World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Turkey and Greece hit by strong earthquake: two dead and 200 injured – latest

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:18 AM PDT

Live updates as 6.7-magnitude quake strikes between resorts of Bodrum and Kos

According to the Associated Press, Turkey's foreign ministry has now also confirmed that one of the two people who died on Kos was Turkish. That follows similar information emanating from Greek authorities.

The ministry said on Friday that a second Turkish national was in a serious condition and was being evacuated to Athens for treatment. It did not identify the victim, saying authorities were still trying to reach his or her family members.

Greek authorities have now listed the five seriously injured people who were flown to Crete by emergency services earlier today as: two Swedes; one Norwegian; a Greek man and a Greek woman. One is reported to have suffered extensive leg injuries. All are thought to have been in the bar, whose roof collapsed, when the earthquake struck.

Between 2am and 4am, about 95 people were either admitted, or admitted themselves, to the local hospital on Kos. First aid was administered to about 85 more, who then left.

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OJ Simpson granted parole after serving nine years of armed robbery sentence

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 12:06 PM PDT

Former NFL star famously acquitted of murder expected to be released from prison in October after serving minimum portion of 33-year sentence

OJ Simpson, the former NFL star famously acquitted of murder, was granted parole on Thursday and is expected to walk free in October after being jailed nine years ago for a botched robbery attempt.

"I am sorry the things turned out the way they did," Simpson, 70, said via videoconference with the Nevada board of parole commissioners. "I had no intention to commit a crime."

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Donald Tusk warns of 'bleak outcome' from Polish judiciary reform

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:22 AM PDT

Former Polish PM says bill that transfers authority over supreme court from judges to president drags nation back in time

Poland's rightwing government has been accused of dragging the country back in time by Donald Tusk, president of the European council, as its ministers moved a step closer to taking control of the judiciary.

Tusk, a former Polish prime minister, said the ruling Law and Justice party was reversing decades of progress through its authoritarian agenda.

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Justin Bieber banned from China for 'bad behaviour'

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:53 PM PDT

Beijing's culture bureau says star has caused 'discontent among the public' and his exclusion is needed to 'purify' arts

"I just need one more shot, second chances," Justin Bieber sings on his latest album.

Not least, it seems, with Chinese authorities who have announced the Canadian pop idol will not be allowed to perform in the People's Republic because of his on and offstage antics.

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Chester Bennington, Linkin Park singer, dies of suspected suicide aged 41

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:28 AM PDT

Police say that the singer, who struggled with substance abuse, is suspected to have killed himself in a private residence in Los Angeles County

Police have confirmed that Chester Bennington, the lead singer of band Linkin Park, has died.

His death at his private residence in Palos Verdes Estates in Los Angeles County at approximately 9am Thursday morning was confirmed by the coroner and is being treated as a suspected suicide.

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Son of Cecil the lion killed by trophy hunter

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 07:50 AM PDT

Six-year-old Xanda was shot and killed by hunters when he roamed outside the protected area of the Hwange national park in Zimbabwe

A son of Cecil the lion has been killed by trophy hunters in Zimbabwe, meeting the same fate as his father whose death in 2015 caused a global outcry.

Xanda was six years old and had fathered a number of cubs himself. He was shot on 7 July just outside the Hwange national park, not far from where Cecil died, but news of the death only became public on Thursday.

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Salvador Dalí's remains exhumed to settle paternity case

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:38 PM PDT

Stone slab above his grave in Figueres was removed on Thursday evening to allow experts to take DNA samples

The remains of Salvador Dalí were exhumed on Thursday evening, almost three decades after his death, to help settle a long-running paternity claim from a 61-year-old fortune-teller who insists she is the Spanish artist's only child.

Dalí, who died in 1989, is buried in a crypt beneath the museum he designed for himself in his home town of Figueres, Catalonia.

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Berlin to change policy towards Turkey as German citizen is held

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 04:33 AM PDT

Foreign ministry also issues travel warning after Turkish authorities detain human rights activist for alleged terrorist activity

Germany's foreign minister has announced a significant "reorientation" of its policy towards Turkey after a human rights activist became the latest German citizen to be detained for alleged terrorist activity.

"We need our policies towards Turkey to go in a new direction ... we can't continue as we have done until now," Sigmar Gabriel told reporters at a press conference in Berlin on Thursday. "We need to be clearer than we have been until now so those responsible in Ankara understand that such policies are not without consequences."

