World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Trump-Russia collusion is being investigated by FBI, Comey confirms

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 08:35 AM PDT

Trump tweets commentary on House hearing as Comey says president's entourage was under investigation for possibly attempting to influence election

FBI director James Comey has said there was no basis for Donald Trump's claims to have been wiretapped by Barack Obama, but confirmed for the first time that the agency is investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow to influence the outcome of the presidential election.

Related: Russia hearing live: FBI director Comey says no information to confirm Trump's wiretap claims

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British banks handled vast sums of laundered Russian money

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 11:00 AM PDT

Exclusive: Billions of dollars were moved out of Russia in 'Global Laundromat' operation, with anonymously owned UK companies playing major role

Britain's high street banks processed nearly $740m from a vast money-laundering operation run by Russian criminals with links to the Russian government and the KGB, the Guardian can reveal.

HSBC, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds, Barclays and Coutts are among 17 banks based in the UK, or with branches here, that are facing questions over what they knew about the international scheme and why they did not turn away suspicious money transfers.

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French presidential debate: Le Pen comes under fire from rivals

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 05:56 PM PDT

Emmanuel Macron, the Front National leader's main rival in the contest, was subdued – until Le Pen attacked him

France's main presidential candidates rounded on the far-right Front National's Marine Le Pen in the first televised debate on Monday night, with the independent centrist Emmanuel Macron accusing her of lying and seeking to divide the country.

The three-and-a-half-hour live debate between the top five candidates saw Le Pen and Macron repeatedly exchange verbal blows. At the start of the debate, Macron, the 39-year-old former economy minister who has never run for election before, seemed subdued, perhaps more used to making speeches alone on stage than debating rivals. But when Le Pen accused him of being in favour of the burkini, a full-body swimsuit worn by Muslim women that created weeks of controversy in France last summer when some mayors banned it from beaches, Macron exploded.

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'Bank' the turtle dies after swallowing 900 coins thrown by tourists

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 02:43 AM PDT

'Bank', a 25-year-old sea turtle in captivity in Thailand, has died after surgery to remove hundreds of coins from its stomach

A sea turtle nicknamed "Bank" has died after complications from surgery to remove nearly 1,000 coins she swallowed during captivity, vets in Thailand have said.

The cause of death was blood poisoning from the loose change, doctors at the veterinary faculty at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University confirmed.

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New Zealand accused of cover-up over Afghan civilian deaths

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 01:18 AM PDT

Book claims killing of civilians in raids on two villages amounts to 'dark and guilty secret of New Zealand's recent history'

A botched raid by New Zealand special forces in Afghanistan, which led to the deaths of six civilians including a three-year-old girl, was the subject of a military and political cover-up, according to allegations contained in a book by investigative journalist Nicky Hager.

Hit & Run: The New Zealand SAS in Afghanistan and the Meaning of Honour, co-authored by war correspondent Jon Stephenson, appears to contradict official statements that raids on two villages in Baghlan province in August 2010 killed "numerous insurgents" but no civilians.

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Record-breaking climate change pushes world into ‘uncharted territory’

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 05:39 PM PDT

Earth is a planet in upheaval, say scientists, as the World Meteorological Organisation publishes analysis of recent heat highs and ice lows

The record-breaking heat that made 2016 the hottest year ever recorded has continued into 2017, pushing the world into "truly uncharted territory", according to the World Meteorological Organisation.

The WMO's assessment of the climate in 2016, published on Tuesday, reports unprecedented heat across the globe, exceptionally low ice at both poles and surging sea-level rise.

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Ganges and Yamuna rivers granted same legal rights as human beings

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 02:27 AM PDT

Indian court cites the Whanganui in New Zealand as example for according status to two rivers considered sacred by nearly a billion people

A court in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand has granted the same legal rights as a human to the Ganges and Yamuna rivers, considered sacred by nearly a billion Indians.

The Uttarakhand high court ordered on Monday that the two rivers be accorded the status of living human entities, meaning that if anyone harms or pollutes the rivers the law would view it as no different from harming a person.

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Video emerges of Paris airport gun attack

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 04:22 PM PDT

Film obtained by Associated Press appears to show Ziyed Ben Belgacem grabbing soldier at Orly and trying to take her gun before being shot

Video footage of a suspected Islamic extremist at Orly airport in Paris has emerged that shows a soldier caught by surprise when an attacker drops a shopping bag before grabbing her from behind. The recording of Saturday's attack, which caused panic and shut down the French capital's second biggest airport, was obtained by Associated Press.

