World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian ambassador during Trump campaign

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 12:09 AM PST

  • Attorney general told Senate he had no contact with Russian officials
  • Top Democrats call for his 'immediate' resignation
  • Sessions met twice with Sergey Kislyak, Moscow's ambassador to the US

Donald Trump's attorney general Jeff Sessions twice spoke with the Russian ambassador to the United States during the presidential campaign.

The Washington Post, citing justice department officials, first reported that Sessions met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak once in September 2016, when US intelligence officials were investigating Russian interference in the presidential election, and once in the summer of that year.

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Debating in whispers: opposition fearful ahead of Turkish referendum

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

Journalists, MPs and activists have been jailed ahead of vote on a system to grant sweeping powers to President Erdoğan

Turkish opposition officials have warned of a campaign of harassment and intimidation by the government in the run-up to next month's referendum on a presidential system that would grant sweeping powers to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

A wave of arrests of opposition lawmakers, activists and journalists, and the closure of media outlets, have left a predominantly government-friendly press moderating the debate on the vote. .

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Dutch parliamentary elections: everything you need to know

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 12:17 AM PST

After Brexit vote and Trump win, presence of anti-Islam, anti-EU Geert Wilders is drawing global attention to 15 March vote by Jon Henley

The Netherlands holds parliamentary elections on 15 March. Polls have long predicted that the anti-Islam, anti-EU Geert Wilders' populist Party for Freedom (PVV) could emerge as the country's largest party, although Wilders is thought unlikely to enter government.

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Israel MP benefited from controversial law on illegal Jewish outposts

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 10:00 PM PST

Activists say Bezalel Smotrich of Jewish Home party lives in one of houses recently 'legalised' by country's parliament

A far-right Israeli MP who backed a controversial law retroactively "legalising" illegal Jewish outposts built on privately-owned Palestinian land will personally benefit from the legislation, because his home is one of several thousand covered by the provision, activists have revealed.

Bezalel Smotrich, who represents the Jewish Home party, praised the passage of the law in early February as a "historic day for the settlement movement and for Israel".

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Countries to join forces to raise funds for safe abortions after Trump order

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 10:00 PM PST

Organisers of Brussels conference hope to raise $600m after return of 'global gag' rule that bans US funding of family planning

About 50 countries are to join forces to raise funds for safe abortions in the developing world, in the hope of plugging the gap left by Donald Trump's reinstated "global gag" rule.

The UK will send a minister to the She Decides conference in Brussels on Thursday, but it remains unclear whether the British government will announce a financial contribution.

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Forced evacuation of east Aleppo was war crime, says UN

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 12:51 PM PST

Inquiry details 'war crimes' by pro-Assad forces and rebel groups in Aleppo – including use of chemical weapons

The United Nations has accused the Syrian government of deliberately attacking an aid convoy near Aleppo last September, and labeled a forced evacuation of opposition-held parts of the east of the city as a "war crime".

Related: Syria aid convoy attack: 'the bombardment was continuous'

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François Fillon vows to fight on despite formal inquiry into 'fake jobs'

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 08:59 AM PST

French presidential candidate faces formal investigation over claims he paid family members for fake parliamentary jobs

French presidential candidate François Fillon has vowed to carry on campaigning despite being summoned by judges to face accusations of giving fake jobs to his wife and children.

Just weeks after he pledged to stand down if formally put under investigation, the beleaguered conservative candidate made what many saw as his last, determined stand on Wednesday.

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Transgender-friendly toilets planned for 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 02:42 PM PST

Tokyo's city government is planning on installing gender-neutral bathrooms in at least seven of the 11 Olympic venues it is constructing for the 2020 Games

Tokyo's metropolitan government is seeking to install gender-neutral public restrooms in the venues it is constructing for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics.

While daredemo toire ("everyone's toilets") suitable for either men or women have existed for several years in Japan, they have previously been designed as larger spaces designed to accommodate patrons in wheelchairs.

