World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Soil samples from Syria chemical attack sent to western agencies

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 11:11 AM PDT

Samples will help intelligence agencies establish whether nerve agent came from store of sarin Assad was supposed to surrender

Rescue workers have gathered soil samples from the scene of a chemical weapons attack in northern Syria and sent them to western intelligence officials, who are seeking to determine precisely what nerve agent was used in one of the worst atrocities of the country's six-year war.

The death toll from the attack on the town of Khan Sheikhun in Idlib province rose to at least 72 on Wednesday, with more than 300 other people harmed. The US, Britain and France all said it was very likely that sarin was dropped on the town.

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Aung San Suu Kyi denies ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 03:10 PM PDT

Nobel peace prize winner faces criticism over handling of crisis in Muslim-majority region, where soldiers accused of violence have barred aid workers

Myanmar's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, said ethnic cleansing was too strong a term to describe what was happening in the Muslim-majority Rakhine region, the BBC reported on Wednesday.

Related: Aung San Suu Kyi: Myanmar's great hope fails to live up to expectations

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Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon stripped of national security council role

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 09:08 AM PDT

Tuesday memorandum also restores traditional roles on council of chairman of joint chiefs of staff and director of national intelligence

Donald Trump's political strategist Steve Bannon has lost his place on the national security council in a staff shakeup, documents show.

A presidential memorandum dated 4 April took Bannon, the former Breitbart News executive and chief White House link to the nationalist rightwing, off the country's main body for foreign policy and national security decision-making. It also restores the traditional roles of the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the director of national intelligence to the NSC.

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Islam set to become world's largest religion by 2075, study suggests

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 10:48 AM PDT

Data analysis finds population with no religion will shrink while number of Muslims and Christians is expected to grow

The number of babies born to Muslims is expected to overtake those born to Christians within two decades, making Islam the world's largest religion by 2075, according to new analysis of data by the Pew Research Center.

People with no religious affiliation are set to shrink as a proportion of the world's population as a result of their declining birthrate and growing numbers of Muslims and Christians.

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Smoking causes one in ten deaths globally, major new study reveals

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 03:30 PM PDT

Efforts to control tobacco have paid off, says study, but warns tobacco epidemic is far from over, with 6.4m deaths attributed to smoking in 2015 alone

One in 10 deaths around the world is caused by smoking, according to a major new study that shows the tobacco epidemic is far from over and that the threat to lives is spreading across the globe.

There were nearly one billion smokers in 2015, in spite of tobacco control policies having been adopted by many countries. That number is expected to rise as the world's population expands. One in every four men is a smoker and one in 20 women. Their lives are likely to be cut short – smoking is the second biggest risk factor for early death and disability after high blood pressure.

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Obamacare repeal thwarted again as Mike Pence fails to reach deal

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 03:39 PM PDT

Freedom Caucus blocks vice-president's attempts to forge a new compromise that could somehow pass the House of Representatives

Less than two weeks after a stone-faced Paul Ryan admitted defeat and declared the Affordable Care Act the "law of the land" for the "foreseeable future", his ill-fated healthcare plan began to show sparks of life.

Hopes of reviving the Republicans' failed healthcare plan surged briefly on Tuesday when the vice-president, Mike Pence, came to Capitol Hill in an attempt to forge a new compromise that could somehow pass the House of Representatives.

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Chinese patrol ships keep presence around Malaysian reefs

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 09:36 AM PDT

Exclusive: Ship-tracking data shows Chinese coastguard vessels at Luconia Shoals, 1,000 miles from mainland

Chinese coastguard vessels maintain a near-constant presence around reefs claimed by Malaysia in the South China Sea, ship-tracking data shared with the Guardian has revealed.

The findings show the extent of Beijing's military ambitions far south of its borders, antagonising south-east Asian countries and deepening a potentially explosive foreign policy crisis with the US president, Donald Trump.

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UK keen for free trade deal with Australia, Liam Fox tells Canberra MPs

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 01:00 PM PDT

Britain's international trade secretary makes a personal submission to Australian parliamentary committee examining ties

The British international trade secretary, Liam Fox, has told an Australian parliamentary committee the May government wants to expedite a free trade deal with Australia, and wants to work with Canberra to champion trade liberalisation globally after the UK's exit from the EU.

