World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Minnie Driver: men like Matt Damon 'simply cannot understand what abuse is like'

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:19 AM PST

Actor calls former co-star's remarks about 'spectrum of behaviour' in sexual misconduct 'Orwellian' and questions defence of disgraced comedian Louis CK

The actor Minnie Driver has told the Guardian that men "simply cannot understand what abuse is like on a daily level" and should not therefore attempt to differentiate or explain sexual misconduct against women.

Related: What Salma Hayek's Weinstein story reveals about Hollywood power and pay

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Trump insists Republican tax cuts will make US economy 'rock'

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:20 AM PST

Donald Trump on Saturday defended the Republican tax cut as a good deal for the middle class and suggested – boldly – that it could lead to explosive economic growth, making the US economy "rock".

Related: Inequality on Apple's doorstep: how the GOP tax bill could worsen the divide

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Austrian president approves far-right Freedom party joining coalition government

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:17 AM PST

Leader Heinz-Christian Strache is made vice-chancellor and party will control foreign, interior and defence ministries

Austria has become the only western European state with a far-right presence in government after its president approved a controversial coalition deal.

Alexander Van der Bellen rubber-stamped the alliance between the conservative People's party and the far-right Freedom party on Saturday.

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Catalan left seeks socialist coalition as crucial election looms

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:05 PM PST

Regional Podemos leader vows new start with government representing 'pluri-national' population

"They say there are 40% in favour and 40% against independence, but what they don't say is that the progressive left makes up 60%." That was the message yesterday from Xavier Domènech, candidate for the leftwing Podemos party, as he addressed a packed outdoor meeting in Barcelona ahead of this week's defining election in Catalonia.

Speaking among palm trees and tower blocks in the working-class district of Nou Barris, Domènech called for a three-way left coalition made up of the pro-independence Esquerra Repúblicana (Republican Left), the Socialists and his own party, the Catalan version of Podemos, named Catalunya en Comú-Podem.

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Africa’s new elite force: women gunning for poachers and fighting for a better life

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:03 PM PST

Abused and disadvantaged mothers and daughters are being honed into a squad of sharpshooters to save wildlife in the Zambezi valley

The black metal of the AR-15 rifle has worn silvery and shiny in parts after years of use. More manageable than an AK-47 in close-quarter combat, the weapon is precise enough to bring down an enemy target at 500 metres. Used for decades by anti-poaching units throughout Africa, today this gun is not carried by a typical swaggering male field ranger; this one is cradled securely and proficiently by Vimbai Kumire. "This job is not meant just for men," she says, "but for everyone who is fit and strong."

Kumire is a 32-year-old single mother whose husband ran off with a younger woman while she was pregnant with her second child. She is practising setting up an ambush in the early morning in Zimbabwe's lower Zambezi Valley, nestling deep into the green undergrowth like a dappled shadow.

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Funeral of Palestinian amputee killed by Israeli fire takes place in Gaza

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:29 AM PST

Wheelchair user Abu Thuraya was shot dead by troops during protests against US recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital

The funeral has taken place of a Palestinian wheelchair user who was shot dead on Friday during a demonstration in the Gaza Strip against Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

The death of Ibrahim Abu Thuraya, 29, came as Trump administration officialsagain pre-empted negotiations over the disputed city's final status in comments about the Western Wall.

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Ex-wife of NBA star Lorenzen Wright charged with murder in his death

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:24 PM PST

  • Forward and center with 13-year NBA career was shot dead in July 2010
  • Sherra Wright arrested in California on fugitive from justice warrant

Authorities said on Saturday the ex-wife of former NBA player Lorenzen Wright has been charged with first-degree murder in his death more than seven years ago.

Memphis police director Michael Rallings said Sherra Wright had been charged in the death of her ex-husband, a Memphis native who played for five teams over 13 seasons as a forward and center.

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Australia's first same-sex marriages take place under special dispensation

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 02:01 PM PST

Wedding bells have rung for some same-sex couples this weekend, after they were allowed to get married without the 30-day waiting period

Wedding bells have rung for some same-sex couples this weekend, after special dispensation was given for them to get married without the required 30-day waiting period.

Lauren Price, 31, and Amy Laker, 29, exchanged vows in Sydney on Saturday after getting the waiver because their families were travelling from Wales to attend what was to have been their commitment ceremony.