It shows the attacker grabbing the soldier around the shoulders as her companion patrols slightly ahead. He drops his shopping bag, which authorities said contained a flask of petrol. Holding a revolver loaded with birdshot, he pulls her backwards.

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Boris Johnson to meet Steve Bannon in White House visit

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 09:29 AM PDT

UK foreign secretary to meet senior figures including Donald Trump's top aide in trip that comes shortly after wiretap row

Boris Johnson will meet key White House figures including Donald Trump's most powerful aide, Steve Bannon, during a trip to the US this week, the Guardian understands.

The foreign secretary is also expected to meet Stephen Miller and Kellyanne Conway as well as Republican congressional leaders, and is likely to see the secretary of state, Rex Tillerson.

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Deadly spider venom could ward off stroke brain damage, say doctors

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 12:00 PM PDT

Ingredient in funnel web spider venom can protect cells from being destroyed by a stroke, even when given hours after the event, study shows

Doctors have stumbled on an unlikely source for a drug to ward off brain damage caused by strokes: the venom of one of the deadliest spiders in the world.

A bite from an Australian funnel web spider can kill a human in 15 minutes, but a harmless ingredient found in the venom can protect brain cells from being destroyed by a stroke, even when given hours after the event, scientists say.

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No African citizens granted visas for African trade summit in California

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 01:54 PM PDT

Every single African citizen who requested a visa was rejected, according to the organizer of the African Global Economic and Development Summit

An annual African trade summit in California had no African attendees this year after at least 60 people were denied visas, according to event leaders.

The African Global Economic and Development Summit, a three-day conference at the University of Southern California (USC), typically brings delegations from across Africa to meet with business leaders in the US in an effort to foster partnerships. But this year, every single African citizen who requested a visa was rejected, according to organizer Mary Flowers.

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Russia opens investigation into murder of space agency official in prison

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 10:51 AM PDT

Vladimir Yevdokimov, an executive at Roscosmos convicted in embezzlement case, died from 'gaping stab wound to the neck', reports said on Monday

Russian authorities are investigating the murder of a senior space official in a Moscow prison cell as reports emerged that he died from a deep stab wound to the throat.

Vladimir Yevdokimov, a 55-year-old executive director at the Russian state space agency, died while in detention on fraud charges over his previous role at the MiG aircraft company, which makes fighter jets.

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David Rockefeller, billionaire philanthropist, dies aged 101

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 08:46 AM PDT

Last of his generation in one of America's most famous families led a network of interests both business and philanthropic, from conservation to the arts

David Rockefeller, a billionaire philanthropist who was the last of his generation in the famous Rockefeller family, died on Monday. He was 101 years old.

A spokesman, Fraser P Seitel, said the sixth child of John D Rockefeller Jr and the grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John D Rockefeller died peacefully in his sleep on Monday morning at his home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

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Russia summons Israeli ambassador to explain air raids in Syria

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 05:50 AM PDT

Moscow raises concerns over Israel's exchange of fire with Syrian regime forces as second incident kills pro-Assad fighter

Russia summoned the Israeli ambassador to demand an explanation for Israel's air raids in Syria last week, Moscow has confirmed, as an Israeli drone was blamed for the targeted killing of a senior pro-Assad fighter in a second reported incident.

The summons, made on Friday, was confirmed by Russia's foreign ministry which said the Israeli ambassador to Moscow, Gary Koren, had been asked to explain an exchange of fire with Syrian government forces in which anti-aircraft missiles were fired at Israeli jets.

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Elderly British man found with throat cut in car boot in Italy

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 05:33 AM PDT

Murder inquiry launched after Anthony Collinssplatt, 77, who had one leg and one arm, found at his home near Modena

Italian police have launched a murder investigation after the body of an elderly British man who had only one leg and one arm was found in the boot of his car.

Anthony Collinssplatt, who had lived in Italy for more than 35 years, was found with a deep cut to his throat in the back of a Nissan Micra in the garage of his home in Pavullo, near Modena, on 10 March. His artificial leg and arm were missing and his right hand was covered in blood.

