World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Argentina death flights: a son's fight for the right to testify against his father

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:00 AM PST

Relatives propose amendment to the country's penal code that would allow sons and daughters to testify against their parents in human rights cases

Pablo Verna hasn't seen his father since a heated discussion in a Buenos Aires hotel bar more than four years ago. But the bitter 2013 conversation which led to their estrangement was not about family matters.

Related: How an Argentinian man learned his 'father' may have killed his real parents

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Profumo had long-term relationship with Nazi spy before 60s sex scandal

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:01 PM PST

Tory MP John Profumo met Gisela Winegard in Oxford in 1936 and kept in touch with her for 20 years, according to MI5 files

John Profumo, the Conservative minister who resigned over an infamous 1960s sex scandal, had previously had a long-running relationship with a glamorous Nazi spy who may have tried to blackmail him, newly released MI5 files reveal.

Gisela Winegard, a German-born fashion and photographer's model, met Profumo in Oxford in 1936 when he was an undergraduate and kept in contact with him for at least 20 years during which time she ran a Nazi secret information service in occupied Paris, had a child with a high-ranking German officer, and was imprisoned for espionage on the liberation of Paris in 1944.

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New Zealand broadcasters refuse to stop using Māori words

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:28 PM PST

Presenters defiant as hundreds of listeners say use of Te Reo on radio and television excludes those who don't speak the language

High-profile New Zealand media personalities are refusing to back down from using Māori words in their prime-time broadcasting, despite hundreds of complaints from English speakers who say they feel excluded by the use of the Te Reo language.

Newshub presenter Kanoa Lloyd, who is of Māori descent, first began introducing Te Reo words to her weather reports in 2015 and immediately received a weekly torrent of complaints and online abuse. Many listeners said they were unhappy with Lloyd referring to New Zealand by its Te Reo name of Aotearoa, and to the North and South Islands by their Te Reo names of Te Ika-a-Maui and Te Waipounamu.

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Xi Jinping makes China's toilets a number two priority

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:09 PM PST

Chinese urged to 'Advance the Toilet Revolution Steadily' and do away with squalid communal facilities as a national imperative

When Mao Zedong was building up support to eventually conquer China he famously declared: "A revolution is not a dinner party." And Chinese president Xi Jinping's mission to "revolutionise" the country's toilets is certainly a far cry from hors d'oeuvres.

Xi has stressed the need to upgrade China's toilets in order to build a more civilised society and improve the hygiene of the masses. He first launched the "toilet revolution" in 2015, initially aimed at building better bathrooms at tourist sites. The stench and filth of many Chinese toilets horrifies foreigners.

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Donald Trump makes 'Pocahontas' joke at ceremony honoring Navajo veterans

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:53 AM PST

Addressing Native American veterans of the second world war, the president repeated a favorite racial taunt about Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren

Donald Trump made a racial joke about Native Americans on Monday during a White House ceremony honoring Navajo veterans of the second world war.

Related: Trump's consumer agency pick serves doughnuts and plea to 'disregard' acting head

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Resistance! São Paulo's homeless seize the city

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:15 AM PST

Like New York in the 1980s and Berlin in the 90s, the occupation movement in São Paulo has exploded into one of the most dynamic forces in Brazil

On the wall of an abandoned and occupied hotel in central São Paulo is a mural of a fiercely feral creature – part cat, part rat, part alien – that bears a red revolutionary banner with a single word: Resistência!

The surrounding courtyard is daubed with slogans of defiance – "10 years of struggle!", "Whoever doesn't struggle is dead" – and the initials MMLJ (the Movement of Residents Fighting for Justice).

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Washington Post catches woman in apparent rightwing sting, paper reports

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:01 PM PST

Jaime Phillips, who falsely told paper Roy Moore had impregnated her, had ties to conservative activist James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, Post says

A conservative group known for undercover investigations has been linked to a woman who falsely told the Washington Post that the Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore impregnated her as a teenager, the newspaper reported.

Moore has been accused of multiple instances of sexual misconduct, which the newspaper had reported on. But the Post determined that one accuser who approached the newspaper earlier in the month, identified as Jaime Phillips, made up a fake story probably designed to embarrass the newspaper.

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Harvey Weinstein sued for alleged 'sex trafficking' in Cannes

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:12 PM PST

Actor Kadian Noble has accused the disgraced producer of sexual assault during the film festival in 2004, violating sex trafficking laws

Harvey Weinstein has been accused of violating sex trafficking laws as an aspiring actor has launched a lawsuit against him.

