World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Multiple news outlets denied access to White House press briefing

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 09:59 PM PST

The Guardian, New York Times, CNN and more were barred from 'gaggle' hours after Trump once again called much of the media an 'enemy of American people'

The White House barred several news organizations from an off-camera press briefing on Friday, handpicking a select group of reporters that included a number of conservative outlets friendly toward Donald Trump.

The "gaggle" with Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, took place in lieu of his daily briefing and was originally scheduled as an on-camera event.

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François Fillon 'fake jobs' allegations receive full judicial inquiry

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 12:29 PM PST

French financial state prosecutor's office announces further investigation of right-wing presidential candidate

François Fillon, the right-wing French presidential candidate, is to be the subject of a full judicial inquiry over allegations that he paid family members for fake parliamentary assistant jobs.

Related: Penelopegate: my part in the François Fillon scandal

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Mexico tells US it will refuse deportees from other countries

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 09:21 AM PST

Interior secretary Miguel Angel Osorio Chong says 'there is no chance' it will accept deported immigrants amid tensions in US-Mexico relations

The Mexican government made clear to visiting US emissaries that it will not accept deportees from third countries under any circumstances, the interior secretary said on Friday.

Related: Mexicans fear Trump deportation plan will lead to refugee camps along border

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Car bomb kills dozens after Isis driven out of Syrian town

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 07:07 AM PST

At least 42 civilians and rebel fighters killed near blast in al-Bab, a crucial strategic area vacated this week by Islamic State

Dozens of people have been killed in a car bomb blast near to al-Bab, the Syrian town which Islamic State forces were this week driven from after a major battle with Turkey-backed rebels.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitoring group, said the dead included civilians and fighters from the Euphrates Shield operation – an alliance of Syrian groups backed by Turkish firepower and special forces troops which has been battling Isis in the region since last summer.

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Surf champion Kelly Slater calls for daily shark cull on Réunion

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 08:36 AM PST

France accused of not doing enough to counter threat of aggressive bull sharks after eighth person in six years is killed

Two of the world's top surfers have urged France to launch a major cull of sharks in the waters off Réunion after the eighth fatal attack since 2011.

Kelly Slater, crowned world champion 11 times, and Jeremy Flores, who grew up on the island, accused French authorities of not doing enough to counter the threat of aggressive bull sharks, described by local surfers as "war machines".

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'Teflon' Le Pen unshaken as corruption plagues French election

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 04:43 AM PST

Where scandals have wounded François Fillon, accusations slide off Front National candidate without denting her vote

On a busy shopping street in the Paris constituency of the scandal-hit French presidential candidate François Fillon, the word corruption was creeping into the smalltalk.

"All French politicians are corrupt," said a 52-year-old pharmacist, sighing. "Some scandals come to light, others stay hidden, but 100% of politicians are up to no good – everywhere, not only in France."

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South African police use force to disperse anti-immigration protesters

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 07:27 AM PST

Nelson Mandela Foundation accuses authorities of 'giving permission for march of hatred' after demonstrations in Pretoria

South African police have used stun grenades, rubber bullets and water cannon to try to disperse anti-immigration protesters in the capital, Pretoria, and keep them from foreign nationals who had gathered to express alarm about recent attacks.

A police official said 136 people had been arrested in the past 24 hours.

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Premium Fridays: Japan gives its workers a break – to go shopping

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 03:14 AM PST

Optional scheme allows employees clock off early, with government hoping the move will boost consumer spending

It is supposed to be a rare opportunity for Japan's harried workers to clock off early and go home to their families – or, if the government gets its way, help boost consumer spending in the world's third biggest economy.

In a country where many employees are more accustomed to burning the midnight oil rather than carousing Tokyo's bars during daylight hours, Japan's first Premium Friday has received a mixed response.

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Police confirm remains found on Crete belong to British holidaymaker

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 01:01 PM PST

Steven Cook's skeleton found down well more than a decade after he went missing on first holiday without his parents

Human remains found in a well in Crete have been confirmed as those of British holidaymaker Steven Cook, who went missing on the island more than a decade ago after a night out.

The then 20-year-old, from Sandbach in Cheshire, was staying in Malia with friends – his first holiday without his family – in 2005 and was last seen in a bar asking for directions to his hotel after leaving a pub alone.

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Man charged with killing Indian said to have shouted 'go back to your country'

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 05:05 AM PST

Adam Purinton, 51, has been charged in the attack that occurred in a Kansas bar on Thursday, but the tech worker's death has not yet been deemed a hate crime

An Indian-born engineer was shot dead in a Kansas bar on Thursday, the authorities said, and witnesses told reporters that the gunman shouted "go back to your country" before opening fire.

