World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

EU leaders round on Trump and reject May's bridge-building efforts

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 01:29 PM PST

Prime ministers and presidents at Malta summit line up to scorn Trump's conduct, accusing him of lack of respect

European leaders launched a series of attacks on Donald Trump over his anti-EU rhetoric on Friday, accusing him of a lack of respect, as Theresa May's attempts to position herself as a bridge with the new US president were roundly rejected at a summit in Malta.

Trump's conduct was scorned by prime ministers and presidents, with the French leader, François Hollande, warning there would be no future for Europe's relations with the US "if this future isn't defined in common".

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Airlines told to allow banned travelers into US after judge's order – reports

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 11:49 PM PST

Seattle judge temporarily halts Trump's travel ban after hearing arguments it unlawfully discriminated against Muslims and caused unreasonable harm

Customs officials have reportedly told US airlines that they can board passengers who had been barred from entering the country after a federal judge in Seattle ordered a temporary halt on Donald Trump's travel ban for refugees and people from seven predominantly-Muslim nations.

Related: Trump administration offers conflicting numbers of revoked visas after travel ban

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Romania crisis deepens as anti-corruption protest enters fourth day

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 03:12 PM PST

Emergency government decree to decriminalise official misconduct 'not constitutional', say key government allies

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Bucharest and other Romanian cities on Friday, blowing whistles, waving giant national flags and booing at giant puppets of politicians they hold responsible for a decree to dilute the country's anti-corruption fight.

People of all ages, some carrying children, took part in protests around the country for the fourth consecutive evening. The atmosphere was one of anger against the government, but also of solidarity and hope for change. Some carried banners saying: "I came for my future."

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Canadians form 'rings of peace' around mosques after Quebec shooting

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 11:46 AM PST

  • Gunman shot dead six worshippers at Quebec mosque last week
  • Non-Muslims act as 'human shields' in Toronto, Edmonton and St John's

Hundreds across Canada gathered around mosques to form protective barriers – described by organisers as "human shields" and "rings of peace" – as Muslims in the country marked their first Friday prayers since a gunman shot dead six men who were praying at a Quebec mosque.

"No Canadian should be afraid to go to their house of worship to pray," Yael Splansky, the rabbi behind the effort to set up "rings of peace" around Toronto mosques told the Canadian Press. "It's a terrifying scene. Imagine people of faith going to pray in peace, to pray for peace, and to be at risk. Houses of worship are sacred and must be protected."

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Grexit? Greece again on the brink as debt crisis threatens break with EU

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 06:36 AM PST

Country faces critical few weeks as it struggles to meet bailout conditions and pressures rise in Germany and US

In the week of Groundhog Day it seemed entirely appropriate: Greek farmers, many on tractors, have once again been blockading roads and border posts amid mounting signs that the country long at the centre of Europe's debt woes is – once again – teetering towards crisis.

Protesting farmers have been a regular feature of the social unrest that has sporadically gripped Greece. It is now more than seven years since the Greek financial crisis erupted and the debt drama has often had a deja vu quality about it.

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Trump administration imposes new sanctions on Iran

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 10:30 AM PST

A dozen companies and 13 individuals, including Iranian and Chinese nationals, targeted in response to a January missile test and support for Houthi rebels

The Trump administration has announced sanctions on companies and individuals suspected of involvement in Iran's missile programme and its support for foreign armed groups, warning there will be more pressure on Tehran to come.

Earlier on Friday Donald Trump had accused Iran of "playing with fire".

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EU ministers press Russia over fighting in Ukraine

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:01 AM PST

France raises issue in phone call, and EU foreign ministers meeting next week will urge Russia to rein in separatists

European ministers will call on Moscow to rein in Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine after an escalation in violence that has killed at least 19 people and left thousands without heat, power or water in the depths of winter.

France's foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, spoke of his great concern about the surge in fighting in a phone call to his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, on Friday.

