World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Government shutdown: Republicans float minor immigration deal to end 'Dreamers' deadlock

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:24 PM PST

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell says that if Democrats agree to stopgap funding he will allow immigration reform vote

The US government shutdown edged closer to a resolution on Sunday night after a minor concession from the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, who said he would allow a vote on immigration reform in February if Democrats agree to fund the government. However, one Democratic source cautioned that no deal had been reached.

McConnell's proposal represented the fruit of a bipartisan effort among moderates in both parties to resolve the shutdown, which began at midnight on Saturday.

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Inequality gap widens as 42 people hold same wealth as 3.7bn poorest

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

Oxfam calls for action on gap as wealthiest people gather at World Economic Forum in Davos

The development charity Oxfam has called for action to tackle the growing gap between rich and poor as it launched a new report showing that 42 people hold as much wealth as the 3.7 billion who make up the poorest half of the world's population.

In a report published on Monday to coincide with the gathering of some of the world's richest people at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Oxfam said billionaires had been created at a record rate of one every two days over the past 12 months, at a time when the bottom 50% of the world's population had seen no increase in wealth. It added that 82% of the global wealth generated in 2017 went to the most wealthy 1%.

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Rohingya Muslims' repatriation to Myanmar postponed

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:53 PM PST

Bangladeshi agreement to send back members of abused minority, due to begin on Tuesday, is on hold

The gradual repatriation of more than 650,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees to Myanmar from Bangladesh has been postponed amid widespread fears that refugees would be forced to return, a Bangladeshi official has said.

"The main thing is that the process has to be voluntary," said Abul Kalam, the refugee and repatriation commissioner, on Monday. He added that paperwork for returning refugees had not yet been finalised and transit camps had yet to be built in Bangladesh. The repatriation had been due to begin on Tuesday. It was not immediately clear when the process would now start.

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Kabul hotel attack: guests 'sprayed with bullets as they ran'

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:00 AM PST

Witnesses describe scenes of terror at Intercontinental hotel during attack that killed at least 22 people

Witnesses to a terrorist rampage at a luxury Kabul hotel have described guests being sprayed with bullets as they ran, whole floors engulfed in flames and a security team that fled "without a fight" from gunmen in army uniforms.

Thick smoke billowed from Kabul's Intercontinental hotel on Sunday as Afghan and western security forces regained control of the building after a 14-hour siege involving dozens of hostages including foreigners. Some guests tried to escape the carnage and a later fire by using bed sheets to climb down from balconies.

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Drug violence blamed for Mexico's record 29,168 murders in 2017

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:25 AM PST

Homicide rate surpasses that from peak year of country's drug war in 2011, official figures show

Mexico recorded more than 29,000 murders in 2017, the highest annual tally in decades, government figures have shown.

The country has struggled with years of violence as the state has battled drug cartels that have increasingly splintered into smaller, more bloodthirsty gangs.

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Fans pay tribute to Dolores O’Riordan in Limerick

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 08:14 AM PST

Thousands gather at St Joseph's Church to pay their respects to Irish pop star and Cranberries lead singer

Thousands have gathered in Limerick to remember the life of the Cranberries frontwoman Dolores O'Riordan, who died last week in London.

Fans young and old, many clutching white roses and daffodils, streamed into St Joseph's church in the city for a public reposal on Sunday.

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Germany's SPD gives cautious green light to Merkel coalition talks

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 09:38 AM PST

Martin Schulz's speech greeted with sarcastic applause and ovations for party leader's critics

Germany has inched a step closer to forming a new government after the centre-left Social Democratic party (SPD) gave its lukewarm endorsement for a renewed Angela Merkel-led "grand coalition".

At a special SPD congress in Bonn that welcomed a speech by the party's leader, Martin Schulz, with sarcastic applause and saw standing ovations for his fiercest critics, 56% of the party's delegates voted in favour of moving on to the second and final stage of coalition talks with Merkel's centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

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Turkey starts ground incursion into Kurdish-controlled Afrin in Syria

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 03:20 AM PST

Move follows intense aerial bombardment of enclave, with Kurdish militias shelling Turkish border province in response

Turkey said it had begun a ground incursion into the Kurdish enclave in Syria known as Afrin a day after intense aerial bombardment that signalled the opening of hostilities in a new phase of Ankara's involvement in the war across the border.

Related: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's risky gamble could quickly turn sour | Simon Tisdall

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Italians asked to report fake news to police in run-up to election

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 06:56 AM PST

Online service launched for flagging up instances as concern grows about rise of phenomenon

The Italian government has launched an online service aimed at cracking down on fake news, which experts say has become an increasingly worrying phenomenon in the country.

People can report what they think might be fake news via a "red button" system on the website of Italy's postal police, the division that tackles online crime.

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The big dig: how the high cost of land is forcing Hong Kong into caverns

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:15 PM PST

With the highest house prices in the world, and most of its land unbuildable, the city has found a new way to expand – by moving facilities into caves in the mountains

There is a particular bridge in Hong Kong that offers spectacular views: the mouth of a river on one side, and near-identical rows of white apartment blocks and mountains on the other.

No matter where you look, though, you can't escape the stench of sewage. It wafts up from the treatment plant at Sha Tin, originally built on the city's fringe but now very much part of Hong Kong, as relentless development has pushed the city outward.

