World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Australian and Asian stock markets slide after Dow suffers biggest one-day points fall – as it happened

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 11:29 PM PST

We're closing this live blog now but head over to our fresh one, where Graeme Wearden will once again steer you through the day's ups and (probably more likely) downs:

Related: Stock market turmoil: Europe facing heavy losses after Asia and US slump - live updates

Press Association reports that oil giant BP has reported annual profits of US$6.2bn (£4.4bn), up from US$2.6bn in 2016.

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Macron to visit Corsica as demands for greater autonomy gain weight

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 09:00 PM PST

Political strength of nationalists means question of island's status may have to be finally addressed

Emmanuel Macron is to make his first visit Corsica on Tuesday as French president amid demands for greater autonomy for the Mediterranean island by nationalists who are in an unprecedented position of political strength.

Macron will set out his "vision of Corsica" in a speech, which comes after electoral gains by the nationalist parties and a street demonstration at the weekend when thousands called on him to properly address the growing demands for more freedoms from Paris.

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Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam refuses to answer questions at trial

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:26 AM PST

French national says 'my silence is my defence' as four-day trial gets under way in Belgium

The only surviving member of the extremist group that carried out the 2015 Paris terror attacks has refused to answer questions as he appeared in court in Brussels for the first time since his capture nearly two years ago.

The centre of the Belgian capital was on high alert as Salah Abdeslam went on trial for the attempted murder of police officers during a shootout in the Brussels suburb of Forest three days before his arrest.

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Biggest airstrikes in a year hit Syria after rebels shoot down Russian jet

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 02:13 AM PST

United Nations calls for one-month truce to allow aid to reach hundreds of thousands of civilians in Idlib province

Russian and Syrian jets have bombed towns and villages across north-west Syria, devastating civilian areas and forcing fresh waves of refugees to flee to open ground in the biggest aerial blitz on opposition-held areas since the fall of Aleppo more than a year ago.

Monitoring groups said as many as 150 airstrikes beginning on Sunday were recorded in Idlib province by Monday, with dozens more pounding up to 18 towns across the region by nightfall. At least three people were killed on Tuesday morning in the village of Termala, the monitors said.

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German parties hope to reach coalition deal this week

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 08:40 AM PST

Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats and centre-left SPD are 'on final stretch' of talks

Negotiators for Angela Merkel's conservatives and the centre-left Social Democratic party (SPD) have said they are hopeful of presenting a coalition deal on Tuesday after their talks yielded an agreement on the country's Europe policy.

The chancellor's Christian Democrats (CDU) emerged as the strongest party in last September's federal elections but have struggled over the last four months to find parties with whom to form a stable coalition government.

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Theresa May rebukes Donald Trump over NHS comments

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 09:09 AM PST

British PM rejects US president's claim that pro-NHS marches showed universal healthcare did not work

Theresa May has rebuked Donald Trump over his claim the NHS is failing, publicly backing her health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, after he tweeted disagreement with the US president's view.

The response from May – who generally seeks to avoid criticising Trump – came after the president condemned Democrat plans for a universal healthcare system by noting in a tweet Saturday's protest march in London demanding more NHS funding.

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Dutch gangster famed for kidnap of Heineken boss on trial for murder

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 07:40 AM PST

Willem Holleeder a 'cold, vulgar' killer, despite celebrity image he has cultivated, says prosecutor

A Dutch gangland boss who gained notoriety after the kidnapping of a Heineken beer tycoon in the 1980s has been described by prosecutors as a "cold, vulgar" killer as he stands trial for five counts of murder, one count of manslaughter and two counts of attempted murder.

A secure courtroom in Amsterdam, known as De Bunker, heard that Willem Holleeder was "the best-known Dutch product after cheese" in criminal circles.

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Very creepy crawlies: 'proto-spiders' with long tails discovered in amber

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 08:00 AM PST

Fossil hunters find preserved remains of 100-million-year-old arachnids with tails longer than their bodies

In what can safely be assumed to be horrifying news for arachnophobes around the world, scientists have discovered the beautifully-preserved remains of prehistoric "proto-spiders" that sported tails longer than their bodies.

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'Bombs are still falling': Syrian refugees at risk of forced return home

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 06:19 AM PST

Report warns hundreds of thousands of people may be pressured to go back to Syria despite daily threat of shelling in many places

Hundreds of thousands of refugees risk being pushed to return to Syria, despite the country's ongoing violence, according to a report by six major international charities.

Half the country's population have been forced from their homes since the war began almost seven years ago, with 6 million fleeing the country. But anti-refugee sentiment, along with misleading rhetoric suggesting that Syria is now safe, has led many countries to harden their stance towards those escaping the conflict, said the report.