Fox has made a personal submission to Australia's joint standing committee on foreign affairs and trade, which is examining the trade and investment relationship between the two countries.

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Muslim man dies in India after attack by Hindu 'cow protectors'

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 06:42 AM PDT

Police say 55-year-old died two days after mob targeted his cattle truck in latest in spate of killings in name of sacred animal

A Muslim man has died in western India after he was attacked by hundreds of Hindu cow protection vigilantes, the latest attack in a spate of mob killings in the name of the revered animal.

Police said on Wednesday that Pehlu Khan, 55, had died in hospital two days after a group attacked his cattle truck on a road in Alwar in the desert state of Rajasthan.

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New Brunswick becomes first Canada province to offer free abortion pill

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 01:12 PM PDT

Pill will be given to women with a valid healthcare card, a big step for region that previously had some of Canada's tightest restrictions on reproductive rights

New Brunswick has become the first province in Canada to distribute an abortion pill for free, in a major step for a region that previously had one of the country's strictest policies on women's reproductive rights.

The provincial health minister, Victor Boudreau, unveiled the policy on Tuesday, announcing that women will be entitled to receive Mifegymiso without payment if they have a valid healthcare card.

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French election: factory worker Poutou emerges as star of TV debate

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 05:52 AM PDT

The 11 presidential candidates faced off in a live televised debate, with anti-capitalist Poutou goading rivals over their integrity

A little-known candidate emerged as the star of the televised French presidential debate after challenging two of the frontrunners over their honesty and implication in fraud scandals.

The militant Philippe Poutou, of the New Anti-capitalist party, weighed into the far-right favourite, Marine Le Pen, and conservative François Fillon, who are both under investigation for misuse of public funds.

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Explosive device made safe in St Petersburg residential building

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 01:40 AM PDT

Residents evacuated after discovery of device in Russian city as man is injured in blast near school in Rostov-on-Don

Russian authorities have made safe an explosive device found in a residential building in St Petersburg, Tass news agency has said.

The city is still reeling after a bomb ripped through the metro on Monday, killing 14 people.

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Israeli killed and another wounded in West Bank car-ramming attack

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 01:29 AM PDT

Army says alleged attacker has been arrested following incident next to bus stop outside Ofra settlement

One Israeli has been killed and another wounded in a car-ramming attack near the Ofra settlement in the occupied West Bank, the army said.

An army statement said the alleged attacker had been arrested, without giving details about him.

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New Zealand town evacuated in wake of ex-cyclone Debbie – aerial video

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 01:18 AM PDT

Aerial footage shows severe flooding in the New Zealand town of Edgecumbe in the North Island on Thursday, after the tail-end of ex-cyclone Debbie brought two days of heavy rain and burst river banks. Thousands of people have been evacuated and states of emergency have been declared in numerous regions of the North Island

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Nikki Haley's emotive speech to the UN after Syria chemical attack – video

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 12:16 AM PDT

Nikki Haley, US ambassador to the UN, makes an emotive speech during a UN security council meeting on Wednesday, displaying pictures of children killed in the attack. Haley says Russia 'cannot escape responsibility'. She suggests that if the UN fails to respond to the atrocities, the US may act to stop further chemical attacks by the Assad regime

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Diving for gold in the Philippines – in pictures

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 11:41 PM PDT

In the mining town of Paracale, about 350km south of Manila, locals mine for gold in hazardous conditions by scavenging under the earth and diving into tunnels filled with mud using only makeshift tools

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Tales from inside Peru's cocaine valley – video

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

A fifth of the world's cocaine is produced in one valley. Controlled in part by Shining Path Maoist guerillas, Peru's poorest region, the Valle de los Ríos Apurímac, Ene y Mantaro, is ungovernable and the drug trade flourishes. We gain exclusive access to hear the coca growers, the cocaine cooks in their secret jungle labs, dealers and their 'mules' explain the business and its effects

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From Coke’s flower power to Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi ad – how ads co-opt protest

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 11:07 AM PDT

Yesterday, Pepsi pulled its new ad in less than 24 hours. Reality star Kendall Jenner giving a police officer a soft drink to calm a protest was immediately called the 'worst ad of all time'. Can big business ever have a place in social activism?