Srinivas Kuchibhotla, 32, and his friend Alok Madasani, both employees at tech company Garmin, were having a drink at a bar on Thursday when a man allegedly shouted racist slurs at the pair and started shooting. Adam Purinton, 51, was charged with murder. Kuchibhotla, who was an aviation systems engineer, died in the hospital. Madasani and Ian Grillot, a third man who had stepped in to defend the pair, were injured.

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'It's very scary in the forest': should Finland's wolves be culled?

Posted: 25 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST

Europe's wolf population is on the rise – and in Finland, their future hangs in the balance. Are they a threat to humans, or should they be protected?

The story of a kill is told in the snow. On the Finnish island of Porosaari, we find the first paw print. "That's a male," says Asko Kettunen, retired border guard, hunter and tracker. How can he be sure? "It's big."

Five ravens rise from dark pines, croaking in the icy silence; they will scavenge anything caught by the wolves. We wade through knee-deep snow. There's a spot of vivid blood and a tuft of moose hair, cleanly cut, which Kettunen deduces has been ripped from a living animal. This, he says, is the moment the wolves made contact. First they try to puncture the intestines; if they succeed, the moose may run on, but the damage is done.

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Jodie Foster tells US travel ban rally: 'It is our time to resist'

Posted: 25 Feb 2017 01:13 AM PST

Actor speaks out against 'chaos, ineptitude and war-mongering' of Trump administration during pre-Oscars protest

The actor Jodie Foster has told protesters it is "our time to resist" at a rally opposing Donald Trump's proposed travel ban, two days before the Academy Awards.

The Oscar winner spoke to hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside the Beverly Hills headquarters of United Talent Agency (UTA), which cancelled its Oscars party to stage the protest.

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Food aid from warehouse to plate: fighting South Sudan’s famine – in pictures

Posted: 25 Feb 2017 01:00 AM PST

Last year, photographer Matt Black documented the logistics chain of international food aid from a warehouse hub in Dubai to Unity State in South Sudan, where famine has just been declared

All photographs by Matt Black/Magnum Photos

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Mosul, Mexico and Trump – the 20 photographs of the week

Posted: 25 Feb 2017 12:43 AM PST

The ongoing battle for Mosul, the eviction of the protesters at the Oceti Sakowin camp, Donald Trump aboard Marine One and Milan fashion week – the news of the week captured by the world's best photojournalists

WARNING: this gallery includes images that some might find distressing

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Rebel Crossings by Sheila Rowbotham review – feminist utopian dreams

Posted: 25 Feb 2017 12:00 AM PST

A vivid collective biography of a group of 19th-century freethinkers is crammed with hopeful visions from the past

Last year, believe it or not, was the year of Utopia. A perfect society: happy, prosperous, tolerant, peaceful – this idyll was widely commemorated, although its location, appropriately, was nowhere (from the Greek ou-topos: U-topia). The occasion was the 500th anniversary of Thomas More's Utopia, a "splendid little book" (in More's words) that, over the centuries, has found echoes in innumerable dreams and schemes, especially on the left.

Socialism has always harboured utopian visionaries, although they have not always been welcome there. From the "communities of universal harmony" sponsored by Robert Owen, Charles Fourier, Henri de Saint-Simon and their early 19th-century followers (dismissed by Marx and Engels as "purely utopian"); to the libertarian-communist Edens of William Morris, Edward Carpenter and other fin de siècle New Lifers; to the free-loving, free-living arcadias of 1960s radicals, utopianism has been alternately embraced and repudiated by the left. The scope of socialist aspirations has widened and narrowed with changing times. Today, in a climate of ascendant neoliberalism and far-right populism, the aspirations have dwindled to the point where even the modest social-democratic ambitions of Jeremy Corbyn and his followers are slated as "cranky utopian fantasies" by their Labour party detractors.

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Syrian Oscar contender Khaled Kateeb barred from entering US

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 11:43 PM PST

The cinematographer, who worked on The White Helmets, was scheduled to arrive in Los Angeles on Saturday, but was unable to obtain a visa waiver

US immigration authorities have barred entry to a 21-year-old Syrian cinematographer who worked on a harrowing film about his nation's civil war, The White Helmets, that has been nominated for an Academy Award.

According to internal Trump administration correspondence seen by Associated Press, homeland security officials decided at the last minute to block Khaled Khateeb from traveling to Los Angeles for the Oscars.

