World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Trump left in cold over Paris climate agreement at end of G20 summit

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:55 AM PDT

All other world leaders sign declaration that deal is irreversible after US withdrawal sparks standoff in Hamburg

Donald Trump was left isolated at the end of a fractious G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, after every other world leader signed up to a declaration that the Paris climate agreement was irreversible following an unprecedented standoff.

After the publication of a final communique that saw the emergence of a G19 grouping for the first time, Theresa May said she was "dismayed at the US decision to pull out" of the accord and had personally urged the president to reconsider.

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WhatsApp warriors on the new frontline of Kashmir’s conflict

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:30 PM PDT

It started with a phone call from a dying militant that went viral. Now angry, educated youth, inspired by social media, are demonstrating in their thousands

The young militant would be dead in a few minutes. Indian security forces had the house surrounded. As they closed in, Muzamil Amin Dar made a phone call.

"There is nothing to worry about," he is heard calmly telling his family on a tape of the call. "Sooner or later we all have to face death, isn't that right?" He falls silent; the recording ends in a shrill chorus of women's screams.

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Victory against Isis in Mosul 'imminent' claims US general

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:54 PM PDT

Celebrations break out among Iraqi forces – but jihadis continue with suicide bombings and escape bids as civilians flee carnage

Iraq will imminently announce a final victory in the nearly nine-month offensive to retake Mosul from Islamic State, a US general said, as celebrations broke out among police forces in the city.

The defeat would be the biggest yet for Isis in the three years since it seized Mosul in a lightning offensive, swept across much of the country's Sunni Arab heartland and proclaimed a caliphate straddling Iraq and Syria.

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As Liu Xiaobo fades, his hopes for reform in China are dying as well

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:02 PM PDT

China's Nobel peace laureate will be hard to replace, amid ever-tighter control

When the Chinese dissident and Nobel peace prize winner Liu Xiaobo succumbs to liver cancer, on a day that now seems both inevitable and imminent, the world will not only lose a moral giant. A fierce hope for change, a particular dream of a different China, is also lying on its deathbed in the northern Chinese hospital where Liu's treatment is being rationed out, by doctors of unknown competence and uncharted loyalties.

Poet, intellectual, champion of peaceful protest, little-known inside China because of censorship but a much-lauded name beyond its borders, Liu embodied the fight he led courageously for nearly three decades.

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Grapes shrivel as Spanish farmers lament a relentless drought

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:03 PM PDT

Animals and plants struggle to survive as severe heat dries up the land

A taunting peal of thunder rings out overhead as Diego García de la Peña studies one of his ponds and wonders whether its water will see his cattle through until October.

The 65-year-old farmer – a former bullfighter who quotes Federico García Lorca and whose ancestors were among the legions of steely Extremadurans who bent the New World to their will – is a worried man.

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Hamas seeks help from Palestinian foe to relieve pressure on Gaza

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Gaza's isolated leadership reaches out to man once regarded as greatest enemy in effort to restore relations with Egypt

Gaza's Hamas movement is seeking a rapprochement with the Palestinian leader once regarded as its greatest enemy, as the Islamist group faces unprecedented challenges from all sides.

Hamas's leadership is in talks with Mohammed Dahlan – the exiled former Fatah leader in Gaza whose supporters Hamas defeated when it wrested control of the territory in 2007 in a brief but bloody civil war – amid hopes he can persuade Egypt to come to the aid of Gazans struggling under the decade-long Israeli-led blockade.

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Nikki Haley: global face of Trump administration strikes delicate balance

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:00 AM PDT

The US's ambassador to the UN has differed from Trump on Nato and the Kremlin even as she supports some of the president's contentious ambitions

Taking her place at the dais in an emergency meeting of the United Nations security council this week, Nikki Haley aimed a characteristically stinging rebuke at North Korea over its successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile – and raised the threat of military retaliation.

It was not the first time Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, has led the rhetorical charge against adversaries of the US.

