World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russia inquiry amid calls for resignation

Posted: 03 Mar 2017 12:52 AM PST

Donald Trump calls revelations about attorney general's contact with Russian ambassador 'total witch hunt' as Democrats continue to demand he step down

Attorney general Jeff Sessions will recuse himself from investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election, after revelations that he held two undisclosed meetings with the Russian ambassador last year.

Sessions took the decision despite support from Donald Trump, who described the controversy as "a total witch hunt".

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Kim Jong-nam killing: police seek North Korean airline employee

Posted: 03 Mar 2017 02:17 AM PST

Malaysian police issue arrest warrant for Air Koryo employee who they say arrived in country two weeks before attack on Kim

Malaysian police have issued an arrest warrant for an employee at North Korea's state airline over the fatal poisoning of Kim Jong-nam, the estranged half-brother of supreme leader Kim Jong-un.

Police had previously named Kim Uk-il, 37, who works for Air Koryo, as a person of interest who had been called in for assistance. He arrived in Malaysia about two weeks before the attack on Kim Jong-nam and is believed to have remained in the country.

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Censored Iranian film to be released after 26 years

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:00 PM PST

The Nights of Zayandeh-rood, by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, was smuggled out of Iran and will be screened in London

A film by one of Iran's most prominent film-makers is due to be released for the first time 26 years after it was made, after the director retrieved censored rushes from an Iranian censors' office.

The Nights of Zayandeh-rood, by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, follows the story of an anthropologist and his daughter in Iran before, during and after the 1979 Islamic revolution and caused huge controversy in Iran after its production in 1990, earning the filmmaker death threats.

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French presidential election: Emmanuel Macron vows to clean up politics

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 11:34 AM PST

Centrist's vow to return 'morals' to politics comes as reports emerge that home of opponent François Fillon has been searched by investigators

Emmanuel Macron, the independent centrist running for French president, has promised new laws to clean up the murky morals of French politics, in a dig at his scandal-hit, rightwing opponent François Fillon.

Investigators searched Fillon's family home on Thursday as part of the inquiry into payments to his wife and children, AFP reported. About 60 MPs and senators had quit Fillon's campaign by Thursday evening, with many urging him to step down as candidate. When Fillon was asked by Le Monde what he would do if all elected officials quit, he replied he would "carry on without them".

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Syrian regime recaptures Palmyra from Islamic State

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:19 AM PST

Iranian and Russian forces help push extremists out of historic city, which has been badly damaged during occupation

Forces loyal to the Syrian regime have recaptured most of the city of Palmyra two months after it fell to Islamic State militants for the second time in a year.

Led by Iranian-backed militias and Russian special forces, the loyalist units entered the city on Thursday, nearly three months after Isis took it over.

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Calais mayor bans distribution of food to migrants

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 08:48 AM PST

Natacha Bouchart says handing out of meals poses security threat, as city tries to stop establishment of new refugee camp

The mayor of Calais has banned the distribution of food to migrants as part of a campaign to prevent the establishment of a new refugee camp as hundreds of people return to the port three months after the original one was demolished.

Natacha Bouchart, from the centre-right Les Républicains party, said she would implement policies "to prevent the distribution of meals to migrants", and legal documents setting out the restrictions were put up in the vicinity of the camp on Thursday. Officials have already obstructed attempts by local charities to open showers for teenage migrants in the town.

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Nervous system birth defects 20 times likelier for Zika-hit mothers, study finds

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:49 AM PST

The Centers for Disease Control has found central nervous system issues, such as microcephaly, occur in 60 per 1,000 pregnancies for virus-infected mothers

Pregnant women infected with Zika are 20 times more likely to give birth to children with central nervous system birth defects such as abnormally small heads, a study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found.

Researchers compared data about early brain malformations, microcephaly, eye defects, and other central nervous system problems in babies born in 2013 – before Zika reached the US – to the children of mothers infected with Zika in 2016.

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Mubarak acquitted in final ruling on Egypt's Arab spring deaths

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 09:21 AM PST

Former Egyptian president cleared of involvement in death of protesters during 2011 uprising that ended his reign

Egypt's top appeals court has found Hosni Mubarak innocent of involvement in the killing of protesters during the 2011 uprising that ended his 30-year rule, marking the final ruling in a landmark case.

Mubarak was the first of the leaders toppled in a wave of Arab uprisings to face trial. In scenes that captivated Egyptians, he appeared in a courtroom cage on charges ranging from corruption to complicity in the murder of protesters.

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Is brutal treatment of young offenders fuelling crime rates in Brazil?

