World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

US warns Assad over using chemical weapons again

Posted: 08 Apr 2017 01:13 AM PDT

Tensions mount with Russia as Sean Spicer says Assad must 'abide by agreements not to use chemical weapons' but fails to outline US objectives

The US says it has put Bashar al-Assad on notice that it will act again if he repeats the use of chemical weapons, while appearing to back away from wider military involvement in Syria, less than 24 hours after launching Tomahawk missiles at a regime airbase.

"The United States will no longer wait for Assad to use chemical weapons without any consequences. Those days are over," the US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, told a special session of the UN security council.

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‘It had a big impact on me’ – story behind Trump’s whirlwind missile response

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:46 AM PDT

Within hours images of chemical attack victims galvanised the US administration into military retaliation and sidelined the leader of China

The first sign of a change came on Wednesday afternoon, when Donald Trump appeared in the White House rose garden. He was giving a news conference. The previous day a rocket had fallen on the rebel-held Syrian town of Khan Sheikhun.

At first this appeared to be another airstrike by the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad on an area in Idlib province long controlled by opposition forces. It was, seemingly, a routine act of barbarism. An airstrike was unremarkable in Syria's grinding six-year-long civil war.

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Truck drives into crowd in Stockholm, killing four people

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:30 PM PDT

Two men arrested over incident on busy street in Swedish capital which police are treating as act of terrorism

Four people died and 15 were injured after a truck drove into pedestrians on Stockholm's busiest shopping street and crashed into a department store, in what police were treating as an act of terrorism.

"Sweden has been attacked. Everything points to a terrorist act," the Swedish prime minister, Stefan Löfven, said shortly after the tragedy on Friday afternoon.

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Che Guevara’s brother: ‘Ernesto must be pulled from his pedestal’

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:45 PM PDT

Juan Martin Guevara talks about his childhood with the revolutionary and how he wants people to see Che as an exceptional man rather than an idol

There is something familiar about his gaze. Standing with a little boy balanced awkwardly on his shoulders, a burning intensity in the young man's eyes belies a steely resolve. Yet it is hard to imagine that this same clean-cut Argentinian in suit and tie will, 10 years later, be a hero of Fidel Castro's Cuban uprising, celebrated for his military prowess and Marxist revolutionary zeal. Or that, after his execution in 1967 by the US-backed Bolivian army, and with the help of another photograph – Alberto Korda's bearded rebel, long hair tucked into a beret with a red star – Ernesto "Che" Guevara will become a Christ-like myth of the left.

The little boy in the photograph is Juan Martin Guevara, Che's youngest brother. Fifty years after his brother's death, he has written a memoir in which he intends to "fight this myth and give back to my brother his human face … Ernesto was a man. We need to pull him down off his pedestal … He would have hated being turned into an idol … It is important to understand that he began as a normal, even ordinary person, who became an exceptional person who others can emulate."

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Who's who in Trump's Mar-a-Lago situation room?

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Image of the president and his staff receiving a briefing about the progress of strikes on Syria tells a thousand words

A photograph tweeted out by White House press secretary Sean Spicer has given the world a look inside Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago "situation room".

The president was at his Florida resort for talks with the Chinese president Xi Jinping when he gave approval for the launch of Tomahawk missiles aimed at one of Bashar al-Assad's airbases in Syria.

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Malcolm Turnbull says al-Assad’s 'war crimes' disqualify him from future role in Syria

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 08:32 PM PDT

Turnbull reiterates calls on Russia to bring six-year conflict to an end, saying it must use leverage to drive political settlement

Malcolm Turnbull says president Bashar al-Assad's "war crimes" disqualify him from any continuing role in Syria after the conflict ends.

Turnbull on Saturday offered his second strong endorsement in as many days of the United States' unilateral military strike on the Shayrat airbase near Homs, following a chemical weapons attack.

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'It has been done': Eta hands over weapons in France

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 06:14 PM PDT

The separatist group has given French authorities information on the location of arms caches

The Basque separatist group Eta, which has promised to give up all its remaining arms by Saturday, has handed over the weapons to members of "civil society" in France, one member of the group has said.

"We have the political and technical responsibility for Eta's disarmament, and it has been done," Txetx Etcheverry, a Basque environmentalist, said on Friday.

