World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Donald Trump's first UK post-election interview: Brexit a 'great thing'

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 01:20 AM PST

US president-elect tells Michael Gove that Britain voted to leave EU because people 'want their own identity'

Donald Trump has praised Britain as "smart" for opting out of a European Union that he believes is dominated by Germany and on the brink of collapse, in an interview with a former Tory leadership contender, Michael Gove.

Related: Gove's Trump interview is another headache for Theresa May

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World's eight richest people have same wealth as poorest 50%

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 04:01 PM PST

A new report by Oxfam warns of the growing and dangerous concentration of wealth

The world's eight richest billionaires control the same wealth between them as the poorest half of the globe's population, according to a charity warning of an ever-increasing and dangerous concentration of wealth.

In a report published to coincide with the start of the week-long World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Oxfam said it was "beyond grotesque" that a handful of rich men headed by the Microsoft founder Bill Gates are worth $426bn (£350bn), equivalent to the wealth of 3.6 billion people.

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French progressives dare to hope as maverick Macron surges in polls

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 10:33 AM PST

Pro-EU, socially liberal and a political outsider, the former economy minister is drawing crowds who fear rise of Marine Le Pen

From the stage in a packed concert hall, France's youngest presidential candidate looked up at the thousands of people who had come to witness his trademark thunderous speaking style.

"Never accept those who promote exclusion, hatred or closing in on ourselves!" Emmanuel Macron urged the audience in Lille, a city surrounded by France's leftwing northern heartlands that are increasingly turning to Marine Le Pen's far-right Front National. "When the Front National promises to restore security points at the border, they are lying," he said.

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Senegal hosts president-elect of The Gambia as Jammeh urged to leave

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 11:20 AM PST

Gambians flee as west African states consider military intervention if Jammeh refuses to cede power to Adama Barrow

Senegal is hosting Adama Barrow, president-elect of neighbouring the Gambia, until his inauguration on 19 January, as the small west African country's longtime leader, Yahya Jammeh, refuses to step down peacefully despite mediation efforts and calls from regional and international leaders.

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Do not abandon hope of two-state solution, world warns Israel and Trump

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 12:11 PM PST

Middle East peace conference in Paris was attended by 70 nations – but not by Israel and UK was present only as an observer

The major powers – with the exception of Britain – sent out a warning to Israel and Donald Trump on Sunday not to abandon the hope of a two-state solution to end the Arab-Israeli conflict and urged all parties to disassociate themselves from voices that reject such a diplomatic solution to the deepest conflict in the Middle East.

Related: UK signals closeness to Trump with snub to French Middle East summit

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At least 30 inmates killed in Brazil prison riot as gang war death toll rises

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 11:40 AM PST

  • Drug gang invaded Alcaçuz prison where rivals were on Saturday
  • About 140 people have died in violence since beginning of the year

At least 30 inmates were killed in a Brazilian prison riot that broke out on Saturday, a person with direct knowledge of the situation said, adding to chaos in a penitentiary system in which about 140 inmates have died in gang warfare since the start of the year.

Related: Trail of slaughter in prisons shocks Brazilians as gang war explodes

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Bahrain executes three Shia men in first death sentences since 2010

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 04:43 AM PST

UK urged to loosen ties with Gulf nation as protesters claim confession was extracted under torture and men's trial was sham

Britain is facing calls to loosen its ties with Bahrain after three Shia Muslim men convicted of killing an Emirati police officer and two Bahraini police officers in a 2014 bomb attack were executed.

Related: Bahrain torture 'ignored' by UK-funded monitor

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Abuse in Catholic church 'not being fought with enough force' claims new book

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 12:01 PM PST

Pope Francis doing 'close to nothing' to stop clerical sexual abuse, alleges writer Emiliano Fittipaldi

The last time Italian journalist Emiliano Fittipaldi wrote an exposé about corruption at the heart of the Roman Catholic Church, it landed him in a Vatican court facing a possible jail sentence on charges that he had illegally obtained confidential church papers in the course of his reporting.

