World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Catalonia holds general strike in protest over referendum violence

Posted: 03 Oct 2017 12:22 AM PDT

Flights and train services could be disrupted during strike to condemn police response to independence vote

Large numbers of Catalans are expected to observe a general strike on Tuesday to condemn police violence at a banned weekend referendum on independence, as Madrid comes under growing international pressure to resolve its worst political crisis in decades.

Flights and train services could be disrupted as well as port operations, after unions called for the stoppage to "vigorously condemn" the police response to the poll, in which Catalonia's leader said 90% of voters had backed independence from Spain.

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Rattling Afghanistan's powerful: Etilaat Roz newspaper exposes corruption

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Paper punches considerably above its weight journalistically – but editor's main preoccupation is how to pay the staff

When his newspaper dropped its third huge exclusive of the year, proving that Afghan government officials had tried to discriminate against ethnic minorities, Zaki Daryabi did not immediately worry about retaliation. His first concern was how to pay his staff.

Related: 'Girls aren't less than boys': Kabul's female veterinarians hope to cure inequality | Fran McElhone

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Catholic church to make record divestment from fossil fuels

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 10:30 PM PDT

More than 40 Catholic institutions will make largest ever faith-based divestment, on the anniversary of the death of St Francis of Assisi

More than 40 Catholic institutions are to announce the largest ever faith-based divestment from fossil fuels, on the anniversary of the death of St Francis of Assisi.

The sum involved has not been disclosed but the volume of divesting groups is four times higher than a previous church record, and adds to a global divestment movement, led by investors worth $5.5tn.

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The dancing, beer-drinking woman who would be Egypt's next president | Ruth Michaelson

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Running against al-Sisi might be a risky prospect, but Mona Prince cuts a bold figure in this repressive society, even as her detractors mock her for announcing her candidacy in a candid Facebook video

In a smoky restaurant-bar in downtown Cairo, the presidential candidate is sucking hard on a cigarette.

"I'm breaking the image of the president as an all-knowing, god-like type," says Mona Prince, an elbow propped against the table. Prince, an English literature professor in a frayed white baseball cap, drinks two beers during our interview. "I'm a human being – and the president is a human being!" she laughs.

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More than 20% of countries have official state religions – survey

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Most of 43 countries with a state religion are in Middle East and North Africa with majority Muslim, according to research

More than one in five countries has an official state religion, with the majority being Muslim states, and a further 20% of countries have a preferred or favoured religion.

A slim majority (53%) of counties has no official or preferred religion, and 10 (5%) are hostile to religion, according to a report by the Washington-based Pew Research Center.

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Trial opens of Ahmed Abu Khattala, alleged mastermind of Benghazi attack

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 12:24 PM PDT

  • Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans died in 2012 attack
  • Defense says Abu Khattala, a 'Libyan patriot', did not participate

Prosecutors and defense lawyers have given starkly different portrayals of Ahmed Abu Khattala, the alleged mastermind of the 2012 attacks on US outposts in Benghazi, Libya, that killed ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Khatallah has been awaiting trial since 2014, when he was captured by a team of US military and FBI officials in Libya and transported on a 13-day journey to the United States aboard a navy vessel.

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Puerto Rico volunteers bring succour to hurricane's hard-hit elderly victims

Posted: 03 Oct 2017 12:00 AM PDT

At Las Teresas retirement home, lack of power for lights and elevators means residents are stranded in the stifling dark and lacking food, water and medicine

When the volunteers reached the second-floor landing at Las Teresas, a retirement community on the outskirts of San Juan, they found an elderly man in wheelchair sitting alone in the stifling dark.

He was a double amputee and was clearly in a bad state. It wasn't clear how long the man had gone without food, but he sucked ravenously at a nutritional shake he was offered while a doctor started to examine him.

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Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny jailed for third time this year

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 11:50 AM PDT

Court sentences Russian opposition leader to prison again – preventing him leading a rally on Putin's birthday

A Russian court has sentenced opposition leader Alexei Navalny to his third jail term this year, disrupting plans by the long-time Kremlin critic to campaign before Russia's coming election.

Related: Alexei Navalny on Putin's Russia: 'All autocratic regimes come to an end'

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'Go Kabila go': new effort to oust DR Congo president despite fear of violence

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 10:19 AM PDT

Opposition leaders in DRC call for civil disobedience despite threat of violence as Joseph Kabila refuses to schedule elections

Opposition leaders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have called for a new effort to oust President Joseph Kabila, who has yet to set dates for elections in the vast central African state despite his second term expiring nine months ago.

