World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

North Koreans working overseas must return home under new UN sanctions

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:08 PM PST

UN security council unanimously approves measures, including lower limits on oil imports and a crackdown on smuggling, after latest ballistic missile launch

The UN security council has unanimously approved tough new sanctions on North Korea in response to its latest launch of a ballistic missile that Pyongyang says is capable of reaching anywhere on the US mainland.

The new sanctions approved in the council resolution include sharply lower limits on North Korea's oil imports, the return home of all North Koreans working overseas within 24 months, and a crackdown on ships smuggling banned items including coal and oil to and from the country.

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Fifa trial: two ex-soccer officials found guilty on multiple charges of corruption

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 11:49 AM PST

  • Juan Angel Napout and José Maria Marin both found guilty in New York
  • Fifa corruption spanned decades and resulted in $150m in bribes

Two former South American football officials were found guilty on multiple corruption charges on Friday by a New York City jury in the first case brought to trial as a result of the US government's sprawling investigation of Fifa.

Related: Fox and other top broadcasters involved in Fifa bribe scheme, witness tells court

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Spanish PM defends handling of Catalan crisis after election blow

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:14 AM PST

Mariano Rajoy calls for dialogue and cooperation, after deposed Catalan leader offers to meet him but not in Spain

Spain's prime minister has defended his handling of the Catalan crisis after the snap election he called in an attempt to settle the secessionist challenge resulted in pro-independence parties holding on to their absolute majority in parliament.

Speaking the day after the three Catalan separatist parties won a total of 70 seats in the 135-seat regional parliament, Mariano Rajoy stood by his strategy of taking control of the region in response to an illegal independence referendum and subsequent declaration of independence.

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Children of Catholic priests chalk up win in fight for recognition

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 03:35 AM PST

The Vatican has at last broken its silence on priests who become fathers, as their children reveal the pain of secrecy

When he was a boy, Vincent Doyle spent most weekends with a priest he believed was his godfather.

Every Friday night they would watch MacGyver and Vincent would stay in a room that the priest, who was called JJ, kept for him. And every morning before school, he would call Vincent to wish him well.

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'Ambulance of death' stretcher-bearer accused of killing patients in Italy

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:43 AM PST

Police in Sicily say Davide Garofalo injected air into veins of at least three elderly people to get €300 payoff from funeral parlours

Police in Sicily have arrested a stretcher-bearer suspected of injecting air into the veins of patients to kill them, then collecting €300 (£265) in cash from local funeral parlours in a grisly scam allegedly run by the mafia.

Working on what the Italian media has dubbed the "ambulanza della morte", or ambulance of death, Davide Garofalo, 42, faces charges of voluntary homicide over the deaths of at least three people and possibly dozens more.

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Ex-Trump adviser Carter Page accused academics who twice failed his PhD of bias

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 10:00 PM PST

  • Page's 'verbose' and 'vague' thesis was failed twice at University of London
  • Compared treatment to Russian oligarch sent to Siberian prison by Putin

Carter Page, Donald Trump's former foreign policy adviser, accused his British examiners of "anti-Russian bias" after they took the highly unusual step of failing his "verbose" and "vague" PhD thesis, not once but twice.

Related: 'Kill the messenger': how Fox News cried 'coup' over the Trump-Russia inquiry

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Europe rebuked for removing Afghans to one of world's most dangerous countries

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

Sweden and Germany at forefront of rise in refused asylum seekers being sent back since EU agreed aid package for country

Britain and other European nations are under increasing pressure to explain why they are sending hundreds of desperate Afghans back to one of the world's most dangerous countries.

MPs and MEPs have raised questions about whether the EU tied a 2016 aid package for Afghanistan to its willingness to take back refused asylum seekers.

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Christmas countdown fuels debate over location of St Nicholas's grave

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

Theologians say his remains are in Italy but Turkish officials say they are under St Nicholas church in Antalya where he lived

The real hometown of Santa Claus is nothing like the North Pole. It is a two-hour drive from the city of Antalya, along a coastal road in Turkey nestled between the sparkling blue of the Mediterranean and, in the distance, the imposing Taurus mountains.

There, in the town of Demre – called Myra in antiquity – lived St Nicholas, celebrated by Christians as a gift-giver.

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'Welcome to prison': winter hits in one of Greece's worst refugee camps

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

Patience is running out on Lesbos, where thousands live in the packed Moria camp, but the government is finally taking action

High in the hills of the Greek island of Lesbos, in a former military camp now filled with containers and tents, the onset of winter has elicited particular dread.