Now, six months after the 42-year-old reporter was cleared of all charges, Fittipaldi is taking on the church again. This time in a new book that accuses Pope Francis of doing "close to nothing" to stop clerical sexual abuse in Italy and around the world, despite the Argentinean pope's frequent assertions that he has zero tolerance for the abuse of children or those who protect abusers.

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Man who sailed with daughter from New Zealand to Australia charged

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 11:32 AM PST

Alan Langdon has been charged with taking his six-year-old daughter Que illegally from New Zealand, as she is reunited with her mother in Australia

A man who sailed to Australia with his six-year-old daughter on a 6.4-metre catamaran has been charged by New Zealand police.

Alan Langdon, 46, and his daughter, Que, sailed into Ulladulla on the New South Wales south coast last week, almost a month after they were seen leaving Kawhia Harbour in New Zealand's North Island.

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Fear and loathing in Washington DC: progressives dread Trump inauguration

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 04:00 AM PST

Amid splendid pomp and pageantry, the eyes of the world are on Donald Trump as the capital is set to stage a battle for the heart of America

It's for real. Donald Trump, billionaire businessman, reality TV celebrity and – to his foes – bigot and demagogue will place his hand on a Bible, repeat a 35-word oath and be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. What began with a stunt, lampooned as a joke and dismissed as a fantasy will at noon on Friday become historical truth. Trump will be the most powerful man in the world.

Related: Donald Trump starts MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis

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Dozens arrested during Swiss protests against Chinese president's visit

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 10:43 AM PST

According to police, protesters failed to comply with instructions, and continued to protest past an agreed deadline

Swiss police detained 32 Tibetan and Swiss nationals protesting against a visit by Chinese president Xi Jinping on Sunday, a spokesman has said.

Swiss authorities had given a two-hour time limit to the protest in the centre of Bern to avoid the kind of confrontation that marked the last visit by a Chinese president 18 years ago.

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Serbian president warns Kosovo after reports of planned attack

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 09:54 AM PST

Tomislav Nikolić accuses ethnic Albanians of 'wanting war' after train with signs saying 'Kosovo is Serbian' is intercepted

Serbia has told Kosovo it will defend "every inch of its territory" including its former province where Serbs are allegedly under threat from Kosovan Albanians.

Related: Kosovo former PM arrested in France on Serbian warrant

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Paris conference to send Trump a warning over Israel and Palestinians

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 03:57 AM PST

Meeting to say two-state solution is under threat as Palestinians voice concern about support for settlements in Trump camp

The international community will send Donald Trump a strong warning that only a two-state solution can solve the Israel-Palestinian crisis, amid signs that the EU is willing to diverge from the US on Israel policy.

A conference in Paris on Sunday of more than 70 countries, organised by the French government and coming five days before Trump is inaugurated, will warn that the two-state solution is under threat and urge both sides in the conflict to resume talks.

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Tunisia terror attack: inquests to resume with Tui under scrutiny

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 09:24 AM PST

Lawyers for families who lost relatives in Sousse mass shooting to accuse travel firm of 'practically hiding' FCO terror warnings

Inquests are about to resume into the deaths of 30 Britons killed in a mass shooting in a Tunisian holiday resort in the biggest loss of British life to terrorism since the 2005 London bombings.

Families who lost relatives hope the inquiry, resuming on Monday, will uncover whether more could have been done to prevent the tragedy on the beach outside the Imperial Marhaba hotel in Sousse on 26 June 2015.

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Photos show Japanese whalers killing minke in sanctuary, says Sea Shepherd

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 02:32 AM PST

Anti-whaling campaign group alleges it photographed Japanese whalers carrying out a slaughter inside Australia's Antarctic whale sanctuary

Anti-whaling campaign group Sea Shepherd says it has photographed Japanese whalers carrying out a slaughter inside Australia's Antarctic whale sanctuary, the same day the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, was in Australia on a state visit.

In the first documented killing since the international court of justice ruled Japan's Antarctic whaling illegal in 2014, Sea Shepherd released photographs of what it says is a dead minke on the deck of the whaler Nisshin Maru at 11.34am on Sunday.

