World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

As Jared Kushner ascends White House ladder, Senate Russia inquiry adds scrutiny

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 01:14 PM PDT

Trump's son-in-law will lead Office of American Innovation to privatize certain government functions, as he agrees to testify in Russia election investigation

Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, found himself back in the spotlight for better and for worse on Monday.

As the US president appointed him to a new White House role, it was revealed that Kushner would testify before a Senate committee investigating Russian interference in last year's election.

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Mosul residents were told not to flee city before airstrikes that killed civilians

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 10:56 PM PDT

Pentagon opens investigation into reports that more than 150 civilians died in US-led bombings to retake Iraqi city from Isis

Residents in Mosul were instructed not to leave their homes ahead of airstrikes last week that are reported to have killed more than 150 civilians, Amnesty International has said.

Related: Shell-shocked Mosul survivors tell of intense airstrikes

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Cyclone Debbie: Queensland police fear fatalities with extent of damage unclear

Posted: 28 Mar 2017 12:12 AM PDT

Slow-moving category-four storm hits Australia's north-east but it will be at least a day before destruction can be assessed

• Worst storm in Australia in years hits the mainland – as it happened

The extent of injuries from Cyclone Debbie is yet to be determined as Queensland's police commissioner warned people to prepare for the possibility of deaths after the category-four storm struck the eastern coast of Australia.

The scale of destruction was yet to emerge on Tuesday evening amid reports of severe damage to homes and communities cut off from communications.

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United Airlines: leggings ban 'not sexist' even though it affects women more

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 11:09 AM PDT

United Airlines spokesman defends 'guidelines that apply to everyone' after two young girls wearing leggings were kept from boarding a plane in Denver

The United Airlines dress code for pass riders is "absolutely not" sexist, a spokesman for the carrier said on Monday, a day after a social media storm blew up when two young girls were prevented from wearing leggings when boarding a plane in Denver.

Related: United Airlines defends gate decision to bar girls wearing leggings from flight

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Russian authorities 'imprisoning Crimean Tatars in psychiatric hospitals'

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 10:30 PM PDT

Since annexation many ethnic Tatar activists have been detained in outdated mental institutions, rights activists say

Lawyers and human rights activists say Russian authorities in Crimea are increasingly imprisoning human rights activists in psychiatric hospitals and submitting them to psychological abuse.

Since the annexation of the region three years ago many ethnic Tatar activists who oppose the occupation have been arrested and subjected to abuse and imprisonment in outdated mental institutions, said Robert van Voren, a Dutch human rights activist and political scientist.

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Anti-apartheid activist Ahmed Kathrada dies aged 87

Posted: 28 Mar 2017 12:01 AM PDT

Former South African politician, who was sentenced to life imprisonment with Nelson Mandela, has died after a short illness

South African anti-apartheid activist Ahmed Kathrada, a Robben Island prisoner and one of Nelson Mandela's closest colleagues in the struggle against white rule, has died aged 87.

Related: Nelson Mandela's fellow ANC activist breaks silence to demand Jacob Zuma's resignation

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Negotiations to ban nuclear weapons begin, but Australia joins US boycott

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 03:17 PM PDT

At least 113 countries meet at UN to discuss ban, but US ambassador says the world is too unsafe for the US not to have nuclear weapons

Negotiations on a treaty to outlaw nuclear weapons have begun in New York, but have been publicly condemned by the United States, which is leading a coalition of more than 40 countries – including Australia – boycotting the talks.

At least 113 countries are part of the negotiations which have begun at UN headquarters in New York this week, aiming to negotiate a "legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination".

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Canadian government aims to legalise marijuana by 1 July 2018

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 09:42 AM PDT

Liberal lawmakers plan to reveal legislation in April to decriminalise and regulate recreational marijuana, one of Justin Trudeau's campaign promises

The Canadian government is scrambling to craft legislation to legalise recreational marijuana by 1 July 2018 – a move that would fulfill a campaign promise by the prime minister, Justin Trudeau.

The Liberal government will reveal the legislation in the second week of April, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, putting Canada on course to become the first G7 country to fully legalise marijuana use.

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Jean-Luc Mélenchon, France's hard-left rebel, targets the disenchanted

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 08:32 AM PDT

Presidential candidate without a party has overtaken Socialist Benoît Hamon in polls and vows to make second round of election

For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, France's hard-left presidential candidate, it is a case of one down, two to go.