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Hungarian far right launches new political party

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:44 PM PDT

Militants gather in Budapest to form political movement aiming to replace current party on the extreme right

Hundreds of Hungarian right-wing militants gathered in Budapest to launch a political movement that they hope will run in next year's parliamentary elections on a platform that includes open racism.

Related: ​Hungary to detain all asylum seekers in container camps

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Nine Kenyans beheaded by Somali al-Shabaab terrorists

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:31 PM PDT

Murders in village of Jima raise fears that Islamic militant group has adopted new strategy of targeting civilians

Al-Shabaab extremists from neighbouring Somalia beheaded nine civilians in an attack on a village in Kenya, officials said, adding to growing concerns that the Islamist militant group has taken up a new strategy.

Related: Witnesses say dozens killed in al-Shabaab attack on Kenyan troops

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Anglican church to vote on 'welcoming transgender people'

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:49 AM PDT

General Synod vote comes after bishops overwhelmingly backed motion banning 'harmful' conversion therapy for gay Christians

The Church of England's ruling body is to vote on whether to provide special services for transgender people during their transition.

The General Synod is considering a motion on the need for transgender people to be "welcomed and affirmed in their parish church" as part of the "long and often complex process" of transition.

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Everybody lies: how Google search reveals our darkest secrets

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:30 AM PDT

What can we learn about ourselves from the things we ask online? US data scientist Seth Stephens‑Davidowitz analysed anonymous Google search results, uncovering disturbing truths about our desires, beliefs and prejudices

Everybody lies. People lie about how many drinks they had on the way home. They lie about how often they go to the gym, how much those new shoes cost, whether they read that book. They call in sick when they're not. They say they'll be in touch when they won't. They say it's not about you when it is. They say they love you when they don't. They say they're happy while in the dumps. They say they like women when they really like men. People lie to friends. They lie to bosses. They lie to kids. They lie to parents. They lie to doctors. They lie to husbands. They lie to wives. They lie to themselves. And they damn sure lie to surveys. Here's my brief survey for you:

Have you ever cheated in an exam?

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Nelsan Ellis, Lafayette in True Blood, dies aged 39

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:26 AM PDT

Tributes paid to 'genius and beautiful soul' after actor who played Lafayette Reynolds suffers complications from heart failure

The actor Nelsan Ellis, best known for his portrayal of Lafayette Reynolds on HBO's series True Blood, has died at the age of 39.

Ellis' manager, Emily Gerson Saines, confirmed the actor's death on Saturday. The Hollywood Reporter, which was first to report Ellis's death, quoted her as saying he had died from complications of heart failure.

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Australian journalist demolishes Trump at G20: 'biggest threat to the west'

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:10 AM PDT

Reporter Chris Uhlmann's commentary tearing into American president – a man with 'no desire and no capacity to lead the world' – reverberates to Washington

A savage opinion of Donald Trump's presidency that went viral was delivered by one of Australia's most seasoned political journalists, who is well known to viewers of the national broadcaster for his frank opinions.

Chris Uhlmann, the political editor of the government-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation, described Trump as "isolated and friendless" at the G20 leaders' summit, and said his disastrous foreign policy had "pressed fast-forward on the decline of the United States".

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'Face like thunder': how the mood soured at Donald Trump's first G20

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:05 AM PDT

Anger at US president rejection of Paris climate accord and clashes over Washington's stance on trade made for a fractious meeting

It was not all rows and rifts. There were moments of convivial relaxation, such as Friday night's rendition of Beethoven's Symphony No 9 – the official EU anthem – in Hamburg's Elbphilharmonie concert hall. As they listened, Theresa May and her husband, Philip, sat close to Donald and Melania Trump, and not far from the new French power couple, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron. Afterwards the G20 leaders sat down to turbot, buttered spinach, beef and glazed potato wedges, and a fruit dessert.

But the music night was a rare cultural oasis in the gruelling timetable of the Hamburg G20. The two-day summit, which ended on Saturday, had been pitched as one of the most tense get-togethers of world leaders in many years. It did not disappoint, with America's president inevitably at the heart of much of the action.

