World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Jared Kushner says he will cooperate with Russia inquiry after reports he is under scrutiny

Posted: 25 May 2017 06:38 PM PDT

Investigators were focused on meetings Kushner held with Russian officials last year as part of inquiry into Russian interference in 2016 election, sources said

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner said he would cooperate with any investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia following reports that he is under FBI scrutiny.

Multiple news outlets reported on Thursday that investigators were focused on a series of meetings that Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law, held with Russian officials last year as part of the inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

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US admits Mosul airstrikes killed over 100 civilians during battle with Isis

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:40 AM PDT

The Pentagon says airstrikes it carried out on a house were the deadliest in Iraq since 2003, and the final death toll could be as high as 141 people

The Pentagon has admitted that airstrikes it carried out on a house in western Mosul killed at least 105 civilians in one of the deadliest attacks anywhere in Iraq since the 2003 invasion to oust Saddam Hussein.

Related: Mosul's children were shouting beneath the rubble. Nobody came

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Russia investigates 'gay purge' in Chechnya

Posted: 25 May 2017 09:00 PM PDT

Putin officials pursue claims of homosexual men jailed and tortured in republic ruled by Kremlin-backed Ramzan Kadyrov

Russian officials are actively investigating claims of a purge of gay men in Chechnya, a process that could lead to a showdown between Moscow and the local Kremlin-backed strongman, Ramzan Kadyrov.

Dozens of men in the southern republic are reported to have been held in extrajudicial detention and tortured as part of a campaign against gay males in Chechnya that began several months ago. Many have fled and are in hiding in other regions of Russia or have gone abroad.

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Greg Gianforte wins Montana race for Congress after 'body-slamming' reporter

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:36 PM PDT

Republican apologizes after being charged with misdemeanor assault for 'body-slamming' a Guardian reporter

Greg Gianforte has won a special election for Montana's sole seat in the House of Representatives, just one day after he was charged with misdemeanor assault for "body-slamming" a Guardian reporter.

Related: Republican candidate charged with assault after 'body-slamming' Guardian reporter

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Philippines steps up bid to drive Isis-linked group from Marawi

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:45 AM PDT

Helicopters and special forces used against Maute fighters, who have held the city on Mindanao island for two days

The Philippines military has mobilised attack helicopters and special forces to drive Islamic State-linked rebels out of a besieged southern city. Six soldiers have so far been killed in street combat amid the heavy resistance that has followed.

Related: At least 21 killed as Isis-linked militants rampage through Philippines city

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Baby dies after being found in car in hot Irish weather

Posted: 25 May 2017 02:00 PM PDT

Medics unable to revive seven-month-old girl who was discovered in unresponsive state in early afternoon

Irish police have launched an investigation into the circumstances that led to a seven-month-old baby girl dying of heatstroke after being locked for hours in a car in County Tipperary on the hottest day of the year so far in Ireland.

The Garda Síochána found the child in "unresponsive state" following a 999 call. The car was parked in the village of Dundrum in Tipperary on Thursday. She was airlifted via helicopter from a sports field to University Hospital Limerick in south-west Ireland, but was pronounced dead later on Thursday afternoon.

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Brazil police accused of shooting at anti-government protesters

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:11 AM PDT

Officials investigate after media images appear to show officers firing weapons at demonstration calling for resignation of president Michel Temer

Brazilian authorities are investigating reports that police officers opened fire with live ammunition during clashes with protesters demanding the resignation of the president, Michel Temer, over corruption allegations.

Troops were deployed in the country's capital late on Wednesday following a day of protests in which fires broke out in two ministries and several were evacuated. Protesters also set fires in the streets and vandalized government buildings.

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Hamas kills three men in execution partially streamed on Facebook

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:30 AM PDT

Three men executed by hanging and firing squad were convicted of involvement in killing senior military figure Mazen Faqha

Hamas has killed three men in Gaza accused of assassinating one of its senior members, in executions that appear to have been partially streamed live on Facebook.

