World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

New York apartment fire: at least 12 people killed in Bronx

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:08 AM PST

Infant among the dead and several more residents critically injured in disaster at a five-storey building

Investigators in New York searched early on Friday for the cause of a blaze that ripped through an apartment building in the Bronx, killing 12 people including an infant, in the city's deadliest fire in at least a quarter of a century.

Bill de Blasio, the New York mayor, said the blaze "will rank as one of the worst losses of life to a fire in many, many years" as he spoke to reporters at the scene.

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Ex-footballer George Weah to become Liberia’s president

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:36 AM PST

Election commission says Weah defeated vice-president Joseph Boakai to win election runoff with 61.5% of the vote

The former football star George Weah has won Liberia's presidential election, defeating the vice-president, Joseph Boakai, in a runoff with 61.5% of the vote.

Thursday's announcement by the country's election commission chair, Jerome Korkoyah, means Weah will succeed Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as Liberia's president next month, after an election fraught with accusations of fraud and irregularities. It will be the country's first democratic transition since 1944 and follows two devastating civil wars.

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All aboard the Love Train: young, single New Zealanders on a romantic quest

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:03 PM PST

Once every two years the rural town of Middlemarch holds a singles' ball attracting hundreds of young people from across the country looking for love

As the train chugs across the Taieri Plains, female hips clad in sequins press against male thighs in polyester suits. The carriages sway unpredictably, flinging young revellers randomly together in the narrow aisles.

The men are drunk, but not yet in full casanova mode, and the women – giggly, peacocky, beautiful – scamper out of their reach, smiles stirring faintly with attraction.

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Mumbai fire: at least 15 dead after blaze breaks out in restaurant

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:40 PM PST

The fire quickly spread from the top floor of the four-storey building in India's financial and entertainment capital

At least 15 people have been killed and more than 50 injured in a fire that broke out in a restaurant in Mumbai early on Friday.

The fire quickly spread from the top-floor restaurant through a four-storey building, said fire official Balkrishna Kadam.

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The abortion activist touring Ireland to win over hearts and minds

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

Caoimhe Anglin hopes to persuade voters to support abolition of eighth amendment that grants a foetus Irish citizenship

A young computer engineer is embarking on a tour of Ireland in 2018 to convince voters to support changes to the abortion law, as the country prepares for a referendum on repealing its ban on the procedure in almost all circumstances.

Caoimhe Anglin's journey through every Irish county pitches her into the heart of a battle between secularism and traditional Catholicism.

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Vanity Fair under fire for urging Hillary Clinton to quit politics and knit instead

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:59 AM PST

The magazine posted a series of videos suggesting satirical New Year resolutions for Clinton and Sarah Sanders, among others, drawing ire across the internet

Vanity Fair became embroiled in a social media storm over a video in which Hillary Clinton was urged to quit politics for knitting – an attempted joke that backfired even before it drew a bizarre tweet from Donald Trump.

Related: Evangelical Christians 'uncritical' in support for Trump, UK bishop says

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Saudi-led airstrikes kill 68 civilians in one day of Yemen's 'absurd' war

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:45 AM PST

United Nations condemns mounting casualties after intensive air campaigns and says conflict has no military solution

Sixty-eight Yemeni civilians were killed in two air raids by the Saudi-led coalition in one day, the UN's humanitarian coordinator in Yemen has said, as he condemned what he described as "an absurd and futile war".

Jamie McGoldrick's unusually direct criticism came in an update citing initial reports from the UN human rights office of the two strikes earlier this week. The first hit a crowded market in Taez province, killing 54 civilians, including eight children, and wounding 32 others, McGoldrick said. The second was in the Red Sea province of Hodeidah and killed 14 people from the same family.

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Robert Mugabe's retirement package: 20 staff, private air travel and a fleet of cars

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:37 PM PST

Details of generous deal to cede power come after it was reported the former Zimbabwe president would receive a $10m 'bonus'

Zimbabwe's ousted president Robert Mugabe will get a residence, a car fleet and private air travel as part of a new government-funded retirement package for former leaders, according to state media.

Mugabe will also be entitled to at least 20 staffers including six personal security guards, all paid for from state coffers, according to details of the benefits published in The Herald newspaper.

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'A special place for Luxembourgish': Grand Duchy's native language enjoys renaissance

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:23 AM PST

Luxembourg's government has a 40-point action plan to build on the renewed popularity of its national tongue, traditionally spoken at home

The brilliant autumn sun is streaming into the classroom, as students wander in. Bonjour, Gudde Moien, says the teacher, Luc Schmitz. It is 8am on Monday morning and people from at least a dozen countries are here to take one of this school's most popular language courses: Luxembourgish.

