World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

South Korea recovers suspected North Korean drone

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 12:59 AM PDT

Crashed drone found on South Korean island near border with North as two countries trade fire

South Korea says it has recovered an unidentified drone that crashed on one of its border islands the same day that North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire across their disputed maritime boundary.

The wreckage was discovered on Baengnyeong island, which lies just south of the maritime border.

Ukraine crisis: Nato ministers meet

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 12:59 AM PDT

Measures to support Ukrainian military and further isolate Russia to be discussed at Brussels summit

William Hague will join fellow Nato foreign ministers to discuss the military alliance's response to the Ukraine crisis amid continued fears over Russia's territorial ambitions.

Training for Ukrainian forces and a more formal suspension of co-operation with Moscow are expected to be discussed at the Brussels meeting on Tuesday.

MH370: new account of last words from cockpit live updates

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 12:48 AM PDT

  • 'Goodnight Malaysian 370' revealed as last sign-off
  • Objects west of Perth turn out to be fishing debris
  • Time running out to find black box
  • US judge throws out legal action against Boeing

China's state broadcaster has CNC has released footage of Chinese navy personnel scouring the southern Indian Ocean with binoculars from the deck of a ship.

The footage was uploaded to YouTube on Monday, but it is unclear when it was taken. It gives an idea of the limited visibility that the search teams are up against even on a good day.

The British experts who played a key role in the conclusion that MH370 ended its journey in the southern Indian Ocean, will not be taking part in a technical briefing to Chinese relatives of the missing passengers.

Analysis by the British company Inmarsat and the UK's Air Accidents Investigation Branch was cited by Malaysia's prime minister Najib Razak when he announced last week that it was assumed lost in the ocean.

Welcome to our continuing coverage of the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, more than three weeks after it went missing with 239 people on board.

Here's a summary of the latest developments:

BRW rich list shows rising fortunes of Australias wealthiest bosses

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 12:43 AM PDT

Rupert Murdoch still tops the ranks of executives in charge of ASX 200-listed companies

The rich are getting richer, if the latest BRW executive rich list is anything to go by.

A host of familiar names, including Murdoch and Packer, sit atop the ranks of Australias wealthiest bosses in charge of ASX 200-listed companies.

Interest rates on hold as business warns Australian economy is still patchy

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 12:37 AM PDT

Reserve Bank likely to wait until after next month's budget before considering any rise in rates

Business groups are urging the Reserve Bank to exercise caution before considering raising interest rates, given improving signs in the economy are not yet widespread.

The central bank left the cash rate at an all-time low of 2.5% at Tuesday's monthly board meeting, as widely expected by economists.

Tony Abbott accuses Clive Palmer of trying to buy Senate seats in WA

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 12:37 AM PDT

PM says voters 'too smart and savvy' to be influenced by ad blitz as mining magnate MP insists carbon tax bill has been paid

Tony Abbott has accused Clive Palmer of trying to buy seats in the parliament of Australia and appealed to Western Australian voters not to allow themselves to be bought.

Palmer has been outspending both major parties in an advertising blitz in the leadup to Saturdays WA Senate rerun, but Abbott said he thought WA voters were too smart and savvy to be influenced by the massive ad campaign.

Mass closure of WA schools as thousands protest against funding cuts

Posted: 01 Apr 2014 12:05 AM PDT

Striking teachers and assistants join parents and students in march on Parliament House in Perth

More than a hundred schools were closed in Western Australia on Tuesday as teachers, education assistants, parents and students gathered to protest in Perth against cuts to education funding in state schools.

Thousands of people descended on Langley Park in east Perth before marching on to Parliament House.

Christine Milne to voters: 'Trust your gut instinct' on Tony Abbott

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 11:55 PM PDT

Greens leader says prime minister is governing 'for the greedy few, the vested interests of yesteryear'

The Greens leader, Christine Milne, has asked Australians to trust their gut instinct on Tony Abbott ahead of the WA Senate election, while predicting the tide has turned on the progressive vote.

Peoples gut instinct is telling them something is not right Trust your gut instinct, fellow Australians, she said. The Abbott government is not governing for all Australians. He is governing for the greedy few, the vested interests of yesteryear, not the Australia of tomorrow.

Asylum seekers taking legal action over data breach to be transferred

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 11:39 PM PDT

Government to send Villawood detainees to remote WA detention centre just a day before their case is heard

Asylum seekers involved in legal action against the government following the public release of their personal details are being moved to a remote detention centre thousands of kilometres from their legal representatives just a day before their case is due to be heard in court.