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India low-caste leader elected president in boost for Modi coalition

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 08:09 PM PDT

Constitution provides largely ceremonial role for president, but Kovind, 71, will have a key role during political crises

Ram Nath Kovind, a low-caste politician backed by the ruling Hindu nationalist-led coalition, easily won India's presidential election on Thursday, tightening the government's hold on positions of power.

India's constitution provides a largely ceremonial role for the president, with the prime minister and his cabinet holding executive power.

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Justine Damond 'didn't have to die', says Minneapolis police chief

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 03:48 PM PDT

Janee Harteau distances herself from actions of officer Mohamed Noor in shooting of Australian woman in Minnesota

The Minneapolis police chief has said the fatal shooting of Australian woman Justine Damond "shouldn't have happened" and that it was the result of the actions and the flawed judgment of one officer.

The death of Damond, 40, who was fired at multiple times through the open window of a police patrol car, has outraged her relatives and the public in both Australia and the United States. The Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, called it "shocking" and "inexplicable".

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Elon Musk: I got 'government approval' for New York-DC Hyperloop. Officials: no he didn't

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 01:07 PM PDT

Several city, state and federal spokespeople concur that Tesla CEO has not received permission to build high-speed tunnel from NYC to Washington DC

Elon Musk does not have government approval to build a Hyperloop tunnel from New York City to Washington DC.

The Tesla executive took to Twitter this morning to tantalize his legion of fans and the tech press with the "news" that he had "just received verbal govt approval for The Boring Company to build an underground NY-Phil-Balt-DC Hyperloop. NY-DC in 29 mins … City center to city center in each case, with up to a dozen or more entry/exit elevators in each city."

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Nasa needs you: space agency to crowdsource origami designs for shield

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:19 AM PDT

In the search for ways to efficiently pack a radiation shield to protect manned spacecraft on deep space missions, Nasa is looking to the public for help

If you know your crane from your bishop's mitre, Nasa needs you. The space agency is launching a challenge to crowdsource origami-inspired ideas for a foldable radiation shield to protect spacecraft and astronauts on voyages to deep space, such as missions to Mars.

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French-Dutch culture clash revealed in leaked Air France-KLM report

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 04:07 AM PDT

French staff say KLM colleagues think only of money, while Dutch see Air France workers as aloof, report says

A clash of national cultures and an inability to understand each other's languages threatens to make the merged Air France-KLM group of airlines unmanageable, according to a leaked internal company report.

French staff in the Franco-Dutch company complain their colleagues from the Netherlands are money-grubbing, while the Dutch regard the Air France staff as aloof, according to the report.

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US to ban citizens from travel to North Korea, tour operators say

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:21 AM PDT

Two agencies including Young Pioneer Tours, which took Otto Warmbier to North Korea, say ban to be announced on 27 July

Two tourist agencies that operate tours to North Korea has said the US government will soon ban its citizens from travelling to the North.

It follows the death of Otto Warmbier, a US student who was arrested and sentenced to 15 years of hard labour while visiting North Korea. He was released in June in a coma and died in hospital in Cincinnati days after being medically evacuated.

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Earthquake in Turkey and Greece leaves at least two dead in Kos

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:11 AM PDT

6.7 magnitude quake struck overnight between Bodrum and Greek islands, injuring another 200 people

A powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.5 has killed at least two people on the island of Kos and injured 200 in Greek and Turkish coastal towns.

The quake struck near major tourist destinations around the Aegean sea in the early hours of Friday, Turkish and Greek officials said. About 200 people were injured, officials said, with at least 120 on Kos and 70 in Turkey.

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Grindr, virtual reality and vlogging: new ways to talk about sexual health

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:53 AM PDT

From Georgia to India, social media and apps are teaching young people about sex and relationships

Almost half the world's population is online and billions of young people use social media. So why doesn't more sex education happen across these channels? The first Global Advisory Board for Sexual Health and Wellbeing brings together a group of individuals who are using innovative ways to reach more people with information about sex and relationships. Here are some of the projects they've been working on:

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Six ways to assert power beyond the ballot box | Paul Maassen

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:21 PM PDT

Citizens everywhere are shaping government policies, tackling corruption and even improving air quality

  • Paul Maassen is director of civil society engagement at the Open Government Partnership

Elections are key milestones for democratic engagement, and referendums such as the UK's Brexit poll are innovative ways for citizens to be more directly involved in the decision-making process.

