World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Poland’s Jews fear for future under new Holocaust law

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 03:12 PM PST

Behind the new law denying Polish complicity in Nazi atrocities, many fear there lies a growing strain of antisemitism

Even on a clear day, history hangs over Warsaw like smog. Flattened during the Nazi German wartime occupation and rebuilt during communist rule, what Poland's capital may lack in architectural charm it makes up for with a litany of monuments, statues, plaques and shrines dedicated to collective suffering and individual sacrifice.

One lesser-known memorial is a small plaque on the wall of the Warszawa Gdańska railway station, a nondescript socialist-era building on the north side of the city. It was from here that many Poles of Jewish origin departed in the wake of the "anti-Zionist campaign" in March 1968, when cold war politics and a power struggle within the Polish Communist party led to an antisemitic propaganda campaign forcing thousands of Polish Jews to leave the country.

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A student called Kevin holds the fate of the Merkel coalition

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 02:00 PM PST

Inspired by Jeremy Corbyn – and named after Kevin Keegan – Kevin Kühnert, 28, wants German left to shun coalition

He has been described as the babyface politician who holds Angela Merkel's future in his hands. Some describe him as a "kamikaze" social democrat; others the biggest political talent since Gerhard Schröder.

Kevin Kühnert, a 28-year-old student from Berlin who heads the youth wing of the Social Democrats, is the most talked-about politician in Germany. If he succeeds in his plan to scotch the idea of a Grand Coalition, the fragile construct agreed on last week by Merkel's conservatives and the left-of-centre SPD, he will simply be the man who turned German politics upside down.

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Fears grow that Trump’s threat to US foreign aid is putting lives at risk

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:05 PM PST

Former officials warn of further cuts and moves to deny assistance to any states perceived as hostile

America's $42bn foreign assistance programme is facing "unprecedented" disruption a year into Donald Trump's presidency, according to former top officials who have described the White House's approach as deeply counterproductive and putting lives at risk.

Scott Morris, a former senior US Treasury official now with the Center for Global Development in Washington, told the Observer: "One of the negative things to watch for is how seriously this administration seeks to operationalise a policy of 'aid to friends' across the board.

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Justice department's No 3 official to take Walmart's top legal job

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:23 AM PST

Rachel Brand's departure to leave another vacancy at department facing attacks from Donald Trump

The US justice department's No 3 official is leaving for the top legal job at Walmart, it has emerged.

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Oxfam: fresh claims that staff used prostitutes in Chad

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:50 AM PST

New scandal emerges as charity battles revelations that employees in Haiti paid for sex

Oxfam was hit with new allegations of staff involvement with prostitution on Saturday, after claims that employees at a second country mission had used sex workers while living at the organisation's premises.

Former staff who worked for the charity in Chad alleged that women believed to be prostitutes were repeatedly invited to the Oxfam team house there, with one adding that a senior member of staff had been fired for his behaviour in 2006.

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Trump's confidante Hope Hicks finds herself center stage in scandal

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:37 AM PST

The White House communications head is tangled in plotlines involving the Russia investigation and domestic abuse allegations against Rob Porter

Throughout Donald Trump's campaign and relentlessly chaotic presidency, the single constant presence at his side, outside of his family, has been the 29-year-old former Ralph Lauren model and White House communications director Hope Hicks.

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Fascism is back in Italy and it’s paralysing the political system | Roberto Saviano

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:04 PM PST

Parties on right and left are urging people not to talk about an incident in which six immigrants were shot. They are afraid of alienating an increasingly xenophobic electorate

Late last Saturday morning, 3 February, news started to come in from Macerata, a small county town in central Italy – shots had been fired from a moving black Alfa Romeo 147. On Facebook, the mayor encouraged everyone to stay indoors because "an armed man has opened fire from a car".

A couple of days earlier in Macerata, the body, cut up in pieces, of a young woman, Pamela Mastropietro, had been found in a suitcase and a Nigerian drug-pusher, Innocent Oseghale, had been arrested for murder. Oseghale is still in prison, accused of contempt and concealing the corpse.

