World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370: underwater search called off

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 10:04 PM PST

Wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 might never be found after suspension of underwater search

The underwater search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has come to an end, with passengers' families informed that the effort to find the plane has been suspended.

Next of kin were told in an emailed statement on Tuesday that Australian authorities' underwater search of 120,000 sq km in the southern Indian ocean had concluded without success after more than two years.

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Istanbul nightclub attack: suspected gunman 'had training in Afghanistan'

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 01:02 AM PST

Man held by Turkish authorities is named as Abdulgadir Masharipov, who was born in Uzbekistan in 1983

The man accused of killing 39 people in an Istanbul nightclub on New Year's Eve was born in Uzbekistan, received training in Afghanistan and entered Turkey illegally last year, Istanbul's governor has said.

Vasip Sahin said it was clear that the gunman, arrested on Monday night and named as Abdulgadir Masharipov, carried out the attack on behalf of Islamic State. Masharipov has admitted his guilt and his fingerprints matched those at the scene, Sahin added, describing the attacker as a well-educated terrorist, born in 1983, who speaks four languages.

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Trump 'reckless' on Nato, says defence committee chairman

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 12:00 PM PST

Julian Lewis says Europe could not deter attack by Russian conventional forces, after president-elect says Nato is obsolete

The chairman of a Commons committee has described Donald Trump's warning that the US might abandon Nato as "radical and reckless", saying Europe would be vulnerable without American military protection.

Julian Lewis, who chairs the defence select committee, expressed the hope that the president-elect did not mean what he has said and that his rhetoric was just a negotiating ploy to force European countries to increase defence spending.

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Istanbul nightclub attack gunman arrested, say Turkish officials

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 11:44 PM PST

Authorities find man suspected of killing 39 people in New Year's Eve attack in Reina club for which Isis claimed responsibility

A man suspected of shooting dead 39 people in a New Year's Eve attack on a nightclub in Istanbul has been arrested, Turkish officials have confirmed.

It is understood the Uzbek national, named as Abdulkadir Masharipov by the Turkish media, was captured in a raid by security forces on a house in the residential Esenyurt district of Istanbul, just 25 miles from where the attack took place.

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Obama warns against ditching Iran nuclear deal on one-year anniversary

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 09:01 AM PST

In his last week as president Barack Obama urged the new Trump administration to measure the deal, implemented a year ago, 'against the alternatives'

At the start of his final week in the White House, Barack Obama issued a warning to the incoming Trump administration about the value of the nuclear deal with Iran.

Related: The Trump interviews: what he said about Brexit, Putin, Israel, Syria ... and Twitter

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Yemen death toll has reached 10,000, UN says

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 11:56 AM PST

United Nations seeks to draw world's attention to 'huge humanitarian cost' of war that has also displaced 3 million people

At least 10,000 people have been killed in the war in Yemen, according to the United Nations, which is urging both sides to come together to end nearly two years of conflict.

The UN's humanitarian affairs office said the figure, which is a low estimate, was reached using data from health facilities that have kept track of the victims of the war, which has largely been ignored by the international community.

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Wife of Orlando Pulse nightclub gunman Omar Mateen arrested

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 01:55 PM PST

  • Noor Salman held, FBI and attorney confirm, on charge of obstruction
  • Mateen killed 49 and wounded 53 in attack on Pulse LGBT nightclub

The wife of the gunman who killed 49 people in the Pulse nightclub shooting was arrested on Monday near the Bay Area, an FBI official said.

Related: Life after the Orlando massacre: 'I have to brace myself every day'

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At least five dead in shooting at BPM festival in Mexico

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 07:31 AM PST

Shots fired at club on last night of dance event held in resort of Playa del Carmen

At least five people have died and 15 others have been injured after a shooting outside a club on the last night of the BPM electronic music festival in Mexico.

The shooting occurred in the early hours of the morning outside the Blue Parrot nightclub in Playa del Carmen, said Rodolfo Del Angel, police director in Quintana Roo state.

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Wanted: sociable hermit for Austrian cliffside retreat

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 10:24 AM PST

Town of Saalfelden seeks replacement for its outgoing anchorite, who must be 'at peace with themselves' while dealing with a steady stream of tourists

There are no neighbours and the views are stunning, and if you can live without heating, running water, electricity and internet, then why not apply for a job as a hermit? Such is the position that Saalfelden near Salzburg in Austria is seeking to fill, inhabiting alone one of central Europe's last hermitages, built into a cliff above the town.

