World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Trump defends travel ban and lashes out at GOP critics McCain and Graham

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:05 AM PST

Donald Trump and his advisers have stood firm after a weekend of outrage over his vague and chaotically enforced ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries.

On Sunday afternoon, while attorneys argued with customs and border officials over the fate of people still detained at airports around the country, the US president released a statement that insisted on the legality – and non-religious premise – of his orders to temporarily halt the admission of refugees and ban some travel.

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Québec mosque shooting: six dead as Justin Trudeau decries 'terrorist attack'

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 12:53 AM PST

Two arrests made after fatal shooting on Sunday night condemned as senseless violence by Canadian PM

Six people have been killed and eight injured at a mosque in Québec City, police have said, in a shooting Canada's prime minister denounced as a "terrorist attack".

The shooting was carried out by three people at the Québec City Islamic cultural center, witnesses said, and happened during evening prayers on Sunday. Police received the first calls just before 8pm.

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French Socialists choose leftwing rebel Benoît Hamon for Élysée fight

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:23 PM PST

Hamon's trouncing of centrist Manuel Valls is damning verdict on failed presidency of pro-market François Hollande

Benoît Hamon, the staunchly leftwing rebel outsider who wants to introduce a universal basic income, legalise cannabis and tax robots has been chosen as the French Socialist party's presidential candidate.

Hamon secured a clear win of more than 58% over the centrist former prime minister Manuel Valls on around 42%, according to the first partial results. It was a victory for the party's leftwing rebels against the pro-market, centre-left policies of François Hollande – a damning verdict by voters against what many on the left consider as the failed presidency of an unpopular leader.

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Joseph Goebbels' secretary, Brunhilde Pomsel, dies aged 106

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:39 AM PST

One of last surviving members of Nazi leadership's inner circle became subject of media interest during her final years

Brunhilde Pomsel, a former secretary of the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, has died aged 106.

Related: Joseph Goebbels' 105-year-old secretary: 'No one believes me now, but I knew nothing'

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From book to boom: how the Mormons plan a city for 500,000 in Florida

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:59 PM PST

The Mormon church owns vast tracts of US land, and now envisages a huge new city on its Deseret Ranch – but at what cost?

Everything about the Deseret cattle and citrus ranch, in central Florida, is massive. The property itself occupies 290,000 acres of land – more than nine times the size of San Francisco and almost 20 times the size of Manhattan. It is one of the largest ranches in the country, held by the one of the biggest landowners in the state: the Mormon church.

On an overcast weekday afternoon, Mormon missionaries give tours of the vast estate. Fields, orange trees and grazing animals stretch as far as the eye can see. While central Florida may be best known for Disney World, the ranch – roughly an hour's drive away – is nearly 10 times bigger. It is home to a jaw-dropping 40,000 cows and has grown oranges for millions of glasses of juice.

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Merkel 'explained' convention to Trump in phone call

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:45 AM PST

German chancellor speaks to president amid international anger over US ban on people from seven Muslim countries

Donald Trump's executive order to halt travel from seven Muslim-majority countries – Iraq, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia – has provoked a wave of concern and condemnation from international leaders and politicians.

A spokesman for Angela Merkel said the German chancellor regretted Trump's decision to ban citizens of certain countries from entering the US, adding that she had "explained" the obligations of the refugee convention to the new president in a phone call on Saturday.

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Greece has three weeks to deal with 'potentially disastrous' debt, says IMF

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:07 AM PST

Failure of Greece and the EU to reach compromise by 20 February 'would bring back Grexit with a vengeance'.

Greece's embattled government has three weeks to break the deadlock in increasingly difficult talks with creditors or risk the country's debt crisis resurfacing with renewed vigour.

Faced with the dilemma of agreeing to additional austerity or calling fresh elections, prime minister Alexis Tsipras was weighing his options at the weekend. Fears of further uncertainty in Europe's weakest member state mounted as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted that Greece's debt load could become "explosive" by 2030.

