World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Somali citizens count cost of surge in US airstrikes under Trump

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

The Guardian has investigated scores of reports of US-led strikes targeting al-Shabaab, which have risen to unprecedented levels

Dozens of civilians have been killed and wounded in Somalia as US-led airstrikes against Islamist militants increase to unprecedented levels, a Guardian investigation has found, raising fears that Washington's actions could bolster support for extremists.

The escalation in strikes is part of the Trump administration's broader foreign policy strategy in Africa and the Middle East. There have been 34 US airstrikes in Somalia in the last six months – at least twice the total for the whole of 2016.

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Angela Merkel braces for intensive negotiations in German coalition talks

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST

Chancellor welcomes SPD vote to begin negotiations but both sides have vocal doubters

Angela Merkel has welcomed the Social Democrats' decision to enter into formal coalition talks, even as the party's leader signalled he would try to wring concessions from her before putting the final deal to members in a postal ballot.

"The path for coalition negotiations is now clear," said the German chancellor, appearing relieved after the SPD's vote on the issue on Sunday. She said she would strive to create an economically stable government and would prioritise social justice and security.

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Hugh Masekela, South African jazz trumpeter, dies aged 78

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:33 AM PST

Man known as father of South African jazz had career spanning more than five decades

From the archive video interview: When I look at the time left, I have to hurry up

Hugh Masekela, the legendary South African jazz musician, has died aged 78.

A statement from the trumpeter's family said Masekela "passed peacefully" in Johannesburg, where he lived and worked for much of his life.

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Senate passes short-term funding bill to end government shutdown

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 06:26 PM PST

The three-day government shutdown is over, as Donald Trump signed a short-term spending bill that would provide a temporary respite from the crisis until 8 February.

The official end to the shutdown came on Monday night after Senate Democrats voted to fund the government for three weeks in exchange for a promise of a future Senate vote on immigration. The compromise broke the standoff over the fate of Dreamers, undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children.

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Congo steps up deadly crackdown after more protests against Kabila

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

Clergy among hundreds detained as Catholic church leads call for president to step down

Hundreds of people have been arrested in a wide-ranging crackdown in the Democratic Republic of the Congo after fresh protests against the continued rule of President Joseph Kabila.

Security forces shot dead at least six people and wounded dozens more as they fired teargas to disperse demonstrations organised by the Catholic church on Sunday. Among the victims was a woman who had wanted to become a nun, local media reported. The detained include at least a dozen priests and nuns.

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Turkey's preoccupation with Syrian Kurds could spell disaster for US | Patrick Wintour

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

The west cannot afford to lose Ankara's role as a countervailing force to a Russian-imposed peace

The US, Britain and France have all strongly criticised the Turkish invasion of northern Syria, but the three countries have so far been unwilling to instruct their Nato partner to pull back.

The low-key stance urging Turkey to minimise casualties probably means Ankara can press ahead with its attempts to drive the Syrian Kurds out of Afrin province in north-west Syria.

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Sweden summons Chinese ambassador over 'kidnapping' of Gui Minhai

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 07:00 PM PST

Sweden's foreign minister says the situation has worsened since the bookseller was taken by police while travelling on a train to Beijing

Sweden has summoned China's ambassador to Stockholm to explain the dramatic snatching of a Swedish bookseller as he travelled to Beijing with two European diplomats.

Gui Minhai, 53, was taken on Saturday by about 10 plainclothes officers as his train stopped at a station outside the Chinese capital. His current whereabouts is unknown.

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Japan: fatal avalanche engulfs skiers after volcano erupts

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:10 AM PST

Falling rocks from Kusatsu-Shirane, north-west of Tokyo, leave one dead and 12 injured

A member of Japan's self-defence forces died and around a dozen skiers were injured after a volcano erupted near a ski resort, triggering an avalanche and sending rocks raining down on the slopes.

The skiers were injured when they became trapped by the avalanche or were hit by falling volcanic rocks from Mount Kusatsu-Shirane, according to local media. Five were seriously injured, but none was in a critical condition, rescuers said.

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Netflix valuation breaks $100bn for first time

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:27 PM PST

Video streaming service announces it added 8.33m subscribers in final three months of 2017, including 6.36m internationally

New subscribers drawn in by shows including Stranger Things, Bright and The Crown helped push the valuation of Netflix past $100bn on Monday for the first time.

Releasing its latest quarterly figures the video streaming service announced it had added 8.33 million subscribers in the three months to the end of December.

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Chelsea Manning says she attended far-right pro-Trump event 'to gather intel'

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:48 PM PST

Former whistleblower pictured at party thrown by conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich, but she insists it was purely for intelligence gathering

Chelsea Manning, the former whistleblower who is now running for the US Senate, is defending herself against accusations that she has forged links with the far right after she appeared at a pro-Trump party thrown by notorious conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich.

