World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Fear of neofascism keeps Emmanuel Macron ahead of Marine Le Pen

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 12:37 PM PDT

With a week until the final poll, French voters face a choice between the unpalatable and the unacceptable

At the university of Paris Nanterre, on the outskirts of the French capital, Antoine Guerreiro of the union of communist students was handing out leaflets urging students to vote for Emmanuel Macron in the final round of the presidential election next Sunday.

Or, to be strictly accurate, to vote against the Front National's Marine Le Pen. Guerreiro can find very little – if anything – to support in Macron's programme, but needs must. The alternative is worse.

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MS-13 terrifies Long Island’s Latinos – and prompts a political backlash from Trump

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 04:04 PM PDT

The town of Central Islip is confronting both the brutal Salvadorean street gang and the fear of sweeping community deportations after a crackdown

The first victims were high school friends Nisa Mickens, 15, and Kayla Cuevas, 16 – killed as they were out on an evening walk last September. A week later, the bodies of Oscar Acosta and Miguel Garcia-Moran, both 19 and missing since the start of the year, were found near an abandoned hospital. Then, this month, four teenage boys were killed close by in a park in Central Islip, a predominantly Latino town on New York's Long Island, 40 miles east of Manhattan.

In that incident, the killers used machetes or other sharp instruments, their grotesque handiwork betraying the cruelty and ritualism of MS-13, or the Mara Salvatrucha, a neighbourhood street gang with its roots in El Salvador's civil war of the 80s and 90s.

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Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 04:05 PM PDT

The president is learning the limits of power

On his 100th day in office on Saturday, facing historically low popularity ratings, a succession of intractable foreign crises and multiple investigations of his links with Moscow, Donald Trump reminded the nation that 1 May was Loyalty Day.

The day is a US tradition dating back to the cold war, when it was a bolster to stop May Day becoming a rallying point for socialists and unionised workers, but for an embattled president learning politics on the job it has an added resonance.

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Turkey blocks Wikipedia under law designed to protect national security

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 07:46 PM PDT

Users trying to access online encyclopaedia via Turkish internet providers receive 'connection timed out' error message

Turkey has blocked Wikipedia, the country's telecommunications watchdog has said, citing a law that allows it to ban access to websites deemed obscene or a threat to national security.

Later on Saturday, Turkish authorities said they had sacked more than 3,900 civil servants, and military and police personnel as the purge of alleged anti-government officials continued, and also banned TV dating shows.

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‘See what he did to me. This isn’t love’ – the acid attacks shaming Italy

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 04:05 PM PDT

Gessica Notaro has become the face of a campaign to end violence against women

On the sixth anniversary of her brother's suicide, Gessica Notaro, a dolphin trainer and former Miss Italy finalist, thought that she would die too.

As she returned home from dinner with friends on 10 January, the 28-year-old had acid thrown in her face, allegedly by her ex-boyfriend Jorge Edson Tavares, 29.

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Wife of jailed Fatah leader tells of her fears for hunger strikers

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 04:05 PM PDT

Her husband is the convicted killer some call the Palestinian Mandela

Not long before Marwan Barghouti, the imprisoned leader of Fatah, called the largest hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners in recent years, his wife, Fadwa, and daughter Ruba visited him in Hadarim prison, Israel.

"The last time I went to visit him with my daughter was two to three months ago," recalled Fadwa last week on the 11th day of the strike. "My daughter said to him, 'I wish you wouldn't do this. We don't see you very often. My brothers don't see you. We will worry about you and not be able to visit.' He replied: 'I know it's going to be painful for the family'."

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Cuban military plane crash kills eight troops, ministry says

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 02:17 PM PDT

Soviet-made plane crashed into hillside on Saturday morning in the western province of Artemisa, government says

A Cuban military plane crashed into a hillside on Saturday morning in the western province of Artemisa, killing eight troops on board, the government said.

In a written statement, the ministry of the revolutionary armed forces said the Soviet-made, twin-engined turboprop Antonov AN-26 took off from the Playa Baracoa airport outside Havana at 6.38am and crashed into a hillside outside the town of Candelaria about 40 miles away.