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Cava producers take a pop at champagne with top-end classification

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 05:28 AM PST

Spain hopes new category will put fizz back into the reputation of a sparkling wine often overshadowed by its French cousin

Cava, ally of thrifty bucks fizz fans, bitter adversary of prosecco and a drink long viewed as champagne's poor relation, is looking to reclaim its status as one of the world's greatest sparkling wines with a high-end category intended to take the fight firmly to the French.

The wine, which is made in the same way as champagne, has proved a huge success for Spain over recent decades, with producers churning out almost 250m bottles a year, more than half of which are exported to 130 countries.

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Fukushima nuclear reactor radiation at highest level since 2011 meltdown

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 02:19 AM PST

Extraordinary readings pile pressure on operator Tepco in its efforts to decommission nuclear power station

Radiation levels inside a damaged reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station are at their highest since the plant suffered a triple meltdown almost six years ago.

The facility's operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), said atmospheric readings as high as 530 sieverts an hour had been recorded inside the containment vessel of reactor No 2, one of three reactors that experienced a meltdown when the plant was crippled by a huge tsunami that struck the north-east coast of Japan in March 2011.

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Christian charity set to withdraw from India after funding blocked

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 03:16 AM PST

Compassion International says nearly 150,000 children will be worse off unless restrictions on foreign funding are relaxed

An international donor has said nearly 150,000 Indian children will be worse off if restrictions on foreign funding force it to cease its operations in the country next month.

Lobbying by US politicians including the former secretary of state John Kerry has so far failed to convince the Indian government to relax financial restrictions on Compassion International, a Christian charity that says it sends about $50m in humanitarian aid to India each year.

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Can Emmanuel Macron win the French election?

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:53 AM PST

With the Socialist party turning sharply left, and the centre-right stuck with a wounded candidate, the head of the youthful new movement En Marche! certainly has a route to the Elysée Palace, but can he beat Marine Le Pen?

What's the basic biography?

Emmanuel Macron, 39, is the son of a doctor and a neurology professor. Raised in the Picardy town of Amiens, he studied philosophy (you can tell from his speeches), then followed the classic postgrad route of France's political and business elite, through Sciences Po and the École Nationale d'Administration.

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Bolivia opens $7m museum honouring President Morales

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:55 AM PST

Facility dubbed the 'Evo museum' criticised for location in poor rural area

School notebooks and T-shirts from famous footballers are among the many personal objects displayed at a new $7m (£5.6m) museum inaugurated by the Bolivian president, Evo Morales.

Unveiled in his native village of Orinoca, in the altiplano, the new institution is officially called the Museum of the Democratic and Cultural Revolution. The culture minister, Wilma Alanoca, said the new facility was the "largest and most modern museum in Bolivia".

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Somalia famine fears prompt UN call for 'immediate and massive' reaction

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 03:26 AM PST

Agencies and humanitarian groups voice fears that drought and rising prices could jeopardise the lives of more than 6 million people without swift action

Somalia is facing a "very real risk" of famine, with more than 6 million people, half its population, facing acute food insecurity in the country, three UN agencies have warned.

Humanitarian groups in Somalia cautioned there was a "small window" to stop a repeat of the 2011 famine, when an estimated 260,000 people starved to death in the country after a slow response from donors.

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Trump, Chile and Federer – the 20 photographs of the week

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:50 AM PST

Protests against President Trump, wildfires in Chile, Roger Federer winning at the Australian Open tennis – the news of the week captured by the world's best photojournalists

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'With every inch, the challenge multiplies': me and my afro

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:00 AM PST

It's been short, long, straight and punky – reflecting the twists and turns of my life and my homeland, Cameroon

In the summer of 2002, I walked into a hair salon in New Jersey and asked a stylist to cut off all my hair. I was done having hair. Enough with the pain of straightening it with a chemical that scalded parts of my scalp and left others in blisters. Enough with the discomfort of braiding it – eight hours of tugging and wincing followed by painkillers to ease the soreness, or a full day of not being able fully to turn my head.

Free me from this burden, I told the stylist, who stared at me, confused, while I ranted. She tried to convince me merely to trim it, but I told her I wanted it all gone. Reluctantly, she obliged and I walked out that afternoon to the sensation of the wind on my bare scalp. The feeling was ineffable, my newfound freedom unquantifiable.

