World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

North Korea declares new UN sanctions are 'act of war'

Posted: 24 Dec 2017 01:15 AM PST

Pyongyang threatens countries will pay a 'heavy price' for backing resolution to ban 90% of petroleum exports

The latest United Nations sanctions against North Korea are an act of war and tantamount to a complete economic blockade, the country's foreign ministry said on Sunday, threatening to punish those who supported the measure.

The UN security council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea on Friday for its recent intercontinental ballistic missile test, seeking to limit its access to refined petroleum products and crude oil, and its earnings from workers abroad.

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By Bethlehem’s Manger Square, Palestinians lament Trump’s season of ill-will

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 11:00 PM PST

After the US president's Jerusalem statement, tourist numbers to Christ's birthplace have collapsed and violent protests have grown

In Bethlehem's Manger Square the huge nativity scene, donated by Malta, sits in pride of place under a grid of festive lights draped across the plaza. On Friday morning, a solitary hawker of Santa hats was touting his business, the only visible buyer a mother in a hijab who bought one for the toddler she was carrying in her arms.

Today – as every Christmas Eve – this square and the bulk of the ancient Church of the Nativity which sits on its periphery, will be lit up by television lights to allow images of Christmas in Bethlehem to be transmitted around the globe. But once again, say the West Bank city's Palestinian residents – including the large Christian minority – it will be another gloomy holiday.

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Three Miss America officials resign after leaked emails reveal abuse of winners

Posted: 24 Dec 2017 01:30 AM PST

President, CEO and chairwoman all quit after emails reveal ridiculing of women for their appearance, intellect and sex lives

Three leading figures in the Miss America Organization have resigned after leaked emails revealed how pageant officials ridiculed winners for their appearance, intellect and sex lives.

The president, Josh Randle, quit on Saturday along with chief executive Sam Haskell and chairwoman Lynn Weidner, a former Miss New Jersey.

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Steve Bannon savages 'Javanka', laying bare White House tensions

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 09:15 AM PST

Donald Trump's former chief strategist has called Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner 'the railhead of all bad decisions' in a Vanity Fair interview

Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner are under fresh scrutiny over their influence at the White House after a very public eruption of their feud with former chief strategist Steve Bannon.

In a gloves-off interview with Vanity Fair magazine, Bannon laid bare the mutual enmity with the senior advisers to the president, one of the worst-kept secrets of the Trump administration.

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Parents demand Aung San Suu Kyi is cut from children’s book of role models

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 04:05 PM PST

The Myanmar leader should be cut from Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, critics insist

It is one of the most popular children's books of 2017, a collection of stories about female role models from Amelia Earhart and Marie Curie to Hillary Clinton and Serena Williams, inspiring girls to aim high and challenge the status quo.

But Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, likely to be in many Christmas stockings, has run into controversy because of one of the 100 women included in its pages. When the book was written last year, Aung San Suu Kyi was deemed a worthy subject: winner of the Nobel peace prize and epitome of courage in the face of oppression. But her fall from grace over her response to violence against Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims, described by the UN as possible genocide, has triggered calls for her to be taken out of future editions. In response, the authors, Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo, are considering removing her from reprints.

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Nearly 40 feared dead in Philippines shopping mall fire

Posted: 24 Dec 2017 01:27 AM PST

Davao official says chances missing people survived are 'zero', after blaze trapped workers inside the four-storey building on Saturday

Thirty-seven people were believed killed in a fire that engulfed a shopping mall in the southern Philippines city of Davao, the local vice-mayor said on Sunday.

A bureau of fire protection commander at the scene said the chances of the 37 surviving were "zero", according to Paolo Duterte, the vice-mayor, who is also the president's son.

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Dozens killed in Rajasthan bus crash

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 03:38 AM PST

Vehicle carrying pilgrims to shrine near Sawai Madhopur swerves off bridge and plunges into Banas river

At least 33 people have died in the western Indian state of Rajasthan after a bus swerved off a bridge and plunged into a river, according to local police.