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Lost glories of the Paris Ritz’s belle époque go under the hammer

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:05 PM PST

It was a glamorous home-from-home to Proust, Hemingway and the beau monde. Now the hotel is auctioning off thousands of items from its luxurious past

"At the Ritz, nobody jostles you," wrote Marcel Proust of the luxury Paris hotel that became his second home. Arriving late in the evening after a day in bed working on his masterpiece Á la Recherche du Temps Perdu, the reclusive and ailing Proust would dine in a private room.

The Ritz's maitre d'hotel in the early 20th century, Olivier Dabescat, was a mine of information about the hotel's eminent clientele, mostly European royals and aristocrats, whose preferences and peccadilloes would eventually find their way into Proust's seven-volume novel.

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Theory of Everything composer Johann Johannsson dies at 48

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 12:10 PM PST

Icelandic musician won a Golden Globe in 2015 for his score to the Stephen Hawking biopic

The Theory Of Everything composer Johann Johannsson has died aged 48, his management has confirmed.

The Icelandic musician and producer, who won a Golden Globe for his score to the 2014 Stephen Hawking biopic starring Eddie Redmayne, was found dead in Berlin on Friday.

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Hungarian opera boss defends using white cast to stage Porgy and Bess

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:05 PM PST

State company accused of 'political agenda' over decision to set Gershwin show in a refugee centre

Hungary's state opera company has defended itself against charges of racism after it staged Porgy and Bess with a largely white cast in open defiance of the wishes of its composers, the Gershwin brothers.

George and Ira Gershwin's emblematic 1935 work was a period dramatisation of the grinding poverty of African-American life in the racially segregated US south. It became famed for songs such as Summertime and It Ain't Necessarily So and was expressly intended by the creators to be the preserve of black performers.

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Dutch heritage official sparks row over Belgium coastline

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 04:03 PM PST

Netherlands' equivalent of National Trust calls the Flemish coast a disaster – igniting spat

Relations between Belgium and the Netherlands are generally warm, with the neighbouring states sharing a navy and even, in part, a language. But decidedly unflattering comments about the Belgian coastline by the Natuurmonumenten, the Dutch version of the National Trust, have proven to be the cause of some irritation on the Belgian side of the border – and perhaps also a little self-reflection.

"The Flemish coast is a disaster. It's one giant boulevard. That's why all those Belgians are coming here," Bjørn van den Boom, head of public affairs at the state-sponsored conservation organisation, told the daily newspaper De Volkskrant.

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Hong Kong bus overturns, killing at least 19 people

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 05:35 AM PST

Photographs show double-decker bus lying on its side with its roof torn off near Tai Po

At least 19 people have been killed and dozens injured after a double-decker bus overturned in Hong Kong.

Photographs published by local news media showed the bus lying on its side with its roof torn off near the town of Tai Po in the northern New Territories.

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Brazilians turn to carnival as an escape from crime and corruption

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 02:59 PM PST

Vibrant street parties will unite the nation for a few days – but as elections loom, discontent is growing

As the samba drums began pounding in the late afternoon sun in a neat, unassuming Rio suburb, a woman in a flowing, sparkly pink skirt, glittering corset and feathered headpiece moved with the rhythm, raised an embroidered banner with the name of the street party – and the carnival madness began.

Literally, in the case of this bloco, as the thousands of free parties that throng streets across Brazil are called. Its name is Loucura Suburbana (Suburban Madness) and among the hundreds rattling out hypnotic percussion or dancing in colourful costumes were doctors, patients and friends of the Nise da Silveira municipal institute – a public mental health hospital.

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Snow disrupts UK roads as forecasters warn of icy half-term

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:54 AM PST

Met Office issues weather warning, with up to 10cm of snow predicted on higher ground

Snow showers caused disruption on the roads on Sunday morning as forecasters warned of a frosty start to the half-term holidays.

