World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

'I am not a racist,' Trump says, after 'shithole' nations remark backlash

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:30 PM PST

'I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed', president says, denying making the statements attributed to him

Donald Trump defended himself on Sunday in the wake of recent disparaging comments about Haiti and African nations, declaring "I am not a racist", as two Republican senators backtracked on their interpretation of the comments.

The president addressed the issue as he arrived for dinner at his private golf club with the House majority leader Kevin McCarthy of California.

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Cursed are the cheesemakers: Spain and Mexico locked in manchego dispute

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:00 PM PST

Mexican government leans away from Trump and seeks to update 2000 EU deal but fierce fight over naming rights shows no sign of ending soon

One is a revered sheep's milk cheese, as Spanish as acorn-fed pigs, a famously insane knight errant or the napkin-strewn floor of a tapas bar.

Related: Don't call it mezcal: Mexico may force artisanal producers to use a new name

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Floor collapses at stock exchange in Indonesia, injuring dozens

Posted: 15 Jan 2018 12:11 AM PST

Police say part of first floor gave way, sending debris crashing to ground level

A floor at Indonesia's stock exchange has collapsed into the building's lobby, injuring at least 50 people.

Part of the floor on the first level gave way, sending debris crashing on to the ground level, a Jakarta police spokesman said, adding that it was an accident and not an explosion. Victims were carried out on stretchers.

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Suicide attack in Baghdad kills at least 38, wounds 105

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:38 PM PST

Two bombers attack Tayran Square, which is usually crowded with labourers seeking work

Two suicide bombers have blown themselves up at a busy market in central Baghdad in back-to-back explosions that killed at least 38 people, Iraqi officials say.

The attackers struck during rush hour on Monday morning in the city's Tayran Square, which is usually crowded with labourers seeking work. The explosions also wounded at least 105 people, the officials said.

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Philippines raises Mayon volcano threat level to 'critical'

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:14 AM PST

Thousands of villagers evacuated after authorities warn 'hazardous eruption' is possible within weeks or even days

The Philippines' most active volcano has rumbled back to life with lava fragments rising to its crater in a gentle eruption that has prompted authorities to evacuate thousands of villagers.

Authorities raised the alert level at the Mayon volcano to "level 3" on Sunday after detecting lava flow and indications of activity that could lead to eruptions of magma.

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Mexican journalist killed in violent border city is latest press casualty

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:54 PM PST

  • Carlos Domínguez, 77, attacked on Saturday afternoon in Nuevo Laredo
  • At least 10 reporters, several who covered cartels, died in Mexico in 2017

A Mexican journalist was killed while driving through a violent border city on Saturday, becoming the latest victim of unabated attacks on the press that are leaving conflict-hit corners of the country without critical coverage.

Carlos Domínguez, 77, was attacked on Saturday afternoon in Nuevo Laredo, on the Texas border, where he worked as an independent reporter and wrote columns for publications in Tamaulipas state.

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Time's Up: Michelle Williams praises Mark Wahlberg donating reshoot fees

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:47 AM PST

Actor welcomes her co-star's donation to campaign, after it was revealed he was paid $1.5m for reshooting All The Money In The World while she got than $1,000

The actor Michelle Williams has welcomed co-star Mark Wahlberg's decision to donate his $1.5m (£1.1m) pay cheque for reshoots of All The Money In The World to Time's Up, thanking fellow actors who "stood by me and stood up for me".

Wahlberg said on Saturday his donation to the initiative, which was set up to help fund accusers of sexual harassment and abuse, would be made in the name of Williams.

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Greece braced for strikes over planned move to limit industrial action

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:17 AM PST

Unions promise walkouts as MPs prepare to vote on measures attached to 2015 bailout

Greece is braced for industrial action as its MPs prepare to vote on implementing some of the most politically sensitive measures attached to its 2015 bailout.

On Monday, MPs will be called to endorse a "multi-bill" of emergency reforms that includes contentious legislation to limit industrial action. Unionists have reacted with a barrage of strikes, with more work stoppages and walkouts promised.

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Turkey plans assault on Kurdish enclave in Syria

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:45 AM PST

President Erdoğan urges US to support operation against Afrin enclave, which is intended to 'purge terror' from border

Turkey's president has said the country will launch a military assault on a Kurdish enclave in northern Syria "in the coming days" and urged the US to support its efforts.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said the operation against the Afrin enclave aimed to "purge terror" from his country's southern border.

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Hawaii Democrat: false missile alarm shows Trump failure on North Korea

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:28 AM PST

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard says state takes blame for panic but claims it revealed flaws in White House approach to nuclear-armed Pyongyang

The false alarm about a ballistic missile strike that terrified Hawaiians on Saturday showed Donald Trump's policy on North Korea is wrong, a Democratic US representative from the state said on Sunday.

