World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Russia is aiming to interfere in US midterm elections, warns CIA chief

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 12:01 AM PST

Mike Pompeo says 'I have every expectation that they will continue to try' to meddle in House and Senate races in November

Russia is set to continue its campaign of meddling in foreign elections by targeting the congressional midterm races in America, the head of the CIA has warned.

Related: FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe steps down early

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Yemen's Saudi-backed government 'to flee from Aden'

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 01:59 AM PST

Fighters seeking independence for southern Yemen have seized much of the city

Leaders of Yemen's Saudi-backed government are reportedly preparing to flee from Aden as fighters from the armed wing of a political movement demanding secession for southern Yemen seized large parts of the city after three days of fighting.

The Southern Transitional Council has been seeking secession from the rest of Yemen for years. Until recently it received support from the United Arab Emirates, causing a fracture in the Saudi-UAE alliance that intervened in Yemen against Houthi rebels that captured the north of the country.

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Kenya's opposition to swear in Raila Odinga as 'people's president'

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 01:14 AM PST

Ceremony likely to lead to fresh violence after Uhuru Kenyatta won controversial vote last year

Opposition leaders in Kenya say they will go ahead with a ceremony to swear in Raila Odinga as "president of the people" at a mass meeting "come hell or high water".

The National Super Alliance (Nasa) is planning to hold the ceremony in Uhuru Park in Nairobi around noon on Tuesday.

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Dozens of villagers died in Nigerian air force raids, says Amnesty

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 10:27 AM PST

Houses and civilians reportedly targeted in dispute over land between herdsmen and farmers

At least 35 people were killed by the Nigerian military's air raids on villages last month, according to the human rights organisation Amnesty International.

Witnesses described Nigerian air force jets bombing houses and targeting civilians trying to hide in five villages in raids that a military spokesman said at the time had a "positive effect" in tackling communal violence.

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Rose McGowan's memoir Brave details alleged rape by Harvey Weinstein

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

In the book, actor also recounts her fight against the 'Hollywood machine' and its misogyny

After years of publicly accusing Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein of rape, the actor Rose McGowan has detailed the sexual assault she said occurred after their first meeting more than 20 years ago.

In her memoir Brave, published on 30 January worldwide, McGowan recalled first seeing Weinstein, whom she refers to only as "the Monster", at a screening of her film Going All the Way during the 1997 Sundance film festival.

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Survivors of capsized refugee boat say traffickers fired at passengers

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 07:43 AM PST

Death toll from incident off Yemen coast last week reaches 30 but is expected to rise

People traffickers fired automatic weapons at refugees to force them to jump into heavy seas off the coast of Yemen, according to survivors of the incident that killed dozens last week.

The boat capsized after the shooting prompted panic. The death toll is currently 30, but is expected to rise.

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FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe steps down early

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 10:39 AM PST

McCabe has exited ahead of his planned retirement amid an escalation by Donald Trump in attacks on the FBI

Andrew McCabe, the deputy director of the FBI, stepped down on Monday in a widely anticipated move that nevertheless reflected a further deterioration in relations between the White House and authorities investigating Donald Trump's Russia ties.

The move came after months of attacks on McCabe by the president, who implied that McCabe had been compromised by a political donation made in 2015 to McCabe's wife.

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Irish referendum on abortion reform to be held by end of May

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 03:06 PM PST

Taoiseach confirms national plebiscite on abolishing eighth amendment and allowing terminations up to 12 weeks

The Irish government has confirmed that it will hold a referendum on reform of the country's strict anti-abortion laws by the end of May. The cabinet agreed to give voters in the republic the chance to repeal the eighth amendment to the country's constitution on Monday.

After a four-hour meeting, the Fine Gael-led minority coalition also decided to ask the electorate to endorse enabling powers to allow the Dáil (parliament) to draw up a new law that would eventually permit abortions in Irish hospitals up to 12 weeks into pregnancy.

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Elon Musk sells $3.5m worth of flamethrowers in a day

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 09:15 AM PST

First it was 'Boring' baseball caps, now Tesla founder is selling flamethrowers – 'to liven up a party'

Elon Musk, the multi-billionaire founder of electric car company Tesla and tunnelling company Boring, has sold $3.5m (£2.5m) worth of "boring" flamethrowers in less than 24 hours.

The maverick businessman, who last week secured a pay deal that could see him collect $55bn, had pledged that if The Boring Company sold 50,000 baseball caps at $20 each he would start selling flamethrowers.