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Who’s afraid of Gloria Allred? | Alex Clark

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:00 AM PDT

Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, OJ Simpson, Eddie Murphy, Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson… The list of men Gloria Allred has taken to court reads like a Who's Who of the great and the not so good. Alex Clark meets the lawyer in LA to hear what makes her angry

Gloria Allred and President Trump have history, perhaps unsurprisingly. She is a self-described "feminist lawyer" with more than 40 years of fighting – and usually winning – battles on behalf of those discriminated against on the grounds of their gender, sexuality, race, religion or physical ability. He, to put it mildly, does not share her values. Indeed, she has written on the need to protect Roe v Wade, the 1973 ruling that changed abortion law in the United States, against a Trump administration. In particular, she fears he will populate the Supreme Court with judges who she refers to as the "mandatory motherhood group".

But their most significant tangle came in 2012, when a Canadian model named Jenna Talackova was disqualified from a Miss Universe pageant owned by Trump on the grounds that she was transgender. Taking up Talackova's case, Allred adopted her habitual opening strategy – the press conference.

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The end of parklife as we know it? The battle for Britain’s green spaces

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Britain's parks are in crisis. With councils such as Bristol cutting spending to zero, and land being lost to developers, what's happening to our public gardens?

We can expect, now that cracks are appearing in the government's commitment to austerity, calls for many deserving causes to be released from their starvation diets. Of these, Britain's parks and green spaces have been among the most viciously cut. They cost little in relation to their benefits. They are also assets for the long term, representing years and decades of investment that will be lost if they are degraded or, as is happening in some cases, sold off or built over. If, as David Cameron says, the point of austerity is to give future generations protection against future hard times, it makes no sense to throw away things of lasting capital value. Once gone, they won't come back.

For who could not want parks? Who could not want their freedoms, their solace, their greenery and fresh air, their beauty, their opportunities for conviviality and solitude, their democratic indifference to class and wealth, the glimpse of nature they offer in hard cities? Playing in the park is a central part of urban childhoods, the stuff of memories and children's stories. What could be wrong with what the Danish architect, town planner and writer Steen Eiler Rasmussen found in British parks – the "raw sensation of the elements" and their ability to free the mind? "How valuable it is," he wrote, "to have access to the wonderland of an unrestrained imagination." Henry James called them "an ornament not elsewhere to be matched".

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Trump-Russia: new meeting revealed involving Donald Jr, Kushner and Manafort

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:40 PM PDT

Talks with Kremlin-linked lawyer in June 2016 appear to be the earliest known private meeting between key aides to US president and a Russian

Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort met with a Russian lawyer shortly after Donald Trump won the Republican nomination, it has emerged, in what appears to be the earliest known private meeting between key aides to the president and a Russian.

Representatives of Donald Trump's eldest son and son-in-law confirmed the June 2016 meeting after the New York Times reported on Saturday on the gathering of the men and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower. Then-chairman of the campaign Manafort also attended, according to the statement from Donald Trump Jr.

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Ex-diplomat Carne Ross: the case for anarchism

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 12:30 AM PDT

How a high-flying diplomat and Middle East adviser lost his faith in western democracy – but put his trust in people power

If you were to play a game of word association with the term "anarchism" what would be the likely responses? Perhaps the anarchy sign, with the capital A over a circle. Black flags. The turn-of-the-century bombers immortalised by Joseph Conrad in The Secret Agent. Or maybe Johnny Rotten singing Anarchy in the UK.

What it would be unlikely to evoke is the image of an English diplomat, a veteran of the Foreign Office and the United Nations, a man schooled in the subtle arts of negotiation and persuasion. But that is the profile of Carne Ross, a former Middle East expert in the UK's delegation to the UN, who is said to be the inspiration for a character in John le Carré's novel A Delicate Truth. For Ross, as a new film shows, is now of one of world's most active proselytisers for the virtues of an anarchist revolution.

