World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

North Korea missile test: regime has 'disrespected China', says Trump

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 04:44 PM PDT

Donald Trump has condemned North Korea as "disrespecting the wishes of China" after Pyongyang test-fired a ballistic missile despite rising tensions in the region.

The unsuccessful test comes as the United States pushed for tougher sanctions to curb the country's nuclear threat. Writing on Twitter, the US president said Pyongyang had defied Chinese president Xi Jinping by going ahead with the launch.

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'Europe's dirty secret': officials on Chios scramble to cope with rising tensions

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 08:21 AM PDT

Frustration mounts among locals on the Greek island, where refugees feel like prisoners with no hope of getting to mainland Europe

On a clear day the channel dividing Chios from the Turkish coast does not look like a channel at all. The nooks and crevices of Turkey's western shores, its wind turbines and summer homes could, to the naked eye, be a promontory of the Greek island itself. For the men, women and children who almost daily make the crossing in dinghies and other smuggler craft, it is a God-given proximity, the gateway to Europe that continues to lure.

Samuel Aneke crossed the sea almost a year ago on 1 June. Like those before him, and doubtless those who will follow, he saw the five-mile stretch as the last hurdle to freedom. "You could say geography brought me here," said the Nigerian, a broad smile momentarily dousing his otherwise dour demeanour. "But it was not supposed to keep me prisoner."

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Brazilians sick of corrupt politicians hit the streets to protest austerity measures

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 07:33 PM PDT

Police clash with striking union workers in streets of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo as protesters in 26 states demonstrate against Michel Temer's proposed reforms

Brazilian unions have ratcheted up the pressure on president Michel Temer with a nationwide general strike that closed schools, disrupted transport networks and led to clashes with public security in several cities.

Demonstrators in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo blocked key roads with barricades of burning tires on. Riot police used teargas and percussion grenades to try to disperse the crowds and open the routes.

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Montenegro ratifies Nato membership in historic shift to western alliance

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 01:19 PM PDT

Politicians voted 46-0 in favour, but pro-Russian lawmakers boycotted session and outside parliament hundreds of anti-Nato protesters gathered

Montenegro's parliament has supported the Balkan country's membership in Nato in a historic turn toward the west amid protests by Russia and the pro-Russia opposition.

Politicians voted 46-0 to ratify the accession treaty with the western military alliance. They then stood up and applauded the decision.

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EU and Nato plead for calm in Macedonia after protest at parliament

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 09:08 AM PDT

Nationalist protesters attacked politicians and journalists in an attempt to prevent election of an ethnic Albanian as speaker

The EU and Nato have pleaded for calm in Macedonia after nationalist protesters stormed the parliament in Skopje on Thursday, attacking politicians and journalists in an attempt to prevent the election of an ethnic Albanian as speaker.

The protesters, supporters of former prime minister Nikola Gruevski's conservative, Russia-backed VMRO party, demanded new elections.

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Stranded in the Bahamas: luxury Fyre festival turns to 'chaos'

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 07:03 AM PDT

Tickets cost up to $12,780 for music event endorsed by influencers on Instagram but social media reports suggest 'disaster'

It was billed as an Instagram-worthy luxury festival in the Bahamas – but the supposedly glamorous Fyre festival seems to be anything but.

Tickets for the festival, which was co-organised by the rapper Ja Rule, cost up to $12,780 for a luxury four-person package. Festivalgoers were promised "a cultural moment created from a blend of music, art and food".

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Trump picks former anti-abortion leader for health and human services post

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 11:09 AM PDT

Charmaine Yoest was head of Americans United for Life, which played role in recent wave of anti-abortion laws by feeding model bills to state lawmakers

Donald Trump has appointed the former president of a leading anti-abortion group to the top communications role at the Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS).

Charmaine Yoest, who for several years was head of Americans United for Life (AUL), will be HHS assistant secretary for public affairs. AUL played an instrumental role in the recent wave of anti-abortion laws by feeding model legislation to state lawmakers.