When Nivea ran a recent Facebook ad with the supremacist-friendly tagline "White is purity", it would have been reasonable to assume that, as far as misguided promotional campaigns go, it had cornered the market. Then Kendall Jenner stepped forward and offered a police officer a can of Pepsi.

Related: Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad criticized for co-opting protest movements for profit

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Missing woman Samantha Baldwin and her two sons found safe

Posted: 06 Apr 2017 01:11 AM PDT

Baldwin, 40, six-year-old Dylan Madge and his nine-year-old brother, Louis, went missing on 27 March

A mother and her two sons, who have been missing for more than a week, have been found, according to police in Nottinghamshire.

Samantha Baldwin was last seen with six-year-old Dylan Madge and his nine-year-old brother, Louis, in Nottingham city centre on Monday 27 March.

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Trump urged not to 'double the tragedy' of Congo deaths by cutting US aid to UN

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 04:59 AM PDT

Father of American citizen whose body was found in DRC with that of fellow UN peacemaker says US must honour their memory by 'paying its UN dues'

The father of an American whose body was found in a shallow grave in the Democratic Republic of Congo last week has urged the Trump administration not to cut funding for the work for which his peacemaker son gave his life.

Professor John Sharp said his son Michael was a "warm-hearted" man who would never have taken risks or been reckless. The 34-year-old from Indiana was found dead along with Zaida Catalan from Sweden and their Congolese interpreter Betu Tshintela. Three motorbike drivers who were with them remain missing.

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Syria chemical attack has changed my view of Assad, says Trump

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 10:54 PM PDT

  • Idlib gas attack that killed more than 70 an 'affront to humanity'
  • Trump: 'When you kill innocent children … that crosses many, many lines'

Donald Trump has described the chemical attack in Idlib province which killed more than 70 people as an "affront to humanity", but offered little clue to any new strategy to end the violence in Syria.

The US president said that Tuesday's attack – whose victims included women, children and babies – had affected him profoundly and transformed his thinking about the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad.

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Sexual assaults on campus: universities to release survey results

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 10:30 PM PDT

Students and support workers hail decision to disclose data collected last year by the Australian Human Rights Commission

Australian universities have agreed to release data about sexual assault and harassment on their campuses after criticism by students and sexual assault survivors.

The data was collected in a survey conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission last year and will form part of a report by the commission to be released mid-2017, but the commission angered students when it said it would not force the release of campus-specific data.

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Britain should 'share sovereignty of Gibraltar with Spain' – Peter Hain

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Gibraltar would enjoy more freedom and security under co-sovereignty, former Labour cabinet minister says

Britain should think about sharing sovereignty over Gibraltar with Spain to help solve the problem of the territory being excluded from the EU against its will, Peter Hain, the former Labour cabinet minister, has said.

Hain, who tried to negotiate such an agreement in 2002, called on the government to think about "resurrecting co-sovereignty" as it would give Gibraltarians much more freedom and security than they have previously enjoyed.

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Thursday briefing: Blurred lines – will Trump act on Syria?

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 10:38 PM PDT

President's conundrum after chemical attack … companies forced to reveal gender pay gap … and Chinese university opens a campus in Oxford

Hello, it's Warren Murray with the news you need this morning.

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Germany devours book on Angela Merkel decision to open borders

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 10:22 PM PDT

Non-fiction thriller and a novel on her state of mind both claim refugee crisis changed relationship between chancellor and her people

As Angela Merkel gears up for her third re-election later this year, observers could be forgiven for assuming that the issue which has come to dominate Germany's image abroad will only play a minor role in the campaign.

A year and a half after the German chancellor and her Austrian counterpart opened borders to thousands of refugees in September 2015, the anti-migrant party Alternative für Deutschland has dropped in the polls to pre-crisis levels.

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Cricket is fierce in Mumbai's field of dreams

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 10:18 PM PDT

At the Oval Maidan recreation ground in Mumbai young cricketers can imagine they are the next MS Dhoni or Virat Kohli

India is home to many religions: Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian and more. But they say the No 1 religion is cricket. And a trip to the Oval Maidan, a nine-hectare recreation ground in Mumbai, seems to confirm this. On a Sunday afternoon here there are so many games going on at once – perhaps 100 – that it's almost impossible to work out who is playing in which one.