Seven others were injured and taken to hospital in Sawai Madhopur district, 235 miles (375km) south of Delhi.

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South Sudan's warring parties agree ceasefire in bid to end four-year war

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 03:09 PM PST

The deal, which begins on Sunday, was signed by government forces, and several armed opposition groups

A ceasefire between South Sudan's warring parties will begin at midnight on Sunday, in the latest bid to end a devastating four year war.

Government and several armed groups signed a ceasefire deal on Thursday during peace negotiations in Addis Ababa, to begin from 00:01 hours (local time) on 24 December.

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US ambassador to Netherlands says sorry for 'fake news' interview debacle

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 11:43 AM PST

Pete Hoekstra contradicted himself twice in a minute on Dutch TV, denying he had spoken of Muslim-only 'no-go' zones then denying the terms of his denial

Related: US ambassador to Netherlands describes own words as 'fake news'

Pete Hoekstra, the newly sworn-in US ambassador to the Netherlands, issued a public apology on Saturday for comments he made in a 2015 interview about so called "no-go" zones in Muslim communities in Europe.

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Liberia's George Weah whips fans into a frenzy ahead of presidential runoff

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 11:05 AM PST

Music played and vuvuzelas sounded as supporters of former footballer and presidential candidate attended Monrovia rally

The former football star George Weah has waited 12 years to become president of Liberia. With his dream now within touching distance, fans danced and sang in his honour at a Monrovia stadium on Saturday.

Weah goes head-to-head with Joseph Boakai, Liberia's vice-president, on 26 December in a long-delayed runoff for the presidency, with hopes that Christmas celebrations do not stop his legions of young and poor supporters from voting.

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Murder statistics reveal 2017 to be the deadliest year in Mexico's history

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 10:28 AM PST

With 23,101 murder investigations opened in the year up to December, 2017 is the deadliest year since records began in 1997

Mexico has registered a record number of murders in 2017, making it the deadliest year in the country's modern history.

The news deals a fresh blow to President Enrique Peña Nieto's pledge to get gang violence under control ahead of 2018's presidential election.

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The refugees who brought hope to a Scottish island

Posted: 24 Dec 2017 12:00 AM PST

Two years ago Bute offered sanctuary to 24 families fleeing terror in their homeland

A star has settled over a Scottish island this Christmas and once more people from the east are bearing gifts. Just before Christmas 2015, Bute, an archipelago off the west coast of Scotland in the Firth of Clyde, opened its doors uncertainly to a battered group of 24 Syrian families fleeing the daily threat of death and persecution. Many among Bute's 6,500 people were eager to welcome those who had endured horror. In some places the reception was chillier.

This reaction was fuelled by a degree of suspicion and resentment and given further oxygen by some media coverage which sought to sew fear and foment division. The editor of the local newspaper, The Buteman, was so appalled by the tone of some of his readers' comments that he felt he had to face them head-on in a hard-hitting editorial.

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Theresa May 'set to abandon free vote pledge on foxhunting ban'

Posted: 24 Dec 2017 12:23 AM PST

PM will reportedly abandon election manifesto pledge to give MPs free vote on whether to overturn foxhunting ban

Theresa May will reportedly abandon her Conservative general election manifesto pledge to give MPs a free vote on whether to overturn the fox hunting ban.

According to the Sunday Times, the prime minister will in early 2018 announce plans to permanently drop the commitment to a House of Commons vote, in a move that would risk infuriating rural Tories.

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Catalonia’s hopes for peace stall as further wave of arrests feared

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 01:00 PM PST

Tensions continue to rise as Catalans elect 19 jailed, exiled or bailed politicians, and separatists claim the judiciary is acting on Madrid's orders

The dramatic election in Catalonia on Thursday was supposed to draw a line under months of tension and division across the Spanish region over its future status. Instead it has opened a potentially damaging new division with suggestions that a fresh wave of arrests of Catalan nationalists may be unleashed.

Altogether, 19 of the elected candidates are either in prison, on bail or in exile, and face charges that carry up to 30 years in prison. Now the supreme court judge Pablo Llarena plans to issue writs against a further 11 people linked with the deposed Catalan government for their part in organising October's referendum and fomenting secessionism.