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EPA wipes its climate change site as protesters march in Washington

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 01:27 PM PDT

Website 'undergoing changes' to reflect agency's 'new direction', as tens of thousands protest inaction on climate in cities across the US

The US Environmental Protection Agency's main climate change website is "undergoing changes" to better reflect "the agency's new direction" under Donald Trump.

Related: The American people – not Big Oil – must decide our climate future | Senator Bernie Sanders and Mark Jacobson

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Nespresso bid to recycle coffee pods

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 04:05 PM PDT

Nestlé bows to environmental backlash over popular home brewing system

Coffee company Nespresso – part of Swiss multinational Nestlé – is to trial a scheme for consumers to recycle their used aluminium capsules for the first time in the UK, in the face of a growing environmental backlash against increasingly popular single-serve pods, many of which end up in landfill.

A six-month pilot, starting this week in the London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, will allow Nespresso Club members to recycle their used capsules through their council household recycling service, using special purple bags provided by the company. The borough's 190,000 residents will only be able to put out capsules made by Nespresso.

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Pope urges North Korea-US mediation as Trump hedges on military action

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 03:05 PM PDT

Pope Francis says widespread war would destroy 'a good part of humanity' while president, asked about likelihood of military action, says: 'We'll see'

Pope Francis has said a third country should mediate the dispute between North Korea and the US, which he said had become "too hot", risking a war in which "a good part of humanity" would be destroyed.

Related: North Korea nuclear threat: should California start panicking?

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Mark Zuckerberg's surprise visit to Ohio family boosts rumor of political run

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 12:59 PM PDT

Moore family of Newton Falls, Democrats who voted for Trump, hosted the Facebook CEO who is visiting all 50 states amid speculation of a run for office

An Ohio family said they learned just 20 minutes before dinner on Friday evening that a planned mystery guest would be the Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg.

Related: Mark Zuckerberg pens major Facebook manifesto on how to burst the bubble

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Rare victory for persecuted journalist highlights Mexico's press freedom crisis

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 03:00 AM PDT

Pedro Canché has finally won an apology for being jailed after he criticized a state governor. But, he asked, what about the 104 journalists killed since 2006?

Pedro Canché, an indigenous journalist and activist in the southern Mexico state of Quintana Roo, had a hunch the local authorities were closing in on him for his coverage of angry protests over rising water rates in local Mayan communities.

So he filmed a video criticizing the intensely image-conscious state governor, Roberto Borge, and uploaded it to YouTube in August 2014. Just a few days later, police pulled Canché from his car and threw him in prison on charges that he had sabotaged a local waterworks.

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Hacker holds Netflix to ransom over new season of Orange Is The New Black

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 11:46 AM PDT

The Dark Overlord claims to have stolen and posted episodes from the forthcoming season of the hit show, after demanding unspecified sum

A hacker who claimed to have stolen the forthcoming season of Netflix's hit series Orange is the New Black and demanded a ransom payment claimed on Saturday to have followed through on its threat to release several episodes online.

Related: Orange is the New Black season four review – criminally close to greatness

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‘We are not fake news': absent Trump target of White House Correspondents' Dinner – video

Posted: 30 Apr 2017 01:21 AM PDT

'We are not the enemy of the American people,' said the president of the White House Correspondents' Association, Jeff Mason, at the event on Saturday. Host Hasan Minhaj's main target was Donald Trump's absence from the event

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'Hundreds of us will die in Raqqa’: the women fighting Isis

Posted: 30 Apr 2017 12:30 AM PDT

Kimberley Taylor from Blackburn is part of the all-female Kurdish force battling to rout Islamic State. Driving them on is the chance to free women enslaved by the extremists: 'It starts with fighting Daesh, then the mentality of the male'

She had heard the stories about how Islamic State fighters could glide like ghosts into Kurdish militia bases during the dead of night, but nothing prepared her for the bedlam when it happened. It was 3.40am on 12 February when Isis attackers scrambled over the perimeter defences of the base north of Raqqa. Kimberley Taylor was convinced it would be overrun. Grabbing her Kalashnikov, she began firing at the shapes. Beyond the corner of the nearest building cowered an enemy fighter. Suddenly he rushed towards her. As their eyes met, he yanked the cord on his suicide belt.