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CDC banned words include 'diversity', 'transgender' and 'fetus' – report

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:40 AM PST

'Evidence-based' and 'vulnerable' also among words federal health watchdog told not to use by Trump administration, according to the Washington Post

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been told that words and phrases including "fetus", "diversity", "transgender" and "science-based" have been deemed inappropriate for use in budget reports.

Related: Bernie Sanders: Trump tax cuts a barely disguised reward for billionaire donors

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Ovid's exile to the remotest margins of the Roman empire revoked

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

Rome city council overturns banishment of 'one of the greatest poets' more than 2,000 years after Augustus forced him to leave

More than 2,000 years after Augustus banished him to deepest Romania, the poet Ovid has been rehabilitated.

Rome city council on Thursday unanimously approved a motion tabled by the populist M5S party to "repair the serious wrong" suffered by Ovid, thought of as one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature along with Virgil and Horace.

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Java earthquake kills at least three people and damages buildings

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:06 AM PST

Magnitude-6.5 quake on Indonesian island activates tsunami early warnings, prompting thousands to evacuate coastal areas

A powerful earthquake that struck the Indonesian island of Java has killed at least three people and caused damage to hundreds of buildings.

People ran into the street in panic in many areas and Indonesian television showed heavy traffic on roads as people fled coastal areas. There were also reports that buildings had collapsed in the city of Tasikmalaya in West Java.

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New evacuations ordered as California Thomas wildfire rages

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:40 AM PST

  • Third-largest wildfire in state history threatens 18,000 buildings
  • One firefighter has died in huge effort to contain the blaze

New evacuation orders were issued on Saturday in Santa Barbara County, California, as wind gusts up to 60mph pushed the third-largest wildfire in state history towards a wealthy enclave which is home to Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities.

Related: Wildfire that scorched Bel Air started in homeless camp – and residents fear backlash

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‘We only see politicians on TV’ – the district of Soweto in the ANC’s shadow

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:21 AM PST

While the party's delegates gather in Johannesburg to choose a new leader, residents of historic Kliptown are still waiting patiently for change

In Kliptown, morning comes early. By six o'clock, the South African summer sun is sending long shadows across the railway tracks, smoke is rising from the piles of flaming garbage, tinny gospel is blaring from a sound system, men are already drinking and Magdalene Masifako is cleaning her front step.

The 49-year-old part-time cleaner was born when the repressive apartheid regime was at its strongest and moved into her small two-bedroom home 23 years ago – the year white rule ended and the African National Congress (ANC), led by Nelson Mandela, came to power.

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Six dead in Birmingham crash involving six vehicles

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:25 AM PST

Seventh person critically injured in crash and subsequent pile-up near Edgbaston in early hours of morning

Six people have been killed and a seventh critically injured after a multi-vehicle crash in Birmingham in the early hours of Sunday morning.

West Midlands ambulance service said six cars, including a black cab, were involved in the collision in an underpass on Lee Bank Middleway at 1.10am.

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Simone Veil remembered by Robert Badinter

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:00 AM PST

13 July 1927 – 30 June 2017
The former justice minister and fellow Holocaust survivor recalls the French politician who became a symbol of forgiveness

• Johnny Hallyday remembered by Carla Bruni

Simone Veil and I were born just a few months apart, in the late 1920s. Both teenagers during the war, we shared the same sensibility and convictions even though we didn't belong to the same political family. But even more than I admire the politician, I admire the woman. I lost my father in the concentration camp of Sobibór but what she had to live through was much crueller. As I contemplate my own mortality, my esteem for her only grows.

Simone was 16 when she and her family were arrested and deported to Auschwitz. In January 1945, on the death march from the camp, her mother died in her arms. As for her father and brother, transferred to another camp, they never returned.

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Letters: Corbyn’s liking for Cuba has no relevance to Britain’s problems

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:05 PM PST

If Labour's moderates want to regain control they should engage on issues such as the NHS

Nick Cohen's excoriation of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour ("What would it take for Labour's members to revolt?", Comment, last week) begins with a kind of political algebra – that if we attack Donald Trump for apparently endorsing extreme rightwing groups, and communism has killed more people than fascism, then it follows that it must be worse to endorse extreme leftwing positions.

