World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Independent investigation will look into human rights abuses in Yemen

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 10:14 AM PDT

UN decision is compromise after Saudi Arabia fends off full-scale international commission of inquiry

The UN has agreed to set up an independent investigation into all alleged abuses of human rights in Yemen by all sides in the three-year civil war.

The decision by the UN human rights council is a setback for Saudi Arabia, although the kingdom – a key participant in the conflict – has fended off a full-scale UN international commission of inquiry that could have led to referrals to the international criminal court.

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'Close to genocide': San Juan mayor's dire appeal to US for Puerto Rico relief

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 02:51 PM PDT

Carmen Yulín Cruz makes direct call to Donald Trump: 'I am begging you to take charge and save lives. Enough is enough'

The mayor of San Juan lashed out at Trump administration on Friday, decrying its relief effort in the wake of hurricanes Jose and Maria and saying if it doesn't solve the logistics "what we we are going to see is something close to a genocide".

Related: Puerto Rico supply failure stops food and water reaching desperate residents

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Tom Price resigns as health secretary over private flights and Trump criticism

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 03:31 PM PDT

  • Former Georgia congressman resigns after president slams 'optics'
  • Price thanks Trump for 'opportunity to serve the American people'
  • The Minute: the Price is wrong

The health and human services secretary Tom Price has resigned, after revelations that he spent more than $1m of taxpayers' money on travel including chartered flights.

Related: 'Close to genocide': San Juan mayor's dire appeal to US for Puerto Rico relief

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'They drowned before our eyes' - dozens die as Rohingya refugee boat capsizes

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 10:36 AM PDT

Rohingya Muslims were trying to escape Myanmar when vessel overturned in rough waters off Bangladesh

"He just slipped from my hands," said Rashida, as she described the moment her seven-month-old son drowned, one of more than 60 people presumed dead when a boat carrying Rohingya Muslims capsized off the coast of Bangladesh.

As the vessel broke in two, and one piece sunk, the force of the water dragged her baby under.

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Syrian doctors decry fresh wave of hospital attacks

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 09:08 AM PDT

International community accused of ignoring attacks on medical facilities, with four hospitals hit by airstrikes in past week

Renewed bombing of hospitals in Syria's six-year civil war by forces loyal to the government of Bashar al-Assad has sparked strong condemnations by human rights groups and despair among local doctors, who have accused the international community of ignoring attacks on medical facilities.

Doctors said four hospitals had been hit over the past week in Idlib, a rebel-controlled province bordering Turkey, and Hama, the scene of recent fighting despite a months-long ceasefire brokered by Ankara and Moscow.

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Iran's foreign minister urges Europe to defy US if Trump sinks nuclear deal

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 10:10 AM PDT

  • Mohammad Javad Zarif tells Guardian 'Europe should lead' to keep deal intact
  • Zarif warns US abrogation of nuclear agreement would backfire on Washington

Iran's foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, has called on Europe to defy US sanctions if the Trump administration torpedoes the international nuclear agreement with Tehran.

Zarif warned that if Europe followed Washington's lead, the deal would collapse and Iran would emerge with more advanced nuclear technology than before the agreement was reached in Vienna in 2015. However, he insisted that technology would not be used to make weapons, in line with Tehran's obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

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Oxford college removes painting of Aung San Suu Kyi from display

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 10:02 AM PDT

St Hugh's puts portrait in storage after international criticism over Myanmar leader's role in her country's humanitarian crisis

The Oxford college where Aung San Suu Kyi studied as an undergraduate has removed her portrait from public display and placed it in storage, in a move that follows international criticism over her role in Myanmar's humanitarian crisis.

The governing body of St Hugh's college decided to remove the painting of the Nobel laureate from its main entrance on Thursday, days before the start of the university term and the arrival of new students.

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Los Angeles' legendary palm trees are dying – and few will be replaced

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 11:15 AM PDT

A beetle and a fungus are killing off the trees that have become synonymous with the city, making way for trees that give more shade and use less water

They are the sultry, swaying backdrop to countless films, posters and music videos, an effective way to announce: this is Los Angeles.

