World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Donald Trump's Syrian airstrike 'significant blow to US-Russia relations', says Kremlin – live

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 02:15 AM PDT

American military strike hits airbase in Syria in retaliation for what US president called 'horrible chemical weapons attack' in Idlib

Angelino Alfano, the Italian foreign minister, said in a statement that Italy understood the reasons behind US military action and called the strikes a "proportionate" deterrent to the further use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime.

Alfano called for a "necessary and urgent" meeting of the UN Security Council - where Italy , a non-permanent member, currently has a vote - and the adoption of a consensus resolution to prevent further atrocities.

Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, said he supported Donald Trump's "resolve" against the use and proliferation of chemical weapons.

"We understand that the action taken by the United States was designed to prevent the situation (in Syria) from worsening," Kyodo quoted Abe as saying after a meeting of Japan's National Security Council.

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Donald Trump hails friendship with China's Xi as missiles head to Syria

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 09:40 PM PDT

US president talks of 'great relationship' with China but timing of Syria attack likely to create anger and fear, say experts

Donald Trump has hailed the start of "a very, very great relationship" with the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, after months of Twitter attacks and tension culminated in a candle-lit steak dinner at the billionaire's palm-dotted Mar-a-Lago resort.

When Xi came to the US two years ago, Trump attacked Barack Obama's red-carpet welcome, claiming he would have offered a Big Mac rather than a state dinner to a leader whose country he has accused of "raping" the American economy.

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Israel sunk in 'incremental tyranny', say former Shin Bet chiefs

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 11:10 AM PDT

Ami Ayalon and Carmi Gillon speak out ahead of 50th anniversary of occupation of Palestinian territories

Two former heads of Israel's powerful domestic intelligence service, the Shin Bet, have made an impassioned and powerful intervention ahead of events to mark the 50th anniversary of the country's occupation of the Palestinian territories in June.

One of the pair warned that the country's political system was sunk in the process of "incremental tyranny".

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Move over Suez, hello Stad – Norway to build world's first tunnel for ships

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 07:59 AM PDT

Ambitious project will create 1,700-metre long passageway underneath rocky peninsula for cruise and freight ships by 2023

Norway plans to build the world's first tunnel for ships, a 1,700-metre (5,610-ft) passageway burrowed through a piece of rocky peninsula that will allow vessels to avoid a treacherous part of sea.

The Stad Ship Tunnel, which would be able to accommodate cruise and freight ships weighing up to 16,000 tonnes, is expected to open in 2023.

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Senate invokes historic 'nuclear option' rules change to confirm Gorsuch

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 09:54 AM PDT

The move teed up a final vote for Donald Trump's nominee for the supreme court on Friday and thwarted efforts by Democrats to block the confirmation

The US Senate made a historic rules change on Thursday that will dramatically alter nominations to the supreme court. By a vote of 52-48 along party lines, Republicans voted to end to the filibuster for supreme court nominations, forever changing how justices are confirmed to the country's highest court.

The move teed up a final confirmation vote for Neil Gorsuch on Friday and thwarted efforts by Democrats to block Donald Trump's nominee. Friday's vote will bring to a close a year-long feud over the supreme court vacancy left by the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

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Architects called upon to aid neo-Nazi murder trial

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

London group Forensic Architecture works on evidence for immigrant's murder in Germany by rebuilding cafe crime scene

Nearly five years into the trial of a German neo-Nazi gang who went on a killing spree against immigrants, relatives of the victims have become so frustrated with the police's inability to untangle the case they have turned to a an unlikely profession in search of clues: architects.

Forensic Architecture, a London-based organisation started by architect Eyal Weizman have previously investigated war crimes in Syria, Palestine and the former Yugoslavia, using modern technology to search urban areas for evidence.

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Gadheim – the Bavarian hamlet set to become the centre of a post-Brexit EU

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 09:26 AM PDT

It has just 78 inhabitants but will officially become the geographical heart of the European union after Britain leaves

When Karin Keßler harvested her winter oilseed rape last summer, she was vexed by the sudden slump in the market price and put the crop into storage to wait for its value to rise.