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Enfin! Female author in French school exams for first time since 1990s

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 07:31 AM PDT

Baccalauréat lists Madame de Lafayette's La Princesse de Montpensier after protests about sexism in lycée system

A female author has been included in the list of compulsory study books for France's prestigious literature baccalauréat for the first time since the modern-day exam was introduced more than 20 years ago.

The move follows petitions protesting about sexism and an "excess of testosterone" in the exam syllabus.

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YouTube changes restrictions on gay-themed content following outcry

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 02:47 AM PDT

Tegan and Sara are among protesters who complained about having had YouTube videos classified as restricted, seemingly for being LGBTQ-themed

YouTube has altered its classifications of some LGBTQ-themed videos, following protests from users, including the musicians Tegan and Sara. The site had been criticised for having non-explicit videos featuring LGBTQ themes classed as restricted, which filters out "potentially inappropriate" content.

Tegan and Sara, who are both openly gay, were among those who complained about the policy, pointing out its absurdities in a series of tweets: "If you put @YouTube on restricted mode a bunch of our music videos disappear. … LGBTQ people shouldn't be restricted. SAD!" Several of the Canadian sisters' videos had been classed as restricted, despite the content being non-sexual, whereas others that were sexual but LGBTQ-themed were still available.

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What makes Norway the world's happiest country?

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 02:41 AM PDT

If you live in Norway we'd like to know why you think it's considered the happiest country in the world

Norway has moved up four places to knock Denmark off the top spot as the world's happiest country, with Iceland and Switzerland rounding out the top four.

According to the World Happiness Report 2017, Norway ranked highly on the main factors found to contribute to happiness: "caring, freedom, generosity, honesty, health, income and good governance".

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Argentina warns Trump: 'Nationalism will not make your economy richer'

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Finance minister Nicolás Dujovne said recent protectionist trade strategies did more harm than good and was keen on attracting inward investment from Britain

Argentina, which is poised to take over the leadership of the G20 group of developed and developing nations later this year, has warned Donald Trump that protectionist trade strategies do not work.

Nicolás Dujovne, the country's finance minister, said that Argentina's own recent anti-free trade policies showed that closing borders did more harm than good.

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'Hannah was petrified,' say parents of student who killed herself during rape inquiry

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Exclusive: Amanda and Paul Stubbs give first interview after prosecutors drop charges against daughter's fellow student

"You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you," reads the inscription on the grave of Hannah Stubbs. It sits only feet from the home she shared with her parents. Her bedroom window is just visible through the trees.

Up to this point, Amanda Stubbs has admirably held her poise, but at the grave – out of sight of her four remaining children – she breaks down, her tears flowing freely. This is the place where she can grieve openly for the premature and senseless loss of a precious daughter.

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US forbids any device larger than cellphone on airlines from 13 countries

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 01:13 PM PDT

New TSA requirement blocks passengers from bringing laptops, iPads, Kindles and cameras, with a lack of specifics on whether flight crews are included in rule

US authorities have secretly required airlines from 13 nations to forbid passengers from carrying any electronic or electrical device larger than a cellphone.

The new edict was distributed in an email described as "confidential" from the US transportation safety administration (TSA) on Monday.

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Social work in Zambia: 'Children have the right to love and security' | Rory Truell

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 05:05 PM PDT

World Social Work Day offers an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the profession's transformative work with families and communities

"All children have the right to be loved," Joseph, a Zambian social worker, told me as our bus navigated one of Lusaka's bumpy, dusty streets.

When we cleared the maze of people eking a living on the streets and turned to the entrance of Empowerment Village, Joseph explained: "Every child here belongs to a family, the village was established with a charter stating that all children need love, respect, and security."

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No, over there! Our case-by-case guide to the Trump distraction technique

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 01:00 AM PDT

Some sort of problem rocking your presidency? Simple – create a distraction! Adam Gabbatt explores Donald Trump's apparent skills at changing the news

In the first two months of his presidency Donald Trump has proved himself to be – if nothing else – a master of distraction.

His critics say that Trump's chaotic time in charge has followed a now familiar pattern. Bad – or embarrassing – news emerges, then Trump either blurts out some tweets, or makes spurious claims elsewhere, in an attempt to change the narrative.

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One Nation set to block the government's omnibus welfare bill

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 02:25 AM PDT

Pauline Hanson has given the government 24 hours to propose changes to the bill which contains welfare cuts

Pauline Hanson has said One Nation intends to block the Turnbull government's omnibus welfare bill because it cuts "too deeply and too broadly" – but she has given the government 24 hours to improve its current offer.

