World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Oscar Pistorius trial Tuesday 8 April live

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 01:42 AM PDT

Pistorius is set to be questioned by the defence for a second day after he tearfully apologised to Reeva Steenkamp's mother yesterday, when the defence opened its case at the high court in Pretoria.

Pistorius admits shooting Steenkamp through a toilet door on Valentine's day last year but insists he mistook her for an intruder. He is charged with premeditated murder for Steenkamp's death, with prosecutors saying he deliberately shot at Steenkamp four times through the door in his bathroom, hitting her in the head, arm and hip.

For a recap of yesterday's dramatic proceedings, you can read the Guardian's David Smith's account here.

Nicki Goulding from CNN says the defence is laying out these messages to show a totally different context to the messages the prosecution put out earlier in the trial.

#Pistorius The defense are casting an entirely different context on the messages between OP and RS.

#Pistorius wrote: "Thank you for being the most beautiful person to me. I'm crazy about you and when I look at you I smile inside."

Another message from him to her, saying she looked lovely during a photo shoot. There are several messages in which he expresses his support for her in her work.

Pistorius says Steenkamp was struggling with the media attention as she was unused to it. He reads a message from Steenkamp saying how people were trying to plant doubts in her mind. He reads a series a messages from him to her, one of which he is not the easiest person to understand. How despite their arguments they are basically similar people. Lots of messages ending in kisses and terms of endearment like "boo". "I'm crazy about you," he tells her in one message.

#Pistorius: Reeva received hate mail for dating me. People set up fake Twitter accounts. "She really struggled with that."

Again he says Steenkamp was receiving a lot of hate mail.

The messages are from January. In one he advised her not to go for a run because he didn't think it would be safe. He is now talking about the pressures he was under on finances, from the media, setting up the new house.

#Pistorius: Reeva had been in a difficult relationship before where she had her back against the wall. It was not conducive to her.

The defence is taking us through more messages the two exchanged. The camera shows a crowded courtroom, but like yesterday, we do do not see Pistorius himself.

#Pistorius: "That's when our relationship really got going. We both had things that kept us back in our relationship."

One WhatsApp message says simply "Baby." But Nel interjects: "I don't see that the argument's over."

#Pistorius reads message: "I want to talk to you. I want to sort this out. I don't want to have anything less than amazing for you and I."

Pistorius seems more composed today, tweets David Smith. He is now talking about a difficult time in their relationship. A message he wrote to Steenkamp is being projected on the screen as he reads them out. He is describing how upset he was one particular evening.

The session has just started and Pistorius is talking about how he met Steenkamp and the early days of their relationship. He says there were things that kept the relationship back because of past difficult relationships. He says he was "more into her" than she was "into him" at the beginning.

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Half of working mothers experience discrimination at work - survey

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 01:35 AM PDT

Problems are most common when women return to work after having babies and 80% report a 'negative effect'

One in two mothers have experienced discrimination at work either during pregnancy, parental leave or once returned to work, a survey has revealed.

The study by the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) also found that 75% of the women do not report it to their employers.

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Icac inquiry: former water minister says AWH was 'a flea on a dog'

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 01:33 AM PDT

Greg Pearce tells hearing he knew former assistant treasurer Arthur Sinodinos was involved with Australian Water Holdings

A former water minister regarded the company that was pushing for a deal that would have made the Obeid family and Arthur Sinodinos millions as a flea on one of the many dogs I had to deal with.

Former NSW Liberal minister Greg Pearce told the Independent Commission Against Corruption (Icac) he knew Sinodinos was involved with Australian Water Holdings (AWH) and it was obvious he would have told premier Barry OFarrell about it when the company was lobbying for a public-private partnership.

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Ukraine launches operation against Russian 'plan to divide country'

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 01:33 AM PDT

Kiev sends special forces to eastern cities to oust protesters occupying government buildings as tensions with Moscow rise

Ukraine has launched an "anti-terrorist" operation against pro-Russian separatists occupying government buildings in many of its eastern cities

Police arrested 70 pro-Russian demonstrators in Kharkiv on Tuesday, as protesters in two other cities held similar standoffs. Ukrainian authorities gave few details of the "operation that cleared the building in the town of Kharkiv but said two police had been wounded by a grenade that was thrown.

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West Papuan independence fighters 'injure two in border shooting'

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 01:19 AM PDT

West Papuan Revolution Army raised morning star flag before shoot-out ahead of legislative elections, say reports

West Papuan independence fighters did a "war dance", raised the banned morning star flag and shot at Indonesian security personnel near the border with Papua New Guinea on Saturday, according to a local journalist, in a provocative action ahead of Wednesday's legislative elections in Indonesia.

An Indonesian police officer and a military officer were injured in the shootout and three independence fighters were hit by police and military fire, said Victor Mambor, the editor of West Papuan online news outlet Jubi, who was tipped off about the incident early on Saturday.

