World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Girl killed, 2 men injured in plane crash

Posted: 12 Apr 2014 01:00 AM PDT

Light plane is believed to have hit power lines near the northern NSW town of Casino before plunging into river

A young girl has died and two men have survived a plane crash into a northern NSW river believed to have happened after their aircraft hit power lines.

The pilot, a 50-year-old man who suffered only minor injuries, freed himself from the wreckage and called authorities seeking help for his two passengers following the crash south-west of Casino on Saturday morning, police said.

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Pakistani court throws out murder charge against baby boy

Posted: 12 Apr 2014 12:16 AM PDT

Nine-month-old Musa Khan had been charged along with his whole family for attempted murder of policeman

A Pakistani judge threw out charges of attempted murder against a nine-month-old baby on Saturday, lawyers said, in a case that cast a spotlight on Pakistan's dysfunctional justice system.

Musa Khan appeared in court in the city of Lahore, sitting on his grandfather's lap and drinking from a bottle of milk.

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Abbott: Chinese troops could exercise with Diggers in Australia's north

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 11:09 PM PDT

Prime minister says: 'We will have exchanges and exercises between our respective militaries and also multilateral exercises'

Chinese troops could end up exercising alongside the Diggers in Australia's north, perhaps even in conjunction with US Marines.

Prime minister Tony Abbott raised the possibility in the final press conference of his north Asia trade trip in Beijing, declaring that these issues had been "well and truly discussed".

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Rumbling in Kashmir as prospect of Hindu nationalist win looms in India

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 09:49 PM PDT

It is feared that India and Pakistan have lost their best chance of lessening the long-running tension between the two

High in the hills of Kashmir last week came a reminder of the deep and durable tension that the relative calm of recent years in the disputed Himalayan former princedom has hidden.

A gun fight between extremist militants and local security forces in the troubled district of Kupwara, not far from the de facto boundary between the sections of Kashmir run by Pakistan and India, left five dead: a junior officer, two policemen and two extremists.

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Victoria police hurt, suspect possibly dead, after siege ends in explosion

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 09:18 PM PDT

The blast occurred after officers spent several hours negotiating with a man wanted in connection with a violent incident

Two police officers have been seriously injured and a man possibly killed after a six-hour siege ended in an explosion in western Victoria.

The blast occurred at a Derrinallum property early on Saturday after police spent several hours negotiating with a suspect wanted in connection with a violent incident.

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Cyclone Ita: Cooktown residents assess overnight damage with relief

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 08:11 PM PDT

Queensland premier Campbell Newman plans to visit the town, which was not as badly damaged as expected

Strong gales and heavy rain continued to batter far north Queensland on Saturday as Cooktown locals took stock of the damage caused overnight by tropical cyclone Ita and air traffic at Cairns airport was halted.

Roofs were ripped from at least two homes and a pub overnight after fierce winds tore through the coastal community. Large trees have been uprooted and branches, fence posts and snapped powerlines lay strewn across roads.

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MH370: search resumes amid fears black box signal has died

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 08:10 PM PDT

Despite success in narrowing search area, officials say there have been no confirmed pings from the recorder for 24 hours

The search for a missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner resumed on Saturday, five weeks after the plane disappeared from radar screens, amid fears that batteries powering signals from the black box recorder on board may have died.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said signals picked up during the search in the remote southern Indian Ocean, believed to be "pings" from the black box recorders, were "rapidly fading".

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Stiletto heel killer sentenced to life in jail for stabbing boyfriend

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 08:08 PM PDT

Ana Trujillo, 45, hit her partner 25 times in the head with the heel of her shoe. 'That is a hard thing to overcome,' said a prosecutor

A woman has been sentenced to life in prison for fatally stabbing her boyfriend with the stiletto heel of her shoe, striking him at least 25 times in the face and head.

Ana Trujillo, 45, was jailed for life on Friday for killing 59-year-old Alf Stefan Andersson, a Swede who became a US citizen, during an argument last June at his condominium in Houston, Texas.

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Australia commits extra $7.8m humanitarian aid to South Sudan

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 07:29 PM PDT

Foreign minister Julie Bishop says the money will help 270,000 refugees who have fled the fighting

Australia will provide an extra $7.8 million for South Sudan communities confronting the dire humanitarian crisis.

Foreign minister Julie Bishop said that would take Australian aid to South Sudan to $50 million.

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Police seek clues to disappearance after three-year-old girl found safe

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 06:59 PM PDT

Chloe Campbell found at showgrounds two days after she was reported as abducted from her home

Chloe Campbell's mother is overjoyed her daughter has been found safe and well after she disappeared from the family's Childers home while the family slept.

The three-year-old was reported abducted in the south-east Queensland town early on Thursday morning, sparking a huge police search.

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Ho Chi Minh city bakery figures out the ABC of burger bun success

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 05:00 PM PDT

Cambodian refugee Kao Sieu Luc explains his struggles and how he came to build up the ABC Bakery that supplies bread to major fast food chains in Vietnam

While many foreign residents lament the arrival of global brands such Starbucks, Burger King and most recently McDonald's into Vietnam, one local family-run business ABC Bakery is happily reaping the benefits.

