World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

North Korea nuclear crisis: Putin warns of planetary catastrophe

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 01:31 AM PDT

As Kim Jong-un reportedly prepares to launch another ballistic missile, Russian president says only way to solve issue is through dialogue

The Russian president Vladimir Putin has warned that the escalating North Korean crisis could cause a "planetary catastrophe" and huge loss of life.

"Ramping up military hysteria in such conditions is senseless; it's a dead end," he told reporters in China. "It could lead to a global, planetary catastrophe and a huge loss of human life. There is no other way to solve the North Korean nuclear issue, save that of peaceful dialogue."

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Trump expected to announce Daca compromise that may please no one

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Immigration hardliners are calling on the president to announce a repeal immediately, while liberals call the decision ugly and cruel

Immigration hardliners are calling on Donald Trump to end the program that allows Dreamers – those brought to the US illegally as children – to be given relief from the threat of deportation, as the US president appeared poised to announce that the system will be scrapped, but not for another six months.

He is expected to announce on Tuesday a compromise that looks set to please few on either side of the debate, by deciding he will scrap the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) system created under the Obama administration in 2012, but delaying the reversal by six months in order to allow Congress to come up with some sort of replacement plan.

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Azerbaijan revelations could herald shake-up at Council of Europe

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 10:00 PM PDT

News of Azerbaijan's $2.9bn lobbying and money-laundering scheme comes as rights body faces inquiry into alleged corruption

Revelations of payments from Azerbaijan to several former members of the Council of Europe's parliament promise to shake up a body that is meant to set Europe's standards for democratic probity.

The details of the payments come as an independent panel begins confidential hearings into alleged corruption at the Council of Europe's parliamentary assembly (Pace) in Strasbourg, one of the world's oldest human rights bodies.

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Afghan civilians count cost of renewed US air campaign

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 09:00 PM PDT

As rate of airstrike casualties rises, Donald Trump's expansion of conflict could strain relations between Kabul and Washington

When thousands of additional US soldiers are deployed to Afghanistan as part of Donald Trump's expansion of America's longest war, many of them will experience the conflict at a distance from fighters jets and helicopters.

The US has stepped up its use of airstrikes in Afghanistan and is pouring vast resources into strengthening Afghan airpower. But while airstrikes may be effective in killing insurgents, increasing their use also leads to more civilian deaths.

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Sweden rejects asylum claim by 106-year-old Afghan woman

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 10:44 AM PDT

Severely disabled refugee was carried through mountains, deserts and forests by family members fleeing Islamist extremists

A 106-year-old Afghan woman who made a perilous journey to Europe, carried by her son and grandson through mountains, deserts and forests, is facing deportation from Sweden after her asylum application was rejected.

Bibihal Uzbeki is severely disabled and can barely speak. Her family has appealed against the rejection, and she is allowed up to three appeals, a process that could take a long time. The applications of other family members are in various stages of appeal.

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West failing to tackle Russian hacking and fake news, says Latvia

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Latvian foreign minister says there is increasing evidence that Russia is automating disinformation on social media

The west is failing to get to grips with Russian hacking and fake news, the Latvian foreign minister, Edgars Rinkēvičs, has said.

Speaking on a visit to London, Rinkēvičs said there was increasing evidence that Russia was automating disinformation on social media. Pointing to new Nato-sponsored research showing more than five times the number of Russian language tweets sent in Latvia concerning Nato came from bots, instead of from individuals. The figure in Estonia was nine times as many. He described the tactic as "very systematic and a new way to spread propaganda amongst young people".

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'I want to bring up a warrior': Ukraine's far-right children's camp – video

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 11:21 AM PDT

In Ukraine, the far-right Azov militia is fighting on the frontline – and running a summer camp for children. The Guardian visited the camp and followed 16-year-old Anton through his experiences. Is Azov really a modern Hitler Youth organisation, or is it trying to prepare young Ukrainians for the tough reality that awaits them?

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Guatemalan congress to vote on lifting immunity from president

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 03:23 PM PDT

Central American court says it has sufficient evidence of illegal campaign funding by Jimmy Morales to send case to lawmakers

Guatemala's supreme court has ruled that a request to lift President Jimmy Morales' immunity from prosecution should go before lawmakers for final consideration.