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Is the Swedish deputy PM trolling Trump with this all-female photo?

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 11:34 PM PST

Isabella Lovin signs bill surrounded by women colleagues, apparently a reference photos of Trump signing bills surrounded by men

Sweden's deputy prime minister, Isabella Lövin, has published a photograph of herself signing a climate bill surrounded by her closest female colleagues, apparently mocking a photo of US president Donald Trump.

Lövin, who also serves as environment and development aid minister, is seated in the photo at a desk as she signs the bill under the watchful eye of seven female colleagues, including one who is visibly pregnant.

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Riding the storm, two birds of marvellous otherness

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:30 PM PST

Borth y Gest, Snowdonia I've seen glaucous gulls squabbling around rubbish-tips on Baffin Island, but never before in Wales

Recent winter storm-surges from the cold north brought with them surprising visitors. Walking the coast path westwards I looked up and studied a clamorous swarm of gulls, vivid against a gunmetal sky. One, singled out in my glass, was bulkier than its companions, translucent somehow in the subdued light, its long wings white-fringed – a glaucous gull, Larus hyperboreus.

I've seen these fine seabirds before, squabbling around rubbish-tips at Iqpiarjuk and Pangnirtung on Baffin Island; or bathing in turquoise pools atop icebergs in the Davis Strait; or following the boat in which I crossed Admiralty Inlet when bound for the Brodeur Peninsula in quest of narwhal. Until now I'd never had a clear sighting of one in Wales, though it's merely uncommon rather than rare as a visitor here.

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Germany is ready to be more active in world affairs, says president

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 03:00 PM PST

Joachim Gauck says country is overcoming postwar reluctance to assert itself after Brexit vote and Trump victory

Germany's president has said his country has overcome its postwar reluctance to participate in world affairs and is prepared to assume a more active role politically and militarily in the wake of the Brexit referendum and the election of Donald Trump.

Joachim Gauck said many Germans were increasingly accepting of their country's responsibility to assert itself internationally, despite their awareness of the suspicions some still hold regarding any form of German dominance.

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Mystery of Saddleworth Moor: video shows 'loner' in a different light

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:37 AM PST

Film emerges of David Lytton, identified as the man found dead on a moorland path, with girlfriend of more than 15 years

The global mystery of David Lytton's death on Saddleworth Moor has seen him branded as everything from an international spy to a depressed loner.

He was the man who flew back from Pakistan and then lay down on the ground to die at a remote beauty spot in northern England.

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Iranian baby girl in need of heart surgery gets waiver to enter US after travel ban

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:19 PM PST

The case of four-month-old Fatemah sparked an outcry after Donald Trump's travel ban prevented her family from coming to the US for an emergency surgery

A four-month-old Iranian girl in need of an emergency heart surgery has received an emergency waiver for Donald Trump's 90-day travel ban on Iranian citizens, New York governor Andrew Cuomo announced late Friday.

"This evening we were pleased to learn that the federal government has now granted Fatemeh Reshad and her family boarding documents to come to the United States," Cuomo said in a statement Friday night. He said that a team of pediatric cardiac doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York had agreed to help the family pro bono, and that a law firm was funding the travel.

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Seattle judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban – video

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:38 AM PST

Bob Ferguson, Washington state's attorney general, says on Friday that federal judge James Robart in Seattle has granted a nationwide temporary restraining order that blocks Donald Trump's recent action barring nationals from seven countries from entering the US. Ferguson says Trump may not like the decision but he must honour it

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100,000 may have died but there is still no justice over Indonesian air pollution

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST

A fightback against the perpetrators is underway, but litigation is proving unappealing and burdensome for victims

It started with a mild cough. Muhanum Anggriawati was just 12 years old when the cough began, transforming within weeks into a violent hacking that brought up a yellowish-black liquid.

At the end of last year, her father told an Indonesian court how she had been taken into hospital, and treated with oxygen therapy, then with a defibrillator. Nothing, however, had worked. After a week on a breathing machine, she died in the hospital, her lungs still full of the foul mucus.

