World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Paris shooting: police search property as Isis claims responsibility

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 12:44 AM PDT

Police sources says suspect was arrested in February on suspicion of plotting to kill police officers but released

Police in France have searched a property believed to be the family home of a known terror suspect who shot dead one policeman and seriously wounded two others in an attack two days before voting opens in an already tense presidential election.

The gunman stepped from a car and opened fire on a police van with an automatic rifle outside a Marks & Spencer store on the Champs Elysées at about 9pm on Thursday.

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'We've never seen this drought, this disease': Somali families bury their dead

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 06:16 AM PDT

Jason Burke reports from Baidoa in Somalia, where more than 6 million people need assistance after two years without rain

There is no road to the hundred or so tin-roofed shacks scattered among scrubby trees that make up the village of Erdon, only a dusty track tracing a narrow path for 10 miles through the bush from the central Somalian town of Baidoa.

One morning last week, Iman Adam attended lessons given by a local cleric under a large tree. Afterwards the seven-year-old played and helped her mother with household chores.

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Dortmund attack: man arrested on suspicion of share-dealing plot

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 12:19 AM PDT

Police believe 28-year-old German-Russian national attacked bus in hope of profiting from consequent fall in club's stock

German police have arrested a 28-year-old German-Russian national on suspicion of having carried out the explosives attack on the Borussia Dortmund football team in order to collapse the club's share price so he could profit from stock market speculation.

Sergej W was arrested by special operation officers on his way to work at 6am on Friday. On the day of the attack, 11 April, he had bought a put option on Borussia Dortmund's shares, giving him the right to sell the shares for a specified price at a predetermined date.

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Germany's AfD party lurching further right as leader pulls out of election

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 09:55 PM PDT

Frauke Petry says she will not run as candidate in elections in September amid frustration at lack of coherent strategy

Germany's Alternative for Germany (AfD) is expected to lurch further to the right at its party conference this weekend after its last self-declared moderates conceded defeat to hardliners, and former members warned that regional branches were being "flooded by the far far right".

The AfD, which was launched in 2013 by a group of academics and liberal economists, used to emphatically reject the "rightwing populist" tag, insisting that its Euroscepticism was relatively mild and Germany needed immigration due to its demographic decline.

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Chinese billionaire accused by former spy chief in video

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 12:44 AM PDT

Footage may be attempt to discredit Guo Wengui, who says he is being persecuted for threatening to reveal political corruption

A mysterious video confession from a former Chinese spy chief has surfaced in what some suspect is an attempt to discredit a billionaire who claimed he was being persecuted for threatening to reveal political corruption.

Related: China chases billionaire who threatens 'explosive' allegations against elite

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UN security council warns North Korea to stop nuclear tests or face sanctions

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 12:54 PM PDT

In a unanimous statement, the council condemned Pyongyang for its 'highly destabilizing behavior' as US ambassador Nikki Haley considered new sanctions

The UN security council has strongly condemned North Korea's latest missile test and threatened to impose new sanctions against Pyongyang for its "highly destabilizing behavior".

In a unanimous statement, the council demanded that North Korea "conduct no further nuclear tests", saying Pyongyang's "illegal missile activities" were "greatly increasing tension in the region and beyond".

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Venezuela opposition launches new protests a day after three deaths

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 12:43 PM PDT

Thousands of activists take to the streets in Caracas as opposition lawmakers say security forces have used excessive force to halt the marches

Venezuela's opposition renewed nationwide protests on Thursday to pressure the government of President Nicolás Maduro to hold elections and improve a collapsing economy, a day after three people were killed in similar demonstrations.

However, crowds were smaller than the hundreds of thousands of people who flooded the streets of Caracas and provincial cities on Wednesday, the latest and largest in several weeks of protests against what Maduro's opponents condemn as a lurch toward dictatorship.

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Iran disqualifies Ahmadinejad from bid to regain presidency

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 02:18 PM PDT

Six politicians given go-ahead to run in presidential election, which is likely to boil down to a three-man race on 19 May

Iran's former hardline president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been disqualified from running in Iran's presidential elections next month, according to the final list of approved candidates announced on Thursday.

Iran's interior ministry said that the guardian council – the group of influential jurists and clerics that vets all candidates – had approved six politicians to run, including the moderate incumbent, Hassan Rouhani.

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Panama Papers: court rejects call to oust Pakistani PM over corruption claims

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 07:47 AM PDT

Three out of five judges back Nawaz Sharif but court calls for investigation into offshore money following leak of financial documents

The Pakistani prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, has narrowly survived an attempt in the supreme court to unseat him on allegations of corruption levelled by the opposition.