The court's decision on the request from prosecutors is related to allegations of illegal financing for Morales' 2015 campaign. Investigations have targeted several political parties including his National Convergence Front.

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Turkey hits back after Merkel says EU should scrap accession talks

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 04:47 AM PDT

Ankara accuses Germany of populism after the chancellor and her rival Martin Schulz say Turkey should not become member

The Turkish government has accused Angela Merkel and Martin Schulz of practising the politics of populism and exclusion after the German election frontrunners agreed that the EU should break off negotiations over future Turkish membership.

In a televised debate on Sunday evening, the German chancellor said she did not believe Turkey should become a member of the EU, and that she would take up with her EU partners the issue of ending accession talks with Ankara.

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Kim Jong-un's nuclear scientists take centre stage after missile test

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 01:28 AM PDT

Leader looking to cadre of weapons experts to realise ambition of developing missile that can carry nuclear warhead to US

Decorated by Pyongyang but blacklisted abroad, two scientists pictured with North Korea's leader before Sunday's nuclear test have emerged as playing vital roles in the ambitions of the rogue state's leader, Kim Jong-un, say experts.

Photographs released by the official KCNA news agency hours before the test showed two men standing alongside Kim as he inspected a new peanut-shaped warhead, or perhaps a model of the bomb: Ri Hong-sop, the head of North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Institute, and Hong Sung-mu, deputy director of the ruling Workers' party of Korea's munitions industry department.

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What flying through Hurricane Irma looks like - video

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 01:15 AM PDT

Here's a video taken from an NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) first flight flying through hurricane Irma that's forming in the Caribbean. Irma has now been upgraded to a powerful category four storm. The storm had maximum sustained winds of 130mph (215km/h) on Monday afternoon, and the US National Hurricane Center has said they were expected to become stronger. Irma is projected to hit the Leeward Islands, causing storm surges, life-threatening winds and torrential rain. The hurricane center expects Irma to reach southern Florida on Saturday.

Hurricane Irma: storm heads to Caribbean as states of emergency declared

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Lego to axe 1,400 jobs

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 12:59 AM PDT

Danish toy company announces extensive staff cuts after the first fall in global sales for more than a decade

Lego has announced plans to cut 1,400 jobs before the end of the year after the first drop in sales in more than a decade.

The Danish toymaker said the cuts amounted to 8% of its global workforce. Revenue fell 6% in the first half of 2017 to 14.9bn Danish krone (£1.8bn).

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Fake news images add fuel to fire in Myanmar, after more than 400 deaths

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 12:42 AM PDT

Images from other conflicts, some more than 30 years old, are being used as propaganda in the struggle between Rohingya muslims and the military in Rakhine state

Misleading images claiming to depict violence in Myanmar and being being shared on social media are sowing distrust and undermining the work of human rights group, say campaigners.

As real attacks have escalated, graphic images, in some cases relating to atrocities elsewhere, are being posted alongside claims of violence both by the Rohingya people, and against them.

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Solving the North Korea crisis: what are Donald Trump's options?

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 11:32 PM PDT

De-escalating Kim Jong-un's nuclear threat – through force, sanctions or talks – will require the US to navigate its tricky relationship with China

In the wake of North Korea's sixth and most powerful nuclear test to date, the US has called for the toughest possible sanctions at the United Nations and said there are ample military options on the table.

Related: South Korea minister mulls redeploying US nuclear weapons amid tensions with North

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One man dead and another missing after being swept into Cornish sea

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 11:45 PM PDT

Pair had been fishing on Monday afternoon on rocks at Treyarnon Bay, near Padstow

A man has died and another is still missing after the pair were swept off rocks while fishing in Cornwall.