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Noma dishwasher becomes co-owner of world-famous Danish restaurant

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 08:53 AM PST

Ali Sonko, who has worked in restaurant kitchen since 2003, gets share in business in 'recognition of his hard work and enduring smile'

A dishwasher described as the "heart and soul" of the world-class Danish restaurant Noma has been made a co-owner of the establishment he has worked in for 14 years.

The decision to promote Ali Sonko, who has toiled in the Noma kitchen since it first opened in 2003, was announced at a party in Copenhagen to mark the restaurant's last day at its waterfront location in Christianshavn.

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Only $20m in existing funds found to pay for Mexico wall, document says

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 03:55 PM PST

Construction for Donald Trump's proposed border wall hit a financial roadblock over low 'existing funds and resources' in the homeland security department

Donald Trump's promise to use existing funds to begin immediate construction of a wall on the US-Mexico border has hit a financial roadblock, according to a document seen by Reuters.

Related: Trump signs order to begin Mexico border wall in immigration crackdown

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Philippines police plant evidence to justify killings in drug war, says report

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 09:43 PM PST

Human Rights Watch says President Rodrigo Duterte bears ultimate responsibility for the deaths of thousands

A human rights watchdog has accused Philippines police of falsifying evidence to justify unlawful killings in the government's war on drugs that has caused more than 7,000 deaths, and pointed the finger at president Rodrigo Duterte as being ultimately responsible.

Human Rights Watch said in a report on Thursday that Duterte and other senior officials instigated and incited the killings of drug suspects in a campaign that could amount to crimes against humanity.

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'Stop bashing the EU', Jean-Claude Juncker tells European leaders

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 07:28 AM PST

EU commission president says politicians should stop blaming the bloc for issues it cannot control as he lays out plan for future

European leaders should "stop bashing the EU", Jean-Claude Juncker has said as he sketched out five scenarios for the bloc's future after Brexit.

The president of the European commission urged governments to stop blaming the EU for problems it was not equipped to solve, adding: "It would do us all good if we simply stopped Brussels-bashing, EU-bashing."

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Seven-year-old tenpin bowler stripped of title for wearing jeans

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 12:56 PM PST

  • Grayson Powell, seven, disqualified for sartorial breach
  • Governing body hits back: 'Ignorance of a rule is not our fault'

In tenpin bowling, it's usually about the bowling. But sometimes it's about the jeans.

Seven-year-old Grayson Powell bowled the game of his life to win his team of three a youth bowling tournament in the Newfoundland city of St John's on Saturday. But shortly after his 171-point game propelled Riverdale to the title, Grayson was disqualified, and was unable to collect his prize.

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Oscars president: accountants responsible for best picture mix-up banned

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:18 PM PST

PwC representatives Brian Cullinan and Martha Ruiz will not work awards show again, said Cheryl Boone Isaacs, four days after wrong winner was announced

The president of the film academy says the two accountants responsible for the best-picture flub at Sunday's Academy awards will never work the Oscars again.

Related: Anatomy of an Oscars fiasco: how La La Land was mistakenly announced as best picture

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The world's coldest elephant?Activists demand Lucy's removal from Canadian zoo

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 07:46 AM PST

After 40 years of the Edmonton Valley Zoo's habitual sub-zero winters, Lucy has recently became a flashpoint in the debate over whether elephants belong in captivity

Lucy hesitated in the doorway as she debated whether to leave the warmth of home and venture out into the sub-zero cold.

Then she plodded forward, scooping up freshly fallen snow with her trunk and shoving it in her mouth. Every minute or so, a deep rumbling punctuated the air – a symptom of a decades-old respiratory problem that forces her to breathe through her mouth. Zookeepers hovered around her, monitoring her body temperature with an infrared scanner to ensure she wasn't getting cold.