The game is played fast and furiously. It is a dusty surface on which a bowler ought to be able to spin the ball but, despite the heat, all the bowlers steam in and propel the rubber ball as fast as they can. The first delivery will be a bouncer at the batsman's head to keep him back in his crease. The next will be just as quick but this time at his feet, and if he misses it his stumps will be sent cartwheeling.

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On the frontline with Karachi’s ambulance drivers

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 10:00 PM PDT

They pick up the dead and wounded from burning buildings, terrorist attacks and gun battles. And they get paid £1 a day

The impact of the explosion sent Muhammad Safdar flying backwards. He looked up from where he had landed and saw that the windows of his parked ambulance had shattered. As he tried to pick himself back up, fellow volunteer drivers working for the Edhi ambulance service gathered around him; it looked as if Safdar was bleeding. But he had not suffered any external injuries. "Human flesh got stuck to me," he recalls now, as we sit in the ambulance control centre in downtown Karachi. "My friends were checking me for injuries, but it was pieces of other people. I was trembling hard and I couldn't hear my own voice when I spoke. It sounded juddering. I could only hear whistles."

It was 5 February 2010 and Safdar had already dealt with the fallout of one explosion that day: an hour before, a motorbike laden with explosives had slammed into a bus carrying Shia Muslims to a religious procession. Safdar had raced to the scene to load the dead and injured into his ambulance and take them to the nearby Jinnah hospital. With more than people 30 injured and 12 dead, the emergency room was in a state of chaos, filled with crying and screaming as doctors struggled to cope. He was still inside the hospital when the second bomb exploded just outside the entrance.

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New Zealand towns hit by 'once in 500-year flood' as storm system sweeps in

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 09:59 PM PDT

State of emergency declared in parts of North Island after rivers burst banks amid extreme winds brought by tail-end of ex-cyclone Debbie

A "once in 500-year" flood is swallowing up large parts of the east coast of New Zealand, as the tail-end of ex-cyclone Debbie sweeps east after devastating large parts of Australia.

States of emergency have been declared in numerous regions in the North Island, after rivers burst their banks following two days of heavy rain and gale-force winds.

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Trump tells Japan 'all options on the table' in face of North Korea provocation

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 09:04 PM PDT

In phone call to prime minister Shinzo Abe, president promises boost to US military capabilities after Pyongyang fired ballistic missile

Donald Trump has vowed to boost the US's military capabilities to counter the threat from North Korean missiles, hours before he is due to meet the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, for talks that are expected to be dominated by Pyongyang's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.

In a telephone call on Thursday morning, Trump told the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, that "all options are on the table" – including military action – to address provocations by North Korea.

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Dutch men walk hand in hand for solidarity after gay couple attacked

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 08:31 PM PDT

Hundreds protest in Amsterdam, joined by politicians and supporters across the world, in support of two men assaulted in Arnhem

Hundreds of people have walked hand in hand through Amsterdam to show solidarity with two gay men who were badly beaten at the weekend in the eastern city of Arnhem.

The peaceful march on Wednesday was part of a national outpouring of emotion over the beating of the married couple, who were attacked on the way home from a party in the early hours of Sunday morning. Jasper Vernes-Sewratan and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes told police the confrontation started because they were holding hands.

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Aung San Suu Kyi: 'I don't think there is ethnic cleansing going on' in Myanmar – video

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 06:44 PM PDT

In a wide-ranging interview with the BBC's Fergal Keane, Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi rejected accusations she has ignored abuses suffered by the Muslim Rohingya minority, despite claims that military persecution amounts to 'crimes against humanity'.

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Tinned spaghetti pizza: New Zealand's prime minister shocks with 'monstrous' recipe

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 05:55 PM PDT

Bill English's unusual toppings have divided a nation, leading the Guardian to recreate his pizza (so you don't have to)

If a prime minister wants to truly unite a nation – one way not to do it is to cook a pizza with spaghetti topping.

This seems to be the lesson that New Zealand's leader, Bill English, can take away after he dabbled in the kitchen and sprinkled his result on social media this week.

