakarta will be decided in a run-off in April after the incumbent Ahok failed to cross the 50% threshold.

Ahok, whose full name is Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, is on trial for blasphemy against Islam. He topped the first round with 43% and will go head to head with Anies Baswedan who came second with 40%.

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Chinese premier warns world entering period of political and economic upheaval

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 06:50 PM PST

Li Keqiang urges China to brace for 'graver situations' ahead in apparent reference to President Donald Trump

China's premier has warned the world is entering a period of profound political and economic upheaval as the spectre of Donald Trump hung over the opening day of the country's annual national people's congress.

Speaking in the Great Hall of the People, the cavernous Mao-era building where China hosts its most important political spectacles, Li Keqiang urged China to brace for "more complicated and graver situations" ahead, as a result of developments "both in and outside China".

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Anger as government applies for secret hearing of rendition case

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 04:05 PM PST

Critics say the authorities are attempting to bury the truth amid claims of national security concerns

The government has been accused of attempting to bury the truth about Britain's role in the CIA's extraordinary rendition process by seeking to have a case, brought by two men detained by the US, heard in secret.

It is the first time that a civil claim involving extraordinary rendition will be heard in such a way.

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What’s next for the women’s movement?

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 04:05 PM PST

After the success of the Women's March, it's International Women's Day on Wednesday 8 March. Here, 15 influential women, from Lena Dunham and Nicola Sturgeon to Susie Orbach, nominate a crucial next step towards equality

I think the activism and organisation that's happening now is showing protest matters, calling your representatives matters, becoming involved in community organisations matters, sending your donations every month matters. It has never mattered more to show up with your money, with your body, with your time and with your voice than it does right now. Lots of people had valid criticisms of the Women's March, but it was the largest global protest we've seen and that's because every single person made the choice to take time off work, to give of themselves, to give their bodies and fill space and show they wanted to say no. That scares people and even if right now we're not seeing the result we want, the government has been warned. They understand they are not supported. They are fighting an uphill battle against women and allies of equality in all of its forms.
Lena Dunham is an actor, writer, producer and director

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Britons who died in D-Day landings to be remembered with monument

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 04:01 PM PST

Memorial to those who died in Normandy campaign to be erected at site of fighting, paid for by government and funds raised by charities

The thousands of Britons who died in the D-Day landings are to be remembered with a new monument. The memorial to those who died in the Normandy campaign will be erected at the site of fierce fighting that occurred during and after the Allied landings in France in 1944 and will be unveiled on the 75th anniversary of D-Day in 2019.

It will bear the names of the estimated 21,000 members of the British armed forces and merchant navy, as well as those from other nations who fought alongside them, who lost their lives in the campaign.

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Sunny Pawar in Lion: ‘He was just a normal boy; now a Hollywood star lives in our area’

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 02:40 PM PST

The eight-year-old actor received a hero's welcome as he returned home to a slum from the Oscars. His family are dealing with the fame from his role in Lion

It's 11am and the Pawar family are dressed to impress. The women have put on sparkling saris and the men are in clean, ironed shirts. The man of the moment, eight-year-old Sunny, the child star of the Oscar-nominated film Lion, is inside the house, getting his face aggressively powdered by an aunt, while an uncle sprays him with perfume and adjusts his oversized jacket. I've come at a bad time, clearly, but the family are polite enough to invite me to stay as they prepare for a photo op with a local politician.

The domestic chaos is a stark contrast to the glitzy, star-studded life Sunny has led for the past three months while touring America to promote the film. Sunny plays a young Saroo Brierley, who was separated from his biological mother aged five before being adopted by Australian parents. The film, based on Brierley's autobiography, A Long Way Home, has received international acclaim, including six Academy Award nominations and two Bafta wins.

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UK ignoring £323m annual impact of Brexit on poorest nations, report warns

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 04:01 PM PST

Overseas Development Institute says UK has moral duty to avoid harming people in developing countries, which will lose out if existing export terms end

The British government has given little consideration to Brexit's impact on poor countries that are reliant on the UK to create jobs and reduce poverty, according to a leading thinktank.

Least developed countries including Malawi and Bangladesh stand to lose £323m annually if existing preferential trade terms are not secured by the UK, a report by the London-based Overseas Development Institute (ODI) warns.

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Fact check: what did Trump's tweets about Obama's 'wiretaps' mean?

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 12:10 PM PST

Trump accuses former president of illegal wiretapping – claims that appear to be based on rumors circulating in rightwing media about a 'silent coup'

On Saturday morning, without presenting evidence, Donald Trump accused former president Barack Obama of illegal wiretapping. Using Twitter, the president also mounted a defense of his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, and his meetings with the Russian ambassador.

Related: Trump's evidence-free wiretap claim follows rightwing Obama 'coup' stories

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Out of control? Or is Trump's tweeting designed to distract?

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 09:33 AM PST

Under pressure over links to Russia, the presidential thumbs twitched and out came an extraordinary charge against Obama – but we've seen such tactics before

Finding a rational explanation in Donald Trump's politics is much like seeing a pattern in a Rorschach splodge of ink. Most people stare into the random eruptions and see whatever they want to project on to the 45th president of the United States.

The process began again on Saturday morning, after Trump tweeted a claim, without accompanying evidence, that Barack Obama had "had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower" before the election in November.

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How Trump lambasted Obama – and Obama trashed Trump

Posted: 04 Mar 2017 06:48 AM PST

The president has not held back in criticising his predecessor – but it has not been a one-way street

Among Donald Trump's striking claims that Barack Obama "wire tapped" his New York Office during the 2016 presidential campaign, was a personal attack on the former president. Obama was, the new president insisted, "a bad (or sick) guy!"

It is the kind of ad hominem assault typical of Trump's campaigning style, and not the first time he has taken aim at Obama. Here are few more of the president's declarations about his predecessor:

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