World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

FBI has 'grave concerns' about Trump plan to release controversial memo

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 12:41 AM PST

In statement attributable to FBI director – appointed by Trump – agency raises concerns about 'material omissions of fact' in document

The FBI said on Wednesday it had "grave concerns" about Donald Trump's apparent intention to release a memo said to contain classified information about the bureau's investigation into one of the president's campaign aides.

After both Trump and the House speaker, Paul Ryan, made public statements supporting the so-called Nunes memo's release, which the US president said he "100%" backed releasing, the fight over its fate took an extraordinary twist with the highly unusual FBI statement ultimately attributable to its director, Trump's appointee Christopher Wray.

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'Assassination attempt' at home of senior opposition leader in Kenya

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:53 AM PST

Kalonzo Musyoka, a former vice-president, says gunshots fired and grenade detonated outside residence hours after opposition rally

A senior opposition leader in Kenya has said unknown gunmen tried to kill him at his home in the early hours of Wednesday, raising the stakes after months of political turmoil.

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Zimbabwe tries to retrieve cash smuggled overseas in Mugabe era

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

But observers are concerned that anti-corruption drive is cover for faction-fighting within Zanu-PF

Authorities in Zimbabwe have launched a campaign to find and repatriate millions of dollars of cash and assets smuggled overseas during the last years of the rule of Robert Mugabe, senior officials say.

Goodson Nguni, the commissioner of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) told the Guardian that the effort would be intensified when an amnesty allowing voluntary surrender of illegally obtained wealth expired at the end of next month.

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Kiribati ferry disaster: 22 schoolchildren among those feared lost

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 03:17 PM PST

The MV Butiraoi is believed to have sunk in the Pacific with 88 people on board

Twenty-two school children on their way to start a new term are among those feared to have died on a ferry missing for 12 days between remote islands in Kiribati.

Ten primary school children were among the 88 on board, as well as 13 high school students. One 14-year-old girl was among seven survivors rescued in the central Pacific on Sunday, from a wooden dinghy that had no engine, water, food or radio.

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2004 Larry Nassar investigation dropped after doctor's PowerPoint presentation

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:58 AM PST

Police decided not to prosecute abuse allegation after disgraced doctor said he was conducting legitimate medical procedures

Police dropped an investigation into disgraced former gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar in 2004 after he told them he was conducting legitimate medical treatment, according to documents released on Wednesday.

Brianne Randall-Gay was 17 when she was treated for scoliosis by Nassar, who massaged her breasts and attempted to put his fingers in her vagina. Randall-Gay's mother subsequently complained to Meridian Township police department. However, Nassar said the treatment was part of "a medical technique known as Sacrotuberous Ligament Release" and gave police a PowerPoint presentation on the subject.

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Bordeaux wine harvest plummets 40% after French region's frost-bitten 2017

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 04:49 PM PST

Local wine council says some chateaux lost up to 90% of their crop during country's worst harvest since 1945

Wine production in the French region of Bordeaux shrank 40% last year, the Bordeaux wine council said on Wednesday, with severe frost sapping yields in a year that nonetheless produced a good vintage.

"The total harvest in 2017 was 3.5m hectolitres, down 40% on 2016," the council said, adding that vineyards in Saint-Émilion had been the worst affected.

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Facebook posts $4.3bn profit as Zuckerberg laments 'hard year'

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 01:42 PM PST

  • Profit in final quarter of last year climbs on $12.7bn revenue
  • Zuckerberg vows to make network 'good for wellbeing'

Facebook's profits soared 61%, spurred by growth in mobile users at the end of last year, the company announced on Wednesday, as co-founder Mark Zuckerberg said 2017 had been one of the company's more difficult years as a public company.

Zuckerberg has vowed to fix the issues at the social network, including concerns it was used as a platform for Russian meddling in the US elections. Facebook was also criticised over censorship and the addictive qualities of social media.

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Austria to dissolve Nazi songbook fraternity linked to Freedom party

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 08:08 AM PST

Move follows discovery of lyrics mocking Holocaust and celebrating Nazi atrocities

Austria is taking steps to dissolve a student fraternity with links to the far-right Freedom party (FPÖ), the junior partner in its governing coalition, after the emergence of a songbook in which the group mocked victims of the Holocaust and celebrated Nazi atrocities.

The chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, said on Wednesday he would launch proceedings to dissolve the Burschenschaft Germania zu Wiener Neustadt fraternity, whose former vice-chairman Udo Landbauer ran as a candidate for the FPÖ, at last weekend's state elections in Lower Austria.