A letter from the Department of Immigration sent to 83 detainees in Sydneys Villawood detention centre on Monday, obtained by Guardian Australia, informs them they will be moved to Curtin detention centre in Western Australia on Thursday. The next directions hearing for Villawood detainees challenging the government over the breach is on Friday.

Washington mudslide recovery teams face toxic sludge danger

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 11:39 PM PDT

Sewage, propane and solvents lie beneath surface of mud
Official death toll 21 but as many as 32 could be dead

Recovery teams already labouring through thick mud and heavy downpours at the site of last week's landslide in Washington state are facing yet another challenge an unseen and potentially more dangerous toxic sludge of contaminants.

Sewage, propane, household solvents and other chemicals all lie beneath the surface of the gray mud and rubble that covered a square mile of a small, rural community and left dozens dead and missing north-east of Seattle.

MH370 search will be reviewed if no results, says Angus Houston

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 11:28 PM PDT

Joint agency chief says mission will take time because of distance and little certainty on location

The head of Australias new joint agency overseeing the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 says it will review the conduct of the search if it continues to yield no results.

Malaysian authorities said last week they believed the plane had been lost in the ocean, claiming the lives of all passengers. An international effort is under way to the west of Perth in an area spanning 120,000 square kilometres to find debris from the flight.

Hasty curriculum changes will demoralise teachers, review told

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 11:12 PM PDT

Educators and academics draw Pyne review a grim picture: demoralised, cynical teachers

Teachers suffering reform fatigue will be disheartened and demoralised by hasty changes to the national school curriculum, educators have told a review ordered by the Abbott government.

In January the education minister, Christopher Pyne, commissioned two critics of the national curriculum to conduct the Coalitions promised review, partly to address claims that it downplayed the benefits of western civilisation and the importance of Anzac Day.

Icac inquiry: Obeids wanted to control Sydney water supply, witness says

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 10:34 PM PDT

Former associate tells inquiry the family could have made more than $100m if AWH's deal with state government went through

The Obeid family wanted to control Sydneys water supply, a corruption inquiry has heard, as estimates of how much the family stood to make from the deal increased by $40m.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (Icac) is investigating Australian Water Holdings (AWH), a company with links to the Obeid family and the former federal assistant treasurer, Arthur Sinodinos, which stood to make its shareholders and investors tens of millions of dollars if it entered a public-private partnership with the state government.

Rose Tattoo drummer charged over gun sales syndicate in NSW

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 10:34 PM PDT

Paul DeMarco and former bikie Sam Ibrahim and his sister arrested in dawn raids in Sydney and Illawarra

Rose Tattoo drummer Paul DeMarco has been charged over a gun sales syndicate in NSW.

Former bikie boss Sam Ibrahim and his younger sister Maha Sayour were also arrested over the alleged syndicate during a series of dawn raids in Sydney and the Illawarra region on Tuesday morning.

Indigenous MPs accuse NT ruling party colleagues of racial harassment

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 10:13 PM PDT

'Larissa and I were called lubras. I'm 56 ... The last time I heard that word was when I was 14 or 15'

Three rebel Country Liberal party members threatening to bring down chief minister Adam Giless Northern Territory government say they have been racially harassed by their CLP colleagues.

Alison Anderson, who with Larissa Lee and Francis Xavier walked out of question time in the Territory parliament on Thursday, told National Indigenous Television that she and Lee had been subject to a racial slur intended to describe a bad Indigenous woman.

Queensland opposition leader to seek inquiry into police intimidation

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 09:10 PM PDT

Annastacia Palaszczuk wants parliament's ethics committee to investigate claim she was filmed by officers

Queensland's opposition says it has been intimidated by police officers and wants parliament's ethics committee to investigate.

Opposition leader Annastacia Palaszczuk says she and opposition health spokeswoman Jo-Ann Miller were openly and blatantly filmed by Queensland police officers while listening to residents' concerns during a recent community cabinet on the Gold Coast.

Bill Shorten speech on Israeli settlements stirs Palestinian group

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 09:04 PM PDT

Opposition leader suggested only 'some settlement' was illegal, a shift in Labor's position

Bishop George Browning has written to Bill Shorten calling on him to clarify Labor policy on Israeli settlements in the West Bank after the opposition leader suggested to the Zionist Federation that only some settlement activity was illegal.