"The people are tired," said Martin Fayulu, an opposition member of parliament, as he called for a month-long campaign of civil disobedience.

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How important is Catalonia to Spain?

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 07:55 AM PDT

The region has a greater role in Spain's economy than its size would suggest

Catalonia occupies just over 6.3% (32,114 sq km) of Spain's territory, but its importance is not proportionate to its size.

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Ex-FBI agent opens cold case review into who betrayed Anne Frank

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 09:31 AM PDT

Vince Pankoke and his team will use new techniques to analyse large amounts of data to solve mystery of diarist's capture

A retired FBI agent has launched a cold case review into identifying those who may have betrayed the hiding place of Anne Frank and her family to the Gestapo in 1944.

Investigative techniques developed in the past decade, including the crunching of big data to uncover leads, are to be used by a team of 19 forensic experts led by Vince Pankoke.

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Marseille knife attacker had multiple fake identities, prosecutors say

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 04:34 AM PDT

Man, whom police shot dead after attack, thought to have used seven different identities in France and north African countries since 2005

A man who fatally stabbed two women outside Saint-Charles station in Marseille on Sunday has been traced through his fingerprints to multiple fake identities, prosecutors have said.

The assailant – who was released on Saturday after being detained for shoplifting – was shot dead by soldiers immediately after the attack. Detectives are examining the attacker's mobile phone to establish if he had accomplices or contacts with Islamic State, which claimed responsibility.

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From Free Fallin' to American Girl: five of the greatest Tom Petty songs

Posted: 03 Oct 2017 12:10 AM PDT

Whether writing straightforward rock'n'roll or gentle ballads, the US singer's anthems captured the sound of big skies and heat shimmering on tarmac

Is there any point starting anywhere else? American Girl was the closing track on Tom Petty's first album with the Heartbreakers, the group who stayed at his side until the very end, and it became the irreplaceable set closer, the song that encapsulated the very point of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.

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What we know so far about the Las Vegas shooting

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 11:51 PM PDT

Key information about the attack that left at least 59 dead and scores injured at a festival near the Mandalay Bay casino

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Medan in the spotlight: a city on the edge of the global palm oil trade

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 03:55 AM PDT

Situated on the island of Sumatra, Medan has thrived off the multibillion dollar palm oil trade. But the controversial business comes at a destructive cost

Indonesia's fourth biggest city is a bona fide oil town – only, the above ground kind. Close to 4 million acres of palm oil plantations on the island of Sumatra, Medan helps feed a controversial $65bn global business that seeps into foodstuffs, cosmetics and biodiesel – an estimated 50% of supermarket products, in fact. The profits seep back into the city, which has more than doubled in size in 20 years to around 2.5 million people – condominiums, hotels and amusement parks greased by this liquid gold. This week sees Medan's Santika Premiere Dyandra hotel host Palmex, Asia's only trade event dedicated to the industry.

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Bentley driver involved in London collision 'may have been racing'

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 11:59 PM PDT

The 42-year-old driver of a Vauxhall Corsa remains in critical condition after crash on A4 in Hounslow

The driver of a Bentley involved in a collision that left another driver in a critical condition may have been involved in a race, police have said.

Police were called at 10.40pm on Monday to reports of an accident involving a Bentley Continental and a Vauxhall Corsa on the A4 in Hounslow, west London.

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US spies in Cuba were among first victims of mysterious sonic 'attacks'

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 08:23 AM PDT

The incidents, which have caused hearing loss and brain injury, began within days of Donald Trump's election but the motives and culprits remain obscure

US intelligence operatives in Cuba were among the first and most severely affected victims of a string of baffling sonic attacks which has prompted Washington to pull out more than half of its diplomatic staff from Havana, the Associated Press has learned.

Related: US warns Americans to avoid Cuba and slashes embassy staff after sonic attacks

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1,000-year-old China Song dynasty bowl sells for record $37.7m

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 10:51 PM PDT

Bowl, originally designed to wash brushes, breaks record for Chinese porcelain, auction house Sotheby's says

A 1,000-year-old bowl from China's Song dynasty sold at auction for $37.7m on Tuesday, breaking the record for Chinese porcelain, auction house Sotheby's said.

The small piece – which dates from 960-1127 – broke the previous record of $36.05 million set in 2014 for a Ming dynasty wine cup which was sold to a Shanghai tycoon.