In a statement on Tuesday Hanson linked the proposed welfare cuts in the omnibus bill to the issue of multi-national tax avoidance, saying the government needs to realise companies must "pay their way ... before those with the least are asked to tighten their belts".

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Child workers producing 'Bengali black' leather exposed to cocktail of toxic chemicals

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 12:00 AM PDT

In Bangladesh's tanneries, workers as young as eight are exposed to potentially life-shortening chemicals as they work on products destined for western markets

Children as young as eight, working in the tanneries of Bangladesh producing leather that is in demand across Europe and the USA, are exposed to toxic chemical cocktails that are likely to shorten their lives, according to a new report.

Approximately 90% of those who live and work in the overcrowded urban slums of Hazaribagh and Kamrangirchar, where hazardous chemicals are discharged into the air, streets and river, die before they reach 50, according to the World Health Organisation.

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Tuesday briefing: Northern Irish politics loses a major figure

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 11:58 PM PDT

Life and times of Martin McGuinness … UK banks face 'Global Laundromat' questions … and FBI chief confirms scrutiny of Trump campaign

Good morning, Warren Murray delivering your early news this morning.

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Is it too late to save Hong Kong from Beijing’s authoritarian grasp?

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PDT

When Britain handed over control to China in 1997, Hong Kong was a beacon of freewheeling prosperity – but in recent years Beijing's grip has tightened. Is there any hope for the city's radical pro-democracy movement?

Early one morning in January, under the veil of darkness, a team of undercover police from China quietly entered Hong Kong's Four Seasons hotel and made their way into a luxurious residential suite. After sweeping aside the billionaire occupant's private contingent of female bodyguards, they shrouded the man's head in a white sheet and bundled him off in a wheelchair.

Xiao Jianhua was one of China's richest businessmen. He had built his fortune over the past two decades through deals involving the cream of China's political elite, reportedly including close relatives of the president, Xi Jinping. Because of China's opaque political culture, one can only speculate about the reasons for Xiao's abduction, but it seems that he had taken careful steps to protect himself. Not only was he residing and conducting his business outside of China, his country of birth, he had a diplomatic passport from Antigua and Barbuda and had adopted Canadian citizenship, perhaps thinking that this might offer him some extra degree of legal or diplomatic protection.

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New Zealand school abolishes gendered uniforms, offering same clothes to all

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 08:51 PM PDT

Dunedin North Intermediate will allow boys and girls to wear kilts, shorts or trousers after female pupils complained about compulsory skirts

A New Zealand primary school has abolished gendered uniforms for its pupils and replaced them with shorts, a kilt and trousers that can be worn by either sex.

The move came after complaints from female students who resisted having to wear a skirt.

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Nauru detains two detention centre guards after revoking visas

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 06:13 PM PDT

Male and female security officer expected to be deported on Wednesday after being detained in cells since Sunday

The Nauruan government has detained two Wilson Security officers who work at the Australian-run centre, and are scheduled to be deported on Wednesday.

Guardian Australia understands that a male and female security officer had their visas revoked by Nauru and were detained in cells on Sunday.

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Secret files reveal Great Escape families' long wait for compensation

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 05:01 PM PDT

Records show how relatives of those killed after escape from Nazi prison camp eventually received 'death grants'

The families of RAF airmen killed after the "Great Escape" breakout from a Nazi prison camp were paid compensation, but some survivors were refused a payout until a public outcry forced the government's hand. New details of the payouts are revealed in previously secret Foreign Office (FCO) files released on Tuesday by the National Archives.

In March 1944, British personnel staged a daring escape from the Stalag Luft III German air force prison camp at Sagan in Germany (now Żagań in Poland), after digging three tunnels which 76 airmen passed through in the dead of night. Seventy-three of them were captured within days, and 50 were shot by the Gestapo on the personal orders of Adolf Hitler.

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French presidential candidates debate key election issues – as it happened

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 04:47 PM PDT

Five frontrunners outline programmes on social, economic and international issues on primetime TV

And that's it; it's over. Three hours and 20 minutes of debate. Very hard to say who came out on top. Here's one succinct and trenchant view:

The debate in a nutshell: Fillon isn't dead, Macron needs to work on the gravitas thing, Le Pen fails to score, Mélenchon elbows Hamon out.

