World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

St Louis protests turn violent for third night over acquittal of white officer in police killing

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 07:04 PM PDT

Police order crowds to disperse after dozens arrested at weekend during protests over acquittal of Jason Stockley

A largely peaceful rally in St Louis turned rowdy on Sunday as a handful of demonstrators protesting at the acquittal of a white police officer over the fatal shooting of a black man in 2011 threw bottles in response to police making arrests.

Hundreds of people gathered for the third night in a row in the Missouri city of almost 320,000 people. Violence erupted the previous two nights, evoking memories of the riots following the 2014 shooting of a black teenager by a white officer in nearby Ferguson, Missouri.

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Cyprus 'selling' EU citizenship to super rich of Russia and Ukraine

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 09:50 AM PDT

Passports issued under 'golden visa' scheme raises €4bn since 2013, according to papers seen by the Guardian

Billionaire Russian oligarchs and Ukrainian elites accused of corruption are among hundreds of people who have acquired EU passports under controversial "golden visa" schemes, the Guardian has learnt.

The government of Cyprus has raised more than €4bn since 2013 by providing citizenship to the super rich, granting them the right to live and work throughout Europe in exchange for cash investment. More than 400 passports are understood to have been issued through this scheme last year alone.

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Trump mocks ‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jong-un as advisers issue warnings

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 01:08 PM PDT

President appears to ridicule North Korean leader and shortages after sanctions, as UN ambassador says Pentagon has 'plenty of military options'

Advisers to Donald Trump have warned North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons programmes, saying that the regime faced destruction if it continued its reckless behaviour and forced the US to defend itself or its allies.

Related: Trump's 'rocket man' tweet betrays how little he knows about North Korea

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Monsoon rain adding to Rohingya camp misery

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 10:14 AM PDT

Torrential rain brings swamp-like conditions to camp in Bangladesh housing hundreds of thousands of people fleeing violence in Myanmar

Heavy monsoon rain is flooding makeshift camps in Bangladesh housing hundreds of thousands of Muslim Rohingya fleeing violence in Myanmar.

Amid food and water shortages, torrential rain brought back swamp-like conditions to many parts of the border town of Cox's Bazar.

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Institution M: the German spy on trial for evading millions in tax

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 07:01 AM PDT

From negotiating with Hezbollah to tracing stolen toxic waste, Werner Mauss was one of Germany's most prolific secret agents

In secret service circles, he was either known as "Institution M" or "The Man with Nine Fingers", because of a missing digit on his left hand. Locals in his village thought he was called "Richard Nelson" but his bank clerk knew him as "Claus Möllner". Politicians at the top of government simply referred to their top secret agent as "007".

For at least three decades Werner Mauss was Germany's real-life answer to James Bond: a rogue operator who moved in the shadowy realm between criminal underworld and intelligence agencies, entrapping drug dealers, retrieving stolen goods, negotiating with terrorists, often changing identity on his private plane mid-air.

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Germany's rightwing AfD party could lead opposition after election

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 09:07 AM PDT

Scandals have failed to dent popularity of anti-immigration AfD, which latest polls put in third place on 11% of the votes

Rightwing populists could make up the biggest opposition force in the next German parliament after a series of scandals appear to have galvanised rather than weakened the chances of the far-right in next Sunday's election.

The Eurosceptic, anti-immigration Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party has pulled up to third place in four of the last five polls conducted. A survey published on Sunday by the polling institute Emnid in Bild am Sonntag newspaper has the AfD on 11%, behind Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union on 36% and the centre-left SPD on 22%.

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Nawaz Sharif's party clinches victory in Pakistan local election

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 09:25 PM PDT

Kulsoom Nawaz, the wife of Pakistan's former prime minister, wins byelection in Lahore with a much reduced majority in wake of corruption scandal

Pakistan's ruling party has clinched a win in an unusually close race in a normally unassailable stronghold – an indication of damage to the reputation of Nawaz Sharif, the ex-prime minister recently ousted on corruption charges.

The local byelection on Sunday in Lahore was for a parliamentary seat vacated by Sharif when he was disqualified in July pitted Sharif's wife, Kulsoom Nawaz, against 43 contenders, and saw a surge of radical Islamist candidates.