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Foxtrot review – Samuel Maoz's fierce nightmare vision of Israel

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 04:31 AM PDT

The Lebanon director's unflinching family tragedy, set in a surreal Israel where loss and pain are randomly distributed, offers an urgent and witty picture of futility

Foxtrot, by the Israeli film-maker Samuel Maoz, is a compelling family tragedy played out in three acts; a nightmarish triptych of loss, waste and grief that is nonetheless arranged with such visionary boldness that it dares us to look away. Maoz won the 2009 Golden Lion here at Venice with Lebanon, his last film but one, which pundits suspect may count against him this time around. And yet Foxtrot makes a mockery of that kind of received wisdom and formal protocol. The world, it tells us, is random and inept – as likely to kill you by mistake as on purpose. I'm not sure the film sees this as amusing, exactly. But it has the wherewithal and wit to manage the odd hollow laugh.

Jonathan Feldman, a young conscript in the Israeli army, is dead. His mother Davra (Sarah Adler) collapses at the news and is immediately sedated as she lies on the floor by the door. His father Michael (Lior Ashkenazi) is full of cold fury. The military helpfully texts him on the hour telling him to drink a glass of water for the shock, whether he's feeling thirsty or not. Then they pop back to the house to say they've made a blunder. A Jonathan Feldman has died; just not his Jonathan Feldman. "My son was dead for five hours," he fumes. If anything, he's more furious than before.

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I thought I had left war behind me in Sudan. But then I came face to face with my prison guard | Ayik Chut

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 09:55 PM PDT

Years after escaping life as a child soldier, I met my prison guard. If we'd still been in Sudan, I would have killed him. Now, I'm trying something different

When I first arrived in Australia, I thought it was like heaven. I felt like I'd been given a second life – or more like a fifth or sixth life. When I look at my son, Freeman, it brings back memories. I wasn't far away from his age when I was a child solider. I was only 13 when I first used an AK47.

In 1983, a civil war broke out in Sudan. My father and older brother died around the same time. I wanted to fight, because I was very angry. I volunteered in the beginning not really knowing what I was getting myself into.

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Hurricane Irma: storm heads to Caribbean as states of emergency declared

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 11:54 PM PDT

Fears parts of Puerto Rico could be without power for months once fast-developing category 4 storm hits

States of emergency have been declared as Hurricane Irma grew into a category 4 storm that is forecast to begin buffeting the Caribbean on Tuesday.

The storm had maximum sustained winds of 130mph (215km/h) on Monday afternoon, and the US National Hurricane Center said they were expected to become stronger. Irma at the time was 490 miles (790km) east of the Leeward Islands and moving west at 13mph (20km/h).

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Peter Dutton's citizenship overhaul derailed by Nick Xenophon Team

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 12:45 AM PDT

Coalition forced to dump package or make changes after NXT says crackdown an attempt 'to fix problems that don't exist'

The Nick Xenophon Team has derailed immigration minister Peter Dutton's attempt to enact tough new citizenship laws, saying it cannot support his controversial package in its current form.

It means the Turnbull government will have to dump its controversial package or make substantial changes, throwing its citizenship crackdown into disarray.

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Donald Trump is no saint, but I know why evangelicals love him

Posted: 05 Sep 2017 12:00 AM PDT

The president has bragged about his sins and built a career on casinos and half-naked women. But as a former believer, I know they recognize a fellow outsider

As a recovering Christaholic, 12 years sober from God, I've been asked before to explain why evangelicals stick with Donald Trump. After all, his attempts at appearing Christian are hopelessly pretentious, he's bragged about his sins, and has built a career on casinos and half-naked women.

Then Trump's infamous "many sides" remark about the violence at the Charlottesville, Virginia, rally brought denunciations from former supporters and business leaders, leading to two of his business advisory councils disbanding.

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Tuesday briefing: 'Farce' of cut-and-paste Brexit plan

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 10:40 PM PDT

Pressure mounts on May to stay in common market … Britain at epicentre of £3bn worth of money laundering … and pesticide warning over school fruit

Hello – it's Warren Murray with the main headlines this morning.

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Azerbaijani Laundromat shows how regime robs its people to feed itself

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Khadija Ismayilova, who has been jailed for her reporting on high-level corruption, explains why the revelations matter

Azerbaijan may not mean that much to you. In the west it is perhaps best known as a plucky winner of the Eurovision song contest, or maybe easy opponents in qualification for another international football tournament. It has oil, a Caspian Sea coastline and 10 million people.

But there is another side.