"The Brexit referendum had rattled the markets," Keßler, the 51-year old farmer recalled. "I ended up selling in December instead."

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Plan to pump cold water on to Barrier Reef to stop bleaching labelled 'band-aid'

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 01:22 PM PDT

Former Barrier Reef authority director Jon Day says the idea such an approach would save the reef from bleaching is 'ridiculous'

A proposal to use $9m to pump cold water on to the Great Barrier Reef's tourist hotspots to stave off coral bleaching has been described as a "band-aid" solution, which does little to address the fundamental threats to the world's largest living structure.

The plan, proposed by the tourism industry and the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, seeks to protect six reefs with high economic or environmental value near Cairns and Port Douglas.

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Mexican state gets its first electric escalator, followed by judgmental snark

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 01:45 PM PDT

Tiny, agrarian Tlaxcala, only 70 miles east of Mexico City, becomes butt of jokes on social media but locals see condescension and classism in criticism

Mexico's smallest state has marked a milestone of modern development with the inauguration of its first electric escalator – a device first patented in 1859.

The news prompted a crush of reaction on social media, welcoming the mostly agrarian state of Tlaxcala to the 21st century.

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Rich Americans live up to 15 years longer than poor peers, studies find

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 03:33 PM PDT

Health insurance system – the most expensive in the world – is worsening situation, researchers find, arguing healthcare should be treated as human right

You can't buy time – except, it seems, in America.

Increasing inequality means wealthy Americans can now expect to live up to 15 years longer than their poor counterparts, reports in the British medical journal the Lancet have found.

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Devin Nunes steps aside from House intelligence committee's Russia inquiry

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 08:34 AM PDT

Nunes said he would 'temporarily' leave the inquiry into Trump's connections to Russia, saying that 'leftwing activists' had filed ethics complaints against him

Devin Nunes, Donald Trump's chief ally on the congressional committees investigating the president's connections to Russia, has stepped aside from the inquiry, as he faces his own ethics investigation.

Related: Devin Nunes: is the House intelligence chair Michael Flynn's best friend in DC?

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Government seeks to unmask Trump dissident on Twitter, lawsuit reveals

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 02:30 PM PDT

Twitter says government wants to reveal identity behind an account that claims to provide anonymity for civil servants who disagree with Trump policy

The US government sought to unmask the identity of an anonymous Twitter account criticizing its policies, according to a lawsuit filed by the social media platform Thursday.

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), a division of homeland security, issued a summons to Twitter on 14 March seeking records including the phone number, mailing addresses, and IP addresses associated with @ALT_USCIS, an account that purports to convey the views of dissenters within the government.

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Syria bombing: US launches first direct military action against Assad

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 02:06 AM PDT

Trump authorises missile attack on government airfield in move Russia says is violation of international law

Airstrike a 'significant blow to US-Russia relations', says Kremlin – live updates

The US military has launched a cruise missile attack on a Syrian airfield in response to the Assad regime's use of chemical weapons earlier this week, marking the first time the US has become a direct combatant against the Syrian regime.

The US move drew an angry response from Russia, which described the strike as an "aggression against a sovereign state in violation of international law".

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Polarised Ecuador puts president-elect's big promises to the test

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Lenín Moreno says he will fight poverty and corruption and go easier on the media – but as his election opponent refuses to concede, trouble lies ahead

As he prepares to become the world's only wheelchair-using head of state, Ecuador's Lenín Moreno is promising to triple poverty relief, crack down on corruption and ease up on the media.

Related: Ecuador election: Lenin Moreno headed for victory amid opposition fraud claims

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By bombing Assad base, Trump made his point. But what happens next?

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 01:44 AM PDT

Any reaction from Moscow will depend on whether Russia was complicit in Syria chemical attack, while Beijing may have to recalculate stance towards US

Donald Trump has made his point. The Pentagon confirmed on Thursday night that the salvo of cruise missiles fired at the al-Shayrat airbase near Homs marked the full extent of the US president's response to Bashar al-Assad's use of nerve gas against his own people.

