World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Catalonia: Spain dissolves Catalan parliament and calls fresh elections

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 02:10 AM PDT

Political crisis deepens after secessionist MPs vote to create 'Catalan republic as an independent and sovereign state'

The Spanish government has taken control of Catalonia, dissolved its parliament and announced new elections after secessionist Catalan MPs voted to establish an independent republic, pushing the country's worst political crisis in 40 years to new and dangerous heights.

Speaking on Friday evening, the Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, said his cabinet had fired the regional president, Carles Puigdemont, and ordered regional elections to be held on 21 December.

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Kenya election: government accused of 'genocide' against ethnic minorities

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 09:46 AM PDT

Predictions of low turnout would undermine credibility of mandate claimed by assured winner Uhuru Kenyatta

Opposition politicians in Kenya have accused the government of conducting a campaign of "genocide" against ethnic minorities in the aftermath of the country's controversial presidential election.

The new and harsh language will raise tensions still further, prompting fears of further polarisation in what is already a deeply divided country.

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Man who infected more than 30 women with HIV jailed in Rome

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 02:00 PM PDT

Accountant Valentino Talluto given 24-year sentence after having sex with dozens of women he met online

An Italian man has been sentenced to 24 years in prison for infecting more than 30 women with the HIV virus, after having deliberately having unprotected sex with them.

Valentino Talluto, a 33-year-old accountant, seduced dozens of women via social networks for a decade before his arrest in November 2015. Police believe he had sex with at least 53 women during that time, passing on the virus to 32 of them.

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Women accusing Trump of sexual harassment are lying, says White House

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 02:04 AM PDT

Administration asked to clarify its official position on women whose allegations surfaced during campaign and which president has called 'fake news'

The White House's "official position" on the sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump that came out during the presidential campaign is that all of the women were lying, a spokesperson said.

At a briefing on Friday, which came amid a series of sexual harassment scandals across the country, a CBS News reporter noted that Trump has called the allegations from at least 16 women "fake news", and asked: "Is the official White House position that all of these women are lying?"

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Poland to Richard Spencer: keep out

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 08:38 AM PDT

The American far-right leader plans to address an extremist rally in Warsaw next month, but the Polish foreign minister says 'he should not appear publicly'

The Polish government has expressed strong objections to plans by American white nationalist Richard Spencer to speak at a far-right conference in Warsaw in November, but did not say if it would prevent him from entering the country.

Foreign minister Witold Waszczykowski described Spencer as someone "who defames what happened during World War II, defames the Holocaust."

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Canada judge says sexual assault victim may have been 'flattered' by the incident

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 10:03 AM PDT

Judge Jean-Paul Braun suggested that a 17-year-old girl might have welcomed the advances of a 49-year-old taxi driver who allegedly assaulted her

A judge in the Canadian province of Quebec has come under fire after remarking in court that a 17-year-old who said she was sexual assaulted was a "little overweight but has a pretty face" and that she may have been a "bit flattered" by the attention.

The comments, which came to light this week, were made by Judge Jean-Paul Braun in May as he heard allegations of sexual assault against a taxi driver, Carlo Figaro.

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Sara Netanyahu in fresh lawsuit for allegedly treating staff like 'slaves'

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 05:30 AM PDT

Wife of Israeli prime minister faces third case after ex-employee accuses her of abusive and threatening behaviour

Sara Netanyahu, the wife of Israel's prime minister, is facing a new lawsuit from a former employee accusing her of abusive and threatening behaviour and treating staff like "slaves".

The details of the latest case, which follows hard on the heels of two previous cases that found against Netanyahu for wrongful employment practices, also follows a warning that she faces potential prosecution allegations of fraudulent spending in the prime minister's official residence.

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Trump to shrink two national monuments following Zinke's proposal

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 02:41 PM PDT

President will reverse protections established by two Democratic presidents on Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante, sparking fury from environmentalists

Donald Trump is shrinking two national monuments in Utah, accepting the recommendation of interior secretary Ryan Zinke to reverse protections established by two Democratic presidents, a Republican senator said Friday.

Related: National Park Service wants to sharply raise entry fees at most popular parks

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US Navy rescues two women and their dogs lost at sea for five months

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 05:50 AM PDT

  • Jennifer Appel and Tasha Fuiaba were sailing from Hawaii to Tahiti
  • Women lost their engine in bad weather in May but tried to sail on

They survived shark attacks, the loss of their engine and then their main mast during a five-month ordeal lost at sea. Now, two sailors and their dogs are finally safe after being rescued by the US Navy on Wednesday.