Despite gloomy predictions, more and more people want to speak the language, which has been on Unesco's list of endangered languages since 2010. At Luxembourg's National Institute of Languages, where Schmitz teaches, enrolments are up. According to Luxembourg's ministry of culture, more than 6,500 adults were enrolled on Luxembourgish courses in 2016-17, twice the number a decade ago.

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Justine Damond shooting: prosecutor delays decision on charging police officer

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:35 PM PST

  • Mike Freeman had promised decision by end of the year
  • Minneapolis officer Mohamed Noor shot Australian Damond on 15 July

A Minnesota prosecutor said on Thursday he needs more time to decide whether to charge a police officer who fatally shot an Australian woman who called 911 for help.

Related: Justine Damond's family say investigation into fatal shooting may have been botched

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Turkey: where pampered cats are top dog

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:07 AM PST

A nation split along fault lines of national identity, religion and ethnicity is united by one thing: a love of felines

Selim can often be spotted surveying his neighbourhood, a stone's throw away from the Galata tower and down the hill from bustling İstiklal avenue. He looks content, his expanding belly and long orange hair neatly combed.

A resident of historic Istanbul, he endures with mild distaste the tourists who every day photograph him as he mills about in his shop, a handmade leather store called Moria.

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2017's top business stories: Ryanair crisis, hackers and a giant rabbit

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:57 AM PST

Our most-read stories of the year also include 'pretentious' Whole Foods and the Bank of England's Brexit forecasting gaffe

The rich got richer and the poor piled on more debt as shockwaves from the Brexit vote continued to reverberate in 2017.

Billionaire George Soros dismissed Donald Trump as a "con-man", while Britain's biggest chicken supplier was revealed to have been fiddling its food safety records.

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2017 and the curious demise of Europe's centre-left

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

Across Europe this year, traditional centre-left parties lost out to new forces, of the left, the right and sometimes the centre. What's behind this historic shift, and is Britain's really immune? Jon Henley explains

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Britain braced for heavy snow after one of coldest nights of 2017

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:50 AM PST

Forecasters warn of travel disruption and power outages as band of severe icy weather moves in from east

One of the last nights of 2017 was also one of the coldest as temperatures reached as low as -12.C (9.8F) on Thursday night. And the UK is braced for more wintry weather on Friday, with forecasts of heavy snow, as well as ice and strong winds.

The lowest temperature was recorded at Loch Glascarnoch in the Highlands, while most parts of the UK dipped below freezing, leaving widespread ice a potential hazard as the country gets moving on Friday morning. The disruption came early in Scotland, where snow forced the closure of Glasgow airport.

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From parasite architects to pseudo-public space: 2017's best Cities stories

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:30 PM PST

The numbers are in for our 15 best-read stories of the year. Now's the time to check if you missed any – and let us know what you want us to cover in 2018

The 15 most popular Guardian Cities stories published in 2017 featured cities in Spain, the US, China, Japan, Norway and Great Britain – among other countries.

Catch up with the best-read items of urban journalism you might have missed this year, and help us get a head start on the year to come: what stories, from which cities, should we tell in 2018? Leave your ideas in the comments.

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Israel drought: minister rallies thousands to pray for relief

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:45 PM PST

Uri Ariel works with rabbis to bring worshippers to Western Wall as country struggles with long-running water shortage

With technology coming up short, Israel's agriculture minister sought an unconventional solution on Thursday to end the country's water shortage: rallying a few thousand worshippers at Jerusalem's Western Wall to pray for rain.

Related: Food ruined by drought could feed more than 80m a day, says World Bank

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South Africa parliament failed to hold Zuma to account, court rules

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:53 AM PST

Constitutional court says proceedings must be launched that could remove scandal-stricken president from office

South Africa's constitutional court has ruled that parliament failed to hold President Jacob Zuma to account over a scandal related to state-funded upgrades to his home and must launch proceedings that could remove him from office.

The ruling is the latest judicial setback for Zuma, who has faced widespread public demands to step down before a general election in 2019. It was not immediately clear what steps parliament would take.

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Experience: I was crushed by a log

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:00 AM PST

Four waves crashed and receded, pushing the log over my thighs, hips and waist like a giant rolling pin

After six months apart, my ex-boyfriend, Chris, and I decided to spend Christmas 2007 together, just the two of us. We wanted to see if our relationship could be rekindled.

We headed to Tofino on Vancouver Island, which is the ideal getaway. Remote and rugged, its sandy beaches and rocky headlands are pounded by the Pacific.

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Chinese mall unveils #TrumpDog statue to celebrate year of the dog

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:55 PM PST

The canine statue sports a frown, an index finger pointing straight up and Trump's signature hairstyle, rendered in gold

As China prepares to ring in the Lunar New Year, one shopping mall has declared it the year of #TrumpDog, complete with a giant statue that bears a striking resemblance to the US president.