Related: Chelsea Manning: 'I'm a very different person than I was 10 years ago'

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Rupert Murdoch tells Facebook: pay 'trusted' publishers for their content

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:42 PM PST

Amid policy changes at social network, media mogul criticizes it for failing to 'adequately reward' publishers that add value and integrity

Rupert Murdoch issued a new salvo in the row between Facebook and news publishers on Monday, calling on the social media company to pay publishers for their content.

"If Facebook wants to recognize 'trusted' publishers then it should pay those publishers a carriage fee similar to the model adopted by cable companies," the News Corp chairman said in a statement. "The publishers are obviously enhancing the value and integrity of Facebook through their news and content but are not being adequately rewarded for those services."

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Venice authorities step in after four tourists charged £1,000 for meal

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:18 AM PST

Quartet of Japanese tourists ordered steak, grilled fish and water and were charged €1,100 in restaurant

The police chief and mayor of Venice have pledged action after four Japanese tourists said they were presented with a bill of €1,100 (£970) for four steaks and a plate of mixed grilled fish, washed down with water.

Another three women in the same group suspected they might be taken for a ride at the restaurant near St Mark's Square and ate elsewhere, the Ansa news agency reported, but still ended up paying €350 (£308) for three dishes of seafood pasta.

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Canadian climate science faces crisis that may be felt globally, scientists warn

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 02:20 PM PST

In a letter to Justin Trudeau, 250 scientists highlight their concern over the imminent end of a research program to better understand climate change

Canadian climate science is facing a looming crisis whose repercussions could be felt far beyond the country's borders, hundreds of scientists have warned, after the Canadian government failed to renew the country's only dedicated funding program for climate and atmospheric research.

Related: Indigenous Canadians face a crisis as climate change eats away island home

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Jimmy Carr criticised for saying New Zealand city needs earthquake to look better

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:11 PM PST

Comedian branded insensitive for tweet that Dunedin, the country's oldest city, would benefit from a rebuild

British comedian Jimmy Carr has caused offence in New Zealand by suggesting the country's oldest city – Dunedin – could be improved by an earthquake.

The comedian has been touring the country and last night performed in Dunedin, on the lower east coast of the South Island.

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Mashhad in the spotlight: inequality plagues Iran's holy city

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:42 AM PST

Rampant development has emphasised a widening social gap in Mashhad, the starting point of last year's anti-government protests

The wave of anti-government protests in Iran at the end of December began in one of the country's conservative strongholds: its second city, Mashhad. Site of the huge Imam Reza shrine that draws more than 20 million Shia pilgrims a year, the city's population has ballooned to around 3 million in recent years. After a proposed modernisation of the area around the shrine complex by architect Dariush Borbor was abandoned following the Islamic revolution, rampant development in the last two decades may have helped aggravate social forces hitting the streets today.

It's been rumoured that hardline rivals to Iran's reformist president Hassan Rouhani orchestrated the street protests from their nationalist-religious base of Mashhad. Azar Tashakor, a 50-year-old urban sociologist whose father made pilgrimages to the city and who later studied there, thinks this underestimates a widening social gap.

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Italy elections: as left splinters, Berlusconi waits in wings

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

The only thing pundits can agree on is the ruling Democratic party seems headed for a humiliating defeat

Ask anyone in Italy about who might be sitting at the head of government in Palazzo Chigi following national elections on 4 March and the answer is a collective shrug of the shoulder.

Silvio Berlusconi, the former prime minister and master of reinvention, has portrayed the centre-right coalition he leads as a safe pair of hands against the insurgency of the populist Five Star Movement, which has the overwhelming support of young voters but a dismal track record in municipal governments.

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National Grid criticises Ofgem over Hinkley Point C proposals

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:28 AM PST

Company says regulator's plans are 'disappointing' and its claim of £100m savings is too high

National Grid has hit out at Ofgem's proposals over an £800m project to connect the Hinkley Point C power station to the electricity network, saying they put investment in the UK energy sector at risk.

The Hinkley Seabank plan is an essential overhaul of the power network to send electricity from the new plant in Somerset – which will meet 7% of the UK's demand – to the rest of the country.

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Hammond dismisses Johnson's talk of post-Brexit NHS dividend

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 01:02 AM PST

Foreign secretary calls for more funds but chancellor says economy is suffering

Economic confidence is suffering due to the UK's impending withdrawal from the EU, Philip Hammond has said, as he pointedly knocked down demands from Boris Johnson for a "Brexit dividend" for the NHS, in a sign of growing divisions within the government.

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Key players in the US government shutdown: who came out on top?

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:00 PM PST

Both parties claim to have emerged from negotiations with the upper hand, but did they? Here's how leaders on either side fared

A three-day shutdown of the federal government came to an end on Monday, as lawmakers in Washington reached a compromise that funded the government through 8 February and reauthorized a popular children's health insurance program.