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Arkansas executions: death chamber evidence sought amid torture fears

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 10:40 AM PDT

Unprecedented burst of executions re-inflamed opposition to death penalty, with some reporting disturbing signs of distress as men were being killed

Lawyers for the four men executed by Arkansas in the past week were set on Friday to ask a federal judge to force the state to preserve evidence from its death chamber. The request, the first step towards a thorough investigation, came amid fears that the prisoners might have been subjected to excruciating pain, tantamount to torture.

Related: Arkansas executions bring Sister Helen Prejean's death penalty fight to the fore

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Emmanuel Macron: I'll renegotiate Le Touquet border treaty

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 02:50 PM PDT

Presidential hopeful's comments on French TV raise the possibility of migrant camp springing up to the UK

Emmanuel Macron, the favourite in the race to become the next French president, has suggested that he would want to renegotiate an agreement that allows British border police to operate in Calais.

The centrist politician, who will go head to head against Marine Le Pen in the final round of the election on 7 May, said: "I want to put the Le Touquet border deal back on the table. It must be renegotiated, especially the parts that deal with the fate of isolated child migrants."

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Congress averts a government shutdown hours before deadline

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 08:35 AM PDT

House and Senate approve stopgap spending measure while negotiators work to reach an agreement over a longer-term funding package

Hours before a midnight deadline, Congress averted a government shutdown – at least for now – ensuring that the lights will stay on in Washington as Donald Trump marks his 100th day in office.

But the feat comes with a trade-off. Republicans failed to secure enough votes to advance their healthcare replacement plan despite pressure from the White House to hold a vote on the bill before the symbolic 100-day mark.

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Italy fears Isis fighters slip into Europe posing as injured Libyans

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 08:00 AM PDT

Italian intelligence document reveals how group has infiltrated Europe using scheme meant to treat wounded Libyan soldiers

Italian investigators believe that a number of Islamic State fighters from Libya have slipped into Europe by infiltrating a scheme designed to give hospital treatment to wounded regular Libyan government soldiers.

A Italian intelligence document seen by the Guardian reveals a complex network in which, from 2015, members of Isis and others linked to jihadi movements have infiltrated Europe pretending to be injured, so as to be treated in clinics and then freed to move elsewhere in Europe and the Middle East.

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Council of Europe assembly leader stripped of powers after Assad visit

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 06:07 AM PDT

Members of human rights body's parliamentary assembly pass vote of no confidence in Spaniard Pedro Agramunt

The leader of the parliamentary assembly in Europe's oldest human rights body has been stripped of his powers after being accused of tarnishing his office by meeting the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad.

In a move unprecedented in the 68-year history of the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe (Pace), senior MPs passed a vote of no confidence in the president, Pedro Agramunt.

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Investigation yet to find cause of 11 mystery deaths at Liberia funeral

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 07:44 AM PDT

Chief medical officer rules out return of Ebola after deaths of 11 people linked to attendance at funeral of religious leader, but no clear answer has been found

Eleven people have died and five are in hospital in Liberia after contracting a mystery illness the World Health Organisation (WHO) said was linked to their attendance at the funeral of a religious leader, officials have said.

"We are still investigating. The only thing we have ruled out is ... Ebola," said Liberia's chief medical officer, Francis Kateh, adding that samples from the victims had been sent abroad for further testing.

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Grounds for appeal: Is there room for Tim Hortons on UK high streets?

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT

With an eye on a slice of the £3.4bn fast food market, Canada's coffee chain enters the fray with London launch. Look out for the Timbits

The Tim Hortons coffee chain is so inextricably linked to Canadian national identity that the venue for its UK launch this week was obvious: Canada House, in central London. Never mind that the first British outlet will be in Glasgow – choosing the home of the Canadian high commission to mark its British debut reflects a certain national pride in the brand.

"Being associated with Canada at this particular moment in history is no bad thing," says the company's chief marketing officer, Neil Littler. "But," he adds, "we won't be sticking maple leaves on everything."