Related: Harvey Weinstein faces UK civil claim over alleged sexual assault

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Argentina's missing submarine: water caused battery to short-circuit

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:57 AM PST

The San Juan has been missing since 15 November and had been ordered back to its base after it reported water had entered the vessel through its snorkel

Water entered the snorkel of the Argentinian submarine ARA San Juan, causing its battery to short-circuit before it went missing on 15 November, a navy spokesman said on Monday as hope dwindled among some families of the 44-member crew.

The San Juan had only a seven-day oxygen supply when it lost contact, and a sudden noise was detected that the navy says could have been the implosion of the vessel. Ships with rescue equipment from countries including the United States and Russia were nonetheless rushing to join the search.

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Turkish PM warns EU over refugee deal ahead of Syrian peace talks

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:10 PM PST

Binali Yıldırım suggests Turkey could withdraw from EU agreement if Kurdish forces are given a role in talks

Turkey's prime minister has warned that the country has the power to allow millions of refugees to resume their journeys to western Europe if the US and EU-backed Kurdish forces fighting in Syria are given a role in peace talks.

A sixth round of UN-sponsored Syrian talks to find a political solution for the six-year conflict is due to resume in Geneva on Tuesday, and Turkish opposition to any role in the talks for the Kurdish forces, the YPG, is likely to prove one of many stumbling blocks. Turkey regards the Syrian Kurds as inextricably linked to the Kurdish militant organisation, the PKK, which operates inside Turkey.

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Cypriot fighters seek damages over torture under British rule

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:01 PM PST

The 35 claimants are suing the UK government over alleged human rights abuses that took place in the 1950s

Greek Cypriots who claim they were tortured by colonial forces when they were members of a guerrilla group in the 1950s are seeking damages from the British government.

More than 50 years after the alleged human rights abuses took place, a preliminary high court hearing on Tuesday will consider whether a case brought by 35 former fighters for the National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters – Eoka – should be heard exclusively under English law or Cypriot law as well.

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German grand coalition talks unlikely to begin until new year

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:44 AM PST

SPD leader Martin Schulz under pressure from members who worry that another deal with Angela Merkel could backfire

Talks on forming another "grand coalition" government in Germany are unlikely to fully start until next year as the Social Democratic party (SPD) continues to weigh up the risks of working again with Angela Merkel.

Merkel's chances of a fourth term as chancellor were thrown into doubt this month when talks about a three-way "Jamaica coalition" between her Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the Free Democrats and the Greens collapsed.

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Egypt's Sufis will stay indoors to mark birth of prophet Muhammad

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:15 AM PST

Following Friday's attack on a mosque in north Sinai, in which 305 were killed, annual parade is cancelled

Egypt's Sufi worshippers have said they will go ahead with celebrations to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad despite an attack on a mosque in the Sinai peninsula that left 305 dead and 128 injured.

The attack on al-Rawda Mosque in the northern Sinai town of Bir al-Abed on Friday was the most deadly in modern Egyptian history. A bomb tore through the house of worship just after Friday prayers, killing many of those inside including 27 children.

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More than 100 reindeer killed by freight trains in Norway 'bloodbath'

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:37 AM PST

Sixty-five animals died on railway track on Saturday while further 41 killed last week during winter migration

More than 100 reindeer have been killed by freight trains in northern Norway in the past days in what has been called a senseless tragedy.

One train killed 65 deer on a track on Saturday while 41 died between Wednesday and Friday, the public broadcaster NRK reported late on Sunday.

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Controversial glyphosate weedkiller wins new five-year lease in Europe

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:42 AM PST

EU votes to reauthorise the pesticide, ending a bitterly fought battle that saw 1.3 million people sign a petition calling for a ban

Glyphosate, the key ingredient in the world's bestselling weedkiller, has won a new five-year lease in Europe, closing the most bitterly fought pesticide relicensing battle of recent times.

The herbicide's licence had been due to run out in less than three weeks, raising the prospect of Monsanto's Roundup disappearing from store shelves and, potentially, a farmers' revolt.

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Russian man sent to penal colony for insulting officials online

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:57 AM PST

Vladimir Timoshenko given two-year sentence for using social media to call for uprising against 'unpopular regime'

A court in St Petersburg has sentenced a man to two years in a penal colony for insulting high-ranking Russian officials on social media.

Vladimir Timoshenko, 43, was found guilty of writing a post on the popular Russian social network Vkontakte that "contained text of humiliating and insulting nature towards high-placed officials", the court said in a statement on Monday.

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'Celebrity' elephant crushes owner to death in Thailand

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:21 AM PST

Incident involving five-tonne elephant that has starred in films and commercials prompts fresh debate over use of animals in tourism

An elephant that has starred in feature films and commercials has crushed its owner to death in Thailand, zoo officials say, setting off fresh debate over the kingdom's animal tourism industry.