Opinion polls suggest the veteran political rebel, who is calling for a nonviolent "citizens' revolution" and for the French constitution to be torn up and rewritten, has overtaken the official Socialist party candidate, Benoît Hamon.

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Seven dead in worst attack on aid workers since South Sudan war began

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 07:59 AM PDT

UN condemns 'heinous murder' of humanitarian staff from Unicef partner and calls on 'all those in a position of power' in South Sudan to end the violence

Six aid workers and their driver have been killed in South Sudan in the worst single attack on humanitarian staff in the country's three-year civil war.

The aid workers, from a Unicef partner, Grassroots Empowerment and Development Organisation (Gredo), which works to support children released from armed groups, were in a vehicle marked as belonging to an NGO when they were attacked on Saturday. Four of the dead were South Sudanese and three were Kenyans.

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Government withdraws China extradition treaty after party revolt

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 02:20 PM PDT

Liberal senators indicated they would not support ratification of the treaty, with Cory Bernardi, the Greens and Labor also opposed

The Turnbull government has pulled a proposed extradition treaty with China after a revolt inside Coalition ranks.

On Tuesday, Labor, the Greens and the former Liberal senator Cory Bernardi lined up in support of a disallowance motion to scuttle the proposed treaty with China, and a handful of Liberal senators telegraphed their opposition to the deal.

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Spanish court to investigate Syrian 'state terrorism' by Assad regime

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 09:02 AM PDT

Judge rules that Spain has jurisdiction to prosecute in case of truck driver who was allegedly tortured and murdered in Damascus

A Spanish court is to investigate allegations that nine members of the Syrian regime committed "state terrorism" by kidnapping, torturing and murdering a truck driver who disappeared in Damascus four years ago.

The landmark case – the first criminal complaint accepted against President Bashar al-Assad's security forces by a European court – has been brought on behalf of the victim's sister, a Spanish citizen who lives in Madrid.

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Climate change: ‘human fingerprint’ found on global extreme weather

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 03:01 AM PDT

Global warming makes temperature patterns that cause heatwaves, droughts and floods across Europe, north America and Asia more likely, scientists find

The fingerprint of human-caused climate change has been found on heatwaves, droughts and floods across the world, according to scientists.

The discovery indicates that the impacts of global warming are already being felt by society and adds further urgency to the need to cut carbon emissions. A key factor is the fast-melting Arctic, which is now strongly linked to extreme weather across Europe, Asia and north America.

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Top Democrats call for Devin Nunes to recuse himself from Trump-Russia inquiry

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 05:59 PM PDT

Nancy Pelosi joined Adam Schiff in demanding Nunes step aside from inquiry into 2016 election interference 'in interest of a fair and impartial investigation'

Leading Democrats have escalated the controversy over the erratic behavior of Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee, calling on him to recuse himself from the investigation into alleged links between the president's associates and Russia.

Both Adam Schiff, Nunes' counterpart on the committee, and Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader of the House of Representatives, demanded that he step aside from the ongoing Russia affair that has become an enduring sore for the young Trump administration.

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Trump begins tearing up Obama's years of progress on tackling climate change

Posted: 28 Mar 2017 12:19 AM PDT

Fossil fuels to the fore as president signs orders to review clean power plan, lift ban on coal leases and discard expert thinking on true cost of carbon emissions

Donald Trump will launch a major assault on Barack Obama's climate change legacy with a series of orders that undermine America's commitment to the Paris agreement.

Asked by the Guardian if Trump accepted the science of manmade climate change, a senior White House official replied: "Sure, yes, I guess, I think the president understands the disagreement over the policy response and you'll see that in the order tomorrow. We're taking a different path."

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Brexit: UK backing away from threat to leave with no deal, say EU diplomats

Posted: 28 Mar 2017 12:16 AM PDT

UK officials recognise that failure to agree post-Brexit trade deal with EU27 would cause havoc, according to EU sources

European diplomats based in the UK say the British government is stepping back from its threat to leave the EU without a trade deal if negotiations break down.

Related: Sir Tim Barrow to hand-deliver article 50 letter to Donald Tusk

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Labor attacks Malcolm Turnbull over penalty rates – as it happened

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 11:15 PM PDT

Politicians react to the final report on the South Australian blackouts and the China extradition treaty debacle. As it happened

That's it for today. Tomorrow we have ACTU secretary Sally McManus speaking at the National Press Club. Thanks to the brains trust; Paul Karp, Gareth Hutchens, Katharine Murphy and Mike Bowers.