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Island v megacity: the Cairo islanders fighting violent state evictions

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Warraq has become a battleground as Egyptian authorities demolish houses in what locals fear will be a glossy transformation of their island

Heba Nagaa Otmorsi was at work when a relative called to say her house had been demolished. That day she had boarded a ferry from Cairo's Warraq Island to the mainland, unaware her home was under threat.

Most families had been asleep when government forces arrived early in the morning in armoured cars. "It was our neighbours who rescued the children," says Otmorsi. "The government said [residents] had Molotov [cocktails] and weapons. They arrested anyone who confronted them."

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The long-running family rivalries behind the Qatar crisis

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Diplomats in Middle East say issues cannot easily be resolved partly because they are personal as well as political

It is a row that is roiling the Middle East, pitting the wealthiest and most influential Arab sheikhdoms against each other, and sparking weeks of shuttle diplomacy. However, behind the Saudi Arabia-led blockade of Qatar's air, land and sea ports lies a long-running family feud.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt severed diplomatic ties last month with the uber-rich Gulf state of Qatar, which shares the world's largest reservoir of gas with Iran, Riyadh's hated rival. The bloc accuses Qatar of supporting terrorism, a charge it denies.

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Severn crossings tolls to be scrapped next year

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:19 AM PDT

The charges to use the bridges across the Bristol channel, which start at £6.70, have been condemned as a 'tax on Wales'

Tolls on the Severn crossings linking England with Wales are to be abolished for all vehicles at the end of 2018, it has been announced.

The Welsh secretary, Alun Cairns, said the move would boost the economy of south Wales by around £100m a year.

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Acclaimed Iranian artist refused visa to attend Edinburgh book festival

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Children's book illustrator Ehsan Abdollahi says Kafkaesque reasons given for refusal

An acclaimed Iranian illustrator has been denied a visa to attend the Edinburgh international book festival amid growing criticism of the UK's handling of Iranian visas.

Ehsan Abdollahi, described by the festival's director as a "highly respected, award-winning Iranian illustrator of kids' books", was due to arrive in the UK early August, but he has received a visa refusal letter, issued by the British embassy in Dubai and seen by the Guardian. It states that he has "no right of appeal or right to administrative review".

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Report that Trump considering pardons for family and aides is 'disturbing' - Democrats

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 09:45 PM PDT

Senator Mark Warner speaks out as reports emerge that US president's lawyers are seeking to discredit Robert Mueller's Russia investigation

The highest-ranking Democrat on the US Senate intelligence committee has said it was "extremely disturbing" if Donald Trump was contemplating a pardon for aides that could be implicated in a probe on Russian meddling in last year's election.

Senator Mark Warner was referring to a Washington Post article late Thursday saying that Trump was consulting with advisers "about his power to pardon aides, family members and even himself" in connection to the probe led by special counsel and former FBI director Robert Mueller.

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Fortescue signals it will appeal in Pilbara native title case

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:23 AM PDT

Company says it believes Yindjibarndi judgment was wrong and speculation that it faces costs of more than $100m is 'wildly inaccurate'

Fortescue Metals Group is likely to appeal against a determination of exclusive native title for Yindjibarndi people over land in the Pilbara which encompasses its Solomon Hub mine.

On Thursday the federal court ruled in favour of the Yindjibarndi traditional owners, awarding exclusive rights and interests over about 2,700 sq km of unclaimed crown land, which encompasses FMG's $110bn mine.

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Friday briefing: 'The building shook like jelly'

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:25 PM PDT

Two killed on Kos after earthquake hits Aegean resorts … Trump 'considers pardons' for aides caught in Mueller probe … Palace exhibition to mark 20 years since death of Diana

Good morning. I'm Martin Farrer and this is my pick of the best news stories this Friday morning.

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Muslim mother takes legal action against school over face veil ban

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 07:49 PM PDT

Rachida Serroukh claims Holland Park school in London has discriminated against her by not allowing her on premises in veil

A Muslim mother has launched legal action against her daughter's school, after being told she could not wear a face veil on its premises.

Rachida Serroukh, 37, a single mother of three daughters, has begun a discrimination test case against the prestigious Holland Park school, dubbed the "socialist Eton", in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea after she was told she would not be allowed to wear a face veil at the school.

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Trainy McTrainface: Swedish rail firm approves name following online poll

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 01:20 PM PDT

MTR Express allows name following public vote, saying news will bring joy to many – and 'not just in Sweden'

A Swedish rail operator has vowed to name one of its trains Trainy McTrainface after a public vote, saying it would bring joy to people disappointed when Britain rejected the name Boaty McBoatface for a polar research ship following a similar poll.