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US commando dies in Yemen raid as Trump counter-terror plans take shape

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 09:19 AM PST

Three Americans wounded in dawn assault as Central Command reports deaths of 'estimated' 14 members of al-Qaida in Arabian Peninsula

One elite US commando is dead and three wounded after a Yemen raid that Donald Trump's Pentagon is signalling will be a template for aggressive counter-terrorism action.

Related: Trump gives National Security Council seat to ex-Breitbart chief Steve Bannon

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Philippines: anti-drugs units to disband after South Korean man killed by police

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:57 AM PST

President Duterte says he is 'embarrassed' by kidnapping and strangling of businessman by police

The Philippines police will disband anti-drugs units following the killing of a South Korean businessman by rogue officers, but the country's president vowed on Sunday to forge ahead with his war on drugs until the last day of his term in 2022.

President Rodrigo Duterte said he was "embarrassed" that anti-drugs officers had abused their power to engage in kidnapping, leading to the death by strangulation of Jee Ick-joo, on the grounds of the national police headquarters.

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Muslim member of Myanmar ruling party is shot dead at airport

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:24 AM PST

Ko Ni, legal adviser to Aung San Suu Kyi's party, and his taxi driver are killed by unknown gunman in Yangon

A prominent Muslim lawyer and member of Myanmar's ruling party has been shot dead along with a taxi driver outside Yangon's international airport, officials say.

Ko Ni, a member of Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy, was gunned down as he got into a taxi outside arrivals at around 5pm local time by an unidentified gunman, who also killed the driver.

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Children held in Iraq over suspected Isis links 'say they were tortured'

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 04:40 AM PST

Human Rights Watch says boys detained in Kurdistan region said they had been beaten, burned and given electric shocks

Children detained by Iraq's Kurdistan regional government on suspicion of connections to Islamic State say they were tortured, according to a report from an international human rights group.

The children – who have not been formally charged with a crime – said they were held in stress positions, burned with cigarettes, shocked with electricity and beaten with plastic pipes, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW), a New York based international watchdog.

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It's up to America now, says Julian Assange on extradition offer

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:50 AM PST

Wikileaks leader says 'ball is in US court' over his pledge to travel after decision to release whistleblower Chelsea Manning

Julian Assange has said the ball is in America's court when pressed on whether his offer to go to the United States now that Chelsea Manning is being released still stands.

The Wikileaks leader was questioned repeatedly by journalist Robert Peston on his ITV show on whether he would be honouring his pledge to be extradited after former President Barack Obama said the whistleblower's sentence would be commuted.

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Activists try to stop warplanes leaving UK bound for Saudi Arabia

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:36 AM PST

Methodist minister arrested at BAE Systems' Warton Aerodrome says he was trying to prevent war crimes in Yemen

Two activists have been arrested while apparently trying to disarm warplanes bound for Saudi Arabia.

A statement released on behalf of the Rev Dan Woodhouse and Quaker activist Sam Walton said the pair had entered the BAE Systems site in Warton, Lancashire, on Sunday morning with the intention of disarming planes.

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Indigenous children seven times more likely to be in intensive care from infections

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:01 AM PST

Infections including sepsis and pneumonia the most common reason for admission of Indigenous children to intensive care

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are more than seven times more likely than their non-Indigenous peers to be admitted to intensive care suffering from life-threatening infections caused by a common bacteria, research published on Monday has found.

Researchers led by associate professor Luregn Schlapbach from the paediatric critical care group at the University of Queensland's Mater Research Institute analysed data from 82,750 children aged 16 or under admitted to intensive care around the country between 2002 and 2013. This cohort included 4,864 Indigenous children.

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Anti-Trump petition to prevent UK state visit passes 1m signatures

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:54 AM PST

Online campaign rapidly exceeds the 100,000 supporters it needs to be considered for parliamentary debate

An online petition calling for Donald Trump to be prevented from making an official state visit to the UK has reached 1m signatures.

Related: Trump is trading on prejudice – and if May is a true friend she'll tell him | Sarah Wollaston

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Wife and son 'dumped American man with dementia in UK car park'

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:41 AM PST

Roger Curry, 76, was allegedly abandoned in Hereford after travelling with his family from his home in LA, legal papers show

An American man with dementia was flown to Britain and left in a car park by his wife and son, according to US court documents.