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Spain accused of causing Gibraltar traffic jams amid Brexit tensions

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 05:48 PM PDT

British enclave's deputy leader says Spanish police deliberately causing trouble for motorists on its border with the mainland

Gibraltar on Wednesday accused Spain of causing long traffic jams by tightening border controls, saying it was "clearly a response" to rising political tensions over the British territory.

As Gibraltar emerges as a sore point in Britain's exit negotiations with the European Union, deputy chief minister Joseph Garcia complained of traffic tie-ups on Wednesday on the border with Spain.

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'May need a spoon': the Guardian taste tests New Zealand PM's spaghetti pizza – video

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 05:36 PM PDT

Reporter Eleanor Ainge Roy finds a friendly pizza takeaway willing to make the 'PM's special' – a creation involving tinned spaghetti and pineapple. Prime Minister Bill English recently inflicted the dish on his family and we've done the taste test – so you don't have to

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Trump's response to Syria chemical attack exposes administration’s volatility

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 03:10 PM PDT

President has touted an 'America first' policy, but his staff gave plenty of hints that the administration was at least considering a direct response to the atrocity

Donald Trump's professed change of mind about Syria and its president Bashar al-Assad – and his hints of possible punitive action in response to Tuesday's chemical attack – have underlined his administration's volatility on the world stage.

Related: Donald Trump says Syria chemical attack has changed his view of Assad

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Trump: Syria chemical attack 'crosses many, many lines' – video

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 01:12 PM PDT

Donald Trump on Wednesday condemned a chemical attack in Syria as an 'affront to humanity', adding that it 'crosses many, many lines'. Trump, who remained largely vague in his comments, condemned the poison gas attack during a joint news conference with Jordan's King Abdullah in the Rose Garden of the White House, saying the attack on children 'had a big impact on me'. He said his attitude on Assad had 'changed very much'

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The Ken Livingstone dispute in its cultural and historical context | Letters

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 12:03 PM PDT

Steve Bell's If… cartoon on Ken Livingstone's suspension from the Labour party (G2, 5 April) demonstrates, as ever, the old left's tin ear for antisemitism. In the dock, the Ken figure, looking weirdly like Roy Hattersley, complains that "this is a kangaroo court, trying me for an offence which is not an offence and which I didn't actually commit" and the judge – a kangaroo – shouts "How dare you resort to such a blatantly anti-semitic stereotrope".

There are many issues here, but the key one is: no other minority has to suffer the calling-out of racism against it being so easily dismissed by people who are not of that minority. No black, Asian or LGBT sensibility offended by a public figure could possibly be subject to such complacent – for want of a better word – 'splaining by a member of the majority culture. There would, correctly, be an outcry. And the Guardian, in that case, would simply not print a cartoon.
David Baddiel

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Companies cannot discriminate against LGBT employees, federal court rules

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 10:02 AM PDT

'Game changer' decision likely to lead to supreme court case over interpretation of 1964 Civil Rights Act, which does not explicitly cover sexual orientation

Companies cannot discriminate against LGBT employees in the workplace because of their sexual orientation, a federal appeals court said, in a ruling that a gay rights group called a "game changer".

Related: 'Death by a thousand cuts': LGBT rights fading under Trump, advocates say

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Oops! Britney Spears gig forces Israeli Labour party to delay leadership contest

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 08:28 AM PDT

Security cited as July election event in Tel Aviv conference centre is moved back 24 hours to avoid clash with pop star's concert

The essential ingredient in politics, the late Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau once opined, is timing.

It is a fact Israel's struggling Labour party has been forced to confront after a clash between its leadership contest and an appearance by Britney Spears.

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Renegade Catholic order in UK 'harbours clergy accused of sexual abuse'

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 08:12 AM PDT

Two priests accused of abuse allegedly found refuge in Kent with Holocaust denier Richard Williamson's SSPX Resistance

A British Catholic priest who has been excommunicated twice by different popes is allegedly harbouring clergy accused of sexual abuse in his renegade religious order.

Richard Williamson, who was illicitly ordained as a bishop in 1988 by an ultra-conservative group, the Society of St Pius X (SSPX), and later convicted of Holocaust denial by a German court, is now head of the "SSPX Resistance", based in Broadstairs, Kent.

