World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

North Korea missile test new world threat, says US amid show of force

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:55 PM PDT

Kim Jong-un calls test a 4 July gift to 'American bastards' as US secretary of state urges action against regime and its workers

The US has ramped up pressure on North Korea after Tuesday's successful intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test, making a show of force off the Korean peninsula and warning that any country harbouring North Korean workers was abetting Kim Jong-un's regime.

Officials in Seoul said the US-South Korean live-fire ballistic missile exercise early on Wednesday was intended as a warning to Pyongyang.

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Gulf states prepare to ramp up economic sanctions against Qatar

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 06:58 AM PDT

Diplomats speaking before Cairo meeting of foreign ministers indicate Doha could be suspended from Gulf Co-operation Council

Gulf states are preparing to ramp up economic sanctions against Qatar, as well as widening its diplomatic isolation and suspending it from the Gulf Co-operation Council, senior Gulf diplomats have indicated.

They were speaking before a meeting in Cairo of foreign ministers from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, which have been leading the blockade of Qatar since 5 June, accusing the emirate of supporting terrorism. On 22 June they issued a 13-point list of demands to end the standoff and gave Qatar 10 days to comply. That deadline was extended on Sunday by 48 hours.

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Splits in Catalonia's pro-independence campaign before key vote

Posted: 05 Jul 2017 01:38 AM PDT

Catalan president criticised after minister sacked for admitting that Spain could block planned referendum on independence

Divisions have emerged within Catalonia's pro-sovereignty movement after a minister in the regional government was sacked for suggesting that this autumn's controversial independence referendum would probably not go ahead because of fierce opposition from the Spanish government.

Last month, the Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, announced that a unilateral, binding independence poll would be held on 1 October, with voters asked: "Do you want Catalonia to be an independent country in the form of a republic?"

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French PM warns of more cuts to tackle country's debt 'volcano'

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 10:34 AM PDT

Edouard Philippe vows to end public spending 'addiction' and launch €50bn infrastructure investment programme

The French prime minister has vowed to make a raft of public-spending cuts to stem France's "intolerable" reliance on state borrowing, which he said had left the country dancing on a debt "volcano".

In his opening speech to parliament on Tuesday, Edouard Philippe side-stepped the notion of one-size-fits-all austerity, instead insisting that the plan of the new centrist president, Emmanuel Macron, was to reduce public spending while launching a €50bn (£44bn) investment programme and cutting a range of taxes, including slashing corporate taxes to boost businesses.

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Call for stiffer fines for 'gawping' drivers after Bavarian bus crash

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 05:59 AM PDT

German politicians say 'rubberneckers' blocked emergency vehicles' access to bus blaze that killed 18

German politicians have called for an overhaul of transport laws after claims that "rubbernecking" drivers may have cost lives by blocking emergency vehicles' access to a burning bus in Bavaria on Monday.

Eighteen people are now known to have been killed after the bus, which was carrying elderly tourists to Italy, hit the back of a lorry on the A9 motorway. The bus immediately caught fire, killing more than a third of those on board.

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Trump and Putin will have their first official meeting on Friday at G20

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 09:37 AM PDT

The White House and Kremlin confirm there will be a 'fully-fledged' sit-down at the summit in Hamburg, amid tense relations between the two countries

US president Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin will have an official meeting on Friday afternoon in Hamburg at the G20 summit.

The White House and the Kremlin confirmed on Tuesday that the presidents would meet officially instead of in an informal "pull-aside" meeting at the conference.

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Al-Jazeera journalists: 'This isn't the first time we've come under threat'

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:39 AM PDT

Saudi-led demands for Qatar to close the broadcaster have left reporters concerned that each story may be their last

In newsrooms and on assignment around the world, journalists with al-Jazeera are trying to set aside worries that each story they cover could be their last.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain have demanded that Qatar close the TV station as one of their main conditions for lifting a month-long blockade of the tiny, gas-rich kingdom, making journalists pawns in a bitter regional fight.

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Jean-Claude Juncker criticises 'ridiculous' European parliament

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 04:41 AM PDT

Outburst from European commission chief over empty seats in chamber provokes rebuke from parliament's president

The head of the EU's executive body has described the European parliament as ridiculous after only a few dozen MEPs turned up to a debate.

