World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Romania braced for huge protests amid 'big step backwards' on rule of law

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

Critics say changes to judicial system and proposed decriminalisation of some corruption offences mean separation of powers is 'finished'

Romania is taking the biggest step backwards on the rule of law since it joined the European Union, a former justice minister has warned before what could be the biggest street protests in a year this weekend in Bucharest.

Monica Macovei, who was an architect of Romania's anti-corruption policy when she was justice minister from 2004-07, said changes introduced to bring the country into the EU were being dismantled.

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Sexual harassment and assault rife at United Nations, staff claim

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:00 AM PST

Exclusive: Guardian investigation points to culture of impunity as UN employees allege offences including rape

The United Nations has allowed sexual harassment and assault to flourish in its offices around the world, with accusers ignored and perpetrators free to act with impunity, the Guardian has been told.

Dozens of current and former UN employees described a culture of silence across the organisation and a flawed grievance system that is stacked against victims.

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Jacinda Ardern: New Zealand prime minister announces first pregnancy

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:31 PM PST

Labour PM says deputy Winston Peters will take over for six weeks when baby is born in June

New Zealand's prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, has announced she is pregnant with her first child.

Ardern, who was sworn in to office in October, said in a Facebook post that she and her partner, Clarke Gayford, are expecting in June.

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Macron tells May City will get less access to Europe than now if UK leaves single market - Politics live

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:06 PM PST

Rolling coverage of the day's political developments as they happen, including Theresa May's press conference with Emmanuel Macron

I think the City of London will continue to be a major global financial centre. That is an advantage not just for the UK, it's actually good for Europe and good for the global financial system.

Un nouveau traité, le traité de Sandhurst, permettra d'améliorer la coopération pour gérer notre frontière commune. #UKFRSummit

Un point important du traité de Sandhurst : la réduction des délais pour le traitement des mineurs non accompagnés. #UKFRSummit

Here is some comment from journalists on the press conference.

From Politico Europe's Charlie Cooper

Macron punchier than might have been expected on Brexit. If UK wants financial services access, "be my guest" but needs to pay into budget and accept free movement. ie. Norway

Macron telling the PM to "Be My Guest" in English over access to financial services was the headline of that press conference - publicly reflects exasperation but acceptance from Europe that UK actively wants to give away trade advantages in the biggest market of biggest industry

Very interesting answer from Macron on financial services post Brexit. Says he does not want to exclude any sector of the economy from the trade deal, but the access to the single market would be lower than at present. So, broad but shallow access.

PM @theresa_may acknowledges 'we will no longer be full members of the single market' after Brexit. The word to focus on in terms of UK Phase 2 talks thinking is 'full'

Theresa May often returns to Lancaster House whenever she is asked or hears something she doesn't like on brexit. Like Macron's answer on the single market. It's her tell.

Macron can tell the Germans that German banks won't get easy access to London. Good luck with that!

Macron is so bloody French... 72 hours of charm, trolling Britain with a tapestry, and then tipping into threats and arrogance

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Film about US v USSR basketball final breaks Russian record

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:02 AM PST

Going Vertical, portraying Soviet victory at 1972 Olympics, is Russia's highest-grossing movie

A film about an Olympic basketball showdown between the Soviet Union and the US has broken records in Russia, at a time when the country's sports are mired in a doping scandal and relations with Washington are at a low point.

Going Vertical shows Soviet players claiming victory over the US in the final of the 1972 Munich Games, but skirts around the fact that the Americans never accepted defeat because of allegations of incorrect refereeing.

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'A rabbit always has to run': Spanish rangers fear for lives after double murder

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 01:30 AM PST

The killing of two rangers in Catalonia marks a chilling turning point for colleagues facing up to increasing violence towards Europe's wildlife defenders

On a hill above the olive trees and dun scrublands of western Catalonia, two rusty iron silhouettes maintain a still and silent vigil. One peers out over the land through a pair of binoculars; the other kneels and holds a bird forever on the cusp of release.

At their feet is a simple plaque: "In memory and recognition of Xavier Ribes Villas and David Iglesias Díez, wildlife rangers whose lives were taken in the line of duty on 21 January 2017."

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Dylan Farrow denies being brainwashed in first TV interview about Woody Allen allegations

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:36 AM PST

Farrow repeats claim that her father sexually assaulted her as a child in interview with CBS This Morning

Dylan Farrow has denied that she was "brainwashed" or "coached" into accusing her adopted father Woody Allen of sexual assault, in her first televised interview about the allegations.

In the interview on CBS This Morning, Farrow detailed her version of the events of 4 August 1992, when she alleges Allen assaulted her as a 7-year-old, and denied that her mother had influenced her. "What I don't understand is how is this crazy story of me being brainwashed and coached more believable than what I'm saying about being sexually assaulted by my father?" she said.

