World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

US appeals court rejects White House request to reinstate travel ban

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:30 AM PST

Legal battles to continue after higher court denies justice department's request for immediate reinstatement of Donald Trump's travel ban

The US appeals court has denied the justice department's request for an immediate reinstatement of Donald Trump's controversial travel ban.

The ninth US circuit court of appeals in San Francisco made the ruling early on Sunday morning, and asked those challenging the ban to respond to the appeal filed by the Trump administration late on Saturday night, and the justice department to file a counter-response by Monday afternoon.

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François Fillon sinks in polls after ‘Penelopegate’ scandal

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 03:00 PM PST

French presidential candidate's chances decline after allegations family members were paid for fake jobs

French presidential candidate François Fillon is fighting for his political future as polls show he is likely to be eliminated in the first-round vote by former economy minister Emmanuel Macron.

Fillon, a one-time prime minister who is representing the centre-right, was favourite to become France's next leader but has seen his chances sink after a scandal over alleged fake jobs for members of his family.

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Isis paying smugglers’ fees in recruitment drive among child refugees

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:04 PM PST

Jihadi groups offer money and food in bid to radicalise youngsters, thinktank reports

Islamic State is paying the smugglers' fees of child refugees in a desperate attempt to attract new recruits, according to a report highlighting the potential vulnerability of unaccompanied minors to radicalisation.

The report, from counter-extremism thinktank Quilliam, also says that an estimated 88,300 unaccompanied children – identified by the European Union's police agency Europol as having gone missing – were at risk of being radicalised.

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‘Spine-tingling’ lost Bob Marley tapes restored after 40 years in a cellar

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:05 PM PST

London concert recordings from 1970s were water damaged

A cache of lost Bob Marley recordings has been discovered after lying for more than 40 years in a damp London hotel basement.

The 13 reel-to-reel, analogue master tapes were discovered in cardboard box files in a run-down hotel in Kensal Rise, north-west London, the modest lodgings where Bob Marley and the Wailers stayed during their European tours in the mid-1970s.

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How high street clothes were made by children in Myanmar for 13p an hour

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:04 PM PST

Children of 14 were working a six-day week

Children as young as 14 have been employed to make clothes for some of the most popular names on the UK high street, according to a new report.

New Look, Sports Direct's Lonsdale brand and H&M have all used factories found to have employed children, after several major brands switched their production to low-cost factories in Myanmar. Workers told investigators that they were paid as little as 13p an hour producing clothes for UK retailers – half the full legal minimum wage.

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Candlelit vigils unite Greenland and Iceland in grief over killing

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:04 PM PST

Murder of Icelander Birna Brjánsdóttir and arrest of a trawlerman from Greenland prompt solidarity and sadness

The disappearance of a 20-year-old Icelandic woman, and the detention of a trawlerman from Greenland in connection with her murder, have brought together two of the world's most sparsely populated countries "in solidarity and sadness".

There was a remarkable public response when Icelandic police used social media on 15 January to appeal for help in finding Birna Brjánsdóttir, who was last seen buying a kebab in downtown Reykjavik after she left a nightclub about 4am the day before. Nearly 800 people volunteered to help and it became the biggest search-and-rescue operation in Iceland's history.

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Super Bowl Sunday: kick back, crack open a beer and wait for the anti-Trump protests to begin

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:04 PM PST

Could the biggest sporting fixture in the US be a politics-free zone? Don't bet on it

When the Super Bowl LI kicks off in Houston, the mandarins of the National Football League will be hoping the championship game between the New England Patriots and the underdog Atlanta Falcons will be a politics-free, all-American celebration of competition, consumerism and razzmatazz.

Some hope. Like just about every other aspect of American life in the era of Donald Trump, it will probably be dominated by protests, immigration, race and sexual politics.

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From chefs to musicians, talented ‘re-pats’ come back to build a modern Ethiopia

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:05 PM PST

Entrepreneurs who were educated overseas are returning home

His dream is to show the world the glories of Ethiopian cuisine, to preserve its rich traditions and to make even his poorest fellow citizens eat better. That Yohanis Gebreyesus Hailemariam's ambition recalls the aims of a slightly better known chef is no coincidence.

"I'm a big fan of Jamie Oliver. Many years back, my mum and I used to watch his shows," he says. The 30-year-old is one of thousands of talented young Ethiopians who have chosen to return to their homeland after being educated or growing up overseas.

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On the real Hacksaw Ridge, a voice is heard: beware the fake glamour of war

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:05 PM PST

On the island of Okinawa, the true story behind the heroism celebrated in the brutal film

Visitors to the ruins of Urasoe castle get no clues, as they stroll through lush tropical vegetation, gaze at a sparkling ocean a few hundred yards away, or stop to take in the tranquillity of a Buddhist shrine, that 75 years ago hell was unfolding where they stood.

