World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Women's March on Washington overshadows Trump's first full day in office

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:50 PM PST

While women marched around the world, press secretary Sean Spicer berated the media for 'minimising the enormous support' at Trump's inauguration

Hundreds of thousands of women turned Washington's National Mall into a sea of pink on Saturday, sending the first concerted message of grassroots opposition to Donald Trump since he moved into the White House.

Related: Women's March on Washington begins as Trump presidency faces global protests – live

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Donald Trump speech at CIA memorial risks fueling intelligence feud

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 06:03 PM PST

  • In first official act, Trump pledges support for agency he has attacked
  • Former director 'angered' by political speech at wall for dead officers

Donald Trump may have thrown fuel on to his feud with the Central Intelligence Agency, through what he apparently intended as a peace offering.

Related: Women's March on Washington overshadows Trump's first full day in office

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Yahya Jammeh leaves the Gambia after 22 years of rule

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 01:42 PM PST

Yahya Jammeh has flown out of Banjul to make way for Adama Barrow, in Gambia's first democratic transition of power

Yahya Jammeh, the former Gambian president, has left the country after he finally agreed to step down following 22 years of rule.

Related: The Gambia: defeated president backs down and agrees to go into exile

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French Socialists in hunt for the candidate with a populist touch to challenge Le Pen

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:05 PM PST

Leftists in today's presidential primaries hope to end far right's appeal

In the centre of Trappes, in Paris's western suburbs, a group of young men are handing out flyers urging locals to vote for Benoît Hamon. Neither the name nor the face is familiar in Britain, but that could well be about to change today.

"Vote for this man and you will see the real France," says one, thrusting a leaflet into my hand. It sounds more like a threat than a promise, but this rather gritty Parisian banlieue – the subject of several billion euros' worth of regeneration investment – is Hamon's home ground.

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UK scientists bid to solve mystery deaths of hundreds of baby southern right whales

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:03 PM PST

Two-year project aims to learn why carcasses have washed up on Argentina's coast

Researchers are to launch an investigation into the unexplained deaths of hundreds of young southern right whales, one of the planet's most vulnerable marine species.

The £740,000 project – jointly funded by Defra, the UK environment department, and the EU – will involve researchers tagging whales and calves, tracking them by satellite and identifying individuals by taking DNA samples. The aim is find out why the carcasses of almost 500 young southern right whales have washed up on Argentina's Valdés Peninsula, one of the species' key calving areas, over the past decade.

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New online generation takes up Holocaust denial

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:05 PM PST

Conspiracy theorists are flocking to outlandish websites, warns lecturer

A new generation of Holocaust deniers is emerging through a clutch of popular "gateway" conspiracy theories, according to one of the UK's leading experts on the subject.

As Denial, a film about the disgraced historian and notorious Holocaust denier David Irving, hits cinemas later this month, attention is focusing on the ageing generation of deniers who emerged with Irving at its vanguard and are now dying out. But it appears that Holocaust denial has found new momentum in the digital age.

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Melbourne car attack: Turnbull mourns victims as death toll rises to five

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 07:26 PM PST

Four people remain in critical condition after accused killer, Dimitrious 'Jimmy' Gargasoulas, allegedly ploughed into pedestrians on Bourke Street mall

Malcolm Turnbull has visited the scene of Melbourne's CBD car attack, saying all Australians are grieving for those who lost their lives. He also praised the love and solidarity of bystanders who rushed to the aid of the injured on Friday.

The Victorian state government has put $100,000 towards helping the victims of the car attack in Melbourne's CBD which killed five people.

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After the US, far right says 2017 will be the year Europe wakes up

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 09:35 AM PST

French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen says 2017 will see big changes

France's far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen called on voters across Europe to "wake up" and follow the example of US and British voters.

Speaking at an unprecedented meeting in Germany of Europe's rightwing populist parties, she said Brexit would unleash an unstoppable wave of "all the dominoes of Europe". And after Brexit, she added, before an audience of several hundred, the election of Donald Trump was a "second coup".

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Family dug out of Italian avalanche after 24 hours

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 12:28 PM PST

Adriana, Gianfilipo and Ludovica Parete were rescued despite earlier pessimism about possibility of survivors

It was one of the few holidays that Giampiero Parete, a 38-year-old chef, and his family had ever taken together – a handful of days at a spa hotel in Farindola, a popular ski resort three hours east of Rome in central Italy's Abruzzo region.

Related: Italy avalanche rescuers: we've called out but heard no replies, no voices

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Millions displaced and 500,000 dead – will new peace talks end Syria’s agony?