Posted: 03 Mar 2017 02:00 AM PST

Detaining juveniles in overcrowded conditions, where there is little scope for learning or rehabilitation, may be contributing to violence in Brazilian society

In recent weeks, more than 140 prison inmates have died in gang violence in Brazil. But away from the headlines a parallel catastrophe has been unfolding in the country's juvenile detention centres, with campaigners demanding reforms and warning that proposals to stiffen sentences for young offenders could compound the crisis in the penal system.

Under existing law, offenders aged 12 to 18 are supposed to be dealt with through community service or education, with a maximum penalty of up to three years at a detention centre for the most serious crimes. In reality, however, young people who commit minor infractions are often locked up in overcrowded facilities with scant opportunity for rehabilitation and education, or protection from mistreatment, claim campaigners.

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BBC crew attacked in China and forced to sign confession

Posted: 03 Mar 2017 01:37 AM PST

Journalist says crew trying to interview villager about land reform had cameras smashed and confiscated

A BBC camera crew reporting in China was attacked and later forced by police to apologise and sign a confession for trying to conduct an "illegal interview", one of its reporters has said.

John Sudworth, a journalist with the BBC, and his team were attempting to interview a villager in rural China who claims her father was killed during a land dispute with the government. As they walked towards her house, a group of men blocked their way, pushed Sudworth and smashed and snatched the crew's cameras.

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'This is a great-looking hat,' says military-clad Trump aboard warship – video

Posted: 03 Mar 2017 12:46 AM PST

Donald Trump wears a green bomber jacket and a naval cap during a speech on the USS Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier in Virginia on Thursday. In his youth, Trump received five deferments from the Vietnam war draft, including one for 'heel spurs'

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BBC team have cameras smashed in China – video

Posted: 03 Mar 2017 12:20 AM PST

A BBC camera crew are attacked in China's central Hunan Province. Journalist John Sudworth said he and his team were trying to interview a villager in rural China who claimed her father was killed during a land dispute with the government. They were then chased and surrounded by 20 men whom the BBC described as 'thugs'. The crew were later forced to apologise and sign a confession by police for trying to conduct an 'illegal interview'

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Horror and uncertainty are part of life in Yemen. We must act to prevent famine | Saleh Saeed

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

Wealthy western countries must do more to fight the heartbreaking devastation and hunger in my native country – we mustn't wait for famine to be declared

I have just returned from a heartbreaking visit to Yemen, the land of my birth, and one of the four regions – along with Somalia, South Sudan and northern Nigeria – declared as being at imminent risk of famine.

It is depressing to think that Yemen was not always like this. I was born there in 1967 and moved to the UK when I was five. I made regular trips to the country over the years to see family and attend weddings. Each time I returned I witnessed the progress it was making. I visited in 2010, just before the Arab spring, and there was a mood of optimism in the air. Although Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East, the economy was developing and a fledgling tourist industry was emerging, taking advantage of Yemen's golden beaches, turquoise seas, stunning mountains, Unesco heritage sites and fascinating history.

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Police watchdog attacks Poppi Worthington death inquiry

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 04:01 PM PST

IPCC says crucial evidence was lost because Cumbria officers took eight months to conclude there was a crime

A police force has been criticised for an "unstructured and disorganised" investigation into the violent death of 13-month old Poppi Worthington in a damning and long-awaited report.

The IPCC concluded there was enough evidence for Cumbria police to have justified an arrest either on the day of Poppi's death in 2012 or shortly after the postmortem.

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On Brexit the Lords are standing up for the law – and standing up to bullies | Patience Wheatcroft

Posted: 03 Mar 2017 01:00 AM PST

I want to know what the terms of our EU exit will be before I vote for it. And I believe the people, not just parliament, have the right to a say

Despite the prime minister's threats of dire retribution should peers attempt to amend her Brexit bill, the House of Lords this week demonstrated a determination to do its job. Wednesday's vote requiring the government to guarantee the rights of EU citizens prompted the second highest vote ever in the upper house. Ironically, the record remains with the 1993 debate over the Maastricht treaty to enlarge the European bloc.

There were stirring speeches, heartfelt pleas and warnings about the perils of the unelected second chamber daring to challenge the will of the democratically elected Commons. The former Tory leader Lord Howard of Lympne declared that he was a unilateralist on the issue and would love to guarantee EU citizens' rights but would not be supporting the amendment because the Commons had made clear its views. Labour's Lord Richard interjected: "If that is so, what is the point of the House of Lords?"