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Syria chemical weapons attack: what we know about deadly air raid

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 08:09 AM PDT

Experts say it is too early to say whether sarin or a mix of substances was used in the attack on rebel-held Khan Sheikhun

Syrian government planes carried out a dawn raid on the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhun on Tuesday morning. Following the airstrikes, residents reported whole families found dead in their beds, with victims and injured survivors showing symptoms that match poisoning by nerve agents.

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Factory worker Poutou emerges as star of French presidential TV debate – video

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 07:56 AM PDT

Philippe Poutou, French presidential contender for the New Anti-Capitalist party, attacks conservative candidate François Fillon and National Front candidate Marine Le Pen during a televised debate on Tuesday evening. Poutou accused Fillon of having his hands in the public purse, while also criticising Le Pen for using her parliamentary immunity to avoid police summons

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Dutch politicians hold hands in solidarity with gay community – video

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 07:27 AM PDT

Male Dutch politicians are seen holding hands in solidarity with a gay couple who were attacked while walking home together. Jasper Vernes-Sewratan and Ronnie Sewratan-Vernes were beaten by a group of teenagers near their home in Arnhem, in the eastern part of the Netherlands. Since the attack on Sunday, MPs, diplomats and social media users have been joining the protest and posting pictures online in support of the couple

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White nationalists' latest tactic to recruit college students: paper flyers and tape

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 07:04 AM PDT

The poster campaign, which mirrors KKK propaganda techniques, has cropped up on over 100 campuses in the last year. But are young people being won over?

White nationalist groups are making an unprecedented effort to recruit American college students by sneaking around campuses and putting mildly offensive posters on the walls. To spread their message of the power and glory of white civilization, they are using computer printouts and tape.

Under cover of darkness, the groups put up posters with slogans like "America is a white nation", "Let's Become Great Again", "Serve Your People", or "Our Destiny is Ours". One group, which asks members to affirm their "non-semitic heritage", splashes its slogans over black-and-white photos of marble icons, such as Michelangelo's David, who is, of course, a famous Jewish hero. That group, Identity Evropa, tweets out photos of its paper conquests, proudly displaying the images it has deposited in the midst of advertisements for college improv performances, math tutors, Bible study groups and open mic nights. The group calls the effort "Project Siege".

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Dreamers need not apply: city's teacher shortage overlooks the undocumented

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 04:00 AM PDT

In the final part of a series on the undocumented workers of Charlotte, Amanda Holpuch discovers how threats against Daca could pose serious consequences for schools, amid a nationwide teacher shortage

Madai Zamora is about to become a teacher. But with weeks to go before she completes her degree in Charlotte, North Carolina, she is unsure whether her students will be in the United States – or in Mexico.

Zamora, 23, who was brought from Mexico as a child, is one of the more than 752,000 people across the US to receive temporary deportation relief through a programme called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca).

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Colombia landslide: grief turns to anger as Mocoa mourns – in pictures

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

More than 250 people are dead and hundreds more missing after heavy rainfall triggered lethal mudslides and flooding in Colombia's Putumayo province. As the survivors mourn, there have been accusations that the government should have been better prepared for the disaster

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British support for Africa down as fears rise over transparency of aid spending

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 10:02 AM PDT

Huge rise in aid spending through departments other than DfID sparks criticism as Syrian refugee crisis dominates political agenda

Countries in Africa are losing money to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and others supporting the Syrian refugee crisis, according to figures that have raised fresh concerns about the use of the British aid budget.

The report, published on Wednesday, also revealed a massive rise in aid spending channelled though government departments other than international development, prompting fears over transparency and accountability.

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Will Ivanka Trump be a great policy 'moderator' or a wolf in sheep's clothing?

Posted: 05 Apr 2017 09:10 AM PDT

Recent TV interview adds to confusion about the first daughter, who has said so little that the influence she plans to exert from her White House role is unclear

Ivanka Trump, who months ago stated her intention to be just "a daughter" to Donald Trump, has given her first television interview since being appointed to a formal White House position as "special assistant to the president".

The first daughter toed a difficult line, seemingly embracing the role of policy "moderator" to her father, while at the same time telling CBS's Gayle King: "I'm still my father's daughter."

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