Related: Lost at sea: the man who vanished for 14 months

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Turkmenistan dictator opens golf course – and quickly hits 'hole in one'

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 08:24 AM PDT

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov is the latest world leader to show a remarkable talent for golf, according to state TV

Turkmenistan's dictatorial president has already turned his hand to DJing, weights training, writing books and equestrianism, and can now add top-level golfing ability to his enviable skills – at least according to state television.

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, subject of one of the world's most bloated personality cults, engaged the golfing legend Jack Nicklaus to build a golf course outside the capital city, Ashgabat.

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South African farmers jailed for forcing black man into coffin

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 03:41 AM PDT

Pair sentenced to 14 years and 11 years respectively after filming themselves pushing lid down on victim

Two white South African farmers who filmed themselves pushing a black man into a coffin have been jailed for attempted murder, assault and kidnapping.

The 20-second video, widely circulated on social media last year, shows the victim, Victor Mlotshwa, cowering inside a coffin as one man pushes the lid down and the other threatens to put petrol and a snake inside.

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Works hoarded by son of Nazi art dealer to go on public display

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 06:00 AM PDT

Joint exhibitions in Germany and Switzerland displaying hundreds of works found in homes of Cornelius Gurlitt will open next week

Hundreds of works of art that were hoarded by the son of a Nazi art dealer will go on public display for the first time in decades in joint exhibitions in Germany and Switzerland opening next week.

Kunstmuseum Bern and the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn will present the works found in the homes of Cornelius Gurlitt in two parallel shows called Gurlitt Status Report that are expected to draw art lovers from around the world.

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Harvey Weinstein sues own company for access to emails that 'will exonerate him'

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 03:39 AM PDT

Producer alleges Weinstein Company has refused to allow him access to his personal files, and says he will pursue legal action for wrongful termination

Harvey Weinstein is suing the company he founded in order to get access to emails he says will exonerate him over claims of sexual abuse.

The producer, who has been accused of either sexual assault or harassment by more than 50 women, filed a lawsuit against the Weinstein Company in Delaware chancery court on Thursday. According to documents uploaded by Variety, the suit alleges that the firm has denied Weinstein access to documents that are "uniquely personal" to him.

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Mysterious object seen speeding past sun could be 'visitor from another star system'

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 07:27 AM PDT

If its origins are confirmed, the asteroid or comet, named A/2017 U1, will be the first object known to come from elsewhere in the galaxy, say astronomers

A mysterious object detected hurtling past our sun could be the first space rock traced back to a different solar system, according to astronomers tracking the body.

While other objects have previously been mooted as having interstellar origins, experts say the latest find, an object estimated to be less than 400m in diameter, is the best contender yet.

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Son of Equatorial Guinea president has €107m mansion raided in corruption case

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 08:45 AM PDT

Teodorin Obiang given suspended sentence in France for plundering public money to fund jet-set lifestyle in Paris

Teodorin Obiang, the son of Equatorial Guinea's president, has been given a three-year suspended jail term by a French court for plundering public money from his oil-rich but impoverished west African state to fund a jet-set lifestyle in Paris.

Obiang, 48 – the eldest son of president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo – was tried in absentia and also given a suspended fine of €30m for embezzlement, money-laundering, corruption and abuse of trust.

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Japanese student sues over school's order to dye hair black

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 03:24 AM PDT

Teenager says multiple applications of dye to her naturally brown hair have caused rashes on her scalp

A teenager in Japan has taken local authorities to court after her school told her to dye her hair black or face exclusion.

The 18-year-old, who has naturally brown hair, is seeking 2.2m yen (£14,700) in damages from the Osaka prefectural government in western Japan due to anguish caused by repeated commands to colour her hair black.

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Navy discharges nine submariners from nuclear vessel over drugs

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 01:49 AM PDT

Discharge of service personnel form HMS Vigilant follows recent claims of 'inappropriate' onboard relationship

Nine service personnel on a nuclear submarine have been discharged from the Royal Navy after testing positive for drugs.

Compulsory drugs tests on HMS Vigilant – one of four Vanguard class submarines that maintain the UK's nuclear deterrent – produced nine positive results, leading to nine individuals being discharged.