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Indian traders boycott Coca-Cola for 'straining water resources'

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 06:57 AM PST

Campaigners in drought-hit Tamil Nadu say it is unsustainable to use 400 litres of water to make a 1 litre fizzy drink

More than a million traders in India are boycotting fizzy drinks including Coca-Cola and Pepsi after claims from from two Indian trade associations that foreign firms are exploiting the country's water resources.

Traders in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu, which has a population bigger than the UK, will replace big brands with locally produced soft drinks.

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Plastic pollution blights Bay of Bengal – in pictures

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 01:00 AM PST

In India, 6,000 tonnes of plastic waste lies uncollected every day. Some of this washes up in Tamil Nadu state, where it pollutes and contaminates the food and water of communities living along the Bay of Bengal

All photographs by Jacques de Lannoy

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Donald Trump has made rookie mistakes – he must change his approach

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 12:59 AM PST

The new president can't change the rules of the game singlehandedly. He must learn to work effectively within the system

The first few weeks of Donald Trump's presidency have contained what felt like a year's worth of activity and rancour.

The US media is "all Trump, all the time" – and they have had plenty of fuel. Amid Trump's initial moves to "shake up" Washington, DC, including a five-year lobbying ban and approvals of pipelines that Barack Obama had blocked, he has made some serious – and avoidable – mistakes.

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Will Trump build a wall protecting US banks from global rules? | Howard Davies

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:44 PM PST

Attacks on the Federal Reserve raise alarm bells – it could be forced to halt worldwide cooperation on banking regulation

As President Trump struggles to staff his administration with sympathisers who will help transpose tweets into policy, the exodus of Obama appointees from the federal government and other agencies continues. For the financial world, one of the most significant departures was that of Daniel Tarullo, the Federal Reserve governor who has led its work on financial regulation for the last seven years.

It would be a stretch to say that Tarullo has been universally popular in the banking community. He led the charge in arguing for much higher capital ratios, in the US and elsewhere. He was a tough negotiator, with a well-tuned instinct for spotting special pleading by financial firms. But crocodile tears will be shed in Europe to mark his resignation. European banks, and even their regulators, were concerned by his enthusiastic advocacy of even tougher standards in Basel 3.5 (or Basel 4, as bankers like to call it), which would, if implemented in the form favoured by the US, require further substantial capital increases for Europe's banks in particular. In his absence, these proposals' fate is uncertain.

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Exit West by Mohsin Hamid review – magic and violence in migrants’ tale

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:30 PM PST

A couple flee their war-torn city for Europe in a parable of love, displacement and the search for belonging

Saeed and Nadia meet at an evening class in an unnamed, presumably Middle Eastern city "swollen by refugees" but not yet "openly at war". Saeed is "an independent-minded, grown man, unmarried, with a decent post and a good education". Nadia is less straightforward-seeming: she doesn't pray but wears a "conservative and virtually all‑concealing black robe", works in an insurance company but rides a "scuffed-up hundred-ish cc trail bike", has veered off from her parents and lives alone. Saeed quickly falls in love with her. Nadia, to begin with at least, is "not certain exactly what she was feeling, but was certain it had force".

In previous novels, Hamid has used a heavily inflected narrative voice to filter everything through a personality that is not his own, but which he nevertheless owns as the author. In The Reluctant Fundamentalist we eavesdrop on a marvellously well-sustained dramatic monologue that reveals a great deal about its speaker, while also concealing precisely what he intends to do to his listener. In How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, Hamid ingeniously adapts the form of a self-help book to create a tale-telling "you" who becomes intimately realised while remaining a nameless everyman. Exit West confidently adopts yet another kind of voice – a tone of radical simplicity that in the opening 50-odd pages borders on brutality, and makes every conversation, every detail, every scene feel at once vital and under threat.

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Lawyer criticises child abuse inquiry for not safeguarding evidence

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PST

Solicitor Imran Khan calls on inquiry to secure records from investigated areas before they can be destroyed

The national child abuse inquiry has been criticised by a prominent lawyer representing victims for failing to seize potentially vital caches of evidence before they are destroyed.

