World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

North Korea claims successful nuclear test using hydrogen bomb – live

Posted: 03 Sep 2017 01:19 AM PDT

South Korea calls national security meeting after earthquake of magnitude 6.3 detected near a North Korea nuclear test area

Full report: Nuclear test confirmed in major escalation by Kim Jong-un
What we know so far
Analysis: Trump must now start talks with North Korea

The nuclear test will create maximum embarrassment for Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, experts have said.

Xi was only hours from opening the summit of the BRICS nations – the association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – when news of the test emerged.

Xi Jinping just began his opening speech for Brics summit...which has been upstaged by North Korea nuclear test

China's President Xi Jinping speaking right now at the BRICS Summit. So far not a word about the #NorthKorea nuclear test. #China

South Korea said North Korea's defiant sixth nuclear test should be met with the "strongest possible" response, including new U.N. Security Council sanctions to "completely isolate" the country.

(URGENT) S. Korea says will consider deploying most powerful U.S. tactical weapons

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North Korean nuclear test confirmed in major escalation by Kim Jong-un

Posted: 03 Sep 2017 12:24 AM PDT

Regime confirms sixth nuclear detonation following earthquake that was detected by China, South Korea and the US

Live: full coverage of the North Korean nuclear test and reaction

North Korea says it has tested a powerful hydrogen bomb that can be loaded on to an intercontinental ballistic, in a move that is expected to ratchet up the pressure on Donald Trump to defuse the growing nuclear crisis on the Korean peninsula.

In an announcement carried on state TV, North Korea said the test, its sixth since 2006, had been a "complete success" and involved a "two-stage thermonuclear weapon" with "unprecedented" strength.

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North Korea nuclear test: what we know so far

Posted: 03 Sep 2017 12:06 AM PDT

Thousands of Rohingya flee Myanmar amid tales of ethnic cleansing

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 01:00 PM PDT

Huge influx of refugees expected to arrive in Bangladesh in coming days, with accusations of genocide in Rakhine state

Gunfire and explosions crackle in the hills. Plumes of smoke from burning villages streak the monsoon-grey sky. Refugees fleeing for their lives are pouring into Bangladesh over the Myanmar border as the conflict between Myanmar security forces and Rohingya militias escalates and risks spiralling into a humanitarian disaster.

The refugees say their villages are being raided and burned. They tell stories of the indiscriminate killing of civilians at the hands of security forces and Buddhist nationalists. Since 25 August, more than 18,500 Rohingya, a largely Muslim ethnic group, have fled into Bangladesh from Rakhine state. However, UN sources say they believe the true figure is closer to 28,000. And Bangladeshi aid workers claimed on Saturday that 70,000 – almost 10% of the Rohingya population – had crossed in less than 24 hours. "This is a new dimension," said Adil Sakhawat, a journalist with the Dhaka Tribune.

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Brazil’s leftist hero basks in adulation as he bids to revive political fortunes

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 01:30 PM PDT

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was convicted of corruption in July. Now he is on the road mobilising those he lifted out of poverty

Wearing their best red T-shirts, carrying flags and banners, and buzzing with excitement, thousands of people in this poor, dusty farming town had thronged the main square to see Lula and they screamed and stretched out their hands when he walked on stage.

The bearded, gravel-voiced leftist leader's rule ended seven years ago, yet he remains the most popular Brazilian president in decades, if not in the country's history.

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Houston refineries and plants leak thousands of tons of pollutants

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 09:45 AM PDT

Communities face surging toxic fumes and possible water contamination, as refineries and plants report more than 2,700 tons of extra pollution

Hurricane Harvey has resulted in Houston's petrochemical industry leaking thousands of tons of pollutants, with communities living near plants damaged by the storm exposed to soaring levels of toxic fumes and potential water contamination.

Refineries and chemical plants have reported more than 2,700 tons, or 5.4m pounds, of extra air pollution due to direct damage from the hurricane as well as the preventive shutting down of facilities, which causes a spike in released toxins.

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Twelve from UK among those arrested in Magaluf drug raids

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 12:03 PM PDT

Spanish police say 3kg of cocaine and other drugs seized on Mallorca and in Barcelona were intended for sale to tourists

Twelve people from the UK have been arrested after police smashed an alleged drug-dealing ring in the Spanish holiday resort of Magaluf on the island of Mallorca.

