World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Battle for the mother land: indigenous people of Colombia fighting for their lands

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 04:05 PM PDT

The 50-year civil war is over but, in the Cauca Valley, indigenous communities are on frontline of fight against drug gangs, riot police and deforestation

A green-and-red flag flies over a cluster of bamboo and tarpaulin tents on the frontline of an increasingly deadly struggle for land and the environment in Colombia's Cauca Valley.

It is the banner for what indigenous activists are calling the "liberation of Mother Earth", a movement to reclaim ancestral land from sugar plantations, farms and tourist resorts that has gained momentum in the vacuum left by last year's peace accord between the government and the paramilitaries who once dominated the region – ending, in turn, the world's longest-running civil war.

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Catalan leader vows 'peaceful resistance' as Madrid takes control of region

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 08:28 AM PDT

Carles Puigdemont issues defiant video message urging 'democratic opposition' as cabinet are removed from their posts

The Catalan leader has issued a defiant response to Madrid's decision to take direct control of Catalonia, calling for "democratic opposition" to the takeover.

In a brief video message issued on Saturday afternoon, Carles Puigdemont vowed to continue working to build "a free country".

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At least 23 dead in bombing and gun attack at Mogadishu hotel

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 11:53 PM PDT

Al-Shabaab claims responsibility for blast and siege in Somali capital, two weeks after bombing in city that left more than 350 dead

Security forces in Mogadishu have ended a night-long siege at a hotel by five extremist attackers that left 23 people dead and more than 30 injured.

The group stormed the building after a suicide car bomber detonated an explosives-laden vehicle at the entrance gate on Saturday afternoon.

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Asia's biggest gay pride parade brings tens of thousands to Taipei

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 04:23 AM PDT

Event is first since Taiwan ruled in favour of gay marriage but some activists are frustrated by slow progress of legalisation

A sea of rainbow flags and glitzy costumes filled downtown Taipei as tens of thousands marched in Asia's largest gay pride parade, the first since Taiwan's top court ruled in favour of gay marriage.

The island looks set to become the first place in Asia to legalise gay marriage after the constitutional court said in May that laws preventing same-sex unions violated the guarantee of freedom of marriage. It gave the government two years to implement the decision.

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Rohingya crisis may be driving Aung San Suu Kyi closer to generals

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 04:36 PM PDT

Criticism of the Nobel laureate in the west is angering – and mobilising – her supporters at home

On the top floor of the Myanmar Traditional Artists and Artisans Association in Yangon, the organisation's vice-president stands behind his latest creation.

It is a towering portrait of Aung San Suu Kyi, robed in pink and white, a concerned expression on her face. "If Oxford University takes down one portrait of her, we want to create 2,000 more," says the painter, who goes by the name K Kyaw.

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Leftwing Icelanders hope to oust conservative PM

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 04:24 PM PDT

Result expected on Sunday but efforts to form coalition in scandal-hit parliament could take weeks

Icelanders voted in a close general election on Saturday marked by deep distrust of the scandal-hit political class despite a thriving economy, with the left hoping to oust the conservative prime minister Bjarni Benediktsson.

Polls closed at 9pm local time (10pm GMT) with the final results not expected until Sunday morning. But efforts to form a coalition government could take days, weeks or even months, as nine parties battle for seats in the 63-seat parliament.

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Tennessee police on high alert but white nationalist rallies pass quietly

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 02:41 PM PDT

  • 'White Lives Matter' rallies held in Shelbyville and Murfreesboro
  • Counter-protesters heavily outnumber extremist groups

White nationalists were heavily outnumbered by around 600 counter-protesters during a Saturday afternoon "White Lives Matter" rally in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, that passed off uneventfully after police kept the two groups separated.

Related: Three men charged after protesters shot at following Richard Spencer speech

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Mississippi students allowed to read To Kill a Mockingbird – with a parent's note

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 06:41 AM PDT

  • Biloxi officials had pulled novel from lesson plan for junior high students
  • Parents complained that language in the book 'makes people uncomfortable'

Junior high school students in Biloxi, Mississippi will be allowed after all to read To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee's classic novel of race and racism in the American south, as part of their regular study – but only with permission from a parent.