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 01:42 PM PST

The latest attempt to end the six-year conflict has been organised by Russia and Turkey and begins in the Kazakh capital

Key parties in Syria's brutal civil war, now stretching towards the end of its sixth year, will meet in the Kazakh capital of Astana this week for a new round of peace talks.

Organised by Russia and Turkey, and backed by Iran, these are the latest in many attempts to shift Syria's conflict from battlefield to negotiating table.

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Four dead after tornado strikes Mississippi inflicting 'massive damage'

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 08:36 AM PST

Search continues for the dead and injured after a tornado tore through Hattiesburg in the early hours, flipping cars and ripping down parts of building

Four people were killed, roofs were ripped from homes and churches and trees were torn from the earth early on Saturday when a tornado hitting in the dark of night ripped through a region in southern Mississippi, officials said.

Four people died after the twister blew through the city of Hattiesburg and its surrounding area, said Forrest County coroner Butch Benedict. The twister was part of a wall of stormy weather traveling across the region, bringing with it rain and unstable conditions.

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Labour urges inquiry into Trident 'malfunction' cover-up claims

Posted: 22 Jan 2017 01:36 AM PST

No 10 covered up failed test of nuclear deterrent weeks before crucial Commons vote on its renewal, says report

Allegations that the government covered up a failed test of the Trident nuclear deterrent weeks before a crucial vote on its renewal must be urgently investigated, a former defence minister has said.

An unarmed Trident II D5 missile veered in the wrong direction towards the US when it was launched from a British submarine off the coast of Florida in June last year, the Sunday Times reported.

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Trump's inauguration crowd: Sean Spicer's claims versus the evidence

Posted: 22 Jan 2017 01:36 AM PST

White House press secretary's angry declaration that the media faked low attendance does not stack up against photos, videos and public transport figures

Photographs of the National Mall in Washington DC and public transport figures for the city cast serious doubt on Sean Spicer's angry insistence that Donald Trump drew "the largest audience ever to witness and inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe".

In his blistering debut as White House press secretary on Saturday, Spicer accused journalists of reporting inaccurate crowd numbers and using misrepresentative photographs "to minimise the enormous support" that he claimed the new president enjoyed at his swearing-in.

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My 30 years as prisoner of a London cult

Posted: 22 Jan 2017 01:00 AM PST

Three years after escaping the abusive Maoist 'collective' who had held her captive since birth, Katy Morgan-Davies tells her story

On the morning of 25 October 2013, Yvonne Hall and Gerard Stocks, a married couple who run the Palm Cove Society, a charity that supports victims of slavery, found themselves outside a house in a quiet street in Brixton, south London. To the onlooker, it might have seemed as if they had only the trees and railings for company. In fact, this was not the case. Arranged at a discreet distance were half a dozen plain-clothes police officers. The situation was like a scene from a film. The rendezvous had been carefully planned. They had taken up their positions at 11.05am. At 11.15am sharp, two women would emerge from a property trailing their shopping trolleys – unless, of course, the whole thing was an elaborate hoax.

The minutes ticked by with agonising slowness. But at the appointed hour precisely, a door did indeed open, and two women appeared, with trolleys. "They'd described what they would be wearing," says Hall. "And as soon as I saw them, I knew it was all true." Having embraced them – Hall is as warm and reassuring a person as you could hope to meet – she and Stocks took the women to a place of safety, and there, they stuttered through their story. It was the older of the pair, 57-year-old Josephine Herivel, who had made the initial call, dialling a helpline number she had memorised after hearing it on television. The younger woman, who is now known as Katy Morgan-Davies and who was then 30, explained that she had been held captive in Peckford Place and a series of other south London properties from birth. The man responsible for this, they said, was 73-year-old Aravindan Balakrishnan, whom they knew as Comrade B or Bala, the leader of the Workers' Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, AKA the collective, an organisation with which Herivel had been involved since 1978. They also revealed, increasingly anxious now, that a third woman, 69-year-old Aisha Wahab, remained inside the property. When they broke for sandwiches, the police therefore headed once again to Peckford Place. When the officers returned, it was with Wahab, to the obvious relief of Herivel and Morgan-Davies. On seeing her, they all but flew across the room.

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Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities by Bettany Hughes – review

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 10:29 PM PST

This history of the queen of cities through the ages is important, entertaining and impressively researched

Cities all rise and fall, wrote the French author Pierre Gilles in the 16th century. Except one. "Constantinople alone seems to claim a kind of immortality and will continue to be a city as long as humanity shall live either to inhabit or rebuild it." There always has been something special about the glorious metropolis nestled on the banks of the Bosphorus, at the point where Europe and Asia meet.