The case against Sharif emerged last year after the Panama Papers leak linked his children to offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands in relation to the purchase of upmarket property in London.

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Argentina: Brexit could end Europe's support for UK control of Falklands

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 12:10 PM PDT

Argentinian foreign minister, Susana Malcorra, says government is closely following case of disputed islands but 'it is still quite early'

Argentina believes Brexit might cost Britain the support of European allies for its control of the Falkland Islands and is watching developments closely, the Argentinian foreign minister said in Brussels.

Visiting the EU capital for trade talks on Thursday, Susana Malcorra stressed it was too soon to say whether Britain quitting the bloc might soften EU backing for London against an 18th-century claim to the South Atlantic islands that Buenos Aires has maintained despite losing a brief war there in 1982.

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How France’s presidential election could break – or make – the EU

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 03:24 AM PDT

Victory for 'Brussels sweetheart' Emmanuel Macron would cheer the EU but it has many reasons to fear a Le Pen or Mélenchon win

With two convinced Eurosceptics and an equally fervent pro-European among the four contenders with a chance of reaching the run-off, France's too-tight-to-call presidential election could conceivably break – or make – the EU.

European officials and diplomats appear generally unconvinced that France, a core member of the bloc, will actually leave – an idea touted, not always forcefully, by the hard-left candidate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and his far-right rival, Marine Le Pen.

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Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent and Kid Rock use White House visit to mock Clinton

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 10:21 AM PDT

Nugent celebrates 'glowing all American over the top time' with Donald Trump after Palin says she extended invitation to controversial musicians

Sarah Palin has finally made it to the Oval Office.

The former governor of Alaska and vice-presidential nominee visited Donald Trump at the White House on Wednesday night, along with the controversial musicians Ted Nugent and Kid Rock.

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Venezuela's anger is on the streets. But the ballot box remains key for change

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 01:00 AM PDT

Protests over Nicolás Maduro's authoritarian rule have swept Caracas, but experts say the opposition's best hope is ensuring elections go ahead as scheduled

Despite a string of deaths and fierce clashes with riot police, Venezuela's opposition are trying to ramp up the street pressure on the beleaguered government of Nicolás Maduro.

Related: Deaths and injuries reported amid 'mother of all marches' in Venezuela

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French markets in focus as weekend election looms - business live

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 12:53 AM PDT

Investors focus on France as voters head to the polls for the first round of the French presidential election on Sunday

The euro hasn't been able to hold on to the gains made on Thursday. Having hit a three-week high of $1.077 yesterday, the euro is currently trading at $1.0722.

Following Thursday's surge in French shares - buoyed by forecasts that independent candidate Emmanuel Macron would win the presidential election - investors are more subdued this morning. The CAC 40 is down 0.5%.

Here is how markets are looking across Europe:

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Australia's science agency 'more confident' it knows MH370 crash location

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 12:11 AM PDT

Modelling by the CSIRO reaffirms the Australian Transport Safety Bureau's conclusion that the wreck is probably north of the search area

Australia's chief science agency says it is more confident than ever that it knows the location of the missing flight MH370, as authorities in charge of the search are accused of withholding information.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau's search for MH370 was suspended indefinitely in January after a deep-sea sonar scan in the southern Indian Ocean failed to find any trace of the plane that vanished in 2014.

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I just don’t recognise Viktor Orbán as a ‘tyrant’ | Tibor Fischer

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 12:00 PM PDT

The western media's portrait of the Hungarian leader as an enemy of democracy and an antisemite isn't just puzzling, it's disgusting

The possible closure of the Central European University in Budapest has unleashed waves of denunciations directed at the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, in western media. Orbán has been accused of leading an "assault on freedom" in the New York Times, while one Guardian writer has summoned up the spectre of Munich 1938.

Related: We know the price of appeasement. That's why we must stand up to Viktor Orbán | Timothy Garton Ash

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Queen’s visit to Ceylon coincides with birthday – archive, 21 Apr 1954

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 09:00 PM PDT

21 April 1954: Official telegrams have already started to arrive, and messages from Prince Charles and Princess Anne will be brought by special courier

Colombo, April 20
A crowd expected to number fifty thousand will sing "Happy Birthday" for the Queen here tomorrow – her twenty-eighth birthday. They will be watching her review troops of the three Services on her last day in Ceylon.