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Protests held across Australia against Donald Trump's travel ban

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:22 PM PST

Barrister and 13-year-old son walk from Adelaide to Canberra over 39 days to oppose offshore detention conditions

Australia's fragile refugee resettlement deal with the US has brought thousands of people on to city streets , decrying the US president's immigration ban and demanding an end to Australia's offshore processing policy of asylum seekers.

The deal, purportedly, is for the US to resettle up to 1250 refugees from Australia's offshore detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru, where refugees have been held for more than three years, and which are the subject of sustained criticism over systemic violence by guards, sexual assaults, including of children, and deaths from murder, suicide and inadequate medical care.

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China accuses US of putting stability of Asia Pacific at risk

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:54 PM PST

Beijing reacts to defence secretary James Mattis saying that the US would defend Japan in a conflict with China over disputed Senkaku islands

China has accused the US of putting the stability of the Asia-Pacific at risk after Donald Trump's defence secretary said Washington would come to Japan's defence in the event of a conflict with Beijing over the disputed Senkaku islands.

James Mattis, on a two-day visit to Japan, said the islands, which are controlled by Japan but also claimed by China, fell within the scope of the Japan-US security treaty, under which Washington is obliged to defend all areas under Japanese administrative control.

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Goodbye, my darlings: remembering the trauma of the execution of Ronald Ryan | Cameron Muir

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 07:33 PM PST

Fifty years ago this week, Ronald Ryan was the last man hanged under the death penalty – it's a reminder of why we should never entertain its return

Fifty years ago, Jan, Wendy and Pip Ryan huddled in the lounge room of their Hawthorn home and waited for the state of Victoria to kill their father. Their mother, Dorothy, had turned off the radio and TV. "Mum had everything dead quiet," Wendy told the Age in 2007. It was an effort to strip away all the scrutiny that had marked the high-profile case of her condemned husband, Ronald Ryan. They held each other and wept.

We didn't want the rope. If we had known Ryan would hang, I think we would have gone for manslaughter.

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Indonesian women being radicalised into would-be suicide bombers – report

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 06:19 PM PST

The growth of social media and groups' willingness to recruit more women is creating a 'jihadi community' in the huge Muslim nation

Indonesia is being urged to tackle an increasing threat of would-be female terrorists who are being spurred on via social media to engage in extremist Islamist networks.

The growth of social media and a change of attitude by Islamic State leaders has led to women becoming more active in jihadist networks, according to a report by the south-east Asia-focused Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC).

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More than 1,300 migrants rescued from Mediterranean in single day

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 12:19 PM PST

Migrants aboard 13 vessels saved by Italian coastguard, Italian and British navies and others, making total of 2,600 rescued in three days

More than 1,300 migrants were rescued in 13 separate missions in the Mediterranean on Friday, bringing the total helped over the last three days to more than 2,600, according to the Italian coastguard.

The migrants, aboard 13 different vessels, were picked up in the central Mediterranean by ships from the Italian coastguard, the Italian and British navies, merchant ships, and vessels operated by non-government organisations, a statement said. Another 1,300 migrants were rescued on Wednesday.

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El Chapo's lawyers say drug kingpin is subjected to overly strict jail conditions

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 10:31 AM PST

Defense claimed restrictions at high-security federal jail in Manhattan make it difficult to make decisions with alleged cartel boss about how to fight charges

Lawyers representing Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán have complained that the Mexican drug kingpin is being subjected to excessively strict conditions in federal jail as he awaits trial.

The strict conditions were described by defense lawyers at a federal court hearing in Brooklyn, two weeks after Guzmán's surprise extradition from Mexico.

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Are you protesting in Romania? Tell us why

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:58 AM PST

Thousands of protesters marched against a decree which they say pardons officials facing corruption charges. We'd like to know why you're taking part

Hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in cities across Romania for a third night in a row, to protest a decree which they say pardons officials facing corruption charges.