Related: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee taken off Mississippi school reading list

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Annabella Sciorra alleges she was raped by Weinstein

Posted: 29 Oct 2017 01:11 AM PDT

  • Darryl Hannah accuses producer of trying to force entry to hotel room
  • Spokeswoman: Weinstein 'denies any allegations of non-consensual sex'

The actor Annabella Sciorra has alleged she was raped by Harvey Weinstein after he barged his way into her apartment in the 1990s.

Related: Gove sparks outcry for Weinstein joke that 'trivialises sexual assault'

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Why 'Bushman banter' was crucial to hunter-gatherers' evolutionary success

Posted: 29 Oct 2017 12:00 AM PDT

The Ju/'hoansi people of the Kalahari have always been fiercely egalitarian. They hate inequality or showing off, and shun formal leadership institutions. It's what made them part of the most successful, sustainable civilisation in human history

Barely a day goes by when proponents of greater taxation, universal income and other initiatives aimed at addressing systematic inequality are not accused of inciting the "politics of envy". Doing so is an effective way of closing down debate; envy is, after all, among the deadliest of the "deadly sins".

Yet politicians inclined to dismiss inequality in this way may do so at their peril. For the evidence of our hunting and gathering ancestors suggests we are hard-wired to respond viscerally to inequality.

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Amid rising ethnic tensions, Kenyans fear poll could trigger fresh violence

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 11:05 PM PDT

Calls for action to avert bloodshed as Kenyatta heads for a landslide in election boycotted by the opposition

Fears of bloodshed in Kenya are growing after violent clashes between ethnic groups and a hardening of divisive rhetoric following the contentious rerun of presidential elections last week.

With a series of flashpoints looming in coming days, civil society groups and some leading politicians are making increasingly desperate efforts to lower tensions.

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The women who put their lives on the line for peace in Central African Republic | Rebecca Ratcliffe

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 01:00 PM PDT

When sectarian conflict wrought division in Boda, women in the southern Central African town formed a united front to appeal for calm. Three years on, Muslims and Christians live in greater harmony

Derelict homes, swallowed up by grass and trees, stand empty along the road near to the centre of Boda. There are vacant patches where buildings once stood. When deadly conflict spread to the town in Central African Republic's southern Lobaye prefecture in 2014, homes were burned and residents fled. The road became known as the "red zone", a line that separated Muslims and Christians. Thousands were trapped without access to food or medicine. Those who crossed into a rival area risked their lives: murders, decapitations, rapes and looting were carried out with impunity.

But as the fighting spread, Boda's women refused to obey the town's battle lines.

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Home Office letter tells EU citizen to ‘go home or go elsewhere’

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Anger from campaigners as Romanian national in detention centre is advised by officials to leave the UK to 'avoid becoming destitute'

The Home Office is warning EU nationals held in detention centres that they should leave the UK to "avoid becoming destitute", in the latest instance of a hardened tone towards citizens from European countries.

A government letter, written on behalf of home secretary Amber Rudd and seen by the Observer, also advises EU nationals that they should consider leaving because they have the "right to travel freely across the EU and can visit, live, study and in most cases work in any other EU member state" – an observation that appears to preempt the UK's departure from the union.

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What Catalonia’s media dearly needs is neutral voices

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Madrid has promised regional elections but the vote cannot be held fairly in a toxic media environment

Here's a stinker of a question, the whole concept of press freedom tangled in its own contradictions. If you run a government-financed broadcasting system (say Catalan radio and TV) can some higher authority (say the Spanish state) take control of you when it steps in to run everything?

Maybe an easy problem if we're talking about independent, truth-seeking newsrooms. But what if that is not exactly possible? See the shades of grey gather. Here's the EU head of Reporters Sans Frontières, quoted in a new report on the Catalan imbroglio: "The climate for the free exercise of journalism has been tremendously corrupted by extreme polarisation in Catalan politics and society. The regional government's eagerness to impose its own narrative on to the local, Spanish and international press has crossed red lines, and the intimidating manoeuvres of the central Spanish government have certainly not helped."

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'Won't help your schoolwork': Emmanuel Macron sniffs marijuana on French Guiana trip

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 08:13 PM PDT

French president laughs off the fumes in the air as he tours the streets of capital Cayenne

French president Emmanuel Macron played it cool when he caught a whiff of marijuana during his visit to French Guiana, warning youngsters it won't "help with your schoolwork".

"So, there are some of you who do not only smoke cigarettes, huh?", he said to laughter after posing for photos with locals in the Crique neighbourhood of capital Cayenne on Friday night.