In a letter to the inquiry, London solicitor Imran Khan has called for records from Catholic treatment centres for problem priests, Lambeth council and even the Boston Globe newspaper – which investigated clerical abuse in the USA – to be secured.

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Lords urge Tories to support Brexit bill amendment on EU citizens

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 01:13 AM PST

Crossbench peer says Tory rebels could defy whip when bill to protect EU nationals in UK returns to Commons

Peers who backed an amendment to the Brexit bill to guarantee the rights of EU citizens have urged Conservative MPs in the House of Commons to support the change when the bill returns.

Theresa May's government has vowed to overturn a demand by the House of Lords to guarantee the rights of EU citizens living in the UK within three months of article 50 being triggered.

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Even in an age of austerity, aid works. We have to keep giving | David Cameron

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 10:00 PM PST

Altruism aside, it makes sense to help fragile states as best we can. We suffer the effects when they fail

There's a big argument taking place over whether in these straitened times we should be continuing to fund foreign aid programmes. It's quite right that we have this debate – taxpayers' money should be spent only if this is achieving good results. My view is clear: aid works.

Related: Food aid from warehouse to plate: fighting South Sudan's famine – in pictures

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Falkland Islands: Argentina protests to Brazil about RAF using its airports

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 07:58 PM PST

Recent silence about disputed territory is broken as Mauricio Macri's government points out regional agreement forbidding UK military stopovers

Argentina has lodged a protest with Brazil for hosting British military aircraft flying to and from the Falkland Islands.

Argentina's government said the Royal Air Force made 18 flights between the Falklands and airports in Brazil over the last two years. Buenos Aires called them a breach of agreements among South American countries.

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China accuses western media of 'fake news' about human rights

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:56 PM PST

The Guardian among outlets to report on alleged torture of lawyer Xie Yang, which sparked Beijing's Trump-style rebuke

China has launched a Donald Trump-style attack on foreign media, branding claims that a leading human rights lawyer was tortured by government agents "fake news".

Xinhua, the government's official news agency, accused the overseas media of "hyping" a series of "cleverly orchestrated lies" by publishing reports about the plight of attorney Xie Yang, who was detained in July 2015 at the start of a crackdown known as China's war on law.

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Police question man over Melbourne factory fire that killed three people

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 01:13 AM PST

Arson squad is investigating the suspicious fire that killed the three who are believed to have been squatting in the abandoned factory

A man is being questioned by police over a Melbourne factory fire which killed three people.

The arson squad is investigating the suspicious fire at an abandoned Melbourne factory, a day after new plans for the site were approved.

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Thursday briefing: Attorney General Sessions said he didn't. But he did

Posted: 02 Mar 2017 12:26 AM PST

Trump's attorney general met twice with Russian ambassador … Lords put brakes on Brexit juggernaut … and best film bungler banned from Oscars

Hello – it's Warren Murray giving you a head start today.

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Kim Jong-nam death: Malaysia scraps visa-free entry for North Koreans

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:22 PM PST

Diplomatic row escalates in the wake of the killing of the political exile with a deadly nerve agent at Kuala Lumpur airport

Malaysia is scrapping visa-free entry for North Koreans travelling to the country, the state news agency has said, in the latest fallout from a deadly nerve agent attack at Kuala Lumpur airport.

The bizarre killing of Kim Jong-nam, the estranged half brother of North Korea's ruler, has caused a diplomatic spat between Malaysia and North Korea.