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Trump tweets anti-Clinton meme as tensions flare over her memoir

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 10:36 AM PDT

The president re-tweeted a doctored video of him knocking Clinton over with a golf ball, as the former candidate's election memoir reopened old wounds

President Trump on Sunday re-tweeted doctored footage that showed him hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball, knocking her over. In doing so he continued an enduring feud that was given new energy this week with the publication of Clinton's campaign memoir, What Happened.

The gif, which uses old film of Clinton stumbling as she enters a plane and complements "Trump's amazing golf swing #CrookedHillary", came from an account, @Fuctupmind, which on Sunday also published a gif of a kitten falling asleep. Seven hours later, the account tweeted: "What happened?"

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British Airways plane held in Paris over 'direct security threat'

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 02:29 AM PDT

BA flight to Heathrow was stopped at Charles de Gaulle airport and surrounded by police and fire engines

A British Airways plane has been evacuated at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris for security reasons, after passengers were told a "direct threat" had been made towards the aircraft.

Flight BA303 was due to take off on Sunday bound for Heathrow in London when the incident occurred, with police and fire engines surrounding the plane on the tarmac.

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Juggalos march on Washington: ‘We’re a family not a gang'

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 08:29 AM PDT

Fans of the band Insane Clown Posse protested the FBI's gang designation, as nearby a pro-Trump rally drew a smaller than expected crowd

In 1864, Abraham Lincoln was being besieged by a clown.

Dan Rice, the most famous clown of the time – he was also an animal trainer and a strong man – was running for state senate in Pennsylvania. He had based his campaign on attacking Lincoln over his handling of the civil war.

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Top Trump officials signal US could stay in Paris climate agreement

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 02:31 PM PDT

Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and national security adviser HR McMaster both indicated the US is open to negotiations on staying in the accord

Senior Trump administration officials on Sunday signalled a further softening of America's resolve to leave the Paris climate accord, amid signs that the issue will be discussed at the United Nations general assembly in New York this week.

Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and national security adviser HR McMaster both indicated that the US is open to negotiations on staying in the landmark international agreement to limit mankind's role in global warming.

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Trump considering closing US embassy in Cuba, Tillerson says

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 09:40 AM PDT

  • Secretary of state: diplomats' health problems 'a very serious issue'
  • 'Sonic attack' among theories for hearing loss, concussions and more

The Trump administration is considering closing the recently reopened US Embassy in Havana following a string of unexplained incidents harming the health of American diplomats in Cuba, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday.

Related: Botched surveillance job may have led to strange injuries at US embassy in Cuba

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DC eyes tighter regulations on Facebook and Google as concern grows

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 04:34 AM PDT

Political spending on TV and press is transparent but there are no rules for online ads. With allegations of Russian influence in last year's election, that may change

Every time a television station sells a political ad, a record is entered into a public file saying who bought the advertisement and how much money they spent.

In contrast, when Facebook or Google sells a political ad, there is no public record of that sale. That situation is of growing concern to politicians and legislators in Washington as digital advertising becomes an increasingly central part of American political campaigns. During the 2016 election, over $1.4bn was spent in online advertising, which represented a 789 percent increase over the 2012 election.

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'Strong possibility' of racial motivation in Baton Rouge killings, police say

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 02:50 PM PDT

Authorities have person of interest, a 23-year-old white man, in custody following the fatal shootings of two black men last week

The killings of two black men in Baton Rouge last week were likely racially motivated, police said on Sunday, with a 23-year-old white man in custody. In both shootings the gunman fired from his car then walked up to the victims as they were lying on the ground and fired again multiple times.

Related: More protests expected in St Louis over acquittal of white officer in police killing

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Georgia Tech police shoot LGBTQ student dead

Posted: 18 Sep 2017 01:17 AM PDT

Campus officers say Scout Schultz was advancing on officers with a knife when they opened fire outside a dormitory

Campus police at a university in the US state of Georgia have shot and killed an LGBTQ student activist who they say was advancing on officers with a knife.