Palm trees greet you outside the LAX airport, they line Hollywood Boulevard, stand guard over the Pacific and crisscross neighbourhoods poor and rich, a botanical army of stems and fronds which symbolise the world's entertainment capital.

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Trump policy set to hinder war on polio in Pakistan

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 09:22 AM PDT

Disease holding on in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria where there is mistrust of western governments who bankroll the vaccines

For decades, polio was one of the world's most feared diseases, disabling and crippling millions. Its near eradication has been one of the great achievements of modern medical science.

But polio stubbornly holds on in three countries – Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria – where communities, alongside local and international authorities, are making concerted efforts to stamp out the last pockets of the virus.

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US warns Americans to avoid Cuba and slashes embassy staff after sonic attacks

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 08:40 AM PDT

US embassy in Havana will lose about 60% of its staff following sonic weapon attacks, while new travel warning says incidents have occurred in Cuban hotels

The US is pulling out more than half its embassy staff from Cuba and warning its citizens not to travel to the island after a wave of mysterious sonic attacks that have harmed 21 American diplomats and family members.

Related: Mystery of sonic weapon attacks at US embassy in Cuba deepens

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The 20 photographs of the week

Posted: 30 Sep 2017 01:36 AM PDT

The NFL protest against racial and social injustice, Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, the aftermath of Hurricane Maria and violence in Rio – the news of the week captured by the world's best photojournalists

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The curious case of the alien in the photo – and a mystery that took years to solve

Posted: 30 Sep 2017 01:00 AM PDT

A series of slides uncovered in an Arizona home seemed to unlock the riddle that has baffled UFO enthusiasts for years. But was it all too good to be true?

In the spring of 2012, Chicago videographer Adam Dew received a mysterious phone call from his former business partner Joseph Beason. "I have something to show you," Beason said with urgency in his voice.

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Hurricane Maria: the slow road to rebuilding stricken Dominica – in pictures

Posted: 30 Sep 2017 01:00 AM PDT

Days after it was hit by Hurricane Irma, the Caribbean island of Dominica was ravaged by the most powerful storm in its history. Many buildings were completely destroyed and virtually none were left untouched. Officials put the death toll from Hurricane Maria at 27, and more than 50 people remain missing. With the sheer scale of the devastation hampering relief efforts, officials believe the recovery process will take several years and billions of dollars

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Canada has spent $110,000 to avoid paying $6,000 for indigenous teen's orthodontics

Posted: 30 Sep 2017 01:00 AM PDT

As Justin Trudeau highlights struggles faced by First Nations, report reveals costs of court battle after family sought government help paying for care

Days after Justin Trudeau told the United Nations that his government was working hard to improve the quality of life for indigenous peoples in Canada, it has emerged that his government spent more than C$110,000 in legal fees to avoid spending C$6,000 on orthodontics for a First Nations teenager suffering from chronic pain.

The figures, released through the Access to Information Act, were made public by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on Friday. They relate to a continuing court battle that has pitted the federal government against Josey Willier, a teenager from Sucker Creek First Nation, who for two years complained of chronic headaches and jaw pain stemming from an impacted tooth and a severe overbite.

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The colour of the boardroom - and why it might affect the bottom line

Posted: 30 Sep 2017 12:00 AM PDT

A 2015 report that found ethnic and gender diversity is good for US business has been influential, but progress is still glacial

Last year, in a pitch to competing ad agencies, the US food giant General Mills stipulated that agencies must be staffed with at least 50% women and 20% people of colour in their creative departments to win its business.

The directive felt like a watershed: the company behind brands such as Häagen-Dazs, Cheerios and Yoplait with nearly $18bn (£13.4bn) in annual sales abruptly demanding that the companies which fashion its public image have to be proactive in creating diverse workforces.

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Brazil's 'worst team in the world' starts winning – and the club's fans are livid

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 11:00 PM PDT

  • Ibis Sport from Recife in north-east Brazil on verge of four straight wins
  • 'This is worrying – to stop being an icon and just be another winning team'

The Brazilian football club Ibis Sport hadn't won a match for two years.