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A brief taste of freedom reminds me not to give up the battle for Hong Kong | Joshua Wong

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 08:05 PM PDT

In the second of his regular columns, Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong briefly emerges on bail after more than two months in prison

I turned 21 earlier this month so they moved me from the young offenders' institution where I was being held to an adult prison here in Hong Kong called the Tung Tau correctional institution.

It gave me a good chance to reflect on life during my first 10 weeks behind bars.

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Former governor general Sir Ninian Stephen dies aged 94

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 10:14 PM PDT

Government House says Sir Ninian, who was the governor general from 1982 to 1989, died in Melbourne

The former Australian governor general Sir Ninian Stephen has died, aged 94.

Government House said in a statement Sir Ninian, who was the governor general from 1982 to 1989, died in Melbourne.

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‘Catalonia’s nationalist leaders are well aware their project is fragile’

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 11:00 PM PDT

But Spanish PM Rajoy could also find his bluff is called when the 21 December election results are in

During the rapturous celebrations in Barcelona's Sant Jaume Square following the pronouncement of Catalonia's independence on Friday, there was a nagging little detail in the background. Many demonstrators noticed it and there were shouts of "Fora, fora, la bandera espanyola! [Out with the Spanish flag!]" Indeed, even hours after the birth of the new Catalan Republic, the flag of what was now deemed a foreign country kept flying on top of the presidential palace.

Whether this was due to a technical difficulty or an oversight, it looked like a Freudian slip. For those in the square, independence was a long-held dream: but was it now a dream come true, or just a mirage?

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French police ‘use beatings, tear gas and confiscation’ against Calais refugees

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Report from the Refugee Rights Data Project finds child refugees harassed and intimidated by police as well as local citizens

Police violence towards refugees in Calais has intensified to "excessive and life-threatening" levels, according to a new report, and the overall situation for unaccompanied minors has deteriorated markedly, a year after the refugee camp there was razed.

The report by the Refugee Rights Data Project (RRDP) says French police tactics against the estimated 700 refugees at the port are alleged to have included driving unaccompanied girls to remote spots and abandoning them. Researchers used interpreters to interview 233 refugees, including 94 children as young as 12, and found repeated "disproportionate and indiscriminate" accounts of police brutality including beatings severe enough to break limbs.

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Foreign journalists charged after flying drone near Myanmar's parliament

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 10:57 PM PDT

Turkish reporters and their helpers will be held until 10 November amid tensions with Ankara over the Rohingya crisis

Myanmar police have charged two foreign journalists and two Burmese locals after they flew a drone over the country's parliament.

The men – two of whom work for Turkish state media – will be held in custody until their first court hearing over allegations they breached import laws. The charges – relating to the import and export of "restricted or banned goods" without obtaining a licence – are punishable by up to three years in jail or a fine.

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Trump team drawing up fresh plans to bolster US nuclear arsenal

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 10:00 PM PDT

  • Congress and US allies briefed on progress of Nuclear Posture Review
  • Pence: 'There's no greater force for world peace than the US nuclear arsenal'

The Trump administration is working on a nuclear weapons policy that is intended to mark a decisive end to the era of post-cold war disarmament, by bolstering the US arsenal and loosening the conditions under which it would be used.

Related: Democrats push bill to stop a Trump pre-emptive strike on North Korea

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Germany's far-right AfD leader: 'Margaret Thatcher is my role model'

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 06:43 PM PDT

Alice Weidel said her party's goal was to shape German policy and that she is inspired by Thatcher, who 'built up' Britain

Alice Weidel, a leader of Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, has said the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is her political role model, saying Thatcher got Britain back on its feet when it was facing economic ruin.

Weidel told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag newspaper that her party, which stormed into parliament for the first time after capturing nearly 13% of the vote, aimed to be ready to join a coalition government by 2021.

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Catalan leader calls for democratic opposition to Madrid takeover – video

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 08:31 AM PDT

Carles Puigdemont, the deposed president of Catalonia, has called for supporters to democratically oppose direct rule from Madrid. The video message comes as Spain's prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, prepares to take control of the region

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Sexual harassment allegations against Trump are lies, says White House – video

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 02:30 AM PDT

The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, confirms the official position on sexual harassment allegations made against Donald Trump. At a press conference on Friday, a CBS News reporter asked: 'Is the official White House position that all of these women are lying?', to which Sanders responded: 'Yeah, we've been clear on that from the beginning' 

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