Roger Curry was allegedly abandoned in the car park of Hereford bus station on 7 November 2015 after travelling from his home in Los Angeles with his family.

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German report details Libya abuses amid pressure to stem migrant flows

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:05 AM PST

Embassy in Niger verifies reports of rights abuses including executions in camps as Italy demands action to halt crossings

Conditions for migrants and refugees in Libya are worse than in concentration camps, according to a paper sent to the German foreign ministry by its ambassador in Niger.

The German embassy in Niger has authenticated reports of executions, torture and other systematic rights abuses in camps on the refugee route in Libya, Die Welt cited the report as saying on Sunday.

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Border agents defy courts on Trump travel ban, congressmen and lawyers say

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 12:57 AM PST

Democrat Don Beyer says 'we have a constitutional crisis' over refusal to release travellers from Muslim-majority countries after judge grants temporary stay

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents defied the orders of federal judges regarding Donald Trump's travel bans on Sunday, according to members of Congress and attorneys who rallied protests around the country in support of detained refugees and travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries.

Related: Protests spread over Trump travel ban on Muslim majority countries – live

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Suddenly, Muslims are America’s pariahs | Nesrine Malik

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 09:12 AM PST

Officers 'just following orders', confused children, fearful parents: with Trump's vile ban, Islamophobia has finally burst its banks

Within minutes of Donald Trump signing his executive order banning the entry of nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries, the horror stories started coming through. Sudanese friends and relatives, some of whom had lived their entire lives in the United States, some who were in the air as the order was signed, found themselves prevented from entering the country.

Some were turned back from boarding their flights, others were handcuffed in airports, patted down and interrogated on their political beliefs. Mothers, fathers, children, students, employees suddenly found that the unthinkable had happened. They had been banned from returning to their jobs and studies, to their families and homes because they were Muslims.

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All Gambians need to rebuild their country, even members of the old regime | Sait Matty Jaw

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:30 AM PST

New president Adama Barrow should not be criticised for reaching out to an 'enabler' for former leader Yahya Jammeh

How do countries with no history of political transitions survive one when it comes along? How will Gambians endure their transition from authoritarianism to democracy? What is at stake at this critical moment? Can Gambians survive the post-Yahya Jammeh era? Are they ready to move on into a new Gambia? And what would this new Gambia be like?

Related: The British reaction to the Gambia's 'Argos' president: don't get above your station | Eliza Anyangwe

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Malcolm Turnbull refuses to denounce Trump's travel ban

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:44 PM PST

PM emphasises Australia's 'nondiscriminatory immigration program' but says 'it is not my job ... to run a commentary on the domestic policies of other countries'

Malcolm Turnbull has refused to comment on Donald Trump's contentious ban on travel by people from a group of Muslim-majority nations, labelling it the "domestic policy" of another country.

But the prime minister did reiterate Australia's commitment to multiculturalism and a nondiscriminatory immigration program.

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Dumped One Nation candidates take aim at James Ashby

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:09 PM PST

Peter Rogers and Shan Ju Lin accuse Pauline Hanson's adviser of seeking to control party

• James Ashby lays out One Nation's agenda for Queensland

Two dumped One Nation candidates for the Queensland state election have taken aim at senior party adviser James Ashby, accusing him and the party leader, Pauline Hanson, of pushing them out without due process.

Peter Rogers was dumped as the party's candidate for the seat of Mulgrave on Friday night after posts on his campaign website claimed that drowned Syrian toddler Alan Kurdi was "alive and well" and that the Port Arthur massacre was "a fabricated incident".

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The rules of the road exist to keep us safe. Why aren’t we enforcing them? | Mary Dejevsky

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:00 PM PST

A motorway collision with a lorry showed me how easy it is for disaster to strike – and raised my fear that excessive risk has been normalised

A haulage company owner and a mechanic were sent to prison for manslaughter last week after a horrendous road accident in Bath. Three adults and a toddler had died after a tipper truck with faulty brakes careered down a hill, crushing pedestrians and parked cars in its path.