But now the self-styled "worst team in the world", which plays in the lowest division of the Pernambuco state championship, has three consecutive victories – and can make it a record-breaking four if they can beat Centro Limoeirense this Sunday.

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Police say there were grounds to suspect Edward Heath over child abuse claims

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Inquiry into claims against former PM says if he was still alive he may have been formally interviewed under criminal caution

A police investigation has found there were initial grounds to suspect former prime minister Sir Edward Heath over child sexual abuse allegations.

Wiltshire police will release a report into the claims against Heath next week following a two-year inquiry, and its conclusion means that if the politician had still been alive he may have been formally interviewed by detectives under criminal caution.

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UK should be prepared to ditch talks with EU, says new Ukip leader

Posted: 30 Sep 2017 01:33 AM PDT

Henry Bolton, who was elected leader of party on Friday, warns against 'endless negotiations' over Brexit

The new Ukip leader has said he does not believe the UK government will reach a deal with Brussels over the country's departure from the European Union and should be prepared to ditch negotiations.

Henry Bolton, a former solider and Thames Valley police officer, was elected leader of the rightwing party during its annual conference on Friday, beating a populist anti-Islam candidate into second place.

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Cameroon palm oil campaigner arrested in crackdown on activists

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 10:03 AM PDT

Nasako Besingi has been jailed after opposing a US-funded palm-oil plantation and supporters say this is linked to Cameroon's 'anglophone crisis'

A prominent campaigner against palm oil plantations has been arrested amid a growing crackdown on environmental and human rights activists in Cameroon, according to local lawyers and NGOs.

Nasako Besingi, who has led opposition to a US-funded 73,000 hectare farm in a biodiverse rainforest, is among more than 100 individuals who have been detained during an escalation of tension between the predominantly French-speaking authorities and the country's large English-speaking minority.

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What Trump did this week: health bill fails (again) and NFL row flares up

Posted: 30 Sep 2017 01:00 AM PDT

The president kicked off the week with a spat over black NFL players' protests, while Republicans bungled their final (for now) attempt to repeal Obamacare

  • Each week Trump seems to make more news than most presidents do in a lifetime. The Guardian is keeping track of it all in this series every Saturday

Having whipped up a national row over black NFL players' protests in a Friday-night speech in Alabama, Trump, clearly convinced he was on to a winner, continued to poke at the wound all weekend. Players hit back in unprecedented numbers by kneeling, locking arms or staying in the tunnel during the national anthem. Whether the president chose to spark the controversy as a distraction from difficulties with North Korea or the Republicans' flailing healthcare bill, or to shore up his rightwing base following doubts among the faithful about his attempts to cut an immigration deal with Democrats "Chuck and Nancy", the effect was to drown out the original reason for the protests – racism and police brutality – and reframe the issue as one about patriotism. Trump planted himself cynically and effectively on the side of the flag, the military and The Star-Spangled Banner.

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Bali volcano threat puts volunteers in race to save cows and monkeys

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 10:39 PM PDT

Experts continue to warn Mount Agung might erupt – and as people are evacuated, an effort is under way to get wild and domestic animals out too

Volunteers are risking their lives to save tens of thousands of animals left at the mercy of a rumbling volcano on the tourist island of Bali, making perilous trips into the red zone to relocate them.

Mount Agung, about 75km from the resort hub of Kuta, has been shaking since August, causing 144,000 people to evacuate their homes over the past week as experts warn an eruption could be imminent.

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Larry Anthony: calls for investigation of National party president's lobbying firm

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 11:32 PM PDT

Former MP owns SAS Group, which counts Santos, Delta Electricity and Indue among its clients

The federal opposition has called for an investigation into revelations that a lobbying firm run by the National party president, Larry Anthony, was acting for energy companies and the firm behind the cashless welfare card.

Anthony, a former minister in the Howard government, is no longer registered as a lobbyist. But he remains a director of the SAS Group, a lobbying firm which counts Santos, Delta Electricity and Indue among its clients.

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A day of celebration or violence? Catalonia prepares for reckoning

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Whatever happens in referendum, both sides are likely to claim victory and Catalonia will be more polarised than ever

For years, observers warned that the impasse in Spain over Catalonia would end in a "train crash". Catalonia's high-speed collision is now inevitable.