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Second woman arrested in Tehran for hijab protest

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 05:30 AM PST

Woman was detained after standing on telecoms box to raise headscarf on a stick in repeat of protest last month

A second woman has been arrested in Iran for protesting against the country's compulsory hijab rules after standing on a telecoms box on a Tehran street, taking off her headscarf and holding it aloft on a stick.

The protest follows a similar action last month against the country's requirement that women cover themselves from head to toe in public.

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VW condemned for testing diesel fumes on humans and monkeys

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 07:21 AM PST

Experiments involved monkeys and humans breathing in exhaust fumes for hours at a time

Volkswagen, the world's biggest carmaker, is under fire globally from politicians and environmentalists following revelations it helped to fund experiments in which monkeys and humans breathed in car fumes for hours at a time.

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said there was an urgent need for the company to reveal the true extent of the experiments, which were commissioned by the European Research Group of Environment and Health in the Transport Sector (EUGT), a body funded by Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW.

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US to resume refugee admissions from 11 countries Trump deemed 'high risk'

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 02:59 PM PST

Admissions will resume with added security screenings after October 2017 order temporarily banning refugees from certain countries

The US will resume refugee admissions from 11 countries after halting admissions from those countries last October to conduct a 90-day security review.

Senior administration officials said Monday that admissions will resume with added security screenings, including more in-depth interviews.

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Egypt election: sole challenger to Sisi registers at last minute

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 08:38 AM PST

Mousa Mostafa Mousa, Ghad party leader, gets on ballot hours before nomination deadline

A little-known Egyptian politician has added his name to the candidate list for elections in March, minutes before a nomination deadline was set to pass with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi the sole officially recognised candidate.

Any candidate representing genuine opposition to Sisi has either been arrested or intimidated into dropping out. After the rightwing politician Mortada Mansour rescinded his candidacy, a chaotic race to find a challenger – and provide a veneer of democracy to the election - stretched into Monday.

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'There is no peace': traumatised Rohingya vow they won't go back to Myanmar

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 09:00 AM PST

Efforts to send Rohingya back over the border are foundering before they have even begun

"They burned my house and my whole village, they stole my crops," Nagumia says. "I saw them throw the young children, and the old people who could not run, into the fire. They cut people's throats and their bellies and left them to die. I cannot go back. What am I going to go back to?"

Across the Naf River from Myanmar, in the swollen Rohingya refugee camps huddled against Bangladesh's border, the wounds are too raw: there is almost no one yet willing to consider return.

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How the people of Mosul subverted Isis 'apartheid'

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 11:30 PM PST

Part two – the fall: Once Isis had established its authority in Mosul, it administered the city using a two-tier system – privileges for 'brothers', hardship for everyone else. But locals resisted, and the Ponzi scheme began to crumble

The day Isis attacked Mosul, Wassan, an affable young doctor with a cherubic face, ran from the maternity ward to the emergency room at Jimhoriya hospital. Injured civilians had begun pouring in. Wassan had just graduated from medical school, and had no experience in treating trauma casualties. As the wounded continued to arrive, what she lacked in knowledge she tried to make up for with enthusiasm.

By the evening, the wards were overflowing, patients spilling into the corridors. Wassan slept overnight in the hospital, ignoring her father's incessant phone calls to come home.

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Confusion over 'pardon' for UK woman jailed in Egypt for smuggling

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 01:58 AM PST

British embassy in Cairo has apparently denied reports Laura Plummer's release is imminent

The future of a British woman jailed in Egypt for smuggling nearly 300 banned painkiller pills into the country is mired in confusion after reports she was facing a pardon were denied.

Laura Plummer, a shop assistant from Hull, was sentenced to three years in prison in December after she was convicted of possessing controlled drugs, found on her as she entered the country.

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Eurozone GDP: France posts strongest annual growth since 2011 - business live

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 02:15 AM PST

All the day's economic and financial news, including new eurozone growth figures

NEWSFLASH: The eurozone and the wider EU have both posted their strongest annual growth since the financial crisis.

New GDP figures from Eurostat confirm that the European recovery remains on track, with annual growth of 2.5% in the EU and the narrower single currency block. That's the strongest annual growth in a decade.