This misunderstands the nature of opposition to Trump's pandering to the alt-right and apparent endorsement of Britain First, which should be opposed not because those groups have fascist connotations, but because they promote segregation and hatred based on skin colour in our world today. There is no comparable impact in Corbyn's sympathy for Cuba.

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Republicans accused of concocting email scandal against Mueller

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:32 AM PST

Claim that investigators wrongfully obtained emails of president's transition team are dismissed as 'baloney' and a ploy to discredit Trump-Russia inquiry

Republicans have been accused of trying to discredit Trump-Russia investigator Robert Mueller by inventing a claim that his inquiry inappropriately gained access to emails from the president's transition team.

The complaint from the Trump for America group comes a day after a warning from Adam Schiff, a senior Democrat, that top Republicans are manoeuvring to shut down the House intelligence committee's Trump–Russia inquiry and weaken Mueller. Some reports suggest Donald Trump is considering firing Mueller, whom he appointed as special counsel to oversee the FBI and justice department investigation of contacts between the Russian government and Trump's election campaign.

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Brazilian police foil million-dollar fraud to export precious wood to China

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:00 AM PST

  • Prosectors say police saved Amapá $30m worth of environmental damage
  • Chinese entrepreneurs paid millions to company that bribed officials

Two Chinese entrepreneurs paid millions of dollars to a Brazilian company that bribed environment officials of an Amazon state to illegally export precious hardwoods to China. But in a rare success against rising deforestation in the Amazon, Brazilian police and prosecutors were able to stop the scheme before exports started in earnest and said they saved the state from $30m worth of potential environmental damage.

This week prosecutors presented details of two connected, year-long operations that have seen 31 people charged, including the two Chinese entrepreneurs, Brazilian businessmen, environment officials and the former head of the environmental licensing institute of the state of Amapá, on the eastern edge of the Brazilian Amazon.

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'I live like a plant': Nobel winner's wife 'going mad' under Chinese detention

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:12 PM PST

Liu Xia, poet and widow of democracy advocate Liu Xiaobo, suffering deep depression after living under house arrest without charges since 2010

Friends of the late Chinese democracy advocate and Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo have voiced concern about his widow's health after she sent a letter showing signs of deep depression.

The poet Liu Xia, 56, has been under police watch without charges since her husband was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 2010, a recognition that deeply angered the Communist regime.

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Australian man arrested over allegedly acting as economic agent for North Korea – video

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:49 PM PST

Australian federal police assistant commissioner Neil Gaughan speaks at a press conference following the arrest of Choi Han Chan, a 59-year-old Australian citizen of South Korean descent, for allegedly acting as an economic agent for North Korea by attempting to sell missile components and coal on the international black market.

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Make 'feminism' the word of the year until women feel safe

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:00 AM PST

As the outing of abusive men continues and the world sees the power of women behind this cultural moment, we have to continue the hard work

This week a man attempted a terrorist attack in New York's Port Authority subway station, but his bomb detonated early and the attacker was the only one seriously injured. Despite what Twitter would have you believe, New York – as it does – went on very much the same. People groused about subway delays and went on with their day. It was just one of many days that made me proud to be a native New Yorker. We could all take a lesson from that sort of resilience and attitude, to be honest: we won't let terrible people make us feel terrible. We will live our lives, and refuse to be terrorized.

On a happier note, though the outing of abusive men continues, the world is starting to recognize the power of women behind this incredible cultural moment: Merriam-Webster named "feminism" the word of 2017. Now we just have to continue to make it the movement of the year (and next year, and the next) until women can start to feel safe in their own country.

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All female anti-poaching combat unit - in pictures

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Zimbabwe's Anti-Poaching Success: In between nursing, women hold the front line.

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Charlotte Wood: 'The speed of the avalanche feels too dangerous'– video

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:00 AM PST

Guardian Australia's features editor Lucy Clark sits down with Charlotte Wood to discuss the author's essay on feminism, childhood and the possibility of becoming an "angry old woman"

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Pharma billionaire's death being treated as suspicious, Canadian police say - video

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:25 AM PST

The pharmaceuticals billionaire Barry Sherman and his wife, Honey, were found dead in their Toronto mansion on Friday, and police say they are treating the deaths as suspicious. Sherman founded Apotex in 1974. He stepped down as chief executive in 2012 but remained as executive chairman. Forbes estimates his net worth at $3.2bn.

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