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100 daze of Trump: euphoria and nausea on the White House rollercoaster

Posted: 30 Apr 2017 12:00 AM PDT

The president is a carnival barker, his press secretary a perpetual high-wire act, the White House briefing room a home of truth seen through funhouse mirrors. This, as George W Bush now famously said, is some weird shit

Sean Spicer was angry. "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration – period," he almost shouted. Media attempts to "lessen the enthusiasm" for the inauguration were "shameful and wrong". And today Donald Trump had been at the CIA where he was greeted by a "raucous" crowd "ecstatic" at his election. He delivered a "powerful" message and was given "a five-minute standing ovation".

Related: One nation, two Trumps: America as divided as ever after first 100 days

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The Promise review – sugaring the savage story of the Armenian genocide

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 11:40 PM PDT

Sickly cinematography and romance add unnecessary schmaltz to this Oscar Isaac-led historical drama

The victim of an alleged IMDB vote-rigging scheme, this romantic drama set against the backdrop of the first world war Armenian genocide was controversial even before its release. Director Terry George (Hotel Rwanda) suggested that the numerous one-star votes that followed the film's premiere last year were politically motivated, rather than appraisals of the film-making – likely, given that hardly anyone had seen the film at the time. That said, with its sugary soft-focus, treacle-toned cinematography, over-masticated fake Turkish accents and cloying love triangle device, this is film that delivers more empty calories than historical sustenance.

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White House Correspondents' Dinner: 'We are not the enemy,' say press corps

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 10:13 PM PDT

In the absence of star guest Donald Trump, the usually celebrity-filled soiree took a more serious turn to focus on defence of journalistic freedom

The White House press corps has gathered for its annual black-tie dinner, a toned-down affair this year after Donald Trump snubbed the event, becoming the first incumbent US president to bow out in 36 years.

Without Trump, who scheduled a rally instead to mark his 100th day in office, the usually celebrity-filled soiree took a more sober turn, even as it pulled in top journalists and Washington insiders.

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Four-year-old boy dies after being hit by car in Leeds

Posted: 30 Apr 2017 01:34 AM PDT

West Yorkshire police say they are investigating the incident, which took place outside the Reginald medical centre

A four-year-old boy has died after being hit by a car outside a medical centre.

Officers at West Yorkshire police are investigating the incident, which happened in Leeds on Saturday afternoon.

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Michael Ignatieff fights his toughest battle over academic freedom

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 04:06 PM PDT

The Canadian thinker is determined to defend his university against interference by the Hungarian state

Michael Ignatieff is living life in reverse. Most people opt for their most demanding roles early on, then a quieter life. But after a career in philosophy, novel-writing and journalism, Ignatieff chose politics in his native Canada, followed at the age of 69 by his most difficult role to date: rector of the Central European University in Budapest. It is a task that has led him into battle to defend academic freedom against the onslaught of the Hungarian government, as its populist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, strives to bring the CEU to heel through a new education law.

Under recent Hungarian legislation aimed at overseas-registered universities, staff will have to acquire work permits, which the CEU says will restrict its ability to hire staff. The government is also demanding that the university open a wing in America and that it no longer teach US-accredited courses.

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Donald Trump invites Rodrigo Duterte to Washington

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 09:27 PM PDT

US president 'enjoyed' phone call with Philippines president, who is accused of overseeing the deaths of 7,000 people as part of his war on drugs

US president Donald Trump has invited Philippines leader Rodrigo Duterte to the White House during a phone call that also addressed concerns over North Korea, the White House said in a statement.

The White House gave no details of when the leaders would meet in Washington to discuss their alliance, but said Trump looked forward to visiting the Philippines in November as part of two summits with other Asian nations.