Officers also seized three kilograms of high-purity cocaine and €103,000 (about £100,000) in cash, according to the Spanish Civil Guard.

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Palestinian journalists face crackdown as Abbas tightens grip on media

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 04:04 PM PDT

The leader of the Palestinian Authority is looking to increase his reach amid power struggles with rivals

The reasons given by Palestinian Authority security forces when they arrested the journalist Tariq Abu Zaid were deeply contradictory.

Abu Zaid, a reporter with the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, was originally told that he was being detained in retaliation for the Gaza arrest by Hamas of a journalist from a media organisation supportive of President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party.

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How an obstruction of justice case may be shaping up against Trump

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 04:00 AM PDT

Documents that emerged this week offer insight into Robert Mueller's investigation of the Trump campaign's ties to Russia, legal experts say

Two of the most intriguing questions in US national political discourse – what does the special counsel Robert Mueller have on Donald Trump, and what more is he looking for? – were filled in at a remarkable pace this week, as details of highly sensitive documents and internal Trump Organization emails became public for the first time.

Taken together, the documents could indicate that the special counsel is looking seriously at whether Trump committed an obstruction of justice on potentially various fronts, legal experts say.

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Tenerife police investigate Briton's death after alleged car theft

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 06:50 AM PDT

Man found wearing only a pair of shorts on outskirts of Los Cristianos less than a day after arriving on island

Police in Tenerife are reportedly investigating the death of a British man after he allegedly stole a car outside a shopping centre less than 24 hours into his holiday.

The man is said to have taken the Mitsubishi car at the San Eugenio shopping centre in Costa Adeje, in the south-west of the Canary island, at about 2pm on Friday. A woman inside the car was injured as he made off, according to the Spanish newspaper Diario de Avisos.

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The great Saudi sell-off: why bankers and lawyers are flocking to the Gulf

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 08:00 AM PDT

The kingdom's privatisation plans dwarf those of Thatcher or even the post-Soviet 'Wild East'. And they will change the country out of all recognition

Don't even think about getting the Sunday morning flight from Dubai to Riyadh. The same applies to the Thursday afternoon slots going back.

Both – and many in between – are booked solid by investment bankers, corporate lawyers, accountants, consultants and PR advisers who appreciate the weekend comforts of the UAE, but who know the big business is to being done in Saudi Arabia.

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Trump visits Houston to meet Harvey survivors: 'Things are working out well'

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 11:36 AM PDT

President says people he has met are 'just happy' as he seeks to avoid the mistakes of George W Bush after Hurricane Katrina

Donald Trump arrived in Houston on Saturday to meet victims of Hurricane Harvey, on a trip aimed at bringing comfort and hope, while avoiding the mistakes of George W Bush.

The president and the first lady, Melania Trump, met families at a storm shelter in a Houston sports stadium accompanied by the Texas governor, Greg Abbott, and the city's mayor, Sylvester Turner, and then visited a church in the suburb of Pearland.

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Frankfurt residents evacuated after second world war bomb found

Posted: 03 Sep 2017 01:07 AM PDT

Discovery of unexploded WWII bomb in German financial capital forces evacuation of thousands of residents

Thousands of residents in Frankfurt evacuated their homes early on Sunday ahead of the planned defusing of a massive second world war bomb discovered on a building site in the German financial capital.

A steady flow of people filed into a temporary centre at Frankfurt's trade fair site, in Germany's biggest evacuation since the war.

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My Cat Yugoslavia review – the refugee experience as surreal comic fable

Posted: 03 Sep 2017 01:00 AM PDT

Pajtim Statovci's debut novel flits between genres to create a memorably disconcerting tale about life as an outsider in modern Europe

Kosovo-born Finnish writer Pajtim Statovci's debut novel begins with a chap called blackhetero-helsinki prowling the internet in search of "fun and games", continues with a lonely immigrant student getting into a relationship first with a boa constrictor and then a haughty cat he meets in a bar singing along to Cher's Believe, and ends with a series of ruminations about the violence of men, of memory, of migration. If this sounds whimsical, don't worry; My Cat Yugoslavia is a striking work about dislocation and estrangement that moves between science fiction, comic fable and trauma narrative without ever settling snugly into any of them.