Related: Donald Trump's Syrian airstrike 'significant blow to US-Russia relations', says Kremlin – live

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US airstrikes on Syria: what we know so far

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 01:20 AM PDT

Key details about Donald Trump's decision to launch missile strike on airbase allegedly linked to deadly civilian gas attack

The US has launched a missile strike against Syria for the first time since the civil war began, targeting an airbase from where the US said this week's chemical weapons attack on civilians was launched by Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Related: Donald Trump's Syrian airstrike 'significant blow to US-Russia relations', says Kremlin – live

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The city Le Corbusier built: inside Chandigarh – in pictures

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

In 1950, India's prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru invited the architect Le Corbusier to design a modernist city that broke with the country's colonial past. Shaun Fynn explored the world heritage site

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'The dead were wherever you looked': inside Syrian town after chemical attack

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 11:56 AM PDT

Exclusive: Kareem Shaheen reports from Khan Sheikhun, where he was the first reporter from western media to reach the site of this week's devastating atrocity

Khan Sheikhun is a ghost town, its streets deserted and silent as though mourning the victims of the atrocity that occurred here two days earlier.

The only reminder of what happened is a small, blackened, crater near the northern part of town, where a rocket laced with a nerve agent fell, killing more than 70 people in one of the worst mass casualty chemical attacks in the six-year war in Syria.

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Garden bridge report: find more private funds or scrap project

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 02:07 AM PDT

Damning report lists multiple failings for controversial plan to build plant-filled link across river Thames in London

The garden bridge project over the river Thames should arguably be scrapped now rather than risk more public money on a proposal that was inspired more by politics than value for money, a report has concluded.

The damning findings by Margaret Hodge, the senior Labour MP who formerly chaired the Commons public accounts committee, could spell the end for the controversial plan for the flora-filled link across the Thames.

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Tech companies must do more to avoid using minerals tainted by rights abuses

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Report claims smartphones and TVs often contain minerals from Colombia, Peru, Myanmar and elsewhere that may be associated with human rights abuses

Tech firms trying to avoid using "conflict minerals" will need to work harder to keep them out of smartphones and tablets.

Companies are overlooking the risk that mining in countries other than the Democratic Republic of the Congo is linked to abuses and armed groups seeking to fund violence, claims a new report.

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A dinner of steak and carrots, then Trump's cruise missiles struck Syria

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 11:21 PM PDT

Only minutes after Donald Trump hosted China's president, Xi Jinping, Tomahawk missiles were flying toward targets in Syria

At 7pm President Donald Trump sat down with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, and their wives for a formal dinner in his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Among the 30 or so guests who joined them around the table were the inner circle of the fledgling US administration – not even 80 days into a term.

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Climate change: three of Australia’s big four banks reviewing exposure to fossil fuels

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 01:52 AM PDT

Commonwealth, NAB and ANZ are each analysing the financial position of business customers in sectors exposed to climate change

Three of Australia's big four banks are reviewing their exposure to fossil fuels, including their lending practices to households and farmers, in response to climate change.

The Commonwealth Bank is conducting a "detailed climate policy review" that will be released publicly pending board approval, and NAB has a working group reviewing the risks from global temperatures rising two degrees.

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Hillary Clinton: US should take out Syrian airfields – video

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 02:07 AM PDT

Hillary Clinton says she supports more aggressive action to stop Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, and calls for the US to bomb his airfields in Syria. Speaking in an interview at the Women in the World summit in New York on Thursday, Clinton notes that most civilian deaths in Syria came because of airstrikes from these airbases

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Friday briefing: Assad's atrocity answered with hail of Tomahawks

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 10:40 PM PDT

Donald Trump orders Syria strike after 'horrible chemical weapons attack' … Laura Ashley boss's £64m divorce … and, inside the Easter chocolate factory

Hello – Warren Murray bringing you the Briefing this morning.