Scout Schultz, 21, refused to put down a knife and kept moving toward the officers late on Sunday outside a dormitory at Georgia Tech, according to a statement from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The police used the person's given name of Scott, but the computer engineering student used the name Scout and preferred the pronouns "they" and "them" rather than "him" or "her."

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Battlefield bounty hunters: the detectorists of eastern Europe

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 12:30 AM PDT

Enthusiasts fuelled by vodka and nationalism are on the hunt for military memorabilia. Jack Losh joins a group of Poles, and meets the men trying to stop them

In the quiet of the forest, Aleksander holds a rusted pistol and turns it over. Others gather round to admire the handgun, each feeling its weight before shooting an imaginary bullet into the trees. More detritus of war is placed on a picnic table – a swastika-adorned badge, shards of shrapnel, a Soviet medal inscribed "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" The remnants of fallen regimes.

The men are among the thousands of detectorists across eastern Europe hunting for relics of the Red Army, the Third Reich and Imperial Russia. Beneath ploughed field and remote woodland is buried treasure from a turbulent, vanishing past. Even today, the war dead lie in these lands. Sometimes bodies are found.

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Four boys, aged 14 and 15, arrested over death of Leicester man

Posted: 18 Sep 2017 01:21 AM PDT

Victim was found injured on the street on Saturday 2 September and died nearly two weeks later

Three 14-year-old boys and a 15-year-old have been arrested on suspicion of murdering a man in his 60s.

Leicestershire police said the victim was involved in an "incident" on Saturday 2 September which was reported to the force on 12 September.

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Deportation threats, driving licence revoked, child benefit stopped - all for living legally in the UK

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 11:01 PM PDT

A Japanese woman living legally in London with her Polish husband tells of how a two-year battle with the Home Office has turned her life upside down

A Japanese woman living in London with her Polish husband has been threatened with deportation, had her child benefit stopped and driving licence revoked even though she is lawfully in the country under EU law, it has emerged.

In a two-year ordeal, photographer Haruko Tomioko, was also threatened with separation from her eight-year-old son.

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Trump and Netanyahu ready united assault against Iran nuclear deal

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 11:00 PM PDT

The two are bound by their mutual loathing of Obama's foreign policy deal, even as it sets them apart from other world leaders at the UN general assembly

Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu will meet in New York on Monday, at the start of a week in which they intend to launch a concerted assault at the United Nations against the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.

The US and Israeli leaders are expected to use their speeches to the UN general assembly on Tuesday to highlight the threat to Middle East stability and security represented by Tehran.

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Egypt guilty of kidnap, torture and abuse, says former detainee

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Human rights lawyer Tarek Hussein tells of his experiences after being snatched and unlawfully incarcerated for five weeks

Egypt's security apparatus is responsible for torturing prisoners and denying detainees basic legal rights, according to new testimony obtained by the Guardian.

Tarek "Tito" Hussein, a 24-year-old human rights lawyer recently kidnapped and unlawfully incarcerated by police for five weeks, has spoken about his experiences at the hands of the country's interior ministry.

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Hurricane Maria: storm strengthens as it heads towards battered Caribbean

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 05:20 PM PDT

Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico and the British and US Virgin Islands brace for impact less than two weeks after Irma hammered the region

Another powerful storm was bearing down on a string of battered Caribbean islands on Sunday, with forecasters saying that Maria had strengthened into a hurricane and would intensify before hitting the Leeward Islands on Monday night.

Maria was about 275 miles (445km) east-southeast of the Leeward island of Dominica with maximum sustained winds of 75mph (100km/h) at 4pm (8pm GMT), the US National Hurricane Center said.

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Trump's 'rocket man' tweet claims Korea sanctions biting, but experts unsure

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 10:48 PM PDT

US president says 'long gas lines' are forming in the rogue state, an unlikely claim in a country where most people don't own a car

New international sanctions against North Korea have led to a spike in petrol prices, but there is little evidence for US claims that the country is being "economically strangled" or that motorists are panic-buying petrol.

On Sunday, Donald Trump combined a taunt aimed at the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, with the assertion that the country's citizens were queuing for petrol before the latest round of sanctions hits supplies.

