World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

DRC crisis: aide says Kabila not standing in elections

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:43 AM PST

President's decision not to step down in 2016 led to brutally suppressed protests

Joseph Kabila, the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, whose refusal to step down at the end of his mandate in 2016 resulted in ongoing, bloody street protests, will not stand in elections due to be held this year, a key aide has said.

Lambert Mende, the minister of communications, said Kabila, who has been in office since 2001, had never intended to seek a third term and would not seek to appoint a candidate to represent his interests in the polls, currently scheduled for December.

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European stock markets recover after sharp losses

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 11:35 AM PST

FTSE gained nearly 2% but Dow Jones recovery failed to last with index falling back by close to end more than 19 points down

European stock markets have rallied after sharp losses earlier in the week, with London's leading share index gaining almost 2%.

The FTSE 100 index of the most valuable companies listed in London rose 138 points to 7,279 on Wednesday, still well below its all-time closing high of 7,779 on 12 January.

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Last orders: Ireland's vanishing 'quirky' shopfronts – in pictures

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 11:30 PM PST

Graphic designer Trevor Finnegan spent seven years documenting traditional shopfronts throughout Ireland. As out-of-town shopping developments become more common, what emerged is a portrait of local resilience

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Gangneung in the spotlight: South Korea's true Olympic capital

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 03:30 AM PST

The Winter Olympics will soon begin in South Korea, and the coastal city of Gangneung – the host of the indoor events – is preparing to open itself up to the world

The 2018 Winter Olympics will soon open in Pyeongchang, South Korea – which has taken pains, of varying effectiveness, to prevent the world from confusing it with Pyongyang, North Korea. But the games won't be limited to the tiny mountain town of Pyeongchang itself; with a comparatively enormous population of 213,658, the nearby coastal city of Gangneung can lay claim to being the true Olympic capital.

Located on the other side of the country from the megacity of Seoul, Gangneung's relatively remote seaside location has long made it an attractive destination for Koreans looking to get away from it all. Now, with the opening ceremonies approaching, it is scrambling to make itself a destination for the entire world. The mood has something in common with the capital's Olympic Games 30 years ago, but can they introduce Gangneung to the world the same way they did Seoul?

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Freemasons: we have been undeservedly stigmatised

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 11:33 PM PST

Organisation places adverts in press and says it will hold Q&A sessions to explain its work

Freemasons have been "undeservedly stigmatised" and will be running a series of open evenings to prove they are not a secret society, the organisation's leader has said.

The United Grand Lodge of England placed adverts in three national newspapers on Thursday headlined "Enough is enough", claiming it is a victim of misrepresentation.

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'Crucial step' hailed as more than 300 child soldiers released in South Sudan

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 11:00 PM PST

Children to receive medical and emotional support as they prepare to rejoin their families after ceremony in Yambio

More than 300 child soldiers, including 87 girls, have been freed by armed groups in South Sudan, according to the UN.

At a ceremony in Yambio, in the south-western state of Gbudue, the children were formally disarmed and provided with civilian clothes.

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Hair-raising moment: blustery wind lifts lid on mystery of Donald Trump's mane

Posted: 08 Feb 2018 02:14 AM PST

Speculation has long swirled about exactly what is on top of the president's head – the answer may be less than meets the eye

As Donald Trump wages war with Democrats over a budget deal, a video has emerged highlighting another battle – the fight the president's hair is waging to stay attached to his head.

Footage, widely shared on Wednesday, showed Trump's hair being dramatically swept about in a blustery wind, revealing what appeared to be a large hairless patch at the rear of his head and adding to longstanding speculation about the exact nature of Trump's mane.

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Bermuda becomes first country in world to repeal same-sex marriage

Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:57 AM PST

British island territory swaps marriage for domestic partnerships for LGBT couples in move criticised as attack on equal rights

Bermuda has become the first country to legalise and then repeal same-sex marriage, in what critics have called an unprecedented rollback of civil rights by the British island territory.

Bermuda's governor has signed into law a bill reversing the right of gay couples to marry, despite a supreme court ruling last year authorising same-sex marriage.

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ICC examining claims of crimes against humanity by Duterte, says Philippines

Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:50 AM PST

President Rodrigo Duterte willing to face international criminal court over thousands of deaths linked to drug war, spokesman says

The international criminal court is to examine complaints that Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, committed crimes against humanity in his brutal anti-drug war, which has seen the deaths of thousands in the Philippines.

Related: Thousands dead: the Philippine president, the death squad allegations and a brutal drugs war

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ABC apologises to Kevin Rudd over report about pink batts scheme

Posted: 08 Feb 2018 01:35 AM PST

Broadcaster reported the former PM ignored warnings of risks in home insulation scheme but wasn't clear if those risks referred to safety concerns

The ABC has unreservedly apologised to the former prime minister Kevin Rudd for a news report that said he ignored warnings of "critical risks" in the home insulation scheme.