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'Assad choked out lives': Donald Trump announces US strikes in Syria – video

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 08:37 PM PDT

President Donald Trump announces a 'targeted military strike' on an airfield used by Bashar al-Assad's military to unleash chemical weapons against the populace. Speaking in Florida on Thursday, Trump says: 'There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the chemical weapons convention, and ignored the urging of the UN security council. Years of previous attempts at changing Assad's behaviour have all failed and failed very dramatically'

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Francois Fillon is flour-bombed at rally for French presidential candidate – video

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 05:48 PM PDT

French conservative presidential candidate François Fillon is covered in flour by a protester as he greets supporters a campaign rally in Strasbourg on Thursday night. A young man wearing a T-shirt marked 'students with Fillon' is soon wrestled to the ground. Fillon said the incident was more evidence he is 'the target of a harassment' campaign. His campaign has been dogged by a fake jobs scandal involving his family.

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Trump to receive military strike options on Syria after chemical attack

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 03:01 PM PDT

Unclear if strikes would be punitive and limited or the beginning of campaign to oust Bashar al-Assad after change in tone from Trump administration

The Pentagon is to present options to Donald Trump for a military strike on Bashar al-Assad after outrage over the latest chemical weapons attack in Idlib appears to have prompted a change of heart about the Syrian president.

Related: 'The dead were wherever you looked': inside Syrian town after chemical attack

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We had slavery in our supply chains, says Andrew Forrest

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 01:42 PM PDT

The Fortescue Metals chairman says he was appalled by the conditions of some workers connected to his business

One of Australia's best-known business figures says he uncovered slavery in at least 12 suppliers as he tried to stamp out forced labour from the business chain of his mining company.

Speaking at a forum in Sydney, Andrew Forrest said he told suppliers to his Fortescue Metals Group that they had to own up to using forced labour or they would be "barbecued".

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‘No doubt in our minds' that Assad behind Syria attack, Rex Tillerson says – video

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 01:20 PM PDT

Rex Tillerson, the US secretary of state, said on Thursday that the United States was considering an 'appropriate response' to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that left scores of people dead this week and prompted international condemnation. Tillerson said there was 'no doubt' that the Assad regime was behind the attack, adding that steps were 'under way' to help organize an international coalition against the Syrian president

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Putin stands by Assad as firm evidence of chemical attack mounts

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 11:50 AM PDT

Calls on Russia to restrain Syrian ally increase after Turkey says postmortems confirm uses of chemical weapons

Vladimir Putin has doubled down on his support for the Syrian government despite the release of postmortem results by Turkey that confirmed chemical weapons were used in an attack that killed at least 72 people in north Syria.

The Russian president attacked "groundless accusations" that Damascus was responsible for the assault, and called for a "detailed and unbiased investigation" into the deaths, a Kremlin statement said.

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UK will not negotiate away Gibraltar sovereignty, May tells Tusk

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 11:42 AM PDT

No 10 says PM told European council president there would be no talks on sovereignty without consent of Gibraltar's people

Theresa May has told Donald Tusk the UK will not negotiate away Gibraltar's sovereignty as part of Brexit talks, as she hosted the European council president for the first time since triggering article 50.

A Downing Street spokesman said the prime minister told Tusk that the UK's position had not changed despite draft negotiating guidelines from the EU that propose giving Spain a veto over any deal involving Gibraltar's future relationship with the bloc.

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Gay clergyman passed over seven times for promotion to bishop

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 10:08 AM PDT

Exclusive: Jeffrey John repeatedly passed over since Reading appointment in 2003 was revoked amid homophobic protests

Jeffrey John, a gay senior Anglican churchman, has been passed over for promotion to a bishopric for a seventh time since the Church of England rescinded his appointment as bishop of Reading in 2003 amid homophobic protests.