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Coalition's media package to benefit 'selected' unis but doubts over fund's future

Posted: 18 Sep 2017 01:16 AM PDT

Labor says that, in three years, 'all we may have is a number of unemployed cadets and some obsolete equipment'

Selected universities will be able to benefit from the government's $60m media innovation fund but there is no guarantee of the fund's future beyond its slated three years.

Details on the fund, which was established in exchange for Nick Xenophon's support for the Turnbull government's media changes, including scrapping the two-out-of-three ownership rule, have been scant, with equipment, scholarships and cadetships making up the package's skeleton.

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Monday briefing: TV gets political as Handmaid's Tale sweeps Emmys

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 10:28 PM PDT

Multiple wins also for Big Little Lies and SNL … Boris Johnson deepens Brexit divisions in the cabinet … Banksy confirms new works at the Barbican

Good morning and welcome to the Guardian's morning briefing. I'm Martin Farrer and these are the top stories this Monday morning.

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Thousands stuck in New Zealand after digger punctures airport fuel pipe

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 07:53 PM PDT

International and domestic plane passengers stuck in Auckland as rationing is brought in and airlines are told to refill abroad

New Zealand has been hit by a severe shortage of jet fuel, with thousands of domestic and international passengers stranded after a digger struck the sole supply pipe in Auckland, the country's biggest city.

Flights have been affected, with airlines told to fill plane tanks to capacity at other airports before flying to Auckland, and long-haul international flights told to plan for re-fuelling stops in Australia and the Pacific Islands, according to Air New Zealand. The airline predicted about 2,000 passengers a day would be affected.

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Rohingya Muslims flee ethnic violence in Myanmar - in pictures

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 03:26 PM PDT

More than 400,000 Rohingya refugees have fled into Bangladesh since late August during violence in Myanmar's Rakhine state. Recent satellite images released by Amnesty International provided evidence that security forces were trying to push the minority Muslim group out of the country. According to reports, the Rohingya crisis has left at least 1,000 people dead, including children and infants. Dozens of Rohingya Muslims drowned when their ill-equipped, overloaded boat capsized in rough waters

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The billionaires investing in Cyprus in exchange for EU passports

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 12:04 PM PDT

Businesspeople and those with political influence from Russia and Ukraine among hundreds granted citizenship for money

A leaked list of names of those who have benefited from Cyprus's citizenship-by-investment programmes represents a detailed insight into the panoply of clients behind schemes providing passports to the super rich.

It also reveals the extent to which interest from the Russian and Ukrainian elite has driven the programme which, according to the Cypriot government, has generated more than €4bn in investment since 2013. There is no suggestion of wrongdoing on the part of beneficiaries.

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I’ve always been an Arab. It was only when I moved to the US I realised I was ‘brown’

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 05:00 AM PDT

It has been a bumper year for Islamophobia in the US. At times, it feels as if all I can do is keep my head down and ride out the storm

On 26 May, a white supremacist stabbed two people to death in my adopted hometown of Portland, Oregon. Ricky John Best and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche confronted their killer when they saw him shouting Islamophobic slurs at a pair of teenage girls on a city train. In response, he slashed their throats and ran.

The man who committed this crime did so because he felt entitled to harass Muslims. And he knew at least one of the young women sitting in front of him was Muslim, not because he had any meaningful understanding of her religion, but because he saw the garment covering her hair.

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Rudd: Trump's London terror tweet is 'pure speculation' – video

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 07:15 AM PDT

Home secretary Amber Rudd says Donald Trump's tweet about the Parsons Green tube attack was unhelpful. Speaking on BBC1's The Andrew Marr Show, Rudd says Trump's suggestion that the terrorist who left a bomb on the tube on Friday was in the sights of Scotland Yard was 'pure speculation'

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Clashes in St Louis after former police officer acquitted of murder – video

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 02:38 AM PDT

Violence erupted on the streets of St Louis, Missouri, on Saturday after a white former police officer, Jason Stockley, was acquitted of murdering a black suspect, Anthony Lamar Smith. Police fired teargas and rubber bullets during clashes with protesters

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