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English Defence League not welcome in Birmingham, leaders say

Posted: 08 Apr 2017 12:56 AM PDT

Political leaders urge people to go about normal business after EDL moves rally to city 'frequented' by Westminster attacker

Cross-party political leaders in Birmingham have issued a joint message opposing all forms of extremism before an English Defence League march in the city.

The leaders of the Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative groups on Birmingham city council urged people to go about their business as usual during the EDL protest on Saturday.

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Stockholm attack: suspect arrested for 'terrorist crime' after truck deaths

Posted: 08 Apr 2017 12:34 AM PDT

Police say man detained on Friday is suspected of being the truck driver and there might be 'other people who are associated with him'

The driver of a hijacked beer delivery truck that careered into crowds on Stockholm's largest shopping street, killing four and injuring many more, has been arrested on suspicion of a terrorist crime.

Police in Sweden's capital confirmed that a man had been arrested "on suspicion of a terrorist crime through murder" after the attack on Friday afternoon, which saw the haulage vehicle drive down a pedestrianised street in the capital before crashing into a department store.

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Tens of thousands march against Jacob Zuma in South Africa

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:41 AM PDT

Nationwide protests calling for president to quit after country gets second ratings agency 'junk' downgrade

South Africa's political crisis has intensified as tens of thousands of people joined demonstrations across the country calling for Jacob Zuma to step down, police fired rubber bullets in scattered clashes and a second ratings agency downgraded the country to "junk" status.

Thousands marched through the rainy centre of Johannesburg, the commercial capital, on Friday amid a heavy police presence, while smaller crowds of a few hundred people protested on street corners and bridges in other cities and towns.

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Hotel Armadillo review – Attenborough checks in to an amazing animal AirBnB

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

David Attenborough narrates a fascinating detective story about the hunt for the rare armour-plated kittens who hold the key to Brazil's fragile ecosystem

Conservationist Arnaud Desbiez worked in the Brazilian Pantanal for eight years before he set eyes on a giant armadillo. On one level this is surprising: a giant armadillo is about the size of a pig. But it's also rare, solitary and nocturnal, spending up to three-quarters of its life underground. The giant armadillo is considered a ghost species – you know they're there, even if you can't find any.

Related: David Attenborough and BBC take us to Hotel Armadillo – in pictures

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Trump to visit China as Beijing touts 'new era' of ties with US

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 08:47 PM PDT

A state visit is pencilled in for later in 2017 after summit in Florida was overshadowed by the Syria crisis

Chinese president Xi Jinping has invited Donald Trump to pay a state visit to China later this year during a intensely choreographed visit to the billionaire's Florida estate that was shunted from the headlines by the airstrikes on Syria.

Beijing had hoped to use the two-day summit to burnish Xi's credentials as a powerful world leader who had successfully tamed the US's volatile commander-in-chief and Chinese propaganda chiefs battled to keep the spotlight on Mar-a-Lago despite the dramatic turn of events in the Middle East.

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Palestinian activist's Australian visa cancelled on eve of speaking tour

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:58 PM PDT

Government says there is a risk people may react adversely to Bassem Tamimi's presence, and his views on the Middle East

The federal government has cancelled the visa of an outspoken Palestinian activist on the eve of his Australian speaking tour because others are likely to "react adversely" to his presence.

The activist, Bassem Tamimi, was due to board a plane this week to begin his Australian speaking tour, which was organised by the Palestine Action Group, Friends of Palestine, and The Social Research Institute.

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Truck drives into Stockholm pedestrians in suspected terror attack – video report

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 01:16 PM PDT

A truck has driven into pedestrians on Stockholm's largest pedestrianised shopping street. The attack, which Sweden's prime minister, Stefan Löfven, has described as a terrorist act, has killed four people and injuring several more. Following Friday's incident, police have suspended public transport and advised people to avoid the city centre

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The world reacts to Trump’s Syria missile strikes – video report

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 11:58 AM PDT

Donald Trump announced on Thursday evening that he launched a missile attack against Syria, targeting the airbase where he said the chemical attack that killed dozens of people was launched. The Syrian army and Russia condemned the strikes, while the UK, along with other US allies, supported the decision. China did not explicitly condemn the US, but said they were opposed to the use of force, even though they are against the use of chemical weapons. Chinese president Xi Jinping is currently at Trump's Mar-a-Lago Florida estate

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Syria: base hit in US airstrike was home to jets allegedly used in chemical attacks

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 11:45 AM PDT

US military officials tailored attack on key Assad regime airfield after more than 70 died in Khan Sheikhoun atrocity

The Syrian base hit by US missile strikes has played a central part in the war, housing a jet fleet responsible for extensive bombing of the north and large numbers of Hezbollah and Iranian fighters who had turned the conflict in Bashar al-Assad's favour.