John, dean of St Albans Cathedral, was put forward for the post of bishop of Sodor and Man in February, but failed to make it on to the shortlist despite positive feedback. The rejection came shortly before he was passed over for appointment as bishop of Llandaff after objections to his sexuality allegedly were raised.

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Indian MP who attacked air steward demands his travel ban be overturned

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 09:18 AM PDT

Ravindra Gaikwad, who hit steward with a shoe repeatedly, prompts fury by asking in parliament: 'What wrong have I done?'

An Indian politician who attacked a flight steward after being refused a business-class seat has caused uproar in parliament by demanding his ban on air travel be overturned.

Ravindra Gaikwad made international headlines last month after footage emerged of the Shiv Sena politician repeatedly striking a steward with his sandal onboard an Air India flight.

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Indian police seek to identify girl found in forest with monkeys

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 09:15 AM PDT

Girl, believed to be aged 10 to 12, was reportedly unable to speak or walk properly when she was found in January as police review missing children records

Indian police are reviewing reports of missing children to try to identify a girl who was found living in a forest with a group of monkeys.

The girl, believed to be 10 to 12 years old, was unable to speak, was wearing no clothes and was emaciated when she was discovered in January and taken to a hospital in Bahraich, a town in Uttar Pradesh state in northern India.

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World's first tunnel for ships to be built in Norway – video

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 08:21 AM PDT

The world's first tunnel for ships is to be built in Norway. The Stad Ship Tunnel, which is expected to open in 2023, will allow vessels to avoid a treacherous part of sea. Engineers will first have to blast 8m tonnes of rock to build the tunnel which will be able to accommodate cruise and freight ships

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Bashar al-Assad: after Idlib is the president's luck running out?

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 07:33 AM PDT

Defying defeat in Lebanon, a mooted arms deal and the Arab spring, Assad has seemed the Middle East's great survivor. But what next as the world looks on?

Bashar al-Assad has become known as the Middle East's great survivor since taking power in 2000. But in launching a chemical weapons attack in Idlib province this week, has the pariah president of Syria finally pushed his luck too far?

Assad denies responsibility for the Idlib atrocity, just as he denied responsibility for a notorious 2013 chemical weapons attack on civilians near Damascus. UN investigators blamed the regime for that incident and other reported CW attacks in 2014 and 2015.

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Police and protesters clash as worker strike paralyzes Argentina

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 07:27 AM PDT

Truck and bus drivers, teachers, government customs agents and others march on Buenos Aires as labor unions demand higher wages in line with inflation

Protesters in Argentina have clashed with police during marches over government austerity measures as labor unions challenged the president, Mauricio Macri, in the first general strike since he took office 16 months ago.

Security forces used high-powered water cannon and teargas to control picketers who had blocked the Pan-American Highway, the main road leading from the north to capital city Buenos Aires, where normally bustling streets were half-empty and businesses were closed.

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Thailand's king signs constitution that cements junta's grip

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 05:47 AM PDT

Charter signed by Maha Vajiralongkorn puts country on path to elections and will – according the military – curb political instability

Thailand's new king has signed an army-drafted constitution that sets the country on the path to elections while cementing the grip of the military over any future government.

The ruling generals, who took power in a 2014 coup, have promised to restore democracy but have been vague about the exact timeline. The signing of the state charter on Thursday means polls are now, at least according to the official plan, due to be held in 2018.

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Best photos of the day: Sydney ballet and red sheep

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 05:22 AM PDT

Photo highlights from around the world, including a flock of red sheep in Scotland and the Australian Ballet

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Russia bans picture of Vladimir Putin in drag

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 03:04 AM PDT

Image depicting Russian president with painted eyes and lips has been banned by the justice ministry in Moscow

A picture depicting Vladimir Putin in full makeup has been banned in Russia.

The picture is cited on the Russian justice ministry's list of banned "extremist" materials – a list that is 4,074 entries long. No 4,071 states that the poster, depicting Putin with painted eyes and lips, implies "the supposed nonstandard sexual orientation of the president of the Russian Federation".

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The first world war helped shape modern America. Why is it so forgotten?