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The Zimmermann telegram revealed - archive, 2 March 1917

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 09:00 PM PST

2 March 1917: In a secret telegram written by German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmermann, Mexico was asked to take sides with Germany against the United States and promised Arizona and Texas as a reward

A Revelation of Folly
There comes from Washington to-day about as crushing an exposure of political folly as has ever been published. It seems that on January 19 Herr ZIMMERMANN, the German Foreign Minister, sent to the German Minister in Mexico certain amiable proposals for stabbing the United States in the back. The German Minister was instructed to tell the Mexican Government that the submarine campaign which Germany proposed to open on February 1, would bring England to her knees in a few months. It was hoped to spare the United States from this humiliating posture, but she might, of course, insist on standing to her full height and begin war with Germany. In that case Mexico was asked to take sides with Germany. She was promised as her reward Arizona and Texas. Further, she was requested to induce Japan to betray her Allies, and to seize the opportunity of striking a blow at the United States when Mexico had caught her round the leg.

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Afghan-Canadian doctor detained at US border and asked about 'tribal chief'

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:05 PM PST

Sardar Ahmad, Fulbright scholar from Afghanistan who has lived in the US and is now a Canadian citizen, held for five hours at US border

A Canadian doctor originally from Afghanistan was held for five hours at the US border and questioned about his "tribal chief" before he was eventually allowed entry to the US.

Sardar Ahmad left Afghanistan more than a decade ago to move to the United States on a prestigious Fulbright scholarship. In 2007, he moved to Canada to complete his medical residency, eventually setting up practice in the southern Ontario city of Sarnia and becoming a Canadian citizen.

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PNG seeks to play down UN suspension amid string of budget embarrassments

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:04 PM PST

Foreign affairs minister claims unpaid dues were caused by an administrative error and have now been paid, but UN says no money has been received

Papua New Guinea's government has sought to downplay the announcement by the United Nations that the country's voting rights in the general assembly would be suspended for failing to pay $180,000 in dues – claiming it was an administrative error.

Papua New Guinea's foreign affairs minister said the outstanding fees which led to the suspension had now been paid but the United Nations stood by its decision and said no funds had been received.

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UK must stand up to Trump over sanctions on Russia, say MPs

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 04:01 PM PST

Any moves by the US to ease pressure on Putin over Ukraine should be challenged, says foreign affairs committee

The UK must brace itself to stage "uncomfortable conversations" with its closest ally, the United States, to ensure the west maintains a principled stance on sanctions against Russia, the all-party foreign affairs select committee has found in a new report on Anglo-Russian relations.

Donald Trump hinted in January that he would be willing to lift sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its intervention in Ukraine, in exchange for agreement on nuclear arms reduction. But the committee said that any reduction in pressure on Russia would "constitute an abrogation of the international community's responsibility toward Ukraine and would embolden Russia in its efforts to dictate the terms on which it engages with the west".

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New York's Catholic church seeks $100m loan to pay sexual abuse victims

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 12:45 PM PST

Archdiocese filed a petition for a mortgage on land it owns behind St Patrick's cathedral to fund its compensation program for people abused by priests

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York is seeking permission for a $100m mortgage on some of its valuable Manhattan property to fund its compensation program for people sexually abused by its priests, a spokesman said on Wednesday.

The archdiocese said last October it would compensate people who had accused priests of abusing them as children, including those prevented by statutes of limitations from filing civil lawsuits. It said at the time it would seek loans to fund the payouts, which are being decided by two independent arbitrators.

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British students killed in Iraq after joining Isis

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:31 AM PST

Ahmad Sami Kheder, from south London, and Hisham Fadlallah, from Nottinghamshire, abandoned medical degrees in Sudan to join Isis in Syria

Two British students who abandoned medical degrees in Sudan a couple of years ago to work as doctors helping Isis in Syria have been killed in fighting, it has emerged.

Ahmad Sami Kheder , 25, originally from Carshalton in south London, is understood to have died last weekend when a convoy he was travelling with leaving Mosul, Iraq, was hit by gunfire.

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Mexico police find 11 bodies subjected to torture near Gulf coast city

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:00 AM PST

Veracruz governor links attacks to battle between drug gangs as local media reports sign near bodies saying: 'You want a war, you'll get a war'

Police have found the tortured bodies of nine men and two women on the outskirts of Mexico's Gulf coast city of Veracruz, authorities said on Wednesday, a day after increased state and federal security forces were deployed to parts of the state.