The broadcast on the page of Gaza Now, a local news outlet, raises further questions over Facebook's ability to moderate violent content at a time when its moderation procedures are under scrutiny following leaks of files on how the company deals with controversial and offensive material.

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Obama tells adoring crowd in Berlin: ‘We can’t hide behind a wall’

Posted: 25 May 2017 03:07 AM PDT

Former US president gets hero's welcome as he reunites with Angela Merkel and urges crowd to 'fight those who divide us'

Barack Obama received a hero's welcome when he reunited with Angela Merkel for the first time since leaving office, calling on the audience to engage in democracy and telling the tens of thousands in Berlin: "We can't hide behind a wall."

Speaking in front of the Brandenburg Gate, which was once cut off by the Berlin Wall, the former US president was greeted with cries of "Barack, Barack" as he urged the 70,000-strong crowd to "push back against those trends that would violate human rights or suppress democracy or restrict individual freedoms" and to "fight against those who divide us".

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Oil price slides as Opec production cuts fail to impress markets

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:45 AM PDT

Experts hail importance of agreement between major oil producers to extend existing production curbs for nine months

The world's major oil producers have voted to continue their production cuts into 2018 in an attempt to prop up the oil price.

Under the deal reached by Opec and 11 non-members, including Russia, output cuts of 1.8m barrels a day will be extended for a further nine months.

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Mexico politician mocked for campaign hashtag '#campaignhashtag'

Posted: 25 May 2017 03:00 AM PDT

Javier Zapata settles on new slogan, 'Because of my moustache', after social media – and Netflix – ridicule his rather redundant hashtag

In politics today, finding the right hashtag for your social media campaign can be as important as selecting a candidate or crafting a manifesto.

Few electoral teams, however, can hope to attain the inadvertent viral success achieved by a Mexican politician whose campaign has been given the dubious honour of being called "the worst in history" for his choice of hashtag.

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Pound hits two-month low against the euro after election poll gap narrows - business live

Posted: 26 May 2017 02:16 AM PDT

Sterling drops against euro and US dollar after YouGov reports that the Conservatives only have a five-point lead over Labour

Michael Hewson of CMC Markets says there is "increased nervousness" in the City over the Brexit negotiations, which should begin shortly after the election.

None of the parties appears to have either a coherent plan for a post Brexit Britain, or any vision of a coherent leadership.

While mid-campaign polling wobbles are nothing new, take the rogue Scottish referendum poll in 2014, neither of the main parties appears to have manifestoes which appear to add up with the Institute of Fiscal Studies criticising both.

We also have a fresh record high on the FTSE 250 index, which contains medium-sized UK-focused companies.

The FTSE 250 has romped over the 20,000 point mark for the first time ever this morning, extending its recent rally.

#FTSE250 a new record at 20,000 level

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Human trafficking: 'Victims are very reluctant to step forward'

Posted: 26 May 2017 02:10 AM PDT

Social workers need a better understanding of the circumstances that lead to trafficking to help them identify those affected or at risk

Almost 21 million people fall victim to forced labour globally, and there are thought to be up to 13,000 people trapped in slavery in the UK alone. In 2015, UK authorities identified 3,266 potential human trafficking victims.

However, social workers need a better understanding of the dynamics of trafficking – and especially the way it is linked to migration – to help them identify those affected or at risk, according to Hlín Sæþórsdóttir of the State University of New York.

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Trump set to clash with other G7 leaders over refugees, trade and climate

Posted: 26 May 2017 02:04 AM PDT

US is resisting Italian attempts to share refugee burden and has signalled it will not stick to 2015 climate pledges

Donald Trump goes into his first G7 summit on Friday in a mood not to compromise with his fellow world leaders over climate change, free trade, migration or help for Africa.

The tenor and tone of the two-day meeting in Taormina, Sicily is hard to predict, partly because four of the seven leaders are newly installed and attending for the first time – Trump, Theresa May, France's Emmanuel Macron and the Italian prime minister, Paolo Gentiloni.