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 03:00 AM PDT

On the centenary of US entry, Americans reflect on a war that helped make the US a pre-eminent economic and military power but lacked a clear moral lesson

It redefined women's rights, race relations, civil liberties and America's role in the world. It caused twice as many American deaths as the Vietnam war. But there is no national memorial to it in Washington DC and, on Thursday, its centenary will pass with little fanfare.

On 6 April 1917, America declared war on Germany and charged into the first world war. After nearly three years of reluctance, its hand was forced by the sinking of neutral US ships by German submarines, and by Britain's interception of the so-called Zimmerman telegram revealing a German plot to persuade Mexico to wage war on the US.

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Augusta in the spotlight: how the Masters transforms a small Georgia city

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 04:00 AM PDT

Starting today golf will consume Georgia's second city, as it does every April – but it is a baseball stadium and a cyberwarfare hub that could drive urban change the furthest

April in Augusta, Georgia, means one thing: the Masters golf tournament. It's the only golf major to be held in the same venue every year, and is a boon for this quiet city of 195,000 people. Though it is the state's second-largest city behind Atlanta, Augusta has suffered from the downtown depopulation that has sapped so many US cities over the past last half-century. Not that you'd notice at the moment, with the world's golf elite and aficionados converging on the north side of town.


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Feed the starving? Guns are the true cause of hunger and famine | Simon O'Connell

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 08:51 AM PDT

Aid professionals would have you believe that tackling hunger is about feeding people. Take it from an industry insider – the truth is a lot more complex

Here we are again. Famine is back. Drought in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya, and the Disasters Emergency Committee has launched an appeal for east Africa. We are being reminded there is one last chance to stop utter devastation in South Sudan. More and more horror reveals itself as areas are taken back from Boko Haram by the Nigerian army.

Outside Africa, across the Gulf of Aden, we are seeing the little bodies of children wasting away in Yemen.

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British public helps to raise £50m in 22 days for east Africa hunger crisis

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 04:45 AM PDT

Disasters Emergency Committee appeal supports 7 million people in east Africa, while £22m donated for Yemen is helping malnourished children

The British public has helped to raise £50m in just 22 days for east Africa, allowing aid agencies to scale up efforts to help millions of people on the brink of starvation.

It brings the appeals for the hunger crises in Yemen and east Africa to a total of £72m, including the £15m the UK government has contributed.

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‘Misogyny played a role’ in election loss, says Hillary Clinton – video

Posted: 07 Apr 2017 12:52 AM PDT

Hillary Clinton says she has spent a lot of time wrestling with the fact that 53% of white women voted for Donald Trump and that misogyny certainly 'played a role' in her 2016 election loss. Speaking in her first interview since the loss at the Women of the World summit in New York on Thursday, Clinton says research shows success, ambition and likability are not correlated for women, as it is for men

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Husband of Trump supporter deported to Mexico after 20 years in US – video

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 02:38 PM PDT

Roberto Berinstain, the husband of a Donald Trump supporter, has been deported to Mexico from the US. Berinstain, who had been living in the US for 20 years as an undocumented migrant – and had a family and business there – is now in the border city of Ciudad Juarez, where he has no family connections or friends

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How Gorsuch responded to maternity leave questions during Senate hearing – video

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 10:47 AM PDT

A look back at Judge Neil Gorsuch's response during a Senate confirmation hearing to allegations that he made sexist comments while teaching at the University of Colorado Law School in 2016. Gorsuch, Donald Trump's supreme court pick, was asked in March about comments he made regarding maternity leave while teaching an ethics class

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Paul Ryan on ethics complaints against Devin Nunes: 'He still has my trust' – video

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 09:23 AM PDT

House speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday that Texas Republican Mike Conaway will take over the House investigation into Russian meddling in last year's election. Ryan said an ethics complaint filed against the intelligence committee chairman, Devin Nunes, by government watchdog groups would be a 'distraction' and that Nunes should no longer lead the inquiry

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