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The 'unpatriotic' post on Facebook that meant I finally had to flee Russia

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 04:09 AM PST

I was already used to abuse, but my post about a Russian military plane crash sparked a frightening campaign against me

I can tell you what political harassment feels like in Putin's Russia. Like many dissidents I am used to abuse, but a recent campaign against me was so personal, so scary, that I was forced to flee.

Two months ago, a Russian plane transporting the world-famous military choir Alexandrov Ensemble crashed into the Black Sea en route to Syria. They were travelling to perform for pilots involved in Russia's air campaign on Aleppo.

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'It feels like a wilfully ignored secret': how commentators painted Stoke-on-Trent all wrong

Posted: 25 Feb 2017 01:00 AM PST

The labels that media and politicans use – 'Brexit capital of Britain' for Stoke, for example – aren't always fair, and can be damaging, argues John Harris, who admits he's done it too

For days before before Stoke-on-Trent's big byelection, the pedestrianised space next to its Potteries shopping centre crawled with activists. They spanned the entire political spectrum, from the Greens to the BNP. Many had come a very long way: there were Labour disciples from London and Manchester, Lib Dems from Gloucester and Merseyside, and Ukip believers from as far afield as Kent and northern Scotland.

One of the Ukippers, who was from Essex, had dyed her hair purple especially for the occasion. Outside a shop front plastered with posters featuring the party's leader and doomed candidate Paul Nuttall, I asked her what she was doing here. "The ordinary people want change," she said.

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'World's worst skier': how it went downhill for Adrian Solano, Venezuela's Eddie the Eagle

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 07:04 PM PST

The novice had only trained on wheels before arriving in Finland to compete in the Nordic world ski championships

First there was Eddie the Eagle, then Cool Runnings. Now there's Adrian Solano, a Venezuelan skier whose only training for tackling the Nordic world ski championships in Finland was using wheels beneath the bright sun.

Related: Eddie 'the Eagle' Edwards: 'My parents didn't quite understand what had happened with the Olympics'

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Plans for first post-Trump US contact with North Korea cancelled, says report

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 09:26 PM PST

Talks with former US officials reportedly called off after Pyongyang envoy denied a visa in wake of missile test and Kim Jong-nam murder

Plans for the first contact between North Korea and the United States after Donald Trump took office have reportedly been cancelled after the US state department denied a visa for the top envoy from Pyongyang.

The talks, between senior North Korean foreign ministry envoy Choe Son Hui and former US officials, were scheduled to take place on 1 and 2 March in New York but were called off after Choe was denied a visa, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday.

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Backflip on deportation of Sydney doctor with autistic child welcomed

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 07:58 PM PST

Permanent resident visa to be granted to Nasrin Haque and her daughter after assistant immigration minister intervenes

A 16-year-old girl with autism, whose application for permanent Australian residency was allegedly rejected over her "moderate developmental delay", has been spared imminent deportation.

Sydney schoolgirl Sumaya Bhuiyan has autism spectrum disorder and, according to the Australian Medical Association, her application in 2013 for permanent residency was rejected as her condition was considered "too burdensome" for taxpayers.

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Fearing for the wurst: German ministry under fire for meat-free buffets

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 10:00 PM PST

Politicians attack environment ministry's decision to stop serving meat and fish at official functions as 'nanny state' move

Politicians and policy wonks were forced to do a double take when they stormed the buffet at the German government's symposium on "exporting green technology" in Berlin this month.

Instead of the salami rolls, cocktail sausages or goulash soups one would ordinarily expect at similar functions in the German capital, the lunchtime menu offered Belgian endives with caramelised apple, celery escalope with honeyed carrots and a soya vegetable lasagne.

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Britain concerned over challenges to Hong Kong's 'one country, two systems' deal

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 08:46 PM PST

Bi-annual report on former colony saying confidence in its systems is under threat comes after repeated interventions from Beijing

Developments in Hong Kong have affected confidence in the city's autonomy, though its rule of law remained robust "despite challenges", the British government has said.

Britain handed the former colony back to China in 1997 with guarantees it would retain extensive autonomy, an independent legal system and broad personal and commercial freedoms under a deal known as "one country, two systems".

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Staff at Naples hospital 'worked second jobs, played tennis' while on duty

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 05:36 PM PST

Dozens of doctors and nurses from the Loreto Mare hospital put under house arrest after investigation into staff repeatedly skipping work

Doctors and nurses are among 94 hospital workers from Naples who have been placed under investigation on suspicion of repeatedly skipping work, police have said .