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Levels of e-waste soar in Asia as gadgets become affordable, UN says

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 08:29 AM PST

Amount of electronic waste up 63% in five years, with China's more than doubling, United Nations University report finds

Levels of electronic waste are rising sharply across Asia, as higher incomes mean hundreds of millions of people can afford smartphones and other gadgets, according to a UN study.

The amount of e-waste in Asia has risen by 63% in five years, a report by United Nations University said, warning of the need to improve recycling and disposal methods across the region to prevent serious environmental and health consequences.

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Eiffel Tower to be given €300m facelift under 15-year renovation plan

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 04:53 AM PST

Proposal to improve security and visitor facilities announced as Paris bids for 2024 Olympics and 2025 Universal Exhibition

The Eiffel Tower was never built to last, but 128 years after the "temporary" iron structure was opened it is not just still standing, but has become an instantly recognised symbol of Paris and a magnet for as many as 7 million visitors a year.

Now, the city authorities have announced plans for a much-needed €300m (£262m) renovation, which will take place over the next 15 years and will include modernisations to improve security, reduce the long queues to get in and protect visitors waiting in the rain and snow.

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US transfers 10 Guantánamo prisoners to Oman

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 01:06 AM PST

Inmates are moved to Gulf state in effort to reduce number of prisoners in US military jail before Barack Obama leaves office

Oman has received 10 inmates from the US military prison at Guantánamo Bay, in a move to reduce their number days before the US president, Barack Obama, leaves office.

A statement from the sultanate's foreign ministry did not disclose the nationality of the prisoners who would reside in the Gulf country on a temporary basis.

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Turkish cargo jet crashes into Kyrgyzstan village – video report

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 12:47 AM PST

A Turkish cargo jet has crashed into a village near Kyrgyzstan's Manas airport, killing at least 37 people. The Boeing 747 was attempting to land in fog when the accident happened early on Monday. According to airport officials the jet was due to make a stopover at Manas, near the capital Bishkek, before travelling on to Istanbul

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Japan criticised after whale slaughtered in Australian waters

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 12:35 AM PST

Australia's environment minister says government 'deeply disappointed' after Sea Shepherd photos show minke whale killing in Antarctic sanctuary

Australia's federal environment minister, Josh Frydenberg, has criticised Japan following the release of photographs allegedly showing the slaughtering of protected whales inside Australia's Antarctic whale sanctuary.

Frydenberg's statement came as conservationists called for tougher action from Australia.

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EU's £300m 'Space Egg', where UK's Brexit fate is likely to be sealed

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 12:24 AM PST

Council of ministers' eco-friendly home will host its first ministerial meeting this week, but to critics it is a symbol of EU waste

It is nicknamed the "Space Egg": an ethereal oval-shaped structure in a box that glows in the dark. Officially it is the Europa building, the new headquarters for EU leaders, due to host its first ministerial meeting on Monday.

Costing about €321m (£283m), this ultramodern, eco-friendly building has inevitably become a symbol of the European Union – for supporters and critics alike. And it is inside the glass egg – called a lantern by its designer – that Britain's Brexit fate is likely to be sealed.

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Syrian rebels agree to attend peace talks in Kazakhstan

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 12:03 AM PST

Boost for talks backed by Russia and Turkey as opposition groups consent to send delegation to press for ceasefire

Syrian rebel groups have decided to attend peace talks backed by Russia and Turkey in Kazakhstan to press for implementation of a widely violated ceasefire, rebel officials have said, in a boost for Moscow-led diplomacy.

Rebel groups took the decision at meetings that are under way in Ankara, and are working to form a delegation that will be different to that sent to peace talks in Geneva last year by a Saudi-backed opposition group.

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The world needs a new strategy to tackle the migration crisis | William Lacy Swing

Posted: 14 Jan 2017 04:04 PM PST

Thousands are dying trying to reach Europe. World leaders meeting at Davos should adopt a strategy to stop this unnecessary loss of life

Inequality: how do we assess it? Sometimes it's about someone not having enough to eat. In this snowy season in the northern hemisphere, it's also about not having enough heat – and dying as a result.

As European and world leaders approach the World Economic Forum in Davos, they should reflect on the growing number of helpless migrants who have frozen to death in the current cold weather.