Trainy McTrainface won 49% of the votes in the naming competition, conducted online by train operator MTR Express and Swedish newspaper Metro, beating choices such as Hakan, Miriam and Poseidon.

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Swedish train to be called Trainy McTrainface after public poll – video report

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:53 AM PDT

A Swedish train is to be named Trainy McTrainface after a public vote, in an echo of the name chosen by British voters - but later overruled - for a polar research vessel last year. The train, which runs between Stockholm and Gothenburg, is one of four to be given names and will soon be branded with its new title

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Macron under fire over defence spending, tax cuts and leadership style

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 11:00 AM PDT

The French president has boosted his profile on the world stage, but at home he faces discontent on several fronts

When the French president Emmanuel Macron donned an airforce uniform and boarded a military jet on Thursday, stressing his respect for the armed forces, it was his first big damage-limitation exercise as president.

Related: Even in the face of Trump's sexism, Macron is a genius in diplomacy | Mary Dejevsky

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Venezuela crises set to escalate as general strike begins

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 09:07 AM PDT

Opposition supporters want president Nicolás Maduro to call off a vote for a new constitution which they say is an attempt to consolidate his power

Venezuela is bracing for an escalation of the confrontation between the government and the opposition as the country awoke to near paralysis on Thursday at the beginning of a general strike.

Related: 'At home, we couldn't get by': more Venezuelans flee as crisis deepens

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Ringleader of 'mafia-style' gang in Rome is jailed for 20 years

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 08:17 AM PDT

Massimo Carminati found guilty over scandal in which millions of euros meant for public services were diverted

The ringleader of a gang whose criminal tentacles reached into almost every department of Rome's City Hall was sentenced to 20 years in prison by an Italian court on Thursday.

Massimo Carminati, 59, a convicted gangster with a history of involvement with violent far-right groups, had been accused, along with 45 others, of operating a "mafia-style" network that used extortion, fraud and theft to divert millions of euros that had been destined for public services.

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Saudi prince arrested after video claimed to show him abusing man

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 07:15 AM PDT

Online clips purportedly show prince pointing rifle towards man bleeding from head and pleading

A Saudi prince has been arrested after a video emerged online purporting to show him abusing someone and pointing a rifle at another.

King Salman ordered the arrest and interrogation of the prince on Wednesday, a day after short clips were published on YouTube and shared on Twitter showing what appears to be a rifle pointed towards a man bleeding from the head and pleading.

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Linda Harvey obituary

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 06:42 AM PDT

My sister Linda Harvey and I would often discuss the world's problems, feeling they were totally beyond our power to rectify, but every now and then Linda, who has died aged 77, would seize hold of an issue – the Biafran famine of the late 1960s was the first I remember – and refuse to let it go.

She took part in CND vigils at military establishments, organised fundraising events for charities including ShelterBox and the RNLI, and got involved with anything, in fact, where she felt that someone should do something to help. Each Christmas Day, she would dash into (and very quickly out of) the sea to raise funds for the NSPCC. Linda's sense of community was very strong, too, and she put as much effort into creating a local market in her home village, Carnon Downs, near Truro, Cornwall, as into trying to create a fairer world.

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First same-sex marriage at Anglican church in UK to be held this summer

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 05:00 AM PDT

St Mary's Cathedral in Glasgow will conduct wedding ceremony for couple from England, provost says

The first same-sex marriage at an Anglican church in the UK is expected to take place in Glasgow later this summer.

St Mary's Cathedral has become the first in the country to be given permission to conduct gay weddings, a month after the Scottish Episcopal church general synod voted overwhelmingly to allow its churches to host the ceremonies.

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Mustafa Tlass obituary

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 03:32 AM PDT

Controversial Syrian defence minister and pillar of the Ba'ath party who was unerringly loyal to Hafez al-Assad, the president for more than three decades

He called the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat "the son of 60,000 whores", charged Jordan with "Judaising" its citizens, accused Turkey of collaborating with "the enemies of the Arabs" and blamed the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad for the 9/11 attacks on the US. Diplomacy was not, perhaps, the strongest suit of Mustafa Tlass, the Syrian defence minister from 1972 until 2004, who has died aged 85.