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Venezuela set to expel top Brazilian and Canadian diplomats

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 06:10 PM PST

Officials have been increasingly critical of the president, Nicolás Maduro, and his government for consolidating power

The Venezuelan government is preparing to expel top diplomats from Brazil and Canada, accusing them of meddling in the country's politics.

The national constituent assembly president, Delcy Rodriguez, declared both Brazil's ambassador and Canada's charge d'affaires as personas non grata, a move which does away with their diplomatic credentials.

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Madrid and Barcelona need to talk. That’s not on the cards

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 01:00 PM PST

Dialogue appears to be the only way forward for Catalonia, but neither the government nor nationalists seem prepared to compromise

When Spain's prime minister Mariano Rajoy decided to impose direct rule over Catalonia in October, and call a snap election to replace its regional parliament – after it had declared independence from Spain – he thought he was "restoring normality" to Catalan politics and putting an end to the conflict.

Instead, the election has shown that conflict is the new normal. The pro-independence parties have again secured an absolute majority, and they vow to restore the same government Rajoy dismissed two months ago.

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The New York Times' handling of Glenn Thrush claims speaks volumes

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 07:00 AM PST

For a global media leader like the Times to do this, it sends a clear message to women in journalism: one man's career is more important than all women's

This week the New York Times announced that it will not be firing Glenn Thrush, who had been accused of sexually inappropriate behavior, despite his "offensive" behavior. I can't speak to the appropriate punishment for Thrush, but the New York Times' inability to fully reckon with what happened speaks volumes. They offer no indication that the leadership understands why what Thrush did was wrong. They don't address the way in which NYT staffers maligned one of the accusers, they don't explain what their investigation found and most appallingly there is no recognition of the way that Thrush spread sexist gossip about the women he targeted in order to protect himself.

As the #MeToo movement continues on, we're going to see decisions like this from institutions – dismissing women's concerns is easier than fully addressing the way that misogyny and abuse functions in the workplace. But for a global leader like the Times to do this, it sends a clear message to women in media: one man's career is more important than all women's.

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Santa paws: animals celebrating Christmas – in pictures

Posted: 24 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

From a Santa-loving stingray to a meatball-eyed snowman fit for a polar bear, zookeepers around the world are finding fun ways for animals to join in with the festivities

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Jeff Bergman reads excerpt from Hope in the Dark in Trump Tower lobby - video

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 09:11 AM PST

Jeff Bergman, founder of Learn as Protest, reads from literature, speeches and editorials he considers an apt counterpoint to the manifest shortcomings of a president notorious for his disdain for the written word. 'This is a sustained, non-violent resistance,' he says. 'The point is to learn as a form of protest. So we come here and we read aloud.'

Read it and weep: meet the man waging a weekly protest at Trump Tower

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Tropical Storm Tembin leaves more than 100 dead and many displaced in the Philippines - video

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 06:52 AM PST

Nearly 100 people have been killed and dozens are missing after Tropical Storm Tembin hit the southern Philippines, triggering mudslides and flooding, police and disaster officials said. The weather bureau said the storm had gathered strength over the Sulu Sea with winds of up 80 k/mh (50 mph) and moving west at 20 k/hm. More than 100 deaths were reported in various places including 60 in Tubod, El Salvador and Munai towns in Lanao del Norte province. Sixty-four people were reported missing in floods and landslides, according to reports form officials and police

More than 100 killed in Philippine mudslides and floods as storm hits

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Rescue workers pull passengers from bus that fell into Indian river – video

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 03:50 AM PST

At least 33 people have died in the western Indian state of Rajasthan after a bus swerved off a bridge and fell into a river, according to local police. Seven others were injured and taken to hospital in Sawai Madhopur district. The bus had been trying to overtake another vehicle when it crashed into the barrier and fell 20 metres into the Banas river. More than 111,000 people die in road accidents each year in India, the highest toll in the world.

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