The government is introducing more changes to parliamentarians' expenses.

The special minister of state, Scott Ryan, says the changes will:

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Brexit weekly briefing: May remains upbeat in final countdown but EU warns of 'tragedy'

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 11:06 PM PDT

On the eve of triggering article 50, the PM attempts to charm Scotland, Labour draws its red lines, and the EU27 celebrates founding treaty in Rome

Welcome to the Guardian's weekly Brexit briefing, a summary of developments as Britain heads convincingly towards the EU door marked "exit". If you'd like to receive it as a weekly early morning email, please sign up here.

And this: producing the Guardian's independent, in-depth journalism takes a lot of time and money. We do it because we believe our perspective matters – and it may well be your perspective too. If you value our Brexit coverage, become a Guardian Supporter and help make our future more secure. Thank you.

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Boys found dead near cliffs were 'having a laugh' when they fell

Posted: 28 Mar 2017 01:16 AM PDT

Harry Watson and Alex Yeoman, both 17, died in 'tragic accident' while taking photos in Teesside, mother of one of boys says

The teenage best friends who fell from cliffs in Teesside were "having a laugh" and taking photographs when they fell, one of their mothers has said.

Harry Watson and Alex Yeoman, both 17, died on Friday night after apparently falling from Huntcliff in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, a seaside resort in north-east England.

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Sadiq Khan: give EU citizens 'cast-iron guarantee' they can stay in UK

Posted: 28 Mar 2017 01:23 AM PDT

Speaking at Brussels event, London mayor says an offer to 3.3m EU nationals in UK would be 'perfect gesture of goodwill'

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has stepped up calls for the British government to offer a "cast-iron guarantee" to EU nationals on their right to remain in the UK after Brexit.

Speaking at an event in Brussels, the London mayor said an offer to 3.3 million EU nationals, 1 million of whom are Londoners, would be "the perfect gesture of goodwill" and urged the rest of the EU to make the same move.

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Warning that Beijing's military bases in South China Sea are ready for use

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 09:57 PM PDT

China now able to deploy combat aircraft and missile launchers to disputed islands at any time, says US thinktank

China has largely completed three major military bases in the South China Sea that have naval, air, radar and missile-defence facilities, according to a US thinktank.

Related: South China Sea images reveal impact on coral of Beijing's military bases

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Federal court rules NDIS must fully fund 'necessary' supports and services

Posted: 28 Mar 2017 12:37 AM PDT

Landmark decision comes as court rules transport to and from Victorian man's disability support program is a 'reasonable and necessary' support

The national disability insurance scheme is required to fully fund any supports or services it has deemed "reasonable and necessary", according to a landmark decision handed down in the federal court on Tuesday.

The decision will mean the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), which manages the $22bn scheme, will no longer be able to offer partial funding of supports such as transport to the work or service placements set out in a person's individual care plan, ending a practice that has left the family or carers of people living with a disability out of pocket.

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Tuesday briefing: Kushner link puts Russians one step closer to Trump

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PDT

President's rising son-in-law Jared Kushner faces grilling … our special report on knife crime … and the man who unleashed Comic Sans on the world

Donald Trump's apparent determination to run his administration as a family huddle has been underlined after he appointed his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to head something called the "Office of American Innovation". Sabrina Siddique explains for you this morning how Kushner has quietly and shrewdly worked his way up through the Trump election campaign and into the corridors of power.

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Mass 'sorcery' murder trial of more than 100 men begins in Papua New Guinea

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 08:11 PM PDT

Men allegedly overran neighbouring village, searching for people who had committed sorcery, killing seven, including two children

More than 100 men charged over the killings of seven people – including two young children – who they believed were practising sorcery, will face trial in Papua New Guinea next month.

In April 2014 a large group of men allegedly overran a neighbouring village, searching for people who had committed sorcery, burning down houses and violently killing seven people. Two children, aged three and five, were reportedly taken from their mothers arms and hacked to death.