Related: The dark side of wildlife tourism: thousands of Asian elephants held in cruel conditions

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Under cover of darkness: inside São Paulo's vast illegal Feirinha night market

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:19 AM PST

Every night at 1am, thousands of sweatshop workers emerge on to the streets of Brás to sell Minnie Mouse and Nike knockoffs. When 7am strikes, the police break it up. But is this nightly choreography hiding something more dangerous?

Every two months, Aziz Abdel Rahman boards a bus in Brasilia. The journey takes all night, 700 miles in total. At 2am he reaches his final stop, disembarking into the dark and crowded – and largely illegal – Feirinha da Madrugada: the secretive "little dawn market", the biggest informal market in South America.

Rahman travels all that way to find the cheapest clothing in the country, and the few hours before the sunrise are the best to browse. Here on the streets of Brás, a downmarket but bustling neighbourhood of Sao Paulo, Rahman scours the seemingly endless racks and piles of clothing, looking for bargains such as sports trousers at R$10 (£2.30), which he will later sell back in Brasília for up to R$55.

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The revolution will not be televised: how Guaraní Indians got São Paulo's attention

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:00 AM PST

Driven to the brink by poverty and governmental double-crossing, São Paulo's indigenous people seized the local TV antenna – and that was just the beginning

No one took much notice when a group of 150 disgruntled Guaraní Indians took control of the highest point in São Paulo, the peak of Jaraguá. The takeover, just before 4am on 13 September, was met with no resistance: one group seized the park gates and closed access, while another surrounded the TV antennas and allowed the security guard to leave at the end of his shift.

For two days the Guaraní sat in the same place that their ancestors had fled from slavery in the construction of the city, more than four centuries ago. They claimed that more of the land surrounding the peak should be theirs and want to stop privatisation of state parks – but no one was listening.

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Boom town: São Paulo in the 1940s – in pictures

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:00 PM PST

Swiss-born Hildegard Rosenthal fled the second world war to become a pioneering photojournalist in Brazil. Here's a selection of her unstaged street shots, taken during a period of transformation for São Paulo

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Guardian Cities: Live from São Paulo's occupations

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:33 PM PST

An unprecedent wave of illegal occupations of abandoned property has transformed Brazil's megacity. Join us as we report from across São Paulo

It's coming up to 6.30pm here in São Paulo, and it's time to conclude our live coverage from the city's occupied buildings, and day one of Guardian Cities' São Paulo Live.

Thank you for sharing with us your thoughts and feelings about our coverage so far – we hope you agree, it's been a great start to the week.

I am at the Green Corridor on 23 de Maio, covering a different type of occupation – that by greenery, of grey urban space.

Movimento 90 occupying the city with greenery, using money from environmental fines levied against companies #GuardianSaoPaulo

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O futuro de São Paulo dorme sob um barraco de plástico preto

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:34 AM PST

Desafiando a enorme desigualdade da cidade, ocupações de sem-teto e uma vibrante rede de ativismo a aproximam de uma prosperidade para todos

Logo após a fundação de São Paulo, em 1554, o padre jesuíta José de Anchieta, com a ajuda de indígenas aliados, ergueu um muro de barro e estacas para ajudar a mantê-la "segura de todo o embate", como descreveu o próprio. Os indesejados eram outros indígenas que não queriam se converter à fé cristã e, por diversas vezes, tentaram tomar o arraial.

Ao longo dos anos, a vila se expandiu para além da cerca de barro, que caiu de velha. Foi de São Paulo que partiram os chamados "bandeirantes" – exploradores que caçaram, mataram e escravizaram milhares país adentro, mas também ampliaram o território brasileiro em sua busca por riquezas.

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The true story of the fake US embassy in Ghana

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:00 PM PST

Last year, the US state department said it had uncovered a fake embassy in Accra that had been issuing a stream of forged visas. The story went viral – but all was not as it seemed. By Yepoka Yeebo

On Friday 2 December 2016, a curious story appeared on the website "Ghana security authorities shut down fake US Embassy in Accra," the headline declared. For a decade, the story went, there had been a fake US embassy in the Ghanaian capital. The fraudsters behind it had flown the American flag from their building and even hung a portrait of Barack Obama on the wall. The criminal network behind the scam had advertised on billboards and prowled the most remote villages of west Africa, searching for gullible customers. They brought them to Accra, and sold them visas for as much as $6,000 (£4,495).