In the countdown to its official arrival, protests have become louder both inside and outside the facility, whose wall is graffitied with the menacing message: welcome to Moria prison.

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Christmas getaway: disruption on roads, rail and at airports

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 01:02 AM PST

Last-minute shoppers will combine with people visiting friends and relatives to cause a busy weekend on the UK transport network

The Christmas getaway is set to continue through the weekend after a "Frantic Friday" exodus from major cities saw congested roads and rail disruption on the last working day before the festive break.

Roads will remain busy on Saturday with those who delayed travelling to avoid Friday's rush joining last-minute shoppers and online delivery vehicles.

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Europe sends people 'home' to Afghanistan, where they have never been

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

Accelerated programme of forced removals results in scared young men being deported to a country they do not know

European nations are deporting to Afghanistan young Afghans who have never set foot in the country, or not lived there since they were infants.

An accelerated programme of forced removals this year resulted in several instances of the terrifying paradox in which young men are sent "home" to a country they do not know.

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The 20 photographs of the week

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 01:24 AM PST

The Catalonia election, protests in Ramallah and the homeless in London at Christmas – the week's biggest news stories captured by the world's best photojournalists

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'They just want to forget': Las Vegas survivors brace for holiday season

Posted: 23 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

The Vegas Strong Resiliency Center offers counseling to those who experienced the attack, including police, at a time of year when losses feel particularly acute

A survivor of the Las Vegas mass shooting went Christmas shopping recently, hoping to forget – if just briefly – the night when bullets rained down on an outdoor concert, killing 58 in the crowd and injuring scores, including one who died next to her.

Shopping for presents made her feel worse, though.

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Foreign cash driving top-end house prices in Vancouver and Toronto

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:38 PM PST

The value of some houses owned by non-residents is nearly 50% higher than those owned by residents in Toronto, analysis reveals

Foreign buyers are driving up the prices of homes in Canada's two largest housing markets, according to research which will intensify the debate around overseas property ownership in the expensive cities of Vancouver and Toronto.

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Dozens killed in Philippine mudslides and floods as storm hits

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:50 PM PST

Police and disaster officials estimate nearly 90 people have died on the main southern island of Mindanao

A tropical storm in the Philippines has triggered mudslides and floods killing nearly 90 people with dozens of others missing, police and disaster officials said on Saturday.

The casualties, most of which occurred on Friday, were all on the main southern island of Mindanao, they said.

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Flinders Street crash: alleged driver charged with 18 counts of attempted murder

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 11:25 PM PST

Saeed Noori also charged with one count of conduct endangering life after being formally interviewed by police

The man who allegedly ploughed his car into pedestrians in Flinders Street in Melbourne on Thursday has been remanded in custody after a brief court appearance during which he covered his face with his hand.

Saeed Noori, a former Afghan refugee and now Australia citizen, was charged with 18 counts of attempted murder and one count of conduct endangering life after being formally interviewed by police on Saturday.

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Catalan snap poll leaves both sides at loggerheads and digging in

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:07 AM PST

Competition for leadership of the independence and unionist movements will lead to ramped up rhetoric and old wounds inflamed

The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, called elections in Catalonia in order to squash the wealthy region's troublesome independence movement, but instead discovered he was incapable of taming it.

The results from Thursday's vote are disastrous for Rajoy and his conservative government, but are also a headache for those who now have to form a Catalan regional government. Just as in 2015, most Catalans voted against the independence parties, but these still won a majority in parliament – with the balance of power now in the hands of the most radical separatists.

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Trump signs tax bill: 'I didn't want you folks to say that I wasn't keeping my promise' – video

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:51 AM PST

President Trump says he was due to sign the tax bill into law in early January but decided to do so today after watching the morning news shows. 'I didn't want you folks to say that I wasn't keeping my promise. I am keeping my promise. I'm signing [the tax bill] before Christmas'. Trump later left the White House to board a flight to Florida for the festive period.

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An extraordinary year: 2017 in review – video

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 04:23 AM PST

It has been another extraordinary year. From the revelations of the Paradise Papers to the continuing investigation into Russia's role in the US election, we've been there to provide insight, analysis and opinion every step of the way. And to find hope as we look ahead to 2018.

If you'd like to help fund our fearless, independent journalism, why not support us with a contribution or by becoming a subscriber?

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