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Depressed by Brexit? Come to Sweden | Letters

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 11:21 AM PDT

According to the Swedish national television news on 22 March, more than 1,100 Britons have applied for Swedish nationality following the Brexit referendum. With house prices way below those in the UK, many hope to move to Sweden shortly. Why not you, too? Sweden is a beautiful country, and has only 10 million inhabitants in an area twice that of the whole UK. Sweden is looking for qualified workers in many branches, especially in industry, health, schooling and IT.

Swedish is a Germanic language; it has, therefore, very many similarities with English and is pretty easy to pick up. While Sweden has fantastic summers, it can get a bit chilly in winter. But please note, there are no polar bears walking the streets, just plenty of wildlife in the forests. Lots of useful information on Wikipedia.
Philip Groves
Växjö, Sweden

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Modern slavery on UK cannabis farms | Letters

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 11:11 AM PDT

The anti-slavery commissioner has complained that data gathering for tracking victims of cannabis farms is "a mess" (Police 'failing to tackle' slave trafficking on cannabis farms, 25 March). It's actually much worse than that. We have just published a study of 39 young men working on cannabis farms in conditions of trafficking and forced labour. Despite the police, the Crown Prosecution Service and the judges knowing in around half of the cases that they were victims of modern slavery, and despite the commissioner stating that they are not prosecuted, nearly all were in fact sentenced to prison terms, some for as long as 20 months. This not only makes a nonsense of the statutory defence for victims, which should prevent them being criminalised, it shows how ill-prepared the criminal justice system is to address issues of modern slavery. Meanwhile, as the commissioner notes, there has not been a single prosecution of the cannabis traffickers.
Gary Craig and Patrick Burland
Modern Slavery Research Consortium

• Your article sheds much-needed light on the dreadful consequences of UK policy on cannabis. Two very important points are missing, however.

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Exploring the links between religion and violence | Letters

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 10:45 AM PDT

The problem remains with all religions that literal interpretations of sacred texts, favoured by fundamentalists, leave vulnerable people open to exploitation by those whose purpose is evil (Well-trodden path from criminality to extremism, 25 March). Clearly, mainstream Muslim leaders must challenge such aberrations. But seeing the pictures of the young Khalid Masood at school, Keir Starmer's words "if you want a really effective criminal justice strategy, you don't build bigger prisons, you invest money in young kids" (Interview, 25 March) ring out most effective.
David Murray
Wallington, Surrey

• Though now a lapsed, recovering, Catholic, from 1947 to 1965 I was fully versed daily by priests, monks and nuns in Christian lore and practice. Contrary to your editorial (27 March), we were commanded to "turn the other cheek" and to pray for, not to slaughter or even harass, non-believers. Medieval Christians did mercilessly torture and murder selected heretics in order to steal their assets; but that was politics as usual, not religion.
Noel Hodson

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Our report on Afghan artist's plight leads to successful asylum claim

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 09:22 AM PDT

Samira Kitman had originally been refused asylum, but the Home Office changed its mind after being made aware of her profile


I'm writing because you expressed interest in getting updates from our new series on the lives of refugees and asylum seekers who have come to Europe: The New Arrivals.

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Giant gold coin with Queen's head stolen from Berlin museum

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 08:56 AM PDT

Police hunt for thieves with ladder who escaped with record-breaking Canadian exhibit from bullet-proof case

A Canadian gold coin named "Big Maple Leaf" and bearing the image of Queen Elizabeth II was stolen from Berlin's Bode Museum early on Monday.

The coin is pure gold, weighs about 100kg (221lb) and has a face value of C$1m (£590,000).

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Church of England to create bishop for minority ethnic community

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 07:38 AM PDT

Anglicans tackle divisive legacy of 1950s and win Queen's permission to set up new post in one of UK's first majority black cities

The Church of England is creating a new bishop specifically to reach out to black, Asian and minority ethnic people and to drive cultural change in one of the UK's most diverse cities.

The diocese of Leicester has petitioned the Queen for permission to create a new see, and expects the new suffragan bishop of Loughborough to be in post by the end of the year.

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Why have I been arrested? Maybe you killed Kennedy, the Russian officer said

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 04:59 AM PDT

I was detained by riot police while covering a demonstration in Moscow. The treatment of peaceful protesters was shocking

I raised my phone to take a photo as riot police suddenly began detaining protesters, but before I could get the picture a pair of thick arms grabbed me. A trooper in a black helmet and flak jacket was barrelling me toward a police van.