If accurate, these comments would amount to a serious distortion of traditional Australian policy on settlements, most notably the ALPs clear condemnation of the practice of all settlement building on Palestinian land as illegal, wrote Browning, the president of the Australian Palestine Advocacy Network.

Therese Rein agrees multimillion-dollar sale of jobseeker business Ingeus

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 08:59 PM PDT

Wife of former Australian PM Kevin Rudd and business partners could receive up to $135m over five years as part of deal

The wife of the former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd, Therese Rein, is set for a massive windfall after agreeing to the sale of her multinational jobseeker business in a deal worth up to $225m.

Rein has agreed to sell Ingeus to US-based employment company Providence Service Corporation, but will stay on as the managing director of the company.

Has Clive Palmer spent enough to win balance of power in the Senate?

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 08:43 PM PDT

Victory in WA will give the billionaire businessman extraordinary political clout at a cost of less than $20m

Can balance of power in the Australian Senate be bought? How much would it cost?

Well soon see. If Clive Palmer wins a WA Senate seat on Saturday giving him the numbers so that his senators are needed for the passage of any legislation opposed by Labor and the Greens the answer will probably be something less than $20m. Palmer said he spent about $10m in the September election, although it is unclear how much of that was on advertising. Now hes outspending the major parties by at least a factor of 10 to try and clinch the deal in Western Australias Senate poll.

Former Kleenmaid directors charged with fraud, insolvent trading

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 08:27 PM PDT

Three former directors face 20 offences, including allegedly cheating Westpac of $13m

Three former directors of kitchen appliance distributor Kleenmaid have been charged with 20 criminal offences, including allegedly cheating Westpac of $13m.

Andrew Eric Young, Bradley Wendell Young and Gary Collyer Armstrong have been committed to stand trial in the Maroochydore district court on a date to be fixed.

Australias territorial claim to Antarctica is weakening, scientists warn

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 07:50 PM PDT

A steep decline in its scientific research is undermining the countrys 43% title and status under the Antarctic Treaty

Australia's territorial claim to Antarctica is being weakened by a decline in its scientific research, scientists warn.

Australia claims 43% of the southernmost continent based on geographic proximity, history of exploration and discovery and activity in Antarctica.

Clive Palmer splashes out with dollars but not policies in WA campaign

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 07:50 PM PDT

PUP leader spends up big on ads in bid to clinch his hold on Senate balance of power

Clive Palmer has claimed he will use the considerable leverage of Senate balance of power to win more goods and services tax for Western Australia, even though this can be achieved only if other states agree to redistribute the tax revenue.

The undeliverable promise is at the centre of the businessmans advertising blitz before Saturdays rerun of the Senate poll, with the Palmer Uniting party dramatically outspending the major parties as he seeks to clinch his hold on the Senate balance of power.

Jonathan Pollard: talk of spy's early release surfaces in US

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 07:45 PM PDT

White House remains tight-lipped on whether it might strike deal in return for concessions from Israelis in Palestinian peace talks

The United States is reportedly talking with Israel about releasing the convicted spy Jonathan Pollard early from his life sentence as an incentive to the Israelis in the troubled Middle East peace negotiations.

Releasing Pollard, a thorn in US-Israeli relations for three decades, would be an extraordinary step underscoring the urgency of U.S. peace efforts.

April Fool's Day: a good time to take the news with a pinch of salt

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 07:34 PM PDT

Who would believe that Labor wants to bring back dukes and duchesses, or that Vegemite is launching a new energy drink?

Andrew Bolt is joining the Project, Sophie Mirabella has been appointed to the board of SBS, Vegemite is launching a new canned drink and Pokemons are on the loose around the world. The first of April 2014 has produced some eye-catching headlines and events in Australia some almost too absurd to believe.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald new video footage has emerged showing two men finding the missing ballots in last years Western Australia Senate vote just days before the recount this week.

Jailed journalist Peter Greste's family baffled by Egyptian court's bail refusal

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 07:18 PM PDT

Hopes for his release dashed despite phone call from prime minister to Egyptian president

The parents of detained Australian journalist Peter Greste say they are dumbfounded by an Egyptian court's refusal to grant him bail.

Juris and Lois Greste had hoped their son would be released from jail after the prime minister, Tony Abbott, called interim Egyptian president Adly Mansour last week about the case.

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