The outburst from the European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, earned him a rebuke from the parliament's president, Antonio Tajani, who said: "We are not ridiculous."

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US still has no path to peace in Afghanistan, bipartisan senators say

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 09:55 AM PDT

John McCain, visiting Kabul, excoriates 15 years of US efforts in nation – saying goal has been to not lose rather than to win

After more than 15 years in Afghanistan the US still does not have a strategy for winning peace and is making that goal even more unattainable by hampering diplomacy, a bipartisan group of US senators said in the Afghan capital on Tuesday.

The criticism came as the Trump administration considers the deployment of thousands of additional soldiers, without publicly explaining what they are meant to achieve.

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Austrian troops to stop migrants crossing border with Italy

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 09:44 AM PDT

Austrian defence minister sends four Pandur armoured personnel carriers to Tyrol region and 750 troops are on standby

Austria has announced it is ready to use soldiers and tanks to stop migrants crossing its border with Italy, as Brussels urged Europe to help Italian authorities manage an "unprecedented" arrival of people from north Africa.

Austrian defence minister Hans Peter Doskozil announced that four Pandur armoured personnel carriers had been sent to the Tyrol region and 750 troops were on standby.

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People 'burned to death in homes' by South Sudan's government militias

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 04:17 AM PDT

Amnesty report describes atrocities including torture and rape, as advisers urge UN to protect civilians in 'treacherous killing fields'

The government of South Sudan and its militias are behaving with vicious brutality in the country, with reports of men being locked in huts and burned to death, and of machete attacks being carried out in remote villages.

The atrocities are just one of the causes of the major refugee crisis in the region, with almost a million people fleeing to Uganda. Out of a population of some 12.5 million, more than 1.7 million are enduring severe hunger, classified as just one step below famine, and the number at risk of starvation is 6 million and growing. On top of that, a fast-spreading cholera outbreak threatens to kill thousands. The human rights group Amnesty International, which has been gathering together reports from the conflict, said forces – those loyal to the government and also some to the opposition – had also cut food supplies to parts of the country.

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Border Force illegally sent two Australian citizens to Christmas Island

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:00 AM PDT

New Zealand-born men released when error was realised in episode reminiscent of Cornelia Rau and Vivian Solon cases

Australian Border Force illegally detained two Australian citizens and sent them to Christmas Island in an episode reminiscent of the Cornelia Rau and Vivian Solon cases of more than a decade ago.

Guardian Australia understands the two men are New Zealand-born but hold dual Australian citizenship.

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North Korea's missile test: everything you need to know

Posted: 05 Jul 2017 01:28 AM PDT

Missile experts have examined data from the test to analyse whether North Korea's claim of being able to reach 'anywhere in the world' is true

The regime claimed on Tuesday that it had conducted its first test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), and that the test had been a success. The missile was capable of reaching "anywhere in the world", state TV reported.

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'A gift for the American bastards': North Korea's Kim fires back at Donald Trump

Posted: 05 Jul 2017 12:01 AM PDT

Kim Jong-un saw the opportunity for maximum mischief offered by the most auspicious date in US history to launch a missile, literally and verbally

It is a fair to say that the reporter tasked with working Kim Jong-un's comments into North Korea's latest statement on Tuesday's intercontinental ballistic missile test did their job with even more relish than usual.

As taunts go, Kim's comments, carried by the state KCNA news agency, raised the insult index several notches from Donald Trump's suggestion a day earlier that his North Korean counterpart find a more productive use of his time than developing a nuclear deterrent.

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'Now we're back it's even worse': the Bangui residents who preferred a refugee camp to their home city

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:30 PM PDT

The rusting planes of M'Poko airport provided refuge for thousands fleeing violence in the Central African Republic. Now forced back to the city, some say conditions were better in the camp

For years, anyone landing in the capital of the Central Africa Republic was greeted by the sight of tens of thousands of people living in old aeroplanes and tattered tents in a refugee camp that had taken over the city's disused airport.

With at least 100,000 residents at its peak, this city within a city became a defining image of the prolonged sectarian conflict in CAR, a war largely ignored by outsiders.