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The Observer view on Europe’s shameful response to the growing refugee crisis | Observer editorial

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:05 PM PDT

The continent's 'out of sight, out of mind' attitude represents not only a failure of humanity, but of policy

One in 40. This is the dreadful death rate facing refugees attempting the perilous crossing from Libya to Italy in overloaded rubber dinghies. It has trebled since late 2015, when European search and rescue efforts in the central Mediterranean were much more concerted and coordinated. It's the shameful product of Europe's pitiful response to the growing refugee crisis.

Angela Merkel declared: "Wir schaffen das" – "we can do this" – when she flung open Germany's doors to refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq for six months in 2015. But she failed to take German public opinion with her and her words quickly turned hollow. Other European nations, including Britain, chose to free-ride on Germany's generosity rather than follow its example. Led by Germany, Europe's approach to refugees in the last two years has evolved from Merkel's misplaced optimism in "we can do this" to a shameful "out of sight, out of mind".

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Malcolm Turnbull says nobody at G20 defended North Korea missile test

Posted: 09 Jul 2017 01:16 AM PDT

Australian PM says he had hoped G20 could deliver statement condemning North Korea but it 'was not able to be achieved'

Malcolm Turnbull said "nobody" at the G20 table was defending North Korea's latest missile test, including China, despite the group's failure to produce a unanimous statement condemning the rogue state.

Speaking in Paris on Sunday, Turnbull said he had hoped to see the G20 deliver a statement on North Korea. He said it simply "was not able to be achieved".

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Malcolm Turnbull spruiks submarines with Macron after Abbott's call for rethink

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:55 PM PDT

Tony Abbott has argued a plan B involving nuclear-powered submarines should be considered alongside French project

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, says the submarine deal with Australia is not just a contract but has lifted the two countries' broader economic relationship to its highest level ever.

The prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, flew with Macron on the French leader's Falcon jet from the G20 summit in Hamburg to Paris and he and Lucy Turnbull dined at the palace on Saturday night.

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Liu Xiaobo tells foreign doctors he wants to leave China for treatment

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:21 PM PDT

Supporters call for democracy activist who has terminal liver cancer to receivehis 'last wish to experience freedom' but hospital says transfer would be unsafe

China's most famous political prisoner, the Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo, has told foreign doctors he wishes to leave China, a family friend has said, as supporters renewed their appeal for the dissident to be allowed a final taste of freedom.

Speaking to the Associated Press, Liu's former lawyer and friend, Shang Baojun, said the terminally ill democracy activist was visited by medical specialists from the United States and Germany on Saturday.

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Gluten-free bread for Holy Communion is toast, says Vatican

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:09 PM PDT

Unleavened bread used for communion during Catholic masses can be genetically modified but not entirely gluten-free, church rules

The unleavened bread used to celebrate the holy communion during Catholic masses can be made with genetically modified organisms, the Vatican said Saturday, but they cannot be entirely gluten-free.

Low-gluten bread is allowed but there must be enough protein in the wheat to make it without additives.

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UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia under threat as court ruling on terrorism looms

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:03 PM PDT

Verdict due on Monday over humanitarian challenge claiming weapons may have been used to kill civilians in Yemen

Britain will be forced to suspend the sale of what potentially could be billions of pounds worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia if it loses a high-profile legal case on Monday.

The high court is due to give its verdict in a judicial review that puts arms sales export policy in the dock and has the potential to embarrass the government.

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Hamburg counts the cost of two nights of violence, looting and destruction

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 04:01 PM PDT

Merkel confirms that victims caught up in anti-globalism protests will be compensated

When Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and other world leaders boarded their planes at the end of a two-day summit in Hamburg on Saturday, they left behind a bruised and beaten city whose historic identity had been shaken to the core.

Two nights of rioting, looting and transport chaos left many residents asking why their government had decided to hold the annual summit of leading economies in a densely populated city with such a strong tradition of counter-cultural protest.

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‘Do-gooders’ no more: Lampedusans turn against refugee tide as patience wears thin

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:01 PM PDT

The Italian islanders have turfed out the mayor who offered a haven to migrants, and now they want other Europeans to share the burden

Anyone looking for an insight into the growing disillusionment of ordinary Italians as their country is left to deal alone with a summer surge of migrants on its southern shores should contemplate the fate of Giusi Nicolini, the former mayor of Lampedusa.