"We make burger buns for all the fast food chains," says 54-year-old founder Kao Sieu Luc, gesturing enthusiastically to a wall in his office in Ho Chi Minh City plastered with the famous logos of his clients.

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Occupy Wall Street activist intended to elbow police officer prosecution

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 03:18 PM PDT

Trial of Cecily McMillan on assault charge begins in New York
Defence says Officer Grantley Bovell 'grabbed right breast'

An Occupy Wall Street activist asked if she was being filmed before intentionally elbowing a New York police officer in the face, prosecutors told a court on Friday, as her lawyers argued that she struck out instinctively after having one of her breasts grabbed from behind.

Video footage will show that Cecily McMillan "crouched down, then bent her knees, and then aimed her elbow at the officer and then jumped up to strike" the officer as he led her away from a protest in lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park in March 2012, Erin Choi, an assistant district attorney, told the jury in her opening argument in McMillan's trial for assault.

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Steubenville coach gets community service in high school rape case

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 01:51 PM PDT

Seth Fluharty was charged last year with misdemeanor count of failure to report child abuse or neglect involving rape of Ohio girl

A teacher and coach accused of trying to thwart an investigation into the rape of a 16-year-old girl in eastern Ohio will have the charge dismissed in exchange for community service at a domestic violence shelter, Ohio attorney general Mike DeWine announced Friday.

Seth Fluharty was charged last year with a single misdemeanor count of failure to report child abuse or neglect involving the rape of the girl by two Steubenville High School football players in 2012.

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Journalists who broke NSA story in Guardian dedicate award to Snowden

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 01:28 PM PDT

Greenwald, Poitras and MacAskill accept George Polk award
Barton Gellman of the Washington Post also honoured

The journalists who first revealed the extent of the National Security Agencys surveillance activities dedicated a prestigious award on Friday to their source, Edward Snowden.

Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras had earlier cleared immigration at John F Kennedy airport in New York without a hitch as they arrived to share a George Polk Award for national security reporting with Ewen MacAskill of the Guardian and Barton Gellman of the Washington Post.

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Iran's UN ambassador nominee denied entry to US over hostage crisis link

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 01:03 PM PDT

White House follows through on promise to deny visa to Hamid Abutalebi over his role in the 1979 Iran hostage crisis

The White House has made good on a promise not to let an Iranian tied to the 1979 hostage crisis travel to the United States.

The administration on Friday denied a visa to Hamid Abutalebi, who sought entry as Irans recently appointed ambassador to the United Nations. The visa denial came a day after Congress passed quickie legislation to bar entry to the US to individuals tied to a national security threat.

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A Narendra Modi victory would bode ill for India's future | @guardianletters

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 01:00 PM PDT

Without questioning the validity of India's democratic election process, it is crucial to remember the role played by the Narendra Modi government in the horrifying events that took place in Gujarat in 2002. The Muslim minority were overwhelmingly the victims of pillage, murder and terror, resulting in the deaths of more than 2,000 men, women and children. Women, in particular, were subjected to brutal acts of violence and were left largely unprotected by the security forces.

Although some members of Modi's government are now facing trial, Modi himself repeatedly refuses to accept any responsibility or to apologise. Such a failure of moral character and political ethics on the part of Mr Modi is incompatible with India's secular constitution which, in advance of many constitutions around the world, is founded on pluralist principles and seeks fair and full representation for minorities. Were he to be elected prime minister, it would bode ill for India's future as a country that cherishes the ideals of inclusion and protection for all its peoples and communities.
Anish Kapoor Artist, Homi K Bhabha Harvard University, Salman Rushdie Novelist, Deepa Mehta Film director, Dayanita Singh Artist, Vivan Sundaram Artist, Helena Kennedy Barrister, Imran Khan Solicitor, Mike Wood MP, John McDonnell MP, Fiona Mactaggart MP, Jacqueline Bhabha Harvard University, Kumar Shahani Film director, Geeta Kapur Art historian Pragna Patel Director of the Southall Black Sisters, Sashi Kumar Film producer, Jayati Ghosh Economist, Prabhat Patnaik Economist, MK Raina Actor/film director, Ram Rahman Artist, Saeed Mirza Screenwriter, Anuradha Kapur National School of Drama in Delhi, Kumkum Sangari Professor of English and the humanities, University of Wisconsin, Gautam Appa Emeritus professor, London School of Economics, Chetan Bhatt Professor of sociology, London School of Economics, Suresh Grover Director, Southall Monitoring Group

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Ukraine fails to break stalemate with pro-Russian protesters in east

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 12:03 PM PDT

Arseniy Yatsenyuk promises devolution to local government in hope of staving off demands for their independence from Kiev

Ukraine's interim prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, attempted and failed on Friday to break a tense deadlock in the country's east, where armed pro-Russian protesters have barricaded themselves inside government buildings and demanded independence from Kiev.

