World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

North Korea demands 'sinister' Malaysia stop investigating Kim Jong-nam death

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 08:17 PM PST

State news agency insists leader's half-brother died of heart attack not poisoning, and blames South Korea for 'conspiratorial racket'

North Korea has lashed out at Malaysia over the death of Kim Jong-nam, accusing it of having a "sinister purpose" and collaborating with South Korea, which has said Pyongyang agents assassinated Kim Jong-un's half-brother.

In the first report from state-run KCNA news agency since the attack on February 13, the government accused Malaysia of breaking international law by conducting autopsies on a diplomatic passport holder and withholding the body.

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Trump administration rescinds transgender students' bathroom protections

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 11:30 PM PST

US withdrew guidance stating federal law requires transgender students to have unfettered access to bathrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identity

In a move that could embolden many schools to restrict the rights of transgender students, the Trump administration has withdrawn a piece of federal guidance requiring trans students to have unfettered access to bathrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identity.

Related: 'Bathroom bills' planned in eight states despite furor in North Carolina

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Mexico's sugar tax leads to fall in consumption for second year running

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 01:00 PM PST

Health experts are watching the progress of the tax to see if it will lower the rates of obesity-related diseases and type 2 diabetes

Mexico's sugar tax appears to be having a significant impact for the second year running in changing the habits of a nation famous for its love of Coca-Cola, and will encourage countries troubled by obesity and contemplating a tax of their own.

An analysis of sugary-drink purchases, carried out by academics in Mexico and the United States, has found that the 5.5% drop in the first year after the tax was introduced was followed by a 9.7% decline in the second year, averaging 7.6% over the two-year period.

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Exoplanet discovery: seven Earth-sized worlds found orbiting nearby star

Posted: 23 Feb 2017 01:03 AM PST

Exoplanets found orbiting Trappist-1 raise hope that the hunt for alien life beyond the solar system can start much sooner than previously thought

A huddle of seven worlds, all close in size to Earth, and perhaps warm enough for water and the life it can sustain, has been spotted around a small, faint star in the constellation of Aquarius.

Related: This discovery is a lottery win for astronomers looking for life beyond Earth

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Swedish MEP says Boris Johnson's liberation comment crossed 'red line'

Posted: 23 Feb 2017 12:30 AM PST

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt says she spoke out in part because her own parents had been liberated from the Nazis

The Swedish MEP who publicly took Boris Johnson to task over his description of the UK's withdrawal from the EU as a "liberation" has said she spoke out in part due to her own family's treatment at the hands of the Nazis.

The British foreign secretary became embroiled in a spat with Anna Maria Corazza Bildt during a panel discussion on the future of the west at a security conference in Munich, during which she accused him of bad taste in his choice of language.

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French elections: Emmanuel Macron and François Bayrou form alliance

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 11:19 AM PST

Self-described outsider and centrist take surprise step of joining forces as veteran of three elections says France is at 'extreme risk' and needs 'exceptional response'

Emmanuel Macron's presidential campaign has been boosted by a surprise alliance with veteran centrist François Bayrou.

Bayrou, the perennial "third man" of French politics, surprised supporters on Wednesday by offering to sacrifice a separate candidacy and join forces with the former Socialist economy minister, who is standing on a centrist ticket.

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Police make arrests at Standing Rock in push to evict remaining activists

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 02:22 PM PST

Officials have set a Wednesday deadline to evacuate Oceti Sakowin, a key encampment in the fight against the Dakota Access pipeline

Only a few dozen people remained at the Dakota Access pipeline protest encampment on Wednesday night after the state's eviction deadline saw most of the activists leave voluntarily amid a show of force from law enforcement in riot gear.

Ten activists were arrested on the road near the camp, but police did not enter the camp, according to North Dakota governor Doug Burgum, who spoke at a press conference Wednesday evening. Burgum said the eviction had gone "very smoothly" and that he expected the government to have "unfettered access to the camp starting tomorrow".

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Republican lawmakers face town hall crowds' fury during 'resistance recess'

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 10:46 AM PST

Frustrated constituents make their views known to representatives around the country, focusing anger on Trump's immigration and healthcare plans

Congresspeople nationwide have been facing angry crowds, protests and tough questions during this week's congressional recess, a time when senators and representatives often return to their home districts and hold "town hall" events.