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Burundi becomes first nation to leave international criminal court

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 05:34 PM PDT

Activists fear repression as ICC officials say investigations into possible historic crimes against humanity will continue

Burundi on Friday became the first nation ever to leave the international criminal court, set up 15 years ago to prosecute those behind the world's worst atrocities.

The government on Friday hailed it a "historic" day and called on people to demonstrate across the country on Saturday in celebration.

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Yes he can: Barack Obama plans to show up for jury duty, says judge

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 02:08 AM PDT

The former president will complete his civic duty in Chicago, court officials say, and he's not the only high-profile individual to have done so recently

Barack Obama has been called for jury duty and the former US president plans to show up, according to court officials.

The chief judge of Cook County, Illinois, announced at a budget hearing on Friday that Obama would be completing his civic duty next month, the Chicago Tribune reported.

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Organic or starve: can Cuba's new farming model provide food security?

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Once it grew only sugar and was heavy handed with fertilizers and pesticides, now Cuba is in the grip of a small-scale organic farming revolution

In the town of Hershey, 40 miles east of Havana, you can see the past and the future of Cuban farming, side by side.

The abandoned hulk of the Camilo Cienfuegos sugar plant, shut along with 70 other cane refineries in 2002, towers over the town. But in the lush hills and grasslands around Hershey, fields of cassava, corn, beans, and vegetables are a sign that there is life after sugar.

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Mattis: threat of North Korea nuclear attack 'is accelerating'

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 02:11 AM PDT

In Seoul US defence secretary said Pyongyang engages in 'outlaw' behaviour and that the US will never accept a nuclear North Korea.

US defence secretary Jim Mattis has said the threat of nuclear missile attack by North Korea is accelerating.

In remarks in Seoul with South Korean defence minister Song Young-moo at his side, Mattis accused the North of illegal and unnecessary missile and nuclear programs – and vowed to defeat any attack.

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Turnbull: Nationals happy for Julie Bishop to be acting prime minister

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 07:16 PM PDT

Prime minister also says government will examine cabinet decisions made by Barnaby Joyce and Fiona Nash

Malcolm Turnbull says Julie Bishop will act as Australia's prime minister during his imminent trip to Israel, but denies the arrangement will anger the Nationals.

Turnbull has also confirmed that the government is carefully examining cabinet decisions made by Barnaby Joyce and Fiona Nash, following their exit on Friday after the high court ruled they were ineligible to sit in parliament.

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Bangladesh to offer sterilisation to Rohingya in refugee camps

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 08:31 PM PDT

Family planning authorities have asked the government to launch vasectomies and tubectomies for women in Cox's Bazar, where 1m refugees fight for space

Bangladesh is planning to introduce voluntary sterilisation in its overcrowded Rohingya camps, where nearly a million refugees are fighting for space, after efforts to encourage birth control failed.

More than 600,000 Rohingya have arrived in Bangladesh since a military crackdown in neighbouring Myanmar in August triggered an exodus, straining resources in the impoverished country.

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'An insult to women': Roman Polanski retrospective causes outrage

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 05:36 PM PDT

French activists say it is 'indecent' to honour director, who is wanted in US for unlawful sex with a 13-year-old-girl

French feminists have voiced outrage over a planned retrospective of the films of director Roman Polanski, who has been accused of several sexual assaults, calling it "an insult" to women following the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

The retrospective is being organised by the Cinémathèque Française, a major Paris-based film archive that is partly funded by the state.

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Chechen pop star may have been killed in anti-gay crackdown, rights group says

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 02:15 PM PDT

Zelimkhan Bakayev went missing in August, prompting NGO and media speculation that Chechen police may have abducted him

A leading Russian human rights group has expressed "serious fears" that a gay pop star may have been killed in Chechnya's crackdown on the homosexual community.

Zelimkhan Bakayev, 26, went missing in August when he left his home in Moscow to visit the capital, Grozny, for his sister's wedding.

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Catalan declaration greeted with tears of joy – and trepidation

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 11:32 AM PDT

As independence was proclaimed, thousands took to the streets to celebrate but others stayed away, fearful or furious

When the Catalan parliament declared independence, Eladi Jaume was surprised to find himself weeping with joy, at the heart of a thousands-strong crowd in central Barcelona.

"I cried and I didn't expect it. Its the first time I have cried for politics, although I'd say it was actually more for love of life," he said with a huge grin.

