World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

'There's no other word but racist': Trump faces global rebuke for remark

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 10:57 PM PST

US diplomats around the world were summoned for formal reproach, amid global shock over Trump calling African nations, Haiti and El Salvador 'shitholes'

Donald Trump has been branded a shocking and shameful racist after it was credibly reported he had described African nations, as well as Haiti and El Salvador as "shitholes" and questioned why so many of their citizens had ever been permitted to enter America.

US diplomats around the world were summoned for formal reproach, amid global shock that such crude remarks could ever be made in a semi-public meeting by the president of America.

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Feel the earth move: images of Istanbul bend time and space

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 04:00 AM PST

A childhood love of science fiction gave photographer Aydın Büyüktaş a new lens through which to view the Turkish city

The surreal, digitally altered photographs of Aydın Büyüktaş defy time and space, presenting his home city of Istanbul as though viewed through a wormhole.

His images are the culmination of his reading during his childhood and adolescence in Ankara – science fiction by writers such as Isaac Asimov and HG Wells, as well as scientific and technical journals. "These books made me question the issues of wormholes, blackholes, parallel universes, gravitation and bending of space and time," he said by email from Istanbul.

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Comedy actor Bella Emberg dies aged 80

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 01:13 AM PST

Russ Abbot leads tributes to Emberg, who played his comic sidekick Blunderwoman in the 1980s

Tributes have been paid to the comedy actor Bella Emberg, who has died aged 80.

Emberg was described by Russ Abbot, with whom she appeared on The Russ Abbot Show aas Blunderwoman, as a "a woman of immense warmth and generosity".

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Animal welfare groups call for higher standards for farmed chickens

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 11:01 PM PST

Retailers and restaurants urged to sign up to new cross-European guidelines amid growing concerns over cruelty in intensive meat production

New welfare standards for farmed chickens have been demanded by a large coalition of European animal protection groups, including the RSPCA, in a bid to address growing concerns about inhumane conditions in the intensive and large-scale production of meat.

Supermarkets and restaurants are being urged to sign up to the new blueprint, which represents the first time a single set of requirements has been agreed on across the continent.

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The 20 photographs of the week

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 12:44 AM PST

Mudslides in California, Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and airstrikes in Syria - the week's biggest news stories captured by the world's best photojournalists

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Tencent, the $500bn Chinese tech firm you may never have heard of

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 12:00 AM PST

It's overtaken Facebook, bought stakes in Snapchat, Tesla and Hollywood films, and has quietly risen to rival Google and Netflix

It is China's web giant and has a string of high-profile investments spanning Snapchat, Spotify, Tesla and Hollywood film and TV. It is a sprawling corporate giant that has recently overtaken Facebook to become the world's fifth most valuable listed company – but few, in the west at least, will have heard of Tencent, even though it is worth half a trillion dollars and rising.

China is the world's most populous digital market and the protection afforded by state censorship through the so-called great firewall – which has meant no competition from Facebook, Google, Twitter and Netflix – has helped Tencent flourish since it launched nearly two decades ago in Shenzhen. But in the last year the shares have been supercharged – climbing from less than HK$200 (£18) at the beginning of 2017 to HK$442 now – and the value of the company has soared.

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Manusians living near detention centres say sewage running on to their land

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 08:28 PM PST

Fearing for their health, those residing near the West Haus and Hillside Haus centres have blocked road access to the two camps

Landowners on Manus Island have again blockaded the entrance to the Australian-run immigration centres, protesting over what they say is untreated sewage running from the centres on to their land, and the foul smell.

The asylum seekers and refugees inside the centres have been told by security not to venture outside the fenced area for safety reasons.

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My 2018 resolution? No more self-doubt

Posted: 13 Jan 2018 12:59 AM PST

I've been working on a book for over a decade, but like Jack in the Shining I've found myself recording the same things again and again. What am I waiting for?

I don't believe in New Year resolutions, but I do believe in becoming so fed up with doing – or not doing – something that you realise something has to give, whatever the date. It just so happened that this came to me on 2 January, when I realised I'd been researching a long-planned book for (the dates on the files do not lie, as much as I wish they did) 14 years. As a teenager, I dreamed of growing up to be like Dorothea from Middlemarch, all spark and goodness, but it turns out I am actually Casaubon, her creaky husband, who rots away as he spends decades researching his magnum opus, The Key To All Mythologies.