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Man who lied about role in Rwandan genocide faces deportation after prison

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 01:38 PM PST

Gervais Ngombwa, who claimed he was a victim in 1994 mass killing in order to gain refugee status, was actually 'an active participant', Iowa judge said

A Rwandan man who lied to gain entry into the US after helping slaughter scores of people during his country's 1994 genocide must serve 15 years behind bars before facing deportation, a judge ruled on Thursday.

Gervais Ngombwa, 57, "is a violent individual who presents a danger to the community", US district judge Linda Reade said.

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Their first Mardi Gras: a journey for Tiwi Island sistagirls decades in the making

Posted: 03 Mar 2017 01:04 AM PST

Many of the 30 Aboriginal trans women from the islands are already in the city, and have a few messages to convey

As the evening light settles over a Rapid Creek backyard, eight Tiwi Island sistagirls are making their final preparations to fly to Sydney.

A large portion of the 30 Aboriginal transgender women from the islands, north of Darwin, are already in Sydney, sending daily selfies and Facebook updates as they explore the southern city. For many, it's their first time in Sydney. It will be everyone's first ever Mardi Gras.

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China's economic concerns mount as thousands gather for congress

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:57 PM PST

Premier Li Keqiang will deliver his annual report against the backdrop of a falling currency and an ever-growing housing and debt bubble

China's rubber-stamp legislature convenes this weekend with the script focused on containing economic risks while president Xi Jinping consolidates power ahead of a pivotal Communist party meeting later this year.

The gathering of 3,000 delegates for the national people's congress in Beijing's Great Hall of the People is staged annually by the party.

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Friday briefing: Recusals, excuses and email abuses

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:55 PM PST

Sessions and Pence scandals cap mixed week for Trump … president debuts the Donald-in-Chief look … and sweet victory of Britain's best pub

Donald Trump's attorney general, Jeff Sessions, has "recused" himself from overseeing FBI investigations into Russia's interference in the US elections and contacts with the president's campaign. But it hasn't quietened the calls for his resignation.

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Who is Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador rattling Trump's presidency?

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:26 PM PST

Putin's man in Washington is usually far from view. Now he's at the center of a storm that brought down a key Trump ally and threatens another

He has become a lightning rod for suspicions about Donald Trump's ties with Russia, inadvertently bringing down one of the president's closest allies and now threatening another.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Vladimir Putin's man in Washington, is usually far from view inside an imposing white marbled embassy on the third highest hill in the city – a location that prompted fears the Soviets would be able to intercept communications – but now finds himself in the spotlight.

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Inflation returns to Japan for the first time in more than a year

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 08:43 PM PST

Prices tick up helped by the rising cost of oil but a slump in household spending clouds the outlook

Japan's core consumer prices have risen for the first time in over a year thanks to a pickup in energy costs, marking a rare victory in the government's long battle against deflation.

But a slump in household spending showed by 1.2% compared with January last year showed why economic growth and inflation have lagged the more ambitious goals set out by policymakers.

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'Jesus would say let them in' – Father Bob Maguire answers your questions

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 12:49 PM PST

How would Jesus treat the refugees held on Manus Island and Nauru? Do pets go to heaven? How can I stop binge watching The Golden Girls and make a difference in the world? How do you keep the faith in light of scandals in the Catholic church? Melbourne's maverick Catholic priest and former Triple J radio co-host, 82-year-old Father Bob Maguire, answers your questions

• Father Bob Maguire is hosting an interfaith panel discussing the role of religion in environmental responsibility at the Womadelaide festival on 13 March 2017

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Definition does not bar criticism of Israel | Letters

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:15 AM PST

The international definition of antisemitism adopted by the prime minister following a long campaign does not conflate antisemitism and criticism of Israel. Those who oppose the definition are simply blind to Jew-hatred. When the academics who wrote to you (28 February) read the definition, they will have seen that it says that "criticism of Israel similar to that levelled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic". They claim that all they want to do is rationally criticise Israel and they fear that we will call them antisemites. That would be conflation of antisemitism with criticism of Israel and under this definition they have nothing to fear.

What the definition does consider to be antisemitic is calling Jews or the Jewish state the successor to the Nazis. That is not criticism, it is hate speech. The definition equally calls those who engage in spreading conspiracy myths about Jewish subterfuge and nefarious power antisemites, and of course the definition is right. It is no wonder that we have asked students to gather evidence of antisemitism and send it to us so that we can take it up with universities. Today, everybody carries in their pockets a high-definition video camera and so Jewish students are thankfully able to prove that they are being intimidated and abused, and we are able to help them. The particular brand of antisemitism that disguises itself as discourse about Israel is finally becoming political, social and professional suicide. 