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'Pretty ridiculous': thousands of names stolen to attack net neutrality rules

Posted: 26 May 2017 12:00 AM PDT

  • Letter says 450,000 comments may have been spam from net neutrality enemies
  • New FCC head wants to roll back Obama-era rules that govern open internet

Last Tuesday, Joel Mullaney, a software engineer from Watertwin, Massachusetts, was browsing Reddit when he spotted a thread about people whose names and postal addresses had been falsely used to post comments on a government website attacking Obama-era open internet regulation.

Mullaney, 43, popped his address into the search bar on the Federal Communications Commission's website and found his name attached to a comment that started: "The unprecedented regulatory power the Obama administration imposed on the internet is smothering innovation, damaging the American economy and obstructing job creation."

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Hungary's prime minister welcomes US 'anti-LGBT hate group'

Posted: 26 May 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Viktor Orban calls on Hungarians to have more children at summit for World Congress of Families, dubbed hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center

Hungary's rightwing government has opened a potential new front in its war of words with Brussels by hosting a lavish international gathering for an American Christian organisation that has been accused of being anti-LGBT hate group with links to the Kremlin.

The 11th World Congress of Families (WCF) summit meeting kicked off in Budapest on Thursday with a typically pugnacious speech by Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, who accused the European Union of being dominated by a "relativising liberal ideology that's an insult to families".

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Manchester attack: police give details of men arrested as search for accomplices continues – live

Posted: 26 May 2017 02:13 AM PDT

The broadcaster and newspaper columnist Katie Hopkins is to leave LBC Radio after she became the subject of a police review over comments she made on Twitter in the wake of the Manchester attack.

Hopkins, who is also employed by the Mail Online, was reported to the Metropolitan police for a tweet in which she called for a "final solution" as part of a longer anti-Muslim tirade.

LBC and Katie Hopkins have agreed that Katie will leave LBC effective immediately.

For the first time, Manchester police have given the ages of all 10 people they have arrested in connection with the attack. All were arrested on suspicion of offences contrary to the Terrorism Act. Two of those arrested, a 34-year-old woman and 16-year-old boy have since been released without charge. The ages of those still being held range from 18 to 38.

Eight were arrested in Greater Manchester, one in Wigan and one in Nuneaton.

Age range of those arrested in Manchester arena terror inquiry 16-38, police say. 16-year-old boy released without charge.

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Corbyn is right: of course Manchester was linked to British foreign policy | Simon Jenkins

Posted: 26 May 2017 01:38 AM PDT

We committed armed aggression against sovereign peoples who had not attacked us, claiming our motive was 'to keep terror off the streets of Britain'

Jeremy Corbyn is perfectly right to relate this week's Manchester terrorist atrocity to British foreign policy in the Middle East. Whenever Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron struggled to explain why British blood and finance had to go on toppling regimes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, they were explicit: it was "to prevent terrorism in the streets of Britain". The reason was given over and again: to suppress militant Islam.

When that policy clearly leads to an increase in Islamist terrorism, we are entitled to agree with Corbyn that it has "simply failed". Regimes were indeed toppled. Tens of thousands died, many of them civilians every bit as innocent as Manchester's victims. Terrorism has not stopped.

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'Why is she here?': the Nigerian herder’s daughter who became UN deputy chief

Posted: 25 May 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Mother of six Amina Mohammed rose from a humble upbringing in the Lake Chad region to become a government minister and second in command at the UN

In a Twitter aside during his election campaign, Donald Trump dismissed the UN as "just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time". For Amina Mohammed, the organisation's new deputy secretary general, it is anything but.

Attempting to meet some of the world's most intractable crises and developmental challenges head on is what drives the focused Mohammed, for whom battling against the odds has been a lifelong theme.

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Trump immigration database exposes crime victims' personal info, lawyers say

Posted: 26 May 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Database tracking status of migrants who committed crimes also includes those who are crime victims, putting them at risk of further violence and violating laws

A new US immigration database has exposed the personal information of crime victims, putting them at risk of further violence and violating federal laws designed to conceal the identities of abuse survivors, according to a coalition of attorneys.