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Caesar’s Last Breath by Sam Kean review – the air we breathe and why heaven is hotter than hell

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:30 PM PDT

An epic scientific story, from the Earth's first days to your most recent inhalation, is told with a helluva high level of informality

We are creatures of light and air. Life's a gas, in every sense. We are oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, packed together with the carbon that photosynthesising life has plucked, one molecule at a time, from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. At cremation, our bodies bake down to a handful of minerals. When Hamlet beseeched his too, too solid flesh to melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew, he got it about right: the Prince of Denmark would have been about 70% water, which is itself an atmospheric vapour. And he certainly could have been blown away.

Harry Truman – "not that Harry Truman", as Sam Kean says in this bright and breezy book – was blown away by Mount St Helens. Truman was the defiant man who dismissed the warnings of volcanologists and refused to leave the high slopes of America's most violent modern volcano before it erupted in May 1980. Kean reconstructs his death because, as a chemist, he knows the temperatures at which water, viscera and bones could vaporise as a black cloud of intense heat, 100 storeys high and 10 miles wide, came roaring down the mountain at 350mph: "Truman's clothes would have flared and disappeared, and then Truman himself would have sublimed in the scientific sense – transformed from solid to spirit almost instantly. And with a final hiss, he would have risen up into the air."

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‘Scarred and broken’: children escaping Isis in Mosul suffer waking nightmares

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Experts say living under Islamic State has caused a severe form of psychological trauma in children that can cause lifelong damage

Years of living under Islamic State has left the children of Mosul with such dangerous levels of psychological damage they are unable to show emotion or play and are haunted by waking nightmares.

Experts report that the children are so affected by witnessing extreme violence that they have symptoms of "toxic stress" – a severe form of psychological trauma that can cause lifelong damage.

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Kensington and Chelsea taskforce to take over key council services

Posted: 05 Jul 2017 01:42 AM PDT

Sajid Javid to announce that team of outside experts will run housing and other services after criticism over Grenfell fire

A specialist taskforce is to be sent in to Kensington and Chelsea council to take over the running of key services in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire disaster.

The communities secretary, Sajid Javid, will announce that outside experts will be brought in to manage the council's housing, regeneration, community engagement and governance services.

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Poland’s courting of Trump is a few supporters short of a picnic | Remi Adekoya

Posted: 05 Jul 2017 01:59 AM PDT

The Polish government is hoping that its bussed-in fans will appeal to the US president's vanity and earn the country greater Nato protection. But Poles aren't convinced

• Remi Adekoya is Polish-Nigerian. He is the former political editor of the Warsaw Business Journal

Poland's rightwing government is pulling out all the stops for what it sees as its greatest foreign policy achievement to date: a visit to Warsaw today by US president Donald Trump. In what has to be acknowledged as wily diplomacy, the Law and Justice (PiS) government is appealing to the US president's achilles heel: his vanity, reportedly luring him with promises of adoring crowds, in contrast to the chillier receptions he can expect in western Europe.

The ruling party is bussing in its supporters from all over Poland, encouraging them to take part in a "great patriotic picnic" on the occasion of Trump's visit. The idea is to make the big man feel as good about himself as possible, which will hopefully benefit Poland in some way, such as a more categorical assertion that Nato would – under US leadership – protect Poland from any aggression from Moscow.

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Why do we think poor people are poor because of their own bad choices?

Posted: 05 Jul 2017 02:00 AM PDT

The American dream is being used to rationalize a national nightmare

Cecilia Mo thought she knew all about growing up poor when she began teaching at Thomas Jefferson senior high school in south Los Angeles. As a child, she remembered standing in line, holding a free lunch ticket. But it turned out that Mo could still be shocked by poverty and violence – especially after a 13-year-old student called her in obvious panic. He had just seen his cousin get shot in his front yard.

For Mo, hard work and a good education took her to Harvard and Stanford. But when she saw just how much chaos and violence her LA students faced, she recognized how lucky she had been growing up with educated parents and a safe, if financially stretched, home.