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Catholic bishops urged to review celibacy rules amid shortage of priests

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT

Call for commission to reconsider celibacy as condition of priesthood as number of priests in England and Wales plummets

Catholic bishops in England and Wales are facing a fresh call for a national commission on the ordination of married men amid mounting concern that the church's celibacy requirement is contributing to a shortage of priests.

The call for a review of celibacy as a condition of priesthood comes after Pope Francis signalled last month he was open to the possibility of ordaining married men under specific conditions. The issue is expected to raised at a synod next year on vocation.

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Le Pen, Putin, Trump: a disturbing axis, or just a mutual admiration society?

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT

The French presidential hopeful has made no secret of her admiration for Russia's strongman leader, but her relationship with Trump is less clearcut

The week after Donald Trump won the US presidential election last November, Marine Le Pen was inaugurating the headquarters of her own election campaign in Paris, less than a mile from the Elysée Palace she hopes to move into soon.

The far-right, anti-immigration Front National leader had been the only French political leader to back Trump in his bid for the White House. She has also made no secret of her admiration for Russia's president, Vladimir Putin.

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100 days of Trump, and he's not the only one who has learned a lot

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT

It's highly unlikely you've started counting off his achievements, as is traditional at this point

Happy landmark day to President Trump, who in the 100 days since he took office has set the political bar so low it is considered a triumph that he hasn't started a nuclear war, yet. Your first reaction to that sentence was probably: "Bloody hell – has it only been 100 days?" Your second was even more probably: "Huh, I thought he started nuclear war with North Korea on Twitter two weeks ago."

The point is, it's highly unlikely that you started counting off his achievements, as is traditional at this point in a new presidency. Not so surprising, given that his most striking accomplishment so far is becoming the first US president to entertain Sarah Palin, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent in the Oval Office at once, thus unifying the four horsemen of the apocalypse in one Instagrammable selfie.

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Maxine Peake: 'I'm a Corbyn supporter. We need a coup'

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT

She used to be told she was too fat, too northern, too political. Decades into a stellar career, Maxine Peake is on fighting form

Maxine Peake looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Last time we met, you got me into trouble," she says.

"Really?" I say, confused.

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Renamed and shamed: taking on Britain's slave-trade past, from Colston Hall to Penny Lane

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Buildings, streets and statues across Britain commemorate men who may have been philanthropists, but also owned and traded slaves. Now a number of cities are starting to face up to their histories

Edward Colston is, says Katie Finnegan-Clarke, "almost like a cult figure" in Bristol. There is a Colston Street, and Colston Tower is on Colston Avenue. There is even a Colston bun, which you might eat on Colston's Day. Finnegan-Clarke, one of the activists in the Countering Colston campaign, went to Colston's Girls' school, where "there are statues everywhere, and we had three ceremonies every year to celebrate his life." Colston was a 17th-century philanthropist who gave great sums of money to the city – money he had made from slavery. This week it was announced that there would be one less Bristol institution bearing his name. The concert venue Colston Hall – which has been a target for activists for decades – will reopen in 2020, after its refurbishment, with a new name.

"We knew it was the right thing for the organisation," says Louise Mitchell, the chief executive of the trust that runs the venue. "It's very important to us as a progressive forward-looking arts organisation that we include everybody, and people felt uncomfortable entering the building because of the perception that it had in some way profited from the slave trade."

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Theresa May remains 'absolutely committed' to HS2 rail link

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 12:27 AM PDT

PM ends speculation that she was preparing to drop new north-south railway from Tory general election manifesto

Theresa May has committed to delivering the HS2 high-speed rail link.
The prime minister was reportedly coming under pressure from Tory MPs in the south to cancel HS2, which the government projects will cost £55.7bn.

But her announcement will end speculation that she was preparing to drop the new north-south railway from the Conservatives' general election manifesto.

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This Yemeni city risks becoming the next Aleppo. Will America be complicit? | Maged Al-Madhaji

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 08:30 AM PDT

Houdeidah's port is Yemen's lifeline. The US shouldn't be supporting any Saudi- and United Arab Emirates-led military attacks to take it back

My life in Yemen is dominated by fear. As director of the Sana'a Center for Strategic Studies, and one of the few remaining independent voices in Yemen, I have been detained, seen colleagues assassinated, and buried friends killed by Saudi airstrikes. Now, half of my country faces famine.