Related: Republican Congress members face tide of protest in home districts

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Syria peace talks: UN special envoy plans to give it 'a serious try'

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 06:35 AM PST

UN talks resume in Geneva with Russia asking the Syrian air force to respect the ceasefire but little prospect of departure for Assad

Staffan de Mistura, the UN special envoy to Syria, has said he will give the latest round of peace talks starting in Geneva on Thursday "a serious try", but cautioned against talking about a breakthrough in attempts to end the six-year civil war..

In what was clearly designed as a goodwill gesture, Russia formally requested the Syrian air force "to silence the skies in the areas touched by the ceasefire" – a request that leaves open the question of what the Syrian air force was doing by bombing in ceasefire areas in the first place.

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Russia builds replica Reichstag so children can recreate 1945 victory

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 09:35 AM PST

Defence minister says model will allow re-enactment of Red Army's capture of Berlin in 1945 – a patriotic rallying point for Putin

The Russian defence ministry is constructing a replica of the Reichstag at a military theme park on the outskirts of Moscow, to allow patriotic Russian children to recreate the storming of the building during the Soviet capture of Berlin in 1945.

Russia's defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, announced the plan for the replica during a speech to the Duma, Russia's parliament, on Wednesday.

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Turkey lifts military ban on Islamic headscarf

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 06:47 AM PST

Army was final Turkish institution in which women were prohibited from wearing headscarves

Turkey will lift a ban on female officers wearing the Islamic headscarf in the officially secular country's armed forces, according to state media.

The military was the final Turkish institution where women were prohibited from wearing the headscarf, after reforms by the Islamic-rooted government under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that have allowed it to be worn in education, politics and the police.

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'They are heroes': Angelina Jolie honours survivors of sexual violence in Cambodia

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 07:38 PM PST

Actor says those now speaking up about forced marriages at Khmer Rouge tribunal will be supported

Angelina Jolie has paid tribute to the survivors of forced marriage under the Khmer Rouge and pledged to continue advocating on behalf of women and girls who suffer from sexualized violence in conflict.

Jolie has spent the past few days in Cambodia, where her new made-for-Netflix film, 'First They killed My Father,' premiered on Saturday night in Siem Reap's Angkor Wat temple complex.

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Bolivia's salt flats – in pictures

Posted: 23 Feb 2017 01:42 AM PST

The salt flats in Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, are the largest in the world and contain 50-70% of the world''s lithium reserves

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The Raqqa Diaries by Samer review – brutal and powerful

Posted: 23 Feb 2017 01:00 AM PST

Reports smuggled out of Isis-occupied Syria detail the horrors faced by a desperate population

In March 2013, Free Syrian Army fighters, alongside the al-Qaida-linked militia Jabhat al-Nusra, liberated Raqqa, a city in Syria's east. Statues of Assad were attacked, detainees were set free, a hip-hop concert was held. Activists hotly debated the shape of the democracy to come. They set up a local council; Nusra set up a Sharia court. Then Isis, or Daesh, an Iraqi-led group, split from Nusra. It was contained for a while, until the Free Army in Raqqa was weakened, battered by airstrikes and "busy fighting the regime elsewhere".

In January 2014, Daesh captured the city. "Snatching it away from the revolutionaries who had sacrificed everything to liberate it," the jihadists immediately established rule by fear. Some people fled, some submitted and some resisted as best they could. The pseudonymous author of The Raqqa Diaries – translated by Nader Ibrahim – risked his life to break Isis's communication siege; his group, al-Sharqiya 24, made contact with the BBC correspondent Mike Thomson, and a bare-bones version of this book was read on Radio 4's Today programme. It is as powerful and fast-paced as a thriller, but this is brutal non-fiction, plainly and urgently told.

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What do we know about Donald Trump and Russia? – video explainer

Posted: 23 Feb 2017 12:01 AM PST

Luke Harding considers the many links between Donald Trump's administration and Russia. As well as praising President Vladimir Putin, Trump has surrounded himself with men with close ties with Russia. He has failed to quash allegations that his staff had improper contact with Russian officials, or that he has business interests in Russia

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Record number of EU migrants to UK expected in latest ONS data

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 11:00 PM PST

Net immigration expected to remain above 300,000 in ONS data, with record numbers of EU nationals seeking UK residency cards

New official UK migration figures to be published on Thursday are expected to show that a record number of European migrants have come to work in Britain since the Brexit vote last June.