Protesters in the eastern Ukrainian cities of Donetsk, Kharkiv and Luhansk seized government buildings on Sunday. While police managed to clear the Luhansk protest site swiftly, protesters in Donetsk and Kharkiv remain entrenched.

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Ohio geologists link small earthquakes to fracking

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 11:57 AM PDT

Findings have led the state to issue new fracking permit conditions, the most cautious yet put in place in the nation

State geologists in Ohio have for the first time linked earthquakes in a geologic formation deep under the Appalachians to gas drilling, leading the state to issue new permit conditions in certain areas that are among the nation's strictest.

A state investigation of five small tremors in the Youngstown area, in the Appalachian foothills, last month has found the high-pressure injection of sand and water that accompanies hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in the Utica Shale may have increased pressure on a small, unknown fault, said State Oil & Gas Chief Rick Simmers. He called the link "probable."

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Indians abroad seek to bring worldly experiences to bear on their return

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 11:38 AM PDT

Returning diaspora expresses hope of having not just an impact on business or politics but also on its day-to-day values

After eight years studying and working in the US with companies such as Deutsche Bank and Amazon, Anand Ahuja returned to India in 2011.

"I wanted to start my own line of clothes good denims, good T-shirts and dresses which are not really available in India," said the 28-year-old, who speaks with an American twang.

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Iraq goes to the polls with war as an inescapable backdrop

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 11:27 AM PDT

Fear of extremism is the dominant theme as Nouri al-Maliki seeks third term and violence rages close to the capital

The last time Iraq went to the polls, in 2010, US forces were in town and insurgents hovered around the edges. Now, the foreign troops are gone, but extremism has returned to overshadow a democratic watershed in a divided country.

Banners pledging unity rise above traffic-snarled Baghdad crossroads. Politicians dominate the national airwaves with their promises of services. The 30 April election is framed as a vital self-reckoning and a chance for transformation in a society that is withered by uncertainty and the creep of regional chaos.

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Greek welcome for Angela Merkel while protesters are held at bay

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 11:22 AM PDT

German chancellor flies into Greece to champion country's turnaround, but opposition leader calls visit election stunt

Angela Merkel flew into Greece on Friday to champion the country's apparent turnaround from eurozone basket case to paragon of austerity, but Greeks remain bitterly divided over the impact of the policies she has foisted on their country.

Officially it was all smiles. Under azure blue skies Greece looked good. It has just borrowed successfully from foreign investors for the first time in four years. And the economics are certainly more encouraging than they were 18 months ago when the German chancellor last dared venture this far south.

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Indian PM Manmohan Singh 'not in charge', new book claims

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 11:05 AM PDT

Criticism of outgoing PM grows amid allegations that Congress party president Sonia Gandhi has been calling the shots

A former aide to India's outgoing prime minister, Manmohan Singh, has alleged in a new book that the leader of the world's biggest democracy has not been in charge of his own country.

In The Accidental Prime Minister, Sanjaya Baru, a former newspaper editor who served as Singh's spin doctor from 2004 to 2008, writes that the PM was "defanged" in his second term starting in 2004, deferring on cabinet appointments and major policy decisions to Sonia Gandhi, president of the Congress party which leads Singh's coalition government.

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Flight MH370: robots search sea bed for signs of Malaysia Airlines plane

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 10:59 AM PDT

Locating jet in the southern Indian Ocean is only first step in solving the mystery of missing plane

To sink underwater by the height of Britain's tallest tower would still only cover 7% of the descent to the floor of the Indian Ocean, 4,500 metres down, where the black boxes from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 are presumed to lie.

Even at those 300 metre comparative shallows, all is dark. The furthest anyone has dived in a protective suit is a little over twice that. And only a handful of manned submarines have gone more than half the depth of the ocean being searched, underlining the scale of the challenge facing search teams.

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Barack Obama says health reforms have 'turned corner' as Sebelius quits

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 10:57 AM PDT

President praises health secretary in Rose Garden speech
McConnell says Sebelius oversaw 'train wreck'

Barack Obama sought to draw a line under one of the most calamitous chapters of his presidency on Friday, announcing the resignation of his embattled health secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, and claiming that his flagship health reforms have finally turned a corner.

Signalling the White House's intention to move on from the rollout of the laws introduced under the Affordable Care Act, which was hampered by disastrous technical failures afflicting a crucial federal website, Obama announced his nomination to succeed Sebelius, who he insisted had overseen reforms that will transform America.

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Iraq goes to the polls with war as an inescapable backdrop

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 10:42 AM PDT

Fear of extremism is the dominant theme as Nouri al-Maliki seeks third term and violence rages close to the capital

The last time Iraq went to the polls, in 2010, US forces were in town and insurgents hovered around the edges. Now, the foreign troops are gone, but extremism has returned to overshadow a democratic watershed in a divided country.

Banners pledging unity rise above traffic-snarled Baghdad crossroads. Politicians dominate the national airwaves with their promises of services. The 30 April election is framed as a vital self-reckoning and a chance for transformation in a society that is withered by uncertainty and the creep of regional chaos.

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