The ridge, now remade as a city park that forms a small oasis of green in a sprawl of encroaching suburbs, was at the heart of the brutal battle for Okinawa. It was also the site of one of the most extraordinary acts of heroism ever recorded by the US military.

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Romania: government retracts controversial decree after protests

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:10 PM PST

Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu announces repeal of law that would have watered down fight against corruption

The Romanian government has backed down from plans to decriminalise corruption offences after days of mass protests in Bucharest.

The prime minister, Sorin Grindeanu, said that the law would be repealed in a cabinet meeting on Sunday after an estimated 140,000 demonstrators protested against the law close to his office. It was the fifth consecutive night of protests against the proposal.

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Islands on the frontline of a new global flashpoint: China v Japan

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:00 PM PST

While the South China Sea has drawn attention, the Senkaku Islands have become the site of renewed tension

The Chinese flotilla arrived at the start of August, more than 300 fishing boats escorted by 15 vast coastguard ships, some of them armed. They circled the Senkaku Islands for a week, drifting into and out of Japanese territorial waters as Tokyo's own coastguard played cat and mouse with the intruders.

Then they were gone, but the message they left behind was clear. China had upped the stakes again in a simmering territorial dispute that has made the southern tip of Japan's island archipelago one of the most dangerous places in the region.

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Emmanuel Macron enjoins uneasy US scientists: 'Move to France'

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 10:46 AM PST

French presidential candidate calls on those alarmed by Donald Trump's rhetoric to relocate to the 'new land of innovation'

French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has called on US scientists, academics and entrepreneurs at odds with Donald Trump's administration to move to France.

The former economy minister, one of the frontrunners in the upcoming presidential election, urged US-based scientists working on climate change, renewable energy and health issues who were wary of the new political situation to seek refuge across the Atlantic. "I want all those who today embody innovation and excellence in the United States to hear what we say: from now on, from next May, you will have a new homeland – France," he said on Saturday.

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Pence says Gorsuch will fill supreme court seat 'one way or the other'

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 11:36 AM PST

Vice-President Mike Pence pledged on Saturday that supreme court nominee Neil Gorsuch will join the nation's highest court "one way or the other".

Related: Travel ban: US temporarily suspends order as Trump derides judge

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Jewish community centers in US receive nearly 50 bomb threats in 2017 so far

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:00 AM PST

  • Most recent call prompted evacuations of 14 Jewish organizations
  • Antisemitic incidents have been on rise since Trump election, officials say

Nearly 50 bomb threats have been received by Jewish community organizations in the US since the start of the year, in a climate of rising antisemitism nationwide.

"These are regular occurrences now, with a frequency that's been increased and on a scale that's been increased," Elise Jarvis, associate director for law enforcement outreach and communal security at the Anti-Defamation League, told the Guardian.

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Donald Trump retains direct tie to businesses, documents show

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 10:30 AM PST

  • ProPublica reveals existence of Donald J Trump Revocable Trust
  • Trust run by president's oldest son shown in liquor filing over DC hotel

New documents confirm that Donald Trump retains a direct tie to his business interests through a revocable trust overseen by one of his adult sons and a longtime executive of the Trump Organization.

Related: Travel ban: US temporarily suspends order as Trump derides 'so-called' judge

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Former Norway PM held at Washington airport over 2014 visit to Iran

Posted: 03 Feb 2017 04:11 AM PST

Kjell Magne Bondevik describes shock after being held and questioned at Dulles hub under new US entry controls

A former prime minister of Norway has spoken of his shock after he was held and questioned at Washington Dulles airport because of a visit to Iran three years ago.

Kjell Magne Bondevik, who served as prime minister of Norway from 1997-2000 and 2001-05, flew into the US from Europe on Tuesday afternoon to attend this week's National Prayer Breakfast.

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The hidden history of Nasa’s black female scientists

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST

The diversity of Nasa's workforce in 1940s Virginia is uncovered in a new book by Margot Lee Shetterly. She recalls how a visit to her home town led to a revelation

"Mrs Land worked as a computer out at Langley," my father said, taking a right turn out of the parking lot of the First Baptist church in Hampton, Virginia. My husband and I visited my parents just after Christmas in 2010, enjoying a few days away from our full-time life and work in Mexico.

They squired us around town in their 20-year-old green minivan, my father driving, my mother in the front passenger seat, Aran and I buckled in behind like siblings. My father, gregarious as always, offered a stream of commentary that shifted fluidly from updates on the friends and neighbours we'd bumped into around town to the weather forecast to elaborate discourses on the physics underlying his latest research as a 66-year-old doctoral student at Hampton University.