"Since its creation 350 years ago, the Saalfelden hermitage was inhabited every year. But we don't have a successor to the last hermit," said priest Alois Moser.

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Paris vehicle pollution sticker scheme comes into force

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 07:52 AM PST

Police checks last week found only one in 50 vehicles stopped had sticker despite them being available since July

Drivers in Paris must display an anti-pollution sticker in their vehicles or face fines in the latest attempt by the French authorities to improve air quality.

The sticker scheme, which became mandatory on Monday, includes cars, lorries, motorcycles and scooters, and bans some vehicles from the city during weekdays.

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Chinese discard hundreds of cycles-for-hire in giant pile

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 02:09 AM PST

It was hoped bike-hire schemes would cut pollution and congestion but it seems some users just want to ride and dump

It has been billed as a hi-tech bike-sharing boom that entrepreneurs hope will make them rich while simultaneously transforming China's traffic-clogged cities.

But, occasionally, dreams can turn sour.

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Common and the National sign up for anti-Trump inauguration show

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 02:03 AM PST

Gig organised by Planned Parenthood is one of a number in the US capital to protest swearing-in of Trump, who voiced pro-life ideas during his campaign

The good news for Donald Trump is that the National and Common have signed up to mark the start of his presidency with a performance. The bad news? They'll be marking it with an anti-Inauguration Day show, the day before he's sworn in as the next leader of the United States.

The two artists are set to play the 9:30 Club in Washington DC alongside several other as-yet-unconfirmed artists on Thursday 19 January. The gig has been organised by Planned Parenthood and All Access as a "call to action for supporters of reproductive freedom to take action wherever they are".

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UK counter-terror laws most Orwellian in Europe, says Amnesty

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 02:01 AM PST

Human rights group says Britain is leading 'race to the bottom' with measures that threaten rights and freedoms

The UK is leading a Europe-wide "race to the bottom" with Orwellian counter-terrorism measures that seriously threaten human rights, according to a comparative survey of security laws by Amnesty International.

A 70-page report, entitled Dangerously disproportionate: The ever-expanding national security state in Europe, alleges that Britain has introduced powers in the name of national security that are "among the most draconian in the EU".

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Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 underwater search called off – video report

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 02:00 AM PST

The underwater search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has been called off nearly three years after the passenger jet disappeared off the radar. The plane went missing shortly after take-off on 8 March 2014 with 239 people on board. Investigators believe it crashed in the Indian Ocean en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The multimillion-dollar hunt was led by Australia, Malaysia and China

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An alternative to May's Brexit speech – by Guardian readers

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 01:53 AM PST

We asked our readers what they would prefer to hear in May's speech outlining her EU negotiation objectives

Theresa May outlines her Brexit objectives in a speech at Lancaster House on Tuesday, in which she is expected to confirm that Britain will be leaving the EU's single market.

Related: Theresa May to confirm UK exit from EU single market

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'Good Night, Malaysian Three Seven Zero': unraveling an aviation mystery

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 01:32 AM PST

The largest and most expensive search in the history of flight has ended, with none of the 239 people on board found

"Good Night, Malaysian Three Seven Zero."

It was the last radio message sent from the cockpit of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, voiced in the dispassionate tone of a routine call to air traffic control.

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Pound steadies ahead of Theresa May's Brexit speech - Politics live

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 02:10 AM PST

Rolling coverage of Theresa May's Brexit speech, with reaction and analysis

David Davis, the Brexit secretary, will make a statement in the Commons following Theresa May's speech.

There is a statement on Northern Ireland first, at 12.30pm, and so Davis will not start until about 1.30pm.

The cabinet is meeting this morning and being briefed on Theresa May's speech. Here is Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, on his way in.

Eurosceptic Cabinet minister - 'people like me will not be upset' - May's plan being presented to Cabinet first thing this morning

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Italian PM opens inquiry into mistaken identity fears in people smuggling case

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 01:20 AM PST

Joint UK-Italian operation supposedly captured key player transporting thousands from north Africa to Europe

An Italian MP has launched a parliamentary inquiry into the joint British-Italian operation that led to a man being held on suspicion of people smuggling despite fears he is the victim of mistaken identity.

In June last year officials from both countries claimed to have captured 35-year-old Medhanie Yehdego Mered, considered to be a key player in the smuggling of thousands of migrants and refugees from north Africa to Europe.