Separate official figures are expected to show that the post-Brexit rush by European Union nationals in Britain to secure their right to remain by applying for residency certificates has left the Home Office with a mountain of nearly 100,000 "work in progress" applications.

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Country leaders convene in Oslo for Nigeria food crisis summit

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 11:00 PM PST

Hopes of renewed impetus on efforts to prevent famine in north-east Nigeria tempered by concerns over omission of word 'donor' from summit's official title

Days after the world's first famine in six years was declared in South Sudan, the rich countries convening in Norway this week to discuss the Nigeria food crisis face pressure to stump up funds to prevent a second, in north-east Nigeria.

Uppermost on the agenda will be the failure of wealthy states to react more quickly to an international humanitarian appeal for more than 5 million people facing severe food shortages. Sensitive issues surrounding the Nigerian government's ongoing offensive against Boko Haram militants in the stricken region are also likely to be discussed at the Oslo conference.

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In an age of autocracy, meet the dissidents speaking truth to power

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 04:14 AM PST

Strongmen are back in vogue, but these six people are determined to defy the despots

These are trying times. We live in an age of autocracy when strongmen (they are almost always men) abuse their power to silence their critics, use brute force to stop people championing the vulnerable and rob people of their agency in the pursuit of power.

In a world flooded with triumphant nationalist statements and declarations of war, who speaks for the other side? Who is willing to risk solitary confinement and be torn from loved ones to speak for the voiceless?

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Storm Doris 'weather bomb' brings snow, gales and travel disruption – live updates

Posted: 23 Feb 2017 01:52 AM PST

  • Winds of up to 94mph recorded on 'Doris Day'
  • Flights cancelled and warnings of rail delays
  • Stormy conditions likely to hit turnout in byelections

Damage to overhead power lines in St Albans has caused trains to be cancelled from London's St Pancras station. Network Rail warns of disruption until at least noon.

My colleague Alexdrana Topping writes:

I'm currently in a taxi going to St Albans crown court for the sentencing of Ian Stewart, because there are currently no Thameslink trains going north from St Pancras.

High winds have brought down electricity lines and the system is currently showing severe delays southbound too.

St Pancras deserted as all trains cancelled #stormdoris

Blimey #stormdoris on stationery train at St Pancras and it's rocking in the gales. Now told all services cancelled from St P

The Met Office is warning of injury from falling debris such roof tiles and trees.

The BBC's Andy Gill posted this video of a fallen tree in Caerns Road in Birkenhead.

Tree blocking Cearns Rd #Oxton #Wirral #stormdoris @BBCNWT @bbcmerseyside

#StormDoris making a right mess of the scaffolding on Water Street in Liverpool - road partially closed! #CapitalReports

View from the office! Please be careful on the #Waterfront #stormdoris #AlbertDock #Liverpool

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How different would North Korea have been under Kim Jong-nam?

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 11:00 PM PST

Kim Jong-un's multilingual, well-travelled older brother might have helped the country towards reform

As the news surrounding Kim Jong-nam's death gets increasingly surreal it's easy to forget what he could have represented: a North Korea capable of gradual reform.

Unlike most of his fellow citizens he was multilingual and travelled around the world from a young age, and while he never crossed to a position of dissent – by speaking out about human rights abuses or befriending defectors – a North Korea with him in the power structure could have looked remarkably different.

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Tony Abbott takes aim at Turnbull and lays out conservative manifesto

Posted: 23 Feb 2017 01:00 AM PST

Former prime minister delivers provocative speech that takes pot shots at Malcolm Turnbull and unveils a sweeping election battle plan

Tony Abbott has used a book launch to unveil a sweeping conservative manifesto for the next federal election, declaring the Coalition needs to cut immigration, slash the renewable energy target, abolish the Human Rights Commission, and gut the capacity of the Senate to be a roadblock to the government's agenda.

In a provocative speech that contains several pot shots at his successor, Malcolm Turnbull, Abbott warns the government won't win the next election unless it wins back the conservative base, and he declares "politics can't be just a contest of toxic egos or someone's vanity project."