Even as Defense Secretary James Mattis calls for a political solution to the war in Yemen, he has not warned Saudi Arabia and the UAE against taking the critical Yemeni port city of Houdeidah, which is currently controlled by Houthi forces. Although debated within US policy-making circles, attacking Houdeidah would be a catastrophic error because it would expand the war and deepen the humanitarian crisis. It would allow al-Qaida and Isis to expand their influence in Yemen's coastal areas. For the United States, that would amount to a strategic defeat.

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Ben Obumselu obituary

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 10:29 AM PDT

My father, Ben Obumselu, who has died aged 86, was a leading literary critic, a key figure in the Biafran war and, later, an influential political adviser in Nigeria. A combination of scholarship and political engagement informed much of his life.

He was among a formidable generation of university graduates in the mid-1950s poised to lead Nigeria at independence in 1960. At Ibadan University, where he studied English and classics, he was the first president of the National Union of Nigerian Students. Like his contemporaries, the writers Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka and Chris Okigbo, he was a protege of the pioneering professor of English Molly Mahood.

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Donald Trump's first 100 days: a guide to the successes, the failures – and the tweets

Posted: 29 Apr 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Take a journey through the id of the president of the United States across his first 100 days in office – and look ahead to what comes next

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Chinese media warns of 'tax war' after Trump pledge to slash rates

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 10:23 PM PDT

People's Daily says US president could 'endanger the global economy' and damage 'export-oriented countries'

Chinese leaders are worried about Donald Trump engaging in a "tax war" with Beijing, potentially fuelling tensions between the two countries already strained by problems such as North Korea, trade and the South China Sea.

A commentary in the People's Daily, the official mouthpiece of the Communist party, attacked Trump's plan to reduce taxes on companies and simplify swaths of US tax code, highlighting Beijing's fears the move could harm businesses back home.

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Mark Dreyfus demands answers on Australian police metadata breach

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 08:31 PM PDT

Shadow attorney general also asks why public announcement was made two days after case was reported to the ombudsman

The shadow attorney general Mark Dreyfus has called on the attorney general, George Brandis, to explain the circumstances of the "shocking" and unlawful access of an Australian journalist's metadata by the Australian federal police.

On Friday, the AFP commissioner, Andrew Colvin, announced at a media conference that his agency had self-reported a breach of Australian telecommunications laws to the commonwealth ombudsman, having failed to obtain a warrant before accessing a journalist's phone records.

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Alexei Navalny on Putin's Russia: 'All autocratic regimes come to an end'

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 11:30 PM PDT

Vladimir Putin is riding high, expecting a fourth term as president and allegedly influencing elections from the US to France – but Alexei Navalny is determined to stop him

Alexei Navalny is in good spirits for a man who can hardly step outside without being insulted, assaulted or arrested. Earlier this month he was released from a 15-day stint in a Russian jail. And on Thursday, in Moscow, unknown assailants threw green dye in his face, the second such attack in recent months. But his habitual half-smirk never seems to waver.

Perhaps it is because, as Vladimir Putin prepares to stand for yet another presidential term in elections next March, Navalny is threatening to bring some life to the arid landscape that is Russian politics. Navalny was imprisoned because of a protest he called for on 26 March. It surprised everyone with its size. In Moscow alone, police detained more than 1,000 people, and jailed dozens. Although the numbers were small in absolute terms, people protested in dozens of towns across Russia, marking a worrying new development for the Kremlin.

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Ja Rule 'heartbroken' after Fyre Festival descends into disaster

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 09:39 PM PDT

Rapper says event, which has been likened to Lord of the Flies, was 'not a scam' as co-organiser admits he was 'a little naive'

The organisers of a luxury music festival in the Bahamas have apologised after the event descended into chaos, drawing comparisons to The Hunger Games and The Lord of The Flies.