The online database – recently unveiled as part of Donald Trump's anti-immigrant agenda and accessible to the general public – includes immigrant victims who have sought federal protections as survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence and sexual assault, activists said.

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China risks another downgrade if debt bubble not fixed, says Moody's

Posted: 25 May 2017 09:38 PM PDT

The ratings agency is likely to attract further criticism from Beijing after doubling down on its view that the economy is headed for trouble

China's structural reforms will not be enough to arrest its rising debt and another credit rating downgrade for the country is possible unless it gets its ballooning borrowing in check, two officials at Moody's ratings agency have said.

Doubling down on comments earlier this week that China's financial strength will be eroded because of huge corporate and household debt, Moody's said the country's "vast reform agenda" would not be enough to prevent borrowing from weighing on economic growth.

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Uluru talks: Indigenous Australians reject 'symbolic' recognition in favour of treaty

Posted: 26 May 2017 12:13 AM PDT

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples say they will also push for constitutionally enshrined voice to parliament

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have rejected the idea of constitutional recognition and will instead push for a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous voice in parliament and a commission that will lead to a treaty.

After a meeting of more than 250 community leaders at Uluru, referendum council member Professor Megan Davis delivered a powerful statement from the group asserting that sovereignty had never been ceded or extinguished.

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Friday briefing: Manchester – fresh arrest as terror spotlight falls on tech firms

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:05 PM PDT

PM says extremism on internet must be shut down … 'body slammed' Guardian reporter tells his story … and, Jupiter's psychedelic storms

Good morning, it's Warren Murray with the news you need to read this morning.

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Amy Johnson, the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia – archive, 1930

Posted: 25 May 2017 09:00 PM PDT

26 May 1930: The 11,000-mile trip from Croydon to Darwin was completed in 19 days

Miss Amy Johnson, who left Timor at dawn on Saturday on the last hazardous oversea hop of 500 miles to Port Darwin, Northern Australia, reached her goal after over eight hours flying.

She thus completed her flight of 9,500 miles from Croydon in a Gipsy Moth 'plane in 19½ days. She is the first woman to make the flight, and though she failed, owing to difficulties in the latter half of the adventure, to beat Mr, Hinkler's achievement of 18 days, her time from Croydon to India set up a new record.

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Donald Trump says most Nato members not paying their 'fair share' – video

Posted: 25 May 2017 06:35 PM PDT

The US president says 23 of the 28 member nations 'are still not paying what they should be paying' to ensure their defence. Speaking at a Nato conference in Brussels, Donald Trump says: 'This is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the United States, and many of these nations owe massive amounts of money from past years.'

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Trump rebukes Nato leaders for not paying defence bills

Posted: 25 May 2017 09:35 AM PDT

President castigates 23 of 28 Nato members for failing to spend enough on defence, placing an unfair burden on US taxpayers

Donald Trump has taken the unprecedented step of lecturing world leaders on their chronic failure to pay for their own defence as they gathered in front of him for the unveiling of memorials to Nato's role in keeping the peace around the world.

The US president broke with diplomatic norms to use his speech at a Nato meeting in Brussels to directly castigate 23 of the 28 members for failing to spend enough on defence, leaving the "taxpayers of the United States" to pick up the tab.

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Vietnamese man kills fellow wedding guest in karaoke dispute

Posted: 25 May 2017 08:43 AM PDT

Nguyen Ngoc Diep, 44, allegedly went on stabbing spree at wedding party in southern Vietnam after another guest mocked his karaoke performance

A man at a wedding in southern Vietnam murdered a fellow guest and seriously injured another after he was booed off stage during a karaoke performance, state-run media reported.

Nguyen Ngoc Diep, 44, went on a stabbing spree at the wedding party after another guest mocked his singing and stole the microphone, sparking an argument between the two men, according to VNExpress news portal on Thursday.

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Man who started fire in plane toilet has sentence more than doubled

Posted: 25 May 2017 04:59 AM PDT

Court of appeal rules John Cox's original sentence was unduly lenient after he began blaze in bin on flight carrying 200 people

A man who started a fire in the toilet of a plane carrying more than 200 people has had his prison sentence more than doubled at the court of appeal.