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Netanyahu visit: hundreds protest in Sydney over visit by Israeli PM

Posted: 23 Feb 2017 01:05 AM PST

Crowd of 650 people gather in city centre, waving placards and flags in protest at the policies of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered at Sydney's Town Hall on Thursday evening to voice their anger at the historic visit to Australia by the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the 650-strong crowd, many waved placards and flags and chanted as they moved down Pitt Street and through the central business district as a police helicopter hovered overhead.

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Thursday briefing: Trump's the real 'Hollywood elitist' says Clooney

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 10:56 PM PST

George Clooney turns tables on Donald Trump … Bowie and Beyoncé among winners at the Brits … and row over freed Gitmo prisoner who joined Isis

Hello, this is Warren Murray getting you up to speed.

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Bald men hold annual competition to celebrate baldness – video

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 10:39 PM PST

A men's social club celebrates their lack of hair in Tsuruta City with a bizarre game of tug of war

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Shiny headed people, laughing: how balding Japanese make light of their loss

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 10:37 PM PST

An annual get-together tries to 'view baldness in a positive manner' and also involves a game of tug of war using suction cups

It's not normally a club that you want to join, but a few dozen Japanese men are prepared to make a go of it and celebrate their baldness in the Tsuruta City Bald Men's Club.

Gathering for their annual event at hot springs in the city 700km north of Tokyo, members took turns competing in a game of tug-of-war by sticking a suction cup to each of their heads. The cup is attached to a single red rope and both sides then attempt to pull the cup off of their opponent's head.

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We must resist until China gives Hong Kong a say in our future

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 09:41 PM PST

If Beijing allows human rights to deteriorate in Hong Kong, then the whole country will lose all hope of reform

Hong Kong's leader Leung "CY" Chun-ying is preparing to leave office following a five-year term marred by allegations of corruption, controversial remarks, and unfulfilled promises. He will be the first chief executive not to serve a second term.

With elections for his successor scheduled for 26 March, what does the future hold for Hong Kong?

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Japan's next emperor announces readiness for Akihito to abdicate

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 08:09 PM PST

Crown Prince Naruhito turns 57 and says he will share 'pain and joy of the people' like his father, who wants to step down due to old age and illness

Japan's Crown Prince Naruhito has marked his 57th birthday by announcing he is ready to become emperor upon the expected abdication of his father, Akihito.

A government panel is debating how to allow the 83-year-old Akihito, who has had heart surgery and prostate cancer treatment, to step down after he said in August that he feared age might make it hard for him to fulfil his duties.

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Indonesia's four richest men worth as much as poorest 100 million

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 06:01 PM PST

Oxfam warns that inequality personified by clove cigarette tycoons Budi and Michael Hartono will damage the nation's economy

The four richest men in Indonesia own as much wealth as the country's poorest 100 million citizens, despite the nation's president repeatedly pledging to fighting "dangerous" levels of inequality..

Oxfam on Thursday highlighted Indonesia as one of the most unequal countries in the world, where the number of dollar billionaires has increased from one in 2002 to 20 in 2016.

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Mexico will not accept Trump's immigration plans, says foreign minister

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 05:49 PM PST

As US envoys visit Mexico City for talks, Luis Videgaray says his government will use the UN to defend migrants from deportation

Mexico has indicated it will not accept the Trump administration's new immigration proposals, saying it will go to the United Nations to defend the rights of immigrants in the US.

Luis Videgaray, Mexico's foreign minister, was responding to Donald Trump's plans to enforce immigration rules more vigorously against undocumented migrants, which could lead to mass deportations to Mexico, not just of Mexicans but also citizens of other Latin American countries.

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British suicide bombing suspect wasn't being tracked by UK intelligence

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 04:11 PM PST

Former Guantánamo detainee Jamal al-Harith was able to travel to Iraq because he was not considered a major security threat

The British former Guantánamo detainee thought to have carried out a suicide bombing for Islamic State in Iraq this week was not being monitored by the British security services when he left the UK in 2014.

Jamal al-Harith was not a subject of active investigation at the time, the Guardian understands, because he was not considered to be a major security threat, so there would not have been a reason to have stopped him travelling abroad to join the terror group.