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Election looms for Northern Ireland amid Stormont deadlock

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 11:08 PM PST

James Brokenshire expected to face calls for poll after Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness quit as deputy first minister, taking DUP leader with him

The Northern Ireland secretary, James Brokenshire, is expected to face calls to name the date for the second Stormont election in eight months.

With Sinn Fein refusing to nominate a deputy first minister to replace Martin McGuinness, a snap election in late February or early March is on the cards – just as the government is preparing to trigger Brexit.

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Refugees risking lives to reach bright lights of Johannesburg

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 11:00 PM PST

Most Africans fleeing violence or poverty stay on continent, with jail and snake bites among dangers facing those heading south

When dawn came Mohammed could see both the shore and the dirt road that led away into the forest. The fishing boat, which had dropped him on a deserted stretch of coast in northern Tanzania, had long since disappeared. Now, as the sun came up, the 28-year-old teacher hoped the next stage of his journey would begin.

The day passed. Mohammed and the 12 other Somali men who had joined him on the boat sought shade under the thorny scrub. They had little water but shared a packet of biscuits bought in Kenya before their departure. By late afternoon it was clear they was not going anywhere. Night came again, bringing the roar and howl of wild animals.

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Plans for Australia to adopt a 'Google tax' welcomed by advocacy group

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 01:12 AM PST

Coalition's proposed diverted profits tax could capture billions in revenue from multinationals using profit-shifting practices, says Tax Justice Network

One of the biggest critics of multinational tax avoidance has welcomed the Coalition's proposed "Google tax", saying a similar tax in the UK looks likely to increase corporate tax payments by billions for the British government.

The Tax Justice Network – the group behind the push to review the petroleum resource rent tax regime – says the government's clampdown on multinational tax avoidance is necessary because the OECD's base erosion and profit-shifting project has failed.

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Turkish cargo jet crash kills at least 37 in Kyrgyzstan village

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 10:49 PM PST

Local authorities says the Boeing 747 was attempting to land in fog when it crashed into a village

A Turkish cargo jet has crashed near Kyrgyzstan's Manas airport, killing at least 37 people, most of them residents of a village struck by the Boeing 747 as it tried to land in dense fog, Kyrgyz officials said.

According to the airport administration, the plane was supposed to make a stopover at Manas, near the capital city Bishkek, on its way from Hong Kong to Istanbul. It crashed when trying to land in poor visibility at 7.31 am (0131 GMT) on Monday.

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Samsung boss faces arrest as South Korea corruption scandal grows

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 10:18 PM PST

Investigators say the electronics company paid $36m to the disgraced friend of president Park Geun-hye in order to gain government influence

Prosecutors have requested the arrest of the de facto head of Samsung, South Korea's biggest company, on bribery and other charges in the influence-peddling scandal that led to the impeachment of the country's president.

Lee Kyu-chul, a spokesman for the special prosecutors investigating the political scandal, said that Lee Jae-yong, the 48-year-old Samsung Electronics vice chairman, faces allegations of embezzlement and of lying under oath during a parliamentary hearing in addition to offering bribes.

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China threatens to 'take off the gloves' if Trump rips up status quo on Taiwan

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 08:16 PM PST

Beijing fumes as Taiwanese president declares intent to 'walk on the international stage' after stopovers in the US where she met Republicans

China has stepped up its rhetoric against Donald Trump, with a Communist party-controlled newspaper declaring Beijing will have no choice but to "take off the gloves" if the incoming president insists on tearing open a Pandora's box over Taiwan.

Taiwan's assertive president, Tsai Ing-wen, meanwhile declared her country's determination to "walk on the international stage" after two stopovers in the US that angered Beijing.

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Bill to cement Erdoğan's power passes first vote in Turkey

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 07:09 PM PST

Turkish MPs back sweeping changes to constitution that would abolish office of prime minister, usher in executive presidency and end judicial independence

A controversial bill that critics say would bring about one-man rule for Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has passed a key hurdle.

The parliament approved the two final sections of the 18-article new constitution after a marathon week of debating that began on 9 January and included sessions that often lasted late into the night.