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The Big Burns Supper – in pictures

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:00 AM PST

Dumfries celebrates the birth of Robert Burns with dance, theatre, live art and comedy, turning Burns Night into a festival of contemporary arts

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Carles Puigdemont: new bid to arrest Catalan ex-president

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:39 AM PST

Spanish prosecutors ask court to reactivate international warrant as he flies to Denmark

Spanish prosecutors have asked the country's supreme court to reactivate the international arrest warrant for Carles Puigdemont after the deposed Catalan president flew to Denmark from Belgium. He has been living in Brussels for the past three months following the regional parliament's unilateral declaration of independence.

Puigdemont, who fled to Brussels at the end of October after being sacked by the Spanish government, is facing possible charges of rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds over his role in the push to split from Spain. He faces arrest the moment he sets foot on Spanish soil.

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UK Home Office tells stateless man: go home

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 10:07 PM PST

Kafkaesque case sees man unable to stay in UK, but with no home country to return to

A man who has been stateless for 31 years has been denied protection in the UK after the Home Office refused to accept he was originally from Palestine, despite advising him to return there on two occasions.

Mohammed Al-Mustafa, 36, left Palestine at the age of five with his parents after his brother was killed. They did not have identity documents and he has lived without legal status in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Italy and France before arriving in the UK in 2010. His parents have both since died.

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UK aid package to drought-hit Kenya to end in 2024

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

Kenyan government to take control of cash transfer scheme hailed as a success by minister

British funding of a 10-year-old aid package to drought-hit communities in Kenya is to end in 2024 as part of a new economic partnership with the country, the international development secretary has told the Guardian.

The £143m programme, which has helped 600,000 vulnerable people in emergencies via direct cash transfers – a system criticised by some Conservatives as the equivalent of exporting the dole – is the first UK aid project of its kind which will be wholly taken over by a government in Africa.

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'I really will': the stars who didn't move to Canada when Trump won

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:00 AM PST

Snoop Dogg and Lena Dunham were among a host of celebrities who pledged to move north under a Donald Trump presidency – yet stayed put

It is a longstanding tradition of American politics: at some stage in the electoral cycle, prominent citizens from the world of art and entertainment declare that if their preferred candidate is not victorious, they will move to Canada.

In the last presidential campaign, the threat – or promise – started to surface during early in the primaries. And this time, as Donald Trump pledged to build a wall along the Mexican border and temporarily ban Muslims from the country, it seemed some might actually follow through.

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Philippines raises alert level after explosion at Mount Mayon volcano

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:28 AM PST

Officials say eruption could be imminent as volcano sends up lava fragments, ash and steam

The Philippines' most active volcano has exploded thunderously, sending a huge grey column of lava fragments, ash and steam into the sky and prompting authorities to warn that a violent eruption may be imminent.

The noon explosion sent superheated lava, molten rocks and steam cascading down Mount Mayon's slopes and shrouded nearby villages in darkness, said Renato Solidum of the Philippine Institute of Seismology and Volcanology and other officials.

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New dig planned in hunt for missing Beaumont children

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 12:49 AM PST

Fresh excavation behind an Adelaide factory will begin in the next few weeks, detectives say

South Australia's most enduring cold case is set to be revisited, with police confirming a new dig site for the bodies of the missing Beaumont children.

Investigations into the 1966 disappearance of nine-year-old Jane, seven-year-old Arnna and four-year-old Grant have led detectives to an area at the back of an Adelaide factory.

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Trump's 'global gag rule': how women are fighting back – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 11:00 PM PST

One year after Donald Trump reinstated a ban on US aid funding for overseas organisations that provide abortion services, opposition is mounting. Rallying under the banner She Decides, women around the world have united to bridge the funding gap created by the US president's expanded version of the 'global gag rule', which has already forced the closure of hundreds of clinics that provided life-saving family planning services

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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's risky gamble could quickly turn sour | Simon Tisdall

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:14 AM PST

Turkish president defies Russia, the US and Bashar al-Assad with assault on Kurds in Syria

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's Kurdish vendetta has taken a dramatic new twist with the cross-border ground assault on the Afrin enclave in north-west Syria.

Defying Russia, the US, and Bashar al-Assad's regime, Turkey's headstrong president is betting on a decisive victory over Syrian Kurd forces. But his risky gamble could quickly turn sour.

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Galicia’s Floury Sunday – in pictures

Posted: 22 Jan 2018 01:00 AM PST

Domingo Fareleiro (Floury Sunday) takes place annually in Xinzo de Limia, Spain, in a unique celebration that gives the starting signal for a long festive period known as Entroido, or Carnival

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US government shutdown continues into third day – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 08:32 PM PST

The Senate has inched closer to ending a partisan stalemate that has shut the US federal government, after a minor concession from the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell. However, no agreement was reached late on Sunday to reopen the government by the beginning of the working week

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Schumer calls Trump 'dysfunctional' as government shutdown enters day two – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 05:05 PM PST

Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer blames the US president, Donald Trump, for the government shutdown in Washington DC. Branding it the 'Trump Shutdown', Schumer says the president walked away from two bipartisan deals

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Taliban claim responsibility for Kabul hotel attack – video report

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 06:25 AM PST

At least 18 people have been killed in an attack on a luxury hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan. Gunmen, who were reportedly wearing suicide vests, entered the hotel on Saturday evening and began shooting before taking a number of staff and guests hostage. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack

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Thousands rally across US one year after Women’s March – video report

Posted: 21 Jan 2018 04:40 AM PST

Tens of thousands of women turned out across the US on Saturday to mark the first anniversary of the Women's March, when millions rallied to demonstrate their unhappiness with the election of Donald Trump. Chanting slogans including 'This is what democracy looks like' and 'Donald Trump has got to go' many attendees wore pink 'pussy' hats in what has become a symbol of the movement

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