The lonely student is Bekim. His parents came to Finland from the Balkans during the 1990s. When people ask him his name he often makes one up. Sometimes he pretends to be Russian. Local toughs would spit on his face: "Wipe it away and you're dead, they said, wipe it and you're dead, you fucking parasite refugee." He's mostly gay, obsessed with cleaning, and disconnected not only from his fellow students but from his mother, Emine. She too is struggling: brought up in a quietly conservative village near the Kosovan capital of Pristina, she was married off to a man whose name, Bajram ("celebration"), belied his fierce temper, and it has taken her decades to pluck up the courage to leave him.

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Death in Bangladesh doesn’t draw a crowd like Melania

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Issues of diversity and representation in news are not simply a matter of who is doing the reporting, but also of what the audience chooses to read

One foreign reporting job from long ago lives with me still. The great Bhola cyclone of 1970, pounding the shores of East Pakistan (soon to be Bangladesh) and West Bengal. Some 500,000 people reported dead. Delta islands swamped, desolate. And I was there, moving by rescue helicopter from one scene of horror to another across a vista of grey mud, flattened villages – and bodies, bodies everywhere. Bloated cows, huddled humans.

It keeps happening. Only last week the monsoon rains – dumping walls of water on Nepal and east India – flooded one-third of Bangladesh. "Farmers are left with nothing, not even with clean drinking water," said Red Cross and Crescent leaders on the sodden ground. Count more than 1,200 more dead.

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Trump's push to quit South Korea trade pact would mark latest swerve in region on edge

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Analysis: As tensions swirl between US and North Korea, president's reported effort to exit 2007 deal may bring stunning development in twisting tale

Donald Trump has asked aides to prepare for US withdrawal from a free trade agreement with South Korea, it was reported on Saturday – a potentially stunning development at a time of tense confrontation with North Korea.

Asked during his trip to Louisiana on Saturday if he was talking with advisers about the idea, Trump said: "I am. It's very much on my mind."

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Deaths of black men in custody pose challenge on ‘Stephen Lawrence level’

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 05:53 PM PDT

One family is calling for officers to be suspended. Now new witness accounts have been revealed

The family of a black man who died after being restrained by police are launching a campaign this week for the officers involved to be suspended pending investigations.

The campaign, to be launched on Thursday by the family of Edson da Costa, comes as the Observer reveals worrying new witness accounts of incidents leading to the deaths of Da Costa and three other black men since June.

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The juju curse that binds trafficked Nigerian women into sex slavery

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 04:03 PM PDT

Traditional west African 'healers' and Sicilian psychiatrists are struggling to help free Nigerian women forced into prostitution

Every night as dusk falls in Piazza Gastone in the Noce district of Palermo, a tall, imposing Ghanaian woman dressed in traditional west African robes stands before a small congregation sweating in rows of plastic chairs before her.

The Pentecostal Church of Odasani has been converted from an old garage in a backstreet into a place of worship, albeit one unrecognised by any formal faith group. But what many of the congregation – largely young Nigerian women – have come for tonight is more than prayer; it is freedom.

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Xenophon proposes media bill compromise as Labor threatens parliament chaos

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 11:34 PM PDT

Stalled media bill set to return to Senate, while Labor protests Joyce's refusal to step down until citizenship case heard by high court

Proposed tax breaks for small media companies would be retained but reduced in scope under a proposal put by Nick Xenophon in return for his support on the Turnbull government's media ownership bill.

The media bill is set to return to the Senate when parliament resumes on Monday, but Xenophon has put the onus on the government to respond after a deal stalled at the end of the last sitting session.

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This North Korean nuclear test means Trump must now start talks

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 10:55 PM PDT

John Delury: The US president has postured and threatened while Kim Jong-un has simply ploughed on building a nuclear warhead and a missile that can carry it

North Korea's apparent sixth nuclear test is not a surprise to anyone who follows the regime's programme closely. Since April, the analysts at 38 North have been saying the regime was ready, and South Korean intelligence has been predicting it since last week. There is a narrative that the North Koreans are overtaking our expectations – true, perhaps, in terms of their capabilities, but not in terms of the likelihood of the test itself.