The wintry weather arrived in parts of western England, western Scotland and Northern Ireland overnight, as the Met Office issued warnings for snow and ice across large swathes of the country.

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Chinese media claims bookseller Gui Minhai offered national secrets to foreign groups

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 06:48 PM PST

Global Times claims Gui was involved in a plot to jeopardise security and that Sweden was trying to help him escape

Swedish bookseller Gui Minhai was transporting secret documents to the Chinese capital when he was seized last month, a Communist party-run newspaper has claimed, as Stockholm hit back at the decision to parade its citizen before the Beijing-friendly press.

Gui, a publisher of racy tomes about Chinese politics whose stranger-than-fiction tale might have been lifted from one of his own titles, was snatched on 20 January as he attempted to reach Beijing with two Swedish diplomats.

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Saudi cleric says women need not wear abaya robe in public

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 06:24 PM PST

First such comment by senior religious figure comes amid liberalisation drive spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Saudi women should not have to wear the loose-fitting abaya robe to shroud their bodies in public, a senior cleric said, in the latest sign of a far-reaching liberalisation drive.

"More than 90% of pious Muslim women in the Muslim world do not wear abayas," said Sheikh Abdullah al-Mutlaq, a member of the council of senior scholars – the kingdom's highest religious body.

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UK plans video campaign to deter African migrants

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 01:00 PM PST

Critics say tactic will have little effect on would-be migrants' decision to travel and is aimed at placating British voters

A viral video campaign using the testimonies of migrants in Libya to discourage others from making the perilous journey to the north African country – and then on to Europe – is to be launched by the Home Office as part of official attempts to tackle migration from "source" countries.

Vox pop interviews with migrants from countries including Eritrea, Nigeria and Sudan will be filmed in Libya before the material is used at events in east and west Africa and distributed online.

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Winter Olympics was hit by cyber-attack, officials confirm

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:46 PM PST

South Koreans refuse to comment on rumours Russia was behind the action as revenge for doping ban

Winter Olympics officials have confirmed the games were hit by a cyber-attack during the opening ceremony – but have refused to confirm rumours in Pyeongchang that Russia was responsible.

Shortly before the ceremony, the official Pyeongchang 2018 site stopped working, with users unable to access information or print tickets for events. The website was only normalised at 8am on Saturday, 12 hours later.

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Fourth group of refugees set to leave Nauru for the US

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:35 PM PST

The 22 refugees are all single men except for one Rohingyan man and his wife, refugee advocate says

The fourth group of refugees to be accepted for resettlement in the United States from Australia's offshore immigration regime are poised to leave Nauru for the US, via Fiji.

The 22 refugees are all single men except for one Rohingyan man and his wife, according to Ian Rintoul from the Refugee Action Coalition.

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Kim Yo-jong might have charmed South Korean media, but the glow won't last

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:22 PM PST

With her 'deadly side-eye' and 'nimble' ways, the sister of North Korean leader has been the centre of attention since she arrived at the Winter Games

Amid a sea of television cameras and journalists, Kim Yo-jong worked her way through the crowd surrounded by a horde of bodyguards. As she made her way through the room she was silent and always smiling.

The younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been the centre of attention since she landed in South Korea for an historic three-day visit as part of attending the Winter Olympics opening ceremony.

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Double-decker bus crashes in rural Hong Kong – video

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:07 AM PST

Hong Kong police said at least 19 people were killed when a bus crashed near the town of Tai Po, in the northern New Territories. Emergency services hurried to try to remove injured passengers from the wreckage. There was no official word on the cause of the crash

• Hong Kong bus overturns, killing at least 19 people

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Israeli fighter jet crashes after being shot at by Syrian air defences – video

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 08:10 AM PST

Israel launched a large-scale air raid in Syria after one of its F-16 fighters crashed while under Syrian anti-aircraft fire. It was not clear whether the jet was hit. Both pilots managed to eject and landed in Israel. It is believed to be the first time Israel has lost a jet in the Syrian conflict

• Israel launches 'large-scale attack' in Syria after fighter jet crashes

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