The Veracruz governor, Miguel Angel Yunes, called the killings "an act of barbarity" and said they were part of a battle between drug gangs.

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Crocodile stoned to death at Tunisia zoo

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 10:51 AM PST

  • Authorities denounce 'savage' act by visitors to Belvedere Zoo
  • Zoo vet: 'You cannot imagine what animals endure from some visitors'

A group of visitors at a Tunisia zoo has stoned a crocodile to death, authorities in the capital said on Wednesday, denouncing the "savage" act.

The municipality of Tunis posted gory pictures on Facebook of the dead animal's head next to what appeared to be a bloodied paving slab and another large rock.

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Angela Merkel urged to ban Erdoğan over jailed German journalist

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 09:54 AM PST

Chancellor under pressure to stop Turkish president from entering country while reporter is held in Istanbul prison

Angela Merkel is facing calls to ban the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, from entering Germany while a German journalist continues to be held in an Istanbul prison.

Erdoğan, who campaigned in Germany in 2011 and 2014, was rumoured to be planning a political rally to secure the symbolically important diaspora vote before April's referendum in Turkey on giving him greater powers.

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Tom DeLonge: from Blink-182 to the world's leading UFO hunter

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 07:11 AM PST

The musician has been named 2017's UFO researcher of the year, has co-written a novel about aliens and claims to have allies in the US government

Name: Tom DeLonge.

What's his age again? 41 (going on 23).

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'Then the shooting started': Afghan asylum seekers on the moment they lost their family – video

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 06:54 AM PST

Said fled Afghanistan with his wife and seven children. Only he and his nine-year-old son Wali Khan made it to Britain. Their life in Derby is precarious and for Said, who is struggling to learn English, lonely. We will follow this family as they attempt to make a home in Britain and seek a legal right to stay here

  • This project is funded by the European Journalism Centre via a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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'It is devastating': abuse survivor quits Vatican child protection body

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 06:33 AM PST

Resignation of Marie Collins, commission's last remaining member who had suffered sexual abuse, is a setback for Pope Francis

A prominent survivor of clerical sex abuse has resigned from a special Vatican commission that was created by Pope Francis to tackle the problem, saying the church's most senior clerics continue to put "other concerns" before the safety of children and vulnerable adults.

Marie Collins, who was molested by a priest when she was 13 years old, said in a written statement she had made a final decision to resign after she learned that a Vatican department was failing to comply with a basic new recommendation that all correspondence from victims and survivors should receive a response.

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'Make it culturally unforgivable': readers on driver mobile phone penalties

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 06:32 AM PST

Newly qualified drivers could lose their licence under tougher penalties for those using a phone while driving. Here's what our readers said

Fines and penalty points for using a phone while driving are set to double after new penalties came into force in England, Scotland and Wales on Wednesday.

Drivers who are caught will be given six points on their licence and a £200 fine. Those who have recently qualified could lose their licence if they accrue six points within two years of passing their test.

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France's François Fillon plays his last card

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 06:11 AM PST

Scandal-hit candidate is in bunker mode, avoiding the public as he accuses the state of a political 'assassination' attempt

Once again, François Fillon, the French right's scandal-hit presidential candidate, has refused to quit the election race. Badly wounded and with his party, Les Républicains, bewildered and divided, it remains to be seen whether he can reach the finish line.

Related: François Fillon vows to fight on despite charges over fake jobs allegations

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What's the situation like in Poland after the anti-abortion marches?

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:45 AM PST

Thousands of protesters in Poland forced their government to backtrack on anti-abortion law last year. We'd like you to tell us what the situation is like now

Tens of thousands of protesters successfully forced their government to backtrack on abortion proposals last year, which prevented even further restrictions to the country's already restrictive abortion laws.