The Monarch Airbus was 10,700 metres (33,000ft) in the air and 100 miles (160km) from the Egyptian coast when the captain was told the crew were having difficulty extinguishing the blaze in a waste paper bin.

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Egypt blocks access to news websites including Al-Jazeera and Mada Masr

Posted: 25 May 2017 04:23 AM PDT

Clampdown on press freedom as government says it will take legal action against 21 sites it accuses of spreading lies

Egypt has blocked access to at least 21 news sites critical of the government, notably the Qatari channel Al-Jazeera, Huffington Post's Arabic-language site HuffPost Arabi and the independent website Mada Masr.

The state-run news agency Mena announced late on Wednesday night that 21 websites had been blocked because they were "spreading lies" and "supporting terrorism". The full list of banned sites was not provided, but Mena added that legal action against the outlets was forthcoming.

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Barack Obama on food and climate change: ‘We can still act and it won’t be too late’

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:00 PM PDT

The former president addresses the greatest challenges facing the world, and what we can do about them

During the course of my presidency, I made climate change a top priority, because I believe that, for all the challenges that we face, this is the one that will define the contours of this century more dramatically perhaps than the others. No nation, whether it's large or small, rich or poor, will be immune from the impacts of climate change. We are already experiencing it in America, where some cities are seeing floods on sunny days, where wildfire seasons are longer and more dangerous, where in our arctic state, Alaska, we're seeing rapidly eroding shorelines, and glaciers receding at a pace unseen in modern times.

Over my eight years in office, we dramatically increased our generation of clean energy, we acted to curtail our use of dirty energy, and we invested in energy efficiency across the board. At the 2015 climate change summit in Paris, we helped lead the world to the first significant global agreement for a low-carbon future.

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'Every year, I give birth': why war is driving a contraception crisis in Sudan | Skye Wheeler

Posted: 25 May 2017 05:58 AM PDT

An aid ban is exposing women to risky births and their children to disease in Sudan's Nuba mountains, where a million people are sheltering from conflict

Under a huge baobab tree in Sudan's Nuba mountains, I met Sebila, a 27-year-old mother of three. In March last year, her village had been attacked by Sudanese ground troops and bombed by government war planes. The assault forced Sebila and many other villagers to flee deeper into rebel-held territory.

She was just back in the village for the day with her children, two toddlers in tow and carrying a baby, to dig up sorghum she had buried. Sebila said food here is scarcer than it has been for years, because of poor rains and conflict fighting. "It's exhausting, trying to feed them all [my family]," Sebila said of her children.

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Greg Gianforte's victory in Montana hands Republican party a fresh liability

Posted: 25 May 2017 09:57 PM PDT

The election of a man who has just been charged with assaulting a journalist will create a fresh headache on Capitol Hill for Speaker Paul Ryan

Donald Trump will doubtless be gratified that Greg Gianforte won the special election in Montana. Paul Ryan, the House Speaker, might secretly have been hoping that he lost.

Related: Greg Gianforte wins Montana race for Congress after 'body-slamming' reporter

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For once, Trump stays silent about Nato unity – and US allies are disappointed

Posted: 25 May 2017 02:25 PM PDT

Trump's speech was scolding and ignorant, avoiding a US pledge to commit to collective security, adding force to rumors Russia has influenced him

Donald Trump's failure to make an explicit commitment to Nato's article 5, the mutual defence obligation at the heart of the alliance, has prolonged the uncertainty among US allies about Washington's intentions.

Related: Trump rebukes Nato leaders for not paying defence bills

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The Guardian view on press freedom: protecting the people’s right to know | Editorial

Posted: 25 May 2017 11:42 AM PDT

Donald Trump's demonisation of the media is bad news for the public, not just journalists

A Montana court will soon consider the charge of misdemeanour assault against Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte for allegedly "body-slamming" the Guardian's reporter Ben Jacobs. By then, voters will have delivered their verdict on him in today's election (many had cast ballots before Wednesday's events). Three state newspapers withdrew endorsements almost instantly. Others can judge for themselves from the audio recording of events and an independent eyewitness account.