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Household goods sent to disaster zones 'hinder relief efforts'

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 03:50 PM PST

Red Cross report highlights how unsolicited items often end up in landfill, urging Australians to give cash instead

Fiji received the equivalent of 33 Olympic swimming pools' worth of donated junk after Cyclone Winston hit last year.

Sports gear, chainsaws, carpets and woolly jumpers were among the items clogging up space at airports and docks.

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Merkel made catastrophic mistake over open door to refugees, says Trump

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 03:15 PM PST

US president-elect tells German newspaper Bild that chancellor was wrong 'letting all these illegals into the country'

Donald Trump has called Angela Merkel's open door policy to refugees a "catastrophic mistake", which he said Germany would pay for.

Related: Trump's first UK post-election interview: Brexit a 'great thing'

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Casting off Trump: the women who can't stop knitting 'pussy hats'

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 09:36 AM PST

If Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman get their way, a million women will be wearing pink knitted 'pussy hats' on the Women's March

The National Mall in Washington could become a sea of bright pink the day after Donald Trump is inaugurated as US president if the vision of a pair of Los Angeles women is realised.

For two months, Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman have called on people around the world to make 1.17m pink "pussy hats" for those attending the Women's March, a rally on 21 January organised in the hope of bringing attention to civil and human rights issues.

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Obama aide: Trump should 'reach out' to Democrats boycotting inauguration

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 08:54 AM PST

Twenty-three House Democrats plan to sit out Trump's swearing-in, including John Lewis, who the president-elect attacked over Russian hacking scandal

The Obama administration has urged incoming US president Donald Trump to "reach out" to the growing faction of House Democrats who have pledged to boycott the presidential inauguration, as some representatives question Trump's legitimacy, citing the Russian hacking scandal that continues to plague the transition.

Related: Mike Pence insists Trump campaign has not been in contact with Russia

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Paris conference is ‘last gasp for breath from yesterday's world’, says Netanyahu – video

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 06:18 AM PST

Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, describes a conference in Paris to discuss the two-state solution for the Israel-Palestinian crisis as a 'last gasp for breath from yesterday's world'. Foreign ministers met on Sunday in a move to implore the international community that the two-state solution is the only way forward

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Women's March on Washington: what to know and what to bring

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 06:00 AM PST

For those attending the protest after Donald Trump's inauguration, here's a list of what you can and can't bring – and a refresher on what your rights are

The Women's March on Washington will take place at 10am Saturday – the day after Donald Trump is officially sworn into office. More than 200,000 people are expected to attend, with participants traveling across the country.

Related: Women's March on Washington set to be one of America's biggest protests

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Eyewitness: Hwacheon-gun, South Korea

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 05:36 AM PST

Photographs from the Eyewitness Series

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Makeshift justice the only recourse for ill-protected women at South Sudan camp | Ben Quinn

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 11:00 PM PST

For women who routinely run the gauntlet of harassment and sexual violence, Malakal protection of civilians camp has roundly failed to live up to its name

It is late afternoon when the white Jeep pulls up outside a compound attached to one of the largest camps for families fleeing South Sudan's civil war. Accompanied by two UN police officers, a woman steps out and walks briskly past a rusty shipping container holding the man who allegedly raped her less than 24 hours earlier.

In a country where UN investigators say sexual violence remains ignored despite having reached "epic proportions" – one survey found 70% of women in such camps said they had been raped since conflict erupted in December 2013 – this is a rare example of action being taken.

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Civil rights hero John Lewis challenges legitimacy of Donald Trump’s election win – video

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 08:53 AM PST

US Democratic congressman and civil rights activist John Lewis challenges the legitimacy of president-elect Donald Trump and his election win. Speaking on NBC's Meet The Press on Sunday, Lewis goes on to say that he will not be attending Trump's inauguration ceremony – the first he has missed since becoming a member of Congress three decades ago

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New York City's 2nd Ave subway stations – in pictures

Posted: 15 Jan 2017 07:00 AM PST

It's taken almost 100 years to come to fruition, but the new subway stations on the Upper East side are beautiful. Impressive, open spaces with modern mosaics by artists like Chuck Close define the three new stations

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