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Isis bomber Jamal al-Harith: from Manchester to Iraq via Guantánamo

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 09:43 AM PST

British-born jihadi who blew himself up for Islamic State this week was a convert detained for two years at Camp X-Ray

When US special forces found Jamal al-Harith in a jail in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in January 2002, he said he viewed them as his saviours. But after another 15 years, two of which he spent in Guantánamo Bay, he was to blow himself up in Iraq on behalf of Islamic State, sworn enemies of the US.

Harith's Guantánamo file says US officials decided to ship him to Camp X-Ray at the American base in Cuba because "he was expected to have knowledge of Taliban treatment of prisoners and interrogation tactics". He was soon to learn even more about US methods.

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Premature baby hippo saved by children’s hospital staff – video report

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 09:08 AM PST

Fiona, a prematurely-born Nile hippo calf, is making excellent progress at her home at The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden after the staff from a local children's hospital stepped in to help. After her birth in January, Fiona wouldn't take any milk, causing her to become severely dehydrated. The staff from the Vascular Access Team (VAT) from Cincinnati Children's Hospital came to the zoo's aid and administered specialist IVF equipment to help the little hippo survive. She is now gaining weight, walking and taking her milk

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Mexicans fear Trump deportation plan will lead to refugee camps along border

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 08:14 AM PST

Mexicans fear deportee and refugee camps could begin popping up along their northern border under the Trump administration's plan to start deporting to Mexico all Latin Americans and others who entered the US illegally through this country.

Previous US policy called for only Mexican citizens to be sent to Mexico. Migrants known as "OTMs" – Other Than Mexicans – were flown back to their homelands.

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Phil Bottomley obituary

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 05:38 AM PST

My father, Phil Bottomley, who has died aged 92, was a veteran of the Normandy campaign of the second world war. At 7.30am on D-day – 6 June 1944 – the 20-year-old Phil landed with the 8th Battalion, King's Regiment (Liverpool), on Juno beach, Normandy. Under heavy fire he and his comrades ran up the beach with their trenching shovels held over their faces for protection. Phil served for 10 weeks in Normandy before suffering a serious head injury in the Battle of the Falais Gap.

Born in Ormskirk, Lancashire, Phil was the third child and only son of Harold Bottomley, a jeweller, and Bessie (nee Massey). He was a much loved son born only six years after his mother had lost two brothers, George and Phil, on the Western Front on the same day in 1918. Phil went as a boarder to Kingswood, Bath, and represented the school at football, rugby and cricket.

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Kim Jong-nam's death: what we know so far – video report

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 04:48 AM PST

Kim Jong-nam, the estranged half-brother of Kim Jong-un, died from a seizure en route to hospital on 13 February after complaining that a woman had sprayed chemicals on his face at Kuala Lumpur international airport. It is believed North Korea was behind the assassination, and four people have so far been detained by Malaysian authorities

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Kim Jong-nam killing: the arrested, the wanted, and people of interest

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 04:01 AM PST

Who are the people arrested and sought in connection with the assassination of the North Korean leader's half-brother?

Malaysian police are investigating the apparent assassination of Kim Jong-nam, who died from a seizure en route to hospital on 13 February after telling staff at Kuala Lumpur international airport that a woman had sprayed chemicals on his face.

Four people of different nationalities have been arrested and seven North Koreans are wanted in connection with the attack on the exiled half-brother of the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un.

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Le Pen’s bodyguard questioned over alleged misuse of EU funds

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 03:42 AM PST

Brussels investigators claim FN leader made payments to bodyguard Thierry Légier and assistant Catherine Griset

French judicial police have questioned Marine Le Pen's bodyguard and chief-of-staff in an investigation into alleged "fake" jobs paid for out of European Union funds.

Brussels investigators claim Le Pen paid bodyguard Thierry Légier and France-based assistant Catherine Griset as EU parliamentary assistants even though they were employed on Front National (FN) business and not at one of the European parliament's three seats in Brussels, Strasbourg or Luxembourg.

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New Zealand tourist bus crash leaves two people critically injured

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 03:14 AM PST

Bus was taking cruise ship passengers on an excursion when it collided with car and plunged into a gully near Christchurch

A bus carrying cruise ship passengers has collided with a car and plunged down a steep bank in New Zealand's south island, critically injuring two people.

The accident happened on a narrow, two-lane road on the Akaroa peninsula outside Christchurch on Wednesday afternoon.