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Daughter of murdered Honduran activist survives armed attack

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 09:33 AM PDT

Assault on daughter of environmentalist Berta Cáceres, who leads indigenous rights group, heightens fears of violence against campaigners in Honduras

The daughter of the murdered Honduran environmentalist Berta Cáceres has survived an armed attack, just weeks after being named leader of the indigenous rights organisation formerly led by her mother.

Bertha Zuñiga, 26, was attacked along with two other members of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organisations of Honduras (Copinh) as they drove back from a community visit in central Honduras on Friday.

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Malcolm Turnbull calls on China to take ‘strongest action’ against North Korea

Posted: 05 Jul 2017 01:22 AM PDT

Prime minister brands the rogue state's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile as act of 'reckless provocation'

The Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, is calling on China to take the "strongest action" against North Korea as the risk of military conflict intensifies.

Turnbull branded the rogue state's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile another act of "reckless provocation".

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'Spiritual abuse': Christian thinktank warns of sharp rise in UK exorcisms

Posted: 05 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

Report by Theos says vast majority of exorcisms within evangelical churches are carried out on people with mental health problems

Exorcisms are a booming industry in the UK, partly driven by immigrant communities and Pentecostal churches, according to a report from a Christian thinktank.

However, the vast majority of people being exorcised have mental health problems that require psychiatric assistance, says the report, published on Wednesday by Theos.

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'Guest workers': the North Korean expats forced to feed the regime

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 10:38 PM PDT

Washington lambasts countries that 'aid and abet' Kim Jong-un's regime by hosting North Korean workers who may number as many as 100,000

Severely rattled by the first successful intercontinental ballistic missile test, the US has ramped up pressure on states hosting North Korean "guest workers", foreign labourers believed to be a significant revenue stream for the isolated regime.

Related: North Korea missile test a 'new threat to world', says US amid show of military force

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Wednesday briefing: Korean missile crisis

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 10:30 PM PDT

South Korea and US hold massive firing exercise in reply to North's test … David Cameron says be grateful for austerity … and the ethics of robot sex

Good morning, it's Warren Murray with your first dose of the news today.

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Qatar economic outlook downgraded hours before crunch Gulf meeting

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 10:03 PM PDT

Moody's forecasts prolonged period of uncertainty as Arab nations prepare to meet in Cairo over Qatar's response to demands

Ratings agency Moody's has downgraded Qatar's economic outlook as political uncertainty swirled ahead of a crunch meeting between Arab nations on Wednesday in Cairo.

A quartet of Arab nations said early on Wednesday it had received Qatar's response to its demands for ending a diplomatic crisis gripping the Persian Gulf. Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates said only that they would respond "in a timely manner".

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Robot allowed into US for competition, but no visa for Afghan girls who made it

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 09:53 PM PDT

All-girl team of robotics students must watch machine compete at international contest in Washington via video link after entry permits refused

Two Afghan girls refused visas to the United States for a robot-building competition have said they were mystified as the contest's organisers said teams from Iran and Sudan as well as a de facto Syrian team had gained visas.

The unusual story of the Afghan all-girl team of robotics students emerged as the United States grapples with the legality of President Donald Trump's order to temporarily ban travel from six Muslim-majority countries.

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Rio gang shootouts spawn apps to help bystanders dodge bullets

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 09:51 PM PDT

Amnesty International and local groups launch tools showing location of gun battles in real time as innocent people die amid soaring violence

Gun violence is on the rise in Rio de Janeiro, with the sound of shootouts echoing daily across Brazil's seaside city as drug gangs battle each other and police officers patrolling slums.

Now a pair of applications track in real-time how many gun battles there are and where they occur, based on accounts from eyewitnesses, the media and police.

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China invites foreign doctors to treat Liu Xiaobo, the critically ill dissident

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 09:02 PM PDT

Medical experts from the US and Germany are reported to have been invited to help treat Liu for late-stage liver cancer

China has invited medical experts from the United States and Germany to help treat dissident Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo for cancer, a local government announced on Wednesday, in an apparent softening of its stance before this week's G20 summit in Germany.

Liu, 61, was jailed for 11 years in 2009 for "inciting subversion of state power" after he helped write a petition known as "Charter 08" calling for sweeping political reforms.