Plans for a near-total ban on abortions were overwhelmingly rejected by parliament, marking a setback for the conservative Law and Justice party (PIS) and the Catholic church. But PiS leaders, under pressure from anti-abortion activists, said they are hoping to push forward proposals to remove the right for a termination in cases where the foetus has a congenital disorder.

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Men jailed for burying dog alive after driving nail into its head

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:35 AM PST

Protesters pack court to see Redcar pair sentenced for attempting to kill deaf and blind terrier Scamp to avoid vet bill

Two men have been jailed after they hammered a nail into a dog's head and buried it alive in a failed euthanasia attempt.

The terrier, called Scamp, was discovered under a mound of earth by a couple walking in a wood but had to be put down due to its severe injuries.

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Anders Breivik not treated inhumanely, appeals court rules

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:11 AM PST

Norwegian mass murderer to appeal after earlier lower court judgment that he was treated inhumanely in prison is overturned

Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has not been treated "inhumanely" by being held in isolation in prison, an Oslo appeals court has ruled, overturning a lower court judgment.

"Breivik is not, and has not, been subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment," it said.

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Who are Europe's newcomers?

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:09 AM PST

Der Spiegel, Le Monde and El Pais are following an exotic cast of new arrivals seeking to make Europe their home

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The new arrivals: sign up for updates on our refugee investigation

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:05 AM PST

Get email notifications for our series of reports on Europe's great refugee challenge

The Guardian is teaming up with Der Spiegel, Le Monde and El País to report from inside refugee communities in four of Europe's biggest countries. The series will assess whether promises are being kept, whether newcomers are changed by their experiences in European society – and vice versa.

Over the coming year, we plan to follow four newly arrived families in the UK, Germany, Spain and France to see how their experiences of asylum and immigration differ.

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Introducing our new series on refugees after their arrival in Europe

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:00 AM PST

Join Kate Lyons as she follows a father and son from Afghanistan who are trying to make a new life for themselves in Britain

Wali is nine. He loves sport, learning English, and his dad. He misses his mother and six siblings and wants to know what happened to them. He's from Afghanistan, but now lives in Derby. He would like to stay in Britain but doesn't know whether he will be allowed.

I'm writing to you about Wali because he and his father, Said, have agreed to open up their lives to Guardian readers in order to help us understand a little better the situation surrounding asylum seekers and refugees.

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Overwhelmed, overlooked and over here: how refugees cope with life in Europe

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:00 AM PST

The Guardian has teamed up with other European newspapers Der Spiegel, Le Monde and El País to follow the fortunes of refugees in their new homes

Like the people it covers, the migration story itself is on the move. In 2014 and 2015 it was all about the odyssey, the journey made by hundreds of thousands, haphazardly, perilously, up into Europe. In 2016, it was about Europe's hesitant response, the political backlash.

In 2017, the focus is turning to the people who are suddenly in our midst. How are they adapting to their new lives? What do they miss? What's it like to swap Homs for Hamburg, Kabul for Croydon – or Mosul for the Mosel, for that matter? Which European countries are best at helping refugees settle? And what do they make of the rising tide of resentment that they encounter in this populist age?

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They left Afghanistan a family of nine. They arrived in the UK a family of two

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 05:00 AM PST

To kick off a new series on people seeking new lives in Europe, we meet a nine-year-old boy who fled the Taliban with his parents and six siblings. Just he and his father made it to an uncertain future in Derby

It was night-time and it was raining. That's when the shooting started.

Nine-year-old Wali Khan Norzai remembers holding his father's hand in the mountainous, borderland darkness. Ahead lay Turkey, behind them Iran, further back their abandoned home in Afghanistan. Now suddenly, all around them, bullets.

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Revealed: exported EU animals subject to abuse and illegal conditions

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 03:57 AM PST

Undercover videos show EU cattle and sheep being beaten, given electric shocks, and inhumanely slaughtered at destinations in Turkey and Middle East

Animals exported live from EU countries are routinely being subjected to abuse, illegal transportation conditions and inhumane slaughter, an investigation has found.