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Turnbull to push for terrorism suspects to be detained without charge for up to 14 days

Posted: 03 Oct 2017 02:00 AM PDT

PM to ask states to implement uniform law and discuss criminalising the possession of instructional terrorist material

Malcolm Turnbull will ask the states to implement a uniform law that would allow terrorism suspects to be detained for questioning without charge for up to 14 days.

The prime minister's renewed push to achieve nationally consistent pre-charge detention laws will come at a special meeting of the Council of Australian Governments on Thursday, which will also discuss new commonwealth criminal offences for people in possession of instructional terrorist material, and people who engage in terrorism hoaxes.

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Tuesday briefing: Vegas killer had 42-weapon arsenal

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 10:29 PM PDT

Police discover explosives and huge ammunition stockpile … Monarch recriminations begin … farewell, Tom Petty

Good morning, Graham Russell here with the news at the start of the day.

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PM's 'race disparity audit' finds work and home ownership divide

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Data will show that white people are much more likely to own their own homes and have jobs than those from ethnic minorities

White British people are significantly more likely to own their own homes and have jobs than those from ethnic minorities, but are less likely to go to university if they attend state school, a new "race disparity audit" ordered by Theresa May will show.

The data, due to be published next week, will give unprecedented insight into how people from different backgrounds are treated in society, including their access to healthcare, education, employment and in the criminal justice system.

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Are decades of political repression making way for an 'Uzbek spring'?

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 10:00 PM PDT

There is a mood of optimism in the air, but some fear that President Mirziyoyev's reforms are merely cosmetic tinkering

There is one word on everyone's lips in Uzbekistan these days: change.

"Things are changing, life is getting better!" enthused Akrom Abdurahimov, a 20-something resident of Tashkent, the capital of this central Asian state.

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Italy's deal to stem flow of people from Libya in danger of collapse

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Number of people crossing Mediterranean rises again amid power struggle between rival factions in Libyan human-trafficking port

A key pillar of the Italian government's effort to stem the politically toxic issue of people crossing the Mediterranean from Libya to southern Italy is in danger of collapse as a result of a bloody power struggle in the key Libyan port of Sabratha, the epicentre of human trafficking to Italy.

The Italian prime minister, Paolo Gentiloni, had hailed an 80% drop in the number of migrants reaching Italy in July and August, but the number of migrants suddenly started rising again last month as the Sabratha power struggle unfolded, suggesting rival gangs, fighting for control of the profitable business, may not prove reliable partners for the Italians.

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Jellyfish surprise: New Zealand chef stirs debate with menu of imported stingers

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 08:32 PM PDT

Jacob Brown would like to expand his menu to include possums, wasps, ants and wild Canadian geese

An environmentally minded New Zealand chef is selling hundreds of plates of imported jellyfish a month after becoming frustrated that the seafood is being wasted in his homeland.

Mass jellyfish landings are an increasingly common occurrence in New Zealand, with scientists saying warming sea temperatures, a decline in traditional predators such as tuna and nutrient-rich oceans are contributing to the blooms.

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MH370's location an 'almost inconceivable' mystery – final report

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 07:16 PM PDT

Investigators say re-analysis of satellite imagery has narrowed likely resting place to area of less than 25,000 sq km

Australian investigators have delivered their final report on the disappearance of Malaysia airlines flight MH370, saying the inability to bring closure for victims' families was a "great tragedy" and "almost inconceivable" in the modern age.

It has now been three-and-a-half years since MH370 and its 239 passengers and crew were lost during a journey between Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

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Spain's national police flee station after protesters rally outside – video

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 04:46 PM PDT

Catalonia's autonomous police force attempts to control pro-Catalonia independence protesters gathering outside Spain's national police station as a fleet of national police can be seen leaving the station at speed.

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Plague claims 20 lives in Madagascar amid warnings over rapid rise in cases

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Government bans public gatherings in country's capital as World Health Organization sounds alarm over sharp increase in infections of deadly disease

A deadly outbreak of the plague has claimed more than 20 lives in Madagascar and is swiftly spreading in cities across the country, the World Health Organization has warned.

Public gatherings have now been banned in Madagascar's capital, while critical medical supplies, including antibiotics and personal protective equipment, have been supplied by the WHO. At least 114 people have been infected since the outbreak was identified in late August.