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G20 public finance for fossil fuels 'is four times more than renewables'

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 09:01 PM PDT

Soft loans, subsidies and World Bank funding mean nations are 'talking out of both sides of their mouths' on climate, says report

The G20 nations provide four times more public financing to fossil fuels than to renewable energy, a report has revealed ahead of their summit in Hamburg, where Angela Merkel has said climate change will be at the heart of the agenda.

The authors of the report accuse the G20 of "talking out of both sides of their mouths" and the summit faces the challenge of a sceptical US administration after Donald Trump pulled out of the global Paris agreement.

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New Zealand's possum war: 'barbaric' drowning of babies at school fair sparks outcry

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 07:43 PM PDT

Rights group says widespread practice to kill pest species is desensitising children to acts of violence

An animal rights group is calling for an end to New Zealand's "barbaric" war on possums after joeys were drowned in a bucket of water at a school fundraiser.

It said children were becoming desensitised to violence as a result of the method of killing an animal that is considered a pest in New Zealand. "It was clearly inhumane, it was appalling that children were witnessing this violence," said Jasmijn de Boo, chief executive of animal rights group Safe.

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The Guardian view on North Korea: burgers not bombs | Editorial

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:59 AM PDT

Pyongyang's latest missile launch is a potent reminder that little time is left to slow the North's weapons programme. Talks are unpalatable – but necessary

The prospect of sitting down to hamburgers with Kim Jong-un, as aired by Donald Trump, is not appetising. But North Korea's latest missile launch should remind the United States that it can't wait for him to eat humble pie, nor expect China to take his lunch away.

Pyongyang's bold claims of a successful intercontinental ballistic missile test don't have to be absolutely accurate to be alarming. The US military has suggested it was an intermediate-range missile, though others believe it was an ICBM. It was not "capable of hitting anywhere in the world", but at least one analyst judged it capable of reaching Alaska. It demonstrates that North Korea's programme is gathering pace, even if important technical challenges remain. Pyongyang has now launched more major missiles in the last three years than in the previous three decades. Mr Trump had already warned that "patience is over"; the Obama administration's waiting game failed to hold back the grains in the hourglass.

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What we are doing to improve education for the children of South Sudan | Letters

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:12 AM PDT

Alice Albright defends the Global Partnership for Education's record in South Sudan, and John Benington points out what smaller-scale projects can achieve

Conflict in South Sudan has sent a million people over the border to Uganda and three-quarters of South Sudan's children are out of school. Larry Elliott has a point in asking why the Global Partnership for Education has not spent money available for education in South Sudan (Crisis that puts World Bank in the spotlight, 3 July). In 2012 GPE approved a five-year grant to South Sudan of just over $36m. Of this, $19.9m has been disbursed for curriculum development, learning assessment, training in school governance and school construction.

Plans for the remaining $16.1m have been made, but it is ultimately the decision of the South Sudanese government as to when and how that happens. Around $4m could be reallocated by the government for refugee education if it wishes to do so. External challenges including instability have slowed implementation, but my colleagues are in close contact with the government and other partners to encourage the government to move ahead expeditiously.

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Take pride, but keep fighting homophobia | Letters

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:11 AM PDT

Former TUC LGBT officer Peter Purton warns against complacency in the struggle to preserve LGBT rights

Zoe Williams is right to point to increasingly open homophobia around the world (Opinion, 2 July). We are in Pride fortnight, 50 years after the 1967 Sexual Offences Act partially decriminalised male homosexuality in parts of Britain. On Saturday, thousands of LGBT people will party at London Pride, mostly believing our fight is won. The massive profile given to Pride's commercial sponsors – money which ought to be from community or state – promotes the same message.

Our community will only be safe when hate crime and homophobic bullying in schools etc have been banished, which won't happen while we have hostile politicians such as those in the DUP propping up the May administration. I spent 40 years fighting for LGBT rights and welcome our great progress. But as Williams says, history can move in cycles, and if more in our community don't wake up to the threats, they may live to regret their complacency.
Dr Peter Purton
TUC LGBT officer 1998-2016, London

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Women's Voluntary Services records reveal grassroots wartime life

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 09:00 AM PDT

Second world war records made public for first time give fascinating glimpse into how British civilians coped with bombing

Among thousands of second world war records available to the public for the first time, detailing the activities of more than 1 million women who joined the Women's Voluntary Services to help with the war effort on the Home Front, there are glimpses of how desperate life was for many among the jolly accounts of mended toys, gloves knitted out of recycled scraps of wool, darned jumpers and cakes improvised from improbable ingredients.