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Security forces pursue Palestinian after bus stop stabbing of Israeli

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 09:02 AM PST

Father of four killed near West Bank settlement of Ariel by assailant who then fled the scene

A Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli man to death at a bus stop near a West Bank settlement on Monday before fleeing the scene, Israeli officials have said.

The military said an army officer chased the assailant after the stabbing at a bus stop near the entrance to Ariel, hitting the attacker with his vehicle, but the attacker managed to get away. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the Israeli man died from the stab wounds shortly thereafter.

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Ecuador votes to limit presidents' terms in blow to Rafael Correa

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 07:38 AM PST

Landslide vote reinstates term limits that the former president had eliminated from the constitution in 2015

Ecuadorians voted by a landslide to limit presidents to two terms in a nationwide referendum that delivered a blow to the former president Rafael Correa's hopes of returning to power.

Results from Sunday's balloting showed voters approved by an almost two-to-one margin a measure reinstating the term limits that Correa eliminated from the constitution in 2015.

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Russian police accuse Navalny of assaulting officer during protest

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 05:10 AM PST

Opposition leader summoned for questioning over alleged assault at rally last month

Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition figurehead, has been summoned for questioning by investigators over allegations that he hit a police officer during a protest rally.

Navalny, a 41-year-old anti-corruption lawyer, said on Twitter that police officers delivered the summons to his apartment in southern Moscow at 7.30am on Monday. He said he was accused of assaulting the officer while being detained at a protest near Red Square on 28 January.

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They owned an island, now they are urban poor: the tragedy of Altamira

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 11:30 PM PST

Construction of the Belo Monte dam has cast men, women and children who lived rich lives along the Xingu River to the outskirts of Altamira, Brazil's most violent city. Here, to the sound of gunfire, they must live behind barred windows, and buy food with money they've never had – or needed before

Antonio das Chagas and Dulcineia Dias had an island. A slice of the Amazon rainforest, on the Xingu River.

"I had a better life than anyone in São Paulo," says Das Chagas, referring to Brazil's wealthiest city. "If I wanted to work my land, I did. If I didn't, the land would be there the next day. If I wanted to fish, I did, but if I'd rather pick açaí, I did. I had a river, I had woods, I had tranquility. On the island, I didn't have any doors. I had a place … And on the island, we didn't get sick."

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2018 election is no problem for Putin – but what about 2024?

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 09:00 PM PST

Vladimir Putin dominates Russian politics, but legally he can only serve two terms

Less than six weeks before a presidential vote, Russia should be right in the thick of a heated election campaign. But with Vladimir Putin's victory on 18 March all but in the bag, the thoughts of the Russian elite are occupied with a much bigger electoral problem: what happens at the next vote, in 2024?

With nothing much at stake this time around, the Kremlin's most pressing problem for the 2018 vote is ensuring enough people show up on polling day to make the turnout percentage respectable – which the opposition are trying to bring down through calls for a boycott. The problems on the 2024 horizon are far more serious.

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Women's suffrage centenary: follow the key events of the day – live updates

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 02:16 AM PST

On the centenary of 1918 suffrage act, we update you on activities around the country, and discuss the big battles women still need to win

Welcome to our live blog to mark the centenary of the 1918 Representation of the People Act. We will be giving you information about the events taking place across England today and also calling for our readers to discuss the important issues facing women at the moment.

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Jacob Zuma summons cabinet ministers amid calls for his resignation

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 01:38 AM PST

Pressure is mounting for the South African president to resign ahead of a key national address

Jacob Zuma has summoned cabinet ministers to a meeting in Cape Town, as pressure mounts on the embattled South African president to resign before a key national address this week.

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Trump-Russia: Steve Bannon refuses to testify before House committee – source

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 08:58 PM PST

Former White House senior strategist will defy subpoena, citing lack of agreement on scope of questioning, says individual familiar with matter

The former White House senior strategist Steve Bannon will not testify before the intelligence committee of the US House of Representatives on Tuesday, according to sources – defying a subpoena requiring him to appear.

The panel wants Bannon to testify as part of its investigation of allegations that Russia sought to influence the 2016 presidential election in the United States, following up on his 16 January appearance that failed to satisfy some members of the committee.

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Photos show Beijing’s militarisation of South China Sea in new detail

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 02:09 AM PST

China accused of building 'island fortresses' as Filipino newspaper obtains images of strategic area

Beijing has been accused of building "island fortresses" in the South China Sea after a newspaper in the Philippines obtained aerial photographs offering what experts called the most detailed glimpse yet of China's militarisation of the strategic waterway.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer said the surveillance photographs – passed to its reporters by an unnamed source – had been mostly taken between June and December last year and showed Chinese construction activities across the disputed Spratly archipelago between the Philippines and Vietnam.