Two months before, a different court sentenced a lorry driver to 10 years after an accident that killed a mother and three children. He was scrolling through music lists on his phone and smashed his "weaponised vehicle", as the court heard, into a queue of traffic.

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Mali's Festival au Désert cancelled amid fears of extremist violence

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:00 PM PST

Triumphant return to Timbuktu of famed music festival blocked after al-Qaida attack in northern Mali

The fact fabled Festival au Désert was returning to Timbuktu, but it was a carefully guarded secret.

Musicians had packed their instruments for the journey to northern Mali. Technical teams had already loaded their sound systems into canoes and taken the river route to the ancient city of learning. None of the festival-going public had yet been told, but the organisers were confident they would turn out, possibly in their thousands.

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Italy: Capri divided over migrant plan

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 10:00 PM PST

Glamorous holiday isle is preparing to welcome 45 migrants but some business owners are not happy

From Jackie Kennedy and Greta Garbo to Sophia Loren and Richard Gere, the glamorous Italian island of Capri has a long history of drawing the rich and famous to its glistening shores.

But the prospect of 45 migrants mingling with this summer's VIP guests has cast a shadow over the affluent island and prompted fierce online debate.

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Arrests after fatal shooting at Québec City mosque – video

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 09:37 PM PST

Emergency services seal off the site of a shooting in which five people are feared dead in Canada. Witnesses said three attackers opened fire on Sunday, during evening prayers at the Québec City Islamic cultural center. Two arrests have been made, said police.

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'Spider-Man' burglar on trial over €100m Paris art theft

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:36 PM PST

Vjeran Tomic goes on trail for theft that included works by Picasso and Matisse from city's Modern Art Museum

A burglar known as "Spider-Man", notorious for daring acrobatic heists, goes on trial Monday for the 2010 theft of a €100m haul that included works by Picasso and Matisse from a Paris gallery.

Vjeran Tomic, 49, who is facing 14 charges, will stand trial along with two accomplices charged with handling stolen goods.

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Greek and Turkish warships in standoff in Aegean sea

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:03 PM PST

Incident comes amid fresh tension between the countries, after Greek court blocked extradition of Turkish army officers over failed July coup

Greek and Turkish warships were involved Sunday in a brief faceoff near a group of disputed Greek islets in the Aegean, coinciding with renewed tensions between Athens and Ankara.

The Greek defence ministry said a Turkish navy missile boat, "along with two special forces rafts", entered Greek territorial waters near the Imia islets.

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Six teenagers found dead after garden party in Germany

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:39 PM PST

Police believe carbon monoxide poisoning may have been the cause of the deaths in a shed in southern state of Bavaria

Six teenagers were found dead on Sunday after holding a party in a garden shed, said police in Germany who suggested carbon monoxide poisoning may have been the cause.

The youths, five young men and a young woman, were found by the owner of the shed, whose son and daughter were among the victims.

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Inquiry launched into UK gender laws amid fears over Brexit effect

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 04:01 PM PST

Retired judge Dame Laura Cox will lead review for Fawcett Society as campaigners highlight risk of rights being eroded

A major review into the UK's gender discrimination laws is to be launched amid fears a potential post-Brexit move towards a lower regulation economy could see protections eroded.

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'Worrying' Trump travel ban risks stability of global commerce – IoD

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:43 AM PST

Any US-UK trade deal will have to be built on certainty and solid rules, business leaders warn

British business leaders have spoken out against US president Donald Trump's travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries.

The Institute of Directors (IoD) and the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) both agreed the ban would be bad for business while Sir Martin Sorrell, the head of advertising group WPP, expressed concerns about the effect on his workers and their families and said he had an "instinctive dislike" of such measures.