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Great moments from past presidential inaugurations – in pictures

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 02:00 AM PST

As Donald Trump prepares to become the 45th president of the United States, we take a look back at some of the best moments from previous inaugurations

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Top diplomatic negotiator in Cuba warns Trump: 'aggression doesn't work'

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 01:00 AM PST

Exclusive: Josefina Vidal, who has led the island's negotiating team since 2013, says Cuba will not be cowed by the incoming president's bluster and threats

Senior Cuban negotiators say the island will not be cowed by intimidation and bluster from Donald Trump, despite the incoming US president's threat to rekindle Cold War animosities.

"Aggression, pressure, conditions, impositions do not work with Cuba. This is not the way to attempt to have even a minimally civilised relationship with Cuba,"Josefina Vidal, a foreign ministry department head, told the Guardian.

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Firefighters battle out-of-control blaze near Canberra and dozens of others

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 01:10 AM PST

Fire near Tarago destroys at least one rural property and burns out more than 2,400 hectares with additional blazes in South Australia and Victoria

About 70 firefighters and 13 aircraft have been battling a bush and grass fire that has destroyed at least one rural property and burnt out more than 2,400 hectares of farmland near Tarago, to the north-east of Canberra.

The ABC reported the fire front was 18km long on Tuesday afternoon and one rural property at Hazeldell Road had been lost, as well as a number of sheds and cars.

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Libyan dissident wins right to sue UK government over rendition

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 02:05 AM PST

Claims that kidnap and torture of Abdel Hakim Belhaj breached rights enshrined in Magna Carta should be put before judges, supreme court rules

Government attempts to avoid being being sued for the 2004 kidnapping of a Libyan dissident and his wife, organised when Jack Straw was foreign secretary, have been dismissed by the supreme court.

Devastating claims that the rendition and torture of Abdel Hakim Belhaj breached rights enshrined in the Magna Carta should be put before an English court, a unanimous judgment by seven justices concludes.

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British Antarctic station to shut down for winter due to crack in ice

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 01:24 AM PST

Halley VI station moved to safer location but staff to be brought home during southern winter as 'prudent precaution'

A British research station on an ice shelf in Antarctica is being shut down over the southern hemisphere winter because of fears it could float off on an iceberg.

The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) said in a statement on Monday that it had decided not to winter at the Halley VI research station on the Brunt ice shelf due to concerns for its staff's safety amid changes to the ice.

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Israel's sidelined Mizrahi musicians and artists reclaim centre stage

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 01:04 AM PST

Newfound political confidence sparks resurgence of culture of Jews from Middle East and north Africa, once marginalised by dominant Ashkenazim

On a small stage in the basement of a Jerusalem bar, singer Inbal Djamchid pauses during her performance to describe the inspiration for the next song to be played by her group, Ecoute.

She explains that it describes a lyricist's unrequited love for one of Egypt's most famous singers, Umm Kulthum, revered in the Arab world.

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UK supreme court to rule on government responsibility for alleged rendition

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 10:00 PM PST

Judgments on alleged treatment of jihadi suspects could define extent of human rights protections overseas

Government responsibility for alleged torture, rendition and illegal detention of jihadi suspects will finally be decided by the UK's highest court in a series of judgments that may define the extent of human rights protections overseas.

One of the six cases to be decided, that of the Libyan dissident Abdel Hakim Belhaj, has been under consideration for 15 months – the longest the supreme court has ever taken to deliver a ruling.

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Indian tailor confesses to sexually assaulting hundreds of schoolgirls

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 06:51 PM PST

Sunil Rastogi, 38-year-old with five children, arrested in investigation of sexual assault of three girls aged nine and 10

A tailor in India has confessed to abducting, molesting and raping hundreds of schoolgirls over the last decade, said Delhi police, uncovering what may be one of the biggest serial paedophile cases in the country in recent times.

Sunil Rastogi, a 38-year-old married man with five children, was arrested on Saturday by police investigating the sexual assault of three girls aged nine and 10 in the east of the Indian capital.

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Gunmen kill eight Egyptian police in attack on al-Naqab checkpoint, interior ministry says

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 06:14 PM PST

Two attackers killed when security forces fought back, and three other security personnel injured

Gunmen killed eight police late Monday in an attack on a checkpoint in el-Wadi el-Gedid province in south-west Egypt, the interior ministry said.