All Syrian forces had evacuated the al-Shayrat airfield by the time the strikes occurred, as had fighters from the Lebanese militia, who had been heavily involved in countering an opposition offensive on nearby Hama in recent weeks.

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Syria nerve agent attack: why it made sense to Assad | Emma Graham-Harrison

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:48 AM PDT

The president's army is battle-weary, but the sarin attack and the US missile strikes show this war is far from over

Syria bombing: what we know so far

April seemed to start well for the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, six years in to a civil war he once looked unlikely to survive.

Fighting still raged across the battered country but his army and the collection of militias and foreign militaries backing his government had the upper hand, and the White House appeared to have taken any push for regime change off the table.

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Trump's security chief shaped by tough posting near Syria

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:46 AM PDT

HR McMaster has shown himself to be an accomplished military strategist and an adept White House infighter

The toughest posting for an American officer in the early years of the Iraq conflict was Tal Afar, a small scrubland town close to the Syrian border dominated by a castle and held by Islamist extremists. Lieutenant-General HR McMaster, Donald Trump's national security adviser, who was pivotal in the decision to attack a Syrian airbase on Friday, was deployed to Tal Afar in spring 2005 – and it was to be the making of him.

Tal Afar, held by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) at present, was at the time in the hands of several extremist groups, including Isis's predecessor, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's al-Qaida in Iraq. McMaster, then a colonel and an unorthodox military thinker, made a point of immersing himself in Iraqi culture, winning over the local police and portraying the US army not as an occupier, but a protector of the town's 150,000 inhabitants.

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Protestant ascendancy was not at all Irish | Brief letters

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 10:29 AM PDT

Duke of Wellington | Term-time hols | Yorkshire lavatories | London addresses | Phonetic initials | Baker's apostrophe

Being born in Dublin didn't make the Duke of Wellington Irish (Letters, 6 April). He and his parents belonged to the Anglo-Irish Protestant ascendancy who'd stolen their land and wealth from Irish Catholics. Their allegiance was to England – and to the empire. They were no more Irish than colonialists in India were Indian.
Chris Hughes

• Apropos children being taken out of school in term time for holidays (Report, 7 April): there has been criticism of the parents and of the school authorities, but I have seen little condemnation of the root cause, the hiking of prices during school breaks by the holiday industry. Market forces? The same sacred cow that is behind so many of our problems.
Denis Ahern
Stanford-le-Hope, Essex

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A visual guide to the US missile strikes on a Syrian airbase

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:53 AM PDT

Graphics and maps showing what we know about the strike ordered by Donald Trump on the Shayrat airbase south of Homs

The US fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the warships USS Ross and Porter in the eastern Mediterranean in the early hours of Friday morning Syrian time.

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Congress gives Trump's Syria missle strikes conditional bipartisan support

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:44 AM PDT

Nancy Pelosi describes action as 'proportional response' to chemical weapons attack, while some stress need for congressional approval in future operations

Donald Trump's military strike in Syria on Thursday won cautious bipartisan approval on Capitol Hill.

Related: Syria bombing: Russia PM calls Trump's airstrike 'good news for terrorists' – live

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The week in patriarchy: don't buy Trump lies that he has a heart for Syria

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:38 AM PDT

The president tried to claim the missile strike was to help suffering children in Syria – which is the opposite of thoughts he expressed last year

This week, do me a favor. In the wake of our president ordering a missile strike on Syria – let's not say he did it because of his "heart". I mean, really. This is a man who said last year about Syrian children, "I can look in their faces and say 'You can't come.' I'll look them in the face." So spare us all the disgusting narrative that Trump is a changed man because of the suffering of children. Unless we're willing – as we should be – to open our borders to Syrian refugees, heart has nothing to do with America's actions.

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Dinner-time missile strike leaves China having to reassess Trump

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:37 AM PDT

US decision to bomb Syria during meeting with Xi Jinping will have irked China, but it will be more concerned about the future implications

For China's president, Xi Jinping, it was supposed to be a chance to show himself as the political titan whom Communist party propagandists fete as the "leader of China's great revival".