Dozens of undercover videos and photographs obtained by the Guardian show live cattle and sheep from EU countries being beaten, shocked with electric prods, held for days in overcrowded pens and covered head to toe in faeces as they are transported from Europe to their final destinations in Turkey and the Middle East in conditions that breach European law.

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Stuttgart residents sue mayor for 'bodily harm' caused by air pollution

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 11:30 PM PST

To highlight the dangerous air quality in the German city, which breached EU limits 25 times in January, two neighbours lodged a criminal complaint against city officials. Popular resistance to Stuttgart's pollution problem is growing

On a frosty Friday evening at the end of January, after her usual walk around her central Stuttgart neighbourhood, Susanne Jallow felt an unusual cough and irritation in her throat.

Jallow, 54, lives in Neckartor, an area chock-a-block with residential buildings hugged by a busy road, B14, which handles around 100,000 vehicles a day.

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The architecture of fear: how Caracas has adapted to constant threat of violence

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 06:22 AM PST

Tall walls, barred windows and armed security are increasingly common in the Venezuelan capital, where more and more Caraqueños avoid going out at night – travelling in convoy if they must leave home after dark

The last thing Corina expected on the night she and her two children were carjacked was for her kidnappers to scold her.

"It's extremely irresponsible of you to be driving at this time of night, ma'am," Corina recalled her captor saying. "You shouldn't be going around in this tiny car at night." He then kicked her out of the car, took her cash and left her and her children on the streets of Caracas in the dead of night.

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Can a fantastic plastic bag tackle India's waste problem? | Vidhi Doshi

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 09:00 PM PST

A Bengaluru businessman believes his organic plastic bags can help to reduce India's 15m tonnes of annual plastic consumption

In Ashwath Hegde's 10th-floor office in the south-Indian city of Bengaluru, plastic has become a multi-sensory experience.

"Just see what happens," Hegde says, tearing a piece from a small plastic bag and setting it on fire. "There are no fumes. Plastic normally has a horrible smell when it burns."

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Guns assembled in the UK may be arming child soldiers, says report

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 04:16 AM PST

European charities say German weapons firms bypass domestic controls by using British subsidiaries, exploiting a lack of transparency over UK arms sales

Rifles and submachine guns assembled in the UK could be exported for use in conflicts involving child soldiers, according to a report by European children's charities.

The report accuses Heckler & Koch (H&K) – a German company that is among the world's largest producers of small arms – of sidestepping obstacles to exports at home by using its subsidiary in the UK, where a "lack of transparency" has frustrated attempts to scrutinise arms deals.

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Jeff Sessions denies contact with Russians during Senate hearing – archive video

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 09:52 PM PST

During his January confirmation hearing to become attorney general, Sessions was quizzed by Democrat Senator Al Franken about alleged contact between members of the Trump campaign and Russia. "I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians," Sessions – who was under oath – told him. Now evidence has emerged that Sessions in fact met twice with the Russian ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak. A spokeswoman for Sessions said the meetings were in his capacity as a member of the armed forces committee and denied he had misled the Senate.

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Why Democratic women wore white to Trump’s Congress speech – video

Posted: 01 Mar 2017 03:54 AM PST

Women from the Democratic party made a visual statement at Donald Trump's address to Congress on Tuesday night by wearing white, a symbol of the suffrage movement. Many of the 66 Democratic women representatives and delegates who make up the House Democratic Women's Working Group wore white clothing to support women's rights

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Highlights from Donald Trump's first speech to Congress - video

Posted: 28 Feb 2017 10:50 PM PST

Donald Trump promised a 'new chapter of American greatness' in his first speech to Congress on Tuesday night that touched on immigration, healthcare and national security. Trump struck a largely positive tone in the address, in what was arguably his most presidential speech to date. Watch full highlights

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