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Palestinian girl arrested by Israel sent to Gaza Strip – where she'd never been, activists say

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 02:31 PM PST

Teen from West Bank was arrested after visiting Jerusalem without a permit and dropped off at crossing into Gaza, Israeli rights group says

A Palestinian teenager from the West Bank arrested by Israel was sent to the Gaza Strip despite never having been there in her life, according to an Israeli human rights group.

The group, HaMoked, said the 14-year-old girl, named only as Ghada, was arrested in Jerusalem on 13 January without a permit while visiting the Israeli-controlled city.

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French coastguard calls off search for head of Quiksilver surfwear

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 12:42 PM PST

The search was called off a day after Pierre Agnes's boat washed up empty on the Atlantic coast

France's coastguard has called off searches for the head of the US firm that owns the Quiksilver surfwear brand, a day after his boat washed up empty on the country's Atlantic coast, local authorities said.

Pierre Agnes had gone out fishing in his 36-foot (11-metre) boat on Tuesday morning and later sent out a message to port authorities indicating that he was delaying his return because of thick fog.

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Joe Kennedy's State of the Union response: Trump ushered era of divisiveness and hatred

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:46 AM PST

'Many have spent the past year anxious, angry, afraid,' said Kennedy, a third-term congressman from Massachusetts

Joe Kennedy, a member of the Kennedy political dynasty, delivered the official Democratic response to Donald Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday, warning that the US president had ushered in an era of divisiveness and hatred.

Related: Trump State of the Union address promised unity but emphasized discord

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Las Vegas shooting: 'person of interest' says he sold ammunition to shooter

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 07:00 AM PST

  • Douglas Haig named as 'person of interest' in court documents
  • Arizona gun dealer says he met Stephen Paddock only once

An Arizona man named in court documents as a "person of interest" during the investigation of the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history said he had met the gunman one time and sold ammunition to him.

Related: Las Vegas shooting followed a depressingly familiar routine

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'This is over': Puigdemont's Catalan independence doubts caught on camera

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 04:35 AM PST

Ousted president's private messages caught on TV cameras reveal admission of defeat

The ousted Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, has admitted privately that his attempt to secure regional independence is over and claims he has been sacrificed by his own side, according to messages sent to a colleague and captured by TV cameras.

On Wednesday, a Spanish TV show published messages that Puigdemont had sent to his former health minister Toni Comín while the latter was at an event in Leuven, Belgium, the previous evening.

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Ryanair makes pledge to become 'plastic free' on all flights by 2023

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:26 AM PST

Airline vows to eliminate use of nonrecyclable plastics on aircraft and at head offices and bases

Ryanair has pledged to become "plastic free" in the next five years, with the airline set to trumpet its relative green credentials as part of its ongoing makeover.

The Ryanair chief executive, Michael O'Leary, has famously suggested shooting environmentalists, and repeatedly denies climate change is driven by carbon emissions, which aviation produces in abundance.

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Dalat in the spotlight: 50 years after Tet offensive, an invasion of a different kind

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:00 PM PST

Half a century after Dalat's only major involvement in the Vietnam war, the 'city of eternal spring' is grappling with the 3 million tourists who now visit each year

For Dalat, the pretty mountain town in southern Vietnam's central highlands, the "American war" was, for the most part, taking place elsewhere – such was its isolation from the rest of the country. That is until 50 years ago, on 30 January 1968, when it found itself part of the Tet offensive – a series of surprise attacks undertaken by communist north Vietnamese forces across the country during its traditional New Year celebrations. Over 10 days, south Vietnamese and US forces stationed in Dalat were able to withstand Viet Cong raids and even rocket attacks. The brief Tet offensive was snuffed out on 9 February.

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Afrin residents say Syrian 'curse' has arrived as war hits Kurdish enclave

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

Incursion into border enclave splits conflict into new direction for already displaced refugees

When war reached Afrin last week, it arrived with what its Kurdish residents described as a "curse" that could consume the city and spin the Syrian conflict into yet another dangerous direction.

The clashes that have followed Turkey's incursion into the border enclave have killed dozens – many of them civilians – wounded several hundred, and led thousands of locals and displaced refugees to flee across ravaged, lawless lands to the south and east.

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Four inmates arrested after fatal stabbing at Wormwood Scrubs

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:58 PM PST

Men aged 20 to 23 held on suspicion of murder over death of prisoner at jail in west London

Four men have been arrested on suspicion of murder after an inmate of Wormwood Scrubs prison was stabbed to death, police have said.