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South African judge blocks attempt to withdraw from ICC

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 02:59 AM PST

President Jacob Zuma ordered to withdraw 'invalid' notification of withdrawal, with judge saying move is unconstitutional

A South African judge has blocked the country's planned withdrawal from the international criminal court (ICC), saying the move is unconstitutional without prior parliamentary approval.

Sitting in the high court in Pretoria, deputy judge president Phineas Mojapelo said on Wednesday that any move to pull out of the ICC must be "on the basis of the expressed authority of the constitution". He ordered Jacob Zuma, the South African president, to retract the country's "invalid" notification to the court of withdrawal.

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Eyewitness: Shenzhen, China

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 02:16 AM PST

Photographs from the Eyewitness series

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'Leniency is over': the controversial plan to scrub off São Paulo's famous street art

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 11:00 PM PST

Mayor João Doria has been down on his knees, spraying grey paint over the city's beloved graffiti murals. Locals are furious

For many of the 12 million people who live in São Paulo, sitting in traffic and staring out the window at the graffiti-coated walls that line the 23 de Maio thoroughfare is a daily ritual, defining life in the city like the shake of a London umbrella or the swipe of a New York Metrocard. In a city locked in by traffic and grey high-rises, these long swaths of colourful, ever-changing graffiti images – beautiful, ugly, political and sometimes offensive – serve as jagged cuts in the city's visual monotony.

And then, one morning, the walls were grey.

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How to donate: South Sudan famine and Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria food crises

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 04:38 AM PST

Famine has been declared in parts of South Sudan, while Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria are also at risk. Here's a roundup of some of the main appeals

The UN has declared famine in parts of South Sudanthe world's first since 2011 – and warned that Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria are also at risk. With the humanitarian system stretched as never before, hunger has reached unprecedented levels according to aid agencies.

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EU and UK united in effort to combat famine in South Sudan

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 03:29 AM PST

Funding response follows UN warnings that 40% of South Sudan's population are in urgent need, with people already dying from hunger

New and existing funds provided by the EU and the UK government will be made available to South Sudan following the declaration of famine in the country.

The UN has warned that about 40% of South Sudan's population are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and that people are already dying from hunger caused by famine in parts of the country.

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After Guantánamo: what became of the Britons freed from the US camp?

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 06:41 AM PST

Jamal al-Harith joined Isis and became a suicide bomber, but what did the future hold for the other UK citizens and residents?

Jamal al-Harith, the Manchester-born jihadi who blew himself up in Iraq after joining Islamic State, was one of at least 17 British citizens and residents known to have been imprisoned in the US Guantánamo camps in Cuba.

All were interviewed by the British authorities on their return. In 2010 the government agreed to pay them millions of pounds in compensation.

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White House says transgender bathroom guidance under review – video

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 12:46 PM PST

The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, said the justice and education departments were reviewing current federal guidance on transgender bathroom use in public schools. If changed, the decision could reverse a historic directive issued last May by Barack Obama designed to protect the rights of transgender students amid growing confusion and controversy at schools. Instead, individual states would be able to determine their own policies

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Tents set ablaze at North Dakota pipeline protest campsite – video

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 10:21 AM PST

Several fires were lit at the Dakota Access pipeline protest campsite in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, early Wednesday ahead of a deadline from authorities to abandon the area. For months, hundreds of Native Americans and environmental activists have occupied the site as they protest the pipeline's construction, but Donald Trump has signed an executive order clearing the way for construction to move ahead

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Republicans confronted over Trump at town halls around US – video

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 09:51 AM PST

Republican lawmakers were confronted at town halls and other public gatherings on Tuesday over their support for Donald Trump. Footage has emerged of spirited confrontations at events in Florida, Kentucky and Iowa. Trump dismissed the confrontations as 'planned' events by 'liberal activists' but some attendees made a point to clarify they were not paid to attend. 'I'm gainfully employed, I'm a mother of four, and no one has paid me to be here tonight,' said one woman in Claremont, Florida

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The foiled bomb plot in Kansas that didn't make Trump's terror list – video

Posted: 22 Feb 2017 03:00 AM PST

When a plot by a pro-white militia to bomb a Somali mosque in Kansas was foiled by the FBI last October, the aborted conspiracy received little national coverage – nor did it make Donald Trump's list of 78 'under-reported' terrorist attacks.

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