"I'm a foreign journalist," I kept repeating in Russian. "Open your legs wider," was all he said as he pushed me face-first up against the truck and started patting me down.

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Hong Kong shoppers injured when escalator goes into reverse – video

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 02:33 AM PDT

Up to 18 people have been injured after an escalator suddenly changed direction in a Hong Kong shopping centre. CCTV footage of the incident at Langham Place mall was posted to social media at the weekend. The shopping centre say the escalator passed an inspection last week. Two technicians have been arrested on charges of obstruction of justice

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Tensions flare as Greece tells Turkey it is ready to answer any provocation

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 02:32 AM PDT

War of words between neighbours prompts defence experts to express fears of accident in region spiralling out of control

Fears of tensions mounting in the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean Seas reignited after the Turkish president raised the prospect of a referendum on accession talks with the EU and the Greek defence minister said the country was ready for any provocation.

Relations between Ankara and European capitals have worsened before the highly charged vote on 16 April on expanding the powers of the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

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Charlotte Amalie in the spotlight: beloved of cruise ships, neglected by US

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 04:00 AM PDT

The US Virgin Islands capital used to be a favourite stop for hard-drinking pirates. Today, it boasts grand architecture, a lively arts scene – and an identity that is very much non-American

The Caribbean's busiest cruise-ship destination, the city of Charlotte Amalie is celebrating a sea-change centenary. One hundred years ago on Friday, the US paid $25m in gold coins to Denmark, buying what became the US Virgin Islands archipelago. One of these islands was St Thomas, the 13-mile-long island that seats the 18,000-strong capital, whose deep-water harbour has made Charlotte Amalie the first port of call for turquoise waters, artisanal jewellery and copious rum cocktails.

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MPs criticise cuts to aid projects based on negative media coverage

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 04:01 PM PDT

Development committee says misleading headlines on aid spending appeared to lead to the closure of programmes that were performing well

MPs have criticised the Department for International Development (DfID) for closing aid programmes based on negative media coverage and expressed concern over its handling of reputational risk.

Aid spending is coming under intense scrutiny and has been much criticised in the media. But much of the coverage was misleading, according to a report published by the House of Commons international development committee.

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EU greenlights Dow-DuPont mega-merger raising food security fears

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 09:31 AM PDT

Green groups say $130bn merger signals lack of choice for farmers who need more seed diversity to adapt to changing climate

The EU has approved a $130bn mega-merger between Dow and DuPont, heralding a new round of agribusiness takeovers that environmentalists fear will endanger the future of sustainable food production.

Brussels is widely expected to clear another hookup between Syngenta and ChemChina in the next two weeks, with notification of a marriage between Monsanto and Bayer expected later in the year.

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Nations pledge to cut women's unpaid work and close the gender pay gap

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 09:19 AM PDT

Agreement made at UN's Commission on the Status of Women overcomes efforts by US and Russia to weaken text on violence, and sexual and reproductive rights

UN member states have pledged to close the gender pay gap and reduce and redistribute unpaid care and domestic work that falls disproportionately on women.

After two weeks of intense discussions in New York, the Commission on the Status of Women ended with commitments by states to advance women's economic empowerment by implementing equal pay policies, gender audits and job evaluations. The gender pay gap stands at 23% globally, according to UN figures.

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Why is east Africa facing a hunger crisis and what can be done? – podcast transcript

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 05:01 AM PDT

As hunger spreads in east Africa, famine threatens to take hold beyond South Sudan. Lucy Lamble explores the background and response to the crisis

Reports and presenters:

LL Lucy Lamble

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Jeff Sessions threatens termination of federal grants for sanctuary cities – video

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 12:21 PM PDT

The US attorney general, Jeff Sessions, said on Monday that cities and states that protect immigrant felons from federal immigration laws may see cuts in grants from the justice department. 'Failure to deport aliens who are convicted of criminal offenses puts whole communities at risk, especially immigrant communities in the very sanctuary jurisdictions that seek to protect the perpetrators,' Sessions told a White House news briefing

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A short guide to Trump’s next battle: tax reform – video

Posted: 27 Mar 2017 09:44 AM PDT

Fresh off a defeat on US healthcare legislation, Donald Trump is now turning to tax reform in an effort to get his administration back on track. But taxes could be even more politically fraught than healthcare. No president has overhauled the US tax code since 1986. Watch our short guide to what's at stake

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