Fyre Festival, on the private Great Exumas island, had been billed as a "cultural moment" for monied millennials, with tickets costing up to $12,780 for a four-person package. It was heavily promoted on Instagram as an opportunity to mingle with models and "influencers", including Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid and Emily Ratajkowski.

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Australia wants to avoid a Korean conflict at all costs – and with good reason | Antoun Issa

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 03:17 PM PDT

A conflict could involve North's neighbours – South Korea, China and Japan – which along with the US are Australia's top four trade partners

Australia may indeed be "blindly and zealously toeing the US line" with regards to North Korea – at least openly – but in truth, Canberra wants to avoid conflict with Pyongyang. There is much at stake for Australia should war resume on the Korean peninsula, after more than 63 years of tense calm. While Julie Bishop stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Mike Pence for the cameras, there is no doubt that, privately, Australian diplomats are offering their US counterparts advice geared towards resolving the North Korea dilemma peacefully.

There is good reason to believe that the current rise in tensions is not simply the latest political ploy by Pyongyang, and that the Trump administration is indeed prioritising the situation. The US president, Donald Trump, reportedly told UN security council diplomats on Monday to "solve the problem" of North Korea's nuclear weapons, while the entire US Senate was warned during an unusual briefing by the White House on Wednesday that Pyongyang posed "an urgent national security threat".

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Trump: US could have 'major, major conflict' with North Korea – video

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 11:44 AM PDT

US president's remarks are followed by a statement by his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, to the UN security council in which he said the US would take military action if necessary to rein in Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions

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Fears grow of coup in Venezuela | Letters

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 11:23 AM PDT

Venezuela unrest | Song of the Mugwump | Cameron and Brexit | Serota's birthday 'surprise' | Grandparents

We note the growing concern across Latin America that elements of the right wing within Venezuela have called again for the ousting of the elected president, Nicolás Maduro – including overt calls on the military to oust the president – before the constitutional end of his term (Editorial, 26 April). This follows the US decision to renew sanctions against Venezuela. With Donald Trump attacking Venezuela during his election campaign, there is great concern that he may step up intervention aimed at regime change. We call for respect for Venezuela's national sovereignty and an end to such interventions.
John Pilger, Richard Gott, Andy de la Tour, Michael Mansfield QC, John Hendy QC, Judith Amanthis, Dr Julie Hearn, Dr Hazel Marsh, Professor Frank Land, Salma Yaqoob

• Re Boris Johnson's mugwump comment (Letters, 28 April): I have the illustrated sheet music of Billy the Mugwump, bought and sung to me by my mother in about 1949. It goes: "Billy the Mugwump, full of glee, sat all day in a rhubarb tree. His mug was red and his wump was blue, and his little tail wagged 'how do you do'." Billy was colourful, kind and friendly.
Eryl Freestone

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Rex Tillerson: North Korea nuclear drive risks 'catastrophic consequences'

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 10:16 AM PDT

  • US secretary of state addresses special session of UN security council
  • China and Russia warn US not to threaten military force to solve crisis

Related: 'We are a target': South Korean village wakes up on frontline with North

The US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, has warned that failure to curb North Korea's nuclear and missile abilities could lead to "catastrophic consequences", while China and Russia cautioned Washington against threatening military force to solve the problem.

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Tanzania dismisses 9,900 civil servants over forged college certificates

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 09:50 AM PDT

Crackdown on corruption continues with presidential order after nationwide verification of academic credentials

The president of Tanzania has ordered the immediate dismissal of more than 9,900 civil servants after a nationwide verification of academic credentials uncovered workers with forged school and college certificates.

Elected in October 2015, John Magufuli has also dismissed several senior officials, including the head of the government's anti-corruption body, the tax chief, a senior rail official and head of the port authority as part of a wider anti-corruption drive.

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Brigitte Macron: ever present beside France's presidential hopeful

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 07:46 AM PDT

Emmanuel Macron's drama coach when he was 15 is set to break new ground by having a formal job description as first lady

Last July, when Emmanuel Macron was economy minister in François Hollande's government and his barely hidden presidential ambitions were dismissed as a naive fantasy by the political class, he held his first rally at a smart venue on Paris's Left Bank.