Earlier this year Nicolini won Unesco's Félix Houphouët-Boigny peace prize for the "great humanity and constant commitment" with which she has managed a migration crisis that began in earnest during the summer of 2011, as the Arab spring turned north African societies upside down.

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Trump, North Korea and shifting alliances: is this a new world disorder?

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 01:48 PM PDT

The balance of power is changing as US influence declines. Amid a nuclear crisis and a fractious G20 summit in Hamburg, who will win the struggle for succession?

The overt US threats of punitive military action that followed last week's provocative test-firing of a potentially nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile by North Korea transformed a long-running regional problem into a frightening global crisis.

With Donald Trump ordering a show of force off the Korean peninsula and warning of "very severe" reprisals, it fell to China and Russia – usually bad guys in the White House's global narrative – to act responsibly by appealing for calm and dialogue. The confrontation, not yet defused, intensified broader fears that the world is becoming more dangerous and chaotic – and that no one is really in charge.

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Church of England demands ban on conversion therapy

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 12:50 PM PDT

Synod calls for government to ban practice aiming to change sexual orientation after hearing experiences of 'spiritual abuse' in emotional debate

The Church of England has called on the government to ban conversion therapy and has condemned the practice, which aims to change sexual orientation, as unethical and potentially harmful.

At the end of an emotional debate in which two members of the C of E synod described their experiences as spiritual abuse, the church's governing body overwhelmingly backed a motion saying the practice had "no place in the modern world".

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Former Polish president Lech Wałęsa in hospital with heart trouble

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:36 AM PDT

Hero of Solidarity movement said to be 'unfortunately weak' days after being booed by crowds at Trump speech in Warsaw

The former Polish president Lech Wałęsa, the leader of the Solidarity movement that helped overthrow communism, has been taken to hospital with heart problems.

His son, Jarosław Wałęsa, said on Saturday his father was feeling "unfortunately weak". The former president was being treated in the heart disease ward of the Gdańsk University clinic, in his home city.

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Theresa May: I encouraged Donald Trump to rejoin Paris agreement – video

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 10:00 AM PDT

The UK prime minister holds a press conference to mark the end of the G20 summit in Hamburg and expresses her 'dismay' at the Trump administration's decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement. May also says she's looking forward to welcoming Trump to London and hails progress made in beginning trade discussions with other world leaders

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Angela Merkel leads G20 split with Trump over Paris agreement – video

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 09:44 AM PDT

German chancellor Angela Merkel speaks to the press at the end of the G20 summit in Hamburg on Saturday and addresses the clear split between the positions of the US and the remaining 19 nations over climate change in the summit's joint statement notes

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Putin: Trump seemed 'satisfied' with my denial of Russian election meddling

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:46 AM PDT

Russian president describes presidents' exchange at G20 summit, saying he offered detailed answers to Trump's questions

Vladimir Putin has said he thought Donald Trump believed his denials of Russian meddling in the 2016 US election, following the two presidents' first face-to-face meeting on Friday.

Speaking after the G20 summit of leading economies, the Russian leader said his US counterpart had asked him numerous questions about Russia's alleged interference in the presidential election during a lengthy discussion of the issue.

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Venezuela opposition leader moved to house arrest after three years in prison

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 08:36 AM PDT

Supreme court cites Leopoldo López's health and 'serious signs of irregularities' in his case in statement explaining transfer

The Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López was transferred to house arrest Saturday after spending more than three years in a military prison.

The supreme court said in a statement that it had granted López the "humanitarian measures" for health reasons and "serious signs of irregularities" in the handling of the case that it did not specify.

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Pride parade in London 2017 – in pictures

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:57 AM PDT

Thousand of people join the annual LGBT+ parade through the capital

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G20 leaders' statement on climate change highlights rift with US

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 07:42 AM PDT

Joint statement points to US decision to withdraw from Paris agreement while other G20 countries see accord as 'irreversible'

World leaders have made clear the US's isolated stance on climate change, with 19 of the G20 countries affirming their commitment to the "irreversible" Paris climate agreement.