#LeGrandDébat Marine Le Pen à la fois faible en arguments et pugnace en invectives. Peu présidentielle, trop vindicative.

Fillon: a real change of politics is needed and I'm the only candidate who can deliver it. I'm the only one who could have a stable majority to deliver it. I may have committed a few errors, who hasn't. But I have experience, and the will to do this.

Hamon: I'm offering you a vote that will be useful to you, your children, your grandchildren. You are used to voting against; I suggest you vote for: for the environment, for purchasing power for the poorest families; for a sixth republic; for a desirable future.

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French presidential candidates in first televised debate – video

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 04:15 PM PDT

French presidential candidates go head to head in an hours long debate on Monday night. Marine Le Pen, of the far-right Front National, Emmanuel Macron, of the centrist En Marche movement, François Fillon of the opposition right Les Républicains, Benoît Hamon, the official candidate for the Socialist party (PS), and hard-left Jean-Luc Mélenchon of La France Insoumise (Unbowed France), all take part in the first televised debate

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LGBT seniors marked for removal from survey on elder care services

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 03:27 PM PDT

Draft of 2017 National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants drops question about sexuality as critics worry administration is trying to roll back LGBT rights

The US Department of Health and Human Services has proposed the elimination of data collection for LGBT seniors from an annual survey that helps determine how billions of dollars are allocated for vital care services.

The National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP) collects information about services including senior centers, home-delivered meals and transportation. The proposed 2017 survey is missing a question about the sexuality of respondents, which has been included since 2014.

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Orly attack captured on CCTV footage from Paris airport – video

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 02:30 PM PDT

The attack in which Ziyed Ben Belgacem was shot dead after assaulting a soldier in Paris' Orly airport can be seen here on CCTV footage. Ben Belgacem was shot dead by another soldier during the scuffle. Investigators are still trying to understand the motive behind Saturday's assault by the 39-year-old, which led to a major security scare and the temporary closure of the capital's second-busiest airport.

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Mapping US gun murders at a micro level: new data zooms in on violence

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 12:11 PM PDT

The Guardian is releasing a new set of nationwide data for 2015, which can be used to do analysis of how gun murder clusters within neighborhoods

We spend a lot of time talking about which cities see the most gun violence. But analyzing gun violence at the city level is very misleading. Gun violence is much more local than that.

Related: Want to fix gun violence in America? Go local.

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Women are capable of choosing whether to continue a pregnancy | Letters

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 11:47 AM PDT

We congratulate Diana Johnston for introducing her bill (New bill to challenge UK's Victorian-era abortion law, 14 March) and are delighted it was passed by 172 to 142 votes. As a 10-minute rule bill, it has no chance of becoming law, but it is important in starting the debate about whether, after 50 years, it is time to revisit the 1967 Abortion Act. It is time to treat abortion like any other medical procedure, and control it with regulation and the GMC. It is wrong that three women have been jailed or had a suspended sentence, and that doctors responding to women's requests may face criminal prosecution. Many people (and even some gynaecologists) do not realise abortion is a criminal offence unless it conforms with the conditions set out in the Act. Up to 80% of people polled believe the woman should make the decision in consultation with her doctor and 90% of a random sample of gynaecologists surveyed in 2015 said that the woman should make the decision to end her pregnancy. It is time for women to be treated as autonomous adults capable of making their own decisions about continuing a pregnancy, a view that the some tabloid newspapers seem incapable of understanding.
Wendy Savage
Co-ordinator, Doctors for a Woman's Choice on Abortion

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Russian money and the 'Global Laundromat': what banks said

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 11:00 AM PDT

Banks were asked if transactions had raised red flags and if they were cooperating with Moldovan investigators. This is what they said

British banks handled vast sums of laundered Russian money

The Guardian approached 17 banks that are either based in the UK or have a presence here – and are therefore obliged to have strict anti-money-laundering procedures. They are also supposed to reject or flag any transactions that are a cause for concern.

Related: The Global Laundromat: how did it work and who benefited?

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The Global Laundromat: how did it work and who benefited?

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 11:00 AM PDT

Everything you need to know about the money-laundering scheme that moved billions of dollars out of Russia

The Laundromat is a name given by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project to a vast money-laundering scheme. Between autumn 2010 and spring 2014 Russian officials and insiders moved billions of dollars into Europe, the US and other countries. Law enforcement officers in Moldova and Latvia have tracked down at least $20bn in dirty money. They believe the real total may be as high as $80bn. Not all of those involved in the Laundromat have been identified.