Kim Jong-un wants us to see this is as a weaponisation test for his intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). We need time and technical analysis on that point. But it is clear they are barrelling ahead with their nuclear and missile programme. And we need to find an off-ramp.

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Timeline: North Korea’s nuclear weapons development

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 09:56 PM PDT

Pyongyang is suspected of having detonated a 6th nuclear device at a test site in the north-east of the country. This is how it got to this stage

North Korea starts operation of a five-megawatt nuclear reactor at Yongbyon after seven years of construction with Soviet help.

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North Korea claims hydrogen bomb being fitted to missile

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 06:40 PM PDT

Kim Jong-un reportedly inspects new nuclear weapon with 'great destructive power' built from components produced within the country

North Korea says it has developed a more advanced nuclear weapon that has "great destructive power", and that leader Kim Jong-un has inspected a hydrogen bomb that will be loaded on to a new intercontinental ballistic missile.

The report by North Korea's official KCNA news agency comes amid heightened regional tension and global concern following Pyongyang's test launch of two ICBM-class missiles in July that potentially had a range of about 10,000km (6,200 miles), putting the mainland United States within reach.

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Cambodia's strongman PM digs in with arrest of opposition leader

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 05:23 PM PDT

Kem Sokha, key rival of three-decade ruler Hun Sen, bundled away in police raid and accused of treason and foreign conspiracy as election looms in 2018

The Cambodian opposition leader, Kem Sokha, has been arrested accused of treason, according to the government, in the latest of a flurry of legal cases lodged against critics and rivals of the strongman prime minister, Hun Sen.

The surprise arrest raises the stakes as Hun Sen's political opponents, NGOs and the critical press are smothered by court cases and threats ahead of a crunch general election in 2018.

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'We die or they die': Rohingya insurgency sparks fresh violence in Myanmar

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 04:57 PM PDT

A military group has emerged in Rakhine state intent on fighting back against what it sees as decades of oppression by the Buddhist majority

The voice crackles down the phone line. Hashem, a Rohingya Muslim fighter, is getting anxious.

"Nah, nah, nah, nah," he says. His group does abduct informers, but it doesn't kill them, he claims.

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Cruel despot or wise reformer? Napoleon’s two faces go on view

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 04:05 PM PDT

A huge art exhibition will try to convince the French the emperor was more statesman than warmonger

A young, well-read and highly intelligent Frenchman comes to power, defeating an ultra-rightwing group. He has ambitions to reform France and place his country at the heart of a unified Europe. Britain, with its constant demands for free trade with the continent, is a constant irritant. French exiles who have taken refuge in London must be lured back, he declares. Sound familiar?

British historian Andrew Roberts says his description could fit French president Emmanuel Macron and his predecessor Napoleon Bonaparte equally well.

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As flood waters rise, is urban sprawl as much to blame as climate change?

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 04:04 PM PDT

Global warming may have intensified Hurricane Harvey and storms in Asia and Africa but the real problem may be our sprawling cities

First came the dire warnings of Hurricane Harvey, then the terrible scenes as the skies opened, whole neighbourhoods drowned and motorways became rivers. Now, as the waters subside and the full extent of the damage is assessed, come the voices of distraught people who have lost everything and the rallying of Americans to help in the recovery.

Houston may have broken the US rainfall records, but lost in the dramatic worldwide coverage of Texas has been the plight of tens of millions of people across Asia and Africa who are also counting the human cost of equally intense storms in which months of rain has fallen in just a few hours.

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Mattis, Tillerson and Kelly 'press on' under Trump – but for how long?

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 07:53 AM PDT

Analysis: Rex Tillerson has appeared listless in a job he has said he never wanted, while reports suggest a sense of duty may be what's keeping James Mattis and John Kelly at work

After voicing views that appeared directly at odds with those of the president, the defence secretary, James Mattis, was asked this week why he continued to serve.

"You know, when a president of the United States asks you to do something - I don't care if it's Republican or Democrat - we all have an obligation to serve. That's all there is to it," Mattis told journalists on Thursday.

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Drone footage shows flooding in Houston, Texas – video

Posted: 02 Sep 2017 09:16 AM PDT

Footage captured by a drone shows the scale of flooding in Houston on Friday. The amateur video shows the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey as residents begin to return to undertake the massive cleanup effort. Donald Trump was due to meet survivors in Houston on Saturday

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