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Malcolm Turnbull says Trump phone call worked in Australia's favour

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:30 AM PST

Australia's prime minister says 'dozens and dozens' of US members of congress expressed support for Australia after reports of a hostile exchange

Malcolm Turnbull says his infamous phone call with US president Donald Trump last week has worked in Australia's favour, because it inspired "dozens and dozens" of US congressmen to publicly support the Australia-US alliance.

He has also admitted the Liberal Party's been in serious financial trouble for a number of years, saying that is why he donated $1.75m to the party during the 2016 election campaign.

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Elif Shafak: ‘When women are divided it is the male status quo that benefits’

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:00 AM PST

The Turkish novelist on reclaiming faith from religion, her love for Istanbul, and the creative benefits of self-imposed exile

Elif Shafak is the most widely read female novelist in Turkey. She is also a political commentator. Three Daughters of Eve is an intense, discursive and absorbing novel about three middle-eastern women, each studying at Oxford, with dramatically contrasting views.

I was halfway through your chillingly prescient novel, which includes a terrorist incident, when the Istanbul bombing happened. How did you feel when you heard the news?
I was heartbroken, and horrified by hate speeches in which Islamist groups seemed to blame the victims for celebrating a Christian holiday. When writing the novel, I took a close look at Turkish society and its psychology. Fear is in the air, there is constant anxiety. I observed this at every level of Turkish society – subtle but strong. Something explodes in a kitchen in Istanbul and everyone throws themselves to the floor, thinking it might be a bomb. We have no memory, no time for analysis or even for grief. This was the psychology I wanted to capture in my book.

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Travel ban: US temporarily suspends order as Trump derides judge

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 06:52 PM PST

The federal government has said it will comply with a federal judge's temporary halt on Donald Trump's travel ban, restoring travel for refugees and for people from seven Muslim-majority countries, even as the president berated the judge personally on Twitter.

The homeland security department (DHS) said on Saturday it would comply with Robart's order, but the justice department later said it was asking a federal appeals court to set aside the order on Friday by James Robart that temporarily blocked the Trump administration's travel ban.

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'An epic confrontation': Trump travel ban takes US to brink of crisis

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 06:17 PM PST

The president attacked a judge who blocked his ban on refugees and travelers from Muslim-majority countries. Then the government appealed the ruling

As the Trump administration prepared to challenge a ruling against its executive order on refugees and travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, experts said the US had been brought to the brink of a full-blown constitutional crisis.

"This is an epic confrontation between the presidency and the constitution," says Marci Hamilton, a constitutional lawyer and scholar of religion at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Flood of American food will damage health and ruin farms | the big issue

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:05 PM PST

A trade deal to allow chlorinated chicken and unlabelled GM foods would be costly

Many thanks for Joanna Blythman's timely reminder ("Is chlorinated chicken about to hit our shelves after new US trade deal?", In Focus) on the horrors of American food that may be heading our way. We can already see some of the dangers of adopting their fast-food eating habits in the worsening obesity crisis. Does Mrs May not realise that this wonderful trade deal she is embarking on will ruin our health, our farming and our environment? Perhaps her bedtime reading of Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation would be a wake-up call.
Jenny Hollaway

I am a retired veterinary surgeon and worked in mixed practice in the UK for 40 years.

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Britain’s rail franchise model 'unfit for purpose', say MPs

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:07 AM PST

Parliamentary committee report claims current model is failing train passengers with high fares and poor performance

Britain's rail franchising model is "no longer fit for purpose" and is failing passengers, MPs have warned.

Private operators are restricted in how much they can improve services and efficiency and their relationship with Network Rail is "not as coordinated as it should be", leading to higher fares and poor performance, a House of Commons transport select committee report has found.

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Donald Trump repeats his respect for 'killer' Putin: 'Do you think our country's so innocent?'

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:16 AM PST

Asked on Fox about the Kremlin chief's bloody reputation, the US president said: 'There are a lot of killers. We've got a lot of killers'

Donald Trump has once again said that he respects Vladimir Putin, even though the Russian president is "a killer".

Speaking to Fox News, the president appeared to place the US and Russia on the same moral plane in an interview to be broadcast before the most American of sporting events, Super Bowl LI, kicks off in Houston on Sunday.

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Australian army chief to meet Indonesian military leaders after row

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:04 AM PST

Angus Campbell will meet military leaders in Jakarta for the first time since defence cooperation was suspended over 'insulting' teaching material

The chief of the Australian army will meet Indonesian military leaders in Jakarta after defence cooperation was suspended last month over "insulting" teaching material found at an Australian base.

Angus Campbell was due to meet the Indonesian military (TNI) chief, Gatot Nurmantyo and army chief of staff Mulyono on Wednesday, TNI spokesman Wuryanto said.