On Sunday, several million people may attempt to vote in what is billed as a "binding referendum" on independence, but which the courts have banned.

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Xi curbs disloyalty as Communist party expels former rising star

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 07:48 PM PDT

Politburo member Sun Zhengcai, once a contender for top leadership, expelled for 'serious discipline violations'

China's Communist party has expelled from its ranks a former contender for a top leadership post for "serious discipline violations" before a major congress due to consolidate President Xi Jinping's power.

Politburo member Sun Zhengcai was also dismissed from public office after the political bureau of the party's central committee approved an investigative report, according to the official Xinhua news agency. The party accused Sun of abusing his position, receiving money and gifts in return for seeking benefits for others and trading power for sex. He was also accused of nepotism, sloth and leaking confidential party information and betraying party principles.

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West Papua independence petition is rebuffed at UN

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 07:02 PM PDT

Exiled leader Benny Wenda presents smuggled petition to decolonisation committee but chair says Indonesian takeover of province is not on its agenda

The UN's decolonisation committee will not accept a petition signed by 1.8 million West Papuans calling for independence, saying West Papua's cause is outside the committee's mandate.

In New York on Tuesday, the exiled West Papuan leader Benny Wenda presented the petition – banned by the Indonesian government, but smuggled across Papua and reportedly endorsed by 70% of the contested province's population – to the UN's decolonisation committee, known as the C24 and responsible for monitoring the progress of former colonies towards independence.

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Animal cruelty could result in five-year jail sentence under new law

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 05:17 PM PDT

Crackdown increases maximum term from six months in move that brings England into line with Northern Ireland

People who abuse animals in England will now face up to five years in prison under a tough new crackdown.

The environment secretary, Michael Gove, said the tenfold increase from the present six-month sentence was needed to combat cruelty.

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San Juan mayor's harrowing plea: 'Mr Trump, I am begging. We are dying here'

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 03:16 PM PDT

Carmen Yulín Cruz spoke on about the growing crisis in Puerto Rico – and appealed directly to the US president. Read a transcript of her speech here

Carmen Yulín Cruz, the mayor of San Juan, spoke on Friday afternoon at the Roberto Clemente Coliseum. Like the rest of the US territory, the capital of Puerto Rico was hit hard this month by two hurricanes, Jose and Maria.

Related: 'Close to genocide': San Juan mayor's dire appeal to US for Puerto Rico relief

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Tory men who voted leave more likely to be racially prejudiced

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 02:41 PM PDT

Survey says 26% of Britons are at least 'a little' prejudiced – but age, class, education and income give no clues to attitude

Britons who are men, voted leave in the EU referendum and support the Conservative party are more likely to describe themselves as "racially prejudiced" than others, according to new research.

The study – Racial prejudice in Britain today (pdf), released by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) – also found there had been little change in attitudes to race and ethnicity over the past 30 years.

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Celebrities post childhood photos to raise money for Puerto Rico – in pictures

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 11:36 AM PDT

TV host Stephen Colbert and actor Nick Kroll said they would donate to the Puerto Rico relief effort for every celebrity who posted a photo of their teenage self. Many obliged

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Spate of grisly murders around Ugandan capital raises serial killer fears

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 05:12 AM PDT

President Yoweri Museveni moves to allay concerns of terrified local women after 23rd victim is raped, murdered and mutilated

Sarah Neliima worked as a waitress at Friends Restaurant in Katabi town, a few kilometres from Uganda's international airport in Entebbe. At 9pm on 19 September, Neliima, who lived nearby, finished for the day.

"That was the time she usually left work for home," said Harriet Namusoke, a friend.

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Future long-haul flights could take 30 minutes, says Elon Musk - video

Posted: 29 Sep 2017 04:00 AM PDT

SpaceX boss unveils plans for intercontinental flights that could use technology developed for space travel to reach long-distance destinations in less than 30 minutes. Musk says that by leaving the Earth's atmosphere commercial flights could arrive at any destination in less than an hour

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