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How the nuclear-armed nations brought the North Korea crisis on themselves

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Failure to honour terms of the 1970 nuclear non-proliferation treaty has helped create ground for Kim Jong-un's recklessness

North Korea's defiant pursuit of nuclear weapons capabilities, dramatised by last weekend's powerful underground test and a recent long-range ballistic missile launch over Japan, has been almost universally condemned as posing a grave, unilateral threat to international peace and security.

The growing North Korean menace also reflects the chronic failure of multilateral counter-proliferation efforts and, in particular, the longstanding refusal of acknowledged nuclear-armed states such as the US and Britain to honour a legal commitment to reduce and eventually eliminate their arsenals.

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India investigates hospital deaths of 30 children in second oxygen supply case

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 08:06 PM PDT

Police look into latest fatalities after government report blames the chief medical officer and doctors for deaths in Uttar Pradesh

Indian police are investigating whether 30 infants died for lack of oxygen in a northern state-run hospital, the second case within a month in which medical supply shortages have been blamed for the deaths of dozens of children.

An underfunded, poorly managed public health system is in the spotlight after more than 60 children died in August in a public hospital in northern Uttar Pradesh, amid accusations that oxygen supplies ran out because of unpaid bills.

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'We are an example to the Arab world': Tunisia's radical marriage proposals

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 03:09 AM PDT

Against strong opposition, Tunisia is pushing ahead with laws that will allow women to marry outside the Muslim faith and grant them equal inheritance rights

Tunisia is pressing ahead with ambitious proposals to reform the country's laws on marriage and inheritance, despite widespread resistance from inside and outside the predominately Muslim country.

Last month, president Beji Caid Essebsi announced his intention to allow women to marry outside the Islamic faith, and to give them equal rights under the country's inheritance laws.

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The Scottish firms that let money flow from Azerbaijan to the UK

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 11:25 AM PDT

Billions of pounds came through two Glasgow-based companies using obscure structure that let owners hide identities

UK companies using an obscure Scottish business structure are at the centre of a multibillion-dollar operation to funnel cash out of Azerbaijan, an investigation by the Guardian has found.

Scottish limited partnerships (SLPs), structures originally established in the early 1900s for farm holdings, acted as shell companies to channel $2.9bn (£2.2bn) from Azerbaijan into the UK where it was used to buy luxury goods and peddle political influence throughout Europe.

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What is Daca and who are the Dreamers?

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 10:04 AM PDT

With Donald Trump poised to scrap the Obama-era program for children brought to the US illegally, we explain everything you need to know about it

Donald Trump has said he will announce on Tuesday whether he is scrapping a program giving work permits to people who were brought to the US illegally as children. Reports suggest he is planning to scrap Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) but will give Congress up to six months to find a legislative alternative. But what is Daca, who are the people affected (known as "Dreamers"), and what will happen to them?

Related: Trump to end Daca 'Dreamers' program with six-month delay – reports

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Why a return to diplomacy over North Korea has few takers

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 05:24 AM PDT

Despite some progress made, critics say six-party talks launched in 2003 were unwieldy and exploited by Pyongyang

All sides in the North Korea crisis agree there are no good options. Sanctions, the most complex ever designed by the UN, are of limited effect unless an oil embargo is imposed – in which case the whole country slides into chaos, something China opposes. A military assault is likely to lead to reprisals and mass casualties that would dwarf Hiroshima.

Related: Xi Jinping says a dark shadow looms over the world after years of peace

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Kim Jong-un 'begging for war' says US ambassador to UN – video

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 10:13 AM PDT

Nikki Haley, the American ambassador to the United Nations, says the North Korean leader's actions indicate that he is 'begging for war'. Speaking in New York on Monday, Haley said that while Kim wanted recognition as a nuclear power, he lacked any understanding of the associated responsibilities of having the weapons

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Stranded family lifted to safety from flooded Texas home - video

Posted: 04 Sep 2017 04:12 AM PDT

Helicopter crew rescue two children and their mother from their flooded home in Houston after tropical storm Harvey caused devastating flooding last week. The storm, one of the costliest to hit the US, has displaced more than 1 million people, resulted in at least 44 deaths and damaged 185,000 homes in Houston alone

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