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No pain relief, no running water: the perils of childbirth in Tanzania | Leah McLaren

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 04:20 AM PDT

'Natural birth' is the only option for many women here, and though dedicated midwives do their best, the risk of infection – and sepsis – is high

At the Nyarugusu medical dispensary in north-west Tanzania, Eva Paulo, 23, is in her 36th hour of labour. She paces barefoot in circles around the dusty yard behind the delivery room, her narrow back hunched in pain. Apart from her belly she is a slim woman with an angular face, her hair scraped back into rows of tidy plaits. When a contraction grips her, Paulo leans hard into the nearest tree, shuts her eyes and breathes silently as the sweat beads off her forehead.

"This is too much," she says, as another contraction racks her. "I don't know why it's taking so long. And the midwives, they don't tell me anything."

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Spanish PM will have lost votes – but maybe only in Catalonia

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 08:48 AM PDT

Spain's press largely supportive of Mariano Rajoy's handling of Catalan referendum, blaming regional leaders for the chaos

While Catalans swapped horror stories about police beatings on Monday, the Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, continued to insist that the scenes at voting centres on Sunday were a reasonable reaction to an illegal referendum. But will pictures of bloodied grandmothers and allegations of police groping women turn his own supporters against Spain's embattled leader?

A first glimpse of the reaction from Rajoy's own constituency came from Spain's conservative press, which bristled with indignation – but rarely at police behaviour.

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Vigils held across US for Las Vegas shooting victims – video

Posted: 03 Oct 2017 01:38 AM PDT

People attend candlelit vigils across the United States on Monday night to honour the victims of the Las Vegas attack less than 24 hours earlier. At least 59 people were killed and more than 500 injured when a man opened fire on a country music festival

Suspect had more than 40 firearms in hotel and home

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Jimmy Kimmel on Las Vegas: ‘Now we have children without parents’ – video

Posted: 03 Oct 2017 12:00 AM PDT

ABC host uses opening monologue on his programme Jimmy Kimmel Live to discuss the events in Las Vegas, where a gunman opened fire indiscriminately on a crowd of festivalgoers at the Route 91 country music festival, killing 59 and wounding at least 500

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Who was Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock? – video

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 07:12 PM PDT

Police have named Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old from Mesquite, Nevada, as the man who opened fire from a high-rise hotel on a country music concert in Las Vegas and killed at least 59 people in the worst mass shooting in recent US history

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Democrats speak out: 'Thoughts and prayers are not enough' – video

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 06:55 PM PDT

Democrats renew demands for tougher gun laws while Republicans offer up prayers but show no signs of supporting such legislation. Senator Chris Murphy, whose home state of Connecticut was the scene of a mass shooting in 2012 that killed 20 six-year-olds and six adults, said, 'I want my colleagues to understand the pain when the victims of this kind of epidemic violence see nothing but silence from this body'.

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Las Vegas shooting: retired ATF agent says gunman used fully automatic 'weapon of war' – video

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 06:13 PM PDT

Recently retired Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent Thomas Ahern says it doesn't take any special skills to fire a fully automatic weapon like the one used in the Las Vegas shooting that killed at least 58 people and injured more than 500. Automatic weapons are designed for war, he says. 'There are ways that a semi-automatic rifle can be converted to a fully automatic rifle and fired like a machine gun. And those conversion kits are out there in society, but a person would have to have the skills, the knowhow to convert a semi-automatic rifle into a fully automatic rifle', Ahern said.

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Las Vegas shooting: Donald Trump says 'it was an act of pure evil' – video

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 05:33 PM PDT

US president Donald Trump responds to mass shooting on Sunday night at an outdoor country music festival in Las Vegas which resulted in the death of 59 people and 527 injured.

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Las Vegas shooting: Clark County Sheriff says 59 people killed and 527 injured – video

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 04:29 PM PDT

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo says 59 people have been killed and 527 injured in a mass shooting Sunday night at an outdoor country music festival in Las Vegas. Speaking at a news conference, Lombardo also said investigators found 18 firearms, explosives and several thousand rounds of ammunition in the home of shooter Stephen Craig Paddock in Mesquite, Nevada. He said a SWAT team is standing by 'getting ready to hit' a second house in Northern Nevada.

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Number of injured in Las Vegas 'continues to increase' - video

Posted: 02 Oct 2017 11:13 AM PDT

Sheriff Joe Lombardo says the number injured by the Las Vegas shooting on Sunday night continues to increase: it stands at 515 and there are 58 dead. Lombardo called the attacker a 'lone wolf' saying the attack could not have been prevented because they did not 'have any prior knowledge to this individual'.

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