Metropolitan police were called to the prison in Shepherd's Bush, west London, at about 3.19pm on Wednesday after reports of a stabbing.

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What's the latest in the Brexit talks?

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:43 AM PST

Brexit talks have yet to formally restart after the breakthrough at December's EU summit. But Britain is under pressure to formalise the undertakings it made in the first phase of negotiations and to provide clarity (or at least unity) about what it wants from a transition and eventual future relationship. We summarise the movements so far

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Lorde: Israeli fans sue activists over tour cancellation

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 10:50 PM PST

Two New Zealand women face claim for 'emotional injury' over singer's scrapped Tel Aviv show

Three teenage Israeli fans of the popstar Lorde have filed a lawsuit claiming thousands of pounds in "emotional injury" damages against two New-Zealand-based activists for allegedly convincing her to cancel a performance in Tel Aviv.

The case, filed by an Israeli legal rights group, appears to be the first use of a controversial law passed in 2011 that allows civil suits to be opened against those calling for a boycott against Israel.

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How one woman put Boko Haram's legacy in Cameroon to bed | Ruth Maclean

Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:00 AM PST

A year after her village was levelled by insurgents, Hepsata Adjit returned to make peace with her past

Some water pots and the burnt husks of houses appeared to be all that was left of Hepsata Adjit's village when she ventured home last month for the first time in a year.

She had made the two-hour journey on foot just for a quick look. Her village of Gashia Midek is on the border between Cameroon and Nigeria, where the risk of attack by Boko Haram remains high, despite gains made over the past year by the countries' military forces. Adjit, her husband and his brother, who had all walked there together, could not afford to stay long.

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Steve Bell on Trump's State of the Union address – cartoon

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 12:28 PM PST

Coalition accused of creating 'alternative facts' on negative gearing

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:30 PM PST

Saul Eslake says Treasury advice reveals extent to which government willing to 'peddle any lie' on tax system

A former Treasury official has written a scathing critique of the Turnbull government's attacks on Labor's negative gearing policies, saying the government has been creating "alternative facts" to promote its own argument.

Saul Eslake, who is also a former chief economist of Bank of America Merrill Lynch Australia, said Treasury's advice to government, released under freedom of information in January, has revealed the extent to which the government and property industry have been willing to "peddle any lie" to ensure the survival of a tax system that privileges investors.

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Penny Mordaunt hails 'heroic' British aid response to plague in Madagascar

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:00 PM PST

Development secretary claims British intervention helped to stave off 'catastrophic' loss of life

Penny Mordaunt has claimed that "heroic" British efforts to tackle an outbreak of plague in Madagascar helped to save thousands of lives.

The international development secretary said efforts to control the spread of plague, which killed more than 200 people on the island last year, "averted a catastrophe".

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Forests fall, animals die, desert looms: Uganda's burning problem – in pictures

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 04:10 AM PST

Charcoal is an integral part of everyday life in Uganda, where most people rely on some form of wood fuel to cook or boil water. For many, the sale of trees also provides a valuable income. Yet this levelling of the landscape, which causes loss of habitat for wildlife and leads to climate change, is unsustainable

All photographs by Jennifer Huxta

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Train carrying US Republican lawmakers slams into truck – video

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:21 AM PST

At least one person was reportedly killed when an Amtrak train carrying Republican lawmakers to a party conference collided with a garbage truck south of Charlottesville, Virginia. There were no immediate reports of serious injury among passengers. The person who reportedly died has not been identified. An investigation into the cause of the crash is under way

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Nicolae Ceausescu memorabilia auction – in pictures

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 09:13 AM PST

A Romanian auction house is selling memorabilia belonging to former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu to mark what would have been his 100th birthday. Among the 250 items going under the hammer are a bespoke hunting outfit worn by Ceaușescu and numerous posters and photographs.

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Moments of protest during Trump's State of the Union address – video

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 05:49 AM PST

While Republicans responded to Trump's speech with ecstatic applause, Democrats used the opportunity to protest. The minority leader Nancy Pelosi wore black in solidarity with #MeToo and members of the Congressional Black Caucus wore kente cloth in reference to Trump's 'shithole countries' comments

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Donald Trump describes escape by North Korean defector – video

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 03:40 AM PST

The US president dedicates part of his State of the Union address to the life of the disabled North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho. In response Ji, who now lives in South Korea, raises the crutches he keeps as a reminder of his ordeal

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