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How 'dirty money' from Russia flooded into the UK – and where it went

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 11:00 AM PDT

Exclusive: Investigators in eastern Europe have uncovered a trail that leads to fur brokers, Bond Street jewellers and even a Somerset school

It's a dreamy English view. From the top of Glastonbury Tor, you can see green fields and the Somerset levels. Below is a school.

There is a sports field, boarding houses and pleasant private woods. There is a golf course and a swimming pool. This is Millfield, one of Britain's most prestigious and expensive schools.

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The Global Laundromat: where the money went – video explainer

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 11:00 AM PDT

Exclusive: A global money-laundering scheme enabled criminals to funnel at least $20bn out of Russia and into offshore funds, British property, private school fees and even rock music tours. UK banks such as HSBC, RBS and Coutts processed $738m in the 'Laundromat' scheme, which is now being reviewed by the National Crime Agency

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Pope Francis asks for forgiveness for church's role in Rwanda genocide

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 10:39 AM PDT

Pontiff acknowledges some Catholic priests and nuns 'succumbed to hatred and violence' by taking part in 1994 killings

Pope Francis has asked for forgiveness for the Catholic church's role in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which 800,000 people were slaughtered in 100 days of violence. The "sins and failings of the church and its members" had "disfigured the face" of Catholicism, he said.

Speaking after meeting the Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, the Vatican acknowledged that some Catholic priests and nuns had "succumbed to hatred and violence" by participating in the genocide.

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Twenty teenagers die in Ghana waterfall accident

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 10:04 AM PDT

High school students killed by falling trees while swimming at popular tourist spot during a storm, according to officials

Up to 20 students have died after a storm at a waterfall popular with picnickers in Ghana caused trees to fall on them while they were swimming.

Wind and heavy rain appears to have caused the accident, in which large falling trees trapped daytrippers in a pool at the bottom of the Kintampo waterfalls, one of the highest in the country, in the Brong-Ahafo region.

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Church in Wales urged to rethink rejection of gay candidate for bishop

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 07:31 AM PDT

Supporters of Jeffrey John, who claims he was not appointed bishop of Llandaff over his sexuality, say he has been discriminated against

The Church in Wales has been urged to reconsider its decision to exclude a senior gay clergyman from its appointments process for the next bishop of Llandaff amid accusations of homophobia.

The chapter of St Albans Cathedral, where Jeffrey John is dean, said on Monday that "the fact that it appears Jeffrey's sexuality and civil partnership have been used against him in the selection process is wholly wrong, and it is only right that the bishops in Wales review the process before making an appointment".

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Doctor admits misleading medics over Pauline Cafferkey temperature

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 07:16 AM PDT

Hannah Ryan says she recorded lower reading for Ebola nurse on return from Sierra Leone but denies misconduct

A doctor has admitted misleading other medics by concealing Pauline Cafferkey's raised temperature before she became seriously ill with Ebola.

Hannah Ryan, who volunteered in Sierra Leone in her first year after graduating from medical school, was one of the medics who assessed Cafferkey following the Scottish nurse's return to the UK in 2014.

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British Isis member hid extremist data in James Bond-style cufflink

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 04:09 AM PDT

Samata Ullah, who admitted a string of terrorism-related charges, had a USB cufflink concealing his blog and other data

A man has admitted hiding his Islamic State activities in a James Bond-style cufflink.

Samata Ullah, 34, admitted being a member of Isis last September, being involved in terrorist training and preparation of terrorist acts.

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Japanese Olympics golf course bows to pressure on female membership

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 03:34 AM PDT

Kasumigaseki country club to scrap rules stopping women playing on Sundays after IOC threatens to cut Tokyo 2020 status

The Japanese golf club at the centre of a sexism row has bowed to pressure from Olympic officials and will overturn restrictions on female membership.

The Kasumigaseki country club, north-west of Tokyo, was threatened with the loss of its status as a 2020 Olympics venue if it failed to grant women full membership rights. Under its existing rules, women were prohibited from playing on Sundays.