Bettany Hughes's ebullient book is an ode to three incarnations of the city: Byzantion of the ancient past; the Constantinople that was the capital of the Christian Byzantine empire; and the Constantinople of the Muslim Ottomans that today goes by the name of Istanbul. Hughes guides us round a city that is majestic, magical and mystical, leaving few stones unturned. It is a loving biography of a city that never stands still, never mind never sleeps.

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Gays Against Guns: can LGBTQ community curb the gun lobby?

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 10:00 PM PST

After the Orlando nightclub shootings, America's LGBTQ community has the gun lobby firmly in its sights. Can they succeed where so many have failed?

Patty Sheehan's biggest worries on 11 June 2016 were parking tickets, potholes and whether her latest artwork was a good enough likeness of her cat, Loui. The Orlando city commissioner had stayed up late painting Loui that muggy Saturday night.

When the Pulse attack happened it came to our streets

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India train crash: 27 killed in Andhra Pradesh derailment

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 09:07 PM PST

Eight coaches of the Jagdalpur-Bhubaneswar express came off the tracks during the night in the south-east of the country, leaving 50 people injured

Twenty-seven people were killed and 50 injured after an express train derailed in south-east India on Saturday night in the latest disaster to hit one of the world's largest rail networks.

Eight coaches and the engine of the Jagdalpur-Bhubaneswar express derailed at 11pm near Kuneru railway station in Vizianagram district of Andhra Pradesh state.

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Globalisation once made the world go around. Is it about to grind to a halt?

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 08:00 AM PST

The denizens of Davos reassured themselves that free trade would go on in the Trump era, but they had for years done little about the losers such a system creates

His speech was like one normally expected of an American president. Countries must resist the temptation to retreat into harbour, the world leader said to a packed and admiring audience, but instead have the courage to swim in the vast ocean of the global market.

This was the kind of paean to free trade that might have come from John F Kennedy, George W Bush or Bill Clinton – all occupants of the White House who saw it as the United States's role to defend the open international trading system set up at the end of the second world war.

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Europe’s priority now is to keep the union of 27 together | Almut Möller

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:07 PM PST

London waves farewell to Berlin as Germany softens on EU dissent. But the goal remains: the EU's survival

Among the German public, last week's speech by Theresa May has gone down largely unnoticed. Rather, headlines were dominated by the incoming presidency of Donald Trump and his interview with widely-read German tabloid Bild. After seven months, Germans have got over the referendum and the prospect of Britain being on its way out of the European Union.

Indeed, the wider German public has shown little interest in questions regarding the future of Europe's relationship with the UK, let alone in the details and minutiae of the UK's legal withdrawal and future relationship with the EU. If anything, the Brexit vote has bolstered support for the EU. As one study conducted at the end of 2016 shows, Germans' views on the EU have evolved positively over the course of the past year, in large part due to the results of the UK referendum.

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Refugees can be used as a political resource to help those left behind | Alexander Betts

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:06 PM PST

Far from being a burden, diasporas can be harnessed to counter the vile regimes from which they emerged

The refugee crisis in Syria and the Mediterranean has led to a rethinking of the role of refugees in society. Given that Europe now has lots of refugees, and is receiving more via the central Mediterranean, how can we empower them to make a contribution?

Research by the World Bank and others has shown that refugees can have a positive impact on the economy, yet there has been little corresponding thinking about refugees as a political resource. Could we help those in Europe to support long-term transitions to peace and democracy back home in countries such as Syria, addressing the root causes that led to them fleeing their homes in the first place? If we include countries with sham elections, more than half the world's population lives under authoritarian regimes. Through repression, the governments of countries such as Iran, North Korea and Eritrea make political opposition almost impossible within their own territory. But such regimes do not extinguish political life altogether – it simply needs to relocate.

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Trans-Pacific Partnership: trade officials don't know how it would work without US

Posted: 22 Jan 2017 12:03 AM PST

Turnbull government aims to press ahead despite Donald Trump's rejection – but freedom of information requests show foreign affairs has not made plans

Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade does not know how the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal would work without the United States, despite the Turnbull government's heavy promotion of the idea.

The prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has spent the last few weeks pushing the idea of the 12-country TPP still going ahead, despite President Donald Trump's antagonism towards the deal.