The story was an immediate hit. "In less than an hour we were getting 20,000 views on the website for that story alone," Emmanuel Dogbevi, the website's managing editor told me. Two days later, the news agency Reuters picked up the story and it swiftly became an international sensation.

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How a Met police spy's fake identity was rumbled | Rob Evans

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:27 AM PST

A police spy using the fake identity of a dead boy was confronted by suspicious leftwing activists and then disappeared

An undercover officer can be unmasked at any point in their deployment. It is one of their biggest fears. Even the possibility of being exposed can spell the end of their covert operation.

Police have admitted this is what happened to one of their spies who had been sent to infiltrate leftwing groups.

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Facebook to hand over details of Russian-backed Brexit posts

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:20 AM PST

Commons media watchdog to receive information on Russian-backed activity on social network within next few weeks

Facebook has agreed to hand over information showing the reach of Russian-backed postings during the Brexit referendum by early December, according to the House of Commons media watchdog.

Damian Collins, the chair of parliament's culture, media and sport committee, said he believed the figures would give the UK a better idea of whether Russia tried to influence the vote on leaving the EU.

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To find the extremism behind the Egypt terror attack, start with anti-Sufi preachers | HA Hellyer

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:00 AM PST

Sufism is integral to Islam. The extremist ideology that insists otherwise ignores history and distorts the truth

On Friday, more than 300 Muslim worshippers were murdered, and scores more injured, by extremist Islamists in Egypt. There are quite likely a few reasons why this attack took place when it did, including the rejection of radical groups by this northern Sinai town. But one reason is a deeply ideological one, which relates to the Sufi character of the mosque where the massacre took place. That ideological component goes far beyond this particular attack – and, indeed, beyond one particular group. It is a problem that Muslim communities the world over must all tackle – a virulent strain of extremist thought that ironically rejects orthodoxy, while insisting it is the most orthodox.

Extremism is not an intrinsically Muslim problem, and it ought not to be considered as such

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Trump makes Pocahontas 'joke' at ceremony honouring Navajo veterans – video

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:48 AM PST

Donald Trump made a 'joke' about Native Americans on Monday during a White House ceremony honouring Navajo veterans of the second world war. Addressing Native American veterans, Trump repeated a favourite taunt about Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren, a political opponent whom he refers to derisively as Pocahontas because of her claim to have Cherokee heritage

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AFP did not destroy copies of journalist's phone records it unlawfully accessed

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:53 AM PST

Commonwealth ombudsman says it found additional records of metadata obtained to identify journalist's source

The Australian federal police did not destroy all copies of phone records it obtained unlawfully, without a warrant, for the purpose of identifying a journalist's source, according to a new audit by the commonwealth ombudsman.

In April 2017, the AFP commissioner, Andrew Colvin, confirmed such a breach had occurred within the professional standards unit and apologised, saying the accessed metadata had been destroyed.

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Irish PM holds talks with opposition to avert government collapse

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:13 AM PST

Leo Varadkar hopes to avoid vote of no confidence that could trigger Christmas election and weaken Brexit position

The Irish prime minister, Leo Varadkar, was holding emergency meetings on Tuesday to prevent a collapse of his administration that could precipitate a Christmas election and weaken his hand in Brexit talks.

Varadkar will meet the leader of the main opposition party, Fianna Fáil, hoping to avert a vote of no confidence on Tuesday evening over the deputy prime minister that could bring down the government and result in a general election.

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German pro-refugee mayor attacked by man with knife

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:11 AM PST

Andreas Hollstein, 57, mayor of Altena, was treated in hospital after he was attacked by man who criticised his refugee policy

A knife attacker injured the mayor of a German town in an assault that appeared to be motivated by the municipal leader's pro-refugee stance, officials said.

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, was "horrified by the knife attack", her spokesman, Steffen Seibert, wrote on Twitter.

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How have you been affected by the Bali volcano evacuation?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:46 AM PST

With airport closures and thousands evacuated from the area around Mount Agung, we want to hear from those affected

Mount Agung in Bali could erupt imminently according to Indonesian officials. Around 100,000 have been asked to leave the area with tens of thousands of travellers stranded due to airport closures.

Related: How dangerous is Bali's Mount Agung and what action has been taken?

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Pope Francis to meet Aung San Suu Kyi on first full day in Myanmar

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:42 AM PST

Pontiff to meet country's civilian leader a day after meeting military general in charge of crackdown on Rohingya minority

Pope Francis is spending his first full day in Myanmar travelling to the country's capital on Tuesday to meet the civilian leader, the Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

The meeting is the most anticipated of his visit, given the international outcry over the crackdown on Myanmar's Muslim Rohingya minority, which the US and UN have described as a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

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Bali volcano: glowing red lava seen on Mount Agung

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:14 AM PST

Burnt orange glow observed in the crater and in the thick column of ash rising nearly two miles into the air

The glow from a ring of incandescent red lava in the crater of Bali's Mount Agung is clearly visible, as the likelihood of a large eruption on the popular holiday island continues to grow.