One of the 31,400 pages of diaries, detailed reports submitted in quadruplicate every month from more than 1,300 cities, towns and villages, recounts the aftermath of a flying bomb hitting the Hertfordshire town of Rickmansworth – one of 97 that fell on the small town during the war killing 91, injuring more than 300, and leaving thousands homeless.

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Wales and Scotland offer free abortions to women from Northern Ireland

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 08:37 AM PDT

Welsh and Scottish leaders follow UK government with committment to fund procedures despite objections from DUP

The Welsh and Scottish governments will offer free abortions to Northern Irish women, their leaders have confirmed, after the UK government said last week it would fund the procedures in order to head off a Commons revolt on the Queen's speech.

The confirmation came as the Democratic Unionist MP Ian Paisley Jr said his party would not compromise its hardline stance on abortion, even if it meant risking the supply-and-confidence agreement with the Conservatives.

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Juncker calls EU parliament ridiculous, following poor attendance – video

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 07:03 AM PDT

The president of the EU commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, criticises
the EU parliament after only a fraction of its MEPs turned up to a meeting
attended by the prime minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat, to review the Maltese presidency on Tuesday. Juncker said the presence of smaller EU nations must be respected

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On the moove! Cow airlifted to safety in Italy – video

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 06:25 AM PDT

In footage released on Monday, firefighters in northern Italy winched a cow to safety after she injured her leg. Two weeks earlier, in the Swiss mountains, a pedigree Holstein cow was airlifted to safety in dramatic fashion

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China-Russia diplomatic double act exposes Trump's crudeness

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 05:57 AM PDT

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin vow to work together on peaceful solution to North Korea crisis – in sharp contrast to US president's sabre-rattling

The leaders of China and Russia have vowed to work together to peacefully defuse the deepening crisis over North Korea's nuclear and missile programmes – a diplomatic double act that contrasts sharply with Donald Trump's crude threats and pressure tactics.

The joint declaration reflected a broader, ongoing strategic Sino-Russian alignment that has passed largely unremarked in the west. It has been encouraged by Trump's often erratic, unfocused behaviour, and the resulting opportunities and dangers arising from weakened American global leadership.

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Babatunde Osotimehin obituary

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 03:26 AM PDT

Executive director of the United Nations Population Fund who fought against child marriage and female genital mutilation

As executive director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Babatunde Osotimehin, who has died suddenly aged 68, provided a strong voice on issues affecting young women, including child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM). He began the first of two four-year terms in the post in 2011, following high-profile roles in public health in his native Nigeria.

Despite his gentle demeanour, Osotimehin was tough when it came to pushing for commitments to improve family planning and maternal mortality rates. Much of his first term was concerned with upholding a global agreement negotiated in Cairo in 1994, designed to ensure greater access to education and family planning and to reduce child and maternal mortality.

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Could North Korea trigger a nuclear war? – video explainer

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 02:50 AM PDT

If Pyongyang's claim to have successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile is confirmed, the regime would be closer to having the ability to strike the US mainland. We take a look back at North Korea's nuclear dynasty and ask: could the country trigger a nuclear war?

North Korea claims successful test of intercontinental ballistic missile

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Aid groups lambast Coalition for halving family planning foreign aid

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 11:10 PM PDT

Plan International Australia says loss of funding is a 'stunning failure to protect the world's most vulnerable'

Aid groups have attacked the Australian government for slashing its foreign aid spending on family planning and urged it to fill a leadership void left by the Trump administration.

Australia's aid funding for family planning has halved from $46.4m in 2013/14 to AU$23.7m in 2015/16, according to new figures on the nation's overseas development assistance budget.

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US Independence Day 2017 celebrations – in pictures

Posted: 04 Jul 2017 04:29 PM PDT

The US has celebrated its 241st birthday. The Fourth of July marks the anniversary of the country's independence from British rule, and is a national holiday that sparks myriad local parades

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