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How are you voting in the Dutch elections?

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:11 AM PST

If you're voting in one of this year's closely-watched European elections, we'd like you to tell us who you're voting for and why

Dutch voters head to the polls next month, in the first of this year's closely-watched European elections. For many international observers this election, and those in France and Germany later this year, threaten to see rightwing populists make significant gains. But is this the full story?

Related: Dutch parliamentary elections: everything you need to know

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Tories wary about plugging Trump gap in family planning funding

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 09:43 AM PST

Theresa May's government is in a tricky position at the She Decides conference which is being seen as a symbol of solidarity against Donald Trump

The hastily convened global gathering of governments in Brussels to pledge tens of millions of euros to family planning charities who had their US funding pulled by Donald Trump's so-called "global gag" has been a tightrope to walk for the British government.

Trump reinstated the rule by executive order in his first few days in the White House, meaning US government funding cannot be provided to charities whose work includes offering abortion services.

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Swedish military draft reintroduced – video

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 08:35 AM PST

Sweden announces on Thursday that they have reintroduced a military draft for both men and women born in 1999 or later. Defence minister Peter Hultqvist says it is a signal that the country wants to increase its military capability. Increased Russian military action and a failure to fill the ranks voluntarily have beed cited as reasons for the decision

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MEPs seek to exempt citizens with joint EU citizenship from US travel ban

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 08:33 AM PST

MEPs want to use aviation agreement signed by US and EU in 2007 to prevent discrimination based on religious affiliation

The European parliament has taken a first step in trying to prevent Donald Trump's attempted travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries affecting those with joint EU citizenship, by testing the legality of the order under an international agreement.

MEPs hope the EU will be able to prevent discrimination under the terms of an aviation agreement signed by the US and the bloc in 2007 that threw open US and EU airports to all American and European carriers.

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Amber Rudd authorises more powerful Tasers for police

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 06:56 AM PST

Home secretary authorises Taser X2 for police in England and Wales despite concerns over deaths and serious injuries

The home secretary, Amber Rudd, has authorised a more powerful Taser stun gun to be issued to police officers in England and Wales despite concerns over a number of deaths and serious injuries connected with their use.

Rudd has authorised the use of Taser X2, which can deliver two "shots", unlike the single X26 currently in use in England and Wales, which is going out of production.

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Sweden to reintroduce conscription amid rising Baltic tensions

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 06:54 AM PST

Draft will cover men and women born in 1999 or later, though only small minority will be selected to serve

Sweden has voted to reintroduce military conscription by 1 July after struggling to fill army ranks on a voluntary basis, citing increased Russian military activity in the Baltics as one of the reasons for the policy U-turn.

In 2010, Sweden's centre-right government of the time abolished the draft after more than 100 years, arguing that targeted recruitment would increase the quality of a military that had shrunk by more than 90% since the end of the cold war.

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Betty Tebbs obituary

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 06:21 AM PST

Veteran political activist and peace campaigner who fought for women's rights

Betty Tebbs, who has died aged 98, was an agitator, trade unionist and proud member of the working class. She believed in a free Palestine and an end to global nuclear weapons programmes. She was never one to follow the rules.

Her activism began at the age of 14, when she turned up on the first day of her job at the East Lancashire Paper Mill, Radcliffe, to discover the boys were paid 13 shillings while the girls barely got nine. Seventy-five years later, aged 89, she was still protesting, lying in the road outside the Faslane nuclear base in Scotland, chained to other demonstrators. The police officer who arrested her received a typical Tebbs put-down: "Does your mother know what you do for a living?" Answering his query about possible heart problems, she tartly remarked: "Only when I see those submarines."

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Marine Le Pen stripped of immunity by MEPs over Isis tweets

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 04:02 AM PST

European parliament waives protection, paving way for French prosecution of Front National leader for posting gruesome pictures of killings

MEPs have removed Marine Le Pen's parliamentary immunity, allowing French prosecutors to take legal action against the far-right leader for tweeting gruesome images of killings by Islamic State militants.

The move was confirmed at a European parliament plenary session on Thursday after members of the legislature's legal affairs committee voted by an overwhelming majority to waive Le Pen's immunity following a request from the prosecutor of Nanterre in western Paris.

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Mexico City's deportee work program hopes to help ousted migrants resettle

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 03:00 AM PST

Sanctuary city is first to take action to find jobs and provide retraining courses for growing number of US undocumented immigrants forced to leave

Jorge Valdéz Rivera emerged in tears from the airport security doors at Mexico City's international terminal, clutching a small rucksack with a few meagre belongings he'd salvaged from his American life.