Critics say the order, which decriminalises misconduct if the funds involved are less than 200,000 lei ($47,800), will help government officials facing corruption charges stay out of prison, clear their records and even encourage more corruption whilst in office.

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Norway accuses group linked to Russia of carrying out cyber-attack

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:57 AM PST

Norwegian intelligence service PST among targets of malicious emails believed to have been sent by APT 29

Norway's foreign ministry, army and other institutions have been targeted in a cyber-attack by a group suspected of having links to Russian authorities, according to Norwegian intelligence, which was one of the targets.

Known as APT 29, the group singled out by Oslo has already been accused of hacking interference in the US presidential election.

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C of E college apologises for students' attempt to 'queer evening prayer'

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:56 AM PST

Westcott House in Cambridge says LGBT service liturgy that referred to God as 'the Duchess' was hugely regrettable

A leading theological college that trains priests for the Church of England has apologised after it hosted a service to mark LGBT history month that referred to God as "the Duchess".

Student priests at Westcott House in Cambridge organised the evensong service on Tuesday in the college chapel. Advertised as a "Polari evening prayer in anticipation of LGBT+ history month", it was described as a "liturgical experiment". Polari is slang used by some gay people.

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The week in patriarchy: not even a month in, and we're in full-blown chaos | Jessica Valenti

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 09:28 AM PST

Time to refill that Xanax prescription, friends. This has been an exhausting week

Are we there yet? Not even a full month into the Trump presidency and we're in full-blown chaos.

Countless people living legally in the United States continue to suspend international travel because of the ban (yes, it's a 'ban') on immigrants from Muslim-majority countries. Trump has gotten in phone-call brawls with the Australian prime minister and the president of Mexico, who Trump seems to have threatened with military force. A leaked draft executive order shows that Trump plans to essentially legalize discrimination against LGBT people under the guise of religious freedom. And the new Scotus nominee supports religious employers who want to deny their employees' contraception coverage.

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Queer Muslim women from the south: 'We exist and we’re fierce'

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:47 AM PST

Three women from North Carolina discuss how the Trump administration is affecting their lives, and how collective resistance will move America forward

It's been especially challenging to be a Muslim this past week. While Americans of all creeds and faiths were rallying across the country opposing Trump's immigration ban on travelers and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, news broke about a mosque shooting in Quebec.

Related: A chronicle of fear: seven days as a Muslim immigrant in America | Mona Chalabi

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Best photographs of the day: climate law and candlemass

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 06:50 AM PST

The Guardian's picture editors bring you a selection of photo highlights from around the world, from signing climate legislation in Sweden to flamenco fashion in Seville and candlemass in central America

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UK will fund scheme to get refugees to move to Asia and Latin America

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 05:33 AM PST

Theresa May announces £30m spending including on UN scheme to see richer countries help poorer ones take refugees

A new scheme that hopes to encourage refugees from Syria and other nations to start new lives in Asia and Latin America is to be funded by the British government, Theresa May has said.

The commitment, part of a package of measures to help alleviate the crisis of migrants and refugees seeking to reach Europe via the Mediterranean, forms part of £30m in funding announced by Downing Street at an EU summit in Malta.

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Leaders line up to criticise Trump at EU summit – video

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 05:29 AM PST

François Hollande leads a series of damning attacks on Donald Trump by EU leaders arriving at a summit in Malta on Friday to discuss the future of the union. Austrian chancellor Christian Kern says some of Trump's politics are raising concern. European commission president Jean-Claude Juncker voices his concern that the US administration was not on top of world affairs

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Transgender ultra-Orthodox case reveals painful clash of minority communities

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 05:21 AM PST

Judge makes clear his struggle and regret in ruling that transgender woman cannot see children for fear they will be ostracised

It was a "collision of two unconnecting worlds", said the judge. One was the isolated, closed environment of ultra-Orthodox Jews; and the other, the painful, complex world of a father once within that community who identified as a woman. Caught in the middle were five children, aged from two to 12.

It was also a collision of legal rights: of children to have contact with and the love of both parents; of religions to practise their beliefs; and of transgender people to equal treatment.