The incident comes amid the demonising of journalism by the US right, which Donald Trump has escalated dramatically. The constitution enshrines freedom of the press; the president has declared reputable media organisations "the enemy of the American people". Earlier this month a reporter was arrested for trying to ask the health secretary a question. Ask yourself why those who purport to serve the people, or say they want to, do not simply reply or walk away. No one should be assaulted. But when it happens to someone asking important and unwelcome questions, it is not only an attack on an individual, and on the media, but on the public's right to know.

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Trump at G7: president's last world tour stop brings uncertainty and risk

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:18 AM PDT

Trump's colleagues are likely to want to change his instincts on climate change and refugees, among other issues, but few can predict how he might react

For a president who prizes personal chemistry, a day and a half cloistered with the leaders of the six major capitalist economies in the medieval Sicilian coastal town of Taormina might seem attractive – even if it marks a come-down from Mar-a-Lago.

Related: Reluctant traveler Trump takes off on trip fraught with diplomatic dangers

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Make no mistake: Donald Trump has fueled violence against journalists | Richard Wolffe

Posted: 25 May 2017 09:16 AM PDT

Montana's congressional candidate Greg Gianforte is charged with assaulting Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs. This began with Trump's run for president

How did we get to this point? When did our public standards fall so low that charges of physical assault were met with the sound of crickets across the Republican side of Congress?

The assault charge now standing against Montana's congressional candidate Greg Gianforte is itself a disqualifying moment for anyone attempting to enter elected office.

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Air rage: why does flying make us so angry? Science says it's about class

Posted: 25 May 2017 03:00 AM PDT

Rise in acts of plane-related violence shed light on something bigger: modern air travel is a perfect example of a situation in which human status is highly visible

Outclassed: the secret life of inequality is our new column about class. Read the first one here

A doctor is forcibly removed from a United Airlines flight, losing two teeth and gaining a concussion as he's pulled down the aisle. A whole family with young children is dragged off by Delta. A near-riot breaks out at the Fort Lauderdale airport. Air rage may be to the 21st century what hysteria was to the 19th: a window into the sickness of our society.

Modern air travel is a perfect example of a situation in which human status is highly visible: it can be seen in everything from how the rich can pay to cut security lines to the way everyone else has to wait while those who have "earned status" board first. And then, of course, there's the long walk through the cushy first-class cabin to a claustrophobic middle seat at the back of "torture class".

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Guardian reporter shares account of alleged 'body-slam' by candidate – video

Posted: 25 May 2017 04:10 PM PDT

Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs gives his account of his alleged assault by the Republican candidate for Montana's congressional seat, Greg Gianforte. Jacobs says he was 'body-slammed' to the ground and was told to 'get the hell out of here' after questioning the candidate about the Republican healthcare plan. Gianforte has since been charged with misdemeanor assault

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Paul Ryan: Montana congressional candidate 'should apologize' – video

Posted: 25 May 2017 12:34 PM PDT

The US speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, says the Republican candidate in Montana's special House election, Greg Gianforte, should apologize after being charged with assaulting a Guardian reporter

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Macron and Trump's two tense handshake battles – video

Posted: 25 May 2017 10:03 AM PDT

Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron meet for the first time in Brussels on Thursday, shaking hands awkwardly for the cameras. Later in the day at the new Nato headquarters, they shake hands again, a bit more vigorously this time

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Trump appears to push aside Montenegro PM at Nato photocall – video

Posted: 25 May 2017 09:33 AM PDT

US president appears to shove Duško Marković, the prime minister of Montenegro, at the new Nato headquarters in Brussels

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Barack Obama: We can’t hide behind a wall – video

Posted: 25 May 2017 05:18 AM PDT

Former US president says world leaders must help developing or conflict-ridden countries because it is not possible to hide from global responsibilities. Obama was speaking at a Protestant conference in Berlin as Germany marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation

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