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USAid chief faces questions over 'Cuban Twitter'

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 12:55 AM PDT

Rajiv Shah to appear before a US government panel questioning his agency's secret social media programme

The administrator of the US agency for international development will appear before a US government panel questioning his agency's secret 'Cuban Twitter' a social media network allegedly built to stir domestic unrest.

Rajiv Shah will face a first round of questioning from Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, who has publicly called the social media programme "dumb, dumb, dumb".

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Four-metre shark spotted off WA coast placed on fisheries kill list

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 12:46 AM PDT

Large shark seen close to several Perth beaches swims straight into controversial shark cull policy

Fisheries crews were trying to catch and kill a four-metre great white shark swimming close to several Perth beaches on Tuesday.

Under Western Australia's controversial shark cull policy, a rapid response can be made to capture a large shark spotted swimming within one kilometre of shore.

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Environment Department to shed 25% of its staff after $100m budget cut

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 12:43 AM PDT

Government could open Uluru, Kakadu and Antarctica for development in hunt for revenue, environmental groups say

The federal Department of Environment will shed a quarter of its staff and look to generate alternative funding models from some of Australias premier natural spaces in an attempt to save $100m.

Environmental groups say the plans could mean areas including Uluru, Kakadu and the nations Antarctic territory being opened up for development.

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Flight MH370: search teams racing against the clock to find black box

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 12:35 AM PDT

Improved weather in Indian Ocean allows sea and air teams to step up their efforts as window of opportunity closes

Search teams are racing against the clock to find the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 as the window for finding one of the black boxes with an active power source gets progressively smaller.

Australias defence minister, David Johnston, said on Tuesday that a spell of reasonable weather in the Indian Ocean search area meant the sea and air search teams would be stepping up their efforts in the next few days.

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Gina Rinehart coal mine given short shrift by Queensland land court

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 12:25 AM PDT

Massive coal mine should be rejected completely or at least restricted to safeguard water, court rules

A massive coal mine part-owned by Gina Rinehart should either be halted completely or subjected to restrictions to better safeguard nearby residents water supply, the Queensland land court has ruled.

The land courts presiding member, Paul Smith, said the Queensland government should either reject the Alpha coal mine or allow it to proceed as long as make-good agreements are struck with local landholders and that all concerns pursuant to the precautionary principle are resolved over water use.

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Duchess of Cambridge and the meaning of the Mori warrior's tattoo

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 12:17 AM PDT

The Duchess of Cambridge kept eyes front as she received a formal greeting from a tattooed warrior in New Zealand but what did his ink signify?

Upon their arrival in Wellington yesterday, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge received a formal Mori welcome called a powhiri, led by a warrior.

The warriors taurape (buttocks tattoo) and puhoro (thigh tattoo) emphasises the engine room of the warriors body, says Mori tattoo expert Tim Worrall. The largest muscles, the means by which the warrior remains agile.

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Michael D Higgins: Ireland's poet president

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 11:46 PM PDT

Politician, sociologist and a strong critic of republican violence during the Troubles, Higgins is far from a figurehead leader

Michael D Higgins has a lack of pomp and circumstance that is in sharp contrast to the Queen, his main host for the next five days.

Last year, the Irish president known affectionately as Michael D surprised his minders by dropping into a Dublin pub after noticing a Galway flag flying outside, and chatted to the regulars about the prospects for his adopted county's hurling team.

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Jailed paedophile priest given eight more years behind bars

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 11:36 PM PDT

Gerald Ridsdale, 79, admits to another 30 abuse charges against 12 boys and girls

One of Australias most notorious paedophile priests has had his jail term extended by eight years after admitting another 30 abuse charges.

Gerald Ridsdale, who was already serving a sentence for child sex offences, was due for parole last year when the new charges relating to the abuse of 12 boys and girls between 1961 and 1980 were laid against him.

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John Faulkner urges NSW Labor to end preselection system of 'trading favours'

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 11:21 PM PDT

Party figure's letter to NSW members is immediately rejected by the branch's general secretary

Labor elder statesman John Faulkner is pushing for all Labor senators and New South Wales upper house members to be preselected by the partys rank and file instead of its annual conference, to stamp out corruption and reduce the influence of factional powerbrokers.

But Labors NSW general secretary, Jamie Clements, has already publicly opposed the plan, on the grounds it would silence the voices of affiliated trade union members.

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Software security flaw could expose Australians' personal and financial data

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 11:11 PM PDT

OpenSSL, an encryption service used by the federal government and others, warns about 'heartbleed bug'

The personal and financial details of thousands of Australians held by companies and government departments could be leaked after the discovery of a security flaw in a widely used encryption service.

OpenSSL, which runs an encryption service used by millions of websites in Australia and across the world, urged customers to update their software after the weakness dubbed the heartbleed bug was found.