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Indian sailors stranded in Norfolk port by ‘modern-day slavery’

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 11:05 PM PST

A crew of a supply ship in Great Yarmouth have waited seven months to be paid

Eventually, Saurabh Saigal could no longer look at his son. "I couldn't stand it any more. He's only six and suffers from allergies. When he's ill I see the suffering in his eyes. Then I avoid talking to him by video link."

For seven months Saigal has been separated from his family in India, effectively imprisoned on a ship moored off the coast of Norfolk. A routine inspection of the offshore supply vessel Malaviya Twenty at Great Yarmouth last June found what unions describe as "modern-day slavery" – 15 Indian crew had not been paid for months while working in the oilfields of the North Sea.

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'This is just the beginning': women who marched against Trump vow to fight on

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 11:00 PM PST

As millions rose up in defiance of Donald Trump's presidency, many pledged to keep up the pressure on his administration long after they put their signs away

As millions marched in cities across the US in a resounding show of defiance against the inauguration of Donald Trump, protesters vowed that the fight had just begun.

Related: Signs from women's marches around the world – in pictures

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Madonna, Alicia Keys and Scarlett Johansson among Women's March speakers – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 08:56 PM PST

Madonna, Alicia Keys and Scarlett Johansson were among the speakers and performers at the Women's March on Washington, which also included Amy Schumer, America Ferrera, Janelle Monáe and Ashley Judd. Hundreds of thousands of women protested at the march on Saturday, sending the first concerted message of grassroots opposition to Donald Trump since he moved into the White House

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Trump press secretary Sean Spicer slams 'dishonest' media for inaugural coverage – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 06:28 PM PST

President Donald Trump's press secretary, Sean Spicer, held an impromptu first media briefing on Saturday in order to sharply criticize the media over its coverage of the new president's inauguration. Spicer warned journalists against comparing crowd numbers from Trump's swearing in to those of Barack Obama's inaugurations, or indeed Saturday's Women's March in Washington. He did not take questions

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Women's March on Washington: 'We'll see who's on the right side of history' – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 05:16 PM PST

Unofficial estimates say the Women's March on Washington drew more than 1 million people to the capital. Hear the stories of four participants who decided to take to the streets and fight back against Donald Trump's agenda

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Britain ‘putting arms sales to Turkey above human rights’

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:05 PM PST

Campaigners say UK pursues profits as Erdoğan continues crackdown

Britain has sold almost £50m-worth of arms to Turkey since the crackdown on opposition groups by the government of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan after last year's failed coup attempt.

Newly published export statistics confirm that Turkey is now a major buyer of UK-made weapons.

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In Moscow, Trump inauguration inspires Russian hopes of new nationalist era

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:03 PM PST

For Muscovites watching the ceremony, US president's past warm words towards Vladimir Putin are seen as sign the Kremlin will regain influence

Maria Katasonova pointed proudly to the three stylised portraits behind her: versions of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Marine Le Pen, all made to look eerily similar with blond hair and identical outfits. "It's called Triptych," she said. "It was painted a year ago, when nobody believed Trump had a chance of winning, except us. Now, it's a vision of the future."

It's a vision that terrifies many in other parts of Europe, but here, people can hardly contain their excitement at the friendly noises Trump is making towards Russia, and the concurrent shakiness of the European liberal consensus.

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Canada officials defend US decision to deny entry for Women's Marchers

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 01:30 PM PST

'Every country is sovereign and able to make its own rules to admit people,' a government spokesman said after several Canadians were denied US entry

US authorities are entitled to search mobile devices owned by Canadians seeking to cross the border, a Canadian government spokesman said on Saturday.

Related: Canadians traveling to Women's March denied US entry after sharing plans

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Voices from the Women's March on Washington – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 12:41 PM PST

Women and men taking part in the Women's March on Washington share their thoughts on president Donald Trump, and why they decided to protest. The crowd in Washington, estimated at hundreds of thousands, filled at least six city blocks of Independence Avenue, with more people spilling into side streets and additional marchers pouring into the area

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Syrian refugee family to be given home inside London synagogue

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 12:39 PM PST

Congregation seeking to raise £50,000 to convert disused caretaker's flat

A London synagogue is raising funds to convert part of its premises to accommodate a refugee family from Syria.