After the review the Queen will hold an investiture. Then she and the Duke will rest until they board the Gothic in the evening to set out for Aden, though it is expected that they will give an informal luncheon party with the Governor-General, Lord Soulbury, as principal guest.

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Letters from Baghdad review – Gertrude Bell gets the documentary she deserves

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Tilda Swinton reads from the letters of the colourful and charismatic explorer, diplomat and archeologist who, along with TE Lawrence, shaped modern Iraq

It is one of the injustices of the universe that the fame of TE Lawrence, AKA Lawrence of Arabia, lives on (probably mostly thanks to David Lean and Peter O'Toole), while far fewer people are familiar with the biography of his contemporary and comrade-in-diplomacy, Gertrude Bell (1868-1926), a character no less colourful, charismatic and compelling than Lawrence. Getting a niche arthouse release, this finely wrought documentary won't rectify that imbalance in their respective reputations. But it does serve as a handy summary for those who want a cinematic introduction to Bell's sprawling, singular story, and don't want to start with Queen of the Desert, Werner Herzog's dramatised flop that starred Nicole Kidman as Bell.

Related: The extraordinary life of Gertrude Bell

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Arkansas executions: first prisoner killed after legal challenge fails

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 10:11 PM PDT

Ledell Lee, who maintained his innocence in a brutal 1993 murder, becomes the first to die in state's historic attempt at quick-fire executions

Arkansas has executed Ledell Lee, the first of eight condemned prisoners that the Republican-controlled state had hoped to kill in the space of just 11 days.

Lee was pronounced dead at 11.46pm local time, just four minutes before his death warrant had been due to run out. The department of corrections had sprung into action shortly after 11.30pm local time on Thursday, after the US supreme court gave its leave for the killing to go ahead.

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Measles outbreak in western Sydney spreads, with 17 confirmed cases

Posted: 21 Apr 2017 01:01 AM PDT

Latest patient had only one dose of vaccine rather than the required two, prompting a warning from NSW Health

An under-vaccinated person has contracted measles in western Sydney, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the current outbreak to 17.

The patient visited Sydney's Powerhouse Museum and Darling Harbour on 14 April while he or she was infectious.

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Apocalypse, how? A survival guide to the end of the world – video

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 11:29 PM PDT

We live in uncertain times. With global tensions escalating and unpredictable leaders like Donald Trump, Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin in office, increasing numbers of people are turning to self-sufficiency as insurance against disaster. These people are labelled 'preppers', a term loaded with baggage thanks to the extreme stereotype imported from the US. Richard Sprenger goes in search of the reality of the UK survivalism scene

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French police officer killed in shooting on Champs Élysé​e​s

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 11:19 PM PDT

Police say two other officers wounded and attacker shot dead in incident described by François Hollande as 'terrorist in nature'

One policeman has been killed and two wounded in a shooting incident in central Paris, days before the first round of the French presidential election.

Pierre-Henry Brandet, of the French interior ministry, said the attacker opened fire on a police van on the Champs Élysées on Thursday night, killing one officer and seriously wounding two others. He said later that the wounded police officers' lives were no longer in danger.

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Friday briefing: shadow of terror falls over Paris again

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 10:01 PM PDT

Police officer shot dead with days until French election … leak reveals EU's tough line on Brexit … and, do artificial sweeteners cause dementia?

Hello again, Warren Murray with your first look at today's main stories.

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Chechnya leader rejects reports of anti-gay purge

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Ramzan Kadyrov makes denial despite growing evidence that gay men have been rounded up and at least three have been killed

Chechnya's leader Ramzan Kadyrov has used a meeting with Vladimir Putin to deny reports of an anti-gay purge in the southern Russian republic he runs.

The newspaper Novaya Gazeta alleges that more than 100 Chechen men suspected of being gay have been rounded up and at least three killed. Despite Kadyrov's denial, evidence of a massive campaign against gay men is building.

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Prosecutor says Paris gunman identified – video

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 06:30 PM PDT

The gunman who killed one police officer and wounded two others in central Paris on Friday has been identified. But police will not reveal his name until further investigations have been completed.

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Fears that Paris shooting will affect presidental election as first round looms

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 05:08 PM PDT

Three candidates cancel meetings in run-up to vote as terror issue threatens to derail campaign following Champs Élysées attack

Three candidates in France's fiercely contested presidential battle have cancelled events on the last day of the first-round campaign, following the Champs Élysées shooting in which one police officer was killed.