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Malcolm Turnbull hits back at Palaszczuk after 'bitter, personal attack'

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 10:30 PM PDT

Catalyst for divisive slanging match, in which Queensland premier says PM 'is worse than Tony Abbott', appears to have been government's intervention into gas markets

Annastacia Palaszczuk's extraordinary attack on Malcolm Turnbull – labelling him an arrogant, shallow thinker who doesn't understand his job – has been rejected by the prime minister as a "bitter, personal and wildly inaccurate attack".

The divisive slanging match on Sunday between the Queensland premier and the prime minister occurred a day before the pair is due to meet at a Battle of the Coral Sea commemoration in Townsville.

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Teenager dropped by football club loses post-traumatic stress claim

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 07:35 PM PDT

Seán Cooke's father says his son's dream of playing in the UK was harmed when he was denied the opportunity to play in front of talent scouts

An Irish teenager has lost a case taken against his former football club, where he claimed he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder after he was dropped from the team as a 13-year-old.

Seán Cooke, 18, sued Carrigaline United over alleged ill treatment by coaches at the club. Cooke told Judge Seán O'Donnabhain at Cork circuit court that he was a good player who hoped to play professionally in Britain, but was not given the chance to play in front of talent scouts after he was allegedly dropped.

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US woman convicted of spying in China returns home

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 01:18 PM PDT

Deportation of Phan 'Sandy' Phan-Gillis, who was arrested on a business trip and accused of espionage, comes at a time of warming China-US relations

An American woman who was arrested on a business trip in China and later convicted of spying has been deported to the US.

Jeff Gillis said his wife, Phan "Sandy" Phan-Gillis, got on a flight to Los Angeles from the southern city of Guangzhou on Friday evening. The couple planned to stay in LA a few days to visit relatives before returning to their Houston home, he said.

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Fyre Festival advert promises a ‘transformative experience’ – video

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 06:04 AM PDT

The original advertisement for the beleaguered Fyre Festival in the Bahamas promises a 'transformative' experience on a 'remote and private island ... once owned by Pablo Escobar'. The festival had to be abandoned after ticket-holders arrived to find the site unfinished

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First openly gay United Methodist bishop stays, subject to church review

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 05:51 AM PDT

  • Karen Oliveto elected in 2016 to lead Denver-area church region
  • Top church court says consecration in violation of Methodist law

The first openly lesbian bishop in the United Methodist Church can stay on the job but is subject to a disciplinary review that could lead to her removal, the church's top court ruled on Friday.

Related: United Methodist church elects first openly gay bishop despite marriage ban

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Protesters wave Russian flags at Trump rally – video

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 09:33 PM PDT

Protesters held up Russian flags as president Trump addressed a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on his 100th day in office. Two men carried the flags, which bore the name Trump. The protest came as the president criticised the media

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Thousands march across US to demand action on climate change – video

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 05:57 PM PDT

Mass protests in Washington, San Francisco, Denver and Seattle coincide with Donald Trump's 100th day in office and take aim at his rolling back of environmental protections. Organisers said about 300 sister marches were being held around the country, including in Seattle, Boston and San Francisco. In Chicago, marchers headed from the city's federal plaza to Trump Tower. In Denver, marchers were met with a dose of spring snow

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Neo-Nazi leader: ‘Trump is controlled by the Jewish lobby’ – video

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 10:02 AM PDT

Art Jones, a prominent neo-Nazi who has been identified by the Anti-Defamation League as a Holocaust denier, speaks at a National Socialist Movement rally in eastern Kentucky on Friday night and accuses Donald Trump of having 'betrayed' him. Jones specifically points to Trump's failure to secure funding for a border wall and implement a ban on Muslims, saying he regrets voting for him in the presidential election

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Trump hails ‘most successful first 100 days in history’ – video

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 06:52 AM PDT

The US president gives his weekly address as he reaches 100 days in office, which he says have been the most successful in history. He refers to job creation in the automotive industry, the Dakota pipeline and the appointment of Neil Gorsuch as a supreme court judge as some of his most important achievements

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Fifteen standout moments from Trump's first 100 days – in pictures

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 06:00 AM PDT

Whether ordering airstrikes, signing executive orders or getting excited in a big truck, the focus of Donald Trump's first 100 days in office has been himself. The Guardian selects some of the president's highlights

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