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Chile's forest fires partly due to poor planning, say fire chiefs

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:00 AM PST

Monoculture plantations and too few fire breaks contributed to 11 deaths and devastation of 233,000 sq miles

Fire brigade chiefs said that poor preparation for climate change and large monoculture plantations have contributed to Chile's worst forest fires in recent history, as the human, economic and environmental effects continued to grow.

Related: The worst forest fire in Chile's history – in pictures

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François Fillon warns: 'Leave my wife out of the election'

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:10 AM PST

Candidate for French presidency hits back at 'fake job' claims as fresh questions surface over alleged misuse of public funds

The beleaguered rightwing French presidential candidate François Fillon has used a speech at a Paris rally to hit back at claims that his wife was paid €500,000 over eight years for a fake job as a parliamentary assistant, warning: "Leave my wife out of the election."

As his British wife, Penelope, sat in the front row in her first public appearance since the scandal broke last week, he said: "I want to tell Penelope that I love her and that I will never forgive those who tried to throw us to the wolves." The crowd chanted "Penelope, Penelope!"

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Eyewitness: Sana'a, Yemen

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 02:58 AM PST

Photographs from the Eyewitness series

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Aung San Suu Kyi launches campaign to tackle widespread stunting in Myanmar

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:00 PM PST

The UK is among the partners in a scheme to bolster Myanmar's fight against malnutrition, which slows the growth of nearly a third of children under five

Aung San Suu Kyi has launched Myanmar's first national government initiative on nutrition in an attempt to tackle some of the world's highest malnourishment rates among young children.

The country's leader travelled to the central dry zone with five cabinet ministers to kick off the drive against a scourge that stunts the growth of nearly a third of children in Myanmar.

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Republicans call Trump's travel ban 'a self-inflicted wound'

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:33 AM PST

Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham criticised the executive order, as well as some of Trump's inner circle

US and European officials have expressed anxiety about the damage the Trump administration's ban targeting Muslim refugees could inflict on western security.

The ban is believed to have been drafted by an ideologically-driven group around Donald Trump without consultation with the justice, state, defence or homeland security departments, which could have weighed on its implications for US foreign relations, as well as the country's security concerns and legal obligations.

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Meanwhile, in Obamacare: Republican disarray follows Trump’s first order | Jessica Glenza

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 09:25 AM PST

In Philadelphia, congressmen fretted. In Washington, an attack on ads met outrage. And in Minnesota, a provision had to be withdrawn amid outcry

Donald Trump has been in office for just a week, but Republican attempts to rip up and reassemble the American healthcare system have subsided into disagreement, backtracking and public outrage.

Related: Here's how Obamacare covered Americans with pre-existing conditions. What happens next?

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Celebrities get political with pro-immigration messages at SAG awards – video

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 10:09 PM PST

Ashton Kutcher opens the 23rd annual Screen Actors Guild awards in Los Angeles with a pro-immigration message. Several actors use their acceptance speeches to follow suit, including Brian Cranston and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who says: 'I love this country, and because I love this country I am horrified by its blemishes. And this immigrant ban is a blemish and it is un-American'

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Donald Trump limits lobbying as part of promise to ‘drain the swamp’ – video

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 09:24 AM PST

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Saturday implementing a lifetime ban on administrative officials lobbying for foreign governments, and putting a five-year ban on domestic lobbying in place. During his presidential campaign Trump pledged to "drain the swamp" of corrupt career politicians and unscrupulous lobbyists in Washington, but critics say the order does not go far enough

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'Support shows the soul of America’: Travel ban detainees speak out – video

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:27 AM PST

A federal judge has ordered a stay on the deportation of any person who arrived in the US with a valid visa but were denied entry, following President Donald Trump's executive order to ban travel from seven Muslim-majority countries. An unknown number of people were being held in airports across the US prior to the stay being granted, some of them green-card holders

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Jeremy Corbyn says Trump visit to the UK should be postponed – video

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 04:29 AM PST

Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, speaking on Peston on Sunday, says that new US president Donald Trump's state visit to the UK should be postponed until his "intentions in the long run" become clear. Trump is currently at the centre of a controversy regarding his ban on people from several Muslim-majority countries entering the US, even if they hold valid visas

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