Related: Hawaii ballistic missile false alarm results in panic

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Eight killed in fire at Portuguese community centre

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:29 AM PST

People were taking part in amateur card tournament and watching football when fire broke out in village near Tondela

Eight people have died in a fire at a community centre in northern Portugal where dozens of people were watching a football match.

Officials said 38 people were injured in the blaze in the village of Vila Nova da Rainha, near Tondela, on Saturday evening. Nine people with severe burns were taken by helicopter to hospitals in Porto and Lisbon.

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Porn star Alana Evans says she was invited to Trump's hotel room in 2006

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 01:31 AM PST

  • Alana Evans says Stormy Daniels requested Evans join her and Trump
  • Third adult star Jessica Drake reportedly signed non-disclosure agreement

Donald Trump faced new accusations on Saturday regarding the alleged payment of hush money to a pornographic film star.

Related: Donald Trump paid porn star $130,000 to stay silent over alleged affair – report

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Plane skids off runway on Black Sea coast in Turkey

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:11 AM PST

Passengers panic after Boeing 737 goes off runway and ends up halfway down steep slope close to water's edge

A plane skidded off the runway of a Turkish coastal airport and ended up halfway down a steep slope into the Black Sea, causing panic among passengers.

The incident happened on Saturday night at Trabzon airport in north-east Turkey. No passengers or crew were hurt, Turkish media reported on Sunday.

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50 years since Sicily's earthquake, an urban disaster of a different kind

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:00 PM PST

When a quake devastated Sicily in 1968, a bold plan was hatched – to build entirely new towns and move the inhabitants. But what looked futuristic on paper would herald a new decay

Fifty years ago, the ground began to shake in Poggioreale, an ancient village in the Belìce Valley of south-west Sicily.

Calogero Petralia was eating spaghetti with his family, just as he did every Sunday lunch. By the time the initial earthquake and the aftershocks that night had quietened, the house where Petralia was born and raised was gone. It was 15 January 1968 and he was 18 years old. "My heart remained in that room," he says.

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Passing panorama: New Zealand’s glory from a train window

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:00 PM PST

Thirty years after the TranzAlpine was launched, Susan Grossman boards one of the world's most scenic trains at Christchurch, before completing her trip on North Island's Northern Explorer

It's 8.15am on the dot and with one mellow toot the TranzAlpine passenger train is off on its journey from Christchuch to Greymouth. As we rattle through the flat and fertile Canterbury plains we are soon climbing up steep gorges in the foothills of the Southern Alps, the backbone of South Island. Below, I can see the startling blue water of the Waimakariri river valley. Pink and blue lupins line the tracks along with rows of pines.

The railway covers 223km, tracking its way over four viaducts and through 16 tunnels, taking four and a half hours to Greymouth on the west coast – a tad faster than the stage coaches that took two days to get food across to gold prospectors in 1866. The stage coach was once known as "The Perishable" because of the fruit and vegetables it used to transport along the way.

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Judgment Day | Made In Stoke-on-Trent

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:55 PM PST

Many residents of Stoke-on-Trent pinned their hopes on winning the competition to become the next UK City of Culture. The ambitious bid team set out to transform perceptions of the city. Did they succeed?

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One Nation candidate alleges Lambie Senate replacement has conflict of interest

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:57 PM PST

High court told Peter Martin should be found ineligible to replace Jacqui Lambie because he is mayor of Devonport

Jacqui Lambie's potential replacement in the Senate should be found ineligible because his office as mayor of Devonport amounts to a conflict of interest, the failed One Nation candidate has argued.

In high court submissions, released on Monday, Kate McCulloch's counsel argued that Steve Martin's local government position amounted to an "office of profit under the crown", preventing his election due to section 44(iv) of the constitution.

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Monday briefing: Trust me, I'm almost a doctor

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 10:29 PM PST

Alarm as medical undergraduates roped in to help NHS … Donald Trump 'not a racist' despite sounding like one … and welcome to the Guardian's new look

Hello – it's Warren Murray on this most auspicious of Mondays when we are launching the Guardian's new look. Our editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner, explains what is happening as we move to a tabloid-format print edition and update our global design online.