During a two-day visit to Donald Trump's glamorous Mar-a-Lago estate, Xi would grab headlines as a globe-trotting statesman whose nation could now stand side by side with the world's leading superpower.

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Letter: The Most Rev Eamonn Casey obituary

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:25 AM PDT

The obituary of the Most Rev Eamonn Casey reminds me of how upset and disappointed my mother was when she told me that the parish priest had left Staplefield, West Sussex. As a practising Catholic throughout her 86 years, Mum knew the qualities she sought in a parish priest and was not afraid to move beyond the boundaries of her local parish to find them. At Our Lady of Fatima, Father Eamonn offered humanity, humility and an ability to relate to ordinary people. After his retirement in 2006, she and a friend wrote to him in Ireland expressing their sorrow over his departure and thanking him for his work in West Sussex. I hope that letter reached him.

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Moscow: Syria airstrikes 'significant blow to Russian-US relations'

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 09:12 AM PDT

Missile launches in violation of international law, says Vladimir Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov

Latest developments – live

Vladimir Putin views the US missile strikes on Syria as "aggression against a sovereign state in violation of international law, and under a false pretext," according to the Russian president's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov.

"With this step Washington has struck a significant blow to Russian-American relations, which were already in a sorry state," Peskov said on Friday. The Russian response to the missile strike was one of almost unanimous condemnation, though it is unclear how much appetite Moscow has for a real escalation with the US in Syria.

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US airstrikes generate mixed feelings among Syria's opposition

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 08:31 AM PDT

Action against Assad regime welcomed, but many doubt Trump administration has interests of the Syrian people at heart

Syrian opposition fighters and officials, as well as activists and aid workers, say they have mixed feelings about the US airstrikes on a regime airbase, expressing happiness that Bashar al-Assad has been punished for this week's chemical attack as well as regret that Washington had not acted sooner and ended the war.

Many were sceptical that the Trump administration had the interests of the Syrian people in mind. Some drew a contrast with the Obama administration, saying that as a minimum Donald Trump's instability would change the status quo.

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Smoke billows after truck crashes into building in Stockholm – video

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:51 AM PDT

Amateur footage taken by Twitter user Emil Stenqvist shows smoke billowing from the side of a building, after reports of a truck driving through crowds on a busy shopping street in central Stockholm on Friday. Police said they were treating the incident as terror-related

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Emergency services at the scene after truck crashes in Stockholm – video

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:14 AM PDT

Mobile phone footage of emergency service personnel tending to people in central Stockholm. This was in response to a truck driving into crowds on a shopping street in Stockholm on Friday and crashing into a department store, killing two people and injuring others, security officials have confirmed

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People run from scene after Sweden truck crash – video

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:13 AM PDT

Mobile phone footage appears to show people fleeing after a truck crashes into a central Stockholm department store. Two people have been killed and others injured on Friday, according to local public radio reports. The capital was immediately locked down as police set up barricades, suspended public transport and warned people to avoid the city centre

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Syria airstrikes: UK offers verbal but not military support to US

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 07:10 AM PDT

Defence secretary backs US response to gas attack but says Britain is not committed to military action against Assad

The British government was not asked to provide military support to the US attack on Syria but believes it was a "wholly appropriate" response to the deadly use of chemical weapons on civilians, the defence secretary has said.

Sir Michael Fallon said the UK would not get directly involved in action with combat troops or aircraft in Syria without parliamentary approval.

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Syrian TV claims to show moment of US airstrike – video

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 06:29 AM PDT

Mobile phone footage reportedly shows an American military strike hitting an airbase near Homs. The US has said this is the location from which Syrian forces launched a sarin attack on the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhun on Tuesday morning. Syria's military said seven people were killed and several wounded in the attack

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British DJ sentenced to year in Tunisian jail for Muslim call to prayer remix

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 05:41 AM PDT

Berlin-based Dax J who left Tunisia after incident was charged with public indecency and offending public morality

A British DJ has been sentenced to a year in jail by a Tunisian court after he played a remix recording of the Muslim call to prayer in a nightclub.

The London-born Dax J, who left Tunisia after last weekend's incident, was charged with public indecency and offending public morality, said Ylyes Miladi, a spokesman of a court in the town of Grombalia.

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Will the UK lose Gibraltar?

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 05:12 AM PDT

Brexit has put the Rock back in the news, with Spain being awarded a veto over future EU deals on Gibraltar – effectively giving the country its strongest hand in the territory for three centuries. So what could come of all this?