One supervisor at the Loreto Mare hospital was found working as a chef in a hotel, while an on-duty doctor was spotted playing tennis and going shopping. Two health workers were caught clocking in 20 colleagues each day to make it look like they were on the job.

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Dengue fever outbreak on Nauru threatens health system

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 04:45 PM PST

Crisis meeting called after at least 70 known cases of the viral disease are reported, including at least 10 asylum seekers and refugees held by Australia

Nauru and Australian immigration officials have called a crisis meeting as a major dengue fever outbreak threatens to overwhelm the Pacific island nation's public health system.

Guardian Australia understands there are now at least 70 known cases of dengue on Nauru, including at least 10 asylum seekers and refugees held on the island by Australia.

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Indonesian president Joko Widodo arrives in Australia for two-day visit

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 04:34 PM PST

The leader of the world's most populous Muslim country will have talks with business leader and dinner at Malcolm Turnbull's house in Sydney

The Indonesian president Joko Widodo has arrived in Sydney on his first visit to Australia as his nation's leader.

The president and first lady Iriana Widodo landed in rainy conditions and clutched umbrellas as they greeted Australian officials on the Sydney airport tarmac.

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The week in patriarchy: can we escape to those newfound planets now? | Jessica Valenti

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 01:22 PM PST

Trans rights are being rolled back and – in case you forgot – sexual harassment at work is still uber bad in America

As part of the Trump administration's never-ending race to the bottom, this week they rescinded federal guidance that mandated trans youth have access to the correct bathrooms and changing rooms at schools. Their cowardly excuse was "states' rights" but the truth is that reversing protections for trans people – students especially – have been at the top of the conservative agenda for quite some time.

One of the many abhorrent things about this is the way the right invokes the protection of women as an excuse to discriminate against a marginalized community: they insist that women and girls will be in danger if trans women are allowed to be in the same bathroom. Nevermind that it's trans people who are at increased risk for violence in public spaces, bathrooms especially.

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Fox News, Trump and the truth about crime in Sweden – in data

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 11:19 AM PST

The president's oblique reference to 'what's happening in Sweden' referred to a Fox News report on crime and refugees – but the data paints a different picture

Last weekend, as many Swedes were watching the latest round of selections for their Eurovision song contest entry, Donald Trump referenced their country in a speech to his supporters.

"You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!" he said.

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Former Stephen Lawrence murder suspect jailed over £4m drug plot

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 11:01 AM PST

Neil Acourt was described as 'man at the top' of a scheme to funnel cannabis into northern England

A former suspect in the murder of Stephen Lawrence has been jailed for more than six years over a £4m drug plot.

Neil Acourt was arrested but not prosecuted for the racist murder of the black 18-year-old, who was stabbed to death by a group of white men in Eltham in 1993, but he now faces a spell in prison after he and his six-member gang were caught "red-handed" with 100kg of cannabis.

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False economies of curbing net migration | Letters

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 10:35 AM PST

The supreme court has erred in backing the unfair government ruling on the £18,600 minimum annual income requirements for entry to the UK of non-EU spouses (Report, 22 February). This ruling has always been morally wrong and unjustified. Contrary to Home Office assertions, it has had negligible impact on the drive to reduce net migration and it has not worked in the national interest. Non-EU spouses have rarely been a burden to UK finances. The standing rule that they are not allowed recourse to public funds is sufficient to cover this.

I brought my Filipino wife here ahead of the ruling, when our income was below the existing threshold. She gained employment immediately, studied intensely, and built herself a good future, buying our house in her own name three years ago. We plan to start a family very soon. Under the current rules, this country would have lost a valuable long-term asset, as it is now doing by effectively barring thousands of willing and able workers and their offspring from the country. It is particularly unfair considering that EU migrants, with no ties or allegiances to the UK, have virtually unrestricted access.

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We want to cover the resistance. We need your help

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 09:12 AM PST

The Guardian thinks it's vital to explore the many facets of the growing opposition to the Trump administration. As we do so, we want to hear from you

In the past four months, millions of Americans have become politically engaged around one idea: the need to resist Donald Trump.

From the women's marches, to airport protests, to attending local town hall meetings, people across the country have been seeking out ways to curb what they see as the damaging actions of an unpredictable president.