He professed his love for Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and Gina Lollobrigida, in 1983 he marvelled at how a Beirut bomber had "succeeded in sending 200 American Marines to hell", and he openly demanded that Syria should absorb Lebanon.

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Routine abuse of Delhi's maids laid bare as class divide spills into violence | Amrit Dhillon

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 09:00 PM PDT

The rich inhabitants of a luxury gated community in India's capital were content to run an apartheid-style system for workers – until their employees turned. Now a riot by slum dwellers has resulted in sackings and boycotts

It looked for all the world like a class war breaking out on India's streets: armed police protecting the wealthy, who were left cowering in their luxurious apartments as a crowd of slum dwellers threatened to storm through their gated complex.

The standoff between cooks, cleaners, drivers and childminders of the rich, who last week stormed across the well-manicured lawns at Mahaguna Moderne in Noida, a Delhi suburb, has turned from violent to political. Dozens of people whom residents believe took part in the angry uprising have been sacked, and in response trade unions are calling for a boycott of all domestic help.

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'Change or die': aid charities told to stop competing for funds or face extinction

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 06:43 AM PDT

As global power and resources shift away from traditional bastions, researchers warn major aid organisations will be sidelined by 2030 unless they change tack

Big aid charities must "change or die" over the next 15 years, according to a report that urges a major shift in focus and an end to rivalry.

The organisations must be prepared to challenge their vested interests and the growing competition for funds, and change their structures, or they will not survive, says the analysis by a consortium of institutions and aid groups.

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Donald Trump's New York Times interview: what we learned

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 09:34 AM PDT

The president was surprisingly candid with his criticism of Jeff Sessions and the FBI, questionable knowledge on US healthcare and rationale for striking Syria

Donald Trump sat down for an interview with the New York Times on Wednesday that sent shockwaves through Washington, revealing not only Trump's obsession with the Russia investigation that has clouded his presidency but also a complete disregard for the rule of law.

Trump's Oval Office discussion with the same newspaper he has publicly attacked as "failing" covered a wide range of topics, from Republicans' ongoing struggles to pass a healthcare bill to authorizing airstrikes in Syria. But it was Trump's attacks on the FBI, and the officials tasked with determining whether his campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 election, that provided the most striking insight into his interpretation of the power of the presidency.

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Donald Trump Jr faces Russia grilling live on TV, but what will they ask?

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 05:17 AM PDT

Senate judiciary committee will want to know what happened when the president's son met Russian individuals with dirt to dish on Hillary Clinton

The investigation into possible Russian collaboration with the Trump campaign to skew the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election moves another step closer to the incumbent in the Oval Office next Wednesday with the scheduled appearance of Donald Trump Jr and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort at a congressional hearing.

The prospect of a public grilling by the Senate judiciary committee of the president's son promises another live TV sensation to rival the testimony of the former FBI director James Comey last month. The event is being billed as a high-stakes spectacle that will give Congress the chance to glean new details relating to the interactions between key Trump associates and Russian individuals and political interests.

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‘This should not have happened’: police chief responds to Justine Damond shooting – video

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 05:15 PM PDT

Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau speaks for the first time in response to the death of Australian woman Justine Damond, who was fatally shot by an officer. Harteau says 'this should not have happened' and assures Justine's family, as well as 'those in Australia', that she will do everything in her power to make sure 'due process is followed and justice is served'

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OJ Simpson paroled by Nevada board after nine years in jail – video

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 12:49 PM PDT

Former NFL star OJ Simpson, who was famously acquitted of murder in 1995, is granted parole on Thursday after serving nine years of his 33-year sentence for a botched robbery attempt. Simpson told the four parole commissioners that he took "full responsibility" and said he "wished this had never happened". All four commissioners voted to grant parole

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Trump condemns Sessions: 'I wouldn't have hired him' – audio

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:47 AM PDT

US president reveals his anger about attorney general Jeff Sessions's decision to recuse himself from the Russia inquiry, saying if he had known that would happen he would have 'picked somebody else' for the job. Trump, speaking to the New York Times on Wednesday, also branded Sessions's decision as "extremely unfair ... to the president"

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Jeff Sessions on Trump criticism: I’ll stay ‘as long as appropriate’ – video

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 09:23 AM PDT

US attorney general and his deputy Rod Rosenstein hit back on Thursday at criticism levelled against them by the president, with Sessions saying he will remain in his post 'as long as that is appropriate'. Rosenstein told the press: 'I am proud to be here today [and] I'll be proud to work here tomorrow'

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