Visitors to Gibraltar, a tiny British territory that still boasts red phone boxes and greasy fish-and-chip shops, might feel bemused by the recent fuss over its future. Outwardly, it is an insignificant piece of Europe that juts out from the southern end of the Iberian peninsula into the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea. Gibraltar is mostly made up of a barren, 1,400ft-high limestone rock and a flat, concreted-over isthmus that connects it to Spain. It is famous for its colony of barbary apes and the magnificent views of the coast of Morocco, in North Africa, which lies just nine miles away, across a sparkling sea.

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US bombing of Syria: global reaction exposes divisions over civil war

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 05:02 AM PDT

Russia says US action is an aggression that violates international law while Israel claims Trump has sent a strong, clear message

International reaction to the US cruise missile attack on a Syrian airbase has exposed the stark lines by which the international community is divided over the six-year civil war.

In reprisal for the Bashar al-Assad regime's alleged use of chemical weapons earlier this week, the US launched 59 long-range Tomahawk missiles on the airbase from which it believes the Syrian warplanes launched the chemical attack.

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Russian and Syrian TV claim to show airbase damage from US strike – video

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 03:33 AM PDT

Footage on Russian and Syrian TV shows footage which both channels say is from inside the Shayrat airbase targeted by the recent US missile strike. The strike hit the airbase in retaliation for what Donald Trump called a 'horrible chemical weapons attack' in Idlib earlier this week

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No 10 names new bishop of Sheffield after row over previous appointee

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 03:21 AM PDT

Pete Wilcox will take up role this autumn after Philip North stood aside amid protests over his opposition to female clergy

Downing Street has announced the name of the next bishop of Sheffield after the man initially appointed to the post stood aside amid protests over his views on female clergy.

Pete Wilcox, dean of Liverpool Cathedral, will be consecrated at York Minster this summer and will take up his new role in the autumn.

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Syria's humanitarian crisis: three ways Trump could help

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 03:00 AM PDT

In the wake of a chemical attack that sparked condemnation from Trump, several major aid groups have outlined actions that could ease suffering

In the wake of Donald Trump's harsh condemnation of the chemical attack in Syria this week, some of the world's largest humanitarian groups outlined steps the White House could take to alleviate suffering in the region.

More than 70 people died in Khan Sheikhun on Tuesday in one of the worst chemical attacks in the six-year war. Trump said the attack was an "affront to humanity" that "crossed lots of lines for me".

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UK blocks Madagascan farmer who says mining firm ousted him from land

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 06:54 AM PDT

Unsuccessful visa application prevents Athanase Monja from attending Rio Tinto AGM, where he hoped to highlight impact of mining on his community

A Madagascan farmer who says he and his neighbours have lost access to their land because of the UK mining company Rio Tinto has been blocked from visiting London, where he had been due to address the firm's annual general meeting.

Athanase Monja planned to speak at the firm's AGM on 12 April, but was refused a visa by the Home Office. Monja, a subsistence farmer, fisherman and first assistant to the mayor in his town of Antsontso, was told by British officials he had a "lack of qualification" to speak about environmental and human rights concerns.

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No respite for Rohingya as Aung San Suu Kyi rejects abuse inquiry – in pictures

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 05:04 AM PDT

The UN's main human rights body is assembling a team to investigate alleged abuses against Rohingya Muslims, putting the organisation at loggerheads with Myanmar's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. Meanwhile, the Rohingya, who have been described as the world's most persecuted people, remain unable to access basic services such as medical treatment and education

All photos from Ali MC's exhibition Rohingya: Refugee Crisis in Colour

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Are Donald Trump's missile strikes in Syria legal?

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 02:26 PM PDT

The president proceeded without congressional approval, citing national security concerns – a move not without precedent, but complicated nonetheless

Donald Trump's decision to launch US military strikes in Syria without congressional approval has raised questions about the legality of the administration's actions.

Related: Syria bombing: US says Russia bears responsibility for Assad's gas attack – live

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'Syria is not our problem': Trump's past comments on Assad regime – video

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 01:14 PM PDT

Donald Trump ordered missile strikes on Syria on Thursday in response to chemical attacks probably carried out by government forces. The move marks a substantial change in tack compared with Trump's previous statements on the conflict, in which he suggested the US play a minimal role

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