Related: Senate passes short-term funding bill to end government shutdown

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Brazil braces for corruption appeal that could make or break ex-president

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:01 AM PST

Civil unrest expected as Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, still hugely popular despite corruption conviction, fights to stay in upcoming election race

Brazil is bracing for a historic court decision which could remove the most popular leader in modern Brazilian history from an election he is currently poised to win – and may prove devastating to the leftwing Workers' party he founded.

Nerves are stretched taut ahead of Wednesday's appeals court decision, in which three judges will decide whether or not to uphold the conviction of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on corruption and money laundering charges.

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Sydney former public servant charged with sending $30,000 to Isis

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:36 PM PST

Linda Merhi, 40, appears in court charged with five counts of making funds available to a terrorist organisation

A former federal public servant has appeared in a Sydney court over allegations she transferred more than $30,000 to fund the terrorism of Islamic State.

Linda Merhi, 40, was arrested by the New South Wales joint counter-terrorism team at Parramatta early on Tuesday.

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Thai seafood: are the prawns on your plate still fished by slaves?

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:00 AM PST

Report finds trafficking persists on Thai fishing boats, as campaigners challenge retailers to guarantee products are free of rights abuses

Thailand's billion-dollar seafood export industry remains infested with human rights abuses despite government pledges to stamp out slavery in its fishing industry, according to research by Human Rights Watch.

Four years after damning revelations of chattel slavery aboard Thai fishing boats linked to seafood exported and sold by major retailers around the world, a report says that rights violations in one of Thailand's major export industries continue unabated, including forced labour and widespread human trafficking.

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North Korea tops list of world's most neglected humanitarian crises

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 10:30 PM PST

Study says country's severe food shortages are ignored by global media, with emergencies in Eritrea and Burundi similarly overlooked

The deepening humanitarian emergency in North Korea is the least reported in the world, according to a study that measures media coverage of crises across the globe.

While insults traded between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un dominated headlines, North Korea's severe food shortages, estimated to have left two in five of its population undernourished, received little attention from the world's news outlets, the report said.

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US air wars under Trump: increasingly indiscriminate, increasingly opaque

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

Lack of transparency over looser rules of engagement is hallmark of administration, writes Julian Borger

The escalating air war in Somalia is part of a global pattern of an ever broader and unfettered use of air power that has it roots in the Obama administration but which has been spurred on and expanded under Donald Trump.

In the first year of his presidency, Trump has gone out of his way to claim credit for the defeats inflicted on Islamic State, attributing it to his loosening of constraints on his generals.

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The 'hardass', the 'racist' and the 'crazy uncle': how the first Daca deal derailed

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 11:26 AM PST

John Kelly and Stephen Miller were responsible for walking Trump back from a deal on Friday, renewing concerns about White House proxy power

Pundits have labeled them the "hardass", the "racist nativist" and the "crazy uncle in the attic".

Related: Government shutdown: Democrats back bill to end deadlock

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Let's call the pro-lifers what they are: pro-death

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:00 AM PST

On the 45th anniversary of Roe v Wade, it's time to highlight a hidden truth: restricting abortion means more maternal deaths

Ever since the anti-abortion movement claimed the "pro-life" label in the 1970s, the battle over reproductive rights has taken an apocalyptic tone. If the anti-abortion side is pro-life, then the other side – the millions of women who rally every January to keep abortion legal and safe – must be composed of the gaunt, gray-winged handmaidens of death.

This polarizing rhetoric turns every clash between the two sides into a prelude to Armageddon, the final showdown between life and death, good and evil. When charged with caring only for life in its fetal form, the anti-abortion side hoists its mythological claim that abortion is a risk factor for breast cancer, lifelong depression and suicide. Thus they can say that they do not only save fetal lives, but the lives of the women who carry these fetuses.

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Stormy reception for Mike Pence's speech to Knesset in Israel – video

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 03:05 PM PST

The American vice-president, Mike Pence, said in a speech to the Israeli parliament that the US embassy in Israel would move to Jerusalem by the end of 2019. Pence's speech was briefly disrupted by Israeli Arab parliament members who held up protest signs in Arabic and English, reading 'Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine' before being ejected by ushers. Pence responded by saying with a smile: 'It is deeply humbling for me to stand before this vibrant democracy.'

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'In a few hours the government will reopen,' says Chuck Schumer in Senate speech – video

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:08 PM PST

US senators voted to move forward on legislation that would reopen the federal government until 8 February, ending a three-day standoff between Democrats and President Donald Trump's Republicans over immigration and border security. Funding legislation cleared a procedural hurdle in the Senate and was expected to pass a full Senate vote promptly, allowing the government to reopen. The shutdown, which began on the first anniversary of Trump's inauguration, threatened to undercut the president's self-crafted image as a dealmaker who would repair the broken culture in Washington

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White House records new voicemail message blaming Democrats for shutdown – video

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 04:28 AM PST

A message on the public comment line now says: 'Unfortunately, we cannot answer your call today, because congressional Democrats are holding government funding, including funding for our troops and other national security priorities, hostage to an unrelated immigration debate'

US shutdown: White House phone message blames Democrats

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