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Me Too founder Tarana Burke: ‘You have to use your privilege to serve other people’

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:57 PM PST

After Weinstein, Burke's slogan was adopted overnight by people sharing their experiences of rape and sexual assault. The women's activist is using her high profile to help the young women she has spent decades fighting for – those who have suffered abuse, and don't have a voice

Last October – three months and a lifetime ago – Tarana Burke was sitting in bed, scrolling through Twitter, when some unusual activity caught her eye. The 44-year-old had 500 followers and no great taste for social media: her work with survivors of sexual violence, mainly young women of colour, didn't lend itself to public pronouncement. Twelve years earlier she had set up Me Too, an activist group that she thought, in her wildest dreams, might one day amount to a Me Too bumper sticker on somebody's car – a kind of bat signal between survivors of sexual violence – but that on most days had no public presence at all. For her kind of work to be done right, she believed, most of it needed to be done in the dark.

What she saw on Twitter therefore made Burke jump out of her skin. Ten days earlier, Harvey Weinstein had been spectacularly exposed by the New York Times as the subject of multiple accusations of sexual assault, and there on screen, carrying the hashtag #MeToo, other women had begun sharing their stories. Burke didn't know that the actor Alyssa Milano had stumbled on the phrase, unaware of its origins, and urged survivors of sexual aggression to use it. Nor could she know that, in the coming weeks, the Me Too hashtag would be used more than 12 million times, resulting in an extraordinary outpouring of pain, and a handful of high-profile men losing their jobs. All she knew that night was that someone was using her slogan and this wasn't good. "Social media," she says, laughing at the understatement, "is not a safe space. I thought: this is going to be a fucking disaster."

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Scientists confirm what women always knew: men really are the weaker sex

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 11:00 PM PST

In times of famine, epidemic and hardship over the past 250 years, women have consistently outlived men, find researchers

Women are more likely than men to survive in times of famine and epidemics, research has found.

While it has long been known that women have a higher life expectancy than men in general, analysis of historical records stretching back 250 years shows that women have, for example, outlived men on slave plantations in Trinidad, during famines in Sweden and through various measles outbreaks in Iceland.

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North Carolina's 'partisan gerrymander' could prompt supreme court action

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:00 AM PST

Bombshell ruling commands Republican-led state to draw electoral maps fair to Democratic voters and fuels expectations highest court will set new standard

The last time North Carolina Republicans redrew the state's 13 congressional districts, they made absolutely no secret of their ambition to rig the system and lock in a 10-3 balance in their favour – regardless of whether they or the Democrats won a majority of the votes in future elections.

"I think electing Republicans is better than electing Democrats," bragged the chair of the redistricting committee in the state general assembly, David Lewis. "So I drew this map to help foster what I think is better for the country."

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Are we heading for another developing world debt crisis? | Larry Elliott

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:30 AM PST

Western bank loans for projects in Africa were to be paid off via rising commodity prices. At least that was the theory …

Global interest rates are rising. Poor countries are finding it tough to pay back money borrowed from banks in anticipation of a commodity windfall that never materialised. Stir in some dirty dealing that has seen funds stolen and what do you have? That's right: the makings of another debt crisis.

Poor country debt was supposed to have been sorted back in 2005, the year the Guardian changed from a broadsheet to its Berliner format. Now, 13 years later, we are changing format again and debt is back albeit in a different form. Last time, the focus was on public debt, money that poor-country governments owed to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and individual rich nations – and which was mostly forgiven as a result of the Gleneagles G8 agreement in 2005. These days, the issue is private-sector debt and while as yet only a handful of countries – mostly in sub-Saharan Africa – are in serious trouble, the warning signs are there. The IMF and the World Bank both know it.

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Donald Trump: 'I am not a racist' – video

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 07:23 PM PST

The US president responds to the furore surrounding his recent comments calling Haiti and African countries 'shitholes', telling reporters: 'I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed. That I can tell you.' Donald Trump was accused of using the vulgar word during an Oval Office meeting last week with a bipartisan group of six senators. People briefed on the conversation also say that during the meeting the president questioned the need to admit more Haitians to the US

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Chelsea Manning releases campaign ad for US Senate run – video

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 09:32 AM PST

The former US army soldier who was imprisoned for passing information to WikiLeaks has released a campaign advert. Manning filed a request to run as a Democrat for a Senate seat in Maryland

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‘This is not a drill’: Hawaiians react to 'incoming missile' false alarm – video

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 04:12 AM PST

Hawaiians were sent an alert about an incoming ballistic missile on Saturday and responded in differing ways. Some followed the advice to seek shelter while one man finished his round of golf. Officials later announced that the message had been sent in error

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Footage shows plane stuck on cliff edge after skidding off runway in Turkey – video

Posted: 14 Jan 2018 03:32 AM PST

A passenger plane has skidded off the runway of Trabzon airport in Turkey, becoming stuck on a steep slope over the Black Sea. No passengers or crew were hurt in the incident, which occurred on Saturday night

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