I have spent a frankly bizarre portion of my life researching early 20th-century Poland and France (hey, we all get our kicks somewhere). But when I went through my crate of notes last week, I discovered something rather unsettling. I hadn't just been researching for 14 years, I'd been researching the same things for 14 years. Like an archaeologist digging through strata, I went through my files going back over a decade, and the same information kept recurring: this fact, that figure, these statistics. I wasn't Casaubon, after all; I was Jack in The Shining, allegedly writing a book, but actually just recording the same things again and again.

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Chinese official linked to cyanide death of UK businessman is in jail, reports say

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 07:51 PM PST

Xia Zeliang, who allegedly supplied poison used in 2011 murder of Neil Heywood, is in jail for unrelated crime, Caixin reports

The Communist party official who allegedly supplied the cyanide that killed British businessman Neil Heywood and helped unleash an epochal political earthquake in China is serving a 15-year sentence for corruption, a leading magazine has revealed.

According to Caixin, Xia Zeliang, once a mid-ranking official in the south-western city of Chongqing, was tried and convicted on unrelated bribery charges in 2014 although his fate was not made public at the time. Xia, 56, is reportedly being held at a prison in the north-eastern province of Jilin and is due for release in 2027.

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Woman in Nepal dies after being exiled to outdoor hut during her period

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 06:04 AM PST

Smoke inhalation suspected to have killed 21-year-old who lit fire to keep warm while observing controversial practice of sleeping outside during menstruation

A woman has died in a remote village in Nepal because of a controversial tradition that means menstruating women are required to sleep in huts.

Temperatures in Nepal can fall below zero degrees celsius in the winter months, but women are still forced to sleep in outdoor sheds that are often poorly insulated and unheated.

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Racism and Donald Trump: a common thread throughout his career and life

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 11:58 AM PST

The US president's 'shithole' remarks referring to countries in Africa and elsewhere should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with Trump's past

For all the reactions to Donald Trump's "shithole" remarks about countries in Africa as well as Haiti, surprise cannot be one of them. From his early business interests, through his "birtherist" foray into national politics, to his divisive campaign rhetoric and now his utterances and policy as president: racism has been a steady undercurrent in the life and times of Trump.

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Why reading too much into Trump's cancelled UK trip is unwise

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 03:49 AM PST

There is something the UK is not getting right in its relations with the US, but then caprice is seen as a strength by this US president

In a sprawling interview with the Wall Street Journal this week, Donald Trump said: "I don't know what the word permanent means", adding that he could give 20 examples in his life of deep enmities and "then all of a sudden somebody's my best friend".

Caprice in his alliances and policy-making is clearly seen as a strength by the US president. The former British foreign secretary Jack Straw, for instance, said a decision expected on Friday on whether to lift the sanctions waiver on the Iranian nuclear deal came down to the flip of a coin in the Oval Office.

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‘Are you a racist?’ Trump questioned over ‘shithole’ comments – video

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 10:02 AM PST

Donald Trump ignores questions from reporters after signing a Martin Luther King Jr Day proclamation, amid reports he called a number of African countries 'shitholes' during a meeting earlier in the week. Journalists call out to the US president as he leaves the room, asking 'Are you a racist?' and 'Will you give an apology?'

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Trump's 'shithole countries' remark is racist, says UN - video

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 06:52 AM PST

The UN has condemned Donald Trump's 'shithole countries' remarks as 'racist' and hit out against his reluctance to condemn antisemitic behaviour. The UN human rights spokesman, Rupert Colville, told a Geneva news briefing: 'You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as 'shitholes', whose entire populations, who are not white, are therefore not welcome.'

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Bogotá's world-renowned graffiti district – in pictures

Posted: 12 Jan 2018 04:41 AM PST

The Colombian capital has been a mecca for street artists since graffiti was decriminalised in 2011. Businesses commission artists, celebrities leave their tag, and you can even join a tour of iconic works

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