Related: How dangerous is Bali's Mount Agung and what action has been taken?

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Journalist Wendy Dent tells how Don Burke 'pressured' her to audition topless

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:58 PM PST

Dent alleges Burke's Backyard presenter's behaviour was 'so shocking', but Burke says her claims are 'just not true'

Australian film-maker and journalist Wendy Dent was just 21 in 1996 when Don Burke told her she could audition for his television program, Burke's Backyard.

"He said if you want to be on the show you'll have to audition for me and you'll have to be topless, because you'd be a mermaid, and mermaids are topless," Dent told Guardian Australia.

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Tuesday briefing: Brexit files – the truth is not in there

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:27 PM PST

Anger as David Davis censors details of economic impact … a certain famous couple is getting married … and Britain headed for deep freeze

Good morning, it's Warren Murray back with you for the rest of the week.

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'Serious damage' to China-Taiwan ties as activist Lee Ming-cheh jailed

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:13 PM PST

Outcry over five-year sentence handed to Taiwanese human rights defender who was secretly arrested while visiting China in March

A court in China has sentenced a Taiwanese democracy activist to five years in prison on subversion charges in a case that has strained relations between Beijing and Taipei.

Lee Ming-cheh sat silently as a judge read the sentence, accusing him of disseminating articles, books and videos critical of China's Communist system in an attempt to foment a "western colour revolution".

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Amnesty calls for criminal investigation into Shell over alleged complicity in murder and torture in Nigeria

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:01 PM PST

Rights group publishes full evidence review, including statements alleging Shell managed undercover police unit in 1990s after its operations ended in Ogoniland

Amnesty International is calling for a criminal investigation into the oil giant Shell regarding allegations it was complicit in human rights abuses carried out by the Nigerian military.

A review of thousands of internal company documents and witness statements published on Tuesday points to the Anglo-Dutch organisation's alleged involvement in the brutal campaign to silence protesters in the oil-producing Ogoniland region in the 1990s.

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We pressed pause the day we had to leave Syria. The shock never goes away | Mouna Ghanem

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:36 AM PST

War has shattered our society and put our lives on hold. Now we women are demanding that our voices are heard in building peace in our damaged country

I am a medical doctor and a proud Syrian woman. I was born and grew up in Damascus. We stayed for as long as we could but were forced out in 2012. We pressed pause the day we left. Since then, I have divided my life across different countries. My children are in Denmark and I work in Lebanon. I feel as if our lives are on hold. Many days I do not know how to feel. My only dream is to go back and start from where we left off. I am not ready to move on.

What people do not always understand is that the shock of being forced from the place you call home does not really ease over time. I love Beirut, but every single day I miss the smell of Damascus air. It is a physical ache that never goes away. I have become a different person too. The uncertainty I have seen and the thin line I have witnessed between life and death have completely changed how I think. I have less patience but more understanding. I know dozens of friends and relatives who have died and too many to count who have been injured. At least half a million Syrians have already been killed because of this war. That is not something any of us will ever forget.

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Sexual harassment doesn't just happen to actors or journalists. Talk to a waitress, or a cleaner

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:00 AM PST

There are far too many think pieces about high-level actresses and far too few about the waitress at your local diner

Outclassed: The Secret Life of Inequality is our new column about class. Read all articles here

The number of women in the entertainment industry coming forward with charges of sexual harassment is starting to feel endless. They include stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie but also heads of tech startups and journalists, gallerists and producers.

But it is women working in far less glamorous occupations who really bear the brunt of male lechery and assault: the housekeepers, waitresses and farmworkers. A paper in the journal Gender, Work & Organization, based on interviews with female workers at five-star hotels, found almost all experiencing some kind of inappropriate sexual advance from a guest. In another study, 80% of waitresses reported sexual harassment. A mind-boggling 88% of female construction workers did, too.

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Christmas decorations at the White House – in pictures

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:36 AM PST

'Time-honored traditions' is the theme and first lady Melania Trump personally chose every detail of the decor, says the White House

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Cold lava flow threatens residents around Indonesia's Mount Agung – video

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:27 AM PST

Water and volcanic debris have been flowing down the slopes of Mount Agung after rain and two eruptions. Officials say a larger eruption could be imminent, and 40,000 people have been moved away from the volcano

100,000 told to evacuate as Bali volcano spews huge ash cloud

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