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Bill Cosby sexual assault trial: only one accuser permitted to testify

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 07:26 AM PST

Pennsylvania judge rules that prosecutors cannot call 12 other women to try to show that the 79-year-old comedian has a history of 'bad acts'

A judge will let only one other accuser testify at Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial to bolster charges that the actor drugged and molested a woman at his estate near Philadelphia.

The pivotal ruling on Friday by a Pennsylvania judge means prosecutors cannot call 12 other women to try to show that the 79-year-old comedian has a history of similar "bad acts".

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Kim Jong-un is a reckless gambler who must be kept in check | Simon Tisdall

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 04:43 AM PST

VX killing of Kim Jong-nam is precedent that can't be allowed to stand – yet options of international community seem limited

Like a reckless gambler who does not know his limit, Kim Jong-un, North Korea's dictator, has raised the international stakes by using VX nerve gas – a banned, chemical-based weapon of mass destruction – to assassinate his half-brother at a Malaysian airport.

The US, China and neighbours such as South Korea and Japan have tried to contain or ignore Kim's illegal nuclear weapons and missile-building activities since 2011. There will now be calls for them to sharply escalate their response, but in reality it is not clear what the international community can do to rein in what is already a pariah state.

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Carnival gets political as Brazilians use street parties to decry injustice

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 04:40 AM PST

As carnival begins, organisers and revellers are tackling everything from sexism and homophobia to Trump and Rousseff

Brazil's notoriously bacchanalian carnival is more political than usual this year with organisers and revellers tackling sexism, homophobia, Donald Trump and the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff.

The mood was evident at Occupy Carnival and anti-government parades in São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Rio ahead of the world's biggest street party, which officially starts on Friday.

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Ireland's forgotten mixed-race child abuse victims – video

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 02:16 AM PST

Rosemary Adaser was one of many mixed-race children considered illegitimate who was brought up in institutions run by the Catholic church in Ireland between the 1950s and 1970s. She tells of the abuse and racist treatment she suffered, and returns to her school in Kilkenny for the first time in 40 years and attempts to answer questions about her past

  • WARNING: strong language
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Is child labour always wrong? The view from Bolivia – podcast transcript

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 07:57 AM PST

Kary Stewart looks at why 850,000 children work in Bolivia, and whether the numbers can be vindicated by the country's unique cultural context


KS Kary Stewart

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Donors pledge $672m at Oslo summit to avert famine in Nigeria and Lake Chad

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 07:12 AM PST

Norway leads funding commitments as summit raises one-third of $1.5bn needed to avert famine by reaching 3 million people within five months

A third of the $1.5bn in emergency funding sought by the UN this year to prevent a famine in Africa's stricken Lake Chad region has been raised at a summit in Oslo.

The US has not yet made any new pledge of money.

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Meet the DNC chair candidates vying to take over Democratic leadership

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 04:00 AM PST

Frontrunners Keith Ellison and Tom Perez are challenged by Pete Buttigieg, Sally Boynton Brown and others as the party seeks direction in the Trump era

Hundreds of Democrats have gathered in Atlanta to chart their path forward after a demoralizing defeat in last year's election. The most pressing issue on the agenda: choosing a new chair to lead the party in the era of Donald Trump.

After a months-long national campaign, the chairmanship will be decided by 447 voting members – party functionaries, including state party chairs, activists, donors and elected officials – in a ballroom at the Atlanta Convention Center on Saturday.

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‘Our real friends in the world speak English,’ Nigel Farage tells CPAC – video

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 11:15 AM PST

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference near Washington DC on Friday and tells the audience that he feels 'more American' every time he visits the US, following the election of Donald Trump. Farage touches on the result of the EU referendum in the UK in June as well as Trump's first month in office, and says that 2016 was the beginning of a 'global political revolution'

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Trump at CPAC: I oppose fake news, not the media – video

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 09:29 AM PST

Donald Trump heaped criticism on what he called purveyors of 'fake news' on Friday, during his appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference near Washington DC. During his speech, Trump sought to clarify recent comments in which he called some in the US news media 'the enemy of the people', saying he was only against 'fake news'. Trump also suggested that news organization do away with anonymous sources

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Kansas bar shooting victim tells how he tried to tackle gunman – video

Posted: 24 Feb 2017 07:51 AM PST

Speaking from his hospital bed, Ian Grillot describes how he tried to defend two Indian men in a bar in Olathe, Kansas, who were attacked by a gunman shouting 'go back to your own country'. Srinivas Kuchibhotla, 32, died and his friend Alok Madasani, along with Grillot, 24, were injured. Adam Purinton, 51, has been charged with murder and attempted murder

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