Before the crowds arrived, he took to the stage to rehearse his speech in front of a handful of volunteers from his new political movement En Marche! (On the Move), a "neither right nor left" grouping he said would revolutionise French politics. "We are the party of hope," he told the almost empty auditorium, captured by the film-maker Pierre Hurel, who was discreetly documenting his rise.

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Can Facebook make live video its future?

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Facebook Live makes everyone a broadcaster. But with content ranging from laughing mums to rape and murder, how can it manage the risks of open publishing?

What is Facebook Live?
Facebook has been steadily pushing people to use its live streaming product, which was launched in 2015 but slowly rolled out to all users over the course of 2016. As a pitch, it's simple: load the Facebook app, point your camera at anything and broadcast, live, to your friends and followers around the world.

Does anyone really want to watch what their Facebook friends are doing, live?
Some do, it seems. The service's first viral hit came in May 2016, when 37-year-old Texan mum Candace Payne used the feature to demonstrate a Chewbacca mask she had bought for her son. Payne tries on the mask, which makes the Star Wars character's roaring sound when she opens her mouth – and bursts into laughter. The laughter makes more roaring, which causes more laughter, and so on. The four-minute video has had 166m views.

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The valley rebels: the French farmer helping refugees cross Europe – video

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 04:00 AM PDT

Cédric Herrou is a farmer who supports and houses African refugees in the alpine village of Breil-Sur-Roya in southern France. Some regard him as a heroic good samaritan, but others – including the French border police and state prosecutor – denounce him as the leader of a band of smugglers, bringing migrants from Italy into France while flouting official border controls. As Cedric moves from one prosecution to another, why do he and his fellow activists feel compelled to defy the authorities?

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Abortion: the new litmus test for Democratic candidates?

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 03:00 AM PDT

In a bid to win back swing voters, the party's top brass has sponsored candidates with spotty records on reproductive rights – prompting a fierce backlash

It was supposed to be an exhibition of the candidates who would set the Democrats on the path back to political relevance. Instead, a recent "unity tour" of the party's brightest stars became the latest staging ground for a fight over how to recraft the Democratic message after its most crushing defeat in a generation.

The trouble began when the Democratic National Committee arranged a political rally for Heath Mello, a competitive candidate for Omaha mayor, to its swing through the heartland.

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Tories’ ‘imperial vision’ for post-Brexit trade branded disruptive and deluded

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 06:35 AM PDT

Top official slams Whitehall notion of colonial-style trade deals and says devising pact between UK and African, Caribbean and Pacific states would take six years

The head of the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of nations has ruled out a free trade deal with the UK until at least six years after Brexit and taken a sideswipe at the idea of a new British trade empire.

The ACP chief, Dr Patrick Gomes, condemned "reactionary" Whitehall talk of a second era of British colonialism – dubbed "Empire 2.0" – and poured scorn on the government's trade strategy.

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A call to action: how you can help solve America’s homelessness crisis

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 04:00 AM PDT

All of us have read an inspiring or heart-wrenching article and thought, What can I do to help? With Outside in America, we are pioneering a solution

Two months ago the Guardian launched Outside in America, a groundbreaking reporting project on the country's homelessness crisis. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and led by a full-time homelessness editor, the Guardian's writers, photographers and film-makers have been reporting deeply on an urgent and underreported topic – but with an extra and innovative dimension.

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Trump to NRA: You have a ‘true friend in the White House’ – video

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 12:44 PM PDT

Donald Trump tells the National Rifle Association's annual meeting that the organisation has a 'true friend and champion' in the White House. Trump emphasised his support by telling the crowd 'the eight-year assault on your second amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end'

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Donald Trump: I thought being president would be easier – video

Posted: 28 Apr 2017 02:24 AM PDT

Donald Trump reflects on his first 100 days in office in an interview with Reuters, saying he misses aspects of his former life and is finding the presidency more work that he expected. He says the lack of freedom to go anywhere or to drive has been frustrating

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