Economists are concerned by the rise in UK consumer borrowing:

The UK unsecured credit boom which we have been assured is slowing in fact accelerated to an annual rate of 9.5% in December #BoE

Food for thought for the @bankofengland MPC next week. Mortgage approvals lowest since Jan 2015, but unsecured consumer credit reverses recent slowdown with £1.52bn of new borrowing in December (+9.5% YoY). V difficult balancing act for UK policymakers

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Toronto landscaper killed five people and buried them on clients' land – police

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 05:58 PM PST

Police search 30 sites where suspect worked amid 'unprecedented' investigation after bodies found in large flower planters

Police in Canada have accused a Toronto landscaper of murdering at least five people and burying their remains in large flower planters on his clients' properties, in a case that has sparked an "unprecedented" investigation.

"The city of Toronto has never seen anything like this," Hank Idsinga of the Toronto police told reporters on Monday.

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Japanese woman sues government over forced sterilisation

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 01:18 AM PST

Estimated 16,000 people were sterilised without their consent under eugenics law

A Japanese woman who was forcibly sterilised aged 15 due to a mental disability has become the first of thousands of victims of the country's former eugenics law to sue the government.

The woman, who is in her 60s, is seeking 11m yen (£72,000), claiming the state violated her human rights and offered her no support when she underwent the procedure, according to court documents quoted by Kyodo News.

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Kristina Keneally officially confirmed as Sam Dastyari's Senate replacement

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 01:30 AM PST

Former state premier will take up her seat as soon as NSW parliament meets to endorse her

The former New South Wales premier and Sky News broadcaster Kristina Keneally, will replace Sam Dastyari in the Senate, and could arrive in Canberra for the opening of parliament next week.

Keneally was formally endorsed by the right faction to replace the strife prone Dastyari on Tuesday night, but the timing of her arrival is contingent on the New South Wales parliament, which will need to have a joint sitting to rubber stamp the move.

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Ituren Carnival, ancient pagan festival – in pictures

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 01:00 AM PST

In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, residents of two Basque towns, Ituren and Zubieta, ring their cowbells in order to frighten off the devil and bring good luck to farmers.

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'Price of conflict is too high': hunger at crisis levels in eight countries

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 10:30 PM PST

War driving up acute food insecurity on a vast scale, report finds, with Yemen, South Sudan and Syria worst affected

The number of hungry people living in conflict zones is rising, with eight countries recording crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity in at least a quarter of their people, food agencies warned the UN security council on Monday.

In Yemen, 17 million people, or 60% of the population, are facing acute food insecurity, while in South Sudan, the figure is 4.8 million or 45% of its people. The other countries ranked as having the highest proportions of food insecure people were Syria, Lebanon, Central African Republic, Ukraine, Afghanistan and Somalia, according to a report by the World Food Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organisation.

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Food insecurity: a third of poorest households skip meals, survey finds

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 04:01 PM PST

Large families and jobless worst hit by rising costs and austerity, with 32% and 36% missing meals

A third of the UK's poorest households are skipping meals because they cannot afford to put food on the table, according to a survey that highlights the extent to which austerity and rising food prices are driving "hidden hunger".

Groups worst hit by benefit cuts and freezes, such as unemployed people and families with three or more children, were most likely to suffer food insecurity, while relatively protected groups, such as retired people, were least likely to experience such problems.

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Mauritania failing to tackle pervasive slavery, says African Union

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 08:13 AM PST

In landmark ruling, AU orders compensation for brothers born into slavery and failed by legal system, criticising 'culture of impunity'

The African Union has reprimanded Mauritania for failing to take action against widespread slavery within its borders and ordered the government to give financial compensation to two child slaves who were failed by its legal system.

The landmark ruling is the first time the AU has spoken out against the pervasive practice of hereditary slavery in Mauritania, which activists believe affects many thousands of people.

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What's behind rich people pretending to be self-made?

Posted: 29 Jan 2018 07:22 AM PST

Americans reflexively link hard work with reward, but what happens as the two become ever more disconnected?

Bailey's Beach in Newport, Rhode Island was once described by the New York Times as a summer spot for "America's ruling class," populated by Astors, Vanderbilts and other "emerald-barnacled dinosaurs attended by uniformed retainers and underwritten by ironclad fiduciary trusts".

When Adam Roberts, now 33, spent childhood summers there, he wasn't quite sure how his family fitted in.

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The changing face of Bhutan - in pictures

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 12:39 AM PST

For decades Bhutan had no television, no traffic lights and a culture that had barely changed in centuries. Today, bars dot the capital, Thimphu, set in mist-covered mountains, teenagers play video games in internet cafes, and men smoke and gamble in snooker halls

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