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The great sprawl of China: timelapse images reveal 30-year growth of cities

Posted: 21 Mar 2017 12:56 AM PDT

Timelapse satellite iamges show the staggering growth of cities such as Shenzhen, Dongguan and Yiwu, which three decades ago were barely on the map

Thirty years ago, most of these cities were barely on the map. Take the manufacturing and trade hub of Yiwu, pictured above. In 1985 it was home to 73,000 people; 20 years later that had risen to 1.1 million – population growth of 1,380%.

Now their staggering growth has been captured by Google's Earth Engine timelapse interactive of satellite photography from 1984 to 2016.

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Posted: 20 Mar 2017 04:17 AM PDT




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No ID, no benefits: thousands could lose lifeline under India’s biometric scheme

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Controversial Aadhaar card restricts fundamental rights, argue critics, limiting access to free school meals and exposing 1 billion people to privacy risks

Hundreds of thousands of people in India could be left without essential government services and benefits – including free school meals and uniforms, food subsidies and pensions – under new rules that make access to more than three dozen state-funded schemes conditional on showing identification.

Over the past month, citizens have been notified that they have to prove their identity with a biometric ID, known as an Aadhaar card, to be eligible to use various services. Booking railway tickets online, applying for some jobs, and getting fuel subsidies will also be dependent on showing the controversial card.

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Shock tactics: how the arms industry trades on our fear of terrorism

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 05:41 AM PDT

In his book Indefensible – Seven Myths That Sustain the Global Arms Trade, Paul Holden points to the weapons industry's role in generating today's wars

A few years after the millennium, the world was at its most peaceable in recorded history. Nonetheless, a 2006 Gallup poll revealed that 76% of Americans believed that the world was, in that year, more dangerous than it had been any time in the recent past.

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What we learned from the hearing on the Trump campaign's Russia ties

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 06:02 PM PDT

The FBI director James Comey confirmed that an ongoing investigation began in July while NSA's Michael Rogers says baseless spying claim strained UK relations

An investigation into possible collusion between Donald Trump's associates and Moscow had been under way for more than three months at the time of the US election and is continuing.

That was the central fact confirmed by James Comey at Monday's intelligence committee hearing. The FBI director told the committee that the counterintelligence investigation had started in late July, after the initial batch of hacked Democratic National Committee emails were published by WikiLeaks (supplied by the Russians through an intermediary, Comey said) and at about the time Donald Trump issued his infamous invitation to Moscow to hack some more.

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House committee grills Comey and Rogers on Trump and Russia: key points

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 02:10 PM PDT

FBI director confirms investigation of Trump campaign's ties to Russian government and smacks down several of the president's tweets

The House intelligence committee hearing on Russian tampering in the US election has wrapped, as has day one of judge Neil Gorsuch's confirmation hearings. Here's what happened.

Related: What we learned from the hearing on the Trump campaign's Russia ties

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Billionaire philanthropist David Rockefeller dies aged 101 – video obituary

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 01:29 PM PDT

David Rockefeller, the last of his generation in the famous Rockefeller family, died on Monday aged 101. The sixth child of John D Rockefeller Jr and the grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John D Rockefeller, he was the head of a sprawling network of family interests, both business and philanthropic

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No evidence of Trump wiretapping claim, says FBI director – video

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 09:45 AM PDT

FBI director James Comey on Monday said that neither the Department of Justice nor his own agency had evidence to support a claim by Donald Trump that Trump Tower had been wiretapped during the 2016 election campaign. NSA director Michael Rogers agreed there was no evidence to back up Trump's claims. The president created a controversy in early March when he tweeted without giving evidence that Barack Obama's administration had wiretapped his building in New York

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FBI director confirms inquiry into Russia and Trump campaign – video highlights

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 08:34 AM PDT

FBI director James Comey on Monday publicly confirmed for the first time that the FBI is investigating Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, including any potential coordination between Trump campaign associates and Russia's government. Comey said he had been given special permission by the Department of Justice to comment on the investigation's existence. Watch highlights from the hearing so far

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John Oliver: Trump’s federal budget cuts ‘vain and horny for malice’ – vide

Posted: 20 Mar 2017 07:52 AM PDT

John Oliver ridicules Donald Trump's proposed federal budget cuts on Last Week Tonight on Sunday evening. Oliver says the budget is like a presidential mood board, describing it as 'impatient, vain and horny for malice'. He also pokes fun at the process Mick Mulvaney, the director of the office of management and budget, used to create the budget

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