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Almost half of Australian school students bored or struggling, says Grattan Institute

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST

Education system overhaul urged after report finds student disengagement widespread in schools

An education system overhaul is required to deal with the "hidden issue" of widespread student disengagement in the classroom, according to a new Grattan Institute report.

About 40% of Australian school students are regularly unproductive, bored and struggling to keep up with their peers, say the authors of Engaging Students: Creating Classrooms that Improve Learning. These "passively disengaged" students can be one to two years behind their peers in their work.

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US defence secretary tries to calm Asian jitters – but is undermined at every turn

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:05 PM PST

James Mattis was seen as a safe pair of hands at the defence department, but is fighting fires started by the president and secretary of state

The job of US defence secretary is a demanding one at the best of times. But for James Mattis, a former Marine Corps general, the problems are not confined to Iraq, Afghanistan and Isis. One of the biggest challenges facing the Pentagon's new chief lurks in the White House, just across the Potomac river. His name is Donald Trump.

Mattis made his first overseas trip as "defsec" last week, and his choice of destination was instructive. Rather than visiting the Middle East or Nato allies in Europe, he travelled to South Korea and Japan. During his presidential campaign, Trump alarmed both countries by demanding that they pay more for their own defence and even acquire nuclear weapons.

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Most Britons believe selling arms to Saudis is ‘unacceptable’

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 04:05 PM PST

The government is keen to promote arms exports in a post-Brexit world

Almost two-thirds of British people think selling arms to Saudi Arabia – the UK's largest defence customer – is unacceptable.

The finding comes ahead of this week's high court case, which has the potential to derail arms sales to the kingdom – and could have major consequences for defence exports to other countries too.

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Are you taking part in Visit My Mosque day? Share your stories

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 01:30 PM PST

More than 150 mosques will open their doors to non-Muslim visitors on Sunday. If you are attending we'd like to hear your experiences

Non-Muslims will have the chance to visit their local mosques on Sunday as more than 150 offer people the opportunity to ask questions about Islam and find out more about the faith.

Organisers of Visit My Mosque day are expecting thousands of people to take part, with many across the UK opening their doors and hoping visitors will want to show solidarity after Trump's travel ban.

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LGBT protest at Stonewall Inn takes on edge amid possible blow to gay rights

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:38 AM PST

Crowds head to the gay rights landmark as fears mounts over a leaked executive order draft that would enable discrimination in the name of religious freedom

Australia Kimbrough planned to go to the Stonewall Inn in New York twice this weekend.

The first time was Friday night for a casual drink with her girlfriend as it is, after all, a bar.

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London protest against US travel ban – as it happened

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 07:29 AM PST

Protesters march from US embassy to demonstrate against US ban on travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries

As the demonstration is drawing to a close, so too must this blog.

Here's a summary of the day's events:

@Nicola_Slawson and because even my dogs are pissed off #NoHateNoFear #LoveTrumpsHate #TheresaTheAppeaser #bintheban

A video message from Jeremy Corbyn has been played. In the speech, he thanked the protesters for showing their support for a "society based on compassion, a politics of hope and solidarity with those under attack from the powerful and those who are full of hate."

After apologising for not being able to attend, he said: "Let no one be in doubt that I will oppose and the Labour party will oppose all those who fan the flames of fear at home and abroad.

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Eyewitness: Mediterranean Sea

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 06:34 AM PST

Photographs from the Eyewitness series

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Protesters against Trump travel ban gather outside US embassy in London – video

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:35 AM PST

People gather in front of the US embassy in London on Saturday to march against President Trump's ban on admitting travellers and refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries to the US. Lindsey German from 'Stop the Coalition' says people worldwide are 'disgusted at Trump'

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Britain's verdict on Trump? Improve non-US allies and be prepared

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 12:50 PM PST

The words the UK public most associate with the new US president are 'dangerous', 'unstable' and 'bigot'

If Donald Trump is not a popular man in his own country, his public image in Britain is even worse.

Related: Two thirds of Britons believe Trump is 'threat to international stability'

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Iran sanctions: US gears up for showdown with global terror 'champion' | Simon Tisdall

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:27 AM PST

Donald Trump will try to roll back Iran's expanding influence in the Middle East

The imposition of new US sanctions on Iran, only two weeks after the Obama administration left office, has raised fears that Donald Trump is gearing up for a new confrontation by branding Tehran the "champion" of global terror.

Iran has angrily dismissed Trump as inexperienced and dangerous. Iran's Revolutionary Guards said military units would conduct missile exercises on Saturday to demonstrate their "complete preparedness to deal with threats [and] humiliating sanctions".

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