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Deadly gales halt trains and flights across north-west Europe

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:38 PM PST

Storm lashes Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and parts of UK, uprooting power lines and trees, and killing at least nine people

Violent gales have battered north-west Europe, killing at least nine people, toppling trees and trucks, bringing down power lines, grounding aircraft and halting road and rail traffic across the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

All long-distance train services were cancelled in Germany after the Netherlands bore the early brunt of the second major winter storm this month, with Schiphol airport in Amsterdam suspending all traffic for two hours and closing two of its three departure halls as tiles flew off the terminal building.

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2017 was the hottest year on record without El Niño boost

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:30 AM PST

Data shows the year was also one of the hottest three ever recorded, with scientists warning that the 'climate tide is rising fast'

2017 was the hottest year since global records began that was not given an additional boost by the natural climate cycle El Niño, according to new data. Even without an El Niño, the year was still exceptionally hot, being one of the top three ever recorded.

The three main global temperature records show the global surface temperature in 2017 was 1C above levels seen in pre-industrial times, with scientists certain that humanity's fossil fuel-burning is to blame.

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New office will help medical providers deny treatment on religious grounds

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:57 AM PST

  • Health agency creates conscience and religious freedom division
  • Trump administration move may affect abortion and LGBT rights

The Trump administration is creating an office to protect the religious rights of medical providers, including those who may oppose abortion or transgender rights, in a decision that is likely to be a lightning rod for controversy.

The new "division for conscience and religious freedom" in the US Health and Human Services Agency will defend healthcare workers who, on religious grounds, refuse to treat patients or take part in procedures. The division will be part of the agency's Office for Civil Rights.

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Amazon shortlists 20 cities for second headquarters

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:16 AM PST

  • Shortlist selected from 238 proposals includes one Canadian site
  • Stiff competition for $5bn second HQ that could bring 50,000 jobs

Related: Amazon seeks prime North American spot for second headquarters

Amazon released a list of 20 cities on Thursday which it is considering for its second headquarters, including established technology hubs like Boston and Pittsburgh as well as more surprising choices such as Columbus, Ohio.

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Selfie clue cracks Canada murder case

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:38 AM PST

A small detail in a photograph led police in Saskatoon to Cheyenne Rose Antoine, who has pleaded guilty to the murder of Brittney Gargol

Police in the Canadian city of Saskatoon say a selfie posted on Facebook was instrumental in solving a murder investigation that spanned nearly two years.

Cheyenne Rose Antoine, 21, pleaded guilty this week to killing Brittney Gargol, who was found fatally injured on a road in the outskirts of the city in 2015. It was later determined that she had been strangled to death.

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Zimbabwe president pledges 'free and fair' election in five months

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:12 AM PST

Emmerson Mnangagwa reaffirms pledge for first democratic vote since Robert Mugabe deposed

Zimbabwe's president Emmerson Mnangagwa has announced that elections will be held within "four to five months", the first since the end of Robert Mugabe's 37-year rule last year.

Mnangagwa, who was sworn in after Mugabe was forced to resign following a military takeover in November, also reaffirmed a pledge that the elections would be "free, credible, fair and indisputable".

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Mexico border wall: Trump contradicts his chief of staff over plans

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:22 AM PST

US president says plans have 'never changed or evolved', despite remarks by chief of staff

Donald Trump has contradicted his chief of staff over proposals for a wall along the southern US border with Mexico, tweeting that his opinion on a wall "has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it".

On Wednesday evening, the White House chief of staff, John Kelly, said the US president's views on immigration and a border wall had "very definitely changed" after Trump had been briefed on the subjects.

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Afghan interpreter for British army denied right to move to UK

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 12:49 AM PST

Military officials express outrage at decision on 'Ricky', who worked for army for 16 years

The British army's longest-serving Afghan interpreter has been denied the right to relocate to the UK, provoking outrage among senior military officials.

The 34-year-old interpreter, known as Ricky, worked for the British military in Afghanistan for 16 years and is described by senior British officers in reports as having shown "unfailing loyalty".

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Boris Johnson's channel bridge isn't infrastructure, it's amour-propre | David Shariatmadari

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 02:14 AM PST

The foreign secretary's latest headline-grabbing idea is a narcissistic political wheeze, not a serious proposal

I guess we should have expected it: Boris Johnson is not the kind of man to let himself be eclipsed by a piece of cloth. Until today, the big story of this week's Anglo-French summit was the loan of the Bayeux tapestry, an 11th-century work of art depicting the Norman invasion of Britain. As diplomatic coups go it was charming, if a little staid. Theresa May gushed: "I am honoured at the loan of such a precious piece of our shared history which yet again underscores the closeness of the UK-France relationship."

This must have been like a red rag to the taurine Johnson, serial stealer of the prime minister's thunder, whom we can picture with a lightbulb above his head exclaiming: "You want underscoring? I'll give you underscoring!" And so, splashed across Friday's papers is his idea for a 22-mile road crossing over the Channel. No doubt he wants it to be known as the "Boris bridge".