After lengthy negotiations that stretched well into Saturday, the final joint statement from the meeting in Hamburg notes Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris deal while stating that the world's other major economies all still support the international effort to slow dangerous global warming.

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Church of England bishops ‘delaying same-sex equality’ move

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 06:28 AM PDT

Synod members say creating new working groups fails to address issue as leaders accused of 'waffle'

Church of England bishops have been accused of kicking the issue of same-sex equality into the long grass by offloading the topic to a series of working groups that will not report until 2020 at the earliest.

The archbishops of Canterbury and York, the two most senior figures in the church, have established two main groups and four subgroups to advise on pastoral issues and produce a new teaching document on human sexuality.

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The Italian architecture that shaped new world heritage site Asmara

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:41 AM PDT

The newly listed Eritrean capital features outstanding examples of experimental building design from the early 20th century

Standing as a startling collection of futuristic Italian architecture from the 1930s, perched on a desert mountaintop high above the Red Sea, the Eritrean capital of Asmara has been listed as a Unesco world heritage site.

Announced as one of a series of new "inscriptions", which are expected to include German caves with ice-age art and the English Lake District, Asmara is the first modernist city in the world to be listed in its entirety.

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'I think it will go on like this forever': South Koreans on threat from the North

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 03:15 AM PDT

For Seoul citizens, the threat of armed conflict with Pyongyang seems remote but there are concerns about the unpredictability of Donald Trump

In the bars and coffee shops along Jongno, the historic avenue through the modern centre of Seoul, South Korea's capital, people talk of the difficulties of finding jobs, of rising prices and the stress of life in a booming city.

"Young people are very uneasy," says Han Jung-min, who's found stopgap work in a trendy coffee shop on an alley just off Jongno while looking for "a real job" more commensurate with her college education. "It's very depressing."

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Trump hails ‘very special relationship’ with UK after meeting May – video

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:39 AM PDT

Donald Trump says he expects a 'very powerful' trade deal to be agreed between the UK and the US 'very, very quickly' as he meets Theresa May before bilateral discussions at the G20 summit in Hamburg. Trump also says 'no country could possibly be closer than our countries' and confirms he still intends to make a UK state visit

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Mother Mushroom: how Vietnam locked up its most famous blogger

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 05:57 PM PDT

One of Vietnam's most influential political bloggers, given a courage award by Melania Trump, faces a decade behind bars for her 'reactionary' work

"Each person only has a life, but if I had the chance to choose again I would still choose my way."

They are the words of one of Vietnam's most influential bloggers — known by her online pseudonym, Mother Mushroom — minutes before she was handed the shock sentence of a decade in prison. Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh directed her defiant comments at her 61-year-old mother, who was watching a live feed in a room next door as she was not allow into the courtroom.

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Donald Trump returns home as the odd man out after 'G19' summit

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 02:02 PM PDT

Analysis: During trip likely to cheer his base and frustrate critics, president focused on domestic concerns and gravitated toward non-democratic states

Donald Trump was returning to his comfort zone – home – on Saturday night having finished a second foreign trip on which domestic concerns took priority over building bridges with a sceptical international community.

The US president committed no significant gaffes but Trump seemed so out of step with the rest of the world that it was a case of the "G1" versus the "G19", against a backdrop of violent anti-capitalist protests in Hamburg, Germany.

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‘Uneasy, lonely, awkward’: Australian reporter says Trump has no capacity to lead world – video

Posted: 08 Jul 2017 11:49 PM PDT

In a scathing review of Donald Trump's performance at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Australian journalist Chris Uhlmann says the US president managed to 'isolate his nation, confuse and alienate his allies and to diminish America'. Speaking on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Insiders program, Uhlmann does not hold back his criticism of Trump, stating 'we've also learned he has no desire and no capacity to lead the world'. He goes on to say Trump has diminished America and the world would miss it when it was gone

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