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Britons rescued from van roof in Queensland crocodile danger area

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 02:13 AM PST

Three men in their early 20s were trapped during the night by rising floodwaters

Three English backpackers have been saved from rising floodwaters in Australia after their campervan was submerged in a crocodile warning area.

Emergency services in Queensland launched a rescue mission after the men, in their early 20s, were spotted perched on the vehicle's roof, metres from a sign warning of the presence of the deadly animals.

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Jacinda Ardern defuses tensions on New Zealand's sacred Waitangi Day

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 01:08 AM PST

Prime minister breaks with acrimony of the past at annual commemoration of treaty between Māori tribes and British crown

It is a place New Zealand prime ministers and politicians have feared to tread.

The commemorative ceremony at Waitangi on New Zealand's national day – which marks the signing of the treaty between the British crown and the country's largest tribe, Ngāpuhi, in 1840 – has become synonymous with protest and acrimony.

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Unicef recruits gamers to mine Ethereum in aid of Syrian children

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:30 PM PST

Cryptocurrency scheme is part of wider UN effort to revolutionise aid with blockchain technology, increasing financial transparency

The UN's children's agency, Unicef, has launched a futuristic pilot project to utilise the cryptocurrency Ethereum to raise money for Syrian children.

The scheme is part of wider efforts by Unicef and other UN agencies to find uses for the "blockchain" technology associated with the cryptocurrency – the world's second largest after the controversial Bitcoin – to revolutionise not only how aid organisations raise money but also to increase transparency in their financial transactions.

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If Americans don't like the word 'inequality', would 'fairness' be better?

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 03:00 AM PST

Inequality is everywhere – and yet in some quarters the word itself is rebuked as the culprit. Would new language help us tackle the problem?

Just in time for last week's convening of the most powerful and elite in Davos, Oxfam released a disturbing report that 82% of wealth that generated last year went to the richest 1%. Meanwhile, one in five children in rich countries still live in poverty, according to Unicef.

Welcome to the sickeningly unequal distribution of wealth.

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Donald Trump says lack of applause from Democrats is treasonous – video

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 07:33 PM PST

The US president Donald Trump is accusing Democrats of being 'un-American' and possibly treasonous for failing to applaud him during his State of the Union speech. Trump says during a speech in Blue Ash, Ohio, that the Democrats last week gave off 'bad energy' as he delivered his first State of the Union, failing to clap even at positive economic news

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'Women's voices are not shutting up' says Hillary Clinton in speech at Georgetown University - video

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 02:38 PM PST

Hillary Clinton told a group of students at Georgetown University that she thinks 'advancing the rights, opportunities and full participation of women and girls is the great unfinished business of the 21st century'. In her speech, she highlighted the importance of women's participation and leadership in advancing human rights, justice and peace. She then presented human rights awards to three female activists as part of an annual Hillary Rodham Clinton award ceremony hosted by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security in Washington

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How 'selfie kid' became star of Super Bowl after selfie with Justin Timberlake - video

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 11:29 AM PST

The hands-down winner of Super Bowl halftime was the teen the internet immediately dubbed 'selfie kid', who somehow managed to steal some of the spotlight away from Justin Timberlake's high-energy performance by taking a series of snaps with the headliner. The young Super Bowl fan, Ryan McKenna, looked uncomfortable being in the spotlight, but danced with Timberlake during his performance. The internet quickly got busy creating all sorts of memes about the moment

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How 'selfie kid' became star of Super Bowl after selfie with Justin Timberlake - video

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:58 AM PST

The hands-down winner of Super Bowl halftime was the teen the internet immediately dubbed 'selfie kid', who somehow managed to steal some of the spotlight away from Justin Timberlake's high-energy performance by taking a series of snaps with the headliner. The young Super Bowl fan, Ryan McKenna, looked uncomfortable being in the spotlight, but danced with Timberlake during his performance. The internet quickly got busy creating all sorts of memes about the moment

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How 'selfie kid' became star of Super Bowl after selfie with Justin Timberlake – video

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 09:26 AM PST

The hands-down winner of Super Bowl halftime was the teen the internet immediately dubbed 'selfie kid', who somehow managed to steal some of the spotlight away from Justin Timberlake's high-energy performance by taking a series of snaps with the headliner. The young Super Bowl fan, Ryan McKenna, looked uncomfortable being in the spotlight, but danced with Timberlake during his performance. The internet quickly got busy creating all sorts of memes about the moment

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Turning Red Square white – snowfall in Moscow in pictures

Posted: 05 Feb 2018 03:46 AM PST

Moscow has seen its heaviest snowfall since 1957 with over half its monthly average coming in the space of 24 hours and snowploughs working all weekend to clear a record 1.2m cubic meters from the city's streets

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