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Eddie Obeid pushed for Sydney Water boss to be sacked, Icac told

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 10:24 PM PDT

Former Labor powerbroker told minister to 'sack the bitch' and said Kerrie Schott was being targeted

Former Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid pushed for the removal of Sydney Waters chief executive, Kerry Schott, telling the then water minister to sack the bitch and that a group were coming after Schott, a corruption inquiry has heard.

The alleged warning from Obeid would have came before as Icac was previously told a member of the former NSW energy minister Chris Hartchers staff made an anonymous complaint levelling false allegations of corruption against Schott.

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Tony Abbott defends free trade deal with Japan despite farmers' criticism

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 09:26 PM PDT

The prime minister says the agreement was more generous than that offered by Japan to other countries

Tony Abbott has moved to downplay criticism from Australias farming groups that his new free trade deal with Japan fails to deliver sufficient liberalisation for local food producers.

Amid complaints that the agreement offered very little for dairy, sugar and grain farmers, the prime minister admitted on Tuesday that his government had failed to secure the farm industry's main target of reducing the Japanese beef tariff to zero.

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Salvation Army officer faced dilemma over how to sack accused official

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 09:26 PM PDT

Commissioner tells inquiry he was advised he didnt need to refer abuse allegations to the ombudsman

A senior Salvation Army official says he faced a dilemma over how to sack an officer who had once been stood down for admitting to child sexual abuse, an inquiry has has heard.

Salvation Army commissioner James Condon also said he did not refer allegations against Colin Haggar to the ombudsman because he was advised he didn't need to.

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Kim Dotcom faces massive lawsuit by big-name Hollywood studios

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 08:55 PM PDT

20th Century Fox, Disney, Paramount, Universal, Columbia and Warner Bros go to court claiming Megaupload copyright breach

Six major Hollywood film studios have filed a massive copyright infringement lawsuit against Kim Dotcom and his now defunct file-sharing website, Megaupload.

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) said on Tuesday that 20th Century Fox, Disney, Paramount, Universal, Columbia Pictures and Warner Bros had filed the action in a US court.

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Message in bottle arrives after 101 years

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 08:29 PM PDT

German museum traces postcard inside beer bottle to baker's son Richard Platz and tracks down 62-year-old granddaughter

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Fort Hood shootings linked to leave request by perpetrator, US army says

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 08:05 PM PDT

Ivan Lopez had been upset by short time off for mother's funeral, while more details emerge of how rampage unfolded

The rampage at Fort Hood that left three dead and 16 wounded last week was related to the shooter's request for leave from the Texas army post, military investigators said on Monday.

Army spokesman Chris Grey did not indicate during a news conference whether Specialist Ivan Lopez had been granted the leave. Grey said the shooting spree on Wednesday covered the equivalent of two city blocks as Lopez drove from one area to another on the Texas base randomly firing at soldiers.

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Tony Abbott faces a bunch of challenges steering bills through Senate

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 07:53 PM PDT

The WA Senate election confirms the Coalition will have to handle eight minor-party senators with an array of views

Tony Abbott is facing a plethora of demands in return for the votes he needs to repeal the carbon and mining taxes as trading begins to secure crossbench support for government policies opposed by Labor and the Greens.

Interviews by Guardian Australia indicate crossbench senators may attach conditions to their support for the carbon and mining tax repeals, budget cuts and the reintroduction of temporary protection visas.

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Hey Dad! actor Robert Hughes guilty of remaining indecency charge

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 07:41 PM PDT

Jury delivers second verdict a day after finding the accused guilty on nine counts relating to sexual and indecent assault

Hey Dad! actor Robert Hughes has been found guilty of another charge.

The jury delivered the verdict at Sydney's district court on Tuesday, a day after it found Hughes guilty of nine counts relating to sexually and indecently assaulting young girls.

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Quebec election ousts separatists

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 07:28 PM PDT

Minority-governing Parti Quebecois went back to voters seeking a majority but ended up being trounced by Liberals

The anti-separatist Quebec Liberal party has won a majority government in provincial elections on Monday, eliminating the possibility of a new referendum on separation from Canada for several years.

The Liberals, who had warned incessantly of the dangers of another referendum, trounced the separatist Parti Quebecois, which held minority government and had called the election in a bid to turn it into a majority.

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Fury at attack on Dianne Feinstein by ex-CIA director Michael Hayden

Posted: 07 Apr 2014 07:01 PM PDT

Senate intelligence committee members condemn description of chairperson as 'emotional' over torture report

Senate Democrats have blasted a former CIA director who dismissed Dianne Feinstein as emotional, marking a deepening fracture between Congress and the intelligence services over the use of torture and mass surveillance.

Ron Wyden, a member of the Senate intelligence committee, said on Monday that Michael Hayden's attack on Feinstein, the committee chairperson, was outrageous and fitted a pattern of misleading the American public.

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