As part of its Cabinet Files series the ABC reported that Rudd and senior Labor MPs were warned in 2009 that their national rollout of subsidised home insulation faced "critical risks", although the ABC did emphasise it was unclear if the risks referred to safety concerns.

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Landmark case against British mining firm begins in Sierra Leone

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 08:59 AM PST

British high court convenes on foreign soil for first time as evidence is heard of Tonkolili Iron Ore Ltd's alleged complicity in police brutality

A British court has heard testimony of the alleged complicity of a British mining company in police brutality including rape, in an unusual hearing held in Sierra Leone.

Hearings in the civil case, brought by 142 claimants seeking damages from Tonkolili Iron Ore Ltd, began this week in Freetown, in what is believed to be the first British high court case heard overseas.

Judge Mark Turner said in a previous hearing in London that he wanted to meet the claimants in person.

British courts agreed to hear the lawsuit because the iron ore producer was previously a subsidiary of African Minerals Ltd (AML), which was headquartered in London before it went into administration in 2015.

The court heard testimony from a woman who said she was picked up by police and company workers at her village near the mine while selling oranges in Bumbuna, northern Sierra Leone, in 2010.

"I was molested, beaten and dragged to a waiting vehicle, they tore my clothes and raped me," the woman told the court. She was two months pregnant at the time and miscarried shortly afterwards, she said.

The claimants argue that the company effectively oversaw policing of its mine and surrounding areas where protests turned deadly in two incidents in 2010 and 2012.

Villagers allegedly set up a roadblock to keep the company off their land in 2012, only to be faced with police who opened fire.

Witness Yusif Koroma said he saw an AML worker with the police "while they were firing bullets, and chasing villagers to arrest them".

The court is later due to hear of the fatal shooting by police of a 24-year-old female during a protest over working conditions and pay during the 2012 incident.

Astrid Perry, a lawyer in the international claims team at Leigh Day, who is representing the villagers, said Sierra Leone's attorney general, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, backed the hearing being held in Sierra Leone.

Related: Mining company accused over deadly police crackdown in Sierra Leone

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'Criminalised, detained, deported': UK accused of failing trafficked children

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:30 AM PST

Lawyers and child protection groups warn Britain routinely returns trafficked children to Vietnam despite risk of further exploitation

Child trafficking victims deported back to Vietnam by the British government face the risk of being retrafficked and further exploited, lawyers and child protection groups have warned.

The case of Stephen*, a former child victim of modern slavery, has become a focal point for concern. Stephen was trafficked into the UK aged 10 to work in a cannabis factory, where he was locked up, beaten and forced to take drugs.

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Chilean mother who fears daughter was driven to suicide demands law change

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:15 AM PST

A year after Antonia Garros Hermosilla's death at ex-boyfriend's home, calls continue for action over fatal form of abuse

On the night of 7 February 2017, in the Chilean coastal city of Concepción, Antonia Garros Hermosilla visited her ex-boyfriend, Andrés Larraín Páez, a man who had allegedly been abusive throughout their tumultuous two-year relationship.

Hours later, the 23-year-old fell to her death from the balcony of her ex-boyfriend's home. The Chilean police and judiciary ruled that the death was an unassisted suicide. The family believe she was assaulted before she fell, and there is witness testimony suggesting Antonia was attacked by her boyfriend.

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Nancy Pelosi breaks record with eight-hour speech – video

Posted: 08 Feb 2018 12:13 AM PST

The US House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, spoke for eight hours on the House floor telling stories about undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children, who are known as Dreamers. She wants them to be protected as part of a budget deal agreed this week. She broke the record for the longest continuous speech in the House since at least 1909

Nancy Pelosi gives record eight-hour speech on Dreamers

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Donald Trump's hair blown apart by the wind – video

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 11:50 AM PST

Paris in the snow – in pictures

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 06:04 AM PST

Heavy snowfall has brought public transport in Paris and surrounding regions close to a halt. Icy streets were largely empty as officials urged people to leave vehicles at home after 12cm of snow blanketed the capital. Tram and commuter rail lines were shut down and bus services mostly suspended

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I love Paris in the snowfall: skiing in the city – video

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:42 AM PST

Skiers and snowboarders are taking advantage of the heavy snow covering the French capital. Montmartre hill proved to be a popular spot on Wednesday morning – until the police intervened. The snow caused disruption on the roads, while the Eiffel Tower had to turn away visitors

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Reigning parades: military showpieces Trump might want to copy

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 05:22 AM PST

Donald Trump has ordered the Pentagon to plan a military parade for Washington DC. To give the US some ideas, we look at how other countries do it

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Taiwan earthquake leaves tall building on dangerous lean – video

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 02:55 AM PST

The Yun Men Tsui Ti block of flats near Taiwan's east coast has been left leaning at a dangerous angle after a 6.4-magnitude earthquake on Tuesday night. At least four people were killed and more than 170 remain unaccounted for in the area

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