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Spain imposes direct rule as Catalan parliament votes for independence – video

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 11:03 AM PDT

Catalonia's regional parliament has declared independence from Spain, with 70 voting in favour and 10 against. Following the vote, the Spanish senate in Madrid approved the request of the country's prime minister, Mariana Rajoy, to impose direct rule on Catalonia under article 155 of the constitution.

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‘This is groundbreaking’: the activists ending harassment at abortion clinics

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 10:08 AM PDT

Tired of women having to run the gauntlet of anti-abortion vigils, UK campaigners are making history with protective buffer zones

A young woman with blue hair and a wide smile cycles past the Marie Stopes clinic in Ealing, west London. When she spots the Sister Supporter volunteers wearing luminous pink tabards emblazoned with the words "pro-choice", she rings her bell and calls out: "Well done! I think it's incredible what you have done."

The group, set up just two years ago, has achieved minor celebrity status in this part of west London. Along with others, it helped convince the council earlier this month to vote in favour of a implementing a buffer zone around the clinic, to protect women from persistent anti-abortion protesters. After a two-month consultation, barring any unforeseen interventions, the ruling will come into effect and the protesters will be pushed back.

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What comes next in Catalonia could make or break Rajoy – and Spain

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 09:45 AM PDT

Hardliners demand harsh penalties for secessionists, but perceived over-reaction by Madrid would alienate the undecided

Waving their declaration of independence like a red rag to a bull, the Catalan parliament has dared Mariano Rajoy to do his worst. But Spain's prime minister, freshly armed with legal authority to impose direct rule, must nevertheless tread carefully or risk disaster.

What comes next could make or break Rajoy and his government. But it could also make or break Spain.

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Yemen reels under the weight of brutal cholera outbreak – in pictures

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 07:06 AM PDT

With Yemen in the grip of the biggest and most rapidly spreading cholera epidemic on record, an estimated 80% of the population is in urgent need of aid. Clean water and food are hard to come and, with the millionth cholera case on the horizon, the country's health system is on the verge of collapse

All photographs by Kellie Ryan/IRC

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Tracking Trump: a nice lunch turns nasty plus JFK files released

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 10:00 PM PDT

A pleasant meal with Republican senators was overshadowed by Trump's feuds. Meanwhile, some long-awaited documents came to light

Despite two of them attacking Donald Trump in speeches last week, the five living ex-presidents received a pat on the back from their successor on Saturday when the former Potuses (Poti?) appeared together at a fundraiser concert for those affected by recent hurricanes in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. "All five living former presidents are playing a tremendous role in helping our fellow citizens recover," an unusually congenial Trump said in a recorded message.

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Catalonia: how will Spain impose direct rule and will it work?

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 08:35 AM PDT

After Catalan parliament's vote to create a republic, Mariano Rajoy is turning to a constitutional measure never used before

Spain is facing its worst political crisis in 40 years. On Friday afternoon, the Catalan parliament voted in favour of establishing a sovereign, independent republic. Shortly afterwards, Spain's senate gave the country's prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, permission to impose direct rule and fire the Catalan president as part of a series of measures designed to bring the region back into legal and constitutional order.

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Health experts say Trump's opioid response relies on magical thinking

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 03:00 AM PDT

While some welcomed the president's declaration of a public health emergency to fight the drug crisis others warned it would mean little without extra funding

When Donald Trump directed his administration to declare America's opioid overdose crisis a public health emergency, Republicans swiftly praised his "bold national leadership".

But with no new funding, many public health experts and state officials said it was "magical thinking" to imagine that the declaration would stem the tide of opioid overdoses that has already killed 183,000.

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Mariano Rajoy requests powers to dismiss Catalan government – video

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 04:49 AM PDT

In a speech to the senate on Friday, the prime minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, sought permission for the 'dismissal of the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the vice-president and all the heads of government'. He said the time had come for the law to be 'imposed above all other considerations, not against Catalonia, but to stop the abuse of Catalonia'

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US women rescued after being stranded at sea for five months - video

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 02:54 AM PDT

Two women and their two dogs were rescued by a US navy vessel after drifting in the Pacific Ocean for five months. They had left Hawaii in May to travel to Tahiti, but their engine failed during a storm. It is thought they were too far away from other ships for their distress signals to be heard. They were found about 900 miles from the Japanese coast.

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