Related: Paris shooting: French policeman killed on Champs Élysé​e​s

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Shooting on the Champs Élysées – in pictures

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 04:08 PM PDT

The famous avenue in the centre of Paris was closed to traffic and pedestrians following the killing of a police officer and injuring of two others in an attack described by François Hollande as 'terrorist in nature'

Full report on the Paris shooting

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Champs Élysé​e​s shooting: French police officer killed in Paris – video report

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 02:54 PM PDT

A gunman has shot and killed one police officer and wounded two more in an incident on the Champs Élysées on Thursday evening. The gunman is said to have pulled up next to a police van in a car, got out, and then opened fire on the nearby police. He was then killed by police when they returned fire. Police are now investigating the attacker's car and it has been revealed the man was known to security services before the attack

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Toronto to impose 15% tax on foreign home buyers to regulate housing costs

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 12:17 PM PDT

Measure part of initiative to make one of Canada's most expensive housing markets more affordable for residents after Vancouver enacted similar legislation

Foreigners who buy homes in Toronto and its surrounding area now face an additional 15% tax – echoing a recent measure adopted in Vancouver – as part of a slew of measures aimed at tempering a heated housing market that ranks as one of Canada's most expensive.

The tax – part of proposed legislation unveiled on Thursday by the Ontario provincial government – will be levied on houses purchased in the Golden Horseshoe, an area that stretches from the Niagara region and the Greater Toronto Area to Peterborough.

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Sweet? Naked mole rats can survive without oxygen using plant sugar tactic

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 11:00 AM PDT

The subterranean rodents are able to switch to a fructose-based metabolic system previously only observed in plants, a new study reveals

They feel no pain, don't get cancer and look like baggy-skinned sausages with teeth: the naked mole rat is already famously weird. Now scientists have discovered what could be the subterranean rodents' strangest trait yet: they can survive without oxygen by switching to a metabolic strategy normally used by plants.

By switching from a glucose-based metabolic system, which depends on oxygen, to one that uses fructose instead, mole rats can cope with nearly twenty minutes in air with 0% oxygen. Under the same conditions, a human would die within minutes.

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EU parliament president against a ‘hard, strong, cold Brexit’ – video

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 10:57 AM PDT

The president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, emphasises that the rights and status of EU citizens living in the UK is the Parliament's first priority during Brexit negotiations. Speaking at Europe House in London on Thursday, Antonio Tajani added that the prospect of a British general election works in favour of Brexit negotiations, offering greater stability with the 'the same ministers, the same negotiators' during the length of the process

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Russia bans Jehovah's Witnesses and labels group as extremists

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 10:02 AM PDT

  • Religious organization can no longer operate in country, supreme court rules
  • Headquarters and local chapters ordered to close and property will be seized

Russia's supreme court has banned the Jehovah's Witnesses from operating in the country, accepting a request from the justice ministry that the religious organization be considered an extremist group.

Related: In Russia, the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses begins all over again | Giles Fraser: Loose canon

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Lambeth Palace to get its first new building in 200 years

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 09:52 AM PDT

Construction including nine-storey tower will house largest collection of religious works outside Vatican

A new library at Lambeth Palace will house the biggest collection of religious works outside the Vatican after planning permission was granted for the first new building at the historic site for 200 years.

A contemporary building with a nine-storey tower will be constructed in the grounds of the palace on the south bank of the Thames opposite the Palace of Westminster.

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States are stockpiling lethal injection drugs that could be used to save lives

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 08:23 AM PDT

Study shows four states that adhere to capital punishment are hoarding stashes of medicines that could otherwise treat patients in life-or-death procedures

Death penalty states, including Arkansas which will carry out a double execution on Thursday should the courts give the go-ahead as part of an unprecedented week-long killing spree, are stockpiling vital drugs for lethal injections that could be used in tens of thousands of potentially life-saving medical operations, a new study has found.

Related: Fresh court rulings thwart Arkansas plan for multiple executions

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Chris Packham cleared of assault in Malta after confronting bird hunters

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 08:22 AM PDT

BBC wildlife presenter calls on EU to push Malta towards adhering to European birds directive after case against him is dismissed

The naturalist and broadcaster Chris Packham has been cleared of two counts of assault in Malta after confronting hunters who had trapped wild birds.

A Maltese magistrate dismissed the case against the BBC Springwatch presenter after Packham produced video evidence in court that showed he was jostled by a hunter while filming an interview about the illegal slaughter of birds on the island.