Two of the attackers were killed when security forces fought back, and three other security personnel were injured.

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Corpses litter alleged puppy farm where 90 dogs and cats rescued in raid

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 05:51 PM PST

RSPCA says it found corpses of dead animals at outback Queensland property where 81 dogs and 10 cats were removed

Almost 100 dogs and cats have been rescued from appalling conditions at an alleged Queensland puppy farm littered with the corpses of dead animals.

Detectives have interviewed a man after they teamed up with the RSPCA to raid an outback Queensland property where they said they found 81 dogs and puppies and 10 cats, some malnourished and injured.

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Pakistani mother sentenced to death for burning daughter alive

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 05:47 PM PST

Parveen Bibi confessed before a special court in Lahore to killing her daughter in June for 'bringing shame to the family'

A court in Pakistan sentenced a mother to death on Monday for burning her daughter alive as punishment for marrying without the family's consent.

Parveen Bibi confessed before a special court in the city of Lahore to killing her daughter in June for what she said was "bringing shame to the family".

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Japan's rising child poverty exposes true cost of two decades of economic decline

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 05:18 PM PST

Soup kitchens have sprung up to provide meals for some of the estimated 3.5 million children officially living in poverty in one of world's richest countries

The smell of beef stew wafts from a kitchen as a brigade of volunteers put their cooking skills to use on a recent Saturday evening in Tokyo's commuter belt.

In an adjoining room, children chat and make paper cutouts while they await the arrival of what, for some, will be their only proper meal of the day.

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Radical protest artist Pyotr Pavlensky flees from Russia to France

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 04:48 PM PST

Pavlensky and his partner Oksana Shalygina leave due to accusations of sexual assault, which they deny

Russian artist Pyotr Pavlensky, famous for radical performances denouncing state power that have landed him in jail in the past, has fled to France, where he will seek asylum.

In an interview in Paris, the artist who memorably once nailed his scrotum to Red Square, said he fled Russia after he and his partner Oksana Shalygina were accused of sexual assault – allegations he denies.

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Stasi past of Berlin minister plunges city government into turmoil

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 04:39 PM PST

Controversy over Andrej Holm's service with East German secret police leads to his resignation, threatening coalition of Left, Greens and Social Democrats

A minister in Berlin's city-state government has quit over revelations he concealed his East German Stasi past, leaving the ruling leftist coalition in turmoil.

Andrej Holm, an academic who had hidden the fact he served in the notorious communist police before the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, resigned as deputy housing minister on Monday after the mayor, Michael Mueller, called for his sacking.

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Australian family who went missing in Japanese ski fields found alive

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 04:37 PM PST

Woman and her three sons reportedly contacted friends on Facebook after digging themselves into a snow hole on Mount Kenashi

An Australian family who went missing at a popular Japanese ski field have been found safe and well, local tourist officials have said.

Police and rescuers on snowmobiles set out at 7.15 local time on Tuesday morning and located the family about an hour and a half later, an official at the Nagano prefectural government told the Guardian. The three sons were located at 8.40 am, and their mother six minutes later.

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Istanbul nightclub attack suspect arrested, according to Turkey officials – video report

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 02:13 PM PST

A gunman who slaughtered 39 people in a New Year's Eve attack on a nightclub in Istanbul has been arrested, Turkish officials confirmed on Monday. It is understood the Uzbek terrorist named as Abdulgadir Masharipov by the Turkish media, was captured at a friend's house in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul by security forces late on Monday

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Bird flu found in flock of 6,000 turkeys in Lincolnshire

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 01:46 PM PST

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirms H5N8 strain of avian flu present at East Lindsey farm

Bird flu has been confirmed in a flock of about 6,000 turkeys at a farm in Lincolnshire, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has said. The H5N8 strain of avian flu – the same as that found in a flock of turkeys on a nearby farm on 16 December – was confirmed by the UK's chief veterinary officer, Nigel Gibbens.

A number of birds at the farm in East Lindsey have died, and those remaining will be culled. The two cases are unlikely to be linked, but an investigation is under way, Defra said.