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More than 150 UK mosques hold open day for non-Muslims

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 03:50 AM PST

Visit My Mosque day on Sunday is aimed at fostering a better understanding of religion in effort to counter rising Islamophobia

More than 150 mosques around the UK will open their doors to non-Muslim visitors this weekend to offer people a better understanding of Islam and the chance to ask questions about the faith.

Thousands of people are expected to take part in the third annual Visit My Mosque day on Sunday, visiting mosques from Inverness to Plymouth. Most are in cities with large Muslim populations, but there are also smaller mosques, for example in Craven Arms in Shropshire, Bangor in north Wales, Belfast, and Maidenhead, the constituency of the prime minister, Theresa May.

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François Hollande leads attacks on Donald Trump at EU summit

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 03:10 AM PST

EU leaders line up to criticise new US president's early actions as they arrive for talks in Malta

François Hollande has led a series of damning attacks on Donald Trump by EU leaders arriving at a summit in Malta to discuss the future of the union.

The French president described recent comments by the US president as unacceptable and warned there would be no future for Europe's relations with the US "if this future isn't defined in common".

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French soldier shoots man near Louvre in Paris – video report

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 02:42 AM PST

A major security operation is under way near the Louvre museum in Paris after a man with a knife attacked soldiers patrolling the area on Friday. Paris police prefect Michel Cadot says a man 'armed with a machete' shouted threats and 'Allahu Akbar' at soldiers. The French prime minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, say it appeared to be an 'attack of terrorist nature'

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Vanity height: how much space in skyscrapers is unoccupiable?

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 03:02 AM PST

From the Empire State to the 1km-tall Jeddah Tower, our roundup of skyscrapers in numbers examines the race to be crowned world's tallest building

In a world of ever-reducing space, a skyscraper is an efficient way to create homes and offices without too large a footprint. It is interesting, then, that so many skyscrapers are full of hot air. In the race for the biggest buildings, architects have fallen back on antennae and pointed spires – with the result that skyscrapers are not so much efficient uses of space, but overblown vanity projects.

Take the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It's impressive at 828 metres tall, but nearly a third of that (29%) is unoccupiable, according to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. The Burj al Arab, also in Dubai, is much worse in this respect, with 39% of the entire building unusable. In fact, Dubai has five towers listed as the tallest buildings in "vanity height" – unusable height for the sake of it. Across these five, some 31% of total space is completely wasted.

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EU leaders warily await Donald Trump's choice of ambassador | Patrick Wintour

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 08:41 AM PST

The appointment of Ted Malloch would leave little doubt that the US president is willing to destroy the European Union

Ted Malloch, the man currently running an expensive media campaign to persuade Donald Trump to nominate him as the US ambassador to the European Union, knows that if he succeeds, it will be taken as a signal that Trump is willing to use his presidency to destroy the EU.

Related: European parliament leaders call on EU to reject Trump's likely ambassador pick

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'Bowling Green massacre': debunking the attack that never happened - video

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 02:46 PM PST

Donald Trump's senior adviser Kellyanne Conway reported a false story about a so-called massacre in Bowling Green, Kentucky on Friday. We examine the facts of the case, and why the Trump administration is trying to use it to justify their travel ban. Conway has since altered her comments on the case

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Norwegian ex-PM ‘surprised’ at US airport questioning – video

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 07:57 AM PST

Kjell Magne Bondevik expresses his shock on Friday after he was detained at Washington Dulles airport. The former Norwegian prime minister says he was questioned about a visit to Iran in 2014 after landing in Washington on Tuesday. Speaking to ABC 7, Bondevik says while he understands concerns about terrorism, he was not a threat to the United States

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Kellyanne Conway cites fictitious 'Bowling Green massacre' to justify refugee ban – video

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 06:42 AM PST

Kellyanne Conway, a senior adviser to Donald Trump, blames two Iraqi refugees as the 'masterminds' for the 'Bowling Green massacre' – an attack that never happened. Interviewed by Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball programme on Thursday evening, Conway criticises the media for failing to cover the massacre, even though it never took place

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