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Families of victims of Colombia's paramilitaries get their day in US court

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 03:00 AM PST

Hernán Giraldo Serna, one of the leaders of a rightwing force that escaped trial for crimes against humanity to face drug charges in the US, oversaw 270 murders

Hernán Giraldo Serna and the men who were under his command in a broad area of northern Colombia murdered more than 270 farmers, indigenous leaders and leftist organizers.

They forcibly disappeared and tortured many of their victims; thousands more fled their homes in fear. Giraldo won the nickname "the Drill" for the dozens of young girls and women he raped. Twenty-four bore his children.

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European countries have carried out 8% of promised refugee relocations

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 02:33 AM PST

'No more excuses,' warns European commission as it emerges only Malta and Finland have met resettling obligations

European countries have accepted less than 10% of the 160,000 refugees they promised to move to safety from unsanitary and cramped camps in Italy and Greece, leading the European commission to warn it will "accept no more excuses".

Only 13,546 relocations have been carried out so far – 3,936 from Italy and 9,610 from Greece – amounting to just 8% of the total the EU committed to relocate in 2015.

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Veteran Israeli photographer David Rubinger dies aged 92

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 01:51 AM PST

Former Time-Life photojournalist was renowned for photo of Israeli paratroopers at Western Wall during six-day war

Veteran Israeli photographer David Rubinger, whose photo of Israeli paratroopers at the Western Wall holy site became one of the defining images of the 1967 six-day war, has died aged 92.

His death was announced on Thursday by his children.

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UK fails to contribute as donors unite to bridge US 'global gag' funding shortfall

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 07:31 AM PST

As countries pledge a total of €181m to fill void left by Trump administration's funding ban, UK highlights existing commitments on family planning

The British government failed to join other donors in pledging millions of dollars to an international fund aimed at filling the gap left by Donald Trump's reimposition of the "global gag rule".

Related: Trump's 'global gag rule' could endanger millions of women and children, ​Bill and Melinda Gates​ warn

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By his own standards, attorney general Jeff Sessions should resign

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 03:52 PM PST

Taking himself off the investigation into Russian interference with the election is not enough. As he once said himself: 'No one is above the law'

Jeff Sessions just had the worst day in Washington, but by his own measure of justice, it wasn't bad enough.

After confirmation of news that he met twice with the Russian ambassador in 2016 and that investigators looked into those previously undisclosed contacts, he woke up to a very grim political fate. By midday the justice department was swarmed with protesters yelling "lock him up"; Keith Ellison, citing US Code – Section 1621 noted that lying under oath carries a potential five-year prison term"; Chuck Schumer had announced he should resign "for the good of the country"; and even Republican lawmakers were moonwalking quietly away.

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Victims in the Brock Turner and Idaho cases sought justice. They found bias

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 10:29 AM PST

Both cases involved the powerless against the powerful, and fell to judges whose personal biases reinforced rather than rejected privilege

On Friday, 24 February, Idaho judge Randy Stoker sentenced a white former high school football star, John RK Howard, to 300 hours of community service and probation for a savage locker-room attack on a developmentally disabled African-American classmate. Howard, 19, and two teammates tried as juveniles, tricked the victim into thinking he was getting a hug from a friend and then kicked a plastic clothes hanger up his rectum while he screamed in pain. Another player stated that Howard and the other assailants laughed during the attack.

The victim's parents have alleged that Howard and his teammates also repeatedly called their son racial taunts and slurs, including "watermelon", "fried chicken", and "nigger", and forced him to learn a KKK song glorifying lynching. The victim and his siblings are among the few black people in the isolated Mormon community of Dietrich, Idaho, population about 350.

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US attorney general Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russia inquiry – video

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 01:50 PM PST

Jeff Sessions on Thursday recuses himself from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential elections. Many have called on the attorney general to resign after it was disclosed that he had spoken with the Russian ambassador to the US twice during the election campaign

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What we know about Jeff Sessions and the Russia revelations – video

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 11:36 AM PST

The US attorney general, Jeff Sessions, on Thursday was forced to defend himself against revelations that he had not disclosed meetings with Russian officials that occurred during the presidential campaign last year. Top Democrats are now calling for his resignation and Republicans want a full investigation. Here's what we know so far

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What do we know about Donald Trump and Russia? – video explainer

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 03:38 AM PST

Luke Harding considers the many links between Donald Trump's administration and Russia. As well as praising President Vladimir Putin, Trump has surrounded himself with men with close ties with Russia. He has failed to quash allegations that his staff had improper contact with Russian officials, or that he has business interests in Russia

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