The statue sports a deep frown, an index finger pointing straight up and Trump's signature coiffure in what is believed to be his favourite colour, gold. The dog is also wearing a red kerchief, although it is significantly shorter than the power ties typically worn by the president.

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Crown Resorts agrees to $150m sale of CrownBet

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:07 AM PST

Entertainment group says it will offload its 62% stake in online betting site as part of a string of asset sales

Crown Resorts has agreed to the $150m sale of its majority stake in the bookmaker CrownBet and expects to complete the divestment by the end of February.

On Friday Crown said it had entered into an agreement for the sale of its 62% stake – along with loans advanced by it to CrownBet – to investors including the CrownBet chief executive, Matthew Tripp.

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The female guerrillas denied liberation long after Timor-Leste's war was won | Vincent Bevins

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:00 PM PST

Despite their bravery in the struggle against Indonesia for independence, Timorese women are still far from winning the battle for gender equality

Madalena Vidal Soares joined the armed resistance movement shortly after Indonesia invaded her country in 1975. She became active in its women's organisation, where she promoted equal rights and railed against domestic violence, forced prostitution and polygamy. The country was deeply patriarchal after hundreds of years of Portuguese colonial rule. She saw fighting for equality as a natural part of her struggle as a leftwing guerrilla.

In 2002, when a new, independent country was finally formed, the ascension of the rebels and their allies to power didn't automatically lead to women's liberation. Fifteen years later, there's still a lot of fighting to be done, she says.

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How the sun's rays can keep food chilled: fighting waste in Africa

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:52 AM PST

Two low-tech innovations for storing fruit and vegetables could help save some of the food that goes to waste in a continent where millions are hungry

Food waste in Africa is a serious issue. Half of all the fruit and vegetables produced there are thrown away, even though millions of people across the continent are going hungry.

Intermittent power supplies and poor storage facilities mean that staple foods – among them cereals, roots and tubers – are too often lost after being harvested, and before they arrive at market. According to the UN, if food wasted in Africa was saved instead, it could feed about 300 million people.

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Trump's world: his impact so far and what to watch in 2018

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:00 AM PST

The president's disregard or disdain for established US foreign policy has alarmed enemies and allies and got experts nervously shortening the odds on a major war

The Trump effect on international relations is likely to be studied for generations to come, but first we have to survive it. With the presidency sliding towards two major conflicts, that is no foregone conclusion.

Experts on nuclear weapons and the institutionalised madness of mutually assured destruction, are increasingly making nervous jokes about living outside the blast radius in Washington DC and not bothering to buy wines that age well.

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My vagina was badly injured after giving birth. Why was getting help so hard? | Christen Clifford

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:00 AM PST

My vagina tore when I had my first child, but it took five years before I got the medical attention I needed. I'm not the only one

Every time I see a woman walking down the street with a newborn, all I can think is, "Does she have a traumatized vagina?"

My vagina tore when I had my first child. Doctors I'd never met before sewed me up and refused to tell me how many stitches they'd put in. I healed, and when I had another child five years later, I tore in the same place.

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Australian adventurer Andrew Lock returns to Arctic Circle – video

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:07 PM PST

As the rest of the country relaxes into that comfortable space between Christmas and the new year, Andrew Lock is returning to the Arctic Circle with his expedition partner, Neil Ward, in an attempt to become the first to cross the Brooks Range in the depths of winter.

The planned 10-week, 1,600km expedition will be the second attempt for the pair. Almost 12 months ago a record-breaking cold snap, a foot infection and inadequate gear forced Lock and Ward to abandon their attempt just 10 days into the journey.

Before leaving, Lock sat down with Guardian Australia to discuss what went wrong, and why he is going back

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Bronx fire worst tragedy in 'quarter of a century' says New York mayor – video

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:05 PM PST

At least 12 people, including an infant, have died in a blaze at a Bronx apartment building on a freezing night, New York mayor Bill de Blasio says. Four others are critically injured. Witness Rafael Gonzalez says he saw flames and everybody panicking. By the time he got downstairs he said the fire had already spread to two more apartments.

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Dozens die in Isis suicide bombing in Kabul – video

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:28 AM PST

At least 41 people have been killed in an Isis suicide bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan, the latest in a series of attacks on media organisations. Sayed Abbas Hussaini, a journalist at the agency that was targeted, said there appeared to have been more than one explosion. He said one reporter was killed and two were wounded. TV images showed the devastation at the site, which also houses a Shia cultural centre

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2017 reloaded: key moments from the last 12 months – video

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:55 AM PST

A look back at some of the most impactful moments of the year, remixed by Swiss motion designer and music producer Cee-Roo

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