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Volleyball games appear to take place at North Korean nuclear test site

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 07:32 AM PDT

Games at Punggye-ri could be intended to confuse outside world, given DPRK officials know when satellites pass overhead

While the Trump administration attempts to play hardball with the North Korean regime, workers at the country's nuclear testing site appear happy to indulge in a more leisurely pursuit: a game of volleyball.

Satellite images taken of the Punggye-ri site in the country's mountainous north-east at the weekend showed little human activity to suggest North Korea was preparing to conduct a nuclear test.

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Marine Le Pen's rise in 'forgotten France' — video

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 05:44 AM PDT

In the run-up to the French presidential election, the far-right Front National leader has courted growing numbers of voters in rural France where residents of villages and small towns have seen factories close and services disappear. Le Pen calls this 'forgotten France'. Angelique Chrisafis went to a Burgundy heartland of the left to meet voters turning to Le Pen

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North Korea nuclear threat: should California start panicking?

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 03:00 AM PDT

As rhetoric between North Korea and the US ratchets up, should major cities on the west coast be worried about a missile strike? Experts say the answer is tricky

In test blasts, military parades and propaganda videos that show San Francisco and Washington DC in ruins, North Korea has broadcast its intention to be a world nuclear power. Less clear, experts say, is how close the secretive nation is to realizing its ambitions to threaten the mainland of the United States.

As rhetoric between the two nations has ratcheted up in recent weeks, residents of major west coast cities such as San Francisco, Portland and Seattle have begun to ask out loud: should they be worried?

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Haitian mothers claim UN unresponsive over support for peacekeeper children

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Lawyers trying to obtain financial assistance for 10 women who gave birth to children of departed peacekeepers say UN has ignored requests for information

The UN has been accused of refusing to cooperate with a human rights group that is pursuing child support payments for women left pregnant by its peacekeeping forces.

Lawyers representing 10 women in Haiti plan to pursue child support cases through civil action, but say they need the UN's assistance to proceed because most of the men involved are no longer in the country.

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Cutting aid while leaving EU will make Britain more insular, May warned

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 06:59 AM PDT

Aid groups call on Theresa May to retain commitment to 0.7% target in new Tory manifesto or face possibility of diminshed international standing

The UK risks becoming increasingly inward-looking if Brexit is combined with reduced overseas spending, aid groups have warned.

Since calling the election on Tuesday, Theresa May, the prime minister, has refused to recommit to a legal requirement to spend 0.7% of gross national income (GNI) on aid, fuelling fears that it may be dropped in the Tory party's election manifesto.

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Health push in Uganda after mystery disease turns out to be 'mossy foot'

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 04:55 AM PDT

Scientists dispatched to western Uganda to investigate suspected outbreak of elephantiasis instead find tropical disease with no previous history in region

A public health campaign has been launched in western Uganda after scientists unexpectedly found the region was afflicted by a tropical disease that causes disfigurement and swelling.

The discovery came to light after experts were dispatched to Kamwenge district to investigate an outbreak of lymphatic filariasis, more commonly known as elephantiasis. A team of specialists from the Ugandan ministry of health, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was surprised to find that the condition causing limbs to swell was in fact podoconiosis, also known as non-filarial elephantiasis. The disease was previously unknown in the region.

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Don't underestimate the harm 'brittle masculinity' can do to the world | Timothy Snyder

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 03:00 AM PDT

Strength brings problems and weakness brings others. But weakness posing as strength is the most dangerous of all

In his history of the origins of the great war, Christopher Clark wrote of "brittle masculinity", a threatened sense of manhood that lurked beneath the spiked helms and elaborate uniforms of central European leaders. Today's endless celebration of American power by the men who are undoing it is not only tragic but revealing.

Consider Sebastian Gorka, a Hungarian who advises Donald Trump on foreign policy: he brings central European "brittle masculinity" into a new century and a new continent. Awaiting an appointment from his patrons Trump and Steve Bannon, Gorka proclaimed that "the era of the pajama boy is over," and that the "the alpha males are back". No alpha male has ever referred to himself as such.

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The women who ride for hours to visit loved ones in prison – in pictures

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 04:20 AM PDT

They all use the van service provided by Bridging the Gap, based in Philadelphia, for personal reasons but are united by one thing: commitment to and love for the men in their lives

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Objects to remind you of your loved one locked away in jail – in pictures

Posted: 20 Apr 2017 04:15 AM PDT

The Philadelphia-area women interviewed by Lisa Riordan Seville and Zara Katz were asked to choose one object they hold on to to remind themselves of their loved ones currently serving time

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