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Tunisia inquest: gunman shown on beach before and after Sousse attack – video

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 01:32 PM PST

Warning: Some viewers may find the footage distressing. Footage from the Tunisia terror attack inquest was released on Monday, showing gunman Seifeddine Rezgui before and after he opened fire on a tourist beach. The inquest into the deaths of 30 British tourists started on Monday

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New Zealand mayor asked ratepayers to fund gecko tattoo as parting gift

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 01:18 PM PST

Celia Wade-Brown's request for a tattoo of a forest gecko on her ankle was turned down after her term of office as mayor of Wellington ended

The former mayor of New Zealand's capital city has been refused ratepayer funding for a gecko tattoo as a leaving gift.

Celia Wade-Brown, the mayor of Wellington for six years from October 2010, requested a tattoo of a forest gecko as her departure gift in September last year.

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Adama Barrow says inauguration as Gambia president to go ahead

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 12:56 PM PST

Election winner vows to be sworn in 'on Gambian soil' this Thursday despite efforts of incumbent Yahya Jammeh to prevent it

The incoming president of the Gambia has said his inauguration would go ahead as planned this week in spite of attempts to thwart it by the incumbent leader, Yahya Jammeh.

Adama Barrow, who is in neighbouring Senegal, released a statement on Monday afternoon saying he would be sworn in "on Gambian soil" on Thursday. He will then get to "work on reversing serious damage caused by 22 years of malgovernance", his spokesman added.

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UK's Antarctica research base to relocate as 'precautionary measure'

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 12:26 PM PST

Scientists to be removed from Halley VI Research Station amid fears facility could slide into encroaching ice fissure

The British research base which first discovered the hole in the ozone layer is to close for the winter amid concerns it could fall into a giant ice chasm.

Scientists will be removed from the Halley VI research station, which is run by the British Antarctic Survey and is situated on an ice shelf, between March and November as a "precautionary measure" because of fears it could slide into an encroaching fissure.

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UK cosying up to Trump over Middle East peace process, say EU ministers

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 11:30 AM PST

Boris Johnson blocks statement on how EU could encourage resolution of Israel-Palestine conflict in second row in 24 hours

Britain has been accused of cowering in the face of Donald Trump after becoming involved in a second row in 24 hours with European leaders over the future of the Middle East peace process.

The foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, with support from Estonia and Hungary, blocked an EU foreign ministers' statement on how the EU could support the process, it emerged on Monday.

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Clare Hollingworth saved our father’s life | Letters

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 10:46 AM PST

Our late father, Harry Weil, owed his life to Clare Hollingworth (Obituary, 11 January), who was in charge of the British Committee for Refugees in Czechoslovakia. In 1939, having already escaped from the Nazis, he made his way to Katowice. Our father wrote: "One afternoon I was arrested and locked up with about 100 others in a school building. I knew what was waiting for me. I scribbled a note on a piece of paper, addressed it to Clare Hollingworth at the local consulate and asked to be allowed to go to the toilet. As there was only one 'gendarme' in charge of the school room he called the school caretaker to escort me. I managed to give him my note, pointed to the address and 'swallowed hard'. It worked thanks to this good man! After the longest 45 minutes I have ever lived through two names were called and told they were free to leave. One was mine."

He eventually arrived at Tilbury, via Gdynia and Gothenburg, with two pence in his pocket, all that was left of the 10 shillings given to him by Clare Hollingworth, and just enough to make his first phone call.
Monica Dobson and Joanna Coates

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Heroism aboard the sinking Clytoneus | Letters

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 10:44 AM PST

Your feature on Lizzie Nunnery (Horror on the high seas, G2, 16 January) contains accounts of hatches being closed on drowning men after a ship had been hit, and the allegation that "the heaviest British losses were self-inflicted". This contrasts starkly with the report from my grandfather, Captain Sidney Goffey, whose ship the Clytoneus was attacked and sunk by a German aircraft in 1941. After establishing that the ship was "blazing furiously", main machinery out of action and the engine room taking water fast, Captain Goffey ordered abandon ship and had the lifeboats launched. He then took a walk round the ship to ensure nobody was left on board before getting into his own boat. He reported that "the behaviour of my crew, including the Chinese, was excellent in every way throughout the ordeal". They were picked up after two days and – apart from the able seaman manning their anti-aircraft gun, who despite being wounded by machine gun bullets from the aircraft maintained he had secured a hit on it – no casualties were suffered.
Chris Goffey
Forest Hill, Oxfordshire

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Justin Trudeau’s holiday on Aga Khan’s island comes under investigation

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 10:14 AM PST

Canadian prime minister's family break in the Bahamas is being scrutinised by the ethics commissioner

Canada's ethics commissioner is launching an investigation into the recent family holiday taken by the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, at the Aga Khan's private island in the Bahamas.