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Al-Qaida moves in to recruit from Islamic State and its affiliates

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

Switch of loyalties seen as a key indicator of resilience of Isis as it evolves after territorial collapse

Al-Qaida has been trying to win over extremists from Islamic State, while the Isis "caliphate" collapses amid heavy losses of men, material, territory and prestige.

The recruitment campaign started last summer, even before Isis had lost its final strongholds, underlining the importance al-Qaida attach to winning over fighters and resources from its rivals.

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Roy Bennett, Zimbabwean opposition figure, dies in helicopter crash

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:57 PM PST

  • Police confirm Bennett, his wife and four others were killed in crash
  • Bennett was called sharpest thorn in the side of Robert Mugabe

Roy Bennett, a prominent Zimbabwean opposition figure, has been killed with his wife in a helicopter crash in the US state of New Mexico.

Local police confirmed Bennett's death on Thursday, a day after a helicopter carrying him and five others went down in a mountainous rural area of northern New Mexico.

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Los Angeles advert for graphic designer draws surprise attention

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 02:06 AM PST

An eye-catching childlike advert has prompted a series of applications in a similar style

The city of Los Angeles has made a splash on social media with its advert for a new graphic designer that looks like it was created by a child using Microsoft Paint

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Car hits crowd at Copacabana beach promenade in Rio

Posted: 19 Jan 2018 12:32 AM PST

Driver is arrested after baby dies and 15 people are injured in apparent accident

A speeding car ploughed through evening strollers on a crowded promenade at Copacabana beach in Rio on Thursday in an apparent accident, killing an eight-month-old baby and injuring 15 people, police say.

Injured people lay on the pavement, recalling recent terrorist attacks by vehicles mowing down pedestrians, but there was no indication that the Copacabana incident was deliberate.

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Labor MP David Feeney tells high court he cannot find citizenship papers

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 06:10 PM PST

Feeney says he has no evidence he renounced British and Irish citizenship, potentially pushing his case back to March

Victorian MP David Feeney has confirmed he is still unable to produce any documentary evidence from British or Irish authorities that he took steps to renounce his citizenship and entitlements, the high court has heard.

Legal representatives of David Feeney and Katy Gallagher, the first two Labor members to be caught in the citizenship fiasco, appeared before the high court in Brisbane on Friday.

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Mother and daughter shot dead while immunising kids from polio in Pakistan

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 11:00 PM PST

Prime minister condemns attack by gunmen in south-western city of Quetta, where two policemen also died in separate incident

Gunmen have shot and killed a mother and her daughter who were immunising children against polio in Pakistan's south-western city of Quetta.

The attack took place as hundreds of polio teams, many of them volunteers, were out working on a campaign against the disease, police official Naseebullah Khan said.

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Trump-style populism gives 'murderous leaders' free rein, says rights group

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 05:13 AM PST

Human Rights Watch report accuses western politicians of driving global misrule by feeding off public fear and discontent

Rising intolerance in many western countries has created an "open field for murderous leaders" around the world, a leading human rights group has warned.

In an annual report assessing more than 90 nations, Human Rights Watch warned of a "frontal assault on the values of inclusivity, tolerance, and respect" across states that have previously championed rights.

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What is a federal government shutdown?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:19 AM PST

If the US Congress fails to pass a spending bill by midnight on Friday many important government functions will come to a standstill

The US Congress is scrambling to avert a shutdown of the federal government amid fraught negotiations over a budget compromise.

Related: US government shutdown looms as Republicans struggle to pitch bill

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Pope stops popemobile to comfort Chilean policewoman who fell from horse– video

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 08:42 PM PST

Pope Francis ordered his popemobile to stop on after a mounted Chilean policewoman was thrown off her frightened horse, which had reared up as the pontiff passed by. Francis stepped from his vehicle and waited several minutes on the pavement, at times talking to the woman, until an ambulance arrived to take her away. Officials say she was not seriously injured.

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New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern announces she's pregnant with first child – video

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 04:32 PM PST

New Zealand's prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, has announced she is pregnant with her first child. The deputy prime minister, Winston Peters, will take over to allow Ardern to take six weeks of maternity leave after the baby is born.

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Pope Francis marries flight attendants on plane over Chile – video

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 12:54 PM PST

Pope Francis married two members of cabin crew in a wedding on a flight taking the pontiff and his entourage between two Chilean cities. Paula Podest, 39, and Carlos Ciuffardi, 41, had been married in a civil service but their planned religious ceremony was scotched when an earthquake in 2010 almost destroyed their parish church in the Chilean capital, Santiago.

Wing and a prayer: pope marries couple on plane over Chile

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Donald Trump's first year: in his own words - video

Posted: 18 Jan 2018 07:19 AM PST

Donald Trump's first year as US president has seen a daily battle with the media, a federal investigation into his campaign team and a series of domestic and diplomatic bust-ups. In his own inimitable way he describes the events as he sees them

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