Related: UK unlikely to reach target of resettling 20,000 Syrian refugees

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Aerial footage shows thousands at women's marches around the US – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 11:53 AM PST

Hundred of thousands of people gathered in major cities across the US on Saturday to protest the presidency of Donald Trump as part of the Women's March. Originally started as a march in Washington DC, thousands turned out in other cities around the country to make their voices heard

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'This is the upside of the downside': Women's March finds hope in defiance

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 10:44 AM PST

Unofficial estimates say more than 1 million people gathered in the capital, as women stood in solidarity around the country against the Trump agenda

The Women's March on Washington was believed to be on track to exceed a million participants on Saturday, as organizers said the huge rally in the capital and US marches from coast to coast had been peaceful despite huge numbers and palpable anger at the agenda of President Trump.

Evvie Harmon, global coordinator of the marches, said initial and unofficial estimates put the crowd in Washington at more than 1 million people and the attendance at events worldwide in excess of 3 million.

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People around the world protest in support of Women's March on Washington – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 10:25 AM PST

People around the world protest on Saturday in support of the Women's March on Washington, with demonstrations in cities including London, Paris, Tbilisi and Tokyo. Protesters are taking to the streets to 'send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights', according to the march's official mission

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Grayson Perry, Will Arnett and Sophie Walker join Women's March in London – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 09:04 AM PST

Thousands of people march across London on Saturday in support of the Women's March on Washington, protesting against President Trump and in support of women's rights. Women's Equality party leader Sophie Walker talks about rejecting any normalisation of racism and sexism while artist Grayson Perry describes gender inequality as the major issue that underlies everything

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Eyewitness: Washington DC

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 06:15 AM PST

Photographs from the Eyewitness series

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Marine Le Pen leads gathering of EU far-right leaders in Koblenz

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:43 AM PST

The head of France's Front National will share the stage with far-right leaders from Germany, Italy and the Netherlands

The French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen is to headline a European gathering of Eurosceptic and far-right leaders in Germany on Saturday as they seek to present a united front in a year of high-stakes elections.

Organisers of the conference in Koblenz, billed as a "counter-summit", said participants would set out their joint "vision for a Europe of freedom".

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Firefighters tackle fire in aftermath of Italy bus crash – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:34 AM PST

At least 16 people are dead and 40 injured after a bus carrying mostly Hungarian teenagers crashed when the vehicle hit a pylon and caught fire on a motorway near Verona, Italy in the early hours of Saturday morning. Other passengers on the bus included teachers and parents of the students

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New era: front pages from around world on Trump – in pictures

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:06 AM PST

Newspapers across the world react to Donald Trump's inauguration speech with headlines including 'revolution', 'now help us God' and 'America first'

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Despondent Democrats are counting on Trump to be a loose cannon | Geoffrey Kabaservice

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 12:57 PM PST

Defeat has sharpened divisions within the Democratic party – and while they oppose Trump, it is unclear how far they're willing to go

For two days, crowds have filled the long, grassy expanse of the National Mall in Washington DC: Friday for Donald Trump's inauguration, and Saturday for the Women's March (a sort of counter-inaugural).

The mood of the inauguration's mass assembly of red Make America Great Again caps was triumphant, while the sea of knitted pink "pussy hats" proclaims a spirit of resistance. But since Democrats have limited power to stop the Trump administration and Republican-controlled Congress from carrying out their will, the left's brave assertions of resistance carry an undertone of anger and despondency.

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Financial nominees prove just how disconnected Trump is from reality

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:00 AM PST

Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross are competent and knowledgable – they just don't sound like they will lead the type of upheaval that Trump promised

"We are transferring power … back to you, the people," Donald Trump told the nation on Friday. "For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government, while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." Not any more, he pledged.

Well, now the work begins, and last week we got the first chance to see the men, Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross, most charged with fulfilling Trump's vow.

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Women’s March goes unmentioned in Trump's first speech – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 04:17 PM PST

President Donald Trump paid a visit to the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, on his first full day in office and promised "so much backing" for the intelligence community, but conspicuously failed to mention to huge turnout to the Women's March in Washington and similar events across the country. In what was a wide-ranging speech, Trump said he could "guarantee a big portion" of the intelligence agency staff had voted for him as they were "on the same wavelength"

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Signs from women's marches around the world – in pictures

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 12:38 PM PST

A selection of some of the best signs from women's marches across the world, from Toronto to Lisbon

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Five uplifting moments from a dark inauguration day – video

Posted: 21 Jan 2017 11:51 AM PST

Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the US on Friday – and for many progressives it was a dark day. But, there were some uplifting moments to savor, like a sweet kiss between Barack Obama and Michelle, or Hillary Clinton's deep breath before taking the stage to see her opponent sworn in. The Guardian celebrates five moments of compassion and dignity from an otherwise dark inauguration day

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