Mary Dawson said on Monday that Trudeau may have violated the federal ethics code during his holiday with the Aga Khan, the philanthropist and hereditary spiritual leader to the world's Ismaili Muslims who Trudeau says is a family friend. It is the first time the ethics commissioner has opted to investigate the actions of a sitting prime minister.

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McDonald's accused of exploiting homeless people in Rome

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 08:28 AM PST

Local group says fast-food chain's pledge to donate 1,000 meals is a cynical PR strategy after Vatican restaurant opening

McDonald's has been accused of exploiting homeless people in Rome as part of a public relations strategy to gain favour with locals following the controversial opening of a restaurant within steps of the Vatican.

A community group called Safeguard the Borgo said a recent initiative by McDonald's to pledge 1,000 meals to the homeless was nothing but a "commercial transaction which cynically uses the homeless and offends many years and daily work [done by others] to help alleviate extreme poverty".

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Donald Trump's German interviewer is bête noire for the left

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 08:14 AM PST

Kai Diekmann has been one of the most powerful – and colourful – operators in German media and conservative politics

The decision by the Times to task a Conservative MP and Brexit campaigner with the UK's first post-election interview with Donald Trump may have drawn criticism in Britain, but Michael Gove's German co-interviewer is also a controversial figure.

Since joining Axel Springer, Germany's biggest publishing house, as a trainee in 1985, Kai Diekmann has been one of the most powerful – and colourful – operators in media and politics. In particular, his close links to conservative politicians have often made him a bête noire for the German left.

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Face-off over the Congo: the long rivalry between Kinshasa and Brazzaville

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 11:15 PM PST

It's only a five-minute flight from Kinshasa to its rival city, Brazzaville – but as the DRC slides into a bloody political crisis, an international border, the Congo river and centuries of colonialism continue to separate west Africa's volatile twins

Sunday morning, and the crowds are thronging the myriad churches on the ragged western edge of Kinshasa. Congregations file into the barn-like halls to hear priests and preachers. Down on the terrace of Chez Tintin, one of Kinshasa's best known restaurants and nightspots, only fishermen and two tourists from the central town of Kisangani brave the warm, driving rain.

Beyond the plastic tables and chairs, a low brick wall, and the pilgrims, is the Congo. Though 4,500km from its furthest source, the great river is less than 1,000 metres wide at this point, and surges through the narrow bottleneck with tremendous power. The resulting rush of foaming brown water is the reason for the existence, the proximity and the enmity of arguably the world's two closest capital cities: Kinshasa, of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Brazzaville, of the confusingly similarly named Republic of Congo.

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Surviving South Sudan's escalating violence: life in a UN camp – in pictures

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 01:00 AM PST

Intensifying ethnic conflict in South Sudan has led UN investigators to warn that the country is on the brink of genocide. More than a million people have fled the country to neighbouring states, while many more have taken shelter in UN camps such as Malakal, home to more than 33,000 people

All photographs: Kate Holt/Unicef

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UN chiefs call for urgent access to get aid to people still under siege in Syria

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 04:51 AM PST

In a statement in Davos, UN humanitarian agencies issue joint appeal to reach hundreds of thousands of Syrian families and children in need

The heads of major UN organisations on Monday called for access to civilians cut off from humanitarian aid in Syria, saying the world "must not stand silent" even though the high-profile siege of the Syrian city of Aleppo is over.

The joint appeal came from Davos in Switzerland, as business, political and cultural elites gather there for the World Economic Forum. The UN's refugee agency (UNHCR), the humanitarian aid coordinator Ocha, the children's agency Unicef, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) all called for "immediate, unconditional and safe access" to all Syrian families and children in need.

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Bangladesh’s plan to allow some child marriages is ‘step backwards’

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 09:00 PM PST

Campaigners say proposed law change permitting child marriage in 'special cases' would increase risks of rape, domestic violence and early pregnancy

Bangladesh will be taking a step backwards in efforts to end child marriage if parliament approves changes to a law that would permit girls below 18 to be married in "special cases", a global alliance of charities said last week.

The nation has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, despite a decades-old law that bans marriage for girls under 18 and men under 21.

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Michael Gove gorges on cheesy puff of a Donald Trump interview | John Crace

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 10:34 AM PST

As ex-minister demonstrated in his media rounds the next day, in Gove World the focus was never going to be on the Don

You might have thought that, after conducting an interview with Donald Trump that read like a celebrity puff piece for an airline inflight magazine and then posing for a cheesy, sleazy photo under a Playboy cover, Michael Gove might have wanted to lie low for a bit to recover from the embarrassment. Not a bit of it. Gove's narcissism will not be contained and he spent Monday morning doing a tour of any media outlet that would have him to boast about his underachievement.

First stop was Radio 4's Today programme where presenter Sarah Montague first challenged him on Trump's assertion that a UK-US trade deal post-Brexit could be done quickly and easily. "I'm no expert in trade negotiations," Gove said proudly. In Gove World lack of expertise in any field automatically makes you ideally qualified for the job. "But I can tell you that Trump is a dealmaker and he is confident he can make a deal that is win-win for Britain and America."

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Jared Kushner has Trump’s trust but lacks experience for Middle East role

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 10:13 AM PST

President-elect says his son-in-law 'knows the region, knows the people,' but the reality appears to be somewhat different

Donald Trump's proposed new point man on the Middle East peace process, his 36-year-old son-in-law Jared Kushner, is almost unknown to Israeli business and political figures and an even greater mystery to Palestinians, as well as a diplomatic neophyte.

Trump's insistence on pushing the untried Kushner into such an important and difficult role comes at a historic low point in the moribund peace process.

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A guide to Trump-speak: think 'bloke talking loudly in the pub'

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 05:08 AM PST

From overly defensive Sigmar Gabriel to delusional Michael Gove, politicians are misreading the president-elect's utterances

Taken literally, Donald Trump's latest thoughts about the world, as retailed to the British politician Michael Gove, are terrifying for Europe, the EU and Nato. But considered dispassionately, his comments are the most recent example of Trump-speak, a loose, untutored language form that politicians and diplomats must now quickly learn to decipher.

As has by now been well established, Trump-speak should be taken seriously, but not literally. Large pinches of salt, interspersed with reality checks and deep breaths, are required. The hasty, overly defensive reaction on Monday of Germany's deputy chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, to Trump's suggestion the EU could disintegrate is not the way to go. Trump could and probably will say the exact opposite tomorrow.

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John Lewis at Martin Luther King event: ‘Never, ever hate’ – video

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 01:12 PM PST

Georgia congressman John Lewis speaks at an event for Martin Luther King Jr Day in Miami on Monday, telling a crowd of young men to 'never, ever hate'. Lewis invokes King's philosophy of non-violence following a critical Twitter rant from president-elect Donald Trump

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Merkel to Trump: Europe’s fate is 'in its own hands' – video

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 12:26 PM PST

German chancellor Angela Merkel responds curtly after Donald Trump cast further doubt on his commitment to Nato and gave strong hints that he would not support EU cohesion once in office. Speaking in Berlin on Monday, Merkel says her views on transatlantic issues are well known

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Rallies opposing healthcare changes held across US – video

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 09:30 AM PST

Dozens of rallies were held across the US on Sunday to denounce Republican efforts to repeal Barack Obama's health care law. Senator Bernie Sanders spoke in Michigan, saying that Republicans and Democrats should work together to improve the Affordable Care Act. Other leading Democratic senators took part in rallies, including Elizabeth Warren in Boston, and Bob Casey in Philadelphia

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Gunman kills five at Mexican BPM music festival – video report

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 07:36 AM PST

Five people died and 15 were injured when a gunman opened fire at the BPM music festival in Mexico. The attack happened early on Monday outside the Blue Parrot nightclub in Playa del Carmen. The police director in Quintana Roo state linked the shooting to an argument involving people inside the nightclub

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Best photos of the day: Davos security and a Liverpool statue

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 05:04 AM PST

The Guardian's picture editors bring you a selection of photo highlights from around the world, including preparations for the World Economic Forum, and a statue of Cilla Black

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UK is 'smart' to leave EU, Trump tells Gove – video

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 03:00 AM PST

Donald Trump, the US president–elect, talks to Tory former minister and Vote Leave campaigner Michael Gove in an excerpt from an interview for the Times